二十三: An Unusual Trip

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Jihoon wowed the moment he landed in Junkyu's empty room at an ordinary noon. He heard from Junkyu so many times about his place, his parents' money and even saw some on pictures but damn! Junkyu was wealthy, like on another level for an insolvent boy like Jihoon. He felt the presence of another person by him the next second, of Junkyu who travelled following him.

"Kyu, you're crazy rich!" Jihoon exclaimed. Junkyu chuckled in reply.

"You live in this spacious room- how did you even manage in my crusty place?"

"Come on! Yours ain't crusty!" Junkyu opposed, "Besides, there was you. What more do I need?"

"You're just stupid." Jihoon joked. Junkyu laughingly took the spot behind him, to give him a back hug, "Welcome to my place, Jihoonie. I'll introduce you to everyone saying, look! This is the man I fell in love with. Ain't he the most handsome ever?"

Jihoon leaned his head back, on Junkyu's shoulder with a small smile. He felt the rise in temperature of Junkyu's body. From the very morning, Junkyu had been having this light fever. He didn't want to worry about it, but there was a hint of uneasiness in his mind, he couldn't seem to let go.

Junkyu took him downstairs. They called Jeongwoo but the teen would take few more hours to finish school, so Junkyu wished to meet his mother first. Unfortunately, she wasn't home, neither was Junkyu's father. The said boy looked at Jihoon with an apologetic look, saying, "Jihoon ah, I'm so sorry, but you'll have to wait till they come back."

"That's totally fine!" Jihoon said, taking Junkyu's hand in his, "I'll get to spend more alone time with my boyfriend in his place."

Junkyu lightly hit Jihoon's arm, since they were standing at the middle of the open wide room. The maids were eyeing them, even whispering among themselves but Junkyu didn't mind. He had always been nice to them, so he believed that they'd never talk ill behind his back. And even if they did, it doesn't matter. He held Jihoon's hand strongly, then asked, "You wanna go back to my room or take a look outside?"

"Outside?" Jihoon asked. To be honest, he had been feeling a little uneasy with all the eyes on them. A bit suffocating too. He wished to get some fresh air.

"Alright." Junkyu took him to his backyard. Jihoon loved it immediately. The green grass, blue sky and above everything, the colorful flower garden! It was a treat to the eye. And for a flower enthusiast like Jihoon, it was heaven.

"Oh my God!" Jihoon clapped, immediately leaving Junkyu's hands to touch the delicate petals of those flowers. Junkyu chuckled, not sure which view he liked more- the trembling flowers or the embodiment of purity and grace- Park Jihoon who looked one with them. He took out his phone and took a secret photo of a breathless looking Jihoon.

"Come here!" Jihoon called him a while later. Junkyu obliged, and slowly hugged him from behind. Jihoon grabbed his locked hands, and leaned his head back like before.

"Do you like it?" Junkyu whispered in Jihoon's ears who instantly nodded, "I love it! These are so pretty!"

"Not as pretty as you." Junkyu flirted, then left a chaste kiss on Jihoon's cheek. Jihoon pretended to be disgusted, but ended up smiling. They walked in the lawn for a while, but the sun was strong and Jihoon started sweating. He remembered that Junkyu was also not well, so he proposed that they go back to the room.

They fell down on Junkyu's king sized bed. Junkyu turned on the aircon. Jihoon's sweat beads dried on his face. He did feel dazed though, but he focused on Junkyu, who was lying by his side. Jihoon gave a half roll to turn to Junkyu, put his head on the palm, supported by his elbow against the soft mattress. Junkyu's face was stunning. Even from the slight red that formed on his cheeks due to the fever, he looked as gorgeous as ever. Jihoon traced a finger along Junkyu's forehead, moving the bangs that covered his skin. Junkyu's bubbly eyes stared directly at him. Jihoon slowly went down to leave a kiss on that forehead.

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