Summer Love That Blossomed in...

By phoebesmith25

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Eric Wilson and his siblings Michelle (older sister), James (younger brother), Micheal but everyone calls him... More

First Day Of Summer (Edited)
Continuation from Last Part (Edited)
First Date? (Edited)
Beach Day (Edited)
My Dad's Back? (Edited)
Last Month before School, Let's Have Some Fun! (Edited)
Tryouts For Football (Edited)
First Day Of Senior Year (Edited)
Halloween and Halloween Party (Edited)
Thanksgiving Week (Edited)
Thanksgiving Week Part 2 (Edited)
Basketball Tryouts (Edited)
Christmas Cruise Day 1 (Edited)
Last Full Day On Cruise (Edited)
New Years Eve Party (Edited)
Eric's 18th Birthday (Edited)
Valentine's Day (Edited)
Back Home, With Wheelchair (Edited)
First Day Back at School, Since Accident (Edited)
Prom (Edited)
Finally Done! (Edited)
Graduation Party (Edited)
August 2020 (Edited)
College Halloween Party (Edited)
Nice To Be Back Home For Thanksgiving (Edited)
Planning Ellie and Arthur's Wedding (Edited)
Physical Therapy (Edited)
End Of Semester/Christmas Break (Edited)
Cruise Round 2 - Couple Edition (Edited)
New Years Eve Party Round 2 (Edited)
New Year, Eric's 22nd Birthday (Edited)
Surprise! (Edited)
Eric's Family Finds Out (Edited)
What We are Having... (Edited)
Gender Reveal (Edited)
Graduation of Undergrad College (Edited)
Welcome To The World EJ (Edited)
EJ's First Thanksgiving (Edited)
Arthur and Ellie's Wedding Weekend Part 1 (Edited)
Ellie and Arthur's Wedding Weekend Part 2 (Edited)
Tessa's Bully (Edited)
EJ's First Christmas (Edited)
New Years Eve Party (Edited)
Baby Number 4? (Edited)
Caric Wedding Weekend Part 1 (Edited)
Caric Wedding Weekend Part 2 (Edited)
Start of Summer 2026 (Edited)
Welcome To The World Baby #4 (Edited)
Halloween/EJ's Birthday (Edited)
Thanksgiving 2026 (Edited)
New Years Eve 2026 (Edited)
Eric's 28th Birthday (Edited)
Skylar and Emma's 3rd Birthday (Edited)
1 Year Anniversary (Edited)
Carley's 28th Birthday (Edited)
Ten Year High School Reunion (Edited)
EJ's First Day of Kindergarten (Edited)
Halloween 2027/ EJ's 6th Birthday (Edited)
Thanksgiving 2027 (Edited)
New Years Eve/Twins Are Here (Edited)
Author's Note
Sequel Is Out

Summer 2027 (Edited)

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By phoebesmith25

(Carley's POV)

It's summer time once again. Which means our pool is open for business. We opened it on Memorial day. And we invited pretty much everyone. Timmy, Spencer and Sami came. Which was a nice thing, you know since they live so far away from us now. My family did come too like they always do when everyone comes over. My mom and dad love their grandkids. And I think my kids love them. I know EJ does. But I know he would rather be with Stephanie. Just because Stephanie comes over a lot more and helps us more than my parents do.

I told my parents that if they came over more then my children would choose them. But they said they are busy. Which they are. I'm not saying they're not.

Today is fourth of July. So yes another party. But this time our family is going to the Roger's house. We haven't been there in awhile. My family is meeting us there. But that's not until 2 in the afternoon. Right now it is 10:30 in the morning. And Eric is still asleep.

I should wake him up but I know his work has been a lot. He has gotten a lot more patients for his office. Like he told me that a kid got into a car accident and has a herniated disc because of it. He said he has been working with the kid as much as he can but the kid is still in pain.

When it was 11:30 in the morning I went to our room and woke him up. Because it has been a long time for him to sleep in. As I walk over to his side. I pushed his hair to the side. He has like bangs right now. So yeah he's hair is pretty long.

