-Fireflies' Love- (A JiKyu Fa...

By kyukyu_ji

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Ji: If it's meant to be then why are you so far away? Kyu: So that I learn to outsmart the tangled reality a... More

Author's Note
一 : When Bizarre Starts
二: From Bizarre to Absurd
三: A Finite Stay
四: Misfit
五: The Stranger's Tale
六: Entangled
七: To the Stars
八: Dollops of Dreams
九: Butterflies
十: A Tiny Error
十二: The Bigger Secret
十三: Ocean-Like
十四: Your Name?
十五: With the First Bridge
十六: Heart Wants What It Wants
十七: Melancholy of Soul
十八: One-End Rendezvous
十九: The Anchor And The Sailboat (1)
十九: The Anchor And The Sailboat (2)
二十: Fallen Leaves
二十一: Freak
二十二: The Sailor's Fate
二十三: An Unusual Trip
二十四: The Uncertain Promise
二十五: The Elixir of Life
二十六: Firefly's Goodbye
二十七: Fireflies' Eternal Love

十一: The Sea, Tale and Heart

267 21 16
By kyukyu_ji

Finding a new job right after losing one wasn't only difficult, it was nearly impossible. Not to mention, Junkyu got the first job because of Hyunsuk's connection. Now that there wasn't any, and that Jihoon wasn't an influential guy either, they struggled to find a suitable job for Junkyu. On top of that, Junkyu was yet to receive his pay since Bangchan, the café owner was out of town for a few days. Junkyu had been quite off since that day, and Jihoon did not take it well. He was trying really hard to get the man a job, but well, he had his limit as well.

However, he had other ways to make the latter smile. And one of them was to take Junkyu somewhere nice. Someplace capable enough to make him smile. And that was none other than his very own hometown- Busan. He decided to take a few days off just to take Junkyu to his parents' house, where the sea sings lullabies day and night, where the breeze takes off any hint of frustration, and more importantly, where Junkyu can take a break from everything.

The night Jihoon asked him for the trip was yet another normal night of them lying next to each other. After careful consideration, Jihoon asked the half sleepy boy about beaches, Junkyu smiled while answering that he absolutely loved seasides.

"Well then, do you want to escape this town with me?" Jihoon asked. Junkyu turned around to ask, "Where to?"

"You'll see." Jihoon said, "Just say that you're okay traveling with me."

Junkyu gave him a nod, "I'm okay with anything you do, Jihoon."

And that's it. Jihoon ended up taking him in a hug that night, soon on a bus the next morning. Junkyu wasn't used to bus rides. Understandable, as he has rich parents. But the good thing about the taller is that he never once complained. Although he felt sick in the middle, threw up half on his shirt, kept his head on Jihoon's shoulder the entire time, he didn't once say that he felt bad. Jihoon did regret not being rich enough to afford a more comfortable ride, he made up with sincere care. The way he looked after Junkyu for the long bus hours, anyone would say that they were already really close. He didn't care though. To him, making the sad boy smile was the most important thing. He partly succeeded because when they reached Jihoon's beautiful town, Junkyu breathed out in exclamation.

He liked it. He liked it very very much.

"Jihoon! This is such a beautiful place! I can't believe you live here!" He exclaimed. Jihoon put an arm around his shoulder with a smile, "Do you wanna take a look around or rest first?"

"I wanna eat first." Junkyu said shyly, "I'm hungry."

Jihoon had a light beat skip when the younger pouted. He avoided eye contact immediately, by saying that his mother had cooked delicious lunch for them. Junkyu got excited soon, pretty nervous too when Jihoon took him to his parents' house for the very first time.

"God! I'm gonna meet your parents, Ji! I'm so scared!" Junkyu whined. Jihoon chuckled, "Why? It's not like I'm bringing home my date."

Junkyu shook his head, "You don't understand! None of my friends' parents ever liked me."

"Why?" Jihoon was still laughing in disbelief.

"I don't know... Maybe I'm just dumb."

"Well that's true." Jihoon shrugged. Junkyu hit him on the arm, "Not funny."

"Okay okay. I get it." Jihoon said, "But rest assured, my mom's gonna love you."


"Because I do!" Jihoon blurted out, immediately regretted his choice of words. Lucky for him, Junkyu didn't make a big deal out of it. He foolishly nodded, as if it was given that Jihoon would indeed 'love' him.

They stayed more or less quiet for the next few minutes. Junkyu started wowing again when they reached Jihoon's small but beautiful house. And right outside the door, in local clothes, he saw Jihoon's mother. She gave a light hug to her son, and a warm smile at him, "Junkyu, right? Wow. Never knew my son has such handsome friends!"

Junkyu smiled in a happy kinda embarrassment while Jihoon playfully tsked. They talked a little more, formal talks that is until Mrs. Park asked them to go freshen up in the room as she would set the table. They obliged. Jihoon took Junkyu to a small corner room. It was mostly empty, just a bed and a chair. On one side was a small wardrobe. It was natural since Jihoon doesn't live there. The room was really welcoming though. It smelt of wood and seawater. Junkyu liked it. He sat on the not-so-soft mattress with a billion dollar smile.

