M4M Grayson Hawthorne x Reade...

By Junindu

12.7K 268 219

Y/n is a close of friend of suddenly rich Avery, meeting multiple people along the way. But the most memorabl... More

Some things to know before we get started
- Chapter 1 and 2 -
- Chapter 3 -
- Chapter 4 -
-- Chapter 5 --
-- Chapter 6 --
-- Chapter 7 --
-- Chapter 8 --
-- Chapter 9 --
-- Chapter 10 --
-- Chapter 11 --
-- Chapter 12 --
-- Chapter 13 --
-- Chapter 14 --
-- Chapter 15 --
-- Chapter 16 --
-- Chapter 17 --
-- Chapter 18 --
-- Chapter 19 --
-- Chapter 20 --
-- Chapter 21 --
-- Chapter 22 --
-- Chapter 23 --
-- Chapter 24 --
-- Chapter 25 --
-- Chapter 27 --
-- Chapter 28 --
-- Chapter 29 --
-- Chapter 30 --
-- Chapter 31 --
-- Chapter 32 --
-- Chapter 33 --
Another A/N
--Chapter 34--
-- Silly Chapter --
-- Chapter 35 --
--Chapter 36--
-- Chapter 37 --
-- Chapter 38--
-- Chapter 39 --
-- Chapter 40 --

-- Chapter 26 --

225 6 3
By Junindu

Date posted: 2-4-2023

The "archive" was definitely something. Lights, shelves, and everything would appear fantastical for your younger self. You already knew the look on Avery's face would be somewhat either amazed or astonished, though there isn't much of a difference. Something that caught your attention was the girl with the red hair. Other than her and you and Avery, there was no one else in the library.

"Okay, tell me about these letters." You pulled out a seat for Avery, before sitting into yours.

She sat next to you. "Well, you already know about my letter. But not about Jameson's."

"Go on."

"His says-" Avery paused. She reached in her bag. "You should see for yourself." Avery took out a letter and handed it to you. 

You took the letter in your hand, and skimmed through it, before being confused, and reading it correctly.

"Look nothing made sense but the 'don't judge' part, that I got just fine." You handed her the letter back. You were surprised Jameson gave his letter to Avery so quickly, unlike Xander.

"I've memorized it. I only partially know what it means." She said, knowing you'd be a little concerned over the fact she memorized it. 

"Hey, I got a feeling that you're a little too focused in this." You said to Avery, who was staring intently at her letter and Jameson's.

"You sure?" Avery asked, finally looking up.

"Yeah of course, I'll just get some food since I didn't earlier." You stood from your seat, which accidentally created a loud noise moving on the wood. You hated chairs like that.

"I'll see you around then, Y/n?" Avery asked, taking her hands off her ears.

"You bet." You nodded.

Avery smiled, making you grin as well. You headed towards the door, prepared to get lost and lost again. The lunch period is probably almost over. Maybe you could find the cafeteria before lunch ends. You walked down a long hall, slowly spinning around like you were looking for some sign where the cafeteria was. 

"Shit, I'm lost." You continued wandering around the halls. You had never seen this area before. You've probably only been to 5% of the school so far anyways. 

You breathed in and sighed. At this point, you might as well get a trophy for your effort to get just a little bit of food. But instead of anything remotely close to food, all you saw was paintings and pictures, or maybe you couldn't differentiate pixels and paint strokes.

You looked down at the ground, walking not even sparing a glance at the photos. But when you looked up, you noticed that stupid blonde well-kept haircut. If you tried hard enough, maybe you could avoid him.

You quietly strolled down the right side of the hall. If you can get past him, then-

"Don't even try the avoiding act again, Mr. L/n." Grayson said, instantly freezing you in place. He was still a little salty about your earlier interaction.

You cursed under your breath. "Ah oh no, you caught me." You said in the most sarcastic tone ever, your hands on your chest and head.

Grayson would never say it, or understood why, but he was kind of appreciating you were acting the same way he remembered you. You may have been trying to tick him off, but at least you weren't ignoring him.

He faced you. "What are you even doing here?" He asked, now fully realizing you were in the school uniform. "I must say you look better in that outfit than whatever you call clothes before."

"Just nothing, don't worry about it." You fanned your hand, hiding your confusion with his last sentence. Was he flirting or insulting you? "Anyways, where am I?" You asked, knowing he wasn't there also on accident.

