Killua x Steven Universe Sist...

By wxtch_

48.4K 213 150

You, a Universe child born on accident, watched Steven Universe grow up with loving people while sheltered by... More

Not A Chapter, but an Update
Act 1
Chapter 1: Hello X There
Chapter 2: Post-Traumatic X Stress X Disorder?
Chapter 3: New X People X Discomfort
Chapter 4: Running X A X Project
Chapter 5: Foggy X Thoughts
Chapter 6: Precious X Delicacies
Chapter 7: Heights X of X Rest
Chapter 8: Today On X Dr. Phil X - A Traitor!
Chapter 9: Crack X in X the Glass
Chapter 10: The X Final X Stretch

Chapter 11: Killed X For X Sport

251 18 27
By wxtch_



We all eagerly stood outside and waited for instructions. I was just enjoying the outside. I think this may have been the first time since the exam started that it's been a nice day out.

The boat ride was a mess and the whole running part of the exam was a gloomy day. After that it was sunny, sure, but it was chilly. It's warmer here, the sun feels nice against my face.

"Geez, you're like a flower," Killua said from behind me, arms crossed behind his head.

"How am I a flower?" I asked.

"You thrive in the sun," he said nonchalantly, "photosynthesis and stuff."

"He's right, you're glowing," Kurapika said. Not in a complimenting way but not in a 'matter of fact' way either.

"Well now that's just the sun," I stated, pointing up at the sky. I saw Killua sweatdrop out of the corner of my eye.

"Congratulations on escaping trick tower everyone!" The intercom person, who I now know is the warden, spoke up, "All that remain now are the fourth phase and the final phase. The fourth phase will take place.. right over there on Zevil Island. Now, let's proceed."

He snapped his fingers. A man that seemed suspiciously like that one butler kinda guy from the Addams Family Values but not like him at the same time rolled out a little cart.

"To begin, I will need each of you to draw lots now," the warden stated. The crowd murmured, confused. Someone asked what the lots will decide and the warden answered, "Who you hunt and who hunts you. In this box are exactly twenty-four numbered cards, which means that one of the numbered cards will correspond with your badge.."

We're hunting + picking each other's number cards = we're hunting each other.

My hands flew to my badge, yanked it off, and shoved it down my pocket

Killua snickered, "I have never seen someone take something off so quickly."

"I have never taken something off so quickly," I said back, making him laugh a bit.

"Now," the warden spoke, "each of you will draw a card in the order you exited the tower. All right, which of you was first?"

Hisoka stepped up to the little cart. He brandished a large cut on his shoulder. He barely seemed phased by it.

Oh wait, this is the first time I've seen Hisoka in a while.

Hioka slowly pulled out a card. He flipped it over, looked at it, and walked back to the group very quickly. A man in green wearing pins all over and shaking his head involuntarily was next. Everyone followed after.

I was after Kurapika. Killua followed, then Gon, then a few other people. Finally everyone was done drawing cards.

"Has everyone drawn?" asked the warden, but he didn't wait long, "very well. Now if you would, please go ahead and remove the sticker."

The atmosphere became tense and grim as everyone peeled off a sticker. I got '199'. It was silent for a few seconds. Then the warden explained, "The number you see is your target."

Everyone gasped and covered their badges instantly.

"I won that one," I muttered.

The warden continued after his pause, "This box has recorded the number that each of you drew. Each card was tallied and then stored in memory. So if you like, your free to dispose of the cards. It makes no difference at this point. The objective is to steal your target's ID badge."

"Oh good, so we don't have to kill each other then," one of the three brothers spoke.

The warden smirked, "The method is up to you. Procure the badge however you see fit. But of you kill your target, you can take their badge easily."

"Yeah, that sure sounds like the fastest way to me," the brother in red said.

Why does he kinda sound... I don't know, like he has an accent. A bit southern. Maybe Texan? Wait, why Texan-

The shortest brother seemed a bit distraught at the concept of killing someone for a badge. The tallest brother teased him for it.

"Listen carefully," the warden said. Mother fucker, if you want us to listen then goddamit speak and stop pausing so much- "Collecting the ID badge of your specified target will earn you 3 points, understand? Your own badge is also worth 3 points. And all the other badges are worth 1 point. In order to move on to the final phase you will need to collect 6 points. So during your time there on Zevil Island, gather enough badges to collect six points or fail the exam. Only those who do will clear the fourth phase of the hunter exam.

Then we all hopped on a boat and made our way to Zevil Island. There was a nice enough attendant lady on the boat. Although, no one seemed very fond of her. Maybe it was her voice.

"I'd like to commend all of you on your work in the exam's third phase," she said brightly. This girl could rival Gon. She began again, "I'll be your guide. It's nice to meet you! You can call me Khara. It will take two hours for this boat to reach it's destination, Zevil Island. All twenty-four applicants who made it this far are granted an open invitation to participate again next year's exam no matter what! So even if you don't pass this time, we really hope you'll try again!! Never say die, right?.. Everybody?... All right everyone! For the next two hours, you're all free to do whatever you like! Thank you! And I hope you all enjoy the rest of the voyage!" Her speach died down, she excused herself, and then left.

Honestly, you did really great Khara. Like, I could never, I'd probably end up cursing someone out.

The boat ride was uneventful. At least, the first few seconds were. Then Killua showed up.

"Am I your target?" he asked nonchalantly. He was so carefree.

"No," I replied, holding up my card with the number '197' on it, "Am I your target?"

