little bird | teen wolf movie

By toasttt_

34.1K 984 236

Raven Allie Martin-Stilinski, the daughter of Lydia Martin and Stiles Stilinski, she inherited the power of a... More

act one
the sun and the moon


4K 113 75
By toasttt_

Raven Allie Martin-Stilinski a ten year old who was  reading in her room, as she paused listening to the shouting of her parents that seem to happen more often now.

Raven didn't know how it started but once her Mom started screaming in the middle of the night the arguments began, almost every day Raven could hear them arguing with each other, Raven didn't like listening to them fight she liked when the house was filled laugher and love but nowadays she doesn't remember when it was like that last.

Chris Argent seem to be the only one to pick up the fights between Lydia and Stiles always going out of his way to take Raven for the day teaching her how to protect her self and how to use different weapons, knowing if his daughter Allison was still around she be teaching her goddaughter everything. Chris was always amazed how well Raven picked everything up, she was amazing at everything he taught her. Raven was excellent in dueling with duo blades it seemed to be the thing she learned the best, she was still good at a bow and arrow but duo blades was her best weapon.

Raven knew when she woke up something was wrong the house felt colder. She walked down stairs to see her father on the couch sobbing into his hands holding a letter tightly that was cover with tears.

"Dad?" Raven timidly called out, making Stiles head snap towards her quickly whipping the tears off his face.

"Hey little bird." Stiles faked a smile towards his daughter as she came and sat down next to him, giving him a raised eyebrow not believing him. Stiles hesitated before giving the letter to his daughter.


If your reading this that means i've left, and for that i'm sorry. I couldn't live with my self if i knew i could stop the death of you two. I'm sorry but it's how it must be. Live for me, Protect our daughter and don't fail to tell her you love everyday and that i do to, because i love our little bird more than anything that is why i'm gone. I hope one day you two can understand that, i'm sorry.

Love your Lydia.

Stiles watched as the light in his daughters eyes seemed to dim, as she scanned the letter over and over before handing it over to him and walking up the stairs to her room making a click ring out the silent cold house. Stiles head fell down having no clue how to comfort his daughter.

Raven closed her door as her back slid down the door till she reached the floor, tears leaking out her eyes, her breath started to become more heavy as her heart felt like it was breaking into a million pieces.

She closed her eyes as her breathing got heavier she took death breathes counting her fingers, trying to calm her self down like she saw her mother do to her father many times.

Ravens head hit the back of the door as she muffled her sobs into her hand, wondering why life had to be so cruel on her 11th birthday.


The Martin-Stilinski house never felt the same once Lydia left, Stiles was always gone working at the FBI, making Raven spend most of her days alone feeling more alone then ever losing not just her mother but her father too.

Raven happened to inherited both of her parents smarts making her be a child prodigy, she has always been extremely intelligent, taking any extra classes out side of school, learning new languages anything she could learn she will, the only thing she didn't want was to skip grades she wanted to stay with her age.

Raven breezed by school easily never having any issueses and just continued to train with Chris who happen to be the only consistent person in the young pre-teens life, despite being a few hours from Beacon hills Raven and her father haven't been there since Lydia left, which was already three years ago.

Raven felt like she was wasting her life sitting in house that wasn't even a home anymore.

So on the summer before freshman year Raven had a question to ask her father.

Stiles for once was home and sat down eating dinner with his daughter, who he felt like just kept growing up so fast, he saw how she seemed to constantly moving, pushing her food around on her plate, "What's wrong little bird?"

"I want to stay with Grandpa." Raven blurted out before she could stop her self she looked up seeing her father frozen and quickly tried to explain her self, "It's just your never home anymore Dad, it's like since Mom left, you left too."

Stiles face fell at his daughters words knowing she was right and he has been distant, seeing the look at on her face he walked up to her kneeling down cupping her hands in his, "I know little bird i haven't been the best father lately, but if going to my father is what you want then of course you can go."

Ravens head shot up, "Really."

"Really." Stiles repeated, he brushed back one of her strawberry blonde curls behind her ear, "I'll miss you but if your happy there it's ok."

Raven smiled leaning into her fathers touch for the first time in years.


Stiles and Raven pulled up to Stiles old house, the car filled of Raven's stuff.

Stiles parked the car turning it off looking at his daughter who was already 14 and looking more and more like her mother everyday, "Are you sure this is what you want?"

