Summer Love That Blossomed in...

By phoebesmith25

588 156 5

Eric Wilson and his siblings Michelle (older sister), James (younger brother), Micheal but everyone calls him... More

First Day Of Summer (Edited)
Continuation from Last Part (Edited)
First Date? (Edited)
Beach Day (Edited)
My Dad's Back? (Edited)
Last Month before School, Let's Have Some Fun! (Edited)
Tryouts For Football (Edited)
First Day Of Senior Year (Edited)
Halloween and Halloween Party (Edited)
Thanksgiving Week (Edited)
Thanksgiving Week Part 2 (Edited)
Basketball Tryouts (Edited)
Christmas Cruise Day 1 (Edited)
Last Full Day On Cruise (Edited)
New Years Eve Party (Edited)
Eric's 18th Birthday (Edited)
Valentine's Day (Edited)
Back Home, With Wheelchair (Edited)
First Day Back at School, Since Accident (Edited)
Prom (Edited)
Finally Done! (Edited)
Graduation Party (Edited)
August 2020 (Edited)
College Halloween Party (Edited)
Nice To Be Back Home For Thanksgiving (Edited)
Planning Ellie and Arthur's Wedding (Edited)
Physical Therapy (Edited)
End Of Semester/Christmas Break (Edited)
Cruise Round 2 - Couple Edition (Edited)
New Years Eve Party Round 2 (Edited)
New Year, Eric's 22nd Birthday (Edited)
Surprise! (Edited)
Eric's Family Finds Out (Edited)
What We are Having... (Edited)
Gender Reveal (Edited)
Graduation of Undergrad College (Edited)
Welcome To The World EJ (Edited)
EJ's First Thanksgiving (Edited)
Arthur and Ellie's Wedding Weekend Part 1 (Edited)
Ellie and Arthur's Wedding Weekend Part 2 (Edited)
Tessa's Bully (Edited)
EJ's First Christmas (Edited)
New Years Eve Party (Edited)
Baby Number 4? (Edited)
Caric Wedding Weekend Part 1 (Edited)
Caric Wedding Weekend Part 2 (Edited)
Start of Summer 2026 (Edited)
Welcome To The World Baby #4 (Edited)
Halloween/EJ's Birthday (Edited)
Thanksgiving 2026 (Edited)
Eric's 28th Birthday (Edited)
Skylar and Emma's 3rd Birthday (Edited)
1 Year Anniversary (Edited)
Carley's 28th Birthday (Edited)
Ten Year High School Reunion (Edited)
Summer 2027 (Edited)
EJ's First Day of Kindergarten (Edited)
Halloween 2027/ EJ's 6th Birthday (Edited)
Thanksgiving 2027 (Edited)
New Years Eve/Twins Are Here (Edited)
Author's Note
Sequel Is Out

New Years Eve 2026 (Edited)

5 2 0
By phoebesmith25

(Eric's POV)

So yeah it's been a month since thanksgiving. And Billy did in fact tell the truth. He passed away a week after thanksgiving. Carley stayed home with the kids while I went with my mom, Michelle, James, Mikey and Tessa to the funeral. Mikey and Tessa didn't have much to say probably since they had the least time with him

But my mom told her story of how dad was before I had my disability. Michelle talked about the good times. I even said a few happy times. James did say some good things too.

Billy had a few friends left so they were at his funeral. They all said that he was really upset that he left our family. But if he was really that upset then he wouldn't have left us in the first place.

Anyways tonight is New Years Eve. Which means another party. This year we are going to host because Carley and I decided that we wanted to give my aunt and uncle a break.

So for the party I think we are gonna get sushi, pizza and wings. James, Michelle, Mikey and Tessa and I all love sushi. So since Carley and I are paying for all the food. That's what I'm gonna get. Carley secretly likes sushi too but I know she rather have pizza.

It is currently 10:30 in the morning. And I have been up for about an hour. So has Carley. We both just wake up early now. Carley is going back to work in January. She teaches English and she is the cheerleading coach.