"Eric..." I said softly and kissed his forehead. He says mmm. "Eric....Baby it's time to wake up" I said rubbing his cheek

"No" He said and turned over

I chuckle. And try to move the blanket without hurting myself. It took 2 tries but I did it. He rolls onto the floor.

"Ouch" He said as he landed on his butt

I chuckle but helped him up. "Are you ok?" I said with a laugh.

"Yeah, laugh at my pain why don't you" He said as he is now fully awake

"Are you seriously injured Eric?" I asked him

"A little" He said

"Well I am sorry" I said to him

"Give me a kiss" He said

I smile and kiss him on the lips

"Ok apologize accepted" he said with a smile

"Good. Now do your morning routine, then meet me downstairs. We got a few hours before heading over to your aunts and uncles' place.

"Ok" He said, yawning.

"Ok. I will leave you to it" I said

"Why don't you join me for the shower?" He asked with a smirk

"Because our kids are up and are eating downstairs right now." I said to him

"Ok" He said nodding

"Alright I will be downstairs" I said and kissed him one more time.

After leaving our room i go into the kitchen and saw EJ drinking his apple juice.

"You really love apple juice don't you EJ?" I asked with a smile

As he was drinking the juice he nods his head. I chuckle. I walked over and rubbed his head

"Momma look!" Emma said lifting up her eggs and ate it.

"Do you like your eggs Emma?" i asked my daughter

"Yes" She said

"Momma, me next!" Skylar said, doing the same thing that Emma did.

"How about you Skylar. Do you like your eggs?" i asked my older daughter

"Yes" She said with a smile

"Wheres daddy? Mommy" EJ asked

"He is upstairs getting ready for the day. He had a hard week at work, this week" I said

"Is daddy ok?" He asked sadly

"Yes he is ok EJ" I said giving my son a smile

"Good" He said with a smile

As they were still eating and having juice. Eric finally comes down. EJ jumped out of his seat and hugs Eric.

"Wow buddy. What's going on?" He asked with a chuckle. He laughed as EJ jumped into his arms

"Daddy are you ok?" He asked

"Yeah buddy. Why do you think i'm not ok?" He asked EJ

"Because mommy said you had a hard week" He said to Eric

Eric looks at me. "She said that huh?" He asked EJ while looking at me

"I may have said that" I said softly

Eric chuckles. He brings EJ with him while he walks. Eric kisses me.

"You are a very nice person Carley" He said then kissed my forehead

"You are a very nice person too Eric" I said smiling at him

Eric puts EJ back into his seat. Eric then goes to his chair where his food is. He started to eat. And I just watch him

"You're staring" He said to me

"I'm sorry my husband is so hot!" I said fanning myself

He chuckles. "I think i'm gonna go to the gym today" He said as he ate

"Really?" I asked him

"Yeah....I don't like my dad's body" he said looking down

"I like it" I said to him

"Yeah well I don't. But I'm not going to the gym alone. James and Alex said they'll go with me" He said

"That's good" I said

"Yeah. James is actually on his way here. Since the gym closes a little early for the 4th of July" He said as he continued to eat

"Alright" I said

(Eric's POV)

After eating my breakfast I washed my plate and went to wash my hands and mouth. Once I did that I put my shoes on for the gym. I was already in my gym clothes.

"Daddy, where are you going?" EJ asked after he saw me put my shoes on

"I'm going to the gym buddy" I said

"Can I go?" He asked with a smile

I look at him and gave him  a smile. "Sorry buddy you are a little small. I think we are going to a real gym not to my aunts" I said to him

"Ok" He said sadly. Then walked off probably to Carley.

