The River Tree (Neteyam x Me...

By worstpiesinlondon0

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(Formally known as @momochromeray) "The sea gives and the sea takes" that's all orphaned teen Kaia allowed h... More

Prologue: The Green Baby
Chapter 1: The Old Net (Act 1)
Chapter 2: The Blue Family
Chapter 3: The Odd Welcome
Chapter 4: The gutting knives P1
Chapter 5: The gutting knives P2
Chapter 6: The Morning Tree
Chapter 7: The Steady Waters
Chapter 8: The Blue Hunter
Chapter 9: The New Rival
Chapter 10: The Broken Kayak
Chapter 12: The Band-aid
Chapter 13: The Forced Alliance P1
Chapter 14: The Forced Alliance P2
Chapter 15: The Something of Nothing
Chapter 16: The New Connection
Chapter 17: The Next Day
Chapter 18: The Friend
Chapter 19: The Teal Ones
Chapter 20: The Boy's Breath
Casting Call! (On hold)
Chapter 21: The Two Comrades
Chapter 22: The Thoughtful "Enemy"
Chapter 23: The Hidden Sky
Chapter 24: Be Still (Act 2)
Chapter 25: The Kid

Chapter 11: The Harsh Punch

481 13 2
By worstpiesinlondon0

Disclaimer: This chapter contains mild violence and mild swearing

"Ok, so what?" I asked defensively crossing my arms.

We had moved away from the clearing and onto a desolate corner of the beach, surrounded by palm trees. Tsireya stood across from me with kind eyes and a calm frame, her usual effortless elegant pose. Even so, she seemed to be hesitating.

"What is it?" I sharply asked, feeling uneasy.

Tsireya gulped lightly before she spoke, what she had to say seemed to be taxing enough that she had to summon her courage to say it.

"I'll just be honest" She began, a slight nervousness to her tone "I'm worried about you."

I raised a brow "What?" I questioned, clutching my crossed arms.

"Kaia, you just haven't been acting like yourself. I know people grow and change but you''ve become someone else." She spoke maturely.

"Ever since the whole Akula incident, you've become so...bitter. Every job you do now is just to get ahead of him." She continued "And that whole tricktayö thing? That's not something you would ever do!" She lightly exclaimed, as she took steps closer.

My face was direct contrast to her tender expression, all that could be seen from my disposition was a sour look.

"You wouldn't understand...." I mumbled, hoping that would put an end to it. But Tsireya was always righteously persistent.

"But I want to." She affirmed "I really do. I never knew you to be anything but humble, hardworking and honorable." She listed "But the way you're treating that boy, Kaia. It's not right. You're trying to upstage him."

I cocked my head up as she lightly gripped my forearm.

"You're angry." She spoke firmly.

"So I'm asking why?" She said finally asked, face to face to me "Why are you angry?"

I couldn't see the concern in her heart. I was unwilling to see anything but yet another mindless assumption, or as I saw in my head, an attack. She was right.

I was angry.

I kept my eyes on her, furiously beginning to furrow them "Seriously?" I stepped backwards "That's why you wanted to talk to me?"

Tsireya raised a brow "W-what do you mean?" she squeaked.

"You know, I am so..." I began, stepping out of her grasp "so sick of...people assuming how I feel. Why I do things. Why I act the way I do. I'm so sick of it." I snarled.

"Kaia...I'm not trying to assume anything." Tsireya assured "I'm just telling you what I've seen."

I frowned and shook my head.

"It's have to agree" Tsireya stated "it really isn't fair the way you treat him. That tricktayö isn't fair."

With that, I snapped.

"Unfair?" I repeated "That's unfair?!" I scowled.

Tsireya began to pout nervously.

"You know what's unfair?!" I growled "The fact that I had to work my tail off just for Rimlo to even say my name, and he...he didn't have to try so hard...I just...why does it..." My voice became unstable as I struggled to get everything out. As angry as I was, I couldn't make sense of such intense feelings.

"'s ok..." Tsireya crooned, stepping closer "Listen,'s ok to feel angry...if that's the reason you started the challenge then-"

"That is absolutely none of your business! My issue with him is my issue!" I shouted stomping my foot "My problem! You've know idea why I even started the tricktayö!"

"Kaia, Kaia calm down." Tsireya hushed.

"What do you know?!" I continued angrily "How dare you assume that's why I'm doing this?! How could you say that...why do they all have to say that..." I angrily lamented.

"Well, then why are you so angry at him?!" She asked, a whimper apparent in her voice "I am asking now! What's wrong?!"

