Falling For Trouble {Complete...

t0xicmeemz tarafından

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Introductions + Authors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5, Attraction
Chapter 6, The mother
Chapter 7, Love
Chapter 8, Shes gone
Chapter 9, Party
Chapter 10, Kiss
Chapter 11, Flash
Chapter 12, Camping
Chapter 14, i love you.
Chapter 15, new job.
Chapter 16, Blazed
Chapter 17, Could this be our life?
Chapter 18, 18.
Chapter 19, Finally
Chapter 20, A new chapter
Chapter 21, Valentina
Chapter 22, Oh baby
Chapter 23, Baby
Chapter 24, 3 months later
Chapter 25, out of control

Chapter 13, Alexander

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t0xicmeemz tarafından

Chapter 13, Alexander (The next day)
Troy murmured softly as he resituated..His arms were wrapped around lyric, holding her against him. She let out a content sigh as she settled into him, squeezing her leg in between his. Troy allowed her leg in and pulled her closer to him, setting his head against hers. He was drifting back to sleep when he just realized that this cuddling definitely wasn't a normal thing in his life..between him and well.. anybody. His eyes shot open and he stared at the wall for a moment in silence..He began to glance around briefly, pressing his lips into a thin line. Oh..Lyrics room..So I am holding my best friend in a, quite frankly, romantic manner. That's fabulous. Troy took in a quiet deep breath and leaned back to look at her, her body following him as he leaned away. He sat there for a few seconds before hesitantly looking down, She was nuzzled into him with her arm draped around his side..her face halfway hidden in his chest. God, she looked gorgeous. Even when she slept. His look softened and he began to gaze at her..admiring her features. Even though she wasn't aware of it and she wouldn't allow it if they were awake..They were holding each other, They were sleeping like this, comfortably, That's all he needed to make him smile.

She slightly resituated and a piece of fell into her face..Troy watched it fall and hesitated on it for a moment, not wanting to wake her..he gently moved it aside, tucking it away behind her ear. He laid there for a few minutes, not wanting to disturb her. She looked so peaceful, and content. He didn't get to see her like this very often. Troy exhaled and took a glance at the clock on her nightstand. 7:27 pm. His eyes widened. Oh fuck, it's late. He gently started to pull his arms out from under Lyric, making her begin to stir. He paused when she did, Lyric groaning softly. Troy cleared his throat softly and sat up, making Lyrics arm fall from his side. "Hey Ly?" He said softly, taking a glance back at Lyric to see her eyes reluctantly flicker open. "Mm.." She hummed tiredly, closing her eyes briefly before opening them again, flashing him a smile. "Hi" She whispered back. "It's 7:30. We should probably get up, make dinner, etc." Troy said softly..Lyric began nodding, a smile spreading across her face, she held it back along with what she wanted to say "Okay" She whispered and he cocked an eyebrow..Lyric hesitating "Is my bed seriously that comfortable for you?" Lyric teased, her voice raspy and tired, Troys eyebrow fell and he chuckled. "Possibly...Or maybe there's just something about falling asleep and waking up next to you that comforts me" He admitted through a yawn, scratching the side of his neck,
She let out a soft laugh. "Don't get all sappy on me, Harvin." Lyric said, pushing herself up out of bed. He chuckled, running a hand through his hair as he stood up. "You know..I can't believe I fell asleep during karate kid. I love that movie" Lyric said in disbelief as she strolled to her bedroom door, she grabbed the remote off of her dresser and turned her tv off. "It must've been the 3 pot brownies you ate" Troy said simply, sliding his phone into his pocket as he followed her out of her room. Lyric turned to look at him with an offended look on her face as they made their way to the bathroom which made him snicker. "Don't be jealous that I was still functioning after 3 because you had 1 and a half and you were tripping balls, man." Lyric said with a laugh. Troys eyes widened slightly, following her into the bathroom. "Seriously?" He uttered quietly before he covered his mouth with one hand, laughing out of embarrassment. Lyric nodding with a victory smile spreading across her face as she removed her and Troys toothbrush from the bathroom cabinet. "Your eyes looked like a blood pool. I swear to god you must've eaten everything in the cupboards, we should probably go shopping" Lyric stated, offering his toothbrush to him. He pursed his lips into a thin line, silently taking his toothbrush from her as she flipped on the sink water. "Are we still making spaghetti tonight?" She questioned, Troy nodding in response as he ran his toothbrush under the water, then squirting some toothpaste onto it.

