Home [Markhyuck]

By Babybun412

113K 4.4K 1.3K

Sometimes family isn't blood. Lee Donghyuck hasn't had the best life. But nothing prepared him for when Mar... More

~Character Introduction~


2.3K 92 25
By Babybun412

Donghyuck stared at how Jaehyun held Mark close as he cried.

He flinched when a hand lightly touched his own.

"C'mere," Taeyong whispered as he held Donghyuck's hand and pulled him off the couch.

Donghyuck blinked in surprise but let himself be dragged out of the room.

"Sit down right here," Taeyong said as he helped Donghyuck sit on the lid of the toilet.

Donghyuck couldn't say anything as he silently watched Taeyong set up the bathtub.

"Vanilla or Lavender?" Taeyong held the bottles close to him.

Donghyuck pressed a shakey finger to the vanilla bottle.

Taeyong nodded his head before pouring a little bit into the water and swishing it around with his hands. Bubbles appearing throughout the tub.

"It should be all good for you to settle in," Taeyong turned off the faucet once the tub was full enough. "I can go get you some clothes and afterwards we can talk."

Donghyuck felt panic fill his chest as he reached forward and latched his hand to Taeyong's arm.

"Hey," Taeyong frowned before kneeling in front of Donghyuck. "What's wrong?"

"Can..." Donghyuck's voice wavered.

"What is it? Hmm?" Taeyong titled his head to the side and brought his free hand up to brush Donghyucks bangs off his forehead.

"Can you stay?" Donghyuck said quietly, his eyes only looking up for a second before going back towards the floor.

"Of course I can," Taeyong let out a sympathetic smile before standing up. "Do you want me to get you some shorts?"

Donghyuck shook his head. "It's ok."

Taeyong turned around so Donghyuck could get undressed.

"Do you need help getting in the bath?" Taeyong asked with his back still turned.

"Yes please," Donghyuck could still feel the pain throught his whole body.

Taeyong turned around and helped him gently settle down into the tub before he sat on the floor next to it.

They sat in silence for a few minutes. Taeyong stared at the younger boy and it his heart fell gently at all the bruises. His heart trembled at the frown sitting on the youngers face.

"Tilt your head back," Taeyong shifted a little to grab a plastic cup from under the sink before coming back to the tub.

Donghyuck did as he was told and shivered a little when water was poured over his hair.

"Y'know," Taeyong started as he put some shampoo in his hands and started slowly massaging his roots. "Jaehyun didn't mean what he said. It was a mistake."

Donghyuck nodded his head a little.

Taeyong rinsed off his hands so he could cup Donghyuck's cheeks.

"Hey, tell me what's going on in that shampoo covered head of yours," Taeyong pouted cutely as his hands squished Donghyuck's cheeks together a little.

"I...I haven't had a bath since I was six," Donghyuck admitted as he stared at the bubbles in the tub. "I was only allowed to take cold showers."

"They didn't deserve you," Taeyong said as he let his hand hold the back of Donghyuck's neck as he rinsed out the shampoo with the cup.

"I don't deserve you," Donghyuck said back as he tried to bring his knees up to his chest but failed. "I don't deserve any of you."

"Enough," Taeyong said firmly as he ran his hands through the boys hair a few times before grabbing the conditioner bottle.

Donghyuck shivered a little bit as Taeyong's hands ran gently over his head.

"I...I was so mean to Mark when I first met him," Donghyuck's lip wobbled a bit at the memory. "I called him a lot of terrible things. I was awful-"

"Stop," Taeyong cupped his cheek again and turned his head to look him in the eyes. "I know all the things you said."

"I'm sorry," Donghyuck went to pull away but Taeyong's hand didn't let him.

"You are traumatized, sweetheart," Taeyong raised his brows as he bent down to catch his shakey brown eyes. "It's the reason for your behavior but it doesn't excuse it."

"I know," Donghyuck whispered as he looked down in guilt and maybe a little shame.

"Nobody here is judging you," Taeyong rubbed his thumb over the wet skin. "You are free here. We care about you so much. It's never too late to make it up to Mark but don't feel like one thing is going to change how we feel about you."

"But I'm scared," Donghyuck's words were finally strong. "I'm scared this is all dream. That this isn't real. That I'm going to wake up and my father is going to be there halfway down my throat and my uncle with-"

"Shhh," Taeyong stopped him instantly as he placed his forehead against the youngers. "That's over. It won't happen again. They'll never touch you again. I promise."

Donghyuck took deep breaths and let his eyes slip shut.

"I'm really sorry about the kitchen," Donghyuck pulled his forhead away from Taeyong's. "I didn't mean to call you that."

Taeyong shook his head with a smile before leaning forward to press a kiss to Donghyuck's forehead.

"No, it's ok," He pulled back and giggled. "I'll be your momma."

Donghyuck let his face turn red and he tried to hid it embarrassment.

