Summer Love That Blossomed in...

By phoebesmith25

588 156 5

Eric Wilson and his siblings Michelle (older sister), James (younger brother), Micheal but everyone calls him... More

First Day Of Summer (Edited)
Continuation from Last Part (Edited)
First Date? (Edited)
Beach Day (Edited)
My Dad's Back? (Edited)
Last Month before School, Let's Have Some Fun! (Edited)
Tryouts For Football (Edited)
First Day Of Senior Year (Edited)
Halloween and Halloween Party (Edited)
Thanksgiving Week (Edited)
Thanksgiving Week Part 2 (Edited)
Basketball Tryouts (Edited)
Christmas Cruise Day 1 (Edited)
Last Full Day On Cruise (Edited)
New Years Eve Party (Edited)
Eric's 18th Birthday (Edited)
Valentine's Day (Edited)
Back Home, With Wheelchair (Edited)
First Day Back at School, Since Accident (Edited)
Prom (Edited)
Finally Done! (Edited)
Graduation Party (Edited)
August 2020 (Edited)
College Halloween Party (Edited)
Nice To Be Back Home For Thanksgiving (Edited)
Planning Ellie and Arthur's Wedding (Edited)
Physical Therapy (Edited)
End Of Semester/Christmas Break (Edited)
Cruise Round 2 - Couple Edition (Edited)
New Years Eve Party Round 2 (Edited)
New Year, Eric's 22nd Birthday (Edited)
Surprise! (Edited)
Eric's Family Finds Out (Edited)
What We are Having... (Edited)
Gender Reveal (Edited)
Graduation of Undergrad College (Edited)
Welcome To The World EJ (Edited)
EJ's First Thanksgiving (Edited)
Arthur and Ellie's Wedding Weekend Part 1 (Edited)
Ellie and Arthur's Wedding Weekend Part 2 (Edited)
Tessa's Bully (Edited)
EJ's First Christmas (Edited)
New Years Eve Party (Edited)
Baby Number 4? (Edited)
Caric Wedding Weekend Part 1 (Edited)
Caric Wedding Weekend Part 2 (Edited)
Start of Summer 2026 (Edited)
Welcome To The World Baby #4 (Edited)
Halloween/EJ's Birthday (Edited)
New Years Eve 2026 (Edited)
Eric's 28th Birthday (Edited)
Skylar and Emma's 3rd Birthday (Edited)
1 Year Anniversary (Edited)
Carley's 28th Birthday (Edited)
Ten Year High School Reunion (Edited)
Summer 2027 (Edited)
EJ's First Day of Kindergarten (Edited)
Halloween 2027/ EJ's 6th Birthday (Edited)
Thanksgiving 2027 (Edited)
New Years Eve/Twins Are Here (Edited)
Author's Note
Sequel Is Out

Thanksgiving 2026 (Edited)

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By phoebesmith25

(Eric's POV)

I woke up to the sound of crying. I looked around and couldn't find Carley. So I go looking for the crying. And like I excepted the crying suspect was in fact Noah. But Carley was holding him already trying to get him to stop. Carley looks up and saw me

"Oh hey" She said

"Are you ok Car?" I asked concern for my wife

"Yeah. I just can't seem to get Noah to stop crying. I've tried to give him food and his pacifier but it seems like nothing is working" She said. She sounded really stress.

"Here let me see if I have the magic touch" I said going over to them. I slowly took Noah out of Carley's arms and into mine. Once he was securely in my arms. "Hey buddy. You need to calm down" I said slowly rocking him

He was slowly calming down and heading to sleep.

"How did you do that?" She asked quietly

"I guess I just make him feel safe" I said shrugging. I go to put him into his crib but woke up and looked at me. "You don't want me to put you down buddy?" I asked as I picked him up again. He looks then slowly went back to sleep.

"What time is it?" Carley asked yawning

"I mean there's a little light outside I would say 6:30 in the morning" I said yawning as well. "You should go back to sleep. I got Noah" I said to her

"Are you sure?" She asked me

"Yeah" I said

She comes and gives me a kiss on the lips. "Try to get more sleep, ok?" She asked me

I nod. "I will. Maybe sleep on that chair" I said motioning my head to the chair in the room.

"Ok see you in a few hours" She said then pecked my lips one more time. Then she walked back to our room.

