Pinn Oneshots🤍

By tns_pinn

8.7K 183 710

Obsessed with Pinn💕 Just a bunch of different random stories based of Piper and Finn. Love Pinn with my whol... More

First Date
Dancemania downs
Cuddles and Comfort
Welcome To The Family
Step Inside
Bouquet Toss
Long Distance
Anxiety Attack
Christmas Decorating
One Last Time
Red Valentines
Falling For You
I Love You
Holding Back
Fruity Moons
Hospital Feels
Tour Disaster

Regionals Celebration

126 4 29
By tns_pinn

Miss Angela got disqualified from regionals, so that means it's The Next Step and Acronation in the finals.

Everyone went back to their rooms and have early night as tomorrow will be a very long day of dancing and will hopefully win this thing!

Summer and Piper have been sharing a room together for the past couple of days and she is very excited about it as when she met Summer, they just clicked instantly.

They got changed in their pyjamas and did their skincare, then jumped into bed and chilled and chatted for a bit.

Summer turned to Piper and smiled. "You doing okay since what happened the other day? You know, I'm always here for you and I know how protective Finn was the moment you left."

"I was about to come and see if you were okay, but Finn immediately told me he would do it, but I promise the whole team weren't mad at you."

Piper smiled lightly, she always thought that the team were pretty angry about it, but no. And it means the absolute world to hear that from her.

She sighed and looked at her. "Yeah, I'm feeling pretty good! Finally got my aerial, I knew I had it before regionals, but Miss Angela just got to me. And Finn was the best, he sang the fruity moons song to me in the lobby where I ran off."

"What! Oh my god. Pipes that's so cute! Are you two a thing yet, cause I can see it in your eyes."

Piper rolled her eyes and shook her head. "No we aren't, Finn and I are only friends I promise you!"

"Just don't tell the rest of the team about the fruity moons thing because he got mad at me for telling the whole team, so just keep it between us."

Then she nodded respectfully. "Yeah, of course! I won't tell a soul."

" are you and Henry's relationship going? You've been dating for like two weeks now?" Piper asked excitedly.

She giggled and fidgeted with her hands and smiled at Piper. "Yeah, we have! It's been going amazing, he never fails to make me feel like the most luckiest girl in the whole world."

"I'm happy for you Summer, he's had it hard since breaking up with Jacquie before he came to the studio, and I haven't seen him this happy in a long time."

"Thanks Piper." She smiles.

An hour went by and they were just chatting about regionals and her family drama and how chaotic her family is.

"Really? Your brother is that protective of you?? God I wanna see your crazy family sometime."

All she did was just laugh because her family stresses her out most of the time.

"You wouldn't, but I would love you to meet my mom, she would love to meet you, maybe we can do it after regionals because I bet Finn will be begging to come over as well."

"Totally! Cannot wait to meet your family." Summer exclaims

"It seems you guys are very close now."

Piper giggled. "Yeah I guess, he's been there for me a lot this year since Amy left, but he's a really great friend too."

"I still think you guys would be better as lovers." Summer chuckles which makes her laugh.

"Not a chance! Anyways we got to go to sleep now."

They got under the duvet as Piper set her phone on the floor and Summer joking about her and Finn still.

"Goodnight Summer."

She exhaled and then got into bed and finally the room went silent as both of them drifted off to sleep for the big final day tomorrow.

It was around 4am and Piper couldn't sleep, she sat up and grabbed her phone from the floor and saw a couple messages from Amy that was sent a few hours ago.

A: hey Piper, I just want to check in and see if your ok! im sorry what happened to you the other day, but im so happy you finally got your aerial.

A: I really miss you, and I wish you luck in the finals today! xx

All she was really doing was just staring at her screen looking at the messages, not really doing anything.

They didn't end their friendship, but when Amy left the studio to go to Acronation, she simply didn't really talk anymore. So a message from her means the world to her.

P: thank you. I'm feeling a lot better today! xo

P: same I miss u so much! TNS isn't the same without you!

Literally as soon she sent the message she replied right back, but she isn't too concerned as Amy hates going to bed early.

A: yeah, i've been feeling lost with Acronation. but I'll let you go, big day today! good luck.

P: thanks! You too.

She really missed her best friend. Every time they had a competition, they'd always have a sleepover the night before and now it was just her and Finn hanging out watching movies with pizza.

But movie nights with Finn was amazing, but her and Amy had the best nights ever.

Hopefully she'll come back to the studio soon and their friendship will come back to normal again.

Eventually, she set her phone on the ground and fell back asleep knowing today is going to be hectic and stressful.

It's the final day of regionals. The finals.

This is the tie-breaker round, again as Encore got disqualified for bribing the judge, so that means that winning regionals for The Next Step isn't over.

They have one more dance for this season and hopefully bring the trophy back to the studio.

