Hold My Hand [Seek x Figure]

By thatlittlesimp31

66.6K 1.5K 7.8K

Figure has promised Seek, that he's going to stay by his side forever. But, will he manage to keep his promis... More

[Things you need to know]
Chapter 1 [Breakdowns]
Chapter 2 [Catchy Feelings]
Chapter 3 [Forced Confess]
Chapter 4 [Snow]
Chapter 5 [The Dark]
Chapter 6 [Interesting Fact]
Chapter 7 [Unexpected]
Chapter 8 [New Friends]
Chapter 9 [Lost]
Chapter 11 [Race Starts]
Chapter 12 [Sudden]
Chapter 13 [Make You Suffer]
Chapter 14 [Forever Together]
Chapter 15 [Curiousness]
Chapter 16 [Meeting Her]
Chapter 17 [Human]
Chapter 18 [Chase]
Chapter 19 [Bet That Costs Life]
Chapter 20 [Minus One Trouble]
Chapter 21 [Psycho]
Chapter 22 [Fixing]
Chapter 23 [Plan]
Chapter 24 [Nightmare]
Chapter 25 [A Weird Day]
Chapter 26 [Beaten Up]
Chapter 27 [Sanity]
Chapter 28 [My Love]
Chapter 29 [One Painful Fight]
Chapter 30 [Black Pages]
Reel Chapter 31 [The End]
Chapter 31 [Note]
Chapter 32 [The Hidden Truth]
Chapter 33 [Villain]
Chapter 34 [Love You Forever]
[Thank You]
bad news guys
sup yall once again
hello again!
this book got them like-
one night spent together:) +a question again
sum doodles:D
hear me out-
i apologise:(
their silly conversation
little bittle fights
Fig is "crying" :(

Chapter 10 [Promise]

1.5K 31 213
By thatlittlesimp31

Figure POV:

"SEEK IS GONE!" I shouted in worry. My own voice blasted my ears but I didn't have time to worry about that. I heard multiple doors creaking open at once, and some sleepy voices mumbling.

Then I heard Screech's door literally being broke open, and some footsteps rushing towards me. His footsteps sounded just like Seek's. I then heard his footstep sounds stopping right in front of me, suddenly. He grabbed onto my arms tightly and shouted.

"Seek is what!?"

I felt everybody approaching me, waiting for answers. My heart was beating out of my chest. I wasn't able to slow down my breath. Everyone's eyes were on me, they all were going to scream at me.

"What happened to him?" Glitch asked. I just then realised the sounds around me were getting more and more hoarse, the ringing in my ears made me hear my heartbeat more loud then I ever did. I tried to calm myself down, but they were all right in front of me, getting ready for blaming. Some voices started whispering inside my head. They were really hard to understand. They only made me weaker second by second. 

"YOU ARE THE REASON, TELL THEM FIGURE?" Screech shouted again.

I wanted to run away to a silent corner, curl up in a ball and start crying. But I didn't even have eyes to cry. It felt like all the world was against me. I was facing the consequences of my decisions, I know. I made numerous mistakes, I can't even count them. Maybe I'm just not chosen to be a friend. 

"What even..." El Goblino said quietly, or I was hearing him as quiet. "...happened?" I then heard Ambush talking, but I was hardly able to hear. What's going on with me, I'm losing my only ability... Is all the voices in my head causing this?

"Let me explain. Figure, and Seek were datin-"

"We were not." I said in a cold tone. What was Ambush up to? This is probably the reason why his dad left to get milk and never came back.

"Can't you be more aware of Seek?" Screech asked. "Can't you see his feelings for you?" I wanted to punch myself. I sobbed once quietly. After getting myself to feel a bit better and relax I replied.

"What feelings, Screech? What makes you think Seek would ever have feelings for me? I'm pathetic!" I laughed. "I'm blind, I'm pitiful, I'm terrible, I'm weird, I'm a loner." As I kept laughing maniacally, everybody kept silent. I punched the wall besides me. "WHAT FEELINGS?"


My heart literally stopped beating, my whole body tensed up and my legs got weaker. I held onto the wall besides me that I just punched, and I shouted back at Screech. "REALLY? HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT? YOU'RE FUCKING LYING!" I ripped the wall texture. "YOU ARE JUST LYING RIGHT NOW TO MAKE ME FEEL THE WORST!"


"Hey hey Screech-" Hide attempted to talk, but he was cut off by Screech.


I finally let go of the wall and fell down to the floor. I pulled my legs closer to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, then buried my head inside my arms. Seek always told me to think of the ocean whenever I had these panic attacks. So I did listen to him, and I tried thinking of the ocean. Firstly the ambient around me got colder a bit and I started feeling the soft wind, and the waves. My hearing got better second by second and soon enough it was back to normal. I didn't lift my head up, I kept it down buried in my arms still - but at the same time I started listening to the others.

"Where could've Seek went to?" Guiding Light asked.

"Maybe he joined another group..." Glitch replied. "That's the most sensible thing that came to my mind."

