One Piece: Monarch Film.

By BrownSquidward08

4.4K 54 15

A normal day on the Sunny suddenly approaches a island which was populated and celebrated for the big star of... More

Reunite with Lemon and Lime
Reunite with Lemon and Lime (Pt.2)
Lost and found.
Cat and Mouse
Flame Emperor Sabo Appears!
He's what..?
Reunite once more! Reconciliation later.
"Luffy's breakdown."
Character INFO: Jerold O. Totsch
The Hydra
Character INFO: Aoi Keneko
Imu wrath.
Glimpses his Past. The Cook has awoken!
Attack of the Daemon. Robin versus Aoi
Gold Film (pt1.)
Spin off #2
Coo News!

Adventure Awaits!

647 10 3
By BrownSquidward08

A normal day on the sunny, with the strawhats outside the green area doing their own thing, Brook asking Nami to see her panties, due to him being knocked and earn a big bump on his skull.


"Hello Nami-San, wonderful day isn't it?, so wonderful that my eyes seems to be shining, although I don't have eyes YOHOHOHO!" Brook laughs as he look up from the clear sunny sky, glad that he's still alive, Nami nods and smiled, Brook turn his head towards her and bend down to her height.
"May I take a look in you panties-"
"NO WAY!" Nami yelled, and left the scene.

The End of the POV:

Franky in his work room building and planning for a new mini ship to use for the future, Robin sitting on her lawn porch reading while Sanji passes her coffee, as Sanji twirls away in love.


"Robin-Chan~ I've brought your coffee and I added a strong and my whole love!" Sanji exclaims as he placed it down, Robin looked up from her reading and smiled at Sanji.
"Thank you, Sanji-San." And Sanji twirled away while saying "Mellorine~"

The End of the POV:

Chopper fishing with Brook after he got his big bump, Brook decided to fish with Chopper as he made some of his skull jokes. Sanji after delivering Robin her beverage went back to the kitchen to cook something for the ladies, but saw Zoro in the kitchen looking through the fridge.


"Tch Marimo what are you doing here?" He asked while the cigar in his mouth got brighter and puff some smoke out, Zoro stick his head out of the fridge, and was annoyed and looked directly at Sanji.
"There's no booze." His said nonchalantly.
"Yeah, that because I threw it all away because it seem to be taking up all the space in the fridge." Sanji said as he saw Zoro eyes widen in anger and he smirked "oops..? My bad I've forgotten you liked boozed." He said smugly.
He's not even sorry Zoro thought as he gritted his teeth, his hands clenched but he calms down.
"I don't have time dealing with a sick love machine like you." Zoro said as he walk past Sanji was taken aback from the comeback.

"Yeah! Well- I don't have time to deal with a lost Moss Monster like you!" He retort back and Zoro barks back.
"Eh?! What did you say crap-cook?!" He yells
"You heard me!" As they both started to fight in the kitchen, but it didn't end well due to Nami stopping them for being so noisy.

The End of the POV:

Anyways- Usopp plucking his freshly new seed from his seed garden (🍃🪴he smoking the zaza-) and felt a shake below him coming from the kitchen.
"Jeez when it's a quiet day, there's always monsters like them who has to ruin it." He grunted as he plucked his seeds and planted in new ones, then he heard a cheer below, he looked up from the balcony to see Chopper dancing with his new fish he caught and Brook praising him, he smiled and quickly planted his seeds and ran towards them. Nami just came out with her fist smoking and sighs.
"Her fist of love was so divine!~" Sanji voice yelled inside the kitchen, "will you SHUT UP!" Zoro irritated voice was heard, as Nami sighs again and went to Robin to have a chat.

Zoro just came out of the kitchen with a big bump on his head, he run his bump while he muttered angrily and decided to go have a snooze, and Luffy is laying on Sunny's head, his eyes closed as he was lost in thought.
(Prob thinking abt smoking the zaza with Usop— okay okay I'll stop)

He opened his eyes as all he could see was clouds and the blue sky, he grab his straw hat and placed it in his face to have a snooze.

Another normal day with the strawhats.

"Hey look a island!" Luffy eyes snapped open by the second he heard a island he immediately jump up and saw that there is an Island.

"About time! I'm getting tired of boring old seas." He exclaimed as he grinned and jump off Sunny's head and into the ship joining his friends as they were looking at the new island, as he joined Usopp and Chopper on the rails.

"Hey Nami! When are we gonna be there!" He excitingly said as he jumps up and down while holding onto the rails, while Usopp and Chopper yelled after him. "Yeah! When? When?" They cheered as Nami yells "Be patient!" Then sighs as she scowls "like a bunch of impatient monkeys" then Sanji joined in "Yeah shut up you goofballs! And be patient for Nami-San!" He yells at them and Zoro joined in.