But since she recently had Noah 3 months ago. She has been staying with him. I have been working at my physical therapy place. I think some of my favorite clients are the ones who have similar accidents to mine. And I tell them the story about me. So they always have more hope at the end.

Carley and I have been in the kitchen just talking and having breakfast. We even made coffee because we usually don't have coffee anymore. Especially when Carley was pregnant. But now that she is no longer pregnant, she is able to drink it. I have missed coffee, but I know that Carley has missed it a lot as well. We don't normally get Dunkin anymore. Only on special occasions.

We heard footsteps coming down

"Here comes EJ" I said lifting the coffee cup up.

"Mommy, daddy!" EJ said

"Morning bud" I said. "Why don't you sit while I get your plate ready" I said to my first born

"Ok!" He said with a smile

"I'm gonna go get the others" Carley said and kissed my lips quickly. And kissed EJs head. Then went upstairs to get the three others.

"Alright buddy do you want apple juice or orange?" I asked him as I was at the refrigerator

"Apple juice!" He said with a smile

I grab the Apple juice bottle. I got a cup out of the cabinet. And put some of the Apple juice into the cup. I gave EJ his food and drink.

"Here you go bud" I said

"Thanks daddy" He said with a smile

I feel my phone ringing. So I took it out of my pocket and see it's one of my workers calling.

"Hello?" I asked

"Hi Mr.Wilson sorry to bother you. But someone is on the other line asking to speak with you" One of the female workers said

"Who is calling?" I asked

"It's Rachel sir" She said

"Ok. Rachel you can put that person thru" I said to her

"Will do sir" She said

After a minute I heard one of the clients say something

"Hi I'm Dr.Wilson" I said on the phone

"Hi my name is Gabrielle. My daughter Piper got into an accident" She said on the phone

"Alright how old is your daughter?" I asked. I got out of my chair and go get a paper and pen.

"She is 10 years old" She said

"And how did she get injured?" I asked on the phone

"She fell on ice. We are in the process of getting her a MRI and other stuff" she said

"Ok. Um well until you get the MRI I can't see you" I said

"But I got recommended to you. Please she's in a lot of pain" She said

"Who recommended you to me?" I asked

"Dr.Davison" She said

I sigh because it's the guy I roomed with while getting my doctor physical therapist degree.

"Well I can give you an appointment but I can't do the recovery process until I know what's going on" I said to her

"Ok. I can do that" She said. "Thank you" She said

"I can see you after the New Year. I'm gonna put you back on with Rachel to set up a time to meet" I said to her

"Thank you Dr.Wilson" She said

"Just doing my job. Have a great day" I said then put Rachel on with her

I put my phone down and sighed

"What's wrong daddy?" EJ asked me

"Nothing buddy. Just work" I said smiling at him

"Mommy said that you have a hard job" He said

"It's a little hard buddy. I help people recovery from injuries" I said to him

"That's cool" He said with a smile

"Yeah i guess it is" I said with a laugh

Carley came down with Emma and Skylar. "I will be right back. I have to get Noah" She said and ran upstairs

Skylar and Emma were sitting in their chair. They got on their chairs with the help of Carley

"Hi my sweet girls" I said to my twins

"Dada!" Skylar said reaching for me

"Do you want me to come over Sky?" I asked my daughter

"Dada!" She said again but moved her hand up. Signaling that she wants me to hold her

I get off my chair and hold Skylar.

"Dada!" Emma said this time wanting me to lift her up as well

So I move Skylar to one arm and put Emma on the other arm.

Carley came down with Noah. She smiles when she sees me and the girls.

"Why isn't anyone holding me?" EJ asked

"Well come here buddy" Carley said

EJ ran into Carley's arm. She lifted him up. And now is holding both Noah and EJ.

"We got our hands full" I said with a laugh

"Yes we do. But I wouldn't have it any other way" She said smiling

I heard a phone ringing. I feel it ringing in my pants so it's mine. I sigh when I saw it was Rachel calling again.

I set Skylar and Emma into their chairs and answered the call.