"What, another group?" Everybody gasped. The thought of him joining another... He wouldn't... would he? Maybe he just left this hotel to unbrace himself for a bit. He will come back...

"Nope, not impossible, Seek wouldn't leave us." Screech denied.

"But... it may possible. Maybe you should accept it." Glitch said. I heard Screech snuffling. "I mean, I'm just saying but-"

"SEEK WOULDN'T DO THIS TO ME." Screech sounded like he was about to broke down and cry any moment.

"Look kid, Seek is gone, you need to accept it. Unless we find him, he won't be returning back." Glitch continued. The more he talked, the more Screech lost hope. I stood up to stop him from making things worse than they already are.

"Like you would even search for him, please just shut up if you're not going to say something that will give hope." I raised my voice. "This is a fucking child that's standing in front of you. Can't you just be optimistic for one second, just for this kid? Don't make me beg you."

"'That kid' needs to learn that life isn't always so happy-" I cut off Glitch's sentence.



"Screech please don't say that..."

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Screech pushed me hardly that made me hit my back on the wall and cough violently. "I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY NOW, BECAUSE NOW YOU LOST ONE OF THE ONLY TWO PEOPLE THAT CARED ABOUT YOU."

Screech fastly ran away. I heard him slamming and locking his door. I slowly sat on the floor with my back rubbing against the wall. I pulled my legs closer to my chest again and covered my face. My claws dug into my head. I felt the hot blood pouring down the places that I cut with my fingers. I whispered to myself while sobbing, but my words were loud enough for everybody in the hallway to hear.  "I just tried to defend him. What wrong thing did I even do?"

"You know perfectly well what you did." Halt talked in a cold tone, just as cold as the vibe his hallway gave. 

"Yeah, maybe it's all your fault." Jack agreed.

"Guys..." Guiding Light began. "Please don't go hard on Figure. Don't y'all think that he's already in a bad state right now?"

"He's stupid enough to leave him at his worst, Guiding Light." Ambush said.

"Well, maybe you guys could've gave a shit about Seek?" Guiding Light continued, now talking in more of a harsh tone. "I'm pretty sure none of you really cared about Seek before, so what makes you think you have the rights to blame Figure right now?"

"And did you care about him?" Hide replied. Guiding Light sighed loudly and groaned.

"Tell me, Hide. Did I blame Figure just once? There's a difference between me and y'all. I know I wasn't very close to Seek, so I didn't even open my mouth. But what did y'all do? You all started blaming Figure. Him and Screech are the only people that care about Seek, y'all wouldn't even give a shit about Seek if he died. So stop blaming Figure like you guys care about Seek."

"Of course we do, Guiding Light!" Eyes objected. "You're just blaming us right now for no reason. This is going so off topic."

"Then don't make it go off topic!"

"I feel like you're hiding something, Guiding Light..." Ambush started.

"What a joke!" Guiding Light clapped her hands. "You made us all laugh, now please shut up Ambush." I heard Ambush sighing.

"We will try to look for Seek." Ambush said and him and Rush's footsteps faded away. (THEY HAVE BODIES OK?)

Screech POV:

I kept wiping my tears as I looked at the photos of me and Seek, imagining our happy times. These were all old photos, all was taken when we were still... humans. Seek didn't know who Figure was back then in these photos. It was only me and him, the amazing family. But whenever he met Figure... he just put me in the second place, now wasting all his time with that damned man. And Figure didn't even care about him, I want to beat the shit out of that guy...

I didn't want to believe Seek was gone. I wasn't able to! He wouldn't leave me, right? Maybe he was somewhere around the hotel. Maybe... Maybe he just went out for a walk... Maybe he just wants to stay alone and clear his mind for a while... He will come back, right? But what if he doesn't?

I have to find him. Even though I don't think he will be happy that I found him.

Not me losing my dad because of a man who is not even worth it. I WON'T let myself lose Seek. Me, and the rest of us didn't deserve this! How I hear everybody walking around talking about Seek. Figure doesn't even bother to look for him!

I heard a knocking on the door, and soon Figure's voice.

"Can I come in?"

"No." I felt bad a bit, because he tried to defend me back there but I just cut him off and blamed him. But still... he deserved everything that I said. 

"Please. I just want to talk." There was no way I was letting him in my room. Seek's pictures were sprinkled all over the ground and the bed. I was hugging my pillow burying my head in it. I'm not this weak, I shouldn't be this weak, and most importantly, Seek shouldn't know I'm being this weak!

Figure knocked on the door again. "Can we, please?" After I didn't respond, I heard him sighing outside the room. "Fine, you don't need to open the door. I will do anything for you to feel better, I promise."

"Then get out of my life."

"I'm sorry, I will give my everything to find Seek. I promise..."

I heard his loud footsteps fading away. Soon another knocking filled my ears. I looked at the bottom of the door and saw a dim, purple light coming from outside.

"...It's me, Eyes."

"What do you want."