"Don't be shy," Taeyong teased as he pulled Donghyuck forward to press more kisses to his cheeks.

Donghyuck groaned, the tips of his ears pink as Taeyong laughed before settling down.

"I'm just teasing," Taeyong beamed at him. "Now let's rinse your hair out and get you into a fluffy robe."


Jaehyun held Mark a little closer when he heard footsteps come down the stairs.

"Get away!" A hand got between them and pushed Jaehyun away.

Jeno stood between them but let his teary eyes glare at Jaehyun.

"Jen," Jaehyun went to reach out but Jeno took a step back.

"Don't call me that," Jeno, despite having calmed down upstairs, was back to to having tears stream down his face.

"Jeno, it was a-" Jaehyun went to soothe but Jeno crossed his arms.

"A misunderstanding," Jeno snapped back. "I know. I heard the whole thing."

"I'm sorry," Jaehyun said carefully as he tried to look into Jeno's eyes.

"No, no," Jeno shook his head frantically. "I don't care. You don't get to do this."

"Jeno," Mark, who was busy trying to collect himself enough to speak, finally tried to calm his brother.

"No," Jeno said again trying to blink painful tears away. "You can't do this to me again. You can't take Mark away."

"Jeno, I'm not going anywhere-" Mark said confused as he placed hand on his brother's shoulder only to have it brushed away.

"I just got him back," Jeno was shaking as he tried to make himself big despite the tears his eyes refused to stop leaking. "You can't take him away. He can't leave-"

Jeno broke off into a sob.


"Markie," Jeno sniffled as he looked towards the floor of the car. "Where are they taking us?"

"We are going to a new home," Mark said gently as he held onto his brothers  hand.

"Are they gonna separate us?" Jeno's puppy eye twinkled with tears.

"No, Jen," Mark smiled at his brother before squeezing his hand. "I'd never go anywhere without you."

"Promise?" Jeno asked.

"I promise," Mark reached a hand up to ruffle his hair. "I love you."

"Me too," Jeno beamed.

"We're here boys," The social worker smiled at them before getting out of the car.

"Just follow my lead, ok?" Mark's smile widened as Jeno nodded up and down.

Jeno would always follow his lead.

Mark was his leader.


"You two have a good first day!" Taeyong called to them.

Jeno and Mark walked out the front door and began to walk to school.

"Mark, I'm scared," Jeno said as he gripped his backpack straps tighter. "I don't want to go."

"I don't want to go either," Mark groaned.

"No, I mean..." Jeno kicked a rock down the sidewalk.

"What?" Mark titled his head towards his brother.

"I don't want to go without you," Jeno said quietly as he pouted.

Him and Mark were in different schools.

Mark was in the one above him.

He hasn't been away from his brother in a long time.

He was always there.

Always leading the both of them where they needed to go.

What was he supposed to do alone?

"I feel the same way, y'know," Mark said as he looked as the way Jeno's surprised eyes turned to him.

"Why?" Jeno let the tight grip on his backpack straps loosen.

"What do you mean?" Mark chuckled a bit. "I need you too. You're my brother."

"Yeah but-" Jeno went to intervene.

"No buts," Mark glanced at his brother knowingly as they stopped infront of the doors of Jeno's school.

"If I'm the leader, you're my captain," Mark laid a hand on Jeno's shoulder. "I can't work without you. Plus at the end of the day we'll always be back together."

"Promise?" Jeno found himself saying.

"I promise," Mark smiled before letting his hair trail up to ruffle his hair. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Jeno watches as his brother walked to his own school.


"I hate you!" Jeno yelled at his older brother before running to the house, ignoring the calls of his name.

Jeno slammed the front door shut as he instantly ran off to his room and slammed that door shut too.

He threw himself down on the floor before burying his face into his palms.

"Jen? Baby?" Taeyong's soft voice could be heard through the door.

Jeno didn't awnser as he cried harder into his hands.

"I'm coming in," Taeyong said as he opened the door and saw the crying boy. "Oh, jenjen."

As soon as Taeyong wrapped his arms around him, Jeno's came around him just as tight before crying into his chest.

"What happened?" Taeyong rocked him gently.

"He-hate me! Mark hates me now!" Jeno cried into his shirt. "I did something wrong and-and now he-"

"I'm sure he doesn't hate you," Taeyong comforted.

"He does! I was telling him-" Jeno hiccuped. "About- about my new friend and he yelled at me."

"I'm sure it had nothing to do with you Jen," Taeyong tried to say.

"It did! And now he's....he's gonna leave me," Jeno let himself gasp out for air. "He's gonna leave me like mommy and daddy did."

Jeno doesn't remember anything after that.

He was crying too hard to remember.

He only vaguely registers being put on the bed and lots of kisses being places on his head.

He thinks he fell asleep after a while.

When he woke up again, he began to cry.

But after a while Mark knocked on his door and they made up.


He's gone.

