Ultimate scapegoat (DanganRo...

By Kakirihazuri

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Y/n is the average high school kid with a talent unlike most other. He is called the ultimate scapegoat for h... More

Invite to Hopes Peak
The new teacher
Chaos and Class Rep
The Project and The'Ultimate' Little Sister
Ultimate Replacement
The Exams/ Enter Kamukura
Baby Gangsta's Little Sis.
Fall Festivities, Part 1: School festival announcement
Fall Festivities, Part 2: Preparation and Procrastination
Fall Festivities part 3: School festival problems
The ultimate hope meets the warriors of hope
Protecting Hope part 1
Protecting Hope Part 2
Protecting Hope Part 3
Protecting Hope Part 4
A Little Ultimate Chaos
Seasons change festival date
Chiaki's Christmas Party
New years events
The New Students
Helping out the Student Council
The Despair Sisters
Speaking with Mukuro and Missing student
The end of the beginning
Trial and Terror
Second Floor, Second Motive
Trail 2
To Another Motive
An Upset Brother
A Filler Chapter
The end of the killing game
Future Foundation
Towa City
Gathering the Party: Part 1
Gathering the Party: Part 2
Gathering the Party: Part 3
Towa Tower
An Emergency Signal
Picking Up What Remains
Neo World program
Beef or Chicken?
We're Doing A Sequal
Leaders and Bombshells
Spending a bit of free time
Motive Seems Redundant
More Free Time Before We get This Party Started.
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody...
Cooking Up a Trial

Investigation Thyme

839 30 1
By Kakirihazuri

Y/n's Pov

The panic immediately started, Kazuichi let out a girly shriek, Hiyoko stepped away slowly staring in shock, Ibuki began foaming at the mouth and fell over, Mahiru was covering her mouth with both hands while staring at the body in horror, Gundham reeled back in shock in a chunibyo way, Hajime took a step back and let out incomprehensible noises, Nekomaru let out an ear-splitting holler, Akane's eyes widened and her mouth hung open, Sonia gasped and covered her mouth with one hand, Nagito stared at the body like he was disappointed. Chiaki came in soon and had a paler-than-normal face as she stared at the body. Monomi who followed her let out a scream and cried. After a moment Teruteru arrived, looking around the room his eyes focused on the general area of the body, but specifically at Nagito before he let out his reaction of shock. 

The moment was interrupted when Monokuma showed up "Upupupupupuu! Finally, one of you brats decided to do the deed! I am so proud" Kurokuma popped up next to Monokuma "Hahaha! Fuckin' finally! it took you bastards long enough!" Shirokuma popped up on the other side of Monokuma "Yay! We can finally begin the game!" Hajime spoke first "What? y-you're saying one of us did this!" Monokuma laughed again "That's right!" Kazuichi pointed a finger at Monokuma "n-no way! One of you probably did it! There's no way any of us would kill" Monokuma tilted his head "Are you sure about that? it's thinking like that that'll get you killed." Kazuichi was obnoxiously crying "Shut up! This is all your fault!" Monokuma laughed "My fault? I'm not the one that killed here." I spoke up "enough bickering. just shut up and get your explanation over with" Monokuma sulked a bit "No fun allowed huh? fine. Take this Monokuma file and get investigating brats." Monokuma sent a file to all of our ehandbooks, describing the general information about the murder. After the file was sent, all 3 bears left.

Hajime was the first one to speak up "he wants us to investigate? h-how would we do that, we're just high school students." Nagito responded "You aren't just high school students, you're all ultimates" A few mummers of uncertainty floated around the room. I let out a sigh and spoke up "Alright, first thing first, can someone help get my leg out from under the body" Everyone looked over at me after I said that. Nekomaru slowly moved to help until Kazuichi spoke up "Wait if he's stuck with the body on him, doesn't that make him the prime suspect? we should leave him trapped there just in case." I sighed and spoke up "Alright dumbass, listen up. The way Twogami is lying, I wouldn't have been able to stab him. Also, both me and Nagito, who is still lying on top of me for some reason, would be drenched in blood." Nagito let out a dry chuckle and slowly got off me. after he got up, Akane spoke as well "Let's just get him out of there already, it would have been pretty difficult for someone scrawny like him to stab Tommy with someone lying on them" Hajime looked at her "You still can't remember his name properly" Akane picked her ear "What was that Henry?" Hajime sighed and shook his head as Nekomaru finally helped get me out from under Twogami's body

After I got out from under the body, a discussion began on how to start investigating. Mikan decided to perform an autopsy on the body, Mahiru would be checking through the photos she took in order to get an idea of where everyone was before the lights went out, everyone else would do their own individual investigation, and Hajime was going to collect evidence from everyone. Hajime started going around the room, talking to people and looking at things. After a while, Hajime walked over to me. "Hey, Y/n, can you tell me what happened during the blackout to lead to your leg getting trapped under Byakuya?" I looked at him and nodded "When the lights went off, I was standing next to the table. Hiyoko was standing next to me at the time. There were a lot of noises around us, but after a few seconds, it felt like someone had been pushed into me. I landed in a way to cushion the fall, however, my leg slid under the table." 

