Domina Mortis [Tom Riddle]

By galax10939

23.6K 780 50

Just a normal girl who gets reincarnated in the world of Harry Potter... Harry Potter older sister ! __... More

[author note]
Prologue (skippable)
[Author Note]
Chapter 1 : after the tragic night (skippable)
[Black Castle]
Chapter 2 : lessons and first friends (skippable)
Chapter 3 : wands doesn't like me (skippable)
[Heir Rings]
Chapter 4 : journal (skippable)
Chapter 5 : Hogwarts Letter (skippable)
Chapter 6 : Year 1 (skippable)
Chapter 7 : Summer time (skippable)
Chapter 8 : Year 2 (skippable)
[Author note ]
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 2

695 36 1
By galax10939

Asteria Black-Potter wasn't supposed to be at diagon ally today, she had already bought all her furnitures and finish all the business she had with the goblins, so why was she here today, in the packed ally in the leaky chaudron with Evelyn Rosier when everyone knows she hates loud and packed places ? One name, Harry, she knew, from her memories of the books her little brother will be coming today to to his shopping with Hagrid, she had to see him, from afar not to be seen by Hagrid, but she had to.

« Remind me why we are here again ?, Evelyn asked
-To see my brother
-I don't know how you got the informations he would be here today but obviously, I know it's rare and nearly impossible, but it's so you were wrong-
-there he is, look at the entrance
-And there goes my thought of you being wrong at least once in your life, I swear you are some kind of seer to always know what will happen. » Evelyn rolled her eyes and turn to look at the small boy who just enter
« Lord have mercy, why is he so skinny ? He looks like an 8 years old ! Where has that old senile man put him ? Left him in the forest to fend for himself ?! » the disgust look on Evelyn face wasn't for little Harry, but because of the thought of what Dumbledore has done to him
« No, Harry was put in the care of my muggle aunt, my mother's sister. A despicable women with a despicable husband and an ugly son.
-Oh wow, imagine if people were to know of your real personalities all hell would break loose, nobody would believe me if I were to told them. » the snickering of Evelyn gave herself a harsh glare from her long time Slytherin best-friend, only a few people knew of Asteria cold personality, she fools everyone with that angel facade of hers. Asteria got up.
« Stay here, I need to check something » without waiting for a response from her friend, Asteria went straight to the individual at the bottom of the leaky cauldron stairs, and knock his shoulder.
« Look where you are going ! » this certain individu with a purple turban said while glaring at the Black haired girl
«Where did the stuttering went ? » straightforward as always, asked Asteria at the person who she already knew of from the books, Professor Squirrel, but judging from his red eyes, it is most likely Voldemort.
« I-I-I d d don't know what your t t taking about. », oh my such an act thought Asteria
« Your stuttering don't sound real, you can fool others, but not me
-Who are you ? » the man, Voldemort, clearly seeing that this witch wasn't easily fooled, ask, this place is crowd and he will most likely never see her again, but he might search for her to put in his rank later, he can recognize a powerful witch when he sees one
« That for you to found out » she response before disappearing into the crowd, something Asteria master growing up.
It would be an understatement to say that, during his small time of clear mind not blind by is insanity, Voldemort was intrigue, something that hasn't happen in years.

[Domina Mortis]

Finally on the way back to Hogwarts, I love my aunt Cassiopeia and my Grandfather Arcturus, but the last few days has been a pain, they wanted to stay with me and do activities with me all the time the moment they heard I will be staying at hogwarts for Yule to be with my brother. Anyway, I have seen my brother with the Weasley in the station so I believe from now things must be going the same as it was in the books, at least I hope.

"Asteria ! They you are !" Oh god, I forgot that this year Draco Malfoy would also enter hogwarts, I stay at the Malfoy manor when Arcturus is out of the country to do his business, so I grow quite close to my cousin, Draco, I kind of became his older sister in some way.
"Can you present me to your little brother ? Please, please, please" I could see Aiden and Evelyn looking at the Malfoy heir with eyes that might come out of they orbit, it's not everyday you see a pure blood heir act like this, much less the Malfoy heir, Corvus has already seen it before so he is used to it.
"I haven't introduce myself to him yet, so I won' t be able to introduce you, do it yourself you're old enough to do so.
-You haven't met him !? But you're his sister !
-Should I remind you we were separated ?
-No ... I figure our something ! Bye see you in Slytherin !"
And there he goes.