Raven fondly rolled her eyes, "Yes dad, you only asked a million times."

Stiles raised his hands in mock surrender, "Okay okay." The two of them got out of the car heading up to front door, when it open to reveal Noah Stilinski.

"Grandpa!" Raven cheered quickly running up to him jumping on him giving him a hug.

Noah fondly chuckled, "Hi sweetheart."

Stiles slowly walked up to them shoving his hands in his pockets, "Hi dad."

"Son." Noah quickly hugged his son, having missed both of them. "Want to bring your stuff in?"

Raven nodded, the three of them walked over to car opening the back grabbing all of Raven's stuff before they walked inside a very familiar house, Noah led the two of them to Stiles old room where Raven will be staying. The three of them set down the stuff in the room that looked so bare compared to when Stiles lived in there.

Stiles looked at Raven sadly, so Noah took it as his que to go downstairs as the father and daughter talk.

"I'm sorry." Stiles spoke looking painfully serious, Raven paused unpacking her stuff turning to her father who seemed to be sad, "You are right i have been distance, and i was so heartbroken i forgot you lost her too."

Raven tensed up shaking her head, "You don't have-"

Stiles sternly cut her off, "No i'm your father i should of been there and i wasn't, it's my biggest regret. I'm so sorry little bird." Stiles walked up to her cupping her face with his hands resting his forehead on hers.

"It's okay dad." Raven accepted his apology knowing he never meant to purposely hurt her, she leaned into his touch closing her eyes.

Stiles pulled back from her kissing her forehead multiple times, "You will love it here, my father will be glad to have you here. Derek Hale lives here still if you need anything he will help. If you want to come home any point you can, and i'll call you as much as possible, I love you my little bird." Raven had a tear falling down her cheek that Stiles delicately wiped.


Raven stood at the opening of the entrance to Beacon Hills High as multiple heads turned to look at her, as whispers began to sprout around the hallway staring at Raven.

Raven took a deep breath hearing her mothers words,

"Your a Martin don't ever forget that."

Raven flipped her hair over her shoulder before confidently strutting down the hallway not paying attention to anyone or their whispers and not seeing the eyes of a certain Hale who was smiling.

Raven was the talk of the school, everyone thought she was beautiful, the girls wanted to befriend her and the boys wanted to be more with her.

Raven found a secluded corner in the library that was behind shelves not expecting anyone to find her here she began reading and eating her lunch, her ears heard the sound of footsteps drawing closer to the table she was at, she looked up seeing a boy standing there looking sheepishly, once she looked into his eyes she realized who it was, Eli Hale.

"Sorry usually no one's here." Eli apologized holding his lunch, looking over at the strawberry blond holding back a smile at the sight of her.

"It's ok, it looks like i stole your spot, i can go." Raven reassured quickly grabbing her stuff.

"Wait you don't have to theres room for two." Eli quickly exclaimed, Raven stopped picking up her stuff nodding before sitting back down.

"Eli." Eli held out his hand towards Raven not thinking she would remember him.

"I know, Eli Hale." Raven looked amused with a slight smile, shaking his hand.

Eli slowly smiled, "You remember me?"

"Course who wouldn't." Raven nonchalantly replied back not knowing the effect her words had on him. Eli smiled looking down at the table.

"So how come your back in Beacon hills it's been a few years?" Eli curiously questioned looking at girl he's been in love with since he could remember.

Raven's eyes flashed slightly with discomfort before she took a breath, "I'm staying with my grandpa."

Eli noticed she seemed discomforted so he calmly replied, "Cool." Eli turned down to a book he brought starting to read it, missing the the slight smile from Raven when he didn't push.

The two of them not realizing they would always meet up in the spot they were in now for the rest of high school.


The bell rang though the school making all the students start packing up, When Mrs.Rose called out, "Miss Martin-Stilinski could you stay a moment?"

Raven looked up from putting her stuff in her bag nodding to the teacher before turning to Eli, "I'll meet you outside." Eli nodded walking out the classroom. Raven walked towards the teachers desk ignoring the other kids around her.

Mrs. Rose looked up at her smiling, "Raven your my smartest student i've ever had besides you parents, and i think it will be a great idea if you could tutor someone who is struggling a bit."

Raven put on her mothers fake smile, "Thank you, but i don't tutor-"

"Eli Hale." The teacher calmly interrupted Raven.

