Naruto the Collector

By MichalZielonka

19.3K 387 96

From a very young age Naruto collected scrolls, weapons and other special artifacts. He learns how to use tho... More

The collector
Genin exam
Showing who the Hokage is
Getting started as a shinobi
Iron's and Iwa's princesses
What, no way!!!
Wave and history


2.3K 53 3
By MichalZielonka

"Speech" - when a human speaks
'Thinking' - when a human speaks
"bold" - when a bijuu/summon speaks
'bold' - when a bijuu/summon speaks


Yo, new chapter enjoy my friends. I hope you enjoy the teams.


Naruto was in the class waiting for the teacher to come in. Naruto is wearing the same thing as the picture of the story but doesn't have his jacket. He has 2 katana's on his back which belong to his mother and Tobirama, but they where in black seaths so no-one can recognise them. He was chatting with Choji about Ramen when Iruka came in.

Sakura being the curious one "Sensei where is Mizuki Sensei?", she was still pissed about not knowing where her mother was from last night.

Iruka said "Sorry guys, he is on a mission so he wont be back", he didn't want to say he became a traitor as the hokage caught him stealing the forbidden scroll. "Anyways I want to congratuate you all for passing the genin exam, but know the journey will be a long and hard one. I also want to say who was the rookie of the year" Sasuke started to smirk due to his superiority complex "Well done Naruto Uzumaki for being the rookie of the year".

Sakura then screetched "How is it possible sensei, Sasuke-kun was way better."

Iruka being annoyed at her "Sakura, Naruto got full marks on all exams whilst Sasuke was the 3rd best this time"

Now this peaked everyones attention so everyone began to discuss, Sasuke couldn't believe it but then Iruka used his big head jutsu and said "Shut up", with everyone being quiet he continued "now the teams"

Naruto blocked the sound until he was called "Team 7, Haruno Sakura, Sasuke Uchiha " Sakura screetched something about true love "and Sai" continuing on "Team 8, Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inazuka, Shino Aburame. Team 9 is still in circulation. Team 10 is Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara and Choji Akamichi." Making Ino slump on her seat.

Ino asked "What about Naruto-kun sensei?"

"Naruto is on team 11, he was personally asked to be an apprentice to one of the jonins", Sasuke was seething with anger. He was an elite, he should be on an apprentaship. "Now, now everyone. Your jonin sensei's will collect you."

At that moment Kureni and Asuma came in to collect their teams. Kureni with team 8 and Asuma with team 10. Naruto was reading his scroll of sealing and after 5 minuts Anko smashed through a window and said. "Yo, you must be Naruto"

Naruto nodded and replied with a smirk "And you must be Anko Mitarashi, a snake summoner but also one of the best assasins in Konoha" and now with a quieter voice"and my mothers student." Anko froze at that.

She then asked "So you know gaki?" now saying it with a smirk.

"Yeah, and thanks for looking after me whenever you could 'serpent'. I know that the civilian council was a pain but you had your fun yesterday from what jiji told me?"

Anko was actually happy that he could teach Naruto about everything she knew, she was an anbu when she was younger and looked after Naruto in the shadows. "Okay meet me on the roof then" and the 2 of them left with a poof. "I didn't know you can use shunshin Naruto?"

"Ha, you don't know the half of it sensei. But hopefully I can show you soon." 

"Okay introductions are in order, my name is Anko Mitarashi and my likes are making people bleed and dango, my dislikes are traitors, a snake man and people who mess with my dango, my dreams is to prepare you for the world as best as I can." with that Naruto eye smiled too.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, I like ramen and training, I hate the 3 minutes it takes to make ramen and people who don't understand the difference between a scroll and a kunai, my dream is to become strong to protect the precious people around me and to make my parents proud."

Anko nodded "Okay, as you will be my apprentice, we will work differently than other teams, as they will have a true genin test but I wont do that but I would want to spar tomorrow to see where you stand in terms of nin, gen, tai, ken and fuinjutsu, meet me 8am at training field 44" with that both where gone. 

Naruto was happy about being in a 2 man cell and continued to train for the rest of the day and sent out 2 shadow clones to see if they can get any scrolls.

time skip, next day 8am

Naruto arrived at training ground 44 thirty seconds before 8am. When Anko appeared she said "Okay gaki we will see your capabilities" With that the 'spar' started.

Anko rushed at Naruto with a kunai at hand and started with a faint left jab, but Naruto predicted it and used his left leg to sweep her legs and then a punch to her kidney, which Anko dodged. Anko then clashed with Naruto, her kunai against Naruto Ice kunai. They lept from eachother and then Naruto threw the kunai at anko saying 'Shadow shuriken jutsu', Anko with suprising ease used 'Wind style; great breakshrew'. Then the purple hair older woman used 'Hidden shadow snakes' at Naruto, making Naruto go underground.