I growled and squeezed my scalp as stood feeling my knees beginning to buckle from the frustration. Tsireya stood clutching her necklace, her eyes were watery.

"Kaia why?!" Tsireya shrieked "Please, you can tell me anything! I'm here!" she assured.

The words were there. I wanted them to come out. I so desperately wanted them out. I stared back at her my eyes feeling glossy and my lip quivering. I contemplated forcing something out. I wanted to tell her everything.

But the heaviness came back.

And like it always did

it sunk me.

"Forget it." I finally said, sniffing my coming tears away. Taireya shook her head and took quick steps to me.

"No, but Kaia-" Tsireya began, her voice wobbly from her newly flowing cries.

"I said forget it." I roared and looked away, my voice still unstable "You can stop pretending like you care about me. Just go."

Tsireya stood motionless. Almost like the air had been knocked out of her mouth, that was now left agape. Her eyes wobbled and more tears began to stream down her face. Her lip trembled as she stood taring at me, mixture of emotions plastered on her face. I had never seen her like that.

"Is that what you think?" She squeaked, her voice unstable "You truly think I'm pretending?"

I offered no response, I instead felt my a lump of regret in my throat as the realization of the implication I had just thrown out at her, stabbed me through the chest. All I could do was stare blankly at her and cross my arms again.

"Have you always thought that way?" She inquired again, desperately trying to spot herself from crying more.

I remained silent.

Eventually, so did she.

Tsireya walked past me, the usual spring in her step completely depleted. As soon as I heard her solemn footsteps turn the corner of the palm tree and back onto the bouncy path, I facepalmed and hissed into my hand.

I knew she was right.

I was angry.

I was always angry and didn't know what do with it.

Rather, I didn't want to admit it.

I refused to make sense of it and I didn't want to ask myself why.

I was now a complete mess. Angry, embarrassed and irritated but back then I didn't know what name to give them or what to do now.

If I went home right now, Father would see the mess I was and ask too many heavy questions. I didn't like questions. I decided it was best to stay where I was and calm myself down. I ran my fingers through my scalp and tried to breathe as I slowly scratched through my hair.

I didn't care to fix myself.

So I turned to the sea.

Pristine and peaceful waves around me. Cool blue almost merging with the deep cerulean of the horizon with a crystal shine when they met with the sun, which was beginning to be tucked away by coming eclipse. The soft chirping of the little beetles perched on the deep green leaves around my shoulders, eased me. They seemed to be enjoying their day too. I sensed the careful planning of the reddish brown crabs as they meticulously searched between the differently colored rocks for their new home. The sand was pale but golden, sparkling with said crab homes, all littered with sand particles. Even in this state I could appreciate their beauty;

So did Kiri

I was a little startled. I hadn't expected to see her there. Her cool blue skin seemed to effortlessly tuck her away within the water, almost like she was a part of it. She'd blend in completely if it wasn't for her striking black hair floating idly above the surface.

I began to fear that she had heard the whole fight. But I quickly discarded the fear, as I saw her tail idly wagging above the surface as she peacefully gazed at the rippling sand. An odd choice of entertainment that I found it endearing. Her amusement was for the more simpler things was genuine and divine.

But it couldn't last.

Aunnong and Rotxo, followed by two other of their teen companions, came into view with boisterous voices and childish movements. As they noticed Kiri, their voices lowered and the repugnant snarl of teasing whispers lingered right above the gracefully unaware girl.

Upon seeing the feet hit the sand from her view, Kiri raised her soaking head from the water.

"Huh? What'd you say?" She politely inquired, completely unaware of the previous jabs made above water.

Rather unoriginally so, Aunnoung responded "Are you some kind of...freak?"

"He asked if you are a freak!" Rotxo repeated, mostly trying to get his kudos from Aunnong.

Kiri, unphased and blatantly unsurprised, stood up from the water and shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, no." She stated disappointingly and began to walk away.

"Are you sure?" Aunnong asked, unsatisfied with her response "Because you're not even true Na'vi, I mean..."

The much taller teen grabbed hold of her wrist and raised her hand up "You seem to have something that makes you really different, or is that just me?" He laughed waving her hand back and forth.

"Stop that." Kiri firmly ordered, amidst the group of laughing boys.

"Or what?" Aunnong chuckled "You're gonna slap me with your tail?"

Something then switched.

