Drama That Lies in Class 1-a

By koolwegamgirly14

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After the fight with the LOV; they were finally captured and taken to jail. They were in jail for the first m... More

Chapter 1: Thoughts on quirkless
Chapter 2: What's up with him?
Chapter 4: Things Are Getting Out of Hand
Chapter 5: Snake
Chapter 6: Incorrect
Chapter 7: "I SAID NO!"
Chapter 8: ...She probably knows
Chapter 9: Introduce yourselves
Chapter 10: "...Principle office, immediately"
Chapter 11: I know She Did It!
Chapter 12: Keeping My Mouth Shut
Chapter 13: "Mole?"
Chapter 14: Mic'd
Chapter 15: Background secrets coming into the light
Chapter 16: Punishment
Chapter 17: The true reason
Chapter 18: See Me
Chapter 19
Chapter 20: Tsu's backstory
Chapter 21: Kirishima's background
Chapter 22: Lida

Chapter 3: We Need to Talk

1.2K 34 7
By koolwegamgirly14

Midoryia was walking around school until he found the training room. He opened the door and sat on one of the rocks. He didn't feel like training today because he was still upset with the information that was shared. Midroyia would be disappointed if they didn't put in the actual facts about it, but not mentioning the mental scale made it worse.

As he was sitting there thinking, he heard someone walk into the room. He assumed it was Bakugo since he's the only one who really knows where he is. "Hello." Midoryia heard a different voice, but it is very familiar. "Hey All Might," Izuku said. "Are you planning on training?" All Might asked. "No, I just want to sit and think," Midoriya replied. "What's on your mind young Midoryia?" All Might asked. "Nothing much," Midoryia replied. "...Eraserhead called me and told me what happened. Are you sure you're okay?" All Might asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just haven't really got much sleep," Midoryia replied. "Oka-" "Stop lying nerd." They both turned around to see Bakugo standing in the door entrance. "You're Not fine," Bakugo said with his usual tone. "What exactly is going on?" All Might asked. "The nerd is still upset with the class's opinion on quirkless people. Especially pink cheek's," Bakugo replied.

All Might looked at Midoriya and could tell he was feeling down. Even though it has been a while since he was bullied by others because he was quirkless, he still remembers the pain. The amount of sadness built up inside of him until he met Nana. All Might walked over to Midoryia and patted his back. "I know you are upset with what they said. I get that, but it doesn't mean you have to let those words get to you. Through this path of becoming a pro hero, you will face many challenges. Discrimination, hate, and people who want you dead, but you can't let them take your confidence and self control away. You must stand tall and don't let those words get to you," All Might said.

Midoryia smiled from the motivational speech All Might gave him. All Might has always given him confidence every time he has a conversation with him. "We will give you your space, and don't train today. You should relax," All Might said. He turned around and walked out of the room with Bakugo. Midoryia wants to tell All Might about the textbook, but being in UA before him made him think he already knows about these misconceptions in the books. He also wants to correct the books as well, but they probably won't listen to him.

After a while, Midoryia went to his room and went to sleep. He was sleeping until he heard a knock on his door. He got off his bed and walked to the door and opened it; revealing Bakugo. "Yes Kacchan?" Midoryia asked. "Tch...I just want to let you know something before it unravels," Bakugo replied as he looked away. "Uh okay..." Midoryia said. "Urgh, let me inside! I just told you it's about to happen and the extras don't know what I'm telling you nerd!" Bakugo yelled. "Oh right- come in," Midoryia said as he quickly opened the door. Bakugo walked into the room and sat at his desk chair while Midoryia closed the door and sat on his bed. Midoryia waited patiently until Bakugo said what he needed to say. "Racoon eyes made a group chat without you in it and all they are talking about is you," Bakugo said. "What are they saying about me?" Midoryia asked. "First, I need to know if Uraraka said anything to you like an apology or anything," Bakugo replied. "Why do y-" "Just answer the question! This is supposed to be quick! Not ask questions until sunrise!" Bakugo interrupted. "Oh- right- umm- ni, no she didn't come and apologize nor said anything to me," MIdoryia said. "...SO she never apologized to you...In the group chat yesterday while you were training, my phone kept going off and I looked at it to see it was a new group chat. After we finished, I checked the group chat and everyone said it was pink cheek's fault for your sudden outburst. They also told her to apologize to you and for some reason she was fighting against the idea. She was fighting against it because she believes it has nothing to do with you. I wanted to see if she really did what says she was going to do," Bakugo said. "Oh..." Midoryia said.

