Masked Singer (UK) Short Stor...

By ShiratheLionhog3

5.1K 92 143

Hello. Since The Masked Singer Community is a thing here, I thought I would put some of my Amino stories on h... More

How I Met Your Dancing Squirrel (Badger X Squirrel)
Mentoring with a Rumour (Short Story)
Robin X Rockhopper Headcanon
Confiding in a Friend
Shooting the Breeze
Last Minute Advice
Who Wore it Better?
A Deal with the Devil (The Fungi Bargain)
Return of a Few Legends
Valentine's Special (Badger X Squirrel)
On with the Show
The One Where Robin Finds Out
Bird Gone Missing
The Rescue
The After-Math
Robin X Badger (Blind Date)
Robin X Badger (Little Do You Know)
Masks on Tour
Dancer Gossip
A New Face on the Scene
Calling Home
Newly Acquainted and Weekend Plans
The Boy is Mine
Winter Birds (Robin X Rockhopper)
The Nightmare
Sing-along (Part 1)
Sing-along (Part 2)
A Little Trouble Ahead
Losing My Religion
The Wrong Thing for the Right Reason
A/N - Valentine's Day Post
The Morning After
It's Not All Doom and Gloom
Caught Between Theft, Threats and Redemption
The Final Show (Part 1)
The Final Show (Part 2)
A Welcome Home Surprise
Caught In All Honesty
Robin's Birthday (2024)
Another Rescue
Freedom For Themselves
The Liar Revealed


67 3 0
By ShiratheLionhog3

*Viper and Squirrel catch up on the drama from the tour that they had heard from*

Viper: Whoa... He slapped him?

Squirrel: Yeah, he was really upset about what he did.

Viper: I can imagine... And with a huge paw like that, Robin's really lucky he didn't lose an eye.

Squirrel: Very. I've heard from Robin that he's a little worried about Badger. Apparently he's been acting... odd, like he's become "deranged".

Viper: Deranged? But Badger's got to be the most level-headed mask in the studio. You don't suppose, maybe... Could it have something to do with last night?

Squirrel: What do you mean?

Viper: Listen, I'm not gonna say I was snooping around, but I saw you talking with Hare. Does Badger have any idea about this guy that's been VERY close with you?

Squirrel: Oh... Oh, I did introduce them over the call- Wait, do you think that he...? No, I can't imagine that's what it is.

Viper: You need to start being careful about who you hang around with, Squirrel. I need you to promise me that-

Squirrel: Hare showed romantic interest in me... He told me about it at the Sing-Along.

*Viper's eyes widen*

Squirrel: But I told him I was with Badger and I wasn't interested in trying anything.

*Viper takes a step back*

Viper: You didn't... I-I mean, good. You're loyal, so that's good. Listen, I have to go. I'll catch up with you later, Okay?

*Viper runs off*

Squirrel: But... There he goes again. What's up with him?

*Viper slows down when he knows Squirrel is out of sight. He checks his phone for messages, seeing one from Badger*

Badger: *in text* Why is he there?! What does he want?!

*Viper sighs and texts back*

Viper: *in text* Don't get mad, but I think he knows now that you're her boyfriend and he may have enough information about you.

Badger: *in text* Ok, now I have to get home. Just keep an eye out.

Viper: *in text* NO! Don't come back, that's just what they want from you. I promise I'll protect Squirrel until you get back. Just stay on the tour. Trust me.

Badger: *in text* Fine. but if something happens to her on your watch, I'm going to kill you.

Viper: *in text* You have my word, she's as good as safe.

*Viper puts his phone back into his jacket pocket and sits down, face in hands*

Viper: Man, what am I gonna do?

*Viper looks up and sees Hare talking to a few people, leaving them laughing along with him. Viper scrunches up his snout and stands up*

Viper: First things first, the rat.

*Hare parts from the group of people as Viper starts to walk up to him*

Viper: Ahem.

