70s, Daily Life on Island

By CNovel_Reader

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70s, Daily Life on Island (七零海岛日常) Author: Lin Aludong Lin Tao is a coffin, and the villagers think she is u... More

Chapter 1-10
Chapter 11-20
Chapter 21-30
Chapter 31-40
Chapter 41-50
Chapter 51-60
Chapter 61-70
Chapter 71-80
Chapter 81-90
Chapter 101-110
Chapter 111-120
Chapter 121-130
Chapter 131-140
Chapter 141-143

Chapter 91-100

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By CNovel_Reader

Chapter 91

The new teacher had to go to the deputy director to get the new teacher's information. Lin Tao felt very uncomfortable when she thought of seeing Fan Jianshu later.

Because she really doesn't want to see Fan Jianshu's face again, the face of the insidious villain.

But there is really nothing she can do. She has to get the information of the new teacher assigned to their school. She has to go to Fan Jianshu's place. No matter how uncomfortable she is, she can only bear it.

However, when she walked to the office, she found that there was no figure of Fan Jianshu inside, but sat another middle-aged man in Zhongshan clothes.

Before Lin Tao went in, she happened to see a man walking over, so she asked, "Hello, little comrade, I'm here to pick up the newly assigned teacher. Didn't the notice say that she would go to the deputy director to get the information?" Excuse me, has Deputy Director Fan moved his office?

Otherwise, why did Fan Jianshu's desk be seated by others?

Or in just three months, Fan Jianshu was promoted again? If so, it will be disgusting.

Lin Tao thought about it in her heart and heard the little comrade say, "What Deputy Director Fan?" You mean Fan Jianshu? He was reported to be messing with men and women a month ago and was deported by pd.

"Your school is not in the mountain city, is it? You don't even know such big news yet?" Seeing that Lin Tao really didn't hear the news, the little comrade immediately became interested and told her about it in a low voice.

"It was very noisy at that time, and there was a sensation in our city. Guess who Fan Jianshu is messing with? It turned out to be the vice president of the City No. 1 Middle School. Who is the vice principal? But the daughter-in-law of our municipal party committee, this matter is so noisy that even the municipal leaders are involved. At that time, our city had a good inventory, but anyone with an improper style and a mess in the relationship between men and women would be dismissed and decentralized. Fan Jianshu was shaved and pulled around the city for a whole time. At that time, it was really scary.

Isn't it a sensation? At that time, Fan Jianshu was shaved and dressed in the car to swim on the street. On the road, someone smashed him with rotten vegetable leaves. And the child picked up the shit on the road and smashed him, and everyone scolded when he saw it.

As soon as Fan Jianshu fell, the Fan family was finished.

The Fan family has no foundation or backstage. At the beginning, Fan Jianshu was able to gain a foothold in the Education Bureau. Thanks to the wife of the Municipal Committee, now they have fallen. The once-glorious Fan family had nothing left. The house was taken back. Fan Jianshu's brother-in-law immediately divorced his sister. Regardless of the relationship, Fan Jianshu's mother asked people everywhere and couldn't find anyone to help at all. When he heard that he heard that he was directly angry and paralyzed in bed.

Fan Jianshu was in a loss before he was devolved. When he left, he was so nagging that he didn't know what he was saying. The people he said, "I'm Director Fan. Don't call me Deputy Director Fan. I'm not the deputy director. I'm not the deputy director..."

The news is really shocking. More than a month has passed, and there are still people discussing it wherever they go.

It is precisely because of this matter that the evil spirit of the mountain city has been completely eliminated, and the Education Bureau alone has changed a group of people.

So that's why the doorman saw her not only without stopping her, but also very enthusiastic? At that time, when Fan Jianshu was there, Fan Jianshu had a backstage, so when the doorman faced the director like Wei Yingzi, he still talked about Fan Jianshu because he knew that Fan Jianshu had a backstage. Although he didn't understand what was behind it, it affected his standing.

In the past, Fan Jianshu had backstage support behind him, so even if he was just a 'deputy' director, he put his posture very high. He was promoted by relationships from the beginning, not the kind of person who did things down-to-earth.

People like Wei Yingzi are typically raised step by step by step.

After the little comrade said, Chao Lintao said, "Are you looking for a deputy director?" The one in this office is our new deputy director, surnamed Qin.

Lin Tao thanked the little comrade, and at the same time, she was completely relieved. Sure enough, evil is rewarded, not that it is not that it is not the time to repay. People like Fan Jianshu finally got what he deserved.

It's just who will report it later?

Lin Tao remembered the eyes of Jin Pingping asking herself not to report Fan Jianshu that day. She thought, would it be Jin Pingping?

Although there are many questions in my heart, the most important thing at present is to go to Deputy Director Qin to get the information of the new teacher first.

Lin Tao knocked on the door of the office and heard it say, "Please come in."

Lin Tao opened the door and walked in, explaining her intention.

Deputy Director Qin looks very good and decent. After asking which school Lin Tao is from, he gave her the information of several teachers: "There are three teachers assigned to your Shengshan Primary School this time. Compared with other schools, there will be more than Shengshan Primary School, mainly considering Shengshan Primary School. The junior high school has just been built, and there are few junior high school students. At present, teachers are distributed on demand. By next year, if your school still lacks teachers, you can come to the Ministry of Education to apply for the transfer of teachers.

"I see. Thank you, Deputy Director Qin." Thank you, Lin Tao.

Deputy Director Qin nodded: "You're welcome."

He doesn't care so much about the word 'deputy' like Fan Jianshu. The deputy director is the deputy director, which is nothing.

Lin Tao came out of the office and went to Wei Yingzi's office again.

Wei Yingzi was very happy to see her. She invited her to sit down and chat for a few words, poured her a glass of water, and asked, "Did you like tea?" The tea here is your ancient Mao Jian in Xiangcheng, which is quite good.

