His Wickedly Enchanting Princ...

By Tressa0526

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Nevaeh Queen is the daughter of former queen Narissa of Andalasia. Growing up on the Isle of the Lost, she's... More

◇Chapter 1: A Princess Like None Other ◇
◇Chapter 2: 2nd Chances ◇
◇Chapter 3: Goodbye Horrible Island ◇
Chapter 4: 👑Royalty Among Royalty 👑
Chapter 5: 😎A Princess in Leather 😎
Chapter 6: 👑A Badass Princess Meets a Badass Warrior 😎
Chapter 7: 🌃Night in the Museum Summary🌃
Chapter 8:🥰Oblivious Cafeteria Crushes🥰
Chapter 9: 😇Remedial Goodness 101😇
Chapter 10: 📕First Day of Classes📕
Chapter 11: 📚Bonding in the Library 📚
Chapter 12: Shadow of Vulnerability
Chapter 13: 💅Boss Bitch pt.1💅
Chapter 14: 😳Boss Bitch pt.2/Giselle's Daughter 😳
Chapter 15:🥍 Tourney 🥍
Chapter 16: 💔Break Up With Your Girlfriend 💔
Chapter 17: 😏The Locker Scene/Maelynn😏
Chapter 18: 🐶Overcoming Fears/ A Voice is Heard 📢
Chapter 19: 🎨A Paintball "Hangout"🎨
Chapter 20: 💇‍♀️A Talk With Jane/Lonnie's New Hair 💇‍♀️
Chapter 21: 🥳Detention Removal/A VK Family😊
Chapter 22: 🛍Encounter with Grace/ Shopping with Evie 🛍
Chapter 23: 😍French Fluffiness😍
Chapter 24: 📕History Rivalry 📕
Chapter 25: 🏝Their Willow Tree🏝
Chapter 26: ❤"Love Potion"❤
Chapter 27: 🧐"Did I Mention?"🤔
Chapter 28: 😳Close Call😑
Chapter 29: 🥳The Date pt.1🥳
Chapter 30:💜 The Date pt.2💙
《☆Story Progress ☆》
Chapter 31: 😌The Aftermath 😌
Chapter 32: 🤢Spying Chad 🤢
Chapter 33: 😠Audrey's Confrontation 💔
Chapter 34: 😏Mal Takes the Bait😏
Chapter 35: 🧐Mission: Find My Father pt.1🧐
Chapter 36: 💜Mission: Find My Father pt.2💜
Chapter 37: 💜Mission: Find My Father pt.3💜
Chapter 38: 🌸The Better Charming Sibling🌸
Chapter 39:😡A Heart of Hatred and Lust 🤮
Chapter 40: 💜Finding My Father pt.4: Andalasia's Secrets🤨
Chapter 41: 👀Hidden Eyes 👀
Chapter 42:🥰 Finding My Father pt.5: Andalasia's Secrets pt. 2🥰
Chapter 43:👑 Finding My Father pt.6: The Zepherian King🖤
Chapter 44:🥰Jet Aftermath 😌
Chapter 45:🥳 Back in Auradon😌
Chapter 46: 😊The Second Date😊
💜👑Nevaeh's Official Bio👑💜
Chapter 47: 🤔Misplaced or Stolen Things 😒
Chapter 48: 📞Parents' Call/ Operation: Missing Underwear👙
Chapter 49: 🌑Dark-Light⭐=🤫Secrets Revealed🧐 pt.1
Chapter 50: 🌑Dark-Light⭐=🤫Secrets Revealed🧐 pt.2
Chapter 51: ⚖Consequences⚖
Chapter 52: 💥 Family Day Chaos pt. 1💥
🥳3rd Place!!!🥳
Chapter 53:💥 Family Day Chaos pt.2💥
Chapter 55: 😳Bitter Confessions😳
Chapter 56: 🌈The Calm After the Storm🌈
Chapter 57:👑 Paying the Price💰
Chapter 58: 😯Coming to His senses 😯
Chapter 59: 🧚‍♀️Fairy's Secret🧚‍♀️
Chapter 60:🤴 Coronation Catastrophe pt.1🤴
Chapter 61: 👑Coronation Catastrophe pt.2😱
Chapter 62: 🤴Epic Family Reunion 👸
Chapter 63: 🥵Passion Ingnited🥵

Chapter 54:💥 Family Day Chaos pt.3💥

1.9K 83 27
By Tressa0526

Everything seemed to be going well. I got to meet Fa Mulan and Li Shang, Lonnie’s parents, who are amazing! I even got to meet some Wonderland folk like the Mad Hatter, whose name I found out was Tarrant Hightopp, and the White Queen, whose name was Mirana.

Right now, I was with Evie talking to Belle about beauty tips while Ben was teaching Jay how to play croquet, Carlos was playing with Dude, and Mal was with Raelynn off to the side.

“You both look so beautiful!” Belle gushed, making Evie and I blush.