When Anko looked for him, she sensed him underground so she jumped away missing Naruto's punch to her chin. Whilst being up in the air Naruto smirked and said in his mind 'Lava style; Lava golem', then a 20 meter golem rose up from the ground being made up of Lava and faced Anko. Anko then looked in awe and with a little fear. She hid it with a crazy smirk, then calling on 'Water style; water wave' from a nearby water source sprouted a water wave but when it hit the golem it did nothing. The golem started to throw Lava globs at her, this made Anko weary of the golem and started to think how to defeat it. But she couldn't think longer when she saw Naruto pick up some dirt and she saw he pushed chakra in it, with him saying 'Explosion style; explosive earth bombs' he threw the earth globs at the same time the golem threw some lava globs. Anko shunshined away and saw the destructive combo, when the explosion occured, the lava exploded seeming like rain, but she soon realised that the so called rain burns through nearly anything.

She then mentally said 'Okay Anko, calm down. It is a gaki with powerful jutsu at hand. Maybe genjutsu will work on him. False surroundings; time desorientation' when it hit Naruto she realised that it was instantaniously released. With Naruto thanking Kurama, Naruto turned to where she hid and making his golem go after her. With Naruto being fancy this day he placed 3 seals on the ground releasing 3 golems made of Iron, Wood and Ice. He made them go to Anko who was sweating bullets at seeing 4 elemental golems going to her. She then used 'Summoning jutsu' and summonded one of her biggest snakes of the size of 30 meters.

The snake asked "Anko-sama, why have you summoned me?"

Anko replied "Hey there Alice, I need some help with those 4 elemental golems." When the snake saw them, she gupled. But then used her tail to smash the ice one. When it was smashed Naruto continued to smirk and then the ice golem reformed. This made the snake and Anko go wide eyed. Then the Ice golem threw ice shards at the snake-human duo, with the wood one making wood extend from his hands to hold the snake. When the combination finished the snake puffed out.

Anko was on the look for Naruto when suddenly, she felt something on her arm. It looked like a seal but it was produced by a chakra chain end. This suprised Anko "Give up or the seal will explode. It drains your chakra anyways so there is no way of escaping."

Anko gave a sigh and agreed to him. "That was a good match gaki. How did you learn the golems?"

"The lava one I know the jutsu for but the other 3 are seal made making it easy for me for instanious defence" With that the wood, ice and iron golems grew smaller into small toys and Naruto collected them. Then the lava clone collapsed leaving no signs of it being there except the scorched ground. "But here you go. Even though the Iron one didn't do much, it is the most resistante and it is mostly a taijutst fuin, meaning it specilises in taijutsu. It is best against summons or to scare people." So he gave the iron mini golem to Anko.

Anko had a small tint of pink, it was one of the few gifts she recieved in her life and it made her happy. "Thank you, gaki."

"So sensei, what is our plan?"

"Okay gaki, our team was created as a backup but also an infultration and assasination team. I will also teach you how to do gain information from enemy shinobi too. I was told some of your abilities but as I see you are easily a high chunin without your sub-elements but a jonin with them. We will continue building up base strength but I do have some recomendations for you."

"I am all ears sensei" Naruto agreed to what she said so far, he is only a 13 year old kid.

"I heard you are a seal master, and from the old Man told me you only have a storage seal on your body." Naruto nodded "Create 2 seals that store your own chakra in it and when you are running low on chakra, it will go back to your body to replenish them. Create 2 seals that convert your chakra to medical chakra to heal you when you are injured faster, but my challenge is to replenish your energy too" She said with a smirk." Finally, 2 more seals that convert narutal chakra into your own chakra making your chakra more denser. If you can do those 3 you will be truly powerful."

Naruto had stars in his eyes "Hai, Anko sensei." With that Naruto created a shadow clone and said "Tell the fuinjutsu devision to start thinking of those seals mentioned. Also tell them to create seals that convert Natural chakra to power other seals." The clone mock saluted and flashed away to the base.

With a questioning look Anko asked "Ehh, gaki? What happened?"

"Ah, I have a lot of clones training and a group is doing fuinjutsu. My clone is just informing them."

"Don't you get back lash from information overload?" Anko asked

"Not really, I create leader clones which then produce their own clones. The leader clones sort threw memories and when the training session is done they dispell. I usually create shadow clones in the morning and night."

"Good thinking, but what will you do when we are on missions?"

"With your ideas, I will be making seals I can put on the clones. When I come back they will pop giving me the sorted info."

Anko ruffled Naruto's head and said "Create a wood clone and I will create my own shadow clone." Naruto this time had a questioning look "I want you to see what D-rank missions are, so after today we can do C-ranks and higher. Now you owe me dango."

