Hold My Hand [Seek x Figure]

By thatlittlesimp31

67.6K 1.5K 7.9K

Figure has promised Seek, that he's going to stay by his side forever. But, will he manage to keep his promis... More

[Things you need to know]
Chapter 1 [Breakdowns]
Chapter 2 [Catchy Feelings]
Chapter 3 [Forced Confess]
Chapter 4 [Snow]
Chapter 5 [The Dark]
Chapter 6 [Interesting Fact]
Chapter 7 [Unexpected]
Chapter 9 [Lost]
Chapter 10 [Promise]
Chapter 11 [Race Starts]
Chapter 12 [Sudden]
Chapter 13 [Make You Suffer]
Chapter 14 [Forever Together]
Chapter 15 [Curiousness]
Chapter 16 [Meeting Her]
Chapter 17 [Human]
Chapter 18 [Chase]
Chapter 19 [Bet That Costs Life]
Chapter 20 [Minus One Trouble]
Chapter 21 [Psycho]
Chapter 22 [Fixing]
Chapter 23 [Plan]
Chapter 24 [Nightmare]
Chapter 25 [A Weird Day]
Chapter 26 [Beaten Up]
Chapter 27 [Sanity]
Chapter 28 [My Love]
Chapter 29 [One Painful Fight]
Chapter 30 [Black Pages]
Reel Chapter 31 [The End]
Chapter 31 [Note]
Chapter 32 [The Hidden Truth]
Chapter 33 [Villain]
Chapter 34 [Love You Forever]
[Thank You]
bad news guys
sup yall once again
hello again!
this book got them like-
one night spent together:) +a question again
sum doodles:D
hear me out-
i apologise:(
their silly conversation
little bittle fights
Fig is "crying" :(

Chapter 8 [New Friends]

1.5K 31 200
By thatlittlesimp31

Seek POV:

I woke up, it was pretty early. I didn't remember anything at first. But then every piece came together. When I remembered about what happened last night, thoughts just started blowing up my mind again. Today could possibly be the day I get rid of Shadow and Window. 

I slapped myself again angrily and sat in my bed until I heard some knocking on my door. 

"Are you awake?" said the person outside my room. Yeah, this was Figure. I mean, who else would come and check on me? If I lose Figure, I'm basically doomed. What if he would leave me slowly if he started dating another? Or, what if we start dating and then we get separated? Who would care about me then? I would only have Screech left...

As I was getting lost in my thoughts again, I forgot I had to reply to Figure. I was going to make myself sick. "Just don't think..." I said to myself and responded to Figure.

"Yeah, you can come in."

The door opened and I heard Figure's footsteps fill the room. "How have you slept?" He asked. As much as I wanted to reply with "I haven't even got any sleep last night because of your actions", I knew that would make Figure offended. And also I was the one that decided to stay awake all night. 

"I think I only had one hour of sleep..." I mumbled. Then I laughed awkwardly. "Because of nightmares, don't worry."

He came near me and sat on my bed next to me. "Did you... have dreams about your past again?" Figure's thought was a great excuse for me to use. So I just went along with the scenario and nodded, just to remember nodding wouldn't give an answer to him.

"I did." I said.

"You can vent to me about it." Figure smiled. Great, now I have to make up a nightmare...

"Uhm... I..."

"Oh!" Figure waved his hands fastly in the air. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to! I just wanted to help."

I smiled aswell and squeezed his hand. "Don't worry about it. But I was actually curious about one thing..." I waited for a second, then shook my head. "...Nevermind." 

Figure POV:

He was acting a bit strange. I think it was about last night, so I decided to apologise. I think by suddenly leaving, I made him a bit upset.

"I'm sorry about leaving suddenly yesterday." I said.

"It's fine." He replied.

I needed to make sure I don't do anything bad or stupid to upset him today. So I started a random conversation about how the people that just kept coming to The Hotel over and over again were so annoying, I wanted him to see that there was nothing wrong between us. Then I remembered.

"Uhh, G-Light had some annoucement to do I guess. She wants us to go to the cafeteria."

I felt Seek shrugging. "Okay, I guess." He said and we got up at the same time. I waited a bit for him to extend his hand to me, but he didn't. And surprisingly enough, he started walking away. Fuck, did I do something wrong? Could it be because of me acting cold yesterday?