I sigh. I hate making my son upset. But sometimes you have to do things that make your kids upset. And when that happens it sucks but it does happen. I decided to call James he answered on the second ring

"Hey bro. I'm almost at your house" He said

"That's not why i called. The reason why I called is to know where we are going to the gym. Are we going to Aunt Evie's and Uncle Matt's gym or an actual gym?" I asked him

"I think Aunt Evie's and Uncle Matt's because Alex said he had to talk to his parents anyways" He said

"Alright. Well do you think EJ can come then? He wants to come with me" I said

"I don't see why not. I mean as long as you watch him" He said

"Alright. Well beep the horn when you're here" I said to him

"Will do" He said

"Love you little bro" I said with a smile

"Love you too big bro" James said then hung up the phone

I go to where EJ was and saw he was upset. I knocked on the wood to get his attention. Once he looks at me he smiles.

"Hi daddy" He said

"Hey buddy. If you really wanna come with me then you can" I said to him

"I thought you said I couldn't go?" He asked

"That was because I thought we were going to a real gym. But we are going to my aunts and uncles place" I said

"Ok. I'll get ready!" He said and ran off to his room

I chuckle. I walked over to the dining room since Carley is still in there with the girls and Noah. I kiss her head

"EJ and I are going to my uncle and aunt's house for the gym" I said

"I thought you were going to a real gym?" She asked confused

"Yeah I did too. But James said that Alex needed to talk to his parents anyways" I said shrugging

"Oh....OK. Well please watch EJ while you work out" She said

I nod. "I will. I promise" I said to her

"So we will meet there then?" She asked

"Yeah. I'll see you there. I love you Carley" I said

"I love you Eric" She said and leaned up for a kiss. I got the hint and kissed her.

I heard the car beep. So James must be outside. "EJ let's go!" I yelled for my son

"Coming daddy!" He said and come over to me with his shoes on

We headed out to James car. I get in the front while EJ gets in the back

"Hi uncle James!" EJ said

"Hey EJ. And Eric" He said

"Hi brother" I said as i buckled in. "Buckle in EJ" I said to my son

"Got it daddy" he said as I heard his buckle click. Meaning he is strapped in

"Alright we can go now" I said to James

"Alright. Let's go" James said

James drove to Aunt Evie's and Uncle Matts. Once we got there, we just walked in since this was our house for a while.

"Hey guys. And EJ how are you doing buddy?" Alex asked

"Hi uncle Alex" EJ said giving Alex a hug

"Ooff big hug little man" Alex said with a laugh

"Yeah EJ is a strong man now" I said joking. "EJ show some muscle" I said to my son

EJ lifts his arm and flexes but doesn't have any muscles. I mean he's only 5. He doesn't need it yet. Maybe when he's 16. At the earliest 15 years old. He's still got 10 years.

"Alright guys lets go head down to the gym then" Alex said

The four of us headed downstairs. I gave EJ's the lightest weight possible. And showed him how to do it. But he doesn't have that much strength yet. Like I said early he doesn't need muscles yet.

I went to the heavy weights and started to do the exercises with them. Once I did my weights I went to the cardio area. I went on the treadmill and went on a run on there. I was on there for an hour at a speed of 3.0 and incline of 2.3.

By the end of the hour I was sweating buckets. Also halfway of me doing the treadmill workout EJ decided to go upstairs to watch tv. So I didn't have to watch him then.

Once I was done I grabbed a towel and whipped off all the sweat I had. I waited for Alex and James to be done. Once they were done for their workout, we all went upstairs to where EJ was. And Carley was already there with the twins and noah. I go over to them

"When did you get here?" i asked kissing my wife's cheek

"Like 20 minutes ago" She said

"Who opened the door?" i asked

"Evie did" She said. "Why was EJ up here alone?" She asked with her arms crossed

"I was on the treadmill" I said shrugging like it wasn't a big deal.

