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《Welcome to Amber》

Amber Asha the quiet girl with secrets that would destroy anyone, she's not seen or heard by anyone besides him

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Amber Asha the quiet girl with secrets that would destroy anyone, she's not seen or heard by anyone besides him.

Liam Owens the popular boy with a 'perfect' life and zero problems, but his thick heart of stone is easily smashed through by her.


Amber Asha17African American

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Amber Asha
African American

Liam Owens18American(Born in America with partialGreek background)

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Liam Owens
(Born in America with partial
Greek background)

Liam Owens18American(Born in America with partialGreek background)

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Katie Beaumont

Jacob Cambridge18British

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Jacob Cambridge

Alex Beaumont17French(Katie's twin)

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Alex Beaumont
(Katie's twin)

Alina Owens4Latina(Liams daughter)Mum was from Puerto RicoDad is American with partialGreek background

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Alina Owens
(Liams daughter)
Mum was from Puerto Rico
Dad is American with partial
Greek background

(Please read these)
-mentions of rape/ sexual assault
-mentions of drug/alcohol abuse
-mature language
-mentions of abuse
-mentions of mental health
-mentions of self harm
-mentions of eating disorders

If any of these warnings may trigger you, I don't recommend reading further.


Before the book begins:
-This is one of my first books
So it won't be perfect and it will
Have mistakes.
-Also zulu, french and Greek aren't my first language
And it will be used throughout so
If anyone notices any mistakes
Please point them out.
- I also won't be writing warnings
For smut at the start of chapters
Cos I don't wanna spoil chapters-
So take that as warning xx.
-This book is a birthday present
For a friend as she loved the other
One but i had taken it down so
I've decided to rewrite the whole
Book for her so please don't hate,
And if you do, don't expect no comment
-Also I will be publishing a chapter or
Multiple chapters a day as a run up
Towards her birthday and hopefully
It will be finished by the time her
Birthday comes around, but also
Try remember I'm a full time high-
School student who works so I may
Miss a day or a few days.

.x.Also there should be around 30-40 chapters.x.

Finished- 01/06/2023

x Hope you all enjoy x

x Hope you all enjoy x

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