Deutschland(Germany x Reader)

By MikuStoleItalysPasta

61.1K 2.4K 678

Life has always been rough on you, so when you lose your job you are forced to move back to your home land, G... More

A New Beginning
Meeting Ludwig
Training Mistakes
Play Something for Me
I'm Moving Out
Authors Note
Secret Hobbies
The Confession

The New Job

5.4K 223 78
By MikuStoleItalysPasta

I woke up the next morning at 6:30, just enough time to get ready. I got up out of bed and put on my black and white maid uniform. For a work outfit it was pretty cute. I walked into the bathroom that was in my bedroom. "This is so much fancier than what I'm used to..." I brushed out my (H/L) (H/C) hair and put it up into a ponytail. "There," I smiled at myself in the mirror. I finished getting ready and headed downstairs to start breakfast for the household.

I eventually found the kitchen and started to look for things to cook with. "Man this place is like a maze." I looked through the cabinets in search for a pan. "There you are!" I took the pan out and headed to the fridge to grab eggs and other ingredients to cook an omelet. Once I heated up the stove and cracked the eggs on the side of the frying pan, I put them into the pan along with a couple other ingredients.

As I cooked the omelets I started to hum a random song that came to me. I was suddenly interrupted by a certain German. "That sounds beautiful." I screamed but quickly covered my mouth, that was very unprofessional. Ludwig walked over to me. "Do you like music?" ", yes I actually play piano...." "Maybe you should play it sometime, we have a piano in the living room." "Yeah maybe I will," I replied.

I finished cooking breakfast just as everyone else came down the stairs. I quickly set the table in the dinning room across the kitchen and put an omelet on each plate. "Kesesese, smells awesome!" I turned to see a man with silver hair and red eyes walking alongside of Feliciano and Kiku. I smiled, "I don't think we've met, my name is (Y/N)." "Nice to meet you I am the awesome Gilbert and this is Gilbird," Gilbert said pointing to the bird on his head.

Ludwig sighed, "Gilbert how many times do I have to tell you to not bring your bird to the table?" "Gilbird can go wherever I go because he is awesome!" I chuckled as they all sat down at the table. "I'll go get some coffee and juice." Once I got the beverages I poured everyone the drink they wanted. "Thank you (Y/N)," Ludwig said. "You know you can join us if you want." "Oh no thank you I'll just grab a grenola bar or something. Just call if you need anything else."

I walked out of the dinning room to grab something quick to eat. Ludwig sure was nice to offer me to eat with them.....No! Bad! You can't think about that stuff! I smacked my hand against my forehead in attempt to get rid of the thoughts. "Uhhh bella....are you okay...?" Oh darn it Feliciano saw that. I slowly turned around to see everyone staring at me from the dinning room....okay scratch that everyone saw. "Uh yeah I'm fine, sorry." I quickly walked away a blushing mess as I went to carry out the rest of my work.

~Time Skip brought to you by the awesome Gilbird~

I grabbed a broom and went to sweep the patio out back. It was the last cleaning job of the day and the rest was just cooking. As I stepped on the patio out back I noticed Ludwig, Feliciano, and Kiku all running around the track. I could hear Ludwig yelling at Feliciano. "You need to run faster!!!!" "I'm trying Ludwiggg!" I giggled at the scene in front of me, Feliciano sure is childish. I soon began to sweep the patio. I was almost finished when I suddenly heard a surprised yelp come from the track.

I looked over and saw Feliciano lying face down on the track. I dropped my broom and ran over as quickly as I could in my uniform. "Feliciano are you okay?!" He looked up at me, "Yes I'm a-fine bella." As he stood up I immediatly knew something wasn't right. I sighed, "Show me Feli..." He showed me the palm of his left hand which had a huge gash on it. I gasped and grabbed his good hand. "C'mon let's take care of that."

As we were walking back to the house we were stopped by Ludwig. "Where are you going?" "Feliciano was injured so I'm just going to bandage him up," I replied. "He can still walk, he's fine." "No Ludwig. It doesn't matter if the injury is small or big it still needs to be taken care of." I walked away with Feliciano before Ludwig could reply. I can't believe I just said that to my boss.

Once Feliciano and I were back inside the house I went to the bathroom to get a washcloth and bandages for his hand. "Ah there they are." I went back to Feliciano with the bandages and washcloth in hand. "Spread out your palm please." Feli did as I asked and watched as I took care of his hand. "You know Ludwig really a-likes that you're a hard worker," Feli said as I worked. "Well he probably doesn't now since I talked back to him back there." Feli smiled at me, "Nah he will be a-good. He needs someone to put him in his a-place.....don't tell him I said that (Y/N)," Feli said to me frantically. "I won't I promise," I laughed.

"There all done!" "Thanks a-bella!" Feliciano gave me a hug and then ran off to his room upstairs, probably to hide from Ludwig so he wouldn't have to do any more training. I gathered up the supplies I used and was about to bring them back to the bathroom when someone put their hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Ludwig looking down at me.

"Look (Y/N) I shouldn't have said that back there. Thanks for taking care of Feliciano." I smiled up at him, "It's all good and no problem." Ludwig rubbed the back of his head seeming to be nervous. "Even though it's only your first day working here you have been incredibly helpful and I appreciate you taking this job." "That's really nice of you to say." "W-well I better get back to bye..." Ludwig walked away quickly, did he just get flustered?

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