" I told you to watch him. Not just do the gym" She said pointing into my chest

"I know. I know. And I was watching him. But then he got bored. I also knew that my aunt was up here" I said rubbing my chest where she kept pointing

"Eric, EJ is only 5 years old" She said sighing

"Carley I know how old our son is" I said

"Then why did you leave him!" She asked annoyed

I rub my head softly. "Carley.... I'm gonna go take a shower upstairs. Because I don't think you're really mad at me. It's just the hormone talking" I said rubbing her arm

She takes away her arm. "I am mad at you. Maybe the hormones are making it worse. But Eric you left EJ upstairs" She said

"My aunt was with him!" I said to her. "I'll be back down. I'm very sweaty. I just wanna take a shower" I said tired

"Fine go take a shower" She said and went over to the kids

I sigh and went up to my old room. I took a shower quickly. I took about 10 minutes. I will sometimes take a longer one if I need it. But I knew Carley and I weren't done talking. So I did a quick one.

After putting on some clothes I went back down and hugged my girls. Skylar was wrapped around me. She really loves me and it warms my heart.

"Eric. Let's go upstairs" Carley said

I nod and kissed both my girls heads. Then hugged EJ. "Wish me luck buddy" I said softly

"Good luck daddy!" He said with a Smile

I chuckle cause he has no idea why he said that. I head upstairs with Carley who has Noah in her arms.

I closed my old door because I knew whatever was gonna happen that no one was gonna wanna hear this.

Carley looks at me. I look at her. I can't seem to read her. I don't know if she's mad or annoyed. She's definitely one of those two.

"Carley you wanted to come up here. If you're not gonna talk I'm gonna he's back downstairs" I said about to open the door

I heard crying. I turn around and saw her. I walked over

"Hey.....whats wrong?" I asked as I try to stop her crying

"Don't leave me" She said

That broke my heart

"Car......I would never leave you in a million years. Billion if you wanna be even surer" I said with a smile

She keeps crying. "Sorry hormones" She said with a chuckle

"Yeah I know" I said giving her a hug.

She looks at me. Then puts Noah on the bed. Once she does that she brought my head down to where her head is.

She pressed her lips onto mine. We made out. She pushed me onto the computer chair.

"What was that for?" I asked with a chuckle

"Well Noah is on the bed. So we are gonna have fun on the chair" She said then went to my neck. Sucking and licking the area.

I started to feel very happy. God she makes me insane.

"Mmm" I said as she continued to make more hickeys. "Carley if we are continuing. We have to bring Noah somewhere else" I said softly looking at my youngest son

"I can't stop right now. He's not gonna remember this anyways" she said as she went back to kissing my lips.

We made out for a while until there was a knock on the door.

"Carley?" Ellie asked

"Yeah Ell?" Carley asked still on top of me.

"What is she doing here?" I asked softly

"Remember it's the Fourth of July party?" She asked me

"Yeah but that's not for a couple more hours" J said to her

"Carley are you and Eric having sexy time with Noah in there?" Ellie asked Carley through the door

"Maybe?" Carley said to Ellie who was on the other side.

"I'm coming in. So Eric get dressed you too Carley" She said then walked into the room

We didn't take our clothes off but I did have a little/big problem.

Ellie went over to Noah and picked him up. Carley was still on me.

"How dare you two" Ellie said then walked off with our son. She closed the door on the way out

"That was embarrassing" I said with a chuckle

"Yeah" She said getting up

"Where are you going?" I asked her confused

"That ruined the moment Eric" She said

"But....." I said as I still has a hard on

"Well fix it yourself" she said fixing her hair. Then started to walk out

"Hey?" I asked her

She looks at me before fully waking out.

"I love you" I said to her

She smiles at me. Then walked over to me. She kissed me deeply. "I love you so much more" She said after the kiss.

(Carley's POV)

After kissing my husband. I went back downstairs to Ellie and my kids. I walked over to Ellie who is still holding Noah.

"Hey Ell" I said to her

"You know you probably terrified your son" She said as holding Noah

"He's only 7 and a half months old. He's probably not even gonna remember what he saw" I said to her

"You don't know that for sure" She said

"Where is your son?" I asked her

"He's in the room with EJ and the girls" She said

"I'm gonna go see him" I said and went into the living room. Where EJ, Sky, Emma and Ellie's son is.