"Yes Rachel?" I asked my receptionist

"Sorry to bother you again Dr.Wilson but there's another person who would like to speak to you" She said

"Is it a patient?" I asked

"No it's Dr.Davison" She said

"Ok put him thru" I said

I waited

"Hey Buddy!" Seth said

"Hello Seth" I said annoyed

"Why do you sound annoyed?" He asked

"Because you know I'm busy at work. And this is my off day. It's the new years, I should not be working" I said with an angry voice

"Well I'm sorry but patients need to be seen!" He said

"Seth I get that but on New Years?" I asked annoyed

"Hey it's not my fault you're one of the best physical therapist around here" He said on the phone

"I know you don't have kids so you don't know what it's like. But I need to take care of them first" i said rubbing my head

"Eric come on. You knew you were gonna have to deal with this when we went to the same doctor school" He said

I sigh and look at Carley. She gives me a look to get off the phone

"Listen Seth. Don't give me anymore people until after the new year, got it?" I asked him on the phone

"Sure thing Eric. Bye" He said

"Bye" i said and hung up the phone

Carley came over and rubbed my shoulders. "You're very tight" She said

"Yeah that's what Seth does to me" I said annoyed

"Do you need another coffee?" She asked

"No. I'm just annoyed. I just had to talk to a patient like 30 minutes ago. I'm not supposed to be working right now. It's New Years Eve" I said

"Well you signed up for this Eric. You wanted to be a physical therapist" She said after stopping rubbing my shoulders.

"I know....And I want to help the patients it's just we have a family. And I don't want my kids to hate me like I did with Billy" I said with my arms crossed

"They don't hate you Eric" She said taking my hand

"Maybe not right now. But maybe they will" I said

"I'm gonna make some tea. Because you need to relax" She said getting up and walking over to the tea station we got.

"Thanks honey" I said giving her a smile

After a couple more hours. It is now 2:30 in the afternoon. And some people have showed up. Mostly the ones who live 6 hours away. Like in Hollywood area. Yes we do have some family that live near Hollywood. We don't really visit them all much because its hard.

I mean it's not an immediate family. It's distant. Also my best friend Timmy from college. He moved to Hollywood after college with Sami. So they said they are gonna come to the party.

I am actually walking over to talk to Timmy right now.

"Hey buddy" I said bro hugging him

"Hey E" He said bro hugging me back

"How have you been, man?" I asked with my arms crossed

"Sami and i are living life. It wasn't that long ago that we saw you man. I mean we did see you guys at your wedding" He said with a laugh

"Yeah but I mean that was a long time ago" I said to him

"I guess" He said, nodding.

I looked over and saw EJ playing with Timmy's son Declan.

"How old is Declan again?" I asked Timmy

"Almost 5" He said

"That's crazy" I said with a laugh

"Yeah. But i mean you got 4 kids. How do you deal with that?" He asked me

"Well they are all young right now. So they don't give attitude or anything" i said

"Well wait until teenage years" He said with a laugh

"Oh yeah. I'm not looking forward to that. Especially if they are like me" I said with a laugh

"Oh yeah. I mean I didn't know you until you were 19. So I have no idea what you were like in teen years" He said with a chuckle

"Oh I was bad. I lost my v-card to a bitch" I said

"Well did Carley lose her card to someone else?" He asked

"No. She lost it to me. And I feel really bad about not waiting for her" I said feeling upset

"Hey man, you didn't know Carley was out there. So I get how you feel" He said

"I just hope EJ or Noah when they are older that they will be more safe" I said sighing

(Carley's POV)

I was sitting with some girls and Sami who was here. Sami came with her husband Timmy who is Eric's best friend from college. They live 6 hours away so it's nice that they showed up.