"Pardon." Raven questioned raising her eyebrow elegantly.

"Eli is a bright student just needs a little help in some areas, i believe you could help him improve greatly."

"Of course if it's just Eli." Raven replied feeling more willing to tutor if it's just him.

"Of course." Mrs.Rose assured with a knowing smile.

Eli stood outside the class listening to the conversation, smiling when Raven agreed to help him only.

Raven walked out of the class seeing Eli staying there smiling like a dork making her realize, "You we're listening to my conversation." Raven playful smack his bicep.

"I wasn't-" Eli cut himself off seeing Raven raise a disbelieving eyebrow, "Ok i was."

"Dork." Raven fondly rolled her eyes.

"But your dork." Eli cheekily replied back.

"Maybe." Raven nonchalantly spoke before walking away.

"Woah, Ven! You can not just say that." Eli rushed over flapping his arms chasing after Raven.


Raven walked into her house after school going up into her room, she threw her backpack on the floor going to her dresser when she felt someone was watching her, she slowly grabbed her dagger off her dresser turning around throwing it just skimming the persons ear and indenting into the wall.

"You've gotten better." Chris Argent fondly commented looking at Raven with a slight smile.

"Chris!!" Raven smiled quickly running over giving him a hug, a hug he gladly returned.

"Hey kiddo." Chris ran his hand through her hair before they pulled apart, "Come on."

Raven followed him downstairs to the outside getting in the car with him.

They pulled up to a warehouse. Raven gave him a questioning look which Chris gestures to follow her inside.

They walked into the warehouse filled with different weapons and hunting tools. Raven looked around in awe haven't seen this warehouse yet. Chris lead her to a section he knew she would enjoy.

Raven walked over to the display of weapons before seeing something that called out to her, there were two Chinese ring daggers with a engraving A.A, Raven knew these were her godmothers she delicately rubbed her finger over the engraving before twirling them around her fingers, not knowing how much deja vu Chris received seeing Raven do the same thing as Allison.

Christ pulled out a box handing it to Raven, she opening it seeing a bracelet with cursive words engraved 'Nous protégeons ceux qui ne peuvent pas se protéger eux même'

"We protect those who cannot protect themselves." Raven muttered translating the french on the bracelet, "Thank you."

Chris nodded, "It's what Allison would of wanted you to have."

Raven smiled a little hoping she can make her godmother proud.


Raven giggled as Eli covered her eyes with his hands as he led her to somewhere, "I'm gonna trip E."

"I'd never let you fall Ven." Eli confidently spoke leading her to the lookout point making sure she doesn't trip, Raven's hands held onto Eli's arms as he lead her. Eli dramatically took his hands off showing a little pinic he made at the edge of the lookout point. "Tada!"

Raven slowly smiled looking at everything before turning around throwing her arms around him hugging, "Thank you!" Raven pulled back from the hug kissing his cheek before going over to the blanket on the floor before turning to look at Eli who was frozen, with a cheeky smirk she asked, "You coming dork?"

Eli snapped out of trance smiling following Raven sitting down next to her, pulling out a container of her favorite food handing it to her.

Raven raised an eyebrow before opening the container and once she what was is in her face lite up exicted, "Chocolate strawberries!!" Raven quickly picked up a strawberry smiling while eating it. "Your my favorite wolf boy."

Eli cockily smiled, "I better be." Raven fondly rolled her eyes at her best friend.

Raven picked up a strawberry holding it for Eli to take bite, which he did licking his lips after not noticing Ravens eyes intently watching before she quickly looked away with wide eyes realizing she totally just thought about Eli in that way, she shook her head clearing her thoughts before Eli noticed her behavior.

Raven rested her head on Eli's shoulder as he played with hair as they watched the stars through out the night together.

Raven walked up the door to her house after school when she saw a box that usually was there at least once a month if not every week, she noticed it was bigger than usually she quickly picked it up bringing  it in side, she closed the door behind her hanging up her backpack and keys before going upstairs to her room carrying the box.