Kiri is deep blue. The kind of blue you see when its really hot day and the sky hums, she's dressed in the sky. I myself, while I am supposed to blend in more with the sea, I am more on the green side. I'm better well blended with the leaves on trees. Her hair is straight and mine is thickly curled. She's slender and lanky while I have a thicker build. She bears yellow eyes and I dark green.

We could not look more different.

Yet seeing her within the chaos, her ears flaring in distress giving away the stress she was desperately trying to hide

I saw myself.

Even when I initially tried to dip my head and ignore it, I saw myself. I just couldn't. I knew exactly what she wanted more than anything in that moment.

I didn't want to be the one to deny it.

I stood up.

"This skinny little frail tail?" Rotxo then chimed in, reaching to grab her tail.

Before his fingers could reach it, I shoved him away causing him to lightly stumble. Upon seeing my presence, the rest of the boys began to annoyingly groan.

"What is wrong with all of you?" I condemned "You have no business to be bothering a girl enjoying nature. Get over yourselves."

I sensed the hypocrisy in my sentence.

Aunnong slowly stepped towards me, a comically forced grin plastered on his lips "Leech," he began "move out of the way."

"Why?" I fired back, as I stepped directly in front of Kiri.

"Why?" Aunnoung repeated "Do you not realize what exactly your in front of?"

"Aunnong...just leave her alone." I affirmed.

"Their kind have taken so much from us." Aunnong scowled, defiantly pointing at a frowning Kiri "They destroyed so much of our home, our animals and our people. She is the product of sin. They all are."

"Aunnong, I don't think it's fair for you to say-" Rotxo began to comment, in response Aunnong snarled and the smaller teal boy nervously closed his mouth.

"It seems like everywhere these halfblooded demons go, destruction is not far." Aunnong continued "I'm not going to allow them to 'make a home' here when they could very well be the reason they destroy it. And you shouldn't either."

I pursed my lips and stared to the side for a moment "Wow..." I finally breathed out "So the reason you mistreat a girl is because you're a...coward?"

Aunnong then hissed loudly and defensively stood back, preparing to fight. I snarled in return.

"Hey, fish lips!" A sharp reply emerged.

Kiri and I both turned our heads in unison to find an angered Lo'ak defiantly strutting to the scene.

"Beat it." Lo'ak retorted.

Aunnong clicked his teeth "Ahh look another five fingered freak." He taunted as he clutched Lo'ak's thin forearm.

"Don't touch me!" Lo'ak ordered "You're going to leave them alone! Don't you ever touch them again!"

The boys didn't heed a single word and began to circle him more. I turned to face Kiri who's firm expression from before was now openly concerned.

"Leave us alone!" She barked.

"Aunnong, stop it!" I then yelled "Let him go!"

Aunnong quickly turned his head and swiftly approached me, his hand raised in the air and his fangs bared. He was about to strike.

"I don't recall asking you, Le-ugh!" He grunted to a halt upon the realization of who was gripping his hand.

Staring back at him with the most angry but deathly calm face was Neteyam. Aunnong couldn't hide his surprise.

"Hands off" Neteyam firmly beckoned and then turned his attention to the boys surrounding his brother ",all of you."

Upon the order, the boys stepped away and Aunnong begrudgingly lowered his hand. Neteyam did not take his stare off the teen as he stepped between me and him.

"I'll not tolerate this." Neteyam enunciated "From now on, I need you to respect my sister, my brother, and her."

Aunnong stepped back with a dejected smile on his face, almost like he was embarrassed.

The boys present at the beach were all fifteen years old, Aunnong being on the cusp of sixteen, age of a warrior. Although Neteyam was of another decent, he had already came of age and reached warrior status within his own clan and this was a clear fact to Aunnong.

No matter where you go on our planet, no matter clan or tribe you are; the rules remain the same among us young ones: respect your warriors.

He and the young boys stepped back and began to roll their eyes and groan at this "unfortunate notion". Aunnong followed their lead, not turning his back on a scowling Neteyam.

As soon as they were an sizable difference away from us, Neteyam turned his attention to us.

"Are you two ok?" He asked, Neteyam's firm voice turned gentle as he lightly patted Kiri's head.

"I'm ok, brother." Kiri assured, her eyes sadly fixated on the floor.

"Are you sure?" Neteyam repeated, looking Kiri up and down.

"I'm fine...they didn't do anything." She dryly replied "They just called me...well you know...what they always do."

Neteyam put both hands on Kiri's shoulder as he lowered himself to her eyeline.

"Don't you listen to them. They've no idea who you really are." He assured with a warm smile.