After creating the wood clone "what, damm." With that they both left to get dango.

--- With the third ---

Hiruzen and Danzo both watched the fight between Anko and Naruto and they where shocked. Danzo spoke up "His use of golems is truely a formidable technique. I wonder how you can defeate them."

Hiruzen with his proffessor mind "I guess by making them sink but I think Naruto-kun has a counter to that."

"We need him to go on higher ranking missions for him to gain experience."

"That is true, but let him have atleast 1D and 1C rank for him to see."

Danzo nodded seeing the point of this. If Naruto sees how boring the D and C ranks are then he will most likely be doing higher ranking which is better for the village and him. "What about the money used by the council?"

"Out of the 17.8 Billion Yen, we have collected 14.5 Billion Yen from the council. We are going to get some of their physical assets to compensate for the 3.3 Billion yen."

"I wont lie, even I woudln't go that far of taking the money and not spending it on the village. I am wondering what he will do with the money?"

"Who knows, lets see how Kakashi's students are doing?" With a grunt they watched. To say they where less than pleased with the Uchiha and Haruno. Sai was acceptable but his remarks made the team work non-existent. They only passed due to Sai giving some food to Sakura.

--- Couple hours later, team reports ---

Hiruzen in a commanding voice said "Team leaders report if the teams passed and the reason."

A random jonin took a step forward and said "Team 1 failed horribly, they didn't use teamwork and put eachother in danger from their own attacks." With that the jonin sensei's for 2-6 went and said their failure.

Kakashi stepped forward and said "Team 7 passed by barely. The only reason was Sai sharing his food. The Uchiha is a demanding with an inferiority and superiority complex and Haruno having a fan-girl to the Uchiha doesn't help." There where a lot of murmering among the group.

When Kureni's turn came she said "Team 8 passed, they used teamwork to find me and capture me. Hinata is shy and doesn't want to hurt anyone. Kiba believes he is a top dog. Whilst Shino isn't too comunicative, they can atleast work together."

Asuma's turn came and he stated "Team 10 passed, they worked together to capture me. Shikamaru is too lazy but a good planner. Choji is too kind hearted but can pack a mean punch. Ino though is too loud but gets them motivated. Sadly she is a fangirl for Naruto" Then a sigh came.

Anko with a smirk said "Naruto passed, he beat me with a Lava golem and fuinjutsu created golems. He has a good head on his shoulders and with his vast arsenal he is truely unpredictable. Additionally he already completed 25 D-rank mission, tomorrow is our first C-rank" They all had their mouths agape.

--- Flashback to the clone due ---

Naruto and Anko clone came to the mission office room. They saw 2 chunins, one of them being Iruka. Behind the chunins where 4 vertical shelves with D,C,B, and A rank ontop of them. Naruto saw that the D-ranks where nearly overflowing so he asked Anko "Anko-sensei, can I create more wood clones to finish more D-ranks?"

Anko replied "Sure, but you have to write the mission reports for them all." 

Naruto smirked and asked Iruka "Iruka-sensei, can I get 25 D-rank missions?" This made the chunins eye widen, they needed the D-ranks to be completed as the requests was higher than usual.

"Okay Naruto, can they be random or do you have a choice?" Iruka asked.

"No babysitting, preferably manual labour or D-rank missions where I can learn how to fix or do stuff." Naruto said

"Perfect" Picking up 25 scrolls, Iruka said "16 of them are stuff like weed picking, painting, shopping and similar stuff. The other 9 are helping in the library, dog walking, Tora catching. Should be fun" He said with a smirk.

Smirking back, Naruto and Anko went out and Naruto created 75 wood clones and in groups of 3 they left. 

After some time, the first team completed a D rank and Anko showed what to write and how. After 3 hours Naruto done 25 D-ranks and submitted it. Apparently, the money can be stored up for taking it out in one go or when you finished you collect the pay.

Naruto and Anko decided to do it tomorrow, when they will collect the C rank mission. Naruto gave Anko 25% of the money he would be getting, even if Anko didn't want it at first. The stubborness of Naruto won at the end saying she can buy more dango with that money. At the end the total came out to be 37,500 yen as some of the D-ranks pay from 1000-3000 yen.

--- Flashback end---

This suprised all of the jonins and Kureni asked "How did Naruto-kun do that many?"

Anko smirked and said "That Ni-chan is a secret" that caused a lot of facefaults but Danzo and Hiruzen both smirked as they both discovered how to do their paperwork. Shadow clones.


I hope you enjoyed the small fight scene. As you can see Naruto bested Anko but remember Naruto used his powerful techniques but training will be mentioned next time but also their first C rank and other missions. I will hope that the next chapter will lead to the chunin exams entry so hopefully it will be a long chapter. 

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