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I've decided not to put triggers above chapters as I know it may spoil it for some people, all I'm going to say is there may be some triggering subjects ahead. Anyways hope you all enjoy xx.

 Anyways hope you all enjoy xx

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Panic... worry, is all I feel as I'm sprinting away from school towards my house, my mum called and told me dad was drinking again and he was angry and that's all she needed to tell me to get me sprinting for mine and her life home.

It takes me around 10 minutes, and I'm sure something would've fell out of my bag but none of that worried me and I stormed through the door and saw my father trying to force himself on my mum.

Tears flood my face as memories flood my mind, I hurry over to them dragging my dad off of her. Tears cover my mother's face, and I could promise anyone it's never something you would want to see.

I'm not even thinking as my dad grabs my hair and chucks me on the floor, his fists colliding with my cheek. But for some reason I can't feel the pain, I don't feel the need to cry, and I can't fight back, but I guess I'm used to all of that by now.

My mother hurries over trying her hardest to pull my father off of me, but it's useless she can't compare to him she's fragile and would be weak by now especially after my dad's probobly just beat her.

His fists collide with my face more until I can't feel, and for some reason I can't see, everything is just... darkness.

I wake up, on the floor, memory's rush back to me. The blood surrounded me, my face mostly covered in it, I lift my hand wiping my nose with the back of it, when I pull it back its covered in more blood.

I try my hardest to get up, but my body feels weak... sore. My fist tightly grips onto the table next to me, my knuckles going white as I lift myself up slowly.

My legs wobble as I use the walls for stabilisation to carry myself up to my room. It felt like I was walking for weeks by the time I made ot to my room, but that was just overdramatic.

I'm overdramatic
I'm overdramtic
I'm overdramtic

I tell myself this is normal, I'm just being dramatic about the situation, people go through worse daily.

I make my way to my bathroom, grabbing the firstaid kit from the bottom of my drawer, and pull out some of the wipes and plasters.

Once I've wiped the blood of, I stick a plaster on my nose, and another just under my eye around my cheek, then grab the blade from the back of the drawer.

I step into the bathtub, sitting down as I bring the blade upto my thigh.

Don't do it.
Don't do it.
Don't do it.

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