By Blackmermaid44

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Mystery.......That's what she is She can be light in darkness....also can be demolisher of every elation... More



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By Blackmermaid44

Dark brown orbs shone dangerously as her brother beheads one of the asur sent by the leader of Asur clan....Jatasur.....

He born to hate and trouble her kingdom.....a coward who don't know to fight directly. The only one time when he tried for that....she made him see the real hell....he became insane infront of her Mayas.....then the asurguru saved him....from then on he didn't dared to battle with them....

The enmity between udaipur and Asurs were so famous that her ancestors started to hunt down those adharmis from long ago...and a hide attack were she expecting since achyuta came to visit them....the bond of Dwarkadhish and udaipur were a slap for them....they have already kept hate for him too......

Udhayang instructs, " Putrii!!! Unlike us u are born with power!! Obviously that lights weight of your duty.....Though be careful always and take care your brother along with our Kingdom!!! "

Harsh says annoyingly, " Father!! It's me who fought in battlefield and yet you saying her to protect me..... seriously?? "

Harshini with a smirk jabs, " You will understand it when one day Jatasur himself come infront you in battlefield with his Mayas brother!! "

Harsh rolls as he know Jatasur never gonna take such a risk once more. He averts the topic, " The kurus are truly a headache that Krishna left early!! "

Harshini nods as she remembers how her sakha told of it's time to start the game for what he born and as usual she is uninterested. That day of kalapradhashan itself made an bad impact on the customs in aryavart... especially on kurus....

That's when her father put the subject of her interest, " As heard from our spies that new king doing good!! Have built his kingdom on such a short period from scratch!!
Something unbelievable for a beginner....."

As her brother and father continued to discuss more on the matters of Aryavart she left to her chamber by registering herself to check about on the matters of Anga and it's king.....


The young to be ruler of Udaipur were in her balcony just to stargaze. Simple yet pure dark attire without any jewels....moonrays took special care to adorn on her skin to compensate the absence of ornaments. Long hair with brown shades were from dripping water and cool breeze caresses her soft skin. As she gazes the moon got reminded of her sakha and thought how she reminds of that warrior just like this when see Aditya whenever......

Deciding to check on the king she just closes her eyes and after a moment opens them...those brown orbs were in disbelief and eyebrows were raised like drawn....later a smile spread over her lips knowing how the new king too standing alone at his royal palace to gaze nothing specific....
A smirk were already on her face on the thought of making him confuse...

Not delaying she rushed to write a message to him and couldn't believe herself that she acting like her sakha who is mischievous and prankster.....
She don't know why or for what such words flowed from her mind....


" My sincere condolences to the new king of Anga.....

Greed and power are other side of blindness....

Hope you won't become blind after getting what strange to you all these days....."


As she was about to send away that message via her most trusted carrier a voice stops her, " Is it necessary?? "

Harshini tied the note on that eagle's feathers and carried him to the balcony by asking, " Why not?? "

She shushed away the bird with a carass and it flew high knowing well it's destination. Prince of Udaipur shakes his head in disbelief and asks,

" Why am feeling you done something that will alter achyuta's path!! And have you forgot of deciding to stay away from whatever that something big gonna happen in whole aryavart?"

Harshini states calmly, " I don't think sending him a note will ever change anyone's fate or decision..... "

Harsh smiles as he is not strong enough to change her decision and left her to do whatever she want. While she amuses as she found herself eager to know his reaction on her warning and the acts followed by that.....well it's not hard for her to know what she wants to know.....


Along with morning rays haze of illusionary cover enveloped the kingdom of Udaipur as it reigning princess casted her spell from no where just inside her quarter itself. As time flies dhanvas got to knew of striking udaipur is impossible and they released calamity to the regions where no much aids provided by their kingdom.....

And sure her brother and she know protecting udaipur was not their duty rather protecting entire aryavart was their ultimate aim. Currently those Asurs planned to attack kosala and knowing their moves was not hard for her. Harsh already left to take care of the matter to not even letting the targeted kingdom to know about the danger in they are....