"Guzhang Mao Jian is a good tea, but I may be blessed. I don't like tea when I was a child. Director Wei, just pour me a glass of plain boiled water." Lin Tao said with a smile.

She always feels that the tea is a little bitter to drink.

Wei Yingzi poured a glass of water for Lin Tao, made herself a cup of tea, and said, "I didn't like tea before, but since I worked, I have to drink tea every day to refresh myself. How's it going? Are you here to pick up the new teacher?"

Lin Tao nodded and said, "Well, Director Wei, I just looked at the information of these teachers and found that they were very good. There is even a teacher Xie who has been teaching at Beijing University before. This is really awesome. Our Shengshan School has never been such a teacher. I'm a little flattered. That's it."

Yes, the conditions on their island are definitely not as good as those outside the island.

Moreover, there used to be only primary schools on the island. When teachers were assigned, teachers would not be assigned to the island to teach. The conditions on the island are not good, and there is a shortage of materials. If you want to buy something, you have to wait for the supply and marketing agency to buy the goods.

This time, not only four teachers were assigned to Shengshan Primary School, but also a heavyweight figure, which was simply amazing.

That's why Lin Tao came to Wei Yingzi as soon as she got the teacher's information.

Wei Yingzi took a sip of tea and said, "I have to explain that although I know you, I didn't assign teachers this time so much for your school. I just tell the truth, tell the scenery of your island and let these teachers choose by themselves. As for Mr. Xie, to be honest, his qualifications are here, and all schools want to rob people. Even the principal of No. 1 Middle School came to me and said that he wanted Mr. Xie to teach in No. 1 Middle School. The universities in Beijing are all excellent teachers, and someone wants them wherever they go. However, it was Mr. Xie's request to go to the island to teach.

Wei Yingzi told the truth, but she also helped Shengshan School when the new teachers chose the school.

In the past, Shengshan School was so unexistent. If you really want to choose, it is easy to ignore this school. But this time, as the director, she specifically mentioned Shengshan School in her speech, saying that Shengshan School is the time to lack talents.

Some people want to choose a better school, but naturally some people want to go where they need it most to shine and get hot.

These four teachers just want to go to the island to shine and get hot.

"Director Wei, anyway, I still want to thank you." Lin Tao said.

If it hadn't been for Wei Yingzi, it would have been for their Shengshan School for nothing again. At that time, the junior middle school would have been built, but if there were no teachers, it would be tricky.

These teachers can't be cut in half for use. One person can teach at most two courses. It's really unbearable to have more.

Now, there are four more teachers, one of whom graduated from high school. In fact, they were admitted to college at that time, but because of sports, the school was suspended and I couldn't go to college.

The other two female teachers have gone to college, but they have not graduated from college yet. The other teacher is Mr. Xie Cong and Xie, 34 years old, an excellent teacher from Beijing.

Lin Tao chatted with Wei Yingzi in the office for a while. During this period, the little secretary came in to deliver information to Wei Yingzi. Lin Tao noticed that Wei Yingzi had changed his secretary and was no longer the previous little Zhao.

Lin Tao didn't ask much, but he guessed that Xiao Zhao should also be implicated by Fan Jianshu.

By noon, Lin Tao received someone.

The three female teachers are very young, both in their early twenties, and the youngest one is only 19 years old this year, and they look very young.

They were also surprised when they saw Lin Tao, because Lin Tao looked very young, but they were all young girls, and it was easy to talk together. In addition, Lin Tao had a good personality and gentle treatment. These little girls were not as nervous as before.

Xie Cong was dressed in Zhongshan. At first sight, he was an intellectual. After seeing Lin Tao, he nodded to her and said hello, "Hello, I'm Xie Cong."

Zhao Xiaoqin: "My name is Zhao Xiaoqin."

Ren Ying: "My name is Ren Ying."

Qin Ling: "My name is Qin Ling."

Zhao Xiaoqin and Ren Ying are from the same school. They used to be alumni and have a good relationship. Later, the school was closed, and the two came over together. When they heard Director Wei talk about Shengshan Island and Shengshan School, the two discussed and planned to go to this school.

Zhao Xiaoqin's personality is quieter than Ren Ying, while Ren Ying is a little lively. After seeing Lin Tao, she took the initiative to ask Lin Tao something about the island.

Lin Tao answered one by one.

Qin Ling came alone and was the youngest of these female teachers. I heard that she was going to the countryside, but this time she came over. Her parents meant that she didn't know what the conditions were in the countryside. Of course, it was better to be a teacher.

Her academic qualifications are there, and it is not possible to choose another school, so she also took the initiative to choose Shengshan School. In addition, she has never been to the island, and she yearns for the island. The only thing that was a little nervous was that this was the first time she left home and went so far away.

However, after seeing Lin Tao, Qin Ling was relieved, because Lin Tao looked easy to get along with and talked and laughed with them. It made these little girls who left home for the first time feel much more relaxed.

Compared with the three little girls, Xie Cong seems to be much more steady and doesn't talk much.

On the bus to the dock, the three little girls asked Lin Tao about some things on the island, but Xie Cong didn't ask a word. He sat in a chair and closed his eyes to refresh himself, but why did Lin Tao give Lin Tao a clear destination this time to give a feeling that he went to Shengshan Island to teach.

But think about it, Xie Cong was originally an excellent teacher in the school in Beijing. Why didn't he teach there? Instead, choose to come to the mountain city?

It may also be because of sports. If you continue to teach in Beijing, you are likely to be implicated by sports. At this time, it is a good thing to choose Shengshan Island, a place far away from sports.

In fact, Lin Tao doesn't know why Xie Cong chose to come to Shengshan Island. Xie Cong was not very willing to talk about his past, and Lin Tao was not easy to ask, so he thought about it.

When he arrived at the station at the dock, after the bus stopped, Lin Tao stood up, helped Qin Ling take a piece of luggage, and said, "Here we get off. Let's get off. Walk ahead for about ten minutes, and you will arrive at the dock."