I go over to the chair I was talking about and slowly and softly sat on it. It was like a bean bag chair. So it was squishy. So as I was holding Noah as he sleeps. I looked around the room. It was a baby room. But I'm sure we will change it when Noah grows up. I mean we did the same with EJ's room. And he loves his room.

I was slowly falling asleep as I looked around and had a million thoughts going on in my mind.

(Carley's POV)

I heard my alarm going off. I set an alarm because I want to make food for the whole family. Eric usually always makes us food but this time I am going to do it. Also tonight is Thanksgiving. Eric's and I's family is coming over for dinner. When I say Eric's and I's family I mean, Eric's brothers and sisters also his mom and Jason. But also my brother and sister with my mom and dad.

So yeah a lot of people are coming. The Rogers family celebrates Thanksgiving with Ellie's family now. And Kendall's family. Since Alex did ask Kendall to marry him. They got married 1 year ago.

As I was making breakfast, I also started to make the turkey. Like putting seasoning on and everything. Then I put the turkey in the oven. It was a pretty big one. Which is what I needed since James and Mikey eat a lot. So does Eric but not as much as he used to though

I put the turkey in for 3 and a half hours but it may need more. But this is just a start time. I could add more time but not take away time.

Once I was done making breakfast I heard footsteps from downstairs. I saw EJ come down.

"Hi mommy" He said taking a seat

"Hey EJ. What are you doing up early?" I asked him

"Daddy was snoring in Noah's room" He said

"Oh yeah?" I asked with a smile

"Yeah. He snores really loud" He said

"Yeah he does. But we still love him right?" I asked him

"Yeah!" He said with a smile

I brought a plate over to the oven and scooped some eggs out of the pan and put it on Ej's plate. Once i had bacon and hash browns. I put the plate in front of EJ.

"Here you go sweetie" I said after putting the plate in front of him

"Thanks mommy" He said with a smile. Then picked up his fork and started to eat

I then realized the girls weren't up yet. So I quickly turned the oven off then turned and looked at my son

"EJ don't touch the oven ok?" I asked him

"Ok mommy!" He said and continued to eat

I go upstairs and see Skylar in Eric's arm while Emma is trying to get out of her crib

"Hey" I said going into the room

"Hi" He said

"Did you sleep?" I asked going to pick Emma out of the crib. Just before she could get out herself. If she did get out herself then she would have fell. But I got her just in time

"A little. Then I heard Sky yelling for me. Then Emma yelled for you" He said

"Yeah I heard them yelling. But i was doing breakfast" I said

"You made breakfast?" He asked me

"Yeah. Is that ok with you?" I asked with laugh

"Yeah, I'm just surprised I guess" He said

"Yeah I know you usually make it. But I wanted you to sleep a little longer" I said to him

"Yeah well I got a little more sleep but then I heard your alarm" He said

"Sorry" I said softly

"Don't be babe" He said with a smile

"You haven't called me babe in awhile" I said with a smile

"Yeah well you're my wife now. I rather call you honey" He said coming over. He kissed me on the lips

"I love you Eric" I said as he slowly moved away from me

"I love you Carley. Forever and ever" He said with a smile

Noah started to cry in his room.

"I got him" Eric said and walked out of the girls room to Noah's

"Do you guys want your breakfast?" I asked the twins. They nod. "Lets go" I said and brought Sky into one arm and Emma into my other.

We walked downstairs. EJ was playing in the living room. And by that I mean he's on the family xbox. And he's playing WWE.

"Hey EJ can you put something else on while I am down here?" I asked my first son

"Ok mommy. I'll play NBA!" He said

I walked into the kitchen with Emma and Skylar. I put them into their chairs. Skylar and Emma are now 2 years and 8 months old. Its crazy. And EJ turned 5 years old, only 26 days ago. Noah is 2 months old now. They are all growing up so quick!

I put Sky's and Emma's food on a little bowl/plate thing. Then gave it to them.