She know many other regions too under the threat of that brainless fellows. Not all Asurs are morons so she will slain only those who troubles innocents. Harsh can't be on multiple places simultaneously which may cause her too travel to another kingdoms. That's the reason she already built an layer of illusion that make them insane if they try to cross the border of her provision in her absence.....

Her father is renown warrior and ruler....yet she can't stake anyone's life at this condition where those Asurs want only her defeat. Because she once slapped right on their pride and ego....she just made fool of them that they all even begin to kill each other by her spells. They tasted lose by hands of a girl.....

Releasing a breath she was about to move out and that's when her gaze fell on the letter on study table. She didn't sent it....for the past few years she sending letters occasionally to the king of Anga who entered to the drama planned by keshav just by raising voice against the injustice...
She don't know whey but she felt it is right to tease him through letters and somehow she know him better now...

She managed time to observe Anga and sure it's young king. That's when there a thought striked her mind to invade his dreams like she done few times before. She know that she is taking things overboard...but she couldn't help when it comes to that diya lit in darkness.......

At first her intrusion on his dreams were affected him badly that she herself have to calm down him not knowing she becoming solace to him.... And now she...a intruder of his life without permission, have a great hold in his life that unknowingly making her too attached with him....yes....she started it.....

Harsh have warned her when she became disappointed with Kalinga princess's abduction scenario.....she mocked Vasusen through a letter and she ignored the danger behind her disappointment with him...such acts are normal for the male chavuniest's in aryavart and never before she affected this much...but then the frustration raised from expectation. Yes...she is expecting something more from that warrior....

Not reeling much on unnecessary thoughts she let her soul to travel to the kingdom under the warrior who stole her impression.


Son of Radha jerked awaken from the peaceful slumber he had at the midnight after a tiring his blurry vision he could see a silhouette of a woman at his balcony...

With a newfound energy he rushed to there, he know who she is...
the one who sending letters occasionally for the past few years after he made a king...the one who constantly came in his dreams and troubling his sleep.....

It was impossible for him to find this uninvited guest of his life whom he never saw or don't have any idea of how she look like...And now she herself came. He not gonna miss this chance....

As she were a hand away from him she turns to face him and all he saw final was a red gem that adorned in her neck on a single chain illuminating hard enough to cover her face in red rays. If it was someone else...sure they might have closed their eyes in unbearable light...

But he looked past the rays, yet her face didn't he took a step forward all he saw was red beaming only...nothing else.....


Back in her chamber the princess were laughing.... knowing the disappointment he gonna feel after waking up from the dream and it made her feel better. For so long he is in search of her.....only if he know the lady of udaipur will be seen by only of who are all chosen by herself....with a smirk she laid on her bed mentally instructing herself to continue this game of hide and seek.....she is enjoying it...


Mahaveer Udhayang.....King of Udaipur watches as his daughter sped away from the kingdom in purpose of saving innocents from brutality of dhanavas .... He insisted her to stay back and protect the kingdom and let him go for battle. But no....she is so stubborn, his kids making him feel getting old as nowadays they not allowing him to go for any fight...they handling all.

Harsh is already engaged in a fight and she with her god's blessing got to know of the conspiracy of enemies. Most of the kings were away from their kingdom and camped in panchal for swayamvar of fire born princess....And asuras taking it as a good opportunity to attack. He know why they turned towards other kingdoms...cause there is a myth, the secluded kingdom Udaipur is responsible to battle with Asurs...if they now started to attack other kingdoms, entire aryavart will consider it as the defeat of Udaipur.....

Releasing a breath of relief Udhayang gazes his Kingdom and were happy that no more that burden of a king is in his shoulders. Soon after his daughter take over the throne and then he could rest....he adores and respects his nation more than anything else. And his daughter will outshine all her ancestors....As long as she rule udaipur.... it's glory will be everlasting.... that's why he raised them by injecting the feel of priority over their kingdom than all other emotions......


Brown orbs were flames that eating the villages nearby northern panchal were inside that globe which have the power to see the entire world through her vision.... Wind slapped her body that ignite the anger and she could feel only one thing....destruction.....she will cause the destruction......