Everyone continued to walk. When they arrived at the dock, Lin Tao asked them to go to the waiting room to find a seat to rest, and she would buy tickets for them.

Since Lin Tao and Li Chengqi have been out of the island together and have been out of the island several times, the conductor comrade has known Lin Tao.

After seeing her, he found an envelope from the drawer, handed it to Lin Tao, and said, "Mr. Lin, I have your letter here."

Lin Tao first took five boat tickets and was a little stunned when she heard that she had her own letter here.

Whether it's Shanghai or Xiangcheng, it's all sent directly to the island's post office. There hasn't been any letter sent directly to the dock ticket office. She couldn't figure out who would send it for a moment.

However, I still took the letter and thanked the little comrade.

After getting the letter, she found that there was no stamp on the envelope, and it was impossible to send it to the post office, so only someone might have written the letter, but it was specially put here.

Who will it be?

In fact, when Lin Tao thought about this question in her heart, she gradually had an answer in her heart.

When I opened the letter, I found that it was indeed written to her by Jin Pingping. She guessed correctly. The person who reported Fan Jianshu was indeed Jin Pingping.

It turned out that after Lin Tao persuaded Jin Pingping that day, although Jin Pingping asked Lin Tao not to report it, she had been thinking about this matter. Her character has always been the kind of person who can't stand any grievances, which can be seen when she was on the island.

The reason why she chose to give up reporting is that she knew that she was pregnant and that she had gone through days without parental shelter, so she wanted to give her children a family. But not long after that conversation, she overheard Fan Jianshu talking to his mother.

It means that Fan Jianshu's sister can't give birth. His brother-in-law's family had always had a lot of opinions on this matter. If it hadn't been for Fan Jianshu's now the director of the Education Bureau and gave them the house divided into them, I'm afraid he would have divorced Fan Jianshu's sister long ago.

Therefore, Fan Jianshu's mother discussed with him that after Jin Pingping was born, she would first inherit the child to Fan Jianshu's sister, and then raise it in the name of the couple when Jin Pingping gave birth to the second child.

When Jin Pingping heard this, her whole body was shocked. The anger and humiliation in her heart made her eager to go forward to tear up the shameless family of the Fan family.

What did they think of her? Because she had no father or mother, no one would help her, so she married her, because after she married, she had to rely on the Fan family. If you are pregnant, you have to pass the child to Fan Jianshu's sister.

So who has she become? A puppet? A reproductive tool?

Jinping completely collapsed, but she couldn't stand it at that time. As if she didn't know about it, she had been honest and peaceful for that month, which made the Fan family feel that she had accepted the reality.

In fact, she has been preparing to leave the mountain city, and she is also waiting for the opportunity to report Fan Jianshu.

Later, she really found a chance. This time Fan Jianshu couldn't escape, because last time Lin Tao told her that Fan Jianshu jumped off the window on the second floor, when she reported anonymously, she specifically reminded them to send someone to guard the window and catch Fan Jianshu.

Fan Jianshu fell off the horse. As a whistleblower, Jinping immediately divorced Fan Jianshu and then left Shancheng.

At that time, she wanted to give this letter to Lin Tao in person. In addition to explaining the cause and effect of this matter, Jin Pingping also apologized to Lin Tao in the letter.

She said, "Mr. Lin, in fact, I really admire you. You are a good teacher. It is precisely because of your excellence that I feel that I can't compare with you, so I'm very unconvinced and have been against you many times. In fact, at the gate of the Education Bureau the other day, you stopped me, told me about Fan Jianshu, and said that you would accompany me to report him. You know that when he hit me, he was not sympathetic to me, but a kind of cherishment. I was really touched by it at that time.

"I asked myself in my heart, if you encountered such a thing, would I stand up and help you? I don't think I can do it, so I'm always you. Your character and mind are beyond my reach. Mr. Lin, I still remember that last year I asked you some questions about teaching and educating people. At that time, our relationship was not good, but you were happy to tell me about this. Although I asked you for other things at that time, I heard what you said to heart. The education industry is a great industry that uses a generation to influence a generation.

"I think I will continue to teach and be a teacher. I will get rid of my previous bad problems and do my best to be a good teacher. Mr. Lin, I still remember what you said to me the other day. You said that I could go back to the island to continue teaching, but I thought about it carefully and still didn't plan to go back to the island. I appreciate your kindness, but I don't want to go back to trouble you.

"I think when you saw this letter, I had already left the mountain city. As for where to go, I didn't think about where to go. Maybe I will go to a place where no one knows me, find a school to be a teacher, give birth to the child, raise them well, follow your example, and teach her the truth of life.

The last payment of the letter is the name of Jin Pingping.

After reading the letter, Lin Tao was a little heavy, but at the same time she breathed a sigh of relief.

The heavy is because of Jin Pingping's ill-fated fate. Although she is unpleasant and has many shortcomings, Fan's behavior is too bad. Why do they treat a woman like this? The things they did didn't even regard Jinping as a real person.

I was relieved because in the end, Jin Pingping still stood up.

Chapter 92

"Mr. Lin? Teacher Lin?" When the little comrade saw Lin Tao looking at Xin, she didn't even hear several shouts. Her voice couldn't help raising a little, "Mr. Lin, I'll give you money."

Only then did Lin Tao take away her thoughts. She smiled at Comrade Xiao and said embarrassedly, "When I first read the letter, she thought of something else, but I didn't hear it. I'm really sorry."

With that, Lin Tao took a few gross tickets found and put them in her pocket.

She folded the letter twice, put it in her pocket, and took the ticket to find the four teachers who were resting in the waiting room.

Everyone had almost a rest. It was just right to board the ship, so they got on the boat together.

The four of them took a boat for the first time. Ren Ying was more lively. As soon as she got on the boat, she walked around and stood on the deck to look at the sea. Although Ren Ying and Zhao Xiaoqin are also from the Eastern Province, there is no sea in their city. This is also very strange for the first time they see the sea.