"Why?" I asked.


"Aren't we going to hold hands?" I said curiously. He made an "oh" sound and grabbed my right hand. Then he started leading me to the cafeteria. I really hope he just forgot to hold my hand, it's no big deal though, right?

Screech POV:

I was having breakfast with the other entities, as usual. Guiding Light was waiting for Seek and Figure, as in other name the "lovebirds" to come. After I heard their footsteps, I turned to the entrance.  

"Huh?" I mumbled.

They were holding hands as usual, but this time something seemed off. I remembered about what I heard last night. Seek was literally talking to himself. I waited in front of his door for almost one hour, and he wouldn't shut up. He was saying things like "I can't get rid of them, I'm not that crazy" and "I will have to spy on Figure, no other choice".

What the actual heck happened between them?

"Ayeee, the lovebirds came." said Ambush. I stepped on his foot with mine harshly. 


"Sssh! I think something is off with them, just wait and remain silent for today."

"If you say so."

I saw Figure leaving Seek behind and asking Guiding Light what she wanted. I watched Seek closely. He was squinting his eye, staring at Guiding Light and Figure. What the heck was this man trying to solve? 

After a few seconds they came to the table where all of us sat and they sat in the corner that is the closest to the entrance.

"Hey guys!" Guiding Light shouted in a cheering tone. The rest of us said "Good morning!"

"I have some announcement to do today."

"We can see!" said Rush.

"I can't, what are you trying to imply?" said Figure.


Guiding Light hit the table with both hands. "Please be quiet." She then put on her cheering smile again and began talking happily. "I got some new friends for you to meet!"

She shouted to the entrance. After she did, 5 entities came in. I didn't even stop eating to look, because I didn't really care if new people joined. In the end, I was going to be hated by everyone anyway. Guiding Light turned to us. "They are the new entities." she said.

"Where did you find them?" Jack asked.

"Actually I found them this morning - or you could say midnight. I got bored and I decided to take a tour in the hotel. Then I ACCIDENTALLY got lost. I found myself in that place..." Guiding Light stopped to think. "Y'know, have any of you ever visited the place that you go with the elevator in room 100?" 

"Not really." Timothy replied. "Seek and Figure always get rid of those humans before they even get to reach to room 100." Seek nodded.

"Yeah, so we didn't really bother going to room 100 before. I mean I don't know if any of you did, but personally I didn't." Guiding Light nodded slowly and continued talking.

"Well, it doesn't matter. Then I found these fellas, just walking around aimlessly like they had nowhere to go or nothing to do. They said they got expelled from their groups. And I, in other words an 'angel'-"

"Can't relate." said Halt.

"Shut up. Yeah, I took them into our group, which usually hangs out in the hotel. As you all know."

"Yeah we can see that!" said Rush.

"Brother, am I a joke to you?" said Figure once again.

Guiding Light slammed her hands on the table. "DON'T INTERRUPT ME. So long for short they will be living in this hotel starting from now. You guys better act nice towards them."

"Cool, I guess."

(Creator Note: This was my friend's idea, so basically there are different groups in every floor. There are mostly groups that includes between 5-10 entities. But most of the entities are in floor 1, because this is a hotel, and in our AU with my friend, some of the entities used to work here, or live here, so there's more entities in The Hotel. Dupe and Snare were from another group, and El Goblino, Bob, Jeff were from another group. Pretty confusing, i know :'))

"Introduce yourselves now." Guiding Light said. The new entities took one step forward. The first one was shorter than ME, and it was kind of a goblin?

"Hola! Mi llamo is El Goblino." It said, smiling and waving. I think it was originally from Spain. It had a pretty good Spanish accent aswell, which confirmed my theory.

"What the fuck is that thing." said Ambush.

"Rude, as you can see, I am a goblin." El Goblino said, crossing its arms over its chest. I think it was a boy.

Figure got up and slammed the table. "I'M BLIND, FOR YOUR INFORMATION."

El Goblino backed up worried. "Relax düd, cool your beans bro." 

Timothy shouted. "Finally, someone I can be friends with!"

