nothing lasts forever{wlw, te...

By exclusivepearls

2.6M 59K 47.7K

Diana is an 18 year old girl about to start her senior year until she bumps into a woman at the bookstore who... More

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𝘍π˜ͺ𝘧𝘡𝘺 𝘰𝘯𝘦

28.1K 595 230
By exclusivepearls

-Diana's POV-

I told Charlie almost everything...except for her being Beth winters. I still haven't talked to Jane but I'm maybe going to go home after school today. She will probably be at work though.

I have P.E first thing in the morning. I keep my head in my locker because I don't want to see anyone whispering about me or giving me looks. I'm hoping things can just go back to somewhat normal...which is not going to happen.

Yale. I need to do my application. I keep forgetting. I'll try do it this week. Christmas break is coming quickly, only a few weeks away so I have to do it before then. I don't even know what to say in it.

Maybe I should ask Natalie...I'm not sure what college she went to.

I take out my phone to text her.

What college did you go to?

Charles university? The one here. Why?

I'm not sure what to say in my college application for Yale and I really need to do it soon.

I can help. This weekend?

Yes please! Thank you!

The bell rings and usually I have Charlie to walk to class with but I'm walking by myself now, something I will have to get used to. Charlie has a completely different timetable, which is so annoying. How great is my life.

I walk to the gym and most of the class were in their own little groups talking while the P.E teacher, Miss Rudd stood by the wall on her phone.

I make eye contact with Sierra and she smiles at me.

"We all thought you got expelled." She jogs over and I fight the strong urge to roll my eyes.

"Yeah well I didn't." I say and she nods.

"Not yet anyway." She turns, running back over to her little group, she whispers something to them which making them all look at me. Giving me a nasty look.

"Alright! Get in a line!" I hear the teacher shout, everyone runs lining up side by side, it is too early for this. I walk quickly over standing beside someone.

"We've done lots of basketball practice last week, I'll split you all into two teams and we will play a few matches." The teacher raises her voice again, I put up my hand and she looks at me.

"Yes cooper?" She questions and I put down my hand.

"I wasn't here last I have to play?"

"It's basketball, it's not that difficult." I hear one of sierras friends comment as they start laughing. And that comment wasn't necessary or funny.

"Just try, okay?" She tells me and I nod slightly scratching the side of my neck. She starts splitting the class into two groups, all of sierras friends end up on her team of course. I'm the last called and I'm on the opposite team, I recognise most of the people here but don't know their names since I've never asked and I keep to myself. The only friend I need and want is Charlie.

"You be a forward." A girl pats my back pointing to where I'm supposed to go. I make my way over as the rest of my team gets in position, how am I supposed to remember who's on my team and who's not.....I'll just avoid the ball, seems like the easiest thing to do.

Sierra walks towards me, what is she doing now. She stand behind me and I look at her over my shoulder.

Miss Rudd stands in the middle of the gym holding the ball up between four people. She throws the ball up and blows the whistle. Someone on my team gets the ball..she starts dribbling it, I move forward and Sierra quickly moves in front of me. I look at her.

"What are you doing?" I try move past her and she doesn't let me.

"Marking you, dumb bitch." She gives me a stare. I ignore her and her filthy mouth moving back. A girl on her team ends up with the ball, she starts running our way and I quickly run managing to get past Sierra. Somehow...I manage to get the ball off the player, I bounce it and turn before Sierra elbows me hard making me bump into someone and lose the ball and my balance. I almost fall but whoever I bumped into caught me. I turn to them.

"Thank you." I move away from them and she nods.

"She's a bitch, isn't she?" She smiles and I smile politely back.

"Yeah, she really is. I'm Diana by the way." I tell her, she has short curly brown hair, brown eyes and she is kind of short. She also has a slight tan.


"Move it." Sierra pushes me and I look back at her.

"Would you stop shoving me." I snap at her. She smiles as I go to move blocking my way again. She looks past me and her smile only grows. I look over my shoulder towards the gym door and see Natalie coming in. Shit. She doesn't notice me, she's focused on a clipboard. She finally looks up and spots me, her eyes go past me to Sierra. She looks away quickly walking over to Miss Rudd.

"Keep playing!" Miss Rudd shouts and I hear Rory shout my name. She throws me the ball and I catch it. I bounce the ball turning away from Sierra. I starting running as I keep dribbling it, again Sierra catches up shoving me. I drop the ball and push her back.

"Stop fucking shoving me." I say and she pushes me again, I catch her hand and push her back. She pulls my hair and pushes me back onto the floor making the class laugh. Bitch.