"Jeez can anything shut you up, stupid cook?" Zoro mumbled, but Sanji heard him. "What did you say marimo?! Come at me!" Sanji Barks as he and Zoro got into a fight again.

Morons... Nami thought hopelessly as she witness the two monsters fought. As she felt a hand oh her shoulder. "About time we approach a island, I'm wondering if there's any ruins here." Robin says as she comes to see the island, "Oh! Hey Robin." And Robin smiled back.

Luffy was already getting impatient as he yells for Nami again, "we're almost there captain!" Nami yells back and smiles as they approach the island closely.

Approaching the island:
Luffy was the first one who got off the ship as he ran off onto the sand, then off to the woods.

"Luffy wait!" Nami yells after him but it was too late Luffy already disappears onto the woods, "That idiot! Sanji go after him!" She turns to Sanji, as Sanji replied "anything for you Nami-San! Luffy! Get your ass back here!" He screams after Luffy as he ran after him.

Nami turns to Zoro, "You too, go after them." As Zoro scoff "why? The dart brows is after the idiot so why you want me to go after them?" Bonk!
"Stupid woman... forcing me to go." He mumbles as he walk towards where the other two ran off, but ended up going to the other direction.

"Hey Zoro! That's the wrong way!" Chopper yells after him, as Nami and Usopp comically fell, Zoro turns red and yelled back "I know that!" And went to the other direction, this time Nami yelled after him.
"Wrong way idiot!" She barks as Chopper shakes his head as he said "I'm gonna make a cure for that condition of his." He sweatdropped as Usopp nodded.

He looks back up and see that Zoro is already gone "AUGH WHERE DID HE GO?!" Chopper scream, and Usopp scream after him with his eye popping "DID HE JUST GOT LOST?" And Nami face palmed herself, she forgot that Zoro is an idiot and often get lost, "what was I thinking? Zoro is an idiot as the other two." She mutters as she took her hand from her head.

"Okay new plan! Usopp, Chopper, and Robin!" She turns to them. "Let's go get the idiots before they cause trouble." Nami says as Usopp and Chopper cheered "yeah!" And Robin only nodded then her head turn to the other two. "Franky, Brook dock the ship, and once you done come and join us!" Nami said at-last.

Franky got into his super pose as he yells "YOW! You can SUPER count on us!"

"Yosh, let's go!" Nami turns toward the island until Brook stops her. "Ah, but Nami-San, how are we gonna reunite? If your going to run off to the woods?" He ask as Nami look off the distance of the island and see a little festive village. She pointed toward the village and replied.

"We'll meet up in the village, but for now let's go look for them!" She got off the Sunny as the other two follow along, Robin decide to go her way by having her hands as staircases, leaving the two straw-hats on the ship preparing to dock the ship.

"We'll meet you guys in the village, see y'a!" Chopper yells as they all ran off towards the woods.
The two strawhats stand as they watch them disappear onto the woods. "Welp!" Franky said "come on Brook, help me dock the ship somewhere else." Franky says as he turns around, but Brook stands there as the wind blew through his Afro hair, he took a deep breathe (although he don't have a nose YOHOHOHOHOHOHO-) and turn to Franky who is already at the steering wheel.

With Sanji and Luffy:
"Hahaha! Whoo-hoo! Adventure here I come!" Luffy enthusiastically cried as he running and jumps over a broken tree, while behind him was Sanji running.

"Luffy!" He yells and Luffy turned back and see Sanji, "Oh! Hey Sanji, nice seeing you coming ti an adventure as well! Hahaha!" He laughs as Sanji starts to cuss him off.

"That's not what I'm here for!" He screams angrily almost caught up to Luffy, "Nami says to come back right now!" He now caught up to Luffy as they were still running, "Hehehe! You caught up!"
"Ofcourse I caught up! Now come on we gotta go back to Nami before sh-!" He interrupted by running towards a tree. Leaving Luffy to keep running.

"Hahaha,Sanji so funny!" Luffy laughs as he kept running leaving Sanji as he screams after Luffy.
"Wait Luffy!" But Luffy disappeared.

"Damnit." He muttered as got up, and spit out his stick as he replace it and lit it up. "I lost him."

"Ha pathetic, how could you lose him over a tree? Huh crap-cook?" His eyes widen as behind was Zoro leaning on a tree, as if he was there to watch the whole thing.

