A Different Way

By Thiccie67

63.7K 2.1K 959

Everything was going perfect for Izuku he met his idol, gained a quirk to fulfilled his dream and was even tr... More

Ch.1 One Path Closes Another Opens
Ch.2 Hell
Ch.3 Stronger
Ch.4 Almost
Ch.5 Diving Deeper
Ch.6 Close Call
Ch.7 Completion
Ch.8 Secret Thrower
Ch.9 Stains of Society
Ch.10 To the very End
Ch.11 Recovery
Ch.13 Strings of Destiny Tangle
Ch.14 Aftermath
Ch.15 Trial and Verdict
Ch.16 Readjusting
Ch.17 In the Darkest Skies Shine the Brightest Stars
Ch.18 Something New
Ch.19 Bond
Ch.20 Leashed
Ch.21 Kyoto
Ch.22 Freed Wings
Ch.23 Burden
Ch.24 Liberation
Ch.25 Stop
CH.26 Rescue
Ch.27 I got no strings attached
Ch.28 Visitation
Ch.29 Culture
Ch.30 Info
Ch.31 Hood
Ch.32 War
Ch.33 Consequences
Ch.34 Executioner
Ch.35 True Hero?
Ch.36 I'm fine
Ch.37 Stay Away
Ch.38 The World's Hero
The Cuts

Ch.12 Hasty Return

2.1K 82 32
By Thiccie67

Disclaimer I do not own My Hero Academia

I only own the Plot and Original Characters


*Narrator POV*

It week had passed and Ochaco had entered the school bus ready to head to the camp. She was looking at her flip-phone with a soft smile as Izuku had sent her a picture of him walking with the help of GT giving a thumbs up to the camera. The caption read, "One step closer to being back at your side. Love you." Ochaco chuckled and blushed at the cheesy line but still typed a simple, "I can't wait! Love you too!" As she was typing she failed to notice a certain pink alien peeking over her shoulder.

"Chatting with your boyfriend there Chako?~" "Gah!" Ochaco jumped in fright getting freaked out by her classmate. "Mina! Please don't scare me like that! I almost had a heart attack." said Ochaco while holding her chest trying to calm her heart down. "You didn't answer the question girl. So, what's that mystery boy doing now? He seemed pretty hurt in that picture he sent you." asked Mina genuinely curious and this cause the class to pay attention hearing the boy that disappeared halfway through the year was in fact injured. Three people also listened in for various reasons, Bakugo, Momo, and Aizawa.

"I'm sorry Mina but that's a personal matter that only Izuku can talk about," said Ochaco like she was reading a script which the same three picked up on right away. "Oh okay, that's understandable. Just wondering since they looked pretty serious, I won't pry anymore," said Mina with quite a mature answer making Ochaco thankful for the girl. However, someone wasn't going to let it drop that easily. "Sounds like a lot more than just a family emergency," said Momo with a snide remark making Ochaco frown and some of the others groan as they had grown used to the bickering between the two girls.

"No, it sounds like something that isn't your business," replied Ochaco with an attitude saying that it ends there but Momo wasn't done. "Where is he Uraraka? Why do you always step around the answers every time someone asks about him? Why is he hurt Uraraka?" prodded Momo with an intensity she didn't know she had. "Because it isn't any of your business. Izuku already told you not to worry about it but you just had to keep prying into his privacy. That's why he blocked you Momo! Not because of me but because of you!" shouted Ochaco losing her cool with her former friend. Momo got up ready to give Ochaco a piece of her mind until grey wraps wrapped both of the girls. "ENOUGH! Shut up and sit down already! We're leaving!" The two girls reluctantly listened to the teacher as they both sat down. 'God I miss you Izuku.' thought Ochaco. She failed to notice Bakugo looking at her with a suspicious look.


Izuku at the same time as they were leaving was trying to do a one-arm pushup with his other one behind his back. He had down twenty already for the one arm but was already covered in sweat. The pain was just a slight stabbing in his abdomen from the few organs that were still bruised. '1st how much percentage can I use now?' after a moment of silence the past user answered. 'You can only use 20% now without repercussions.' Izuku groaned at that as he moved to his other arm. 'Damnit. That means I lost almost over 60% of my output. God all that progress for nothing.' Izuku grunted as he continued his workout until the door busted open revealing a pissed-off Recovery Girl.

"Sonny, how many times have I told you not to push yourself too much? You barely started walking again!" "And I should have already been running since yesterday," replied Izuku as he continued to go up and down, Recovery Girl sighed sadly at the response. "God, you're just like him sometimes. You just don't know when to stop." Izuku choose to ignore that comment as he continued to do pushups until eventually, he felt a severe stabbing pain in his stomach making him collapse in pain.