"Hey guys" I said to them

"Momma!" Sky and Emma said

"Hi mommy" EJ said to me

"Hi Auntie Carley" Max said

"Hi Max. How are you doing?" I asked him

"Good" He said

My godson Max is 4 years old. His birthday is in May. The date is May 5, 2022. EJ is the oldest in the families. Well except for my family side. Since Emily my older sister had some children before me. And my brother also had some kids too. But that was after EJ was born.

"Mommy, when is everyone showing up? I wanna see Devon!" EJ said

"I know sweetie. But right now Max is here. Aren't you happy to be playing with him?" I asked my son

He nods and went back to playing on the game. Max plays with him. Emma and Sky are watching them play. It is very cute

After another 5 minutes Eric finally comes down. I chuckle because I knew what he had to do.

"Daddy!" EJ said looking at Eric

"Hey buddy" Eric said coming over. "Max how are you doing?" He asked his godson.

"Good Uncle Eric" Max said

"Daddy when is Uncle James and Devon coming?" EJ asked

"I don't know bud. But you got Max right here EJ" He said

"And that's what I told him Eric" I said

He looks at his son. Then at me. I gave him a look to talk to him. He nods

"Hey EJ how about you and I go get some hot chocolate and stuff?" He asked our son

"Ok daddy!" EJ said with a smile then went over to get his shoes on.

"Do you want anything devil girl?" Eric asked with a smile

I chuckle. "No. I'm good baby. Just please talk to him?" I asked him

"I will babe. We will be back" Eric said then room EJ's hand into his own.

(Eric's POV)

I put EJ into his car seat. I took Carley's car because it was behind mine. Once settling EJ into the seat. I go to the drivers seat and buckled in.

"Are you ready buddy?" I asked my son

"Yes daddy" He said

"Alright. Let's go" I said and drove to the nearest place to get coffee and hot chocolate.

The closest place was Dunkin. Which is good because Carley and I love it there. While she can't have anything because she's pregnant. Doesn't mean I can't. But I think I'm gonna get her a hot chocolate. Cause I know she likes that.

"Hey EJ can I asked you a question?" I asked my son as I drove

"Yes daddy?" He asked looking at me

"Do you like Max?" I asked him

"Yeah. Why?" He asked me

"It's just... you keep asking for Devon. I mean I know he's your cousin. But Max is too" I said to him

"I just have more in common with Devon daddy" He said

"What do you mean buddy?" I asked confused

"I just like spending more time with Devon" He said

"So you think if you and Max spent more time then you'd like him like Devon?" I asked

"Maybe" He said playing with his hands

"Alright well buddy do you want to go thru drive thru or go in?" I asked as we were close to dunkin

"Go in!" He said

"Alright" I said and drove into the parking lot for the dunkin. I parked my car and helped EJ out of the car.

We walked into the place and looked to see what we wanted. There was a little line so we had time to choice

"Daddy can I get a donut?" He asked me

I smile. "Sure buddy. We can get 2 boxes of donuts. First come first serve" I said

"What does that mean daddy?" He asked me

"It means who ever comes to the house first gets a donut" I said

"Ohhh" He said nodding

Once it was our turn. I looked at my son. "What do you want buddy?" I asked my son

"Hot chocolate!" He said

I turn to the worker. "Hi can I get a small hot chocolate?" I asked the worker

"Ok, anything else?" The worker asked

"Can I get 2 dozen donuts. It can be all mixed up" I said

"Ok anything else?" They asked again

"Another hot chocolate but this time a large" I said

"Alright anything else?" They asked

"And a medium iced coffee with cream and 3 sugars" I said

"Anything else?" They asked

"No that's it" I said as I pulled out my wallet.

"That will be 30 dollars" They said

I pulls out my credit card and put it into the machine. Once it says remove card I took it out .