Piper finally got over her fear of dancing her aerial in front of thousands of fans, she was anxious over this as when she fell out of it in the contemporary round, but she killed it in the ropes dance yesterday afternoon.

Finn was so proud of her, so when she finally got her aerial, and after the curtains went down, he ran over to her and hugged her tightly.

Currently Noah is working through the finals dance with everyone on the stage before it's acronation's turn to take the stage.

This will be his last ever dance on a-troupe, before he leaves the studio to go on to better and amazing opportunities.

The whole dance is about where everyone is matching except Noah, and he takes one by one a layer of clothing, and by the end they are all the same and dance as a team.

One last dance for Noah.

A brilliant sent off for him.

"Okay guys, let's go to the lobby now." Noah says as all of a-troupe walks off the stage and into the lobby and Acronation takes the stage.

The whole team have been practising the finals dance all morning right up until lunch time.

"Take a break and have some lunch in the canteen and we'll come back in an hour and go through it once more before we go on." Noah said as everyone grabbed their TNS jackets and entered in the canteen to have their lunch.

Summer and Piper lined up together and waiting in the line to get their lunch, once they got their lunch, they both sat down at a table with Finn, Henry and Ozzy.

"Yo, Pipes, I got us tickets to see a movie next week, and then Hotel Dystopia will be out in 2 months! We gotta see the last film." Finn said excitedly as Piper chuckled and nodded her head.

"Yeah totally! Of course. Cannot wait."

That's when Summer and the guys just sat there silent, not knowing what to do, thinking why the hell they aren't together yet.

Inviting her to movies.

Her laughing with him and having movie nights together. Definitely a girlfriend mode.

But I guess it'll happen when the time is right. And when will that be?

Lunch was over and everyone arrived back in the lobby to start rehearsing one last time before they take the stage.

"That was amazing guys! Be back here around 1pm so we can get changed! Rest and chill till then." Noah said as a-troupe walked out of the lobby.

After rehearsals ended, the whole team hanged out in the lobby except Noah and Jacquie, ever since he told her and she figured out after the audition that he was leaving the studio, she knew this day would come.

So before rehearsals started early this morning, Noah and Jacquie came in even earlier to just talk about everything, then they danced their last ever duet together.

And then before the finals start, they just want to be alone together, making the most of their last moments together before they go their separate ways.

"That's tough for Jacquie, Noah leaving. That must be really hard." Richelle said as she looked at her teammates.

Piper nodded. "Yeah, I don't know how we're going to cope without Noah, he's been apart of this team since I joined a-troupe, and he's been on the team since internationals."

"Internationals??" Summer exclaims.

"Yeah! He's been on the team for a long time now, so It's probably his time to leave. He's at like a professional level now." Piper said.

"God, and if we win regionals, we'll be going to nationals next year, that's insane." Finn shook his head in disbelief as he chuckled.

Summer laughed. "Yes! But we gotta make sure we dance our hearts out and give this dance to Noah." She said as everyone nodded in agreement.

A couple hours later, everyone arrived back and then started getting changed into their finals costumes.

It's going to be stressful for Summer because she is dancing in both routines as Simone from Acronation got injured and being the lovely teammate she is, she decided to step in and help them.

They performed and all of a-troupe were flabbergasted as the dance was absolutely incredible, they just don't know how to beat this as it being Noah's last dance.

"Summer, you got one more dance in you?" Noah said as he laughed.

"Of course, are you kidding?!" She exclaimed.

He chuckled as he said. "Go and get changed."

All of a-troupe faced at her as she ran quickly as she went to get changed for their final dance, hoping to get this win, once and for all.

This is his last dance with The Next Step, so it has to be worth while remembering, he really doesn't want it to be one that loses them regionals, but after seeing Acronation's, he isn't sure they can beat it.

After a few moments, Summer runs back into the wings to her teammates, smiling excitedly.

"All right guys, this is it. This is what we've been looking forward all year, you've all inspired me more than you know." Noah says as everyone huddles up together for one pep talk before performing.

"I love you guys. Just go out there and give it everything you've got." He says as his voice cracks as a tear falls down his face, as Jacquie smiles and rests her hand on his shoulder.

Knowing that this is his last pep talk to the team means more than he can even explain.

Henry then suddenly mumbles the song 'Wish You Well' which was the song when he first was in J-troupe when A-troupe when they were going off to regionals and how he was just a baby, and how different things were.

And now It's his send off.

"One, two, three. Noah!!" A-troupe exclaims loudly as they cheer for him.

Finally It's their turn to take the stage for their final dance.

The whole dance is about a group of people who are in colours of piano keys, but Noah is the odd one out, and as they all dance, one by one he takes their layers off them and they start to be free.

And then by the end of the dance, they are all matching and unified as a team, and no matter they are a team and will always be.