[Domina Mortis]

The sorting hat ceremony wasn't very interesting other than when Harry got in Gryffindor, nor where the other few days, mainly people talking about Harry, gossiping about him and especially when he got put into the quidditch team.

"Aria ! There you are !
- oh hello Oliver, how are you doing ?
-Awesome ! With your brother as the new seeker in our quidditch team we will win all games ! Even that cheater of Marcus won't be able to win !" Oliver Wood, the Gryffindor quidditch team captain, I met him through Marcus Flint, the Slytherin quidditch team captain, in my first year, I'm friend with both of them but when I see them together they are always bickering... or flirting depending on the point of view.
"However your brother is so different then you, it's impressive
-how so ?
-he is just so, so , how to say it ? Shy ? Ignorant ? I don't know but I heard he got late to his first transfiguration class and is already on snape bad side, well the last one is not hard, plus I also heard he refuse Malfoy's handshake !
-Oh yes don't remind me, Draco came to me right after calling Harry's a jerk. As for the other one, yes I heard it too.
-It impressive how siblings can be total opposite. Anyway I have charms in 10 minutes, see you !" I waved him goodbye then return to my book. It's an magical book I create that have many utilities, I transcript the marauder's map in it after removing my name from the original and I keep the spell I create and informations I collect in it. I love this book, oh looks like Quirrel is pacing in his study yet again.

[Domina Mortis]

That girl I met at the leaky Cauldron is a hogwarts student, I can't believe it, I recognized her the moment she step into quirrel's classroom.
Curly black hair rightly tame, glowing green eyes and an uniforms perfectly adjust with no crease. Her name is Asteria Black-Potter, she the first child of the Potters and Harry Potter's older sister. But she is so different, perfect student and reputation, every teacher seems to like her, never heard a bad word about her, nice, kind, caring, that not the girl I met in the leaky Cauldron. She is such a mystery and not what she made people think she is, I need to found more about her.

[Domina Mortis]

I don't usually attend to quidditch matches, but this one is Harry's first one, and I really needed to see it, we were able to get the best places at the front to watch the show.
"Do you believe it Corvus, Evelyn ? Our dear Asteria has decided to join us to see a quidditch game !" Aiden, who was right beside me told the other two
"I just have a feeling something interesting is going to happen, nothing more" I respond
"She's a seer I'm telling you" says Evelyn to no one in particular

The match, as expected, happen the very same way as in the books. That good the future event won't change to much.
However for the last few minutes Evelyn has been trying to know how I knew. I'll take care of it later, or never.

[Domina Mortis](Harry POV)

"Oh my if it isn't the small potter" the Weasley twin said when they sit with us, Ron Hermione and me.
"What are you doing here ?" Ron barked at them wanting them away
"Just evaluating how different the small Harry Potter is from his older sister" responded the twin, wait older sister ?
"Are you two serious ?" Said Hermione, am I the only who doesn't know that I apparently have an older sister ?
"What do you mean by older sister ?" I ask the twins, when I asked that everyone around me stop talking to look directly at me, have I said something wrong ?
"You seriously don't know you have a sister ? Have you never heard of Asteria Potter ? The greatest witch of hogwarts ?" Hermione ask me really quick with a lot of passion in her, she sure does like this Asteria.
"No, no I haven't" in respond
"She is your sister, you gotta know how she looks at least !" Exclaimed Ron looking around the great hall
"Don't try-
-she's not here yet" the Weasley twin told him
"How is she ? My sister" I ask, I heard a lot of response coming from all around me, amazing, smart and other one like this, people really do like my sister it seems.
"Oh oh I think this is your sister coming in with Percy" Hermione said beside me looking at the doors
In come a girl wearing the school white long sleeve button up with the black skirt, some high sockets and Marie janes. She isn't wearing all the uniform meaning I can't tell from which house she is, but she must be in Gryffindor, that where all good wizard and witches goes, right ?
She have deep black hair and shining green eyes, she is really pretty and, unlike me, her hair is well kept in waves. She is right beside Percy holding some books and going straight for the teacher table.