Qin Ling was a little seasick, and there were some winds and waves on the sea today. She couldn't help vomiting when she took the boat for the first time.

At first, Lin Tao went to take care of her, gave her a glass of water to rinse her mouth, and let her sit by the window. However, Lin Tao was actually a little seasick. It was okay to sit honestly, but she was busy taking care of others, and soon felt a little disgusting.

Xie Cong saw that Lin Tao was uncomfortable and said, "Mr. Lin, go and sit down and rest. Let me help."

Ren Ying was a little uncomfortable, but she was fine to sit and rest, but she couldn't take care of Qin Ling. Zhao Xiaoqin had nothing to do, so she took care of Qin Ling. After all, Xie Cong was a gay man, and sometimes it was not convenient.

It was finally caught and got off the boat.

Lin Tao picked up the teacher this time, so Li Chengqi didn't pick him up at the dock, otherwise it would be quite embarrassing to be seen by the new teacher.

After getting off the boat, Lin Tao said embarrassedly, "It's a coincidence today. When I encounter some wind and waves on the sea, I'm also a little seasick. I didn't take care of you. On the contrary, I'm bothering."

Qin Ling vomited several times on the boat and was helped by Zhao Xiaoqin. Lin Tao and Xie Cong helped them carry their luggage.

Xie Cong said, "It's nothing."

Zhao Xiaoqin and Ren Ying both said, "Yes, Mr. Lin, you came out of the island to pick us up. It's already very good. There's nothing to worry about us. When we get to the dormitory, you should go back and have a rest.

Lin Tao took them to the dormitory first, asked them to put their luggage and rest for a while, and then took them to the school and the military canteen. Qin Ling had to sleep slowly after arriving at the dormitory because of the seasickness, so he didn't go, but it didn't matter. Ren Ying and Zhao Xiaoqin would take her there.

After getting familiar with these two places, even if Lin Tao's task is completed, let everyone have a good rest, so she will go back first, and the rest will come.

Today is a day off. Li Chengqi takes care of the children at home. He is more and more able to take care of the children now. Lin Tao can rest assured when she goes out.

Yueyue was very happy to see Lin Tao coming back and wanted to pounce on Lin Tao in her arms.

Lin Tao hugged Yueyue and took a sip on her pink face. The first thing was to breastfeed. Otherwise, the little guy would arch around her chest, and her hands could not wait to reach in through her clothes.

Lin Tao had no choice but to hug Yueyue into the bedroom and breastfeed her.

Li Chengqi also followed, sitting next to Lin Tao and watching her breastfeed her daughter.

Lin Tao: "..."

This man is really. He is breastfeeding here. Why is he watching beside him?

"Is the milk still blocked recently?" Li Chengqi suddenly asked.

In one sentence, Lin Tao blushed. She hadn't forgotten to go to the outside of the island for a meeting last time. She didn't breastfeed Yueyue for two days in a row, resulting in a little milk jam after returning. Yueyue's strength was too small to suck it out and cried in a hurry.

There's nothing she can do. Lin Tao can only ask Li Chengqi to help suck.

Speaking of which, this was what Aunt Fang secretly told her when she was in confinement. If the milk is blocked, let Li Chengqi suck it out, otherwise it will be easy to get inflammation and uncomfortable.

At that time, Lin Tao blushed when she heard this. After giving birth to the baby, she was embarrassed to breastfeed the child, and she also wanted Li Chengqi...

Fortunately, she hasn't blocked the milk all the time. Of course, except for the last time.

Originally, Lin Tao forgot about this. The man mentioned it coldly. Looking at the way he looked at him, Lin Tao knew what he was thinking without guessing. She reached out to pinch Li Chengqi's waist and stared at him angrily: "Do you want to be ashamed?"

Li Cheng felt his nose, turned around and went out. He said, "I'll cut the rice tofu and eat rice tofu later?"

When the weather was hot, her appetite was not very good. Lin Tao thought about the mouthful of rice tofu in Xiangcheng these days, so she began to soak some minced rice at home for three or four hours yesterday afternoon. Rice tofu is made with lime and minced rice, and the lime needs to be mixed into pulp.

After the rice tofu is made, the color is beige, which tastes elastic and refreshing. However, eating like this is actually tasteless, and there will even be a hint of bitterness.

Rice tofu is used for cold mixing. It tastes very good. Boil the rice tofu in boiling water and put it in a bowl. There are coriander, chopped green onions, salt and soy sauce made by Lintao. If you like to be jealous, you can also add some vinegar, which will have a little sour taste.

When it is stirred like this, it tastes refreshing and delicious.

Lin Tao likes to eat rice tofu in summer. Originally, she had no appetite, but as soon as she saw rice tofu, Lin Tao's appetite immediately came up.

"Well, you cut it first... You cut it in half first, cut it into the size of small squares, and come and mix it when I feed Yueyue." Lin Tao said.

This time, she made a lot of rice tofu, but at the thought of her father and Li Chengqi's appetite, she said that she would cut it in half first, otherwise it might not be enough to eat.

Yueyue fell asleep after breastfeeding. Lin Tao put Yueyue on the bed and didn't forget to pull down the mosquito net. In this way, there will be no mosquito and bite Yueyue while she is sleeping.

By the time Lin Tao walked to the kitchen, Li Chengqi had almost cut the rice tofu, and small pieces were put into a large basin, which looked about the same size. Lin Tao is used to the rigor of this man, so is cut rice tofu, and so is cut bacon.

While Li Chengqi was still cutting rice and tofu, Lin Tao began to prepare seasonings.

She went to the vegetable field and pinched a handful of green onions and a handful of coriander. Fortunately, Li Chengyi also ate coriander, otherwise he would really couldn't stay at home. After all, Lin Tao and Lin Changhai liked coriander very much.