Kiri reciprocated and lightly smiled in return.

"And you, Kaia?" He then asked with a tender expression, hands still on Kiri's shoulder.

I wanted to thank him but the memory of what had just happened prior struck my heart and I became embarrassed. Not only that but baffled. I had been so immature these last few days and he still came to my rescue

from my own people.

I pursed my lips "Yeah...yeah I'm fine." I looked away.

"Let's go then." He then signaled to Lo'ak to follow, who was standing off to the side.

The thinner and younger boy paid no mind, his eyes were firmly fixated on the others still standing about the beach grumbling to themselves.

It was clear Lo'ak wasn't lost in thought, but scheming. There was a specific cunningness to his face that really was nothing but childish mischief and very real vengeance.

And Neteyam seemed to notice the shift in his face.

"Lo'ak...." He warned.

"I got this bro." Lo'ak casually dismissed the admonition as he made his way back to the perpetrators.

"Oh no." Kiri sighed and face palmed as Neteyam gritted his teeth in painful anticipation and worry.

"Hey, Aunnong!" Lo'ak called out, to which Aunnong turned to face him with a confused look on his face.

"You're right...I'm a freak" Lo'ak voice suddenly sounded very sympathetic and submissive, almost completely different to his earlier tone "I mean look at these hands...weird."

Lo'ak continued waving his fingers in the air.

"But it can do something really cool." He then explained, clenching his hand into a fist.

I stifled the urge to gasp and covered my mouth. I knew where this was going. It was only matter of when and how hard.

"First, I tighten my grip." He insightfully explained, Aunnong actually seemingly engaged.

"And then..." he trailed off and almost immediately Aunnong's face was caved in by a swift punch.

Lo'ak struck him twice and by the third punch Aunnong fell to the floor, his friends rushing to his side.

"It's called a punch, bitch!" Lo'ak spat out "Don't ever touch those girls again!"

Undoubtedly seeping with embarrassment, Aunnong began to hoist himself back up and hurl towards the teen.

As if on instinct, I hurled in between them and Aunnong collided into me instead.

"Leech, what the hell are you doing?!" Aunnong growled and struck my face.

"I beat you up once!" I grunted, kicking Aunnong in the face "I will do it again!"

"Hey!" Lo'ak called out and kicked Aunnong off of me, one of Aunnong's friends sprung into the fight and began to tackle Lo'ak to the floor.

I stood up from the sand "Lo'ak!" I yelled and pile drived someone's head.

Grunts, growls, cries and shrieks abounded as we all slapped, punched and kicked. Some of us wrestling on the floor while other squaring up on foot.

"Ow! My ear!" Rotxo cried as Lo'ak yanked on his small flared ear.

"Fuck! My tail!" Lo'ak then bellowed as two of my own clan member's on the floor began to tug at his tail as he was dragged on the floor. I pushed Aunnong off me and elbowed the two on the floor.

Eventually, Neteyam caught my eye. With an unsurprised shake of his head, he swiftly hurled towards one of the boys yanking on Lo'ak's hair and slammed a powerful punch to his face.

I was now on the floor, with two teal boys on top of me, one of which I had in a headlock. I snarled and bit someone's tail from the floor as Neteyam took the opportunity to knock him down, before himself collapsing to the floor.

Complete and utter disarray.

In the background two things could be heard, Kiri's giggling and Toruk Maktou's thunderous footsteps approaching.

"Hey!" He shouted "Hey! That's enough!"

Upon hearing their father's voice, Neteyam and Lo'ak swiftly pulled from the fight and stepped away towards Kiri. Those of us who did not belong to the Sully's, continued.

"Hey! Come on!" Toruk Maktou bellowed "Hey! Get off him!" He ordered as he pulled a very confused Rotxo off one his own friends.

"Come on now!" Toruk Maktou continued shouting, the last remaining boy stood up and backed away.

I did not.

I was straddling a severely helpless and bloodied-nose Aunnong and throwing punches at each second.

"Hey! I know you can hear me!" Toruk Maktou neared closer and gripped my arms "Tap out, kid!"

As Toruk Maktou dragged me away, Aunnong weakly sat up, clutching his bloody nose. He gave me a menacing sneer.

"Stupid Leech!" he shouted "Ugh!" He groaned in pain.

"Try it again!" I retorted back.

"That's enough, girl." Toruk Maktou ushered.

"Try me...bitch!"


you guys don't know how tempted I was to call this chapter "The Punch (bitch)"

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Oeal Ngati Kameia 💙💙💙

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