Hajime nodded and looked at my leg "Hey, there is a hole in your pants leg. Was that there before." I looked down at my leg "Ah, I forgot about that. It went numb before the lights turned on." I knelt down and rolled up the fabric of my pant leg. Hajime lets out a quiet noise of shock before speaking "That looks pretty bad." There was a 5 mm wide puncture wound in my calf. the hole went all the way down to the bone. the area around the hole was a slightly purple-red circle. There was quite a bit of blood coming from the wound. "Yeah, I should probably cut off the circulation until I can get this patched properly" I took off my tie and wrapped it around my leg above the wound, tightening it until the circulation was properly cut off. Hajime winced a bit and spoke up "Maybe we should get Mikan to help you" I nodded and looked over at Mikan "After she finishes the autopsy I'll ask her." Hajime stared at me "Why not ask her now? I'm sure she would understand that it's more important." I sighed and looked at him "It's clearly her first time performing an autopsy, and she's already a timid person. She's bound to be scared and nervous in this situation. If I have her treat me now, it'll distract her and she won't be able to finish the autopsy properly." Hajime nodded and looked away "Alright... I'm going to go investigate the other rooms, make sure you get that treated immediately after she's done" 

Hajime left the room, leaving me by myself. I stood against a table, watching over as Mikan performed her autopsy. Despite the fact that a nurse doesn't typically perform an autopsy, she did a decent job of noting down injuries and estimating the effects of the injuries. She used her Ehandbook to take note of the results of her autopsy which might be useful later. As soon as she finished, she stood up and sighed, looking around until her gaze landed on me. It only took her a moment to notice the injury on my leg. She immediately forced me to sit down while she left to get medical supplies from the supermarket. I didn't have to wait long as she seemed to have superhuman speed, getting back here in a time that didn't seem possible. She treated my leg quickly, disinfecting the wound, applying pressure, and sealing it before wrapping it tightly. She looked up at me after she finished. "m-make sure to avoid agitating the wound, r-replace the bandages every 8 to 10 hours, no running until the wound is closed, and if you lose feeling or your leg starts swelling, come get me immediately" I nodded and pet her head a bit "you're pretty cute when you're in nurse mode." her face turned red. She started stammering, unable to correctly say anything. I pat the top of her head before leaving to do my own investigation. 

I started looking around the room checking for anything that seemed strange. One thing I noticed was the AC unit being set to turn on at a specific time. I took note of it using my ehandbook before moving on. I looked around the room to take note of more things, the single lamp on the table above Twogami's corpse, the night vision goggles Twogami was wearing, the knife that was clutched in his hand, the tap that had glow-in-the-dark paint on it. After I finished looking around, I headed out into the hallway to look for something else related to the case. I decided to check the office that held the breaker. There was no one in the room, it looked rather undisturbed. The plate of food that Peko brought with her was empty, and the chair at the desk was knocked over backward as if someone had gotten up in a hurry. I took note of that, as well as the fact that the AC unit in the room was set to the same time as the one in the main room. I was going to leave the room, but Hajime walked in and looked at me. he stared at me silently for a moment before deciding to talk to me "Hey Y/n. Do you think that the killer used the breaker in here to cause the power outage?" I looked over at the breaker that was in an unreasonably high place on the wall "Unless the killer is 3 meters tall, no." Hajime looked at the breaker as well and nodded "What if they used something as a stool?" I shook my head "That would be too difficult regardless. they would have to get down from their stool in the dark, and unless they held onto the stool before navigating their way to the main room, the stool would still be sitting under the breaker." Hajime stood there for a few seconds, probably thinking to himself before turning away and looking at something else, which isn't really a good way to end a conversation, but more power to him. 

I left that room and headed to the storage room, deciding to check the room Nagito supposedly didn't have time to clean. there were towers of boxed moved to one side of the room, some had clearly been recently moved. An ironing table sat next to an outlet with multiple cloth irons plugged in. I took note of that before looking around a bit more. There was a box that had a very bloody tablecloth shoved into it, and hidden behind the box was a gas-powered portable stove that had a section of the metal that was still red hot. I was going to investigate the recently moved boxed, however, I was interrupted as Gundham threw the door open and loudly announced "Vacate this room mortal! I am on an important quest to find my hellhound earring and I must not be disturbed by your imposing presence." I sighed and quickly noted down all the things that I had noticed before leaving the storage room as he'd requested. 

I didn't want to talk to anyone, so I headed into the kitchen instead of talking to the people in the hallway. I looked around to see if anything was out of place. I noticed that there was an empty spot on a shelf that was surrounded by cooking supplies for outdoor cooking. there was also a missing propane container from another shelf that had been neatly packed with the containers. I took note of that before looking at the only other obviously out-of-place thing, the giant slab of meat that had a bone sticking out of it. The meat had been cooked, but it didn't look like it was going to be taken to the party, not cut for easy serving or put on a platter for transport. I was going to lift it up to see if there was anything hidden by it, but before I could even grab onto the bone sticking out,  Monokuma's voice rang out from the intercom "Ahem, the Investigation period is now over, it is time to commence the class trial. All students head to Monokuma Rock and We'll get this show started!" I frowned and stepped away from the meat on the bone, leaving to make my way to Monokuma Rock. 



Hello, yes, still alive. Cannot say the same for the Chromebook I usually use to write my books on. I had to fish out a 13-year-old laptop and perform some miracles to get it working in order to work on this. It's slower than public Wi-Fi and has less memory than a goldfish, but it still functions enough for me to work on. My fingers hurt after using this clanky old Windows keyboard, and I wish I had just procrastinated until I got my Chromebook working again, but the people deserve a shitty chapter. Thanks for reading, and as usual,

until next chapter. 

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