The coriander and green onion were washed and handed over to Li Chengqi to cut it. Lin Tao mixed the seasoning, poured it into the basin containing rice tofu, stirred it, took a bite with chopsticks, and sent it into her mouth.

Well, it's delicious. It's the taste of the house!

Li Chengqi also opened his mouth and waited for Lin Tao's feeding. Lin Tao had no choice but to pick him a piece. As soon as he put it in his mouth, she heard Lin Changhai's cough.

It turned out that Lin Changhai came back. As soon as he entered the door, he saw his daughter feeding her son-in-law.

Being a father is not jealous. The relationship between his daughter and son-in-law is good, but he is relieved that it is in this broad daylight, and it is still a little embarrassed to see it. Lin Changhai turned around and wanted to wander around the yard first. When they finished mixing the oil in the honey, he would come in.

However, Li Chengqi stopped him and said, "Dad, I'm eating. Today, A Tao mixed rice tofu."

He was close to Li Chengqi and was caught by his father on the spot. Although it was not a particularly intimate action, Lin Tao couldn't help blushing. Li Chengqi stared at the usual and asked him to bring the rice tofu out.

So a large bowl of rice tofu was divided into three bowls. Lin Tao also ate more this time and was full. Needless to say, Lin Changhai and Li Chengqi each ate a sea bowl.

Li Chengqi still ate rice tofu for the first time and fell in love with it all of a sudden. Fortunately, there is still more than half of the rice tofu left at home, and he can continue to eat it tomorrow.

After eating rice tofu, Lin Tao rested for a while, and Li Chengqi consciously went to wash the dishes.

Lin Changhai is busy with the things in the vegetable field. Recently, the sun has been so bright that the vegetable field needs to be watered frequently. Since Lin Changhai Island, the vegetables and flowers in the yard have been taken care of by Lin Changhai.

Lin Tao was so bored that he would not let him work, and she never said anything. He did whatever he liked. He thought it was exercise. It was good.

After taking a break, Lin Tao planned to make some fish balls for Yueyue.

Lin Changhai just watered the vegetable field. Seeing that Lin Tao was going to kill fish, he said that he would kill it. He brought a knife and killed the fish very sharply.

This is a Duobao fish. Duobao fish has very few fish bones, only the one connected to the fish bones. Lin Tao often buys it for Yueyue to eat.

Lin Changhai until Lin Tao planned to make fish balls for Yueyue. He shaved the fish bones very clean and removed the fish skin. There is only fish left. Lin Tao washed her hands and marinated the fish balls with a little salt, and planned to use them to make fish balls.

The fish balls were rubbed into thumb-sized balls by Lin Tao. When Yueyue woke up, she cooked a pot of seaweed shrimp skin soup, and then put the fish balls in and cooked for a few minutes.

The small fish balls taste fresh and slippery, melt in the mouth, and have successfully squeezed out the position of the fish puree in Yueyue's mind.

Yueyue couldn't help laughing before eating a fish ball, because it was really delicious. She has grown four teeth now. When she smiles, she can see the millet-like teeth. They are so cute.

After dinner, Xu Yuting and Wang Yuanliang came home with Xiao Qingming. After Xiao Qingming's hair grew out, they asked Lin Changhai to help me re-care it, which became much better.

It happened that Lin Tao was feeding Yueyue fish balls, so she asked Xiao Qingming to come to eat some. There are a lot of small fish balls made by a multi-treasure fish, and Yueyue can't finish it alone.

Xu Yuting said, "That's just right. It's been too hot recently, and I don't have a good taste to eat during the Qingming Festival. I seem to have lost weight recently."

Xiao Qingming was weaned in his early one year. In addition, after he would leave, the child lost the milk fat he was when he was a child. He did look much thinner than before.

Lin Tao also served a bowl of fish balls to Xu Yuting. Originally, she wanted to show Xiao Qingming to see if he liked it or not. After all, Xiao Qingming was more than five months older than Yueyue, almost half a year old. The food he ate was a little heavier than Yueyue's taste. This fishball put very little salt, which was too light.

However, after Xiao Qingming ate it, I didn't expect to like it very much.

Xiao Qingming has grown several teeth and tastes very fast. He ate a full bowl and drank some soup. Xu Yuting was surprised and said, "This child, when he was at home, he said not to eat it. I guess I didn't make it as delicious as you. Tao, you taught me how to make this fish ball. I Go back and do it for Qingming."

Lin Tao wrote it directly to Xu Yuting, which is actually quite simple.

After the two children finished eating, Lin Tao and Xu Yuting gave them to their fathers. Li Chengqi and Wang Yuanliang took care of the baby at home, while Lin Tao and Xu Yuting sat in the yard blowing the evening breeze.

The grapes in the yard have grown, but they are not purple yet. Lin Tao picked one and tasted it. It was sour that I didn't dare to try again later. Let it continue to grow first. Maybe it won't be so sour in a few days.

"How about those new teachers?" Xu Yuting asked.

Lin Tao said, "It's all good. There are three female teachers and a male teacher. Now I told you the name, and I guess you can't remember it. Didn't the principal say that he was going to hold a welcome party for them tomorrow?" You will meet them then. Everyone is very good and looks quite stable.

With that, Lin Tao thought of Xie Cong and thought about talking about Xie Cong to Xu Yuting.

After listening to this, Xu Yuting was surprised: "Arequent teacher from Beijing? Have you come to our school to teach? I don't know why, there is always a feeling of killing chickens with a cow slaughter knife.

"Don't talk about you. I didn't believe it at the beginning. He was a professor before. Before resigning, he was still teaching at the University of Industry, Peasants and Soldiers in Beijing. I didn't expect to resign and came here." Lin Tao said, "But isn't sports very good now? I guess he may have come to the island because of this.

The island is not as good at sports as it is outside.

After listening to this, Xu Yuting nodded and agreed. She thought it was very possible, otherwise it really didn't make sense.