(45 minutes later) Troy stirred the spaghetti sauce while Lyric set out the bowls and utensils on the counter, preparing to take them to the table. The kids were sitting at the table, doing their homework. Troy took a glance back at her and then scooped up a little spaghetti sauce onto the spoon he had been stirring it with. "Taste?" He said as he offered the spoon to her.
Lyric turned to look at him and took a glance down at the spoon, letting out a short chuckle. "Don't shove the spoon down my throat" She said, Troy smiling. "Don't temp me"  Lyric hesitantly leaned forward and allowed him to feed it to her..placing her hand under her chin just in case it spilled. Lyric leaned back, licking her lips. "Hmm..." She hummed while she thought, their eyes meeting. "Maybe a little sugar" She stated. A smile spread across his face, nodding simply. "Yes ma'am" He murmured while turning back towards the stove, removing the sugar from the cupboard above it. She rolled her eyes playfully, a smile still sitting on her face. Pounding on the front door snapped them out of their comfortable little world they had together, their gaze met again briefly, Troy swallowing "That knock sure has meaning, it must be for you" Troy joked, sprinkling sugar into the pot of spaghetti sauce. Lyric smiled and playfully shoved his shoulder before she wandered off to the door.

(Lyrics POV) She opened it to see Alexander standing on the front porch with an impatient look on his face, Lyric sighed, irritated just by his presence. "What do you-" Alexander shoved her backwards, interrupting her. "What the fuck Lyric!" Alexander exclaimed angrily, entering the house after her. Lyric caught herself from falling, staring at him in disbelief and silence for a moment before scoffing. "What in the hell was that for?!" Lyric yelled back. (Troys POV) Troy heard the yelling begin and took a glance back at the kids who were staring in the direction of the door. Troy set the spoon aside on a paper towel. "Hey guys?" Troy said, gaining their attention. "Go to your room, please" Troy said softly, wiping his hands off on a hand towel, The kids quickly rounded up their things and went back to their room, closing the door. He turned the stove top temperature down to each burner and grabbed his pocket knife off of the counter, sliding it into his back pocket while he began to walk towards the sounds of angry speaking. Troy walked around the corner and saw Alexander yelling at Lyric "Not only did you fuck somebody who wasn't me but you fucked Ryan Pierce, seriously? Ryan fucking Pierce who I've hated since middle school?!" Alexander exclaimed, causing Lyric to scoff. Oh..Alexander, Of course. She can handle herself. Troy thought, folding his arms over his chest as he watched the two from the end of the hallway. "#1 You cheated on me first, our entire relationship and #2 we aren't together anymore, Alexander. So who I have sex with doesn't concern you" Lyric said.

She broke up with him?? Fuck yeah Lyric. Troy couldn't help but smile. Alexander crossed his arms, lifting his shoulder up in a half shrug. "I only did that at the start and then when we got together, I stopped shortly after and then we hadn't had sex in a month, Lyric, so I turned back to her to please me since you wouldn't" Alexander stated with a harsh tone. Troy eyes widened. "Well I'm sorry I haven't been able to please your shrimp dick, I was just a little turned off from you considering that you screamed in my face just because you ASSUMED I had been cheating on you with my fucking student of all people. Yes we're friends, and yes, then we kissed but we were drunk, and I was hurting, because you're an asshole! Maybe if you wouldn't be embarrassed to show up to places with me maybe you my actual boyfriend could've been the one kissing me, but Marisa was too important? Hm?"

Holy shit..this is partly about me??