Zoro was smirking at him as Sanji blown up on him.
"Where did you come from?!" He yells as Zoro placed his pinky on his ears.
"Don't yell I'm right here. Stupid cook." He says while Sanji calms down. "So your saying that you've been here, and you didn't stop him once?!"

"Hey it's not like you stop him either cook. Like how you lost him over a tree?" He said smugly, Sanji got embarrassed and turns.

"Whatever, I'm going to find Luffy, so it's either you come or you be a wimp and get lost." As starts to sprint off, Zoro rolled his eyes and follows, but ended up going the other direction.

Sanji looks back, and his eyes starts to pop out when he saw Zoro going the other way.

"TCH IDIOT MARIMO, IM GOING STRAIGHT!" He screams and got Zoro attention, "I-I KNEW THAT" Zoro then did his position and they both ran to find wherever Luffy was.

With Luffy:
Luffy was still running, looking for an adventure as he passed on so many trees, he was kind of getting tired of these trees but determine for his adventure, until up ahead was a active village, but most importantly he smelled something.

He stops in his tracks and sniffed around, the sweet smell of a kitchen, along with its juicy bones being deep fried or cooked along with it, it was...

"Meat!" He yells his thought out loud, then he ran towards the sweet smell of meat.

"MEAT MEAT MEAT! I SMELL MEAT!" He cries happily as he gets closer to the sweet smell, and as soon he arrives, he was surrounded by bright lights along with stands full of people seeking items, the place was very crowded as people from the stand yells of what they're selling, the place was very beautiful.

But Luffy didn't care, he ran towards the smell of meat, which he did. He arrive to one of the stands which an old man was selling meat.

"Hey old Ossan! Can you gimme some of those meats?" He asked the old man, which the old man smiled at him and beamed at Luffy.

"Why of course! I'm feeling giddy today so, here kid." He handed a huge chunk of meat to Luffy, Luffy's mouth watered as the sight, his eyes sparkling.

"Thank you old ossan!" He thank the old man, as the old man smiled back and Luffy left, he walked around the bright village as kids ran around him with joy, then infront of him a big crowd had a big commotion.

"I wonder what's it's about?" He thought to himself so he approach the crowd, and they were talking about one thing, something about a lady.

He tapped on one of the shoulders of the crowd.
"Hey, what's this all about?" He asked as they replied why it's a big day!Today the day where the big ones are coming to inspect our town!" Which confuses Luffy even more.


"You don't know? Imu-Sama coming to our town! I heard that she's very beautiful and kind!" They replied happily.

He tilted his head in confuse and man gapped at him.

"You really don't know who Imu-Sama is?! He asked as Luffy stuck his pinky in his nose, the man sighs.
"Imu-Sama is the king of all nobles is coming today."
"I heard that she's very strong!" Another came in
"Are y'all talking about Imu?" Then it was crowded again.

"Kimo huh?" He asked himself as he took a bite from his chunky meat, as he walks himself from the future incoming crowd.

"What weird people.." then he ate his whole meat on one bite, then realizing that he ate it all and was still hungry.

"Aww man, should have waited for Sanji so he can get me meat..." he sulks as his stomach growls.

"OooOoh I'm so hungryyy." He touch his stomach, as someone came behind him in all cloaks, he didn't notice them as the cloak figure said a word.

"Hungry? I can help you with that." They said as Luffy turn around to see a mysterious figure, his smile widen at the help of a stranger.

Their hand went into their cloak and grab out a huge chunk of meat, Luffy eyes widen in gleam and his mouth watered at the sight, as they handed to him he quickly grabbed it and start biting it.

"Fhan Yfou!" He said while stuffing his mouth with meat, the cloak figure giggles at sight as they stare at Luffy chowing down the meat.

So cute

They stretch out their hand toward him, like a gesture to join them, Luffy look at their hand, curious of what it meants.

"Come join me, on a walk of course." They said but Luffy felt uncomfortable with the offer "sorry si-ma'am? But I gotta get back to my crew, they might be worrying about me and I'm still hungry .." he thought out loud, they laugh of the thought and said "My place has tons of meat, so if your still hungry we can still go and have a chat?" They offered the word meat got has gotten Luffy's attention.

"Aaghh... Nghghhhghhhhh.. it's meat!- no my friends are waiting for me.! No! MEAT NO FRIENDS!" he scratch his head while keep on looking back to where he came from then back to the cloak person, back and forth back and forth.

He tries to think but thinking makes his head hurt,
He looks up and see that they're still waiting for him,
"Just a quick little trip, right?" He asked as they chuckle and starts to walk towards their place.
Causing Luffy to run and follow after them as he kept screaming the same thing.

"Right?! Hey! WAIT UP!"

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