However, when there was a welcome meeting tomorrow, the two understood that they had guessed wrong. There was actually another reason why Xie Cong came to the island.

Chapter 93

After chatting for a while, Chen Shuifen also joined them.

"Mr. Xu came here today?" Chen Shuifen said.

Seeing that Chen Shuifen came alone and did not follow Zheng Hongxing behind her, Lin Tao asked, "Where's Red Star?"

Usually, Chen Shuifen comes over, and Zheng Hongxing must follow him, because he is coming to play with his sister.

Chen Shuifen said, "I went out with his brother. Isn't school going to start again in a few days?" Take advantage of these days and let them play more.

Red Star is just five years old this year. It's too early to go to the first grade, but it can also be read. According to Chen Shuifen, instead of making trouble at home, it's better to send it to school early and at least read a few more words.

Several people talked about something else. Lin Tao thought for a moment and told them about Jinping.

Last time, Fan Jianshu had not fallen behind, and Jin Pingping told her not to report Fan Jianshu. After she came back, she did not intend to tell Li Chengqi about that, so she didn't mention it to Xu Yuting and Chen Shuifen at all.

Otherwise, they knew that Fan Jianshu, an immoral person, had done immoral things, but they would not get the reward they deserved. They just let them live up.

This time Fan Jianshu fell off her horse, and then she talked about it.

When Chen Shuifen and Xu Yuting heard this, they all came up their spirits. It was really too big to be completely unexpected.

Think about how proud Jin Pingping was when she came to the island with Fan Jianshu. I can't wait to let everyone know that Jin Pingping found a partner to be the director of the Education Bureau. It also means to live in a new house after marriage, and how good the Fan family is to her.

They all thought that after Jin Pingping married Fan Jianshu, she lived a good life. How could she know that so many things had happened in it?

To sum up, getting married at the beginning of the New Year has only been more than half a year now, and it's how it happened.

Although Jin Pingping is sometimes annoying, Chen Shuifen and Xu Yuting are scolding Fan Jianshu for this kind of thing.

Chen Shuifen gritted her teeth and scolded Fan Jianshu for being 'humble'. He was really not a human being. He was really like a eunuch. After scolding, she sighed and said, "Then Jin Pingping left like this?" She is a woman with a child in her belly. Now the world... Hey, it's quite pitiful to think about it. She is a hard-working person."

Chen Shuifen also knew Jin Pingping's background, otherwise she would not have introduced Jin Pingping's partner at the beginning. She just felt that Jin Pingping had no father or mother since she was a child. She looked pitiful. I didn't know that Jin Pingping's spirit and vision were quite high, and she still didn't like the person she introduced.

At that time, Xu Yuting and Jin Pingping couldn't get along well. Now that Jin Pingping encountered such a thing, she also felt very pitiful, but in the final analysis, Jin Pingping chose the wrong person at the beginning.

After dating so many times, I looked down on this and those who didn't like it. I chose Fan Jianshu back and thought I had entered the lucky nest. Unexpectedly, it was a wolf's nest. The family of the Fan family really didn't regard Jin Pingping as a human being, and I couldn't wait to spit out her bones.

Chen Shuifen said, "Yes, let's talk about how good the one before. If she had done it with that, she didn't know how good she would be at this time. Now that Xiao Chen is married, and the other party is still a female soldier in the Propaganda Department. She is also very beautiful, and he has taken over the mother of the family. It is said that he is in poor health, but in fact, they don't have to take care of them. On the contrary, they can take care of them at that time.

Because of Jin Pingping, several people sighed very much and insulted men like Fan Jianshu. Even Ma Debiao was pulled out and scolded fiercely.

Chen Shuifen scolded the most. She is very straightforward, and women also know the hardships of women best. Her heart is also towards her female compatriots. She gritted her teeth cursingly. If Fan Jianshu and Ma Debiao were here, she would be eager to step on one foot.

Lin Tao said, "But this time she can stand up and take the initiative to report Fan Jianshu, which is also very good."

Xu Yuting also agreed: "It's true. I also appreciate her very much, but think so, Jin Pingping's temper is not a loser tolerant. It seems that she can do it."

Chen Shuifen said, "It's also a fault that she can do this. I don't think the cheap man didn't expect it. I thought that I found a person who didn't rely on him and could be at the mercy of their family. I didn't expect it to be a hard stubble. It was really annoying, so I fought with him."

This is also Chen Shuifen's appreciation of Jin Pingping. Her personality is unpleasant and unpleasant, but she is not a person who can suffer losses. When things happen, she dares to confront others. Maybe it's because Jin Pingping is spoiled by being bullied because of being young and fatherless and motherless, she learned to protect herself like this.

However, if Fan Jianshu marries someone else, it is hard to say whether that person can do it like Jin Pingping. It is very likely that, as the Fan family thought, they have been at the mercy of their family all their lives, swallow their anger in their family, and live like this for a lifetime.

Thinking of this, Chen Shuifen gritted her teeth with anger.

The three of them chatted about Jin Pingping for a while and changed other topics. After all, bad things can't be said all the time. Talking too much affects their mood.

Several people chatted for a while. Before dark, Xu Yuting and Wang Yuanliang left with Xiao Qingming. Yueyue seemed to be quite reluctant. She had been smiling at Xiao Qingming and wanted to continue playing with her brother.

As soon as they left, Li Chengqi said unhappily, "Why do I think Yueyue likes to play with Wang Qingming very much?" When they were about to leave, she still took Wang Qingming's clothes, otherwise he would leave.

The most important thing is that Wang Qingming is still interested in his lack of interest. Isn't he very interested in his Yueyue? Is this true?

Their Yueyue is so cute. Why doesn't Wang Yuanliang want to play with Yueyue?

Especially when Lin Tao chatted in the yard with Xu Yuting and Chen Shuifen, he took care of the children at home with Wang Yuanliang. He had always been playing alone during the Qingming Festival, and Yueyue was like a piece of cowhide candy. After a while, he stuck it on it and hugged Xiao Qingming.