“Thank you. I love your nails, it goes really well with your complexion.” Evie complimented.

Just when Belle was about to respond, we heard a loud voice exclaim, “You!” And guess who it was? Surprise, surprise (not really), it was Queen Leah, or should I say former Queen Leah, who was by Mal and Raelynn, and accompanied by her granddaughter, Audrey.

Quickly, Ben and I made our way over to see what the problem (which the old hag most likely started) was.

“H-How are you here? And how have you stayed so young?” Gasped Queen Leah and as Ben and I came closer, I could see the accusing glare she had in her eyes.

(Tressa: could she be any more dramatic?!😒😒)

“Queen Leah, it’s okay. Maleficent’s still on the Isle. This is her daughter, Mal.” Ben intervened, trying to calm the old woman down.

“Don’t you remember Ben’s new Proclamation? To give the new generation a chance?” Raelynn voiced an arm around Mal.

You could see the disgust in the former queen’s eyes at that action, making me think she might be homophobic. 

(Tressa: Woooww. And I thought croaks were supposed to be kind and accepting of others 😒🙄. Talk about poser)

“A chance to what, Ben? Destroy us?” She asked, snarkily. By now, F.G had come over, and was trying to comfort her.

“You remember the poison apples. And the spells,” She looked at me first, then Belle and Beast, before her eyes hardened as they were set on Mal.

“The spells. My daughter was raised by fairies because of your mother’s curse. So her first words, her first steps, I. Missed. It. All!!” Exclaimed Queen Leah with anger in her eyes and words.

I furrowed my brows in concern, not for the old hag, but for Mal.

Here is a young girl being yelled at and booted on by a grown ass woman, who she doesn’t even know, over something that happened when she wasn’t even born! That’s mental, emotional, and verbal abuse! Stepping forward, I intervened.

“With all due respect, your majesty, your anger is being targeted at the wrong person. Mal has nothing to do with what happened back then. And if anything, you and King Stephan were the ones who decided to give your daughter away to be raised by fairies.” I stated. A collection of gasps came from the crowd who were watching the drama unfold.

“How dare you!” Queen Leah gasped. I raised an eyebrow in a challenging manner.

‘Finally! We get to put people like her in their place!’ My subconscious exclaimed in glee, making me have to calm down from the pulses of magic I could feel at my fingertips, begging to cast a spell or two.

“How dare me?! You’re the one who’s trying to play victim when nothing even happened to you! You’re not Aurora, you know, the one who was ACTUALLY cursed. You’re not Phillip, who was the one who had to slay Maleficent in the first place. Now, here you are of old age, holding on to grudges as if you had any right to have them in the first place as if you were a petty child, and trying to induce emotional damage to a minor, who’s already gone through that most of her life!” I exclaimed.

The crowd was in awe and shock, shocked at how I was talking to royalty in such a way. 

“Nothing happened?! To me?! And just who do you think you are?!” Leah exclaimed. Then, low and behold, Audrey speaks up.

“She’s the boyfriend stealer, grammy.” She said with a glare. Just to tease her, I waved mockingly at the two. That comment had murmurs and whispers flying around.

“Is it really stealing if he was never yours, nor wanted you in the first place? I don’t think so.” I smirked, wrapping an arm around Ben’s waist.

“The harlot?” Leah questioned Audrey, the girl nodding in response.

“Woah.” Ben and I said in unison, both of us sounding defensive.  I know this woman DID NOT just call me that! She basically said I was a whore, a floozie, a prostitute, and other words that mean the same thing!

I feel Ben loosen his hold on me as he begins to take a step forward, as do Jay and Carlos. All 3 guys were about to defend me before my father stepped in. 

(Tressa: awe, we love to see protective guy friends🥰😌)

“What did you just call my daughter?” My dad asked with a glare.

“Your daughter, how preposterous!” Leah scoffs with a roll of her eyes. 

“Honestly, do any of you royals do your royal homework?” I asked incredulously. 

“Her mother would’ve been my wife.” Dad explains, shocking anyone who didn’t know, which was basically everyone.

To add fuel to the already burning fire, guess who stumbled their way over to us, whose breathing was a clear indication of the alcohol he’s consumed?

Chad fucking Charming. 

“Whaaaat do you think villains teeeaaacchh their kids, Ben? Kindness? Fair play? Nooo wayyyy, okay.” Chad said, slurring each word he tried to pronounce.

“Chad, have you… been drinking?” Grace asked, tentatively, while slowly easing away from him. Ben slightly steps in front of me, shielding me from him. Talk about protective boyfriend, gotta love him.

Chad didn’t answer Grace’s question and instead gave me a look, eyeing me up and down with a glint in his eyes.

“Youuuuu whored your waaayyy around and stole another girl’s boooyyyfrriiend,” He started before moving on to Jay, who was standing a little behind me/ by me.

“You liiiike huuuurrrrttting people. You,” He looked back at Mal. “You like cursing people and vandalism,” Chad announced, pointing at her.