"She is a year older than us
- and a year younger than Percy." Whispered the Weasley twins to me
" she is like by all the teacher, when I'm telling you all, it's means snape is in it too" told me one of the older Gryffindor, snape like her ? Impressive

She arrives at the teacher table in front of Professor Mcgonagall sit and she put the books she held on top of Percy's pile of book and says some word to the professor, then she turned around and look around the great Hall. Once she is at Gryffindor table we made an eye contact, she smiled at me, I really want to talk to her, is she nice ? Will she be like my other relatives ? I have so many questions. As she is about to go down the few stairs leading to the teacher table, she turned around quickly, snape has called her. The next few minutes I saw her was her following Snape out of the great hall.

" she is sooo pretty I want to meet her !" squealed Hermione, Ron seemed to have completely disfunction.

I really, really want to meet her.

[Domina Mortis]

Snape's wants me to keep an eye on Quirrell, Snape is one of the rare who has seen me on my actual personality, he had notice immediately I didn't trust quirrell, so he asked to keep on eye on him, I'm apparently "more capable" do to it than him because Dumbledore keeps a close watch on Snape and everyone trust me. Also because Quirrell seems to be interested in me, he has been asking around about me. Anyway it's a win win situation, now I got free access to the potions cabinet.

I have other matter to attend to now.

[Domina Mortis]

Usually I attend the Halloween festivities, but this year I decided to stroll around the castle, mainly because a troll will "accidentally" broke in and I want to make a good first impression on my brother by saving him and his friends, I know I'm messing with the story line but my whole existence in this world messes everything. Anyway judging by the students going back to they houses in such a rush the information has been deliver. Now I need to rush to the bathroom, troll here I come.

Arriving at the bathroom Harry is already on the troll, I decided to push ron behind me and accio Harry to me, once both of this is done I throw the enhance sleeping draught I made this morning to the troll before combining to spell to trap in in a sort of hexagonal purple bubble with chain, I kept the bubble afloat. Hermione rushed to my side but before she could talk to me, a voice came from behind :

"what are you all doing here ?!" Came Mcgonagall voice, she had the other teacher and Dumbledore behind her
"Professor, it seems a troll have broken into the castle, I came here the moment I heard screaming."
"Why weren't you going to your common-" Mcgonagall voice was cut by snape
"Miss Asteria here wasn't at the feast the night, it seems she was late, must have fallen asleep again" snape lied smoothly, of course he knows I was roaming the halls, but anyway
"And what were these three here ?"mcgonagall asked again
This time Hermione talk, she told the same lie she said in the books, she added however that I saved them.
"What kind of spell have you used there my child ?" Dumbledore asked me
"I throw at the troll an enhance sleeping draught I made this morning in potion class and imprisoned him with two spell, a chaining and a caging spell.
"Truly ingenious my child, I shall give your house 100 points for saving three first years and capturing an adult troll
-Thank you Headmaster "
Mcgonagall continue but removing house points from the trio from they brash act, then proceed to ask me to make sure the three get back to they house.

This lead us here walking through hogwart to they house.
"Thank you, fro saving us" thanked me Ron
"This spell work you did was impressive, and all nonverbal !" Came the excited voice of Hermione
" Haha, I do have some years of practice behind me"
Ron and Hermione start walking a bit ahead of us while talking, I mean, bickering with each other leaving me with Harry.
"Are you truly... my older sister ?" Wow straightforward, like me
"Yes I am, I'm Asteria but you can call me Aria if you prefer, it is a pleasure to meet you little brother" he looks up at me with literal stars in his eyes, he was trying to response with anything but wasn't capable too, arriving before the Gryffindor entrance I follow the two before us in.
"It seems we have arrived, I'm wishing you three a good night, I need to go back to my common room.
-wait, wait you're not a Gryffindor ?" Came they three voices at ounce with shocked faces
"It is a well known fact that Asteria Potter is not a Gryffindor, don't be so shock, now go to your bedroom, thank you Aria for bringing them back here" Percy interject at the top of what I believe is the boys dormitories, I waved him goodbye before going back to my common room.


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