He was still kissing Xiao Qingming's face. As a result, Xiao Qingming wiped Yueyue's saliva left on his face with his hand.

He held it in the palm of his hand and couldn't wait to kiss his daughter more than a dozen times a day. He took the initiative to kiss other people's stinky boy. As a result, other people's stinky boy still reacted. Li Chengqi, an old father, was so angry.

The key is that Wang Yuanliang saw it beside him and joked that he told you that at that time, you didn't agree that our family ordered a doll kiss. Don't you think Yueyue really like our Tomb-sweeping Day? I kissed him back. Look at him.

Wang Yuanliang's show-up was exchanged for Li Chengqi's knife. I really can't wait to teach this man a good lesson.

He held Yueyue in his arms and warned him, "Take care of your son."

But Yueyue really didn't give him face. After being picked up by him, she was unhappy and insisted on playing with Xiao Qingming, but Li Chengqi was furious.

But there's nothing he can do. If he doesn't let it, Yueyue will flatten her mouth aggrievedly. The little guy is best at using this trick. His pink little face and flat mouth are even more heartbreaking than falling into tears directly.

In the end, Li Chengqi could only let Yueyue continue to play with Xiao Qingming, and he looked aside with a black face. If Yueyue wants to kiss Xiaoqing again, he will stop it as soon as possible.

Fortunately, Yueyue was not so worry-free later. He didn't continue to take the initiative to kiss the Qingming Festival. When I was playing with Xiao Qingming, I was happy to laugh like something, like crescent moons.

Wang Yuanliang looked aside and smiled as he looked at it. He felt that his son was really promising. At the same time, he hoped that this stinky boy could work hard when he grew up in the future and abduct Xiao Yueyue home and be his daughter-in-law for himself.

The little girl is very rare. He and Xu Yuting both like her very much.


Lin Tao looked at Li Chengqi's stinky face and told her about the things just now. She had no choice but to laugh. She smiled and said, "Commander Li, you said you were true. How old is Xiao Qingming? He is less than a year and a half years old. What can the two children understand? You are jealous of him?"

Seeing that Li Chengqi was still a little unhappy, Lin Tao had no choice but to continue to coax him: "How can Yueyue understand this? Even children like to play with children older than herself, and Yueyue also likes to play with Red Star. Every time Red Star comes, isn't she still happy? Yu Ting often tells me that after the Tomb-sweeping Day, she wants to play with other big children, but others don't like him and think he is too young. As for kissing, she doesn't understand it. Maybe you always kiss her at home, and she will learn it? And kiss the children. What's the matter, Commander Li? You are all the leader of the regiment. Are you angry about this kind of thing?"

Lin Tao found that sometimes men also need to coax.

Just like Li Chengqi. Most of the time, he is omnipotent in Lin Tao's eyes. He is mature and steady. Sometimes Lin Tao sometimes takes the initiative to ask for his opinion when she doesn't know how to solve it.

But such men also have to coax when they are childish, just like now.

After Lin Tao finished speaking, Li Chengqi's face was not so ugly, but looking at Yueyue, who was sitting on the bed playing with a puppet, he decided to 'educate her well with today's matter.

Li Chengqi said to Yueyue seriously and slightly seriously, "Yueyue, Dad told you that you can play with Wang Qingming, but you can't take the initiative to kiss him. Do you understand? Not only can't you take the initiative to kiss him, but other stinky boys take the initiative to kiss you, and you are not allowed.

Lin Tao stood beside him and listened to Li Chengqi, an old father, who was teaching his daughter, with laughter and helplessly.

Although Li Chengqi is right, this is what Lin Tao intends to tell Yueyue in the future, but now Yueyue hasn't even arrived for her first birthday...

Are you sure you can understand...?

Yueyue obviously didn't understand. She held a little puppet in her hand and stared at her father talking in a daze. She blinked her eyes. Then she came to her father, hugged her father's neck, and kissed her father's face. After kissing, Yueyue went to play with her again.

Lin Tao asked with a smile, "How's it going?" Let's calm down."

Li Chengqi: "..."

To be honest, I'm still a little angry when I think of Wang Yuanliang and his son. But my daughter is so adorable. She is so young that she doesn't understand it. Li Chengqi can only do it.

However, Li Chengqi, an old father, was still very happy to be kissed by Yueyue. When Yueyue finished milk and wanted to sleep at night, she was hugged by Li Chengqi and coaxed to sleep.

After a while, Yueyue fell asleep.

When the little guy woke up, he was cute, but it was noisy. After falling asleep, he was quiet, his eyelashes were long and curly, and he didn't know what dreamed. The corners of his mouth rose up and smiled happily.

Li Chengqi wanted to kiss Yueyue in the face, but he still resisted what Lin Tao said before.

From now on, he still has to restrain himself. Yueyue is young and ignorant, and he can lead by example as a father.

However, the daughter can't kiss, and the daughter-in-law lying beside her still kisses.

Lin Tao, who was inexplicably kissed by Li Chengqi, stretched out her hand and pinched Li Chengqi's waist and muttered, "Shut make trouble. It's still early. I haven't taken a shower yet."

Moreover, Lin Changhai is still playing chess at Commander Zheng's house. When he comes back later, what does it look like if he hears the movement inside them?

Fortunately, Li Chengqi didn't think of tossing people so early. He kissed Lin Tao on her lips and let her go.

After more than eight o'clock, Lin Tao took a shower, the two lay in bed. On the way, Li Chengqi got out of bed and went to the living room again. On the bright face, he went to pour water to drink, but after hearing the snoring next door, they entered the room again, locked the door, and began to toss around when he got into bed.

Lin Tao let him go. When it was emotional, she put her arms around his neck and hummed softly.

Last time, after Li Chengqi knew that Wang Yuanliang went to the clinic to get the condom, he took more than half of it directly from him. He hasn't run out yet.