"Can you two keep it in the bowl this time?" I asked them

"Yes" they both said

"Good" I said smiling

I heard footsteps coming down again. And the only person who can walk who was upstairs. Is Eric. So it's Eric coming down the stairs. Maybe with Noah

"Hey EJ wanna go outside and kick the ball around?" Eric asked EJ

"Yeah daddy!" EJ said with a smile. "I'll go get my soccer ball!" He said

Eric comes into the kitchen. He sits at the table. I gave him his food and kissed his cheek

"This looks great Car" He said smiling

"I hope it taste as good as it looks" I said with a laugh

"Let me see" he said taking some eggs and putting it on the fork. He brought the fork to his mouth. "It taste as good as it looks Car. You did great" He said smiling at me

"Ok. Wait you're not lying are you?" I asked pointing at my husband

"Why would I lie?" He asked looking confused

"To make me feel better" I said

"Well I know how you like the truth. And it is the truth. You made breakfast really good" He said taking my hand in his

"Daddy I got my ball!" EJ said holding up his soccer ball

"Nice bud. Let me eat then we can go kick a few ok?" Eric asked his son

"Ok" He said

"alright. I'll be ready shortly buddy" He said to EJ

"EJ why don't you get your shoes and jacket on. Give your daddy some time" I said to him

"Ok" He said and ran off

"How is he still a mommas boy?" Eric asked me

"We have a special connection. But you have that with Skylar and Noah" I said to him

"And you have it with Emma and EJ" He said

"Well good thing we only have 4 kids" I said with a chuckle

"Yeah. I'm glad they have each other though" He said as he ate

"Me too" I said giving him a smile

He finished his food then stood up and stretch. "I should go get my shoes and jacket on. My sons waiting for me" He said

"Have fun out there. Tell EJ to put his heavy coat on" I said pointing at my husband

"Yes honey" He said and kissed my forehead

(Eric's POV)

After putting my jacket on I go over to where EJ is waiting.

"Hey bud. You got to put your heavy jacket on before we go out" I said to him

"Ok" Hs said and switched his coats. He looks at me. Since he can't zip it by himself yet.

I go over and zip it up. "All good. Are you ready?" I asked him

"Yeah!" He said excitedly

"Alright let's go out" I said

We walked to the back yard. We had a big backyard. I walked about 3 feet away from EJ

"You ready buddy?" I asked as I put the soccer ball on the ground

"Yeah daddy!" He yelled

I kicked the ball over to him

EJ started to play soccer. Its all for fun now. But he is getting good at it. I mean last game he played for his team he scored 1 point. Which is good. He tries his hardest that's all I ask for.

"So EJ are you ready to eat turkey tonight?" I asked him as we kicked the ball back and forth

"Yeah daddy. And i cant wait to see Uncle James" He said

"You really love Uncle James don't you?" I asked him

"I love Devon too!" He said

"I know buddy" I said smiling at him. "How about Aunt Taylor?" I asked him

"Yeah!" He said with a smile

"Good" I said

"Aunt Michelle and Uncle Benny is coming too right?" He asked

"Yeah buddy" I said smiling at him. I also laughed because he calls Ben, Benny. Its funny.

"Daddy?" He asked me

"Yeah buddy?" I asked him

"Who was that guy at your and mom's wedding?" He asked

"Which guy buddy?" I asked confused

"The one who beat up grandpa Jason" He said

I stopped kicking the ball. I picked up the ball and held it in my arms. "What do you mean EJ?" I asked him

"I saw grandpa Jason getting beat up at the wedding" He said

"EJ, why do you think grandpa Jason was getting beat up?" I asked going over to him

"Well the guy did attack him. Then you attacked the guy" He said

I sigh because I should tell him

"EJ. I need to tell you a little story. Lets head inside" I said. He nods and runs inside. Once he is in the living room. "I'll be right there buddy. I just have to tell your mom something" I said and walked into the kitchen. Where I saw Carley making food for tonight

(Carley's POV)

I heard Eric come in. "Hey how was kicking the ball around?" I asked as I was reading on my phone

"Carley" He said in a serious voice

I turn and look at him. "What's wrong?" I asked him

"I have to tell EJ" He said

"Tell EJ what?" I asked confused

"About Billy" He said softly

"Eric do you think he's ready to hear that?" I asked him

"He told me that he saw Jason getting beat up at our wedding. He wants to know who was the guy beating up his grandpa" He said. "And he asked why I attacked the guy" He said looking at me

"Eric....." I said unsure if he should tell EJ about Billy

"I have to tell him Carley" He said looking at me sincerely

"Fine if he has nightmares then you are the one who is going to sleep with him" I said pointing at his chest

"Of course" He said nodding. "I love you Car" He said

"I love you E. Now go out there. EJ is probably getting confused" I said to him

"Ok" He said and walked off

(Eric's POV)

I walked back into the living room. And sat next to EJ

"Hi EJ" I said to him

"Hi daddy" He said

"Do you really want to know the guy who attacked grandpa Jason?" I asked him

"Yes" He said nodding yes

"EJ, the guy who attacked grandpa Jason. He's my father. Well was my father" I said

"What do you mean daddy?" He asked confused

"What I mean is that grandpa Jason is actually my step dad" I said to him

"Oh...." He said.