"Just like him you don't realize that your body has limits, and sometimes you shouldn't break those limits for power." lectured Recovery Girl as she strolled over to the kneeling Izuku who was holding his stomach, and gave a kiss to the top of his head. "You break those limits for your family and friends. Breaking your body for nothing will accomplish nothing but if you do it for someone that isn't yourself then nothing can keep you down. Do you understand Izuku?" Izuku knelt there looking down at the floor with a solemn look, as his mom, Ochaco, All Might, Torino, and RG all crossed his mind. "Yes. I understand." "Now can you please get back in bed so I can finish your checkup?" "Yes ma'am." Izuku struggled to stand before finally getting back on the bed.

After a short inspection Recovery Girl finished Izuku's final checkup, "Well the good news is that you are basically fully healed. You still have a few bruised organs but you should be fine after a week." "Thank you, RG." "It's my pleasure, Sonny. Now, remember what I said and never forget it." Izuku nodded and RG left leaving the boy by himself once again. Izuku sat up taking in RG's words and sighed as he knew she was right so he decided to work on something else for the moment. He extended his hand and started producing as many Black Whips as he could, he might as well work on his quirk control.


*The Day After*

Back at the camp, Ochaco could be seen stretching after her set of quirk training. As she was stretching Bakugo came up to her and just stared down at her. "What do you want Asshole?" asked Ochaco without stopping her stretches obviously not caring about what Bakugo had to say. "Where the hell is Deku pink cheeks?" "Don't call me that pomeranian, it doesn't make you seem cool just an asshole. Anyways why should I tell you, you don't even like my boyfriend." she put emphasis on the boyfriend part to piss him off. It worked as he growled at that making her snort.

"I just find it funny that you and the whole faculty say he's out of the country on a family emergency. Yet I just saw his mom a couple of days ago and now I hear he is also severely injured. It seems like that fucking nerd is doing something sketchy that everyone seems to be on but me." Ochaco silently cursed as she had forgotten the loudmouth was actually smart. It looked like she would have to use her trump card to get him to shut up. "Izuku told me about everything you did, so if don't want the school to know about it leave me alone." Bakugo grew serious with an angry frown as he stared at the girl. "What the fuck are you talking about?" "Exactly. Absolutely nothing as long as you leave me alone." After that Ochaco just walked away leaving the fuming Bakugo behind.

Later that night, Ochaco was walking in the forest with Kodai during the trial of courage, when all of a sudden she smelt smoke in the air. She right away dodged backward as a girl in a middle school uniform tried to stab her. "Give me your blood cuties!~" Ochaco frowned sternly as she went into a defensive stance.


Izuku was doing some light situps when a stabbing pain rocked his head making him freeze. "Ocacho," he whispered under his breath as he quickly stood up and ran to his closet. He pulled out his costume which was clean but still very damaged still. His leather straps were all torn and broken except the one around his waist. His sleeves were torn as well revealing his arms all the way up to his biceps. His pants were now both torn and worn out, with his left leg now basically a baggy short while his right leg was just torn in multiple places like torn jeans. The only thing that was mostly intact was his hood but it was still ragged, his mask was also destroyed so he just had to hope no one sees his face.

He pulled his hood over his head while tightening his gloves also the only other thing still intact. He went out through the window and powered to 20% quickly bouncing on the rooftops towards her location. He ignored the soreness all over his body as he continued to run toward her location. You see Danger Sense also got an upgrade besides him being able to sense any nearby danger to himself or others, Izuku is also able to put a small effect on a max of two people currently, where no matter how far they are he can tell if they are in danger. He had obviously put the effect on Ochaco and his mother.

"Hang in there Ochaco! I'll be there in no time." Like a streak of lightning, Izuku rocketed out of the city heading towards the camp.


Ochaco and Yui stood defensive as Toga twirled her knife in her hands circling the two girls with a wide smile. "Oh my, you two are really cute, especially you rosy cheeks. What's your name?" "None of your business villain!" responded Ochaco as she prepared herself mentally for this fight, killing the fear that was building up in her. "Ah~ How cute trying to play the hero.~" Toga charged the two making them tense up, what they didn't expect was for Toga to throw her knife at Ochaco. "Uraraka!" cried Yui as the knife embedded into her shoulder making the brown-haired girl cry as she instinctively grabbed the knife in her shoulder. 