On the contrary, Wang Yuanliang told him about this two days ago and asked him if he wanted to take the condom in the future. Can he go to the clinic to get it by himself? Don't pick it from Wang Yuanliang.

Because Wang Yuanliang took a lot of condoms last time, most of them arrived at Li Chengqi. But the doctor of the health center didn't know that when the condoms in his house ran out and had to go to the clinic to get it again, he still remembered that the doctor looked at his expression and his eyes were full of shock.

So many condoms are used up so quickly. You have to use about ten less condoms a day, and you have to use them every day without rest days. This... This is also terrible.

Wang Yuanliang was a little embarrassed. As a result, when he left, the doctor asked, "Chang Wang, how are you doing?" I think your eyes have been a little dark recently. Are you out of strength? Young people still have to be a little restrained... I have a prescription here. Why don't you take it back and ask Mr. Xu to make up for you...?"

Wang Yuanliang: "..."

His eyes were black, because Wang Qingming, a stinky boy, always wets the bed in the middle of the night. He had to get up in the middle of the night to change his diaper!


After the joy, Lin Tao leaned against Li Chengqi's arms, and her breath was a little unstable. Li Chengqi stretched out his hand to help her stroke her back, with a satisfied face.

Lin Tao's emotional appearance when she just reached the peak was really tempting.

"Are you better?" Li Chengqi asked.

That is, every time Lin Tao arrives, it will take a long time to slow down. It feels like electric shock and numb all over.

Lin Tao snorted, calmer, leaned against Li Chengwei's arms and fell asleep slowly.


The next day, Lin Tao was going to school to have a welcome meeting for the new teachers.

Lin Tao suggested that not every teacher should bring some food from home. When everyone eats and chats, the atmosphere will be more relaxed and harmonious. Unlike ordinary welcome parties, it is to introduce himself, and then sit there and don't know what to say.

The proposal was approved, so the next day, Lin Tao stir-fried a spicy rabbit. He was afraid that several new teachers could not eat too spicy food. Lin Tao specially put a little chili, just to add a little taste.

I also stir-fried a plate of sea melon seeds. After all, they are in the school. It's inconvenient to hold the soup and water. This kind of thing can be eaten as a snack, and it will be more convenient to take it in the past.

Xu Yuting and Zhong Jing's ideas are similar to those of Lin Tao. They cook more convenient dishes, and so are other teachers. Everyone is looking forward to seeing a few new teachers, so they came early. By the time, the four new teachers had not arrived yet.

Among the few teachers here, only Lin Tao and the principal have met the new teacher, and the other teachers have not seen them yet. Xu Yuting and Zhong Jing are also curious and look forward to seeing them.

After a while, they came, and the four new teachers also prepared the specialties of their hometown and brought them here together.

The three little girls walked in the front. Although Qin Ling had just known Zhao Xiaoqin and Ren Ying for a day, she had been integrated because of her equal age.

Xie Cong was more steady. After following them silently, he came in and nodded to everyone.

For some reason, Lin Tao found that Zhong Jing, who was sitting next to her, looked a little strange when she saw Xie Cong coming in. This expression is definitely not the only one I met for the first time, and it is not a surprise, but a surprise.

Moreover, as soon as Xie Cong entered the classroom, his eyes fell on their side.

Lin Tao knew very well that Xie Cong was not looking at her, let alone Xu Yuting. Xu Yuting didn't know Xie Cong at a glance. She was still pulling Lin Tao to say that these new teachers looked so young, and also took the initiative to talk to several new teachers.

Therefore, the only possibility is that the person Xie Cong looks at is Zhong Jing.

Lin Tao is puzzled. Does Zhong Jing know Xie Cong?

Did Xie Cong come here this time for Zhong Jing?

After having such a conjecture in her heart, she noticed the wrong relationship between Zhong Jing and Xie Cong. Even when Xie Cong introduced himself to everyone, his eyes would fall on Zhong Jing intentionally or unconsciously, but Zhong Jing did not look at Xie Cong, and seemed a little absent-minded.

After the self-introduction of the new teachers, it was Lin Tao and their self-introduction. After all, the new teachers just came. If they didn't introduce themselves, no one else knew them.

Lin Tao doesn't need to introduce him. Today, she picks up the people, and the new teachers also know each other. However, several new teachers did not know that Lin Tao was the teaching director before, thinking that he was the same as them, that is, an ordinary teacher.

Therefore, when the principal introduced Lin Tao as the teaching director, Xie Cong's expression did not fluctuate, and the female teachers were quite surprised.

It's just that in this surprise, there are no bad ingredients such as 'jealousy', but I'm surprised that Lin Tao can be the director so young, and she admires Lin Tao more. I think she must have the corresponding ability to sit in the position of director.

The principal also said that Lin Tao is an excellent teacher of Shengshan School.

The new teachers listened and said that they should learn from Director Lin in the future.

Although Lin Tao had been promoted to director, the teachers of the school and the people on the island still called her Mr. Lin. Although someone called her Director Lin, she was strange to her. She quickly told them that just call her Mr. Lin.

After the introduction, you can chat while eating. You can talk about everything, your hometown, and your views on Shengshan School.

Because of this topic, everyone is closer. After the whole welcome meeting, everyone's state is quite relaxed.

Xu Yuting also said a lot. She spoke directly. When she first came to school, she felt that the school was very small and old. Originally, she had no sense of belonging to this school, but now it is completely different. She thinks this is the best school she has ever stayed in.

She likes it here and everyone.

Lin Tao also said something from the bottom of her heart, and everyone had a good chat together, which made the new teachers disappear from the tension about the new environment and soon melted into it.

The welcome party began in the afternoon and didn't end until the evening.

After that, Xu Yuting said that she wanted to go to the toilet. There were no lights in the toilet. She had to take a flashlight, and Lin Tao went with her.

By the time Xu Yuting came out