Killua sat down next to me. "Nope," he showed me his card. '199'.

Maybe our targets are together because of the close number. Now where it's a free for all, even if they weren't already together, they should be now. It's better to stick with someone and team up.

"What are you thinking about?" Killua asked.

I explained, "Maybe our targets are together because their numbers are close, and if not they most likely teamed up. We could try and find them together if you want."

He shrugged and put away his card. "Sure, why not? At least I'll be with someone I know."

"We hardly know each other," I realized. Despite having spent more or less a week with Killua, with the gang, we've had very few interactions together, just one on one.

"Okay? We've got time to get to know each other then," Killua stood and walked away, "I'm gonna find Gon, later."

I waved goodbye and continued the rest of the ride in silence. It was Kurapika who ended up finding me and getting me to the group when we had arrived.

"Thanks for being patient everyone!" Khara announced when we docked, "We've arrived at Zevil Island! Okay then, you will be disembarking in the order that you completeed the third phase from shortest to the longest! You'll go ashore one at a time, with two minute intervals separating each of the applicants, all right? You'll be on the island exactly one week! That means you only have seven days to collect your six points and then return to this location! First applicant, get ready to disembark now!"

Hisoka stepped off the boat and down the plank that was set up for us to leave. Then, he walked right into the island. Then he disappeared through the green canopy of trees the island provided.

The rest of the applicant group slowly left as well. Before we got off, Killua came up to me. "Just walk in a straight line, I'll find you," he said, and then left.

I got off after that and kept walking like Killua said. Not into trees, obviously, but still in a mostly straight line.

You can't expect straight from someone who isn-

"Hey!" Killua called from behind me.

I turned around and yelled back, "Hi!"

He walked up to me and continued walking, so I followed. "So how are we going to find our targets?' Killua asked.

"I'm not sure," I shrugged. We kept walking for a bit. Then I got a funny little idea, "You rememebr how Tonpa knew a bunch of stuff on all the applicants? What if we find him and get him to tell us who our targets are like gaslighting and all that manipulation shit?"

Killua looked at me incredulously. "What?" he managed to ask after a while.

I know it was a stupid idea. It was a half joke.

"If you wanna say it's a stupid idea, say it with your full chest," I told him.

"No, that's not-," Killua stammered, then gave up and scoffed, "whatever, let's just go with that."

We kept walking. Then I realized we might actually have a chance at getting information if we find Tonpa right now. He exited the tower after Killua and I, so maybe if we get back to the boat we'll still have a chance.

I went to turn around and gauge the distance between us and the boat. Maybe we might be able to make me. Killua grabbed my hand before I got the chance to.

Killua grabbed my hand.

My brain short circuited.

An image of Gon and Killua flashed in my mind.

"Aren't you gay?" I asked him after a bit.

"What!?" he yelped, "Wow! All I'm tryna do is help and you and you just accuse me of hitting on you! That's just sad."

"Well I'm sorry if that's the first place my mind goes!" I shouted.

"I'm trying to stop you from doing something stupid!"

"...y'know what, I'm not even mad anymore, I'm just confused," I said.

Then I felt it. A pair of unwanted eyes tracing over me, over us. A chill shot down my spine and I tried my best not to flinch. It wasn't a predatory gaze, like when a panther is hunting. It was more of a puzzled stare. I didn't know how to feel. Uncomfortable.

"Do you get it now?" Killua indignantly huffed. Despite the annoyed tone of voice, he squeezed my hand once in a comforting manner.

"So what do we do about the peeping Tom?" I asked.

"That makes it sound like they're watching us do something bad."

"Shut up, I'm anxious okay? That threw me off. I'm just saying the first thing that comes to mind at this point."


I raised an eyebrow, "Like actually?"

Killua rolled his eyes, "Felt means felt."

"... well you don't gotta be so rude about it, like shit.."

A comfortable silence fell over us like a blanket afterward. Unfortunately for all of us, I kick blankets off.

"You never said you weren't gay-"

"I'm literally holding your hand right now!"

"...that doesn't mean shit honestly."

We walked for a while longer, exchanging banter back and forth. It was a comfortable enough time. The unease from being watched and followed was lulled away by the hand holding. Knowing there was another person at arms length was calming. At least for me it was.

We passed by the initial forest we entered. There was a small clearing with really tall grass. The wind swayed the grass, giving it a mesmerizing effect. A few red butterflies stood at the tips of the tall blades.

"I want one," I whispered, enthralled by the small beautiful creatures.


I walked closer to look at the butterflies. The feeling of having the grass brush against my fingertips was surprisingly nice. Like trailing your hand down a smooth wooden stair railing.

There was a butterfly really close to me. I reached to grab it, but it flew away, as expected. What wasn't expected was the thousands of other butterflies that all flew out of the grass just a few fet away.

I stepped back, but I didn't know there was knotted grass beneath me. So I tripped on it. I landed on my back in the grass. I would've been annoyed, but the view was incredible.

After all the butterflies were gone, I heard soft footsteps approach. "You sure look at home," Killua stated as he stood over me. He smiled, "Come on we have to go now."

All I could do was nod and get up.

Something in the distance caught my eye as I got up though. Three figures in the distance. What makes it worse is that they were glancing at us.

I found our targets, but at the cost of Killua's sanity.

"Wait..." I mumbled looking at the figures closer, "are those the fucks from Texas?"

He couldn't stop laughing after that.

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