As she walked slowly forward her loosen hair were swaying and let her finger twirl....she could enslave them all in a moment....but no....she want to fight, like her brother. A sword from nowhere appears right on her palms and she walks to the pack of dhanavas who failed to identify who she is.... All their eyes were mesmerized by the beauty infront whose normal walk too were attractive.....

But the weapon in her hand made them alert....yet they all had only one thought of defeating that beauty without taking her live....some thought to make that beauty a slave in their bed for the rest of the life....some other wanted to gift her to their lord and rest truly wanted to make her their better half.......

But all of their jaw dropped when she splashed blood of one among them in a single swish....soon it dawned is difficult for them to even save their life from her hand yet along killing her. Her eyes caught the one who fighting with the evil at the opposite end....sure it is a great help for the warrior in empress. As taking down all those who were attacking her she got curious to know about that warrior....but it's not appropriate for her to show herself  to anyone out udaipur.....

That's when her eyes reached a huge dhanava who literally alone....but a coward of him to aim a little kid. Glancing only the frame of that stranger she were sure he will take care of the rest of the asurs and she headed towards that kid....she were thrilled to fight and later to told these all to her brother who literally everytime don't give any chance for her to battle.......


Fire of rage were blazing high on her seeing that asur gawking at a poor kid. Not knowing one already came to guard that boy she screams aloud,

" Stop!!! "

There were no weapon on her hand and she herself regally walked to the moon shore to show herself by tightening the red veil unknown to the fact someone who were on his way to slay the dhanava just got stopped by her brave act.....
As she stood fearless to face the approaching asur and were about to flow the wind of illusion when she heard the thundering order,

" Stop there!!!!"

That's when she noticed the warrior there other than her to face the asur. An impulse of shock and surprise passed through her dark brown eyes that were deep like ocean. She found herself  getting distracted by that man who always stole her attention and impression. Truly an unexpected meet, finally she saw with the gleam of Aditya.....

Both got out from their trance when the asur thrown a fireball at her and she did nothing to protect herself, reading his expression she was sure he were presuming it...... don't know why, but she felt to appeal as a normal girl....he shouldn't be ever know of her power and reality....

But she is there to rescue the boy and pushed him away. That warrior was quick enough to fire an arrow at the asur and rush to the lady who is about to hit by the fireball.
Not thinking much he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him. She collapsed in his hard chest and a gasp of shock left from her.......

That asur was long gone with a single arrow....but the two strangers were in a state to not to understand what's happening around them. Gulping hard he slowly looked down at the girl who on him....She were also looking him with a glint of horror in her eyes.

His hazel eyes strangled with her deep brown eyes. Her eyes seemed calculative and he could simply read the surprised emotion behind her veil.

As time passing the pace of heart too increased and both forget the boy for whom they fought with an asur. Radheya's hands moved upwards unknown to his heart to take off the veil that concealed her from him and her brown eyes with thick lashes widened in utter shock.

She felt ashamed at that moment for getting too attracted with him. Her skin shyed under his grip....for the first time someone holding her like that....apart from achyuta and harsh she were never social with other mens...but why does she not feeling anything wrong in being his couldn't be happen....

Blinking away the moment of daze she tried to move away and he too loosened his grip on her. She could read from his face the embarrassment. He opened his mouth for apologising...but she let her eyes captivate and make him speechless. Somehow she don't want him to bow down his head to her....not to anyone.....

She felt him becoming uncomfortable with her presence....she too. But it's because with the first sight itself his presence affecting he too feeling the same?? Whatever she should stay away as he could make her vulnerable.....

Her eyes shined knowing the way to escape from him and a smile formed in her lips. Taking the boy she passed him to the arms of king of Anga and it was enough to transfer the attention of Radheya to the boy. Also that moment of diversion was enough for her too.....

Making sure the boy is fine....soul friend of kaurava looked back to the girl and met with thin air. His eyes filled with disappointment as a mere girl tricked the great archer he is and slipped away like a wind.........

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