"Whore" Alexander scoffed under his breath. "That's all you have to say?" She questioned in disbelief..Alexander just staring at her in silence, raising his eyebrows briefly to say yep without having to speak to her, "Fine, since we're going this childish route..Cunt" Lyric hurled back at him. "Slut" He spit out "Why don't you go cheat on me some more?" She said, tilting her head to the side "Why don't you go fuck Troy Harvin?" He jealousy snapped. Lyric bit her lip, letting out a short chuckle. "Leave and maybe I will" She stated, a challenging look on her face. Alexander's jaw twitched, staring at her with jealousy and anger in his eyes. A small gasp escaped Troys mouth by accident and his arms fell out of their crossed over position, Alexander heard the gasp and looked back at him, scoffing. "It looks like you already did that...didn't you, Lyric?" Alexander stated, looking back at her. Lyric looked back and an awkward look flashed across her face because she assumed he heard what she said, giving him an awkward, reassuring smile, Troy just nodded briefly. She sighed, shaking her head as she looked back at Alexander. "I didn't have sex with him..He's living with me right now" Lyric stated and Alexander chuckled shortly. "Don't worry man, just wait a few months and you'll get your chance with her, no hesitation from her side." Troy was staring at him intently, Alexander sucked in a breath of air and threw his hands up in the air, "Shit..maybe beg a little bit and she'll give in right now" Troy scoffed, making his way to Lyric "Shut the fuck up, Alex." He stated, standing at her side. Alexander chuckled in disbelief, "Do you want me to kick your ass again Harvin?" Alexander threatened. Troy laughed in disbelief and glanced at Lyric momentarily, He then looked back at Alexander, a subtle grin on his face. "The first time we fought you wanted to get your anger out so you took advantage of a 12 year old, scrawny, 5'4 kid who was pissed at you and beat him until he could hardly breathe. But I'm now twice your size and a hell of a lot stronger, so try it miller, please." Troy stated confidently, slightly cocking his head to the side.


"You need to stay out of this, Whore." Alexander blurted out obnoxiously in response to lyric. "And you need to watch your fuckin mouth, you say something like that to her again I'll cut your tongue out and then sew your mouth shut so you'll choke on your own blood, you daddy's money, good for nothing man whore, snob." Troy snapped. Lyrics eyes widened and her lips parted, her eyes quickly shot to Alexander where he was steaming, he went to step up to Troy but Lyric interrupted "Alexander-" Lyric tried to speak again, Alexander interrupting her and stopping "Stay the hell out of this lyric, this is between m-" Now he was interrupted "Let her fucking speak." Troy uttered, Alexander averting his eyes back to Troy..Lyric chuckled but covered her mouth, silencing it. Alexander looked at Lyric again and Troy took a deep breath when his fist began to tighten..the more he looked at Alexander, the more he wanted to punch him. Lyric looked over at him and saw him practically fuming..He saw her look at him out of the corner of his eye and he hesitantly looked over, Lyric just shook her head. "He's not worth it." Lyric said softly.

If I knew that you wouldn't hate me..I would beat this fucker absolutely bloody for the way he talks about you. Well..I'd try anyways.

Troy just nodded in response before looking back at Alexander. "You need to leave." Lyric says as she folded her arms, Alexander scoffed in disbelief. "I'm not gonna-"  "Don't." Troy stated, gaining Alexander's attention again. "This is her house so technically if she doesn't want you here and you refuse to leave, then you, sir..I'm afraid are trespassing." Troy disclosed, Alexander began shaking his head, letting out a laugh of exasperation "I don't wa-" Troy interrupted "So..do you wanna call the police, Lyric? Or shall I?" Troy questioned, looking over Lyric who was already looking at him, she was stifling a smile, proud and impressed. Alexander scoffed in disbelief, surrendering his hands because he just gave up. "Whatever... Pussies" He uttered under his breath before he turned to walk away but he stopped, a smile spreading across his face. He turned himself back to look at Troy. "By the way, you can have that slut since you want her so much. I'm with Marisa now" Alexander spoke loud and clear, a short chuckle escaping. "Marisa? Marisa White? Uhm.." Lyric intervened, sucking in a breath through her teeth. Alexander's face fell and he looked at her again, he looked confused but slightly knowing at the same time. "What did you do?" He whispered, his eyes searching hers. "I'm sorry to break it to you Alex, but she just so happened to tell me that I was a much better fuck than you." Alexanders breath hitched in his throat..staring at her in silence. Troys mouth popped open, slowly looking over at her. "Now that you mention it..I forgot that she invited me over for dinner tomorrow, Thank you so much for reminding me." Lyric said with a chuckle, "Shit..what did she say she was hungry for again?" She tapped her pointer finger against her chin, pretending to think for a few seconds, her face lit up and she smiled. "Oh right..me." Lyric stated, tucking her hands back in her pockets. Alexander's fist tightened and Lyric noticed, she took a glance down at his tightened fist and then looked back up at him. She took a step towards him..her body language was practically screaming I dare you. Troy was shocked, but so impressed, and a little turned on if we're telling the truth. "You.." Alexander began hushly. "Did fucking.." He whispered once again. "What?!" Alexander yelled and lunged like he was ready to hit her. Troy quickly set a hand on his shoulder, shoving him backwards as hard as he could. Alexander caught himself from falling by placing his hands on the doorframe..his eyes shifting from Lyric to Troy. His chest was rising and falling, he was pissed.