Raven set the box on bed opening it, she picked up card opening it beginning to read,

Hi my Little bird,

I realized i sent a bigger box than usually but there's a lot of stuff i should be doing with you now that your 15, but i can't so i'll ship it all to you. I know your still mad at me maybe you hate me but that doesn't change the fact your still my daughter and i'll love you enough for the both of us. I love you and i love you father too, i hope one day you can find i love i have with your father someone who loves you for you, your smarts, your personality and everything about you and if you find that don't be afraid and hide your feelings like i did for my feelings for your father, tell them how you feel because you can never know what will happen. I love you to the moon and the stars little bird.

your mother.

Raven quickly blinked back any traces of tears as she read the letter from her mother, she knew she loved her mother but it was hard when she was so angry at her for leaving.

Raven didn't know how her mother knew exactly what to say but she said what she need it hear about her feelings, specifically the feelings she felt for Eli.

She opened the rest of the box, and saw many things in the box. Each item has a little note attached to them.

She quickly pulled out a few flannels that a note attached 'because of your father.' She pulled out a leather jacket next, 'Every girl needs a good leather jacket.' Next thing came out was multiple pairs of healed boots and shoes, 'you can never have enough heals.' A box came next filled with all different makeups, each having notes with little tips written for each product.

She pulled next many different books about multiple different topics, 'These are books i always found interesting.' Next was a hard case that shaped as rectangle, she opened it gasping at the two beautiful duo blades with engravings in the handles, 'Chris told me about your love for these blades, i hope you love them, i'm proud you know how to protect yourself.

Raven smiled at the stuff before deciding to be lest stubborn for once and text her mother for the first time in a very long time.

Thank you mom

Of course little bird

What Raven didn't know was the way Lydia face lite up with one of the most genuine smiles she has had in a long time seeing a text from her daughter.


Since Raven moved into Beacon Hills she and her Grandpa have had dinner at the Hale's every Friday with Parrish and Malia and some times Mason and Peter.

"You almost ready sweetheart." Noah called out into the hallway when he got no answer he walked to her bedroom door that was open seeing her sitting on her bed staring at photo that was in a frame.

Noah walked into her room sitting next to her looking at the photo of Lydia and Stiles hugging Raven with big smiles on all three of their faces.

"You think we will ever be that way again." Raven softly asked rubbing her fingers against the photo.

Noah let out a sad sight putting his arm around his granddaughter giving her head kiss, "I don't know sweetheart." Noah was sad that Raven barely got to see her parents anymore. "You ready to go."

Raven wiped the stay tear taking a deep breath nodding standing up with her grandpa, grabbing her leather jacket from her mother putting it on, walking down the stairs out the door, the two of them got in the car driving down the street to the Hale's.

They got out the car walking to front door about to knock when it got opened very fast revealing an excited Eli, who quickly jumped towards Raven hugging her tightly making her grunt before hugging him back.

Derek who just walked over fondly rolled his eyes at his son, "You act like you didn't just see her a few hours ago."

Eli pulled back from Raven with a serious face towards his dad, "Far to long."

Raven laughed at Eli before turning towards Derek with a smirk scarily similar to her father, "Hi sourwolf."

"Hello Raven." Derek fondly shook his head at the girl, not admitting he missed the nickname from Stiles. Derek led them inside well mostly just Noah, as Eli was quickly rambling to Raven who was nodding at everything he was saying.

The four of them walked into the dining room where Jordan and Malia sat talking and drinking, before Malia saw Raven and smiled towards her, "Raven!"

Malia loved Raven more than most people, Raven never made her feel odd or out of place if anything Raven made everything more normal for Malia, Raven would even sit in the woods as Malia hunted for deer to give her company.

"Hi Mal." Raven greeted with a nod knowing Malia doesn't enjoy physical touch, before looking at Jordan with a teasing look, "Fire torch."

Jordan groaned at the laugher that rang out the dining room, "It was one time."

"Still happened." Raven nonchalantly shrugged, before giving Eli a thankful look when he pulled out her chair for her, then sat down next to her.

The group all started eating talking about random things, and many different topics.

Raven smiled as she watched the table all laugh and she realized despite not seeing her parents she still has a family, she squeezed Eli's hand softly. 

Eli went to go grab something so Malia leaned over his spot to talk to Raven, "You tell Eli yet your totally in love with him?"

Raven would of been shocked at the blunt question if it wasn't Malia, "You tell Jordan yet?"

Malia leaned back into her chair nodding, "Touché."

Eli sat back down smiling at Raven who quickly smiled back.

Once they finished eating the adults all went to the living still talking with each other, while Eli and Raven went to his room.