"But he is your true grandpa. Because my father left your uncle and aunts plus me when we were younger. My father left us when I was only 17 years old. Grandma Stephanie left with him. But she came back to be in our lives. However my father never came back. He never cared about any of your uncles and aunts or me. Especially me to be honest" I said

"But daddy he's your dad. Shouldn't he have loved you anyways?" He asked me

I smile and shake his hair. "EJ stay a kid for a very long time. Because once you grow up, and you see the real world. Well that's gonna be a dark day" I said to him

"Aren't we in the real world daddy?" He asked

"Your mommy and I are. You are in a dream world right now. You don't need to worry about anything" I said bringing him into a hug

"So grandpa Jason is not my grandpa?" He asked looking sadly

"No he is EJ. Grandpa Jason and grandma Stephanie got married when you were a baby. He took the role of the grandpa. And he knew what he was getting into with us too" I said to him. "EJ your grandpa Jason is the best person for you and your siblings. And my father is not. So if you ever see him around. Scream very loudly ok?" I said to him

"Ok daddy" He said nodding at me

"Good" I said giving him a hug

(Carley's POV)

It was around 1 in the afternoon now. James, Taylor, Michelle, Ben, Mikey, Tessa, Stephanie and Jason were all over. So now just waiting for my family to come. But I told my family that dinner will be around 5 pm.

Right now the girls and I are in the kitchen talking while the guys are in the living room watching football.

"So Carley how are your kids doing?" Stephanie asked

"Well EJ is 5 as you know. Emma and Sky will be 3 years old in about 4 months. And Noah is about 2 months" I said as I stirred some of the soup. "But um Steph, Eric had to tell EJ who Billy was" I said

"Why?" She asked confused

"Because EJ saw that Jason was getting beat up" I said

"Jason was doing the beating up mostly" She said

"Well the whole point EJ saw it" I said

"I'm sorry about that Carley" She said

"It's fine" I said

I heard a knock on the door. "I got it!" EJ said and went to the door.

(EJ's POV)

I open the door and saw the guy I wasn't supposed to be near. So I screamed like daddy told me.

"EJ what's wrong?" My daddy said then saw the person standing

"Hi son" The guy said

"How did you find where I live? And What are you doing here?" My daddy said the man

"I need to talk to you and your siblings" He said

"Billy you have no right here. You left me and my siblings" Daddy said

"I know and i'm sorry. But i really need to talk to you guys" He said

"Why? Why now?" Daddy asked

He looks at me. "Maybe you wanna bring your kid somewhere else?" He said to my daddy.

Daddy looked at me. "EJ why don't you go to your mommy" He said to me

"Ok daddy!" I said and ran off

(Eric's POV)

"He's a cute kid" Billy said

"Yeah" I said nodding

"So where are your siblings?" He asked looking around

"Tell me why you are here Billy" I said with my arms crossed

"Not until you get all your siblings. I don't feel like telling this twice" He said with his arms crossed

"This is my house Billy. You don't call the shots here" I said annoyed

"Eric please just listen to me for once. Once I tell you and your siblings whats wrong then I'm out of your lives" He said

I sigh. "Fine. Stay here though" I said pointing to the front door

I go into the kitchen to find 2 of my siblings

"Hey Michelle and Tessa I need you outside" I said to them

"Ok?" They asked

I went over to the guys in the living room. "James and Mikey follow me outside, would you?" I said to my younger brothers.

"Ok?" They asked

We all went outside. Billy came into the lights

"Hi kids" He said

"What the fuck" James said

"Why the fuck are you here?" Mikey said this time

"Leave" Tessa said

"Get the fuck away from here Billy" Michelle said

"Guys look I know you don't want him here. Ok? Neither do I. But he said once he says whats on his mind he will leave us alone for real" I said to my siblings with my arms crossed

"Fine" They said and looked at Billy waiting for him to speak.