"Do you want a receipt" They asked

"No that's ok" I said

"Alright your donuts and drinks will be right out" They said

"Thank you" I said then took EJ's hand and brought him over it the side with me

I get a phone call and saw it said Wifey. And a picture of my beautiful wife on the scene.

"Mommy is calling buddy" I said as I answered the phone. "Hello Beautiful" I said

I can hear her smiling. "Hi handsome. So everyone is pretty much here. How much longer are you gonna be?" She asked me

"Well I got 2 dozen donuts. And I got 3 drinks. So once I get everything I'll call you in the car"I said onto the phone

"Ok. Oh did you talk to EJ?" She asked

"Yeah I did. And he thinks if he spends more time with Max then he'll like him that much" I said to her

"Alright. We can work with that. I'll see you after you get the stuff" She said

"Yep. I love you beautiful" I said to her

"I love you Handsome" She said

"Alright bye" I said then hung up the phone

"2 dozen mixed donuts?" One of the workers said

"Yep" I said grabbing the two boxes.

"Your drinks will be right out" They said

"Thank you" I said and waited on the side

"Two hot chocolates, and a medium coffee?" One worker asked

"Yep that's me" I said grabbing the drinks. "Can I get a cup holder please?" I asked them

"Sure" They said and put the drinks into the cup holder.

"Thank you" I said. I turn to my son. "EJ can you get the boxes?" I asked him about the donut boxes

"Ok daddy!" He said and grabbed the boxes but he couldn't carry both

"Here buddy give me one of them" I said

"I can do it daddy!" He said determine

"Maybe next time buddy" I said as I grabbed one of my the boxes.

So now one hand is filled with the drinks and the other is with the donut box

EJ and I got in the car. I buckled him in and then to the drivers seat and buckled myself in.

We drove back to my aunts and uncles place. Once we were back at the house, I called Alex and Arthur. To see if they can come help.

2 seconds later they came out and helped. We walked into the house

"There is my son" My mom said kissing my cheek

"Hi mom" I said giving her a side hug since I still have the drinks in my hands

"Who is the large hot drink for?" Carley asked looking at it

"For you beautiful. Don't worry it's hot chocolate" I said to her

"Awww thanks babe" She said and kissed my lips

"Who's the ice coffee for then?" Alex asked

"That is for Me. And the small hot Chocolate is for Ej" I said

"So you got him hot chocolate and a donut?" Carley asked as she points to EJ who is having a chocolate glazed donut.

"Hey you try to say no to him!" I said to my wife

The girls were laughing.

"Hello Eric" Dennis, Carley's dad Said

"Hello Dennis" I said shaking his hand

"EJ!" Devon said running in

"Devon!" EJ said and hugged his cousin

"Hi Eric" My older sister Michelle said

"Hey sis" I said hugging Michelle

"Hey bro" James said

"Hey James" I said to him. "So everyone's already here?" I asked

"Yep. Ellie, Taylor, and Kendall are all out in the living room" Michelle said

"Well I'll go say hi to them" I said

(Carley's POV)

Once Eric goes out to the living room I watched as EJ shared his donut with Devon. Then I saw Max come in. He looked very shy.

I sigh. "Hey EJ do you mind if we talk?" I asked my son

"Sure mommy" He said

We walked upstairs to Eric's old room.

"What's going on mommy?" He asked me

"EJ. You got to be more nice and friendly to Max" I said

"But Max and I don't have that much in common mommy" He said

"He's your cousin sweetie. And he feels like he is left out on things" I said rubbing his head

"But mommy" He said

"Just please EJ?" I asked him

He nods. "Ok mommy" He said

"Alright well I would head back downstairs. Before one of your uncles drinks your hot chocolate" I said to him

"No!" He yelled and ran downstairs

(EJ's POV)

I ran downstairs and saw Uncle James drinking my hot chocolate. I hit his leg

"Huh?" Uncle James asked the. Looked at me. "Oh hey EJ what's up little guy?" He asked

"Uncle James that's mine!" I said pointing to the hot chocolate

"Oh shoot. I'm sorry little man" He said giving me it back

I took it and saw there was still more left. So he didn't drink that much. I hit his leg

"Hey! I gave it back" He said as he held his leg

"Yeah but you still had some!" I said annoyed

"EJ can I have some?" Devon asked me

"Sure" I said and gave the cup to Devon.