"What's going on?" Miss Rudd asks.

"Diana's trying to show off in front of her girlfriend." Sierra laughs looking at me, I quickly stand up shoving her back hard out of anger.

"Cooper! Go—"

"She pushed me. She kept doing it! At this point it was self defence, she keeps making nasty comments!" I huff annoyed.

"She gets that violence from her parents." I hear one of the girls whisper and my chest tightens a little. Fuck. They begin to laugh. Miss Rudd rubs her temple annoyed and Natalie stands looking at me. She looks upset.

"You physically—"

"She shoved me, she done it multiple times." I tell her and she drops her hands. Don't tear up. Don't tear up. Please, do not tear up.

"Are you both going to move on from this? I don't want to get the principal involved but if you two keep going at it I will have to." She says and I roll my eyes, mostly annoyed but also because I do feel my eyes begin to tear up.

"Can I go outside for a minute? I'm suddenly feeling kind of sick." I ask and she nods.

"I'll go with her." I hear Rory say, I look to Natalie and she holds the eye contact until Rory comes up beside me and I look to her. We walk out of the gym and make our way to the courtyard where me and Charlie go for lunch.

We go outside and it's cold, which I should have expected. I walk over to my usual bench sitting down. I take my phone out.

Are we going to get in trouble for being in the same room?

No...I needed to talk to the teacher. We just can't interact.

So does that mean no more janitor closet meet-ups?

I suppose we could sneak around a little bit. But we just have to be careful...and quiet.

I'm always careful and quiet?

Sure..I am surprised nobody complained about the noise coming from our hotel room.

I wasn't that loud.

We both know the truth.

You know what. No more janitors closet meets up.

Fine by me

You're so annoying.

I'll be waiting there at lunch. Also, are you alright?

Yeah, I'm fine just needed some air to cool off

I put my phone away and fight the smile off my face. She's checking in. That has to mean she cares...or maybe she just didn't want to be rude or something by not asking?

"I'm patiently waiting for karma to kick sierras ass." Rory laughs and I laugh along too.

"Me and you both." I hear the bell ring faintly from inside the school. Great, I have maths now.

"What class do you have?" I ask her.

"Maths." She rolls her eyes.

"I do too, we can go together."

The bell rings for lunch. Finally. I pack up my stuff slowly, I can't just Waltz into the janitors closet. I have to wait till people go to the cafeteria and to the courtyard.

Rory talks to a boy as she waves back at me, walking out of the classroom. I leave the classroom too, making my way to my locker. I fix some of the books.

I close my locker slowly and see the last few people in the halls turn the corner. I quickly turn from my locker and walk to the janitors closet.

I look around before opening the door quickly going in locking it with my back to the door.

"What happened to no more closet meet-ups?" She smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Shut up." I smile moving toward her, my hands move quickly to her shirt and she laughs.

"No...Other way around, I'm supposed to be lifting your shirt." She says and I purse my lips into a thin line, I got this..

"You asked me do I want a taste Friday, I do." I pull the button on her jeans and I move down onto my knees.

"You're a temptress, darling." She shakes her head smirking, I look up at her through my eyelashes.

"Is that yes?" I ask, freezing my hands waiting for her to nod or shake her head.

I hear talking outside the janitors closet. She puts her finger to her mouth quickly. The speaking gets louder. I stand up quickly. So much for getting a taste anyway.

A phone rings. We quickly make eye contact and she reaches into her pocket quickly taking out her phone, my heart is racing. The ringing stops and so does the talking.

I hear them whispering outside. They know someone's in here but just not who. I take my phone out of my pocket quickly.

Where are you

Outside. Alone...waiting for u?

Well I'm stuck...there's people outside of the janitors closet, I am begging you Charlie just lead them away so we can get out.




I look up from my phone, my hands are literally shaking. This is bad. If anyone opens the door it's over. Natalie is already looking at me, she raises her eyebrows and I hear Charlie's voice indistinctively. I hear more talking...Charlie again.

The talking then stops. It's silent. I don't move and neither does she. I look at her though. The door opens causing my heart to drop.

It's just Charlie.

"Are you trying to get expelled?" He whispers loudly opening the door wider and looking around.

"I didn't think people would come by!" I huff and Natalie looks at me.

"This is mortifying....I'll talk to you later." She says fixing her jeans...Charlie looks at me with his eyes widens as she walks away.

"Di, you did not give her head in that closet." He says.

"I didn't...They came as soon as we were in there."

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