Jeno thought to himself.

He cried for days after hearing he left.

Jaehyun's really gone.

Jeno felt his eyes well up again but this time he dragged his feet to Mark's door.

He knocked.

No awnser.

He knocked again.

"Mark?" Jeno whispered into the wood.

"Go away," Mark's tired voice called through the door.

"Mark...can I please come in?" Jeno asked again, trying not to cry in the hallway.

"No Jeno," Mark said again and Jeno heard the door lock.

Jeno went back to his room.


"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Jeno asked Mark.

Please come... I miss you.

Jeno thought as he waited for the rejection he always got now.

Ever since Jaehyun left...Mark hasn't smiled.

It felt like Mark was a stranger to him now.

And he hated it.

"No," Mark said from where he leaned on the wall. "I'm really tired today."

Of course not.

"Ugh, ok," Jeno pouted before grabbing his favorite hat and pulling it over his head.

You never want to do anything with me anymore.

Jeno almost jumped when his hat was pulled off his head.

"Dude, what-" Jeno was speechless when Mark's fingers ruffled his hair.


"I love you, birthday boy," Mark's words shook his heart as the hat was being placed on his head.

Why does it feel like you don't?

"Why are you being weird?" Jeno said before turning to the door. "I love you too."

He walked out the door and let it close gently behind him.

He didn't have time to worry about whatever just happened.

There was a beach hangout with Na Jaemin waiting for him.


Jeno can't breathe. 

There was screaming and yelling.

But all Jeno could focus on was the fact Mark was laying on the bathroom floor with bottles laying around him.

He was lifeless.


Jeno couldn't register anything but he dropped to his knees and tried to shake Mark awake.

Wake up.


You can't do this to me.

I need you.

I love you.

Wake up.

Jeno didn't notice he was screaming these words out loud.

"Get him out of here!" Somebody yelled, clearly crying.

He was screaming when hands dragged him out of the bathroom.

"No! Mark! Mark, please!" Jeno was screaming and crying like no tomorrow.

He was placed on the ground and he couldn't do anything as he shook and threw up on the floor beneath him.

He barely remembers passing out.

You promised.


"He's stable," Taeyong said as he pet Jeno's hair.

The younger Lee hadn't spoken in days refusing to meet anyone's eyes or words.

He refused to let go of Mark's hand.

He refused to go home.

He wasn't going to leave Mark's side.

Not again.

"He'll be okay," Taeyong's voice was strong but Jeno knew he was faking it.

He was faking it for them.

Jeno didn't talk to any of their friends when they visited.

Not even Jaemin.

Jeno finally let sleep take over him but he was awoken by Mark's screams and cries.

Jeno was startled but it didn't matter.

Mark was awake.

Jeno silently cried with his brother, pressing kisses to his hand.

Mark was alive.


"They left me too...what was I supposed to do if you left me too?" Jeno's voice cracked when he finally spoke after days of silence.

"Jeno-" Mark tried to talk but Jeno was up and out of the hospital room and was running to the nearest bathroom.

He dropped to his knees infront of the toilet and threw up.

He vomited over and over again as the image of Mark on the bathroom floor haunted his mind.


Jeno was surprised when Mark mentioned the name Lee Donghyuck.

From what Jeno has heard, Lee Donghyuck was nothing but bad news.

But then again...he was never one to judge without seeing with his own eyes.

The last time he was Donghyuck was in his music class and the boys voice was beautiful.

Jeno felt like he got electrocuted when he saw Mark smile when he brought Donghyuck to the house.

As long as Mark was happy it didn't matter.

Lee Donghyuck better not hurt his brother.


"I- I- I miss my big brother!" Jeno cried.

There he finally said it.

After months and months of it building up in his heart.

He exploded not only at the love of his life but his pain for his brother also burst.

He misses Mark's hugs.


"I'LL GET IT!" Jeno yelled as he walked to answer the front door.

Last night was brutal.

But it was over.

Everything was going to be-

"Hey, jen," Jaehyun's face was the last face he expected to see when he opened the door.


He didn't think twice before he sung his fist at Jaehyun's face before slamming the door shut and running to the living room.




"Jen? Jen, what's wrong?" Mark's voice was panicked.

Jeno cried as he threw himself into Mark's arms.

Not again.

He can't do this again.

End of Flashback

Jeno felt one of Mark's arms wrap around his shoulders and the other around his torso.

His face pressing into Mark's shoulder.

"Samoyed..." Mark said as he pet Jeno's hair. "I'm sorry."

Jeno wanted to fall to the floor when another set of arms wrapped around them both.

"Im sorry, boys," Jaehyun's voice cracked. "I'm not going to leave you again. I'm gonna be a better father. You don't have to forgive me now but I'll prove it to you."

Mark closed his eyes as he felt so many emotions hit him at once.

It wasn't perfect.

But it felt like a piece of his heart was being put back together.

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