Why You?

By iixkait

23.1K 635 164

Draco and Harry eyed each other, while passing in the halls of Hogwarts. It wasn't easy, keeping a secret to... More



985 34 7
By iixkait

Draco was driving Harry mad.

Every chance he'd get, Draco would wink, grin, or laugh at Harry.

Crabbe and Goyle didn't care because that's something Draco would do.

Even Hermione and Ron thought it was normal Draco.

But Harry knew.


"Draco!" Harry speed-walked over to Draco.

He turned, and snickered. "Yes, Potter?" Draco raised an eyebrow.

"I seriously hate you!" Harry brushed his hand through his messy hair.

Draco smiled. "I know," Draco leaned in, "but I also know you fucking love me."

Harry's face slightly turned red. "N-No I do not!"

Draco moved his hair out of his eyes. "You say that, Potter, but we both know, you love me."

Harry was quite glad nobody was around because Draco said that quite loud.

"I thought you didn't want people to know?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I changed my mind." Draco turned, and walked off.

Harry watched him walk away. He knew that something was going to happen, something he wasn't ready for it to happen.


Harry glanced anxiously at the Slytherin table.

Draco was there, sitting innocently. Until he got up.

"Draco.. You're going to embarrass him." Pansy shook her head as she watched Draco get up.

Draco grinned, and looked at her. "I know." He grabbed a roll for his adventures, and walked around his table.

He took a bite out of the roll, and walked straight toward Harry.

Harry didn't break eye contact with him.

Draco paused, to eat his roll.

"Sorry, didn't want to talk with bread in my mouth." Draco snickered, and pushed Ron away from Harry, and squeezed himself in.

"What- What the hell?!" Ron furrowed his eyebrows.

People were looking, of course.

Draco put his arm around Harry's waist. Harry shot a look at him.

"What? Am I not allowed to do that?" Draco continued to grin.

Harry's face was red.

"N-No!.. Christ Draco! I seriously hate you!!" Harry covered his face.

Draco grabbed another roll, but from the Gryfindor table.

"Don't eat our rolls!" Ron continued to stare at Draco.

It finally clicked in Hermione's mind.

"No way." Hermione's eyes widened.

Draco glanced at her. He smiled. "Yes way."

Harry's face managed to get more red. "Fuck you, Malfoy!"

Draco looked back to Harry. "Anytime."

Harry groaned, his face still covered.

Draco leaned in. "That's what happens when you fall for a Slytherin, Potter." Draco then leaned away.

"I'll be taking this roll to go, now." Draco paused, debating on if he wanted to let his intrusive thoughts win.

They did win.

Draco grabbed Harry's chin, and made Harry face him. "This is getting out to my parents one way or the other, so fuck it."

Draco leaned in, and kissed Harry on the lips. It went dead silent.

All students, even the first years, stopped what they were doing. McGonagall and Snape, the only professors in the Great Hall, even paused.

There was no movement, no sound, nothing.

Draco leaned away, and Harry looked like he was about to die, right there.

"You-!" Before Harry could say any, Draco got up, took a bite out of his roll, and walked out of the Great Hall.

Even though Draco didn't act smart, he was smart enough to know, Harry was a few steps behind him.

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