"My stuffs are kept in a box since you know, it's a hassle to clean up every time." Jihoon soon said. Junkyu didn't respond to that. He patted the spot next to him, signalling Jihoon to sit down as well. The latter listened.

"I love your house." Junkyu said. Jihoon chuckled, maybe he couldn't believe it, but Junkyu's happy stares at every part of his room made him a little curious.

"What are you looking at? There's nothing here."

"I'm just wondering..." Junkyu said, "You grew up here. In this place. In this room... How does it feel to come back here after all this time?"

"It feels good." Jihoon answered honestly, "Why are you asking?"

"Nothing." Junkyu sighed, purposefully hiding that he missed his own place as well. He stood up, asking for suitable clothes from Jihoon.

"You wanna go swimming, right?" Jihoon asked, he didn't have to though. It was the sea after all. He gave Junkyu an orange oversized thin shirt, with purple shorts. For himself he took a pastel shirt with blue shorts. He let Junkyu use the bathroom first. Good for them, Mrs. Park arranged everything for them beforehand. So, they finished cleaning up without any problem.

Once Jihoon was done with showering, they got to have lunch with Jihoon's mother. At first Junkyu was a little stiff, but with time and with the intake of more and more delicious food, he relaxed. Jihoon was right. His mother did like him. They even shared jokes about Jihoon's childhood. Junkyu didn't get a chance to see Jihoon's father yet as he was at work. He was hopeful though, that Mr. Park will also be as cordial with him.

After helping Jihoon's mother, they decided to finally run for the sea. Junkyu wasted no time to jump in the cold water. He kept screaming, splashing water, jumping on and on like a little kid. His clothes were all wet, hair stuck on his forehead. He looked so happy, so damn brilliant with that dazzling smile. Jihoon stared for a moment. How can someone look this gorgeous? How can happiness fit someone so well?

"Park Jihoon! What are you doing there?" Junkyu shouted with the ocean around him, he was already swimming, drifting far and far away from the shore. His call brought Jihoon to life. He quickly took off his shirt and jumped in. It took him a few seconds to catch up with Junkyu. Once he did, he splashed a huge wave of seawater at Junkyu's face.

Junkyu gasped, then paid him back. They soon started a water fight that ended up with Jihoon tackling him. Junkyu begged for dear life in the sea, Jihoon let go, finally winning. They kept playing in the water, chasing each other, fighting and laughing. They had so much fun! Even when the sun was setting, they did not want to get out. It's as if all their worries, tiredness, frustration, confusion- everything vanished in that saltwater space. Yet as their skin started itching from being in water for so long, Jihoon insisted that they go back to the shore.

And they did, after a few more minutes. They sat on the dry sand, Jihoon with only a pair of shorts and Junkyu with a wet shirt. It started getting cold, but the sunset sky was spectacular. They both stared at the horizon with no care of the world. Junkyu felt blessed to be meeting Jihoon. Yes, he did miss everything he lacked, but Jihoon- when did he become such an important person? Why when he thought of going back home- to his family, friends, lover- his heart ached just because of a single person? Why was Jihoon's profile the most striking one he had ever seen?

And Jihoon, he had a storm going on! When Junkyu dumped his wet shirt and exposed his milky white, wide structured body, Jihoon couldn't but glance at him secretly. Junkyu was perfection. His gorgeous physique, innocent but humourous personality, cheeky jokes- everything. He was a gift sent from God to him. The one particular misfit that messed up his entire world. He was never ever attracted to a man before, no matter how great they might be. But this guy, this traveller; there must be a reason why he landed on Jihoon's room that night. Maybe it was the one in a million possibility of Jihoon falling for him. If not, then why was Jihoon falling so hard!? Even after knowing that Junkyu belonged to someplace else, to someone else, why did Jihoon wanna kiss him so bad!?

"Jihoon? May I ask you something?" Junkyu asked. Poor Jihoon trembled from the sudden breakage of silence. Composing himself, he answered, "Yeah, sure."

"Do you have a past you wanna forget?" Junkyu looked at him. Jihoon frowned, "Why?"

"That night when you had a nightmare, it looked like you faced something bad before." Junkyu said, "And you were constantly asking someone not to leave you- I don't know, it seemed like someone hurt you bad in the past."

Jihoon sighed. He didn't wanna bring his past up. If it were any other time, he'd probably ignore the question, but something was there in the sunset sky, in the melody of waves crashing on their feet- he wanted to let go of the burden he carried for so long. He wanted to spill his heart out to Junkyu.

"Back in high school, there was this perfect girl- pretty, kind, helpful, popular. I befriended her via a singing competition, she's a great singer." Jihoon started his story, "I never thought we can be more than friends; I didn't even look at her that way. But after we started talking, day by day, I caught feelings for her. She did too. I wasn't brave though. You know I'm not rich. And someone like her shouldn't be with me- that's what I thought."