“Hey! That’s not true, you don’t even know her!” Raelynn voiced, coming to Mal’s defense. 

“And you,” Chad’s gaze landed on Evie, whose own eyes slightly widened at the confrontation. This fucker better watch what he says next or else I’ll cut off his ugly ass fingers.

“You’re nothing but a gold digger and a cheater.” He voiced, looking at Evie with a smug look as if he knew he was right.

“Mirror, mirror, in my hand, who's the biggest jerk in the land?!” Exclaimed Evie into her mirror.

The magic mirror never lies and so once she turned it around to showcase his reflection as the answer to her question, the said prince didn’t like that one bit.

“What?! Get out of here!” Scoffed Chad, hitting Evie’s arm down as he rolled his eyes.

Oh, he did NOT just hit my cousin! I was about to throw hands, but it looked like Jay had it covered because he began to grab Chad’s blazer and was manhandling him.

Honestly, I’d love to see a fight between Jay and Chad, I’m sure it’d be epic.

Suddenly, Evie took out a perfume bottle from her purse that contained a blue liquid, though I doubt that the liquid contained inside was actually perfume.

Two sprays in the face later and Chad was falling asleep while Jay had to be calmed down by Ben. 

“Chad? Chad!” Exclaimed a panicked Audrey. It was her, Serenity, Grace, and Doug who were trying to get the prince to wake up.

“Evie did something to him.” I heard Serenity hiss through all the commotion. By the time they had managed to wake Chad up, the damage had already been done.

Fairytale parents, including Belle and Beast, were looking at the scene-at us like we were the problem. I was so caught up in my head, in my growing anger that I hadn’t registered the fact that the others had left without me until I heard Beast’s voice.

“I knew this would happen." He said somberly, removing his glasses to wipe them.

"This isn't their fault, Dad!" Ben bit back, coming to our defense. Beast glanced at me with a look that said it all; he knows that he can't insult me directly with my father being present, so he decided to go another route.

"No, son. It's yours." He said before turning to Belle. That was it, that was the last straw.

Not being able to handle it anymore, I started laughing, drawing in the attention of more people.

"Is something funny?" Beast questioned, a tone of anger and annoyance in there.

"Hehe, yeah, actually there is something funny, Beast." I laughed, my smile fading as I said his name with a sneer, and took a challenging step closer. Before I could do anything further, Ben grabbed my wrist, making me look back at him in confusion.

"Ne-Nevaeh, it's okay, really. Don't worry about it." Ben tried, stuttering as a nervous look was plastered on his face. I saw him glance around and at his parents in apprehension, making my eyebrows furrow.

'Was he nervous about them or me?' I thought, a worm of doubt trying to creep into my mind.

I looked at him in disbelief before tugging my wrist out from his grasp. I didn't realize or even register how hard he had grabbed it before looking down at my wrist, and noticing faint purple bruises beginning to form. 

Shaking my head of any thoughts that may begin to form, I looked back at him.

"You're seriously gonna let him say that to you? Ben, none of this is your fault!" I exclaimed before looking back at Beast.

"All of this is funny. The fact that you people think that you are so entitled to belittle those around you is disgusting! Don't go blaming Ben for wanting to give us a chance, something you couldn't be bothered to do.

You threw villains on an island as a way to pay for their actions, that was supposed to be it. Not create a generation of vengeful children because instead of trying to reach out and be the so-called good heroes you claim to be, you decided to forget about us!

Forget the children who are starving because of you, forget the children who don't have a good education because of you, forget the children who have to fight to protect themselves from getting killed or raped because of you!" I yelled, raw emotion in my voice.

"How can you claim to be a king when you don't even have the heart to own up to your mistakes and narrow minded behavior nor the decency to make up for your actions?

A king who judges his people based on their appearance, is a king who deserves to be cursed. Or have you already forgotten, Beast?" I shot.

Just as I was about to leave, Audrey, Grace, and Serenity walked by supporting a (still) tipsy Chad, glaring at me as they scoffed and shook their heads.

 "IIIIIII should've fuc *hiccups* fucking raped youuuuuuu when I haaadddd the chaaanncce!" Chad slurred angrily, raising a fist to shake while his other  hand was occupied with the cup of whatever alcohol was making him drunk.

The comment, however, made the 3 girls stop in their tracks as collective gasps filled the silence. Feeling a lump in my throat, my heart beat sped up as I met the eyes of my father, who looked enraged and concerned.

"CHAD ANTHONY CHARMING!!!" Was the last thing I heard before I poofed myself out of there.

(A/N: hey guys, sorry for the late update. But here it is. Looks like this will go up to 4 parts. Wow.  I'll include how many words it is in total at the end of the 4th pt.

So what did you guys think?

I'm sure we can all come to the agreement that nobody likes Queen Leah and that we DEFINITELY don't like Chad🤮🤮

Welp, see you in the next chapter.

~XoXo Queenie 👑💜

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