Hearing the information about this situation made Midoryia feel kinda down, but a little more irritated. Ever since the first day of school, Uraraka has always been kind and sweet to everyone; even to Bakugo. After hearing what she said about quirkless people hurt his feelings, but he can't be mad at her because of her opinions. He forgot all about it until finding out she was supposed to apologize to him, and she refused. Knowing that your friend doesn't want to apologize to you even though it doesn't 'relate' to you still hurts. When you hurt someone's feelings unintentionally, you still have to apologize to that person. Whether it is related to them or not. With Uraraka not doing it is making Midoriya second guess his friendship with her.

Midoryia was so into his thoughts that he didn't realize Bakugo was trying to get his attention. Bakugo was getting irritated and grabbed Midoryia's water bottle, poured a little in the cap, and threw it on Midoriya. Midoryai blinked and looked at Bakugou with a confused look. "You were in your own world, nerd," Bakugo said. "Sorry! Oh, you said something was going to happen. What is it?" Midoriya asked. Bakugo didn't feel like explaining and pulled out his phone and handed it to Midoryia. Midoryia grabbed the phone and began reading the messages.

Group chat


Pink cheeks: Guys, it is 11. Why are we talking at this time?

Robot: And up at this hour! You guys should be sleeping right now!

Pikachu: Yet, you're up

Robot:...What is the meeting about?

Racoon eyes: We, the Bakusquad, have come up with something that only deals with his squad.

Frog girl: What is it?

Icyhot: What is there that we need to do that you guys can't?

Tape Dispenser: Y'all job is to talk Midoriya about what is going on.

Robot: Can phrase that better

Rock man: We need you guys to talk to him, and ask him why he is getting upset with the subject: quirkless people

Racoon eyes: Yeah, in class his black whip was leaving his body. He was lucky that Bakubabe kicked his chair to make him disabel his quirk. If he didn't do that, he would get in trouble with Aizawa-sensei

Dark Poetry: I also sense a dark aura arising in the innocent Midoriya. It is quite frightening

Tape Dispenser: Yeah, and is about time he will explode

Float: Okay, but why do we have to do it? Why can't y'all do it?

Pikachu: Because you're his squad. His closest friends to him; besides Bakubro


Rock man: Bakubro! Welcome to the group chat! I'm glad you've finally acknowledged it.

Racoon eyes: Bakubabe! Can you do us a favor and tell us why Midobabe is acting the way he is

*15 minutes later*

Racoon eyes: And he's gone

Pikachu: So will you guys do it?

Tape Dispenser: Please

Icyhot: I can do that

Frog girl: Same here

Robot: Anything for a friend

Float: ....Fine

After reading the messages, he handed the phone back to Bakugo with shocked eyes. "They will be coming to you soon to see what is going on with you," Bakugo said. "Okay, thanks for telling me," Midoryia said and received a 'tch' from Bakugo. Bakugo got up from the chair and left Midoriya in silence. Reading the conversation made him happy that they wanted to make him feel better, but after hearing what Uraraka said, what she said made him sad. "Why is she going against the idea of doing these things?" Midoryia thought.

It is the next day and everyone is in class. Aizawa is going over the textbook along with information that hasn't been spoken. After the talk, he gave everyone a packet that goes over with everything that has to do with the book. Everyone is working in groups and partners while Bakugo and Midoryia are working by themselves. It is understandable why Bakgu wants to work by himself, but Midoryia didn't add up. The Dekusquad wants to ask him if he wants to come over, but they could tell by his body language that he doesn't want anyone to talk to him.

While everyone was working, the Dekusaquad finished their packets and walked over to Midoryia. "Hey, Midoriya! Mind if we check our work with yours *kero*?" Tsu asked. "Sure," Midoryia replied as he turned his paper where everyone could see. They checked their answers and noticed neither of their answers matched. "Uh, Deku...most of your answers are wrong," Uraraka said. "Yeah, none of our answers match except the percentage of how many people in the world are quirkless," Todoroki said. "Whatever," Midoryia said as he took his paperback and put his head on the table. The Dekusquad was sure what was up with him nor if they should ask. They walked back to the area they were in.

Bakugo listened to their conversation, and knew what he was doing. He was putting the correct answers about quirkless people, not what is said in the book. He doesn't want to say anything because he isn't in the right mindset to be talked to. The bell soon rang and all of the students turned their papers in. All of the students walked out of the classroom and headed to lunch. As they were walking, Midoryia heard his name being called. He turned around to see his squad calling his name. "We need to talk, now?" Lida asked.

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