The two of them walked into his room, Eli shut the door while Raven flopped on to his bed face first tired.

Eli grabbed a small box off his desk sitting next to Raven on the bed running his hand through her curly hair making Raven relax like every time he plays with her hair. Raven gently turned onto her back putting her head into Eli's lap looking up at him while Eli looked down on her rubbing her cheek softly.

Eli slid the small box into her hands, Raven gave him a questioning look and Eli gestured to the box. Raven sat up sitting again Eli's chest as he leaned his chin on her shoulder. She gently opened the box relaxing a necklace with a small E attached to it, Raven gently touched it smiling before turning her head towards Eli, "Help me put it on."

Eli nodded as Raven turned her head back he gently moved her hair to one side of her neck taking the necklace from her hands and gently clipping it on, "There beautiful."

Raven's cheeks got slightly pink before she looked at her necklace gently touching it as it layed on her chest, "Thank you."

"Course." Eli gently kissed her forehead as Raven eyes shut at the contact.

Eli laid down on his bed opening his arms for Raven, who quickly went into them closing her eyes. Eli ran his hand through her hair making Raven slowly begin to fall asleep in his arms. Eli kissed her head before closing his eyes and beginning to slowly falling asleep as well.

Derek listened to Raven and Eli's hearts slowing down meaning they have feel asleep, making him smile slightly at how easy the two of them fall asleep near each other.


Raven and Eli tended to go on runs together liking behind outside and together, they are racing towards the lookout point.

Raven just beat Eli in their race, "Ha!"

"Shush Ven." Eli playfully pushed Raven not really caring he lost because Raven looked so happy when she won.

Raven went and grabbed the two bamboo sticks that they hid in a tree for when they come here.

Raven threw a stick towards Eli who caught with both hands blocking the hit Raven swung with the stick she was using.

They went back and forth blocking each other swings until Raven spun around swooping Eli's leg making him fall on his back as Raven straddled him with the bamboo stick pointing down towards him.

"Looks like i win... again." Raven smirked looking down at Eli who looked at Raven breathlessly having a hard time thinking with her so close to him.

Raven got up off Eli holding a hand out for him, who took standing up looking down at Raven who was only three inches shorter than him, they stared at each other both of them taking deep breaths.

Before Raven snapped out of it twirling her Bamboo stick, "Round two?"

Eli nodded before they got in position again, they started their fight again blocking and swinging at each other when Eli pipped with a hint of jealousy in his voice, "I heard Luke asked you out?" The captain of the lacrosse team.

"mhm," Raven hummed back focusing on the fight, because nonchalantly adding, "Why you jealous."

"Pss no way." Eli vehemently denied, Raven just hummed in reply, they continued to fight before Eli causally added, "Besides your mine anyways, i don't need to be jealous."

That got Ravens attention she snapped her head straight to Eli looking shocked not even realizing Eli knocked the bamboo stick out of her hand, "What!"

"What?" Eli just shrugged before dropping his stick to the floor wrapping his hands on Raven's waist pulling her to him, "Your going to deny it?"

Raven put her hands on his chest looking into his eyes, "No." Her answer distracted Eli making her trip him to ground. Eli groaned once he hit the ground while Raven laughed at him.


Raven got a call from Derek, telling her Eli haven't left his room after the full moon, so Derek asked for her to come over to cheer him up.

Raven knocked on the front door, which Derek quickly opened for her, "Hey raven."

"Hello sourwolf." Raven smirked back.

"He's in his room," Derek informed Raven who nodded, "He's upset and he might respond better to you, i'm going to meet the sheriff if Eli asks."  Raven just nodded watching Derek walk out the door before he tuned towards her once more, "Oh and Raven thank you."

"Course." Raven simply responded smiling at Derek who left the house before she turned and went down  the hallway knocking on Eli's door receiving a groan from inside, Raven knocked again ignoring the groan.

"Dad i said-" Eli snapped opening the door stopping his sentence when he noticed it was Raven at his door.

"Not your dad." Raven pipped up before walking around him into his room.

Eli turned around watching Raven, "What are you doing here?"

"Your dad was worried." Raven informed him plopping on his bed watching before muttering, "So was I."

Eli lips turned into a tiny smile at her muttering before remembering what happen and walked over flopping face first on the bed, groaning.

