the boys As parents X gn read...

By shortest_king

28.5K 488 547

The boys as dads not much I can say somewhat a oneshots and scenarios book, I'm a slow writer with little mot... More

narrator the clown motel
you're at a restaurant about to cry
failing - josh
you're sick
they see their name on a "whats in your world"
someone hits on you
you have a nightmare
standing above them motionless
only for rachel
their reaction to being called dad
they find you crying in your room
your birth parents try to take you back
their reaction to you dying your hair to their hair color
randomly giving them compliments
they find you sitting on top the fridge
They yell at you for no reason
Holding their hand
you fall asleep on them
they find you cuddled up to them
they catch you in one of their hoodies
you comfort them after they have a nightmare
they get a phone call from your school
you go to the hospital
you have a school crush
they find out you're being bullied
you tell them they're your best friend
they find out your secret talent
you tell them your date went badly
you cuddle them when you're sad
how they would react if you stood up to one of the boys for making fun of them
you yell at them for no reason
how you met

they find out you're not eating

752 12 39
By shortest_king

(Sorry I was sick for a minute, request thank you for requesting. Don't worry requests do get out! Maybe not right away but they do! Uh trigger warning eating disorders?)


Narrator started to notice a change in your attitude, from your hyper loving person who could probably eat about anything given to you.

From climbing the fridge to rudely awaking narrator by poking him a bunch or jumping onto his bed.

You stopped doing all that, as he sat peacefully on the couch he thought to himself

'A little too peacefully...'

You started refusing snacks to whole meals at once, claiming you've already eaten. You started to get skinnier and skinnier until it was concerning.

He walked into your room announced this time and saw you standing in front of your mirror looking at your body, grabbing the fat that was left on your body and looking distraught.

He frowned, and knocked on your doorframe you quickly turned around and saw him standing there, you looked panicked not knowing how long he had been standing there.

"Uh hi-" you said with a little stutter

"What are you doing?" He asked with his arms crossed leaning against the doorframe.

His demeanor intimidating, tears stung the back of your eyes, you couldn't help but be scared for some reason.

"Just looking in the mirror" you choked out trying your hardest not to sound "suspicious" even though you weren't doing anything bad.

"Honeybunches you're judging yourself" he said dropping his arms and walked towards you

He knelt down in front of you and took your hands in his

"Why? Why are you hurting yourself, baby?" He asked the concern in his voice was painful

As you thought about it for a moment, the silence thick.

"I'm...just...not it?" You said unsure

"Not it?" He asked

"All of the other boys/girls at school are skinny and pretty and I'm" You say glancing at the mirror behind you

Narrators eyebrows furrowed in a harsh concerned look

"There is nothing wrong with you, there never was. You're incredible by yourself. Not many people know you like I do. Like I care about you. Without you this room would be empty, this house would be empty. I'd be sitting here alone. By myself. I cannot express to you how much I care about you. How much I need you" tears swelling in his eyes

You furrowed your eyebrows in a sorry look before he continued

"Even if you don't love you, I do. I love you. And I don't like to see you hurting. No matter what other people look like or what they say about you, they have never really SEEN you they only see the surface. They see they're breaking you so they continue. Show them confidence, show them they aren't winning"

As the tears started to fall from his eyes they triggered yours too

"I will be here, everyday that I can. I am here for you, I promised to take care of you out of my own choices, I am here for you y/n you're incredible and kind I wouldn't know what to do without you, honeybunches"

With that last statement he gave you a hug, something in you just snapped and you hugged him back tightly, tears streaming down your face.

You both stayed there for a while, crying into each other before your little voice spoke

"I'm so sorry" you choked out

"Don't be sorry, please don't be sorry" he said rubbing your back


Josh had been leaving you food in the fridge for weeks and none of it was ever touched despite being told you had eaten it, he started to notice that you had more of a sour attitude as of late and you started to get skinnier.

He started to monitor your eating habits and noticed they dropped significantly, and one day he walked passed your room and saw you crying on the floor.

He immediately sat next to you and pulled you into a hug and asked

"Y/n what's wrong?"

You just shook your head while you tried to wipe the flowing tears unsuccessfully, Josh gently pushed your hands out of your face and cupped your face

"Bunny what's wrong?" He asked again as you cried into his chest

" I not pretty..." You said between sobs

"What?" He asked

You just shook your head as your sobs filled the room, Josh was at a loss for words, he has no clue how to parent the situation

"...i do love you y/n" he said holding you closer not able to form the correct words for the situation

"I really do, I don't know what I would do without you. And I promise you're the most gorgeous person I've ever met, inside and out. Your passions for things is scarily fiery" he said chuckling as you continued to sob

Your tears seemed endless, he frowned before he pulled apart from you resting his hands on your shoulder

"Listen to me y/n there is nothing wrong with you that I can see, you're a gorgeous person inside out I promise you, whether you like men or woman, or if you feel like a man or woman I'm here, and I'm not leaving"

Your sobs paused for a moment as he continued

"You're not fat, or chubby or anything of the sorts you're beautiful a beautiful young man/woman/adult"

Your tears started up again but in a good way as you held Josh tightly

"Thank you dad" you said as you cried into his shoulder

"You're welcome, cub"


Juicy was a loving and caring father who had always made sure that you were well-fed and happy. However, one day, he noticed that something was wrong. You had stopped eating altogether.