"I'll make this short and simple. I'm dying" Billy said

"Dying?" Tessa asked

"Yeah. I have stage 3 lung cancer. And it's getting worse" Billy said and coughed

"Billy that sounds really bad" James said

"I know. Which is why I am saying my goodbyes now. Even though I wasn't there for all of you. I never stopped loving each one of you. And Eric I was the hardest on you because i didn't want you to turn out like me" He said then coughed again

I nod my head. "I'm sorry to hear that you are dying Billy" I said to him

"Me too son" He said and coughed. "I'm gonna go" He said

"Wait!" I yelled for him

He turns and looks at me.

"Why don't you stay for your last thanksgiving dinner?" I asked him

"I can't" he said shaking

"We want you too Billy" Mikey said

"All of you?" He asked us

"Yeah" We all said

"Ok" Billy said

We walked back into my house.

"I'll be right back. You can go out to the living room" i said to Billy

"Ok" Billy said

I go into the kitchen and my siblings came with me

"Hi" I said wrapping my arm around Carley in a cute way

"What did you do Eric?" Carley asked me with a sigh

"Um Billy is staying for thanksgiving" I said with a little laugh

"What!" Mom said annoyed

"Mom, it's his last thanksgiving" I said

"I don't care" She said

"Mom he's dying" Michelle said

"Ohh" She said with a soft sigh.

"So I decided that he should have one last dinner with his family" I said

"Eric he left you" Carley said

"I know that. But he's dying Carley" I said. "Do we have enough food?" I asked

"Yeah but I mean this is last minute" She said

"I'm sorry" i said

"Well go tell EJ that he doesn't have to scream now" Carley said

"Will do" I said. I go find EJ and bring him into Carley and I's room.

"Daddy what's going on?" He asked confused

"EJ buddy remember what I said earlier about yelling?" I asked him

"Yeah" He said

"Well you don't have to yell anymore" I said

"Ok" He said

"Ok" I said smiling at him. "Now do you want to meet Billy?" I asked him

"Will you hold my hand?" He asked me

I smile. "Of course buddy" i said

We walked downstairs. EJ takes my hand in his. We walked over to Billy.

"Billy. This is my son EJ. EJ this is my father, Billy" I said to him

"Hi kid" Billy said to my son

"Hi" EJ said then hid behind me

"You got a shy one huh?" Billy asked me

I reached behind my back for my son. "Well at least he's nice" I said to him

"You were nice too" He said

"How would you know how I was when you left us?" I asked him

"Eric I am truly sorry for leaving" He said

"Why did you do it Billy?" I asked him

"I was honestly upset with you. I was pissed that my son was dyslexic. Your mom told me I should talk to you. But what do you say to your son who is only 6 that he's dyslexic?" He asked

"Well you never did that for me. So how am I supposed to know" I said annoyed

"Eric I didn't come here to fight" He said

"Fine let's talk about something else then" I said

"Daddy can we go play nba?" EJ asked

"Sure buddy. I'll meet you in there ok" I said to him

He nods and runs off. I looked at Billy and shook my head

"You know I used to look up to you. Trying to get you to accept me. But you never did. I hope your last few months or so is worth it. Have a good life Billy" I said and walked over EJ and the guys

Billy came and coughed. "It has seemed like I have over stayed my welcome. So I'm gonna head out. I am truly sorry to my family that I have hurt" He said and then walked out

Its around 6 and everyone is here. We all said what we were thankful for like always. After dinner we had dessert. Everyone left after that. Then I put the girls and Noah to sleep. Carley put EJ to sleep.

We met back up in our room.

"Today was a long day" She said as she lift her shirt up

"You don't need to tell me" I said, taking off my shirt. I chuckle

"What?" She asked looking at me

"I don't believe Billy is dying" I said

"Why?" She asked confused

"I mean Car. He literally came this way just to say goodbye? He hasn't been in our lives for about 10 years. We don't need him" I said and got into bed

"But would he really come just to annoy you?" She asked putting on one of my shirts

"Maybe" I said shrugging. I didn't know Billy anymore

"Well don't stress about it. If he dies then you said goodbye. If he doesn't, then we need to find a new place to live" She said with a joke

"Yeah" I said, nodding.

"I'm going to sleep. I love you. See you in the morning" She said then pecked my lips

"Goodnight. I love you" I said pecking her lips

She then turns over and fall asleep. I slowly went to sleep but I still felt like something is off with Billy's story. I guess we will find out sooner or later if he's telling the truth.

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