三: A Finite Stay

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"Jihoon, Jihoon, Jihoon!" Junkyu kept shaking the sleepy owner of the small apartment. Right after ending their morning talk, when Jihoon was busy studying, Junkyu's stomach growled. A very kind hearted Jihoon offered him some instant ramen. Junkyu ate happily. He waited patiently for Jihoon to finish studying, all while thinking about his parents, friends, plushies and the comfy bed in his room. He could not find any reason how or why he was in a stranger's room. Thinking about everything, he fell asleep. And when he woke up, he found Jihoon sleeping.

Stretching his limbs, he came across something that blew his mind. To show that to his very saviour, he kept shaking Jihoon.

"Huh...what- WHAT!?" Jihoon sat up almost immediately. His head hurt due to waking up from incomplete sleep. Junkyu didn't notice, therefore, he showed the black credit card in his hold, "I GOT MY CARD!!"

Jihoon blinked to take in the truth, "What??" He immediately snatched the card from Junkyu's hold, flipping it twice to check. He frowned instantly. What game was the sick guy playing!?

"Why is it here?" He asked, eyes quite dark. Junkyu beamed, he looked extremely happy, "I don't know! I found it on your table."

Jihoon's eyes stayed dark, with a scary gaze, he said, "Junkyu, what exactly do you want, huh? Just this morning you acted like you have nothing while you had it with you all along-"

"No I did not!! I swear!" Junkyu said, "I promise it wasn't here even before I fell asleep, I mean, you were studying! Have you seen it before?"

"That's because you kept it to yourself!" Jihoon snapped, "Yah! You think you can keep fooling me, huh?" Jihoon grabbed Junkyu by the collar, "Listen, we're going out this evening, and I'm gonna get rid of you!"

Junkyu fell silent. He looked sad. Kinda broken as well. He thought the discovery of his precious credit card would make the other happy, but it sparked even more doubt in Jihoon. Even so, Jihoon was too rude. Junkyu wasn't used to people treating him like that. It hurt him.

Maybe Jihoon understood as well. He didn't even know why he was so mad at Junkyu. It's true, Junkyu was playing some sort of game, maybe a prank even. The credit card definitely did not belong to him, so Junkyu must have had it all along. He acted otherwise. And it was not right. He could have been softer though. Maybe the headache worked in his stead. He wanted to make an amendment.

Hence he turned to Junkyu, who had sat on the second bed, looking down, grabbing his card tight.

"Junkyu?" He called. The latter did not respond. Jihoon sighed, "Junkyu?"

Once again, Junkyu did not talk. In defeat, Jihoon stood up. He barely managed to fight a blackout. Damn! Must be because he missed lunch.

He sat next to Junkyu. And for the first time, instead of a tight, manly hold, he put his palm softly on Junkyu's wrist. Not to lie, Junkyu had very soft, almost cotton like skin. Jihoon looked at him, that's when he noticed, Junkyu was crying.

"Hey!" Jihoon panicked, "Oh my God! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry!! Fuck! Junkyu, please- please stop crying!"

His words made the latter cry harder. For a few good seconds, Junkyu sobbed, and poor Jihoon fruitlessly comforted him. After numerous sorry's and a promise never to repeat what he said, Jihoon managed to calm Junkyu down. It relieved him, if any other expression does not fit.

"My God!" Jihoon mumbled, "I never thought such a big guy like you can cry this hard!"

"Well you hurt me..." Junkyu softly said, "People cry when they're hurt."

"Yeah... They do..." Jihoon decided not to argue even though he had a million points to make, "Anyway, let's talk about your... Um.. credit card. When did you find it?"

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