I looked at my other cousin Max. He is very shy. And maybe that's why I get along better with Devon. Cause Devon's like me. But both mommy and daddy want me to try to connect with Max. So I will

"Hey Max do you want some hot chocolate?" I asked my cousin

"Oh......sure" He said

"Devon give some to Max" I said

"Sure thing. Here Max have a sip" Devon said to Max

Max took the cup and tried it. "It's good" He said

"Yeah I agree" Devon said

"Yeah same here." I said to them

"Hey boys wanna go kick the ball around?" My dad asked

"Yeah!" Devon and I said smiling.

"I don't know. My moms not gonna be happy if I get injured" Max said

"Auntie Ellie isn't gonna get mad" I said to him

"My mommy is very protective" He said

"It's a simple task max. You just kick the ball" I said

"Ok......I guess I can try" He said

"Great. Let's go out" I said to the two

We get our shoes on then went to the backyard with my dad, Uncle James and Uncle Arthur.

"Max? What are you doing out here?" Uncle Arthur asked

"I'm playing daddy" Max said

"Did your mother say yes?" He asked Max

"I....didn't ask her" Max said softly

"Arthur, coz. Max will be fine. You can't get hurt with a soccer ball" My daddy's said

"You don't know Max. If there's anyone who is more accident prone than my son I don't want to meet them" Arthur said

"Daddy I'll be fine!" He said to Uncle Arthur

"Alright. I guess. Let's just kick the ball around" He said finally agreeing

I kicked the ball to Devon first who kicked it back to me.

"Here Max. When I kick the ball to you, stop it with your foot" I said to my cousin

"Ok EJ" He said nodding

I softly kicked the ball over to him. He tries to stop it but ends up hitting his foot instead.

"Daddy can you get the ball?" I asked my dad

"Sure thing bud" My dad said and got it. "Here Max why don't you kick it to EJ?" My dad said to my cousin

"Ok Uncle Eric" he said then kicked it softly to me.

I stopped it with my foot. "Good kick Max" I said to him

"Thanks EJ" He said with a smile

Then the mommy's and everyone else came out

"You guys playing a little soccer?" Mommy asked

"We're just passing the ball mommy" I said to her then went to give her a hug.

"Ooof carefully buddy. Remember mommy has 2 babies in here" She said holding her belly

"Right. Sorry mommy. And little brothers/sisters" I said rubbing her belly

"EJ come on. Come back!" Devon yelled

"Coming!" I yelled then ran back over to the little soccer circle we have

"Hey can I play?" Annie, Devon's and I's other cousin asked

"Sure" Devon and I said. Max just nodded

Then the adults left us to play together

(Eric's POV)

I looked back out to my aunt and uncles pool. And smile. I mean thanks to this pool I met the love of my life at just 17 years old.

"What are you doing bro?" James ask

"Just remembering good times" I said

Arthur and Alex comes over.

"What are you guys doing?" Alex asked

"Just remembering good times" I said

"Like when?" Arthur asked

"Like....right over there" I said pointing to the door to the inside. "Right there I saw Ellie, Carley and their friends walk out to us" I said. "First time I saw my wife" I said

They look and nod. Well Arthur does because it was just him and I out that day. Then we invited James and Alex out that day.