Raven's eyes soften at seeing him so upset she brushed her hand though his curls making Eli slightly relax, "What's wrong my love?"

"I can't shift still, i am a Hale i'm supposed to be able to shift, i'm a failure." Eli spat out, Raven gently turned his head off the bed towards her.

"Listen to me Eli Hale," Raven very sternly talked maintaining eye contact, "You are not a failure you never will be. You have grown fangs before that means you are a wolf, so what if your taking longer than most people you will shift fully one day i know it."

Eli's face soften listening to Raven talk so determinedly for him, He reached up playing with one of her curls lovingly, "How do you always know what to say."

"It's a gift." Raven cheekily smiled happy to see Eli in better spirits.

"That it is." Eli muttered staring at her.

"Come on." Raven got up putting her hands for Eli to grab.

"What are you doing?" Eli put his hands in her letting Raven pull him, she pushed him towards his bathroom.

"Your going to shower, then we are going to somewhere." Raven saw Eli about to protest and gave him a stern look.

Raven went to Eli's bed while she waited for him to shower, she slowly doused off with comforting smell of Eli as she cuddled into his blankets.

Eli came out from the bathroom a little bit later and his whole face soften seeing Raven peacefully sleeping on his bed. He walked over sitting on the bed tucking her hair behind her ear gently leaning over her face, "Ven, Ven, Raven wake up."

Eli's hair gently dropped a few droplets of water onto Ravne's making her face scrunch up and her eyes flutter open, "Your hairs wet."

"Really I couldn't tell." Eli sarcastically replied smirking at her annoyed look. Raven rubbed her eyes getting up she got off the bed grabbing one of Eli's towel before walking back to Eli who was watching her curiously, she put the towel on his head rubbing off some of the water. Eli smiled watching her dry his hair.

"Ok let's go." Raven threw the tower into the hamper heading to the door.

"Wait." Eli called out making Raven turn back to him, he threw his lacrosse hoodie towards her which she quickly caught, "You'll be cold you only have a tank top on."

Raven nodded in thanks slipping on the jacket that was to big on her as Eli walked over to taking her hand as they walked outside his house towards the woods.

The two of them walked hand and hand in peaceful silence, around a path in the woods as they have many times before. It was getting close to sunset and chiller so Eli put his arm around Raven pulling her into him letting her rest her head on his shoulder as they walked.

They reached a ledge in the woods showcasing the beautiful sunset, Raven and Eli stood there watching the sunset together.


It was pouring outside as Raven sat at her desk reading, when she heard a knock at her window, she slowly walked over with one her daggers she opened the widow to sigh in relief at it being just Eli, "Eli what are you doing her?"

"I came to see you." Eli shrugged with a smirk pushing his wet curls back off his forehead, before he held out a hand towards Raven, "Dance with me?"

"Right now?" Raven looked at him incredulously and then at the pouring rain outside.

"Yeah you only live once." Eli encouraged her with a smile before he jumped down off the window to the floor looking up at her with a hopefully smile.

Raven fondly groaned before quickly grabbing her shoes and putting them on him to the window before flipping forward landing on her two feet. Eli quickly grabbed her hand dragging her to middle of the street making Raven laugh.

Eli spun Raven around watching her with a smile as she giggled, thinking he hasn't ever seen her look more beautiful.

Eli spun her around again before she slightly fell into his chest making their foreheads brush each other as they started at each before Raven reached up messing with his curls and turned around running, Eli quickly ran up behind her putting his arms around her waist spinning her in circles making Raven laugh.

Raven walked into school like everyday going towards her locker, opening and inside was a bouquet of flowers and a box filled with chocolate strawberries that said happy birthday on them. Raven picked up the flowers smelling them while slowly smiling.

Eli leaned on the locker next to her looking towards Raven with a smile, "You like them?"

Raven turned her head to Eli smiling before moving closer and kissing his cheek extremely close to his lips slowly, "Thank you."

"Of course love. Happy Birthday!" Eli casually replied back looking smug leaning against the locker still.

Raven put her flowers back in her locker grabbing her strawberries and opening them taking a bit out of the strawberry looking immensely happy.

"You got a little." Eli interrupted her eating gently grabbing Raven's chin turning her towards him gently whipping off the hints of chocolate above her lip, making Raven take a deep breath at his touch.