Fireworks explode by the end and they cheer together as they line up in a line together, then Noah walks out.

Cheers from the audience goes mad as Jacquie starts sobbing and then the curtains go down.

Both The Next Step and Acronation walk back onto the stage as the winners of regionals are about to be announced.

"And the winner of the absolute dance regionals is...The Next Step!!"

The whole audience goes crazy and everyone cheers as the whole team hugs each other, Piper runs over to Finn and hugs him.

"I'm so stoked Pipes! We're going to nationals! I'm so proud of you." Finn said excitedly and he pulled in to hug her again as he ran to the guys.

Then Piper screamed to Summer and Richelle as they yelled in happiness. "Yes! We finally did it."

After a few minutes of cheering, the trophy finally got finally brought into their arms as Henry and Noah held it up in the air, and the audience went mental afterwards.

Now onto Nationals. They can do anything now.

Then after their excitement from winning regionals, they walked off the stage, thanking all of their fans and then everyone went back to their rooms and got their bags, waiting for the bus to come to finally bring them home after a very long weekend.

You will probably tell that the bus ride home will be very quiet and chilled, but very overjoyed that they won regionals.

Emily and Michelle and all of a-troupe walked over to the bus and collapsed on their seats as they were that exhausted.

Summer, Richelle and Jacquie sat at the back, while Piper, Finn, Noah sat behind them as most of the girls were falling asleep.

The bus has been driving for about 30 minutes, and Piper fell out it in the first 10 minutes.

Finn looked beside her as he went onto his camera and took a photo of Piper sleeping, but it was her sleeping with her mouth hanging open as well with her snoring, which he took a video of.

But that was until him and Henry were laughing so hard, until Piper heard laughter beside her and jumped and saw his phone in her face as she rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"You asshole. You better delete it! Or don't show anyone." Piper laughed jokily and looked at the both of them.

She cringed as she fidgeted with her rings as he noticed. "Fine, let's take a normal one."

He held his phone out and she smiled as he chuckled, then he took the photo.

"Okay, I love that actually, sent that one to me."

"Yeah, I'll just send that one to you now! Loads more photos to come Pipes." Finn said as she giggled as they took more photos together, capturing their regionals memories together.

After the bus returned back to the studio and it was finally time to go home and chill for a break before the new dance season.

But no Noah anymore, so everyone gave him all a goodbye hug and you could say it was emotional to say the least, especially for Richelle as she's known him for six years, so it was incredibly hard for her to just say goodbye. But of course this won't be the last time he ever sees a-troupe.

There will definitely be hangouts during the break.

Everyone went their separate ways, and Piper and Finn walked out to the car park and they were talking about their plans for during the break.

They approached his car, and Piper checked her phone to see a message from her mother.

M: piper? do you want to invite Finn over for pizza tonight at the house?

P: yeah, I'll ask Finn!

"Hey, do you want to come over to my house, you don't have to as you're probably tired from regionals." Piper says looking at him.

Finn shook his head and rested his hand on her shoulder. "I would love to!"

"We have this party with my whole family every year we have a competition. I remember my whole family had a massive party when James was on a-troupe and they won internationals."

"And that's when I decided I wanted to join a-troupe, to be apart of an amazing family. And that's what I got, some long-lasting best friends that I'll have forever." Piper smiles turning to Finn.

He chuckled. This dance season for him has been really fun, made loads of friends that will be forever. And hopefully him and Piper will come to their senses soon that they are match made in heaven.

Finn smiled as he opened the car door and Piper joined in beside him, a party with Piper's family is a great way to end the dance season.

Finally, they arrived at Piper's home as they entered in to see her mom and dad, and her two older sisters, and of course James and Riley. Then her Nona came as well bringing her famous shortbread.

"Piper and Finn! Congratulations on the win." Deborah exclaimed as she ran over to them and hugged both of them.

Finn laughed as her mom was totally embarrassing her right now.

"Anyways, I just want to thank you, I haven't yet, the whole incident from the contemporary round, you helped me more you can imagine. I made a best friend for life." Piper said as she smiled happily and Finn rested his hand on her shoulder.

"No worries! I'm always going to be here for you."

Just as she thought that this evening would be lovely with her family, James yells out something.

"Bro, keep your hands off my sister?" James yelled.

Piper rolled her eyes as she groaned. "Oh my god James! We are just friends I promise."

"Yeah keep telling yourself that.." She heard her one of her sister mutter under her breath.

She honestly doesn't understand why everyone thinks this. But she is forever grateful how much Finn has been there for her this season, but she will always be there for him.

omd this has taken so long to write, I go back to school on Monday so that's sad, but obx3 comes out on Thursday so im so excited!! anywayss hope u enjoyed this oneshot. And THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 4K I LOVE YOU ALL! xx

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