Toga tackled the Ochaco to the floor while pulling out another knife and raising it in the air. "Uraraka huh? Such a cute name for a cute girl. I wonder if your blood will be just as cute." Before Toga could stab down, Yui hit Toga across the face with a large branch knocking her back and a couple of teeth. "Are you okay Uraraka?" asked Yui as she helped the girl up with her groaning as she did. "Yeah. Just a flesh wound." Toga got up livid as she felt her own blood dripping from her mouth including a couple of teeth lying on the floor. "You bitch it was only supposed to be your blood, not mine."

"Why are you here?" questioned Uraraka as she applied pressure to the wound on her shoulder. "It was simple to kill some students and take their blood while the others capture the targets but you two ruined that!" She charged them once again.


Izuku finally arrived on the outskirts of the forest seeing it burn a bright blue along with a cloud of pink smoke in a certain area. His Danger Sense was going crazy as he felt so many people in danger, he was conflicted on who to save until he felt Ocacho's danger go down slightly making him calm down and decide to go to the closest one instead of her. He went to the mountain seeing a child running from a Nomu that looked like a walking shark, Izuku rocketed down dropkicking the Nomu into the side of the mountain causing a mini earthquake. This almost knocked the young boy off the cliff face but Izuku wrapped him in Black Whip and brought him into a side hug keeping him close.

"Are you okay?" asked Izuku with a soft voice, the boy looked at Izuku with wonder remembering him. "You're the hero that saved my parents!" Izuku smiled at that but got distracted by the Nomu pulling itself out of the mountain. "Can you close your eyes for me, um?" "Kota!" "Close your eyes Kota," ordered Izuku as the Nomu finally freed itself. Kota listened closing his eyes tight as he wrapped himself onto Izuku's back with a small Black Whip tendril poking from Izuku's back wrapping around Kota. Izuku morphed a Black Whip tendril in his right hand into a messy-looking and warped sword. 'I'm sorry that you were turned into this monstrosity. It'll be over soon.' The Nomu charged at Izuku letting out a roar but all Izuku heard was a cry of pain and misery, Izuku blitzed the Nomu slicing its head clean off and killing it. Izuku sighed heavily as he started to float in the air.

"Kota. Where are your parents?" "They are at work so they decided I should spend the week with my aunt Mandalay." 'The Pussycat Hero? I assume she's in the main area over there.' "Okay, Kota hang on tight." Kota didn't get a chance to respond as Izuku had rocketed towards the main camp. As he arrived over it he saw several heroes fighting villains and Manadalay was about to get murdered by a lizard-looking villain with an ugly sword. Izuku dropkicked the sword breaking it and then hit the lizard man in the cheek with a roundhouse launching him back.

Mandalay looked up and saw the vigilante from the tv holding his hand gently out for her to grab. "Are you okay Mandalay?" asked the hooded man with a gentle but rough voice that hit all the right spots in Mandalay's ears making a heavy blush plus a drunk look come over her face. She carefully took his hand making her shiver and yelp as he effortlessly pulled her up to her feet. She bit her lip as she looked at the defined muscles the torn sleeves revealed, God they looked like they could cut diamonds. 'God what I would do to him.~'

"Um, Auntie are you good?" Mandalay snapped out of her stupor at her nephew's voice making her look at the small boy on the back of the man she was simping over. "Oh Kota! Um sorry, I was still just in shock from almost dying. Y-yeah." 'God, is it my mating session already?'  Kota stared at her with a non-believing look while Izuku ignored the interaction keeping his eyes on the villains. "Can you heroes handle these villains while I save the students?" asked Izuku in a hushed tone so only Mandalay could hear him. Right now in front of him, he watched Erasurehead and Tiger fighting a scarred man shooting out blue fire and a woman holding a giant magnet. He also noticed that Pixie bob was already out of commission. Mandalay became serious as she looked at the battle, "Yes. We can handle these guys, please go save the students." Izuku nodded letting Kota down and handing him over to her.

Izuku closed his eyes as he let Danger Sense search the area for anything, he then felt three pings of danger each varying in seriousness. So he went to the closest one at breakneck speeds, running into the foliage as he felt deeper into what was happening to the person. He saw a Nomu made of chainsaws chasing after Momo who was dragged along by Awase, she was unconscious and bleeding from the head. Izuku reacted right away wrapping the Nomu in Black Whip and tossing it off into the distance. Awase collapsed from exhaustion and unwielded Momo from his arm laying her gently as he continued to pant. Izuku walked up to them to check on their well-being.

"You good?" asked Izuku as he looked over the unconscious Momo, "Yeah thanks man I thought we were goners," replied Awase not recognizing Izuku's voice. "That's good take her and return back to the main camp. I'll try to find more of your classmates." Awase didn't need to be told twice as he picked up the girl and started jogging toward the camp. What Izuku didn't count for was Momo to actually be semi-conscious. 'Izuku?'