At first, Juicy tried to coax you into eating more, but it didn't work. You simply refused to take a bite of anything. Juicy became increasingly worried and decided to take you to a doctor.

The doctor examined you and found that there were no physical problems that could be causing the lack of appetite. You were healthy and not suffering from any illness or disease. JuicyFruitSnacks was at a loss as to what to do.

He began to research and seek advice from friends and family, but no one had any answers. It wasn't until he stumbled upon an article about the effects of trauma and stress on children that a light bulb went off in his head.

Juicy realized that you had been through an incredibly traumatic event before being adopted, and that trauma may be coming to the surface. He decided to seek out a therapist who specialized in working with children who had experienced trauma.

The therapist worked closely with both Juicy and you to help you overcome the deep-rooted stress and trauma. They talked through the emotions and helped you learn new coping mechanisms to deal with stress.

After several weeks of therapy, Juicy began to see a change in you. The your appetite slowly returned, and you began to show more signs of happiness and contentment than before.

Juicy was grateful for the help of the therapist and for the support of his friends and family during this difficult time. He realized that being a parent often meant facing challenges and being willing to seek out help when it was needed.

"You're doing great, baby brush" juicy said proudly

"Stop it" you said taking another bite of food before throwing a whole potato at him


Eddie had always been a caring and attentive father to you. However, one day he noticed that you were not eating your meals as much as usual. He became increasingly worried and decided to talk to you about it.

"Dad, I'm just not hungry," you replied, looking down at your plate. Eddie could tell that something was troubling you and he didn't want to push too hard, but he also knew he needed to find out what was going on.

"Is something bothering you, y/n?" Eddie asked cautiously.

You shrugged, "I don't know...I just don't feel like eating."

Eddie decided to take you to see a doctor. The doctor examined you and found no physical problems that could be causing the lack of appetite. Eddie was relieved, but still concerned about his child's health.

When they returned home, Eddie sat down with you and tried to talk to you about what was going on. You seemed hesitant at first, but eventually opened up about your struggles with school and feeling overwhelmed.

"I know it can be tough sometimes, y/n, but you don't have to face these problems alone," Eddie reassured them. "I'm here for you, and we can work through this together."

You nodded, appreciative of Eddie's support. Eddie then contacted a therapist to help you work through your issues.

The therapist helped you learn how to manage their stress and anxiety, and slowly but surely, your appetite returned. Eddie was thrilled to see his child happy and healthy again.

As you were eating dinner one night, Eddie looked at you and smiled. "I'm glad we got through this together, y/n. I'm here for you no matter what."

You smiled back at Eddie, feeling grateful for the love and support of your adoptive father. "Thanks for being there for me, Eddie," you replied. "I love you."

Eddie hugged you, tears of happiness in his eyes. "I love you too, y/n. Always have and always will." And then he bragged to gabby that you told him you loved him first


You had been through a lot before you came to Mully's home. It appeared that you had suffered from severe neglect and abuse, which had left scars that were invisible to the naked eye. Mully was determined to help you heal and lead a normal life, but it was a long and arduous journey.

One day, Mully noticed that you had stopped eating. You had lost your appetite, and nothing he did could make you eat. Mully panicked, wondering whether he should take you to a therapist, but he knew that it would be a long shot. You were very apprehensive about talking to strangers, and the idea of seeing a therapist may only make things worse.

Mully decided to take matters into his own hands. He did some research on how to help someone who has stopped eating, and he began to encourage you to eat small portions, even if it was just a bite. Mully would prepare your favorite foods, sit beside you, and talk to you about how important it was to take care of your body.

You were wary at first, but you could see the love and care that Mully had for you. Slowly, but surely, you began to regain your appetite. You would eat small portions and eventually began to enjoy your meals. Mully could see that you were slowly but surely coming out of your shell, and it warmed his heart to see you smile again.

As you regained your strength, Mully knew that he had made the right decision by trusting his gut and not involving a therapist. He realized that sometimes, all someone needs is someone who loves and cares for them. Together, they had worked through your deep-seated traumas and body issues, and Mully was proud to say that he had succeeded in giving you a new lease on life.

"You're an asshole and I love you" you said as you took a bite of your food

"You're welcome" mully replied in a sarcastic tone

(Sorry, I've lost the motivation to write 😭 so here you go as requested 1966 words)

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