"So Sami how are you, Timmy and Declan?" I asked her

"We are good. Timmy is a great dad. And I like to think I'm a pretty good mom. But you would have to ask Declan and Timmy about that" She said with a laugh

"Yeah I totally understand that" I said with a smile. I heard a knock at the door. "I will be right back" I said and went to the front door. I look through the peephole and saw it was Stephanie, Jason, Mikey and Tessa. I open the door for them. "Hey guys. Welcome" I said letting them in

"Hi Carley" Stephanie said giving me a hug

"Hi Steph" I said hugging her back

She looks around. "It seems like a lot of people are here already" She said

"Yeah well these are the people who live in Hollywood. They drove 6 hours to get here" I said

"So they are going to stay over i'm guessing?" She asked

"Yeah. We luckily have a big basement. And some sleeping mattress for everyone who is staying. But some are going to go to a hotel" I said to her

"Well that seems like a good plan. Where is my son by chance?" She asked

"Last I saw Eric he was talking to Timmy in the living room" I said to her

"Thank you" She said and walked to where Eric was

I go back into the dining room with Tessa following me.

"How are you Tessa? And how are you and Paul doing?" I asked her

"We are doing good. I am very happy with him" She said with a smile

"Well I'm glad you are happy. I mean I remember a time when you weren't too happy" I said to her

"Yeah a few years ago. But I never saw Nathan again. And ever since getting into high school. I got into cheerleading. So I am pretty popular" She said

"I was a cheerleader too" I said

"I remember that" She said smiling

"How? You were only 5 or 6 years old" I said to her

"Well when I got older Eric would talk about you being his cheerleader at school" She said

"Ah that makes more sense" I said with a laugh

"I'm gonna go see EJ. I haven't seen him in awhile" She said getting up

"Ok see you later" I said

She walked out of the dining room and walked into the living room. Since EJ, and Declan were in there playing video games. I know that because I hear him screaming at the screen. EJ takes after his father when playing video games.

(Tessa's POV)

I walked into the living room and saw my nephew. I go over to him

"Hey EJ" i said smiling at him

"Aunt Tessa!" He said pausing his game. He then jumped into my arms

I laughed. "I miss you little guy" I said hugging him

"I miss you too" He said into my shoulder

(Eric's POV)

So its been a couple more hours since 3:00 pm. Now it is 6:30 pm. Which means it's dinner time. Timmy, Mikey and I all went to the restaurants to pick up the food we have preordered. Once we got to the house again. Everyone was hungry.

"Alright guys so we got some sushi, pizza and wings" I said setting down 4 boxes of pizza.

"Ohhh sushi!" Arthur said

"Yep" I said with a smile

"Hey mom, dad why didn't you guys ever get sushi for New Years?" Arthur asked Aunt Evie and Uncle Matt

"Because the adults don't like it" Aunt Evie said

"Well we got it for tonight so don't be too hard on them Arth" I said

"Well thank god for you E" He said taking some sushi out of the sushi box

I get 4 platters of sushi. I ordered for myself 2 spicy salmon, 1 alaska and 1 california roll. Then I got other rolls for other people. But I got my rolls because I love those ones. Especially the spicy salmon. Oh how I love spicy salmon! I mean there are some places where the sushi isn't that good but this place we got it from is a good place.

After having dinner. People mostly had the sushi and pizza.

Some of the adults had some drinks. Including me. I only had 2 drinks . And I have a high tolerate for alcohol so I could drive someone home if needed.

It was around 11:50.

"Alright guys! 10 more minutes until 12!" I yelled thru my house

Once it was 11:59 at night. Everyone started to count.

"5.......4......3....2.....1....Happy New Year!" We all said

I kissed Carley since she's my beautiful wife. I gave my son  EJ a hug. But Emma, Skylar and Noah were all asleep since they are very young.

Once everyone who was staying made their way to the basement. And the other people left. Carley and I put EJ to sleep. Then we walked into our room

"Tonight was a good night" I said to her.

"Yeah it actually was. Maybe we will be the host for New Years all the time" She said

"Are you serious or joking?" I asked her

"I'm serious" She said

"Well ok. But we can talk about that another time. Right now I wanna cuddle my wife to sleep. Is that ok?" I asked her

"Yes that is totally fine" She said with a smile

We both get into bed and cuddle at the same time.

"Happy new year baby. I love you" I said facing her

"Happy new year babe. I love you" She said then kissed me

"Goodnight" I said

"Goodnight" She said then closed her eyes.

I slowly fell asleep. Tonight was a fun night. I hope it will be the same next year. Welcome year 2027

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