Eli let go of her chin making Raven rapidly flutter her eyes to snap out of what Eli makes her feel, and it seemed like Eli realized for once because his lips turned into a slight smirk watching her.

Eli looked down as saw she still had her necklace around her neck from him, he gently reached touching the E, "You still have it?"

"Always." Raven firmly replied with a smile she leaned up touching his curls softly before playfully messing them all up and turning around and speed walking to her class, listening to Eli's groan before he caught up to her. 

Raven walked up to her house after school seeing four box's on the front porch she grabbed them all bringing them up to her room.

She opened one of them that was small black box, with a note,

'Happy birthday Rave, i thought you would like a little reminder of your family. Love your favorite uncle and godfather uncle Scott.'

She lifted the lid opening it to be a charm bracelet with many charms, once she looked at the charms she noticed there was a charm there for most of her family. A bat, for Stiles her father. A lipstick, for Lydia her mother. A dog for Scott. A scarf for Isaac. A arrow for Allison. A gun for Chris. A badge for Noah her grandpa. A tail for Jackson. A lacrosse stick for Liam. A pair of keys for Theo. A deer for Malia. A flame for Jordan. A leather jacket for Derek. A thermometer for Melissa. And a little E for Eli.

Raven smiled looking at the bracelet loving there was little something for everyone she cares about.

She picked up her next box opening it picking up the card first,

'Happiest birthday little bird, I love you to the moon and stars. Love your mother.'

The box was the biggest she opened it to it being packed with many different books, all in her interest. Raven smiled knowing her mother sent a lot of books, knowing how much Raven likes to read.

She picked up the large rectangular box, gasping at what was inside she gently picked the bow like it was glass instantly knowing who's it used to belong to. It was the perfect weight and shape she stood up drawing the string back closing her eyes almost feeling her godmothers present. She picked the card up,

'Someone has to carry on her legacy, Love Chris.'

"I'll do you proud aunt Ali." Raven muttered touching the bow, feeling the closest to her godmother she has ever felt.

Raven opened the last box which was the smallest one rescuing a pair of jeep keys, Raven muttered in disbelief, "You didn't dad."

'Happy birthday my little bird, I had a jeep at your age it's only fair you have one to cause mischief in as well. Love Dad.'

Raven walked downstairs in disbelief and happiness walking to the garage seeing a dark grey jeep renegade that was most definitely not there this morning, She opened the car up jumping in starting the car.

The first place she drove to was to Eli's house. She drove down the street pulling up to the his house honking once.

Eli opened his door seeing Raven in a new car and smiling at him he quickly jogged over opening the passenger hoping in. He leaned over kissing her cheek, "Hey pretty girl."

"Hello." Raven smiled back.

"New car?" Eli curiously questioned looking around the car.

"Mhm, birthday present," Raven put the car in drive before starting it drive, "Milkshakes."

"Milkshakes." Eli agreed before turning the radio on putting a Taylor Swift song, the two of them shared a look before starting to sing as Raven drove.


Raven sat in one of the art rooms in the school, painting something that kept recurring in her dreams, she knew it had something to do with her banshee side she just didn't know what it was trying to tell her.

Raven had headphones in her ears not hearing anything around her, so she didn't hear the footsteps that came to the door nor did she notice when the person leaned on the door watching her.

Eli Hale leaned against the door with a smile watching Raven paint he slowly walked in walking behind her pulling out on her headphones, "Boo!"

Raven jumped turning around to sound of Eli laughing at her she slapped in the arm, "Not funny wolf boy!" But Raven couldn't help but smile at the sound of his laugh.

Eli stopped laughing smiling at her raising his hands in surrender, "Sorry, sorry i couldn't help it."

Raven glared at him in fake anger before turning back around at painting.

Eli walked right behind putting his chin on her shoulder whispering in her as he tucked the hair behind her ear, "What are you painting."

Raven took a shuddering breath at his touch, Eli not knowing how much he just affected her, "I don't know, i've been having these dreams and i can't figure out what it is."

Eli calmly rubbed her shoulders seeing Raven getting frustrated because of her powers, "You'll figure it out, your a genius you always figure it out."

Raven smiled turning her head towards him kissing his cheek before turning back to her painting missing the blush that rose on his cheeks, "It looks like a fire fly, some kind of bug that glows."

The two of them not knowing what the bug means and what it will cause them to go through, also not knowing who it will bring back very soon.


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