If I was yours (bwam)

由 x4nheaven

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Salem has always been a loner. She doesn't care about anyone but herself and her family...she doesn't want to... 更多

twenty- five
twenty- six


280 8 9
由 x4nheaven


Today is the day I take my sister to Italy. My mother has been complaining for weeks about how everyone misses Salem, but they never talk about seeing me it's like ever since Salem moved to Italy all that time ago she became apart of the family.

I sometimes wonder if they truly even love me.

Even my brothers have been swayed by her. I remember when I first brought Salem home when we were younger everyone wanted us to get married in the future. I quickly had to shut that down because she's just a good friend. I did like her at a point in college though, I mean who wouldn't she's a beautiful person inside and out. It's just that I know we would never work out, we're better off as friends and Salem knows this too.

I will say though, It's upsetting watching Enzo and her hang out all the time. He practically stole my best friend. And it's crazy because Matteo doesn't show affection often but somehow Salem brings it out of him.

I told Salem to pack her bags about 2 days ago because she always likes to be ahead of things. I texted her about 30 minutes ago that I was on my way and just as I was about to hop in my car my older brother called me

"Damien, bring me my sister I haven't seen her in ages and I want to hang out." He whines like a big-ass baby into the phone.

"Matteo why are you being like this, you never act this way with me."

"Well that's because you aren't Salem, she's my favorite person, also her favorite fanboy won't shut up about seeing her." he laughs into the phone

"Shut up idiota I just want to see my wife." I hear Enzo in the background.

"She's not your wife." We both correct him.

"Anyways, little brother we finally finished her room and papa misses her as well." Matteo finishes.

"Okay well, I'm picking her up now and we should be there in about 12 hours. Don't forget to pick us up." I quip.

"That was one time." I hear Matteo groan into the phone.

"Yea okay bye big brother."

"Bye Damien." And with that, he hung up.

I pull up to Salems house and as soon as I do she walks outside with all her things. She was probably staring at my location waiting for me to come. I get out of the car to help her with her things and she just hops in the passenger seat. As I finish putting up all the things she has I hop in the driver's seat to head to the airport.

"I would love to know where we're going." She asked in a sweet voice, possibly hoping I would tell her. I'm pretty sure my mother has already told her with that big mouth of hers but maybe I'm wrong.

"I'm not telling," I reply with my eyes focused on the road

"Is it Korea, I haven't been in so long I miss the night life." She sighs while looking out of the window.

Well, I just made a mental note to take her to Korea.

"No Salem, I know my mother already told you." I look over at her, and her face says it all. I actually wasn't sure if my mother told her but now Salem just confirmed it. "Oh my lord that woman can't keep her mouth shut." I continue rolling my eyes.

"Hey don't blame it on her, she just can't resist me." She quipped.

"So I should blame it on you then?" I reply playfully.

She just looks over at me and rolls her eyes.

We eventually pull up to the airport, and I personally didn't want to fly with extra people so I just used one of the company jets.

Salem gets out of the car and gives me a disapproving look.

"What is it tesoro?"

"Why the hell did you use this private jet, isn't it expensive," she asks concerned.

I immediately bust out in a fit of laughter.

"What, why are you laughing at me?"

"This is your jet too dumbass it belongs to the company," I explain trying to catch my breath.

"Oh...shut up asshole stop laughing at me." She continues punching me until we board the plane.

The plane ride to Italy wasn't as long as I expected it to be. Mostly because I ended up sleeping after finishing some work. I also scheduled for me and Salem to have a press conference regarding our game and many more to come. I haven't told her yet but hopefully, she isn't pissed at me.

The flight attendant came to tell us that the plane was about to land so I went to the sleeping quarters to wake up Salem, but surprisingly she was already awake reading one of the many books she brought for the trip. One thing about Salem is she has a book wherever she is.

"Hey tesoro the plane is about to land start gathering your things, I'm pretty sure our luggage is already at the estate."

She nods and grabs her backpack.

After the get off the plane I see Matteo with a sign with Salem's name on it in big letters and mine in a tiny little corner.


As soon as Salem's eyes meet his, she hands me her bags and runs up to him while he picks her up and spins her in a circle.

Well, it's just fuck me, isn't it?

Matteo eventually lets Salem go and he comes up to me engulfing me in a hug.

"mi sei mancato fratello." He says while letting me out of his grasp. (I've missed you brother)

"Yea yea whatever, I've missed you too." I playfully roll my eyes at him.

The car ride to the estate was very annoying. Salem and Matteo kept giggling and cracking jokes, but each time I was the butt of each joke. It's like they love her more than me it's so annoying.

We eventually make it to my family's large estate in the countryside of Italy, and my whole entire family is waiting outside.

My mother, My father, Enzo, and my Nonno.

As soon as Salem gets out of the car they practically tackle her before she can say hi. This whole interaction was adorable but I'll never admit it. I'm honestly happy that my family loves Salem this much, even though my father wants me to marry her. He just doesn't understand that it will never be like that.

After we all caught up on everything, I went to my room and Salem went to hers. But as soon as I plopped on my bed I heard a scream.

I immediately got up and ran to Salem's room and when I got there the whole family was there too. Matteo, Enzo, and my father all had a gun, while my mother had a bat.

When I looked in Salem's room she was just fine, but she was crying and all of a sudden she ran up to hug my father.

"Papà, grazie mille, non posso credere che tu mi abbia dato una stanza su misura." she gushed while crying into his shoulder. (Dad, thank you I can't believe you gave me a custom room.)

"Jesus Salem don't scream like that, we all thought you were dying." My father sighed while patting her on her back.

"Sorry Mr. Ricci-" She began looking around at everyone and their weapons.

"What did I tell you about calling me that, I'm basically your father."

"scusa papà." she said while letting him go. She then got up to address the whole family. "I'm going to sleep now, sorry for worrying you all." (Sorry dad)

Salem then kicked us all out and slammed the door in all of our faces. She probably did it so she could read in the new reading nook that my father built for her. She really has my whole family wrapped around her finger and she doesn't even know it.


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