If I was yours (bwam)

By x4nheaven

7.8K 161 145

Salem has always been a loner. She doesn't care about anyone but herself and her family...she doesn't want to... More

twenty- five
twenty- six


483 13 7
By x4nheaven


3 weeks later

Well it's Monday, quite literally the worst day of the week. I say this because I have to work with men who think they're smarter than me and they also think I fucked my boss to get the position i'm in.

But in all actuality they're just immature dumbasses who barely know how to code. And they also don't know that me and Damien  built this company together. I had the option to become the CEO but I'd rather not be in the spotlight. Basically no one outside of the company knows who the COO is and i'd like to keep it that way. Also no one in the company knows that Damien and I started the company together. They just think that Damien hired me for shits and giggles. I'm honestly fine with it because I get to avoid the press most of the time, and when I do have to talk to the press I end up doing it through Damien.

I end up getting ready and wearing something pretty casual. Thanks to Damien the workplace is very casual and most times it just feels like i'm hanging out in a cool ass studio apartment with my own personal office.

I finally get out of bed and take a shower, wash my face, brush my teeth and get dressed. I make my daily cup of tea and head out to work.

I decided to walk today because it's been pretty nice outside, and my job is just a couple of blocks away. I turn on my music which mostly consists of Lauryn Hill and Floetry.

I'm glad i walked today, the city is vibrant and there's a lot of people talking, walking, and laughing.Which makes my mood a bit better.

As I enter my building and say good morning to everyone important my Damien calls me in to his office. This is strange because he usually gives me a chance to look over my work and then ask him questions about everything.

I walk to the elevator, and as soon as the door opens I see one of the coworkers that I hate the most. I get in and as soon as the door closes he immediately has something to say. "Well well well it looks like you're going to your boyfriends office to give yourself up just to keep the position you so desperately wanted."

I look over at him and roll my eyes.

"you know what Mr. Brown, I've had enough you are a disgusting self absorbed pig who can't get over the fact that me a black woman has achieved more than you ever will, what nobody knows is that I built this company with Damien and i choose to stay in the shadows. I have let you walk over me but i refuse to continue to do so, and if you so desperately want my position as COO you can go work somewhere else. I will not hesitate to fire you, and you know i have the power to do so. Oh and I saw your girlfriend the other night when I was out clubbing. She was with a man that looked nothing like you, maybe you should go check that out."

He looks at me like a fish out of water unable to say anything. I give him and tight lipped smile and as the door opens I throw in a quick. "Have a good day."

When I get to Damien's floor his assistant is nowhere to be found. Hmm, that's odd. I walk to his door and open it and when i do i'm met with his assistant bent over his desk and him right behind her.

"AHHHHH ewwwww." I slam the door and try not to barf.

"Jesus Salem knock next time." He says from the other side of his door.

"I never have to knock so why should I start, also you just hired her and you're already fucking her JESUS get some help Damien." As I finish my sentence the poor girl walks out with a flustered expression on her face.

I gather myself and i enter his office.

I'm not going to lie Damien is pretty attractive, I even had a tiny little crush on him but that was when we were way younger. I mean who wouldn't he's about 6"4  with a very muscular build he has very think dark curls and a pretty thick Italian accent and his face looks like it was chiseled my the gods themselves.

I quickly got over the crush when I realized he's horrible at relationships and an all around good friend. He's very funny and he helps out a lot when it comes to the people in the company.

When I get further in his office i sit down on my favorite couch and steal a bag of Doritos he had in his snack bin

"Well just make yourself comfortable why don't you." he says as he rolls his eyes at me.

"I don't want to hear it, after what I saw you should give me a raise." I know i don't need a raise I already make more than enough money I just like messing with him.

"yea yea, get ready I'm taking you to lunch," he says as he grabs his jacket.

"What do you mean it's not even 1 yet you know lunch is at 1, and what will the others say when they see us walk out together it already started something last time." I say very unsure.

"Salem fuck them, I'm the CEO of this company and you're the COO, if you're really that upset i'll fire the bastards that keep fucking with you."

"fine let's head out." I reply as i grab his arm with a smile.

Lunch with Damien was fun, we talked about our personal lives mostly. We do this thing where if we go out together we refuse to talk about work. He says he wants to get to know me better even though we grew up together and have had the same stupid dream of building this company for so long.

After our little lunch break we went back to the office to finish up some work, today was a light day which was surprising because Monday's are usually the hardest. Me and Damien ended up leaving at about the same time so he drove me home which I was extremely grateful for because it started to rain.

When I opened the door to my humble abode there stood Solana,Reign, and Hyesol. They looked as though they were conjuring up a plan. This was odd since it's a Monday night and we usually don't do anything crazy on week days.

When they look up to meet my confused gaze they end up smiling and complimenting me.

"Salem have i told you how beautiful you are?" Hyesol begins.

"Yea Hyesol you're so right, it's like you're glowing Salem." Reign gushes.

"Yea, have you been loosing weight you look so good." Solana ends while walking up to me and hugging me.

I pry myself out of her grasp and I run to my room and lock them all out. I decide it's best for me to hop in the shower and wash the dirt from the day off of my body.

When i get out of the shower I no longer hear the girls conjuring up evil plans so I decide to go to the kitchen. I immediately regret it, I see all of the girls sitting around the kitchen island and when they hear me they all snap their necks to look at me.

I walk over the the kitchen and sigh. "Okay what is it that you all want from me," I ask a little annoyed.

"well," Solana begins "My family is having a formal get together for a charity they support and they want me to bring my friends that I talk so much about and we know you doing like meeting new people but I would really like for you to come." She says in a rushed tone.

I grab a bottle of water out of the fridge and turn to her. "Fine, but if that asshole of a brother you have talks to me I won't hesitate to put him in his place."

"Thank you thank you you're the best Salem." I roll my eyes and walk back to my room.

If i'm being honest her brother is an asshole, but a very cute asshole. I don't really want to get to know him because the only interaction i've had with him was pretty bad. He seems disrespectful and I don't have time for disrespectful men.

It's about 9:30 and I can't sleep so I decide to facetime Damien. He's one of the only people who can cheer me up when i've had a bad day.


"What do you want from me Salem? I was just about to fall asleep." he asks in a raspy tone.

"Wow you don't love me anymore? I just want to talk to my favorite person right now." I hate to admit it but he is my favorite person right now since the girls have been plotting on my downfall.

As soon as I say that he turns on his lamp and smiles at me. "Well hello to you too."

We honestly don't end up talking about a lot, i just told him about Mr. Brown in the elevator which made him mad. He went on this whole rant about how I should've told him earlier so he could fire him. I ended up telling him it was okay and he should just let it go, but Damien isn't the type of person to let things go.

We stayed up for about 1 hour talking about nothing like we usually do. We then said our goodbyes. After the conversation with Damien it felt like a weight had been lifted off my chest which in turn allowed me to sleep peacefully.

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