"I just want to come in and hug you. I know you need it." Eyes chuckled. "Just be careful that one of your tentacles doesn't go in my eyes, okay?"

I chuckled silently wiping my tears to look better and strong. He was trying to make me laugh. He didn't want me to be sad... Maybe Seek isn't the only one I had and loved.

I got up and unlocked the door. The moment I did, Eyes immediately barged inside and hugged me tightly. I started shivering in his arms. He closed the door with his foot, immediately understanding that I was about to cry. "Just let it all out, okay? I am here, I will be here until you want me to go away..." He whispered. I started sobbing violently. My tears sank into his sweatshirt. 

I cried for about ten minutes. And he just waited there, hugging me and not letting go. Not getting tired of me shivering in his arms.

"Feeling better now?" He whispered. His voice was so soft, he was so caring. Maybe Seek didn't care about me, but this guy did... "I would understand if not."

I was so lost in thoughts that I didn't even understand his question. "W- What did you say again?" I muttered. 

"Are you feeling better?"

"Oh... Oh, yeah." I withdrew from him. He looked at me, squinting his eyes. He then sighed and reached out to my hand.

"I'm sorry Screech but... you look terrible. Not in that way, you're just so... messed up. Might you want to go to the bathroom and wash your face? Maybe we could go to the cafeteria then." I nodded.

"Sounds... fine."


"I will buy for you." Eyes smiled as we went out of the bathroom. I was feeling a lot better now.

"Everything is already free, stupid." I replied, slightly smiling.

"It's not my fault if I'm poor."

I chuckled. He held my hand and I felt a slight blush appear on my face. We walked to the cafeteria.

Thoughts of beating Figure up surrounded my mind again. I felt my anger grow inside of me everytime I thought about his name. I needed to calm down and clear myself out of these thoughts. Figure was trying his best, but I just couldn't act nice to him... 

"Hey, don't worry. I'm sure we will find your dad." Eyes said. I nodded slowly, my face facing the floor. He was saying this, but he didn't mean it. I knew he was agreeing with the others from the inside...

I sighed. "If Figure wasn't friends with Seek from the start, Seek would've been happier. And he wouldn't be gone right now."

"You're right, I'm sorry for everything and your dad." I immediately turned around. Figure was standing at the entrance of the cafeteria. "I will... I will find him. I promise, again."

"He is gone." I blankly stared at him. 

"You're right..." he said as his voice broke down. He slowly turned around and left.


-Time Skip-

Ambush POV:

"He's nowhere to be found." Rush said.

"We asked every entity of every group, but nothing. We're sorry." I apologised.

"It's okay, it's doesn't matter. Figure should be looking for him. Not you guys." Halt said.

Jeff grabbed El Goblino's hand and they came near us.

"I'm sorry to be hopping in suddenly, but what happened? Is there something between Seek and Figure?" 

"I mean we're not sure but we think Seek likes Figure. I mean it's obvious. But they have been acting weird towards each other lately, like it's awkward. They weren't like this before. Something happened but we don't know." I explained.

Hide joined the conversation.

"And when you guys hanged out all day together yesterday, Seek was left lonely and I guess he was heartbroken and he thinks Figure doesn't care about him anymore. He was in his room all day. He got out once, but when he came back he was worse. I heard him sobbing when I was passing by his room."

Figure POV:

I was listening to the other entities. I was in my room. Hurting myself. Blood all over my arms.

I will make this right.

Screech POV:

Eyes was trying to convince me to apologise to Figure. He was saying "I was a bit too harsh". I was, actually.

"Fine." I said as I got up. His face lit up.

"Really? You will apologise?"

"Yeah." I said as I walked out of the cafeteria.


I was standing in front of Figure's room now. Eyes was making thumbs up for me to go in. After nodding and sighing I kicked the door and got in. I wasn't going to be respectful to "him".

"Hey, what the f- Screech?" I assumed he heard "my" heartbeats. He looked horrible. He was tearing apart his pillow. And there was... cuts all over his arms. Is this why he always wears long sleeved shirts...?

"Look, I'm sorry. I apologise." I said quickly and then looked away. Seeing Figure like this hurt me more than I thought it would.

"Oh..." he waited a little. "I'm sorry too. And it's okay. I will find your dad. I promise, once again."

"You better do." I stood there. Neither me or him moved. "I hope we can get along again." I said, I left the room and closed what was left from the door I kicked a second ago.

"Did it go well?" Eyes asked as he approached me.

"Yeah..." I wasn't talking much because I knew Figure was hearing us. (IQ = 200) 

Seek POV:

"You know..." I laughed. "I never would've thought you two would be the ones that were going to comfort me. Thank you." I looked away. "Even though you two were my biggest enemies. But the past stays in the past, right?"

"Yeah, I hope so. We're sorry for everything again, Seek. We promise to be better people. And we promise to always stay by your side, unlike Figure."


Shadow and Window was comforting me. I have finally found real friends...



I wrote this with my friend again uWu

ruining everything is our hobby

Word Count: 2731 

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