He sighed. "You're currently in the- How shall I put this for you to understand?-"

"I'm not that dumb." You interrupted.

"It's for all past and present students to display their pieces for those who appreciate the arts. They are specifically chosen based on their elements of creativity." You could hear a bit a pride in Grayson's tone.

You were about to comment on that tone until you hear a somewhat familiar, but unpleasant voice.

"Omg! Is that Grayson and the cute one?" Oh great, it was the girl from earlier who was trying to get your number. She began walking toward you guys, waving like she knew you.

"You know her?" Grayson asked, eyeing her who was getting closer by the second.

"No, and I don't want to."

You began "casually" walking in the other direction away from her. And Grayson followed. He'd just didn't want to be around persistent girls who couldn't get a hint.

He looked back at the girl, and with one glare made her stop, and finally leave.

"You know you don't have to rush." Grayson walked normally.

"Would you want to be followed by some girl whose kinda weird?" You said, too scared to look back.

"Well, she's gone somewhere else at the moment. So now you just look idiotic." Grayson seemed to believe he could be funny too.

"Oh wow, thanks for the heads up." You replied, rolling your eyes. But you did eventually end up walking at a more calm pace after a bit.

"I'll be leaving now to the house. I assume we're going our own ways now?"

"I actually want to go back too, so you're riding with me." You pointed your thumb go yourself. It was clear there was no room for arguing.

"You can be so stubborn at times." Grayson muttered.

"Sorry what was that? I don't think I caught that. Mind saying that again?" You said, with a teasing smirk.

Grayson only grunted on response. He began heading in some direction without you.

"Wait up, you jerk!" You said trying to figure out if he was going to go left or right.

You had finally realized Grayson had led you outside when you ended up in front of the school with him. Grayson got out his phone to call for a car. It arrived in a surprisingly short amount of time. He opened the car door for you.

"I can open my own doors." You crossed your arms, refusing to accept Grayson's chivalry.

"Would you rather me close it, and then let you open it yourself?" He asked, his hand slowly closing the door.

"No, I never said that." You reluctantly got into the car, frowning.

You moved over the middle of the seats. It shock you for a second when Grayson sat next to you. You fully expected him to in the front.

You just looked at him, not even realizing you were.

"Is there an issue with me being here?" He asked, as he put on his seatbelt.

"No, shut up." You blurted, trying to find some excuse on why you looked ao confused for a second.

Grayson didn't respond, now eyeing at the fact you hadn't done you seatbelt.

"Are you going to buckle, or do I have to do that?" Grayson asked, which would've made you laugh but now you just looked at you seatbelt then to him.

"I don't need it. I've been fine without a seatbelt for the past 18 years. You're just being uptight."

He was just surprised you even lived this long. The car began to drive to the house. A part of him felt worried for you everytime the car was over a speed bump, or stopped suddenly.

You heard a ding from your phone. You opened your notifications, and saw it was a message from Avery.

Avery: Y/n, meet me in the house's library. The first one. I think I might've found something out.

Y/n: You got it
        I'm actually at the house rn

You texted as the car pulled up to the house.

"Listen, Gray, it's been wonderful with you but I gotta be somewhere." You hand was placed on the door handle.

"It's Grayson. Not Gray, or Gray Gray or-"

And you had already left the car.

You found the library Avery was talking about, but instead of seeing her, you saw Jameson.

"Aren't you supposed to be at school?" Jameson turned around.

"Aren't you?" You countered.

He put down his book. "Understood, I'll drop it." Jameson walked towards you. "I'm guessing we're before here because of jystery girl?"

"Sure." You replied. You wanted to know what Jameson was doing in Avery's room, and how in the world did he even get in.

"By the way, does she like you?" He put an extra emphasis on the like.

"Oh no, we're just friends. Plus I'm not exactly interested in that." But that didn't mean you wouldn't kick his ass if he tried anything.

Jameson's eyes widened. He was about to say something until Avery came through the door.

"You guys are here." She smiled, a little exhausted from running to get there from the entrance.

"Yeah, but you need to start telling me what's going on." You prompted.

"In Jameson's letter, it says 'don't judge', which is a part of one of the most common said phrase. 'Don't judge a book by its cover."

"So that's why we're in a library, to look for a book?" You raised an eyebrow.

"With the incorrect cover." Jameson finished the answer.



Yo yo yo wassup, if your current writer. I'm so fcking tired man. 🗣🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💥💥💥‼️‼️‼️‼️

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