Hare: Oh, Viper! And to what do I owe the pleasure?

*Viper puts on a fake smile*

Viper: Hare. I have to say... Maybe I was wrong about you. You seem to have everyone's best interests in mind.

Hare: Well I must say, Viper. It's nice to see you finally coming around. Though I suppose our friends wouldn't have seen it that way, what with you being threatened by my presence here AND in the gang.

*Hare chuckles*

Viper: Threatened? Come on, I could've easily bitten you all those years. I held my tongue, literally.

Hare: Hmm, yes. You've done well on that part... *under breath* Just a shame that I'm going to make you regret it.

*Hare starts to walk away, but Viper pauses for a moment*

Viper: Wait, what was that?

*Hare turns back to Viper*

Hare: Drat. You and your vulcan hearing. You've always been the one to eavesdrop in on another's conversation.

Viper: Maybe with ears like yours, you would've heard me the first time, so I'll try again. "What was that?"

Hare: Oh, Viper Viper Viper. You're just as naive as the rest of them. I never would've expected you to bring your guard down to please everyone around you. That's just not you is it?

Viper: ...

Hare: You really thought I was here to help your puny little studio for your artsy-fartsy Wannabe friends?! Don't make me laugh, Viper.

Viper: ENOUGH!! ...What are you REALLY doing here?

Hare: I'm here to finish the job Badger started. You and I both know he bailed out on it. Don't tell me you're doing the same?

Viper: That's not who I am anymore.

Hare: I figured as much. Oh, last place? Guess you just weren't meant for a dancing career. Haha! It looks like you failed as a criminal, and failed as a Dancer.

Viper: Badger was right about you. I just can't believe I didn't see it sooner.

Hare: I knew you'd be next, but they never listen to the crazy Hare. Now, you're gonna tell him where the Badger is. You know Grim Claw does not wait for anything.

Viper: You won't find him here. He's touring and as far as I'm concerned, he's safe.

Hare: Is that so, Vipie? I suppose we'll have to bring him back home. Maybe send him a little "Welcome Home" Surprise.

Viper: Oh what are you gonna do, eh?

Hare: It seems as though he cherishes that Squirrel girl, doesn't he? It would be a shame if... something happened to her.

Viper: That's not happening, runt. You're not hurting Squirrel, or Badger. Not while I'm here.

Hare: Is that so? Who's going to believe you, Viper? They see a gargantuan snake wearing that shredded up attire... With a bad attitude.

Viper: Really, Hare? Stereotyping? I didn't think you'd stoop that low to prejudice, mate.

Hare: Saying that though, aren't there some of your friends that seem to have a prejudice against Badger? Just wait until they hear about what the two of you have done in the past.

Viper: Wait!!

*Hare stops and looks to Viper, who groans in frustration*

Viper: Alright, what's it gonna take?

Hare: Take for what?

Viper: I think you know what I'm talking about. What's it going to take for you to not say anything?

Hare: Well, there would only be one way to settle the score.

Viper: Name it.

Hare: Help me get the money out of the studio. The prize money, the one that Badger promised us and maybe some of the competition prize money YOU were supposed to win.

Viper: Petty theft?

Hare: Oh! And did I hear that your studio has a Queen? How about some of her riches too?

Viper: No! I would never! Not Queen Bee!!

Hare: Oh yes, I reckon we could get all of her crowns for a fortune. An absolute steal.

Viper: I can't do that.

Hare: Sorry, but those are the conditions. It is what it's gonna take, after all.

*Viper just stares down at Hare, stunned by the ultimatum. Hare holds out his paw for Viper to shake on*

Viper: I knew you were a master of blackmail too... Fine, I'll do it.

*Viper accepts the terms and shakes hands with Hare, albeit begrudgingly*

Hare: I must say, this really is like old times. I could offer a choice as you would play the shadow and get what we want... it's just such a shame that the person wrapped around my finger next was you.

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