Lyric let out a short chuckle. "Your girlfriend. How many times do I have to say it?" Lyric said..His eyes averting back to lyric. Troy purses his lips into a thin line to attempt to not laugh but a stifled laugh escaped, a hand coming up to cover his mouth. Alexander completely lost it and he went back at her angrier. He stormed over to her and he swung for her but she dodged him, hardly missing his swing. When she popped back up she clocked him in the face..sending him off of his feet and onto his ass. He fell, hard. She didn't even think about how badly that would hurt, "Son of a bitch!" Lyric exclaimed quietly, shaking her hand around. Troy quickly paid attention to Lyric when he realized she hurt her hand, "You okay?" He said softly, gently taking her hand in his. Lyric cleared her throat, nodding, "It was just a little punch, I'm fine." She reassured him. "Do you think you broke something?" He questioned..his eyes bouncing from her hand to her eyes a couple times. "Maybe I sprained it but it's not brok-" They hadn't even realized Alexander had gotten back up until Alexander shoved Lyric backwards. Lyric fell against the hallway wall, hard. She smacked her head back against the wall and winced at the impact. Troys eyes landed on Lyric who Alexander had just shoved, quite harshly. His eyes wandered to meet Alexanders and Troy smiled, a chuckle escaping under his breath "Well now you've trespassed and assaulted somebody." Troy said simply, striking him in the face. Alexander stumbled back but quickly corrected himself, he slowly touched his fingers against his lips and let out a deep breath of disbelief when he saw blood. He went back at him and punched Troy, hard. Troys arm flung around Alexanders waist, and he slammed his body into his, forcing him back into the wall. Lyric gasping. "Shit, guys no!" Lyric called out.

Alexander struggled to get Troy off of him and Troy kneed him in the stomach, twice, causing Alexander to groan. Alexander beat his fist down into Troys back until he let go, causing Troy to come back up. He punched Alexander twice before Alexander smashed his head into Troys, making Troys vision blur and his grip on him weaken. Alexander took advantage of his weakness and was able to shove him off of him. Alexander came at him while he was stunned and punched him, multiple times, until the force from it caused Troy to fall back against the wall, Lyric quickly ran to him "Get the fuck off of him!" Lyric yelled as she jumped onto Alexander, Alexander almost falling down at the impact. "Get off of me!" Alexander exclaimed, trying to tear her arms off of him. Troys vision came back and he saw the two tussling, he grabbed Alexander by the back of his shirt and pulled him out of Lyrics grip, dragging him to the door pretty successfully even though Alexander fought back. "Do not text her, do not call her, do not touch her, do not come to her house " Troy said, throwing Alexander out onto the porch. "Do not even fucking look at her." Troy stated, slamming the door in Alexander's face. Troy stood there in silence for a moment, setting his back against the door as he let out a soft groan..he touched his fingers to his aching lips, swallowing the taste of blood. "Mommy? What happened?" Ella whispered from her doorway..the air escaping Lyrics lungs in a dreadful sigh. "I'll tell you in a few minutes but for now please stay in your room, baby" Lyric said softly, taking a glance at Troy. "But-" "Now." Lyric ordered..silence for a moment before Ella shut the door.

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