"You're so wrong." Junkyu said, "You're just as perfect, Jihoon."

"I don't know about that." Jihoon chuckled, "Anyway, I tried burying me feelings down, but she did not let me. I fell deeper and deeper to the point I had to confess to her. She said yes." Jihoon looked a little dreamy as he said that. It must have been a great memory for him.

"Then we spent a few wonderful years together. I was on cloud nine, Junkyu. I thought I had the world!" Jihoon sighed, "But then we grew up, we entered college and talked less and less. We were still so much in love. I even decided to move in with her after college but you know, God plans everything out for us. Even before I could voice it out to her... She broke up with me."

"Huh?" Junkyu was surprised, "Why?"

"Her parents- they had someone else ready for her." Jihoon sighed again, "He's rich, handsome, and he lives abroad."

"But she was in love with you, right?"

"Maybe she wasn't anymore. Because when she told me all about it, she was already his fiancé."

"No but- how could she do this to you!?"

Jihoon shrugged, "Maybe my way of loving her wasn't good enough. I don't know, Junkyu. I just know that my world collapsed that day. Can you imagine, the one you planned your whole life with- just left you in a matter of seconds! I had no prior idea, I was- devastated."

"Oh God- this is-"

"That was just before my university enrollment. I always dreamed of studying in the SNU, and that was a huge blow for me. I barely managed to get in here, but I was not myself. I started drinking, having nightmares about it and- I... I even tried to..."

"It's okay, Jihoon." Junkyu scooted closer to hug him, "You did great. You're doing great. I'm proud of you."

Jihoon thought he'd cry, because the memory hurt like hell. But no, he did not. Junkyu's presence made him feel a lot better.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through something like this." Junkyu said, "I wish I were with you that time, I don't know if I could help, but I know I'd have tried my best. You don't deserve to face something like that."

Jihoon smiled, "But you did help me, Junkyu." He let go of the hug, "After I started sleeping next to you, I never dreamt of her."

"Does that mean you don't love her anymore?" Junkyu looked excited. Why would he, none of them knew. Jihoon didn't mind though. It's a good thing, ain't it?

"I thought I still do, but maybe I have finally moved on." Jihoon said. Junkyu was happy. So naive. He didn't know that it happened for a reason. For Jihoon found someone else.

"That's great!" Junkyu clapped. He said something else, but Jihoon didn't notice. He kept staring at the happy smile on the cute, pretty, innocent boy. Why was he so ill fated? Why did he always choose to love someone not meant for him? Because this guy, this bright sunshine wasn't meant to be with him either.

Yet he couldn't help asking, "Junkyu, how would you feel if someone from some other universe wants to be with you?"

"Huh?" Junkyu asked, quite astonished.

"What if I say... That I managed to be okay again because I... I found someone else?"

"What are you talking about?" Junkyu tried to ease the tension by laughing it away, but Jihoon looked serious. They were both half naked, the cold air chilled them to the bone, but not stronger than the goosebumps Jihoon's words caused. Junkyu sat petrified as Jihoon suddenly started leaning towards him. There was no one around, just the two of them. The sky started losing the faint red glow, turning dark every second. The waves started howling with the wind. And the sand flew over their bodies. Junkyu might catch a cold, but that was not his concern. He was more worried about the fact that he liked what Jihoon was about to do.

The distance lessened, and the rhythmic thumping increased. Jihoon started closing his eyes, when he felt Junkyu's breath on his philtrum. He tilted his head, to cover the rest of the distance unhindered. Junkyu was still in shock, he watched Jihoon's face come closer and closer until it got blurred. He could only see Jihoon's skin, and little sand particles glinting on them. Jihoon's wet hair sticking on his forehead. His heart beat so fast, so damn fast!

Junkyu never felt so euphoric when Jihoon's cold lips brushed against his ever so slightly. But with it came the realisation of what they were doing. Junkyu immediately moved his face away, making Jihoon look in surprise.

"Oh! Uh... I..." Jihoon felt so embarrassed that he could not talk. Junkyu too. His heart was beating out of the chest, and Jihoon's too. He felt like dying then and there. What was he thinking!

Junkyu stood up, quicker than anyone.

"I... We should go and change, it's cold." He managed to say. He didn't wait for Jihoon or whatever he had to say. He started walking towards their house. Jihoon couldn't stand up as fast as him. He buried his face in his knees, regretting his action.

'Dammit Jihoon! The hell were you thinking!"

"Park Jihoon!" Junkyu shouted, when even after a while, Jihoon didn't stand up. His call worked though. Jihoon stood up, and ran along. He felt so glad that Junkyu waited for him. Maybe the almost-kiss would haunt both of them for days, but at least it didn't break the dynamic between them. At least, it didn't make Junkyu ignore him. Maybe it was the kindness of the latter, or maybe an emerging bubble of 'good feelings' for Jihoon.


Happy Valentine's Day❣️

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