Izuku was running through the forest but stopped when he saw a fog of pink smoke. He quickly answered by powering to 20% and clapped hard causing a shockwave of air that dispelled the smoke revealing a masked man standing over Tetsu and aiming a gun at Kendo. In an instant, the villain received a running elbow to the face destroying his mask while also cracking him against a tree. He turned to the stunned Kendo and spoke, "Are you okay?" Kendo fell on her ass from exhaustion as she took deep breaths. "Yeah, we good go help some others." Izuku nodded and disappeared in a flash again as Kendo got up and picked up the knocked-out Tetsu.

Izuku finally ran to his original target finding her in an open field. She was on top of the back of a girl holding her in place in a grapple move. He looked to his left and saw Yui knocked out bleeding from the head, he walked to the down girl while making himself known. "You seem to have this handled well," said Izuku as he knelt down and wrapped Yui's head with a bandage from his pouch. Ochaco's eyes widened when she heard the voice and looked at Izuku with shock, however, the girl on the floor had a very different reaction. Her eyes turned into massive hearts along with a massive blush on her cheeks, she even started drooling making a pool of saliva and blood. "Oh, Daddy~ Why don't yo-" Toga was interrupted by Ochaco slamming her head to the ground knocking the psycho out.

Izuku put Yui down gently before turning completely to Ochaco who was already limping towards him. Right away Izuku's eyes widened as he finally got a good look at Ochaco, she had several cuts all over her making her bleed but the wound on her shoulder had gotten worse. "Chaco!" Izuku ran forward and embraced her as he quickly pulled out bandages and started applying pressure to the wound. "It's okay Zuku. She threw the knife so it didn't go that deep, it's just because I've been using it that it looks bad." Izuku didn't listen as he started to wrap the wound with a bandage while keeping the cloth pressured on it. It was silent between the two as Izuku worked. "What are you doing here?" asked Ochaco, Izuku remained quiet for a second before answering.  "You were in danger so I came." Ochaco blushed at that looking down in embarrassment, Izuku finished the bandage and smirked seeing Ochaco embarrassed so he decided to tease her.

He lifted her chin up with his hand causing her to meet his eyes. They both leaned in knowing what they wanted. However, Danger Sense spiked making Izuku bring Ochaco to his chest and jump back as a stream of blue fire launched at them. Izuku saw the burned guy stand over the psycho girl and dragged into a purple portal. Izuku loosened up once he felt Danger Sense in the whole forest die down meaning that the attack was most likely over. He looked down at Ochaco putting his forehead on hers.

"I'll explain everything once you come back. Go to the Main Camp with Kodai and get yourself fixed up. Love you." said Izuku as he gave her a kiss on her forehead, Ochaco just nodded her head as she slowly let him go. And just like that Izuku floated in the sky and started to fly back to Torino's house. Ochaco smiled fondly in the air before obeying Izuku's orders picking up the poor girl and dragging her to the camp.


Izuku arrived back at GT's house with no problem but immediately got scolded by the old man as soon as he entered the home. The next day they learned that two people were kidnapped by the villains. Ragdoll of the Wild Wild Pussycats and Katsuki Bakugo were captured by the villains, Izuku grimaced at that seeing it as a mess up on his part, he was so worried about Ochaco that he ignored the others. He let his personal feelings get in the way of his actions. He didn't get to lament long as the Torino's front door opened revealing Skinny Might walking in before sitting next to Izuku who was still staring at the news report.

"You did the best you could do Young Izuku. Don't despair or worry my apprentice. Tomorrow we are raiding their bases to save Young Bakugo and Ragdoll. So don't blame yourself to much about it." However, after All Might finished that a new thought and dread filled Izuku. "He's going to be there waiting isn't he?" asked Izuku with a cold tone, All Might didn't flinch at the tone as he already knew who Izuku was talking about. "Most likely yes." answered All Might frankly.

"Then I'm going to help you." "Absolutely not. You are to stay as far away as possible from the possible fight," responded All Might as he continued to look forward the same applied to Izuku. "I'm not letting you fight that monster alone Master. So, I'm sorry that's not going to happen." All Might sighed as he leaned back on the couch staring at the ceiling while Izuku continued to stare at the TV. "Then let's make a deal. You can be on standby just in case that man isn't there but if he is you can help me fight him. In a limited role of course since you obviously won't be strong enough to help me as much as you could before." Izuku pondered the deal for a second before finally turning to face All Might.


*End of Chapter*

Next Chapter: Ch.13 Strings of Destiny Tangle

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