"Yeah you also met all the girls" Arthur said

"Yeah but Carley stood out to me" I said

"God we are old" Alex said with a chuckle

"Hey, we aren't 30 yet" I said

"We're getting there though buddy" Arthur said patting my back

"You know you guys seem more like brothers than me and Eric do" James said

"What do you mean James?" Alex asked my younger brother

"You guys always seem really close. Even now" He said

"James, you are my blood. I'll always love you more than those two" I said to my younger brother

"I know that. But sometimes it's hard to tell if I'm really your brother" He said

"Hey Arthur why don't we go to the kids again?" Alex said. Arthur nodded then walked off with Alex

"Come with me bro" I said motioning James to follow me

We go into the house and went to my old room. I looked around for the baby picture that I always kept with me. Once I found it on the dresser I picked it up and showed James

"What's this Eric?" He asked confused holding the picture

"Look at it" I said

He looks at the picture. "Is that me?" He asked pointing to the baby.

I nod. "That was the first time I ever held you James. I mean Billy helped me hold you since I was only like 2 years old. But I still held you. And I smiled. Because I finally had my little brother with me. After 9 months, you came out. Now Michelle was the first one to hold you but I was second" I said

"You don't look happy" He said with a chuckle

"I was. It's just I was 2. I still didn't get the world yet" I said to him with a chuckle. "My point is that I love you James. You're my best friend. And favorite brother" I said to him

"What about Arthur and Alex? Or Mikey?" He asked

" Mikey's our little brother he will always be special. And Arthur and Alex are my best cousins. But me and you James. We have a bond that most people would die for in their siblings. Yes we have our had fights but brothers fight. All that counts is that we make up. James you know whenever you need me you can call. And I'll be there for you. I promise" I said to my brother

He nods and gives me a hug. A much needed hug. And I hug him back.

"I love you little bro" I said still hugging him

"Love you too big bro" He said as I heard his voice cracked

There was a knock on the door. Then someone opened the door

"Awww" Taylor and Carley said

"Yes girls?" I asked with a chuckle

"Food is ready" My wife said

"Great" I said and walked down with Carley.

Once outside everyone was already sitting around the outside table and having their lunch.

After a couple more hours. Some people went into the pool. Others just talked. We had dinner around 7 pm. Then it was time for the fireworks.

I held Noah as Carley held Emma and Skylar's hands. EJ was over with Devon but Max and Annie were with those two. So all cousins were together.

Once the fireworks started Noah was like enchanted by them. And I smile.

"Do you like them buddy?" I asked my youngest son.

He just watches in amazement. I looked at Carley and smiled

"What?" She asked after looking at me

"I can't stare at my wife?" I asked her

"Not without a reason" She said with a chuckle

"I love you" I said to her then kissed her softly

"Alright let's do a family picture!" My mom aid

"Mom. We aren't gonna be able to get everyone in the photo" I said to her

"Fine then do the little families then" She said

"We'll go first. EJ come over here buddy" I yelled for my son

He runs over. Then Carley, Noah, Emma, Skylar, EJ and I are all posing for the picture

"Alright Wilson family say cheese in 3.....2......1" Jason said

"Cheese" EJ, Carley and I said and smiled. as Emma, Skylar and Noah just look

After every family got a picture with both families. We all said goodnight. The girls, Noah and EJ all fell asleep in the car. So Carley and I had to bring them into the house. I got the girls while she got Noah. She woke up EJ since he can walk by himself.

Once I opened the front door. We put all the kids into their own bedrooms. After saying goodnight to each kid. Carley and I went to room

"Today was eventful" I said chucking

"Yeah it was. I'm exhausted" Carley said yawning

"Go to sleep then. I'll see you in the morning beautiful" I said kissing her lips

She smiles. "I love you handsome. See you in the morning" She said and kissed me one more time

While Carley went to sleep. I took out my wallet and smiled at all the little pictures I have in my wallet. The pictures I have is Carley and I at our senior prom. EJ first born. Emma and Sky first born. And Noah first born.

Yes babies look the same. But I don't want to favor kids. I love the four of them all the same. And for the next two babies, they will be loved just as much as their 4 siblings.

After looking at the little pictures. I put my wallet on the night stand. Then slowly fell asleep for the night.

Today was a great day. There was some hiccups but I think we fixed all of them. I hope so at least

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