"Yo!" I shouted to the goblin. "Why do you wear an earring? That's kind of off-fashion, y'know?" El Goblino looked disappointed at my sentence. He touched his earring and looked away. 

"Mi amor gave me it. I haven't seen her in years, düd."

Ambush leaned back on his chair and whispered to Rush. "Damn, even a 4 feet goblin pulls." 

El Goblino then pointed the... the... what the heck is a skeleton doing here?

"This is my friend Bob, he might look dead, but he is not."

"Are you sure about that?" said Seek.

"You look more dead than him, depressed emo fack."

"Excuse me?" Seek raised his eyebrow menacingly as he got up. "Might I ask why? You just came here, don't you dare talk one trash word about me without knowing anything? I will plung my hand inside your chest and pull your heart out without you even get to realise it!" Figure grabbed Seek's arm and made him sit back down. Looks like Seek already managed to make himself look like a psychopath... 

El Goblino looked at him, annoyed. Then he sighed and continued. "And this is Jeff," he said, pointing the eyes and the tentacles that resided in a dark, black fog surrounding the creature.  Jeff smiled and waved. "He also used to have a shop before, he really sells cool things, believe me düd!" This goblin was a really talkative one wasn't it...

After the two - and a skeleton stepped back, some Rush copy+paste came.

"I'm Dupe. And this is my friend Snare." he said pointing the pile of dirt on the ground. I heard Rush whispering to Ambush; "I wish you lots of luck dealing with these crazy entities, Ambush."

I got up and stood in front of the... dirt pile. 

"Dirt?" I asked to Dupe, an underestimating look on my face. "What can this do?" I stepped on it and-


"I don't like being stepped on, bro." Snare said.

Most of the entities talked and mingled together to get to know each other, but my eyes were on Seek. He still had that questioning look on, his eye squinted. I looked at the direction he was looking at, he was looking at Figure again.

"Hey, what happened to your own groups?" I heard Eyes asking Jeff.

"Uhh, our groups were kind of living in chaos, so we made new friends, which were Dupe and Snare. And our group didn't like this, so they expelled us."


I started watching Figure quietly as well. He walked up to El Goblino, Jeff and Bob. Looking back at Seek, I realised his questioning face was now in more of a disappointed shape. Figure would always bring Seek along with him, whenever he went to talk to someone. I guess Seek was waiting for Figure to invite him, but when he didn't... 

"Hey, are you happy to be here?" Figure asked. I turned my head back to the four and started watching them closely.

"Yep, you guys seem so friendly, not like our old groups." El Goblino replied, a happy look on his face.

"Maybe I can help you guys know about the place better later, if it's okay with you two?" Figure said.

"Three, do you not see Bob is here too?"

Figure sighed. "Dude, is it that hard to understand? I. AM. BLIND."

"Nevermind him." Jeff said. "Of course, it would be good for us."

Figure chuckled. "Maybe we can visit room 100 and you guys could tell me about how it looks. It's going to be my first time visiting it." Bro, ain't no way...

I looked at Seek quickly, he now had more of a sad face, instead of a disappointed one. He looked at the ground and lowered his head. I knew why he acted like this. Him and Figure had some thoughts about visiting room 100 together for the first time before, but now Figure was going with El Goblino and Jeff instead of him.

"Bro, what?" I heard Hide whisper to Jack and Glitch. 

"What is Figure doing?"

"I know right, I wonder what Seek feels right now..."

"He's left alone, what do you think he could possibly feel?"

As I listened to them, I turned my head to Seek again. His eye was on the three - Hide, Jack and Glitch. He stared at them for some seconds. When the three and Seek made eye contact, Seek got up unexpectedly and quickly got out of the cafeteria.

"Did something happen between him and Figure?" asked Eyes to me. I didn't even realise he had came next to me, because I was too busy solving what could've happened.

"Believe me, I don't know either." I replied. "I'm trying to solve it. Do you have anything on your mind about what could've happened?"

"I don't know." Eyes said. I nodded quickly and got up, then started walking rushingly to the entrance. I followed Seek quietly. I saw him going in his room and locking the door.

He was my dad, and I would do anything for him to feel better.

I was going to talk to Figure.


My friend helped me throughout the whole chapter, so thanks to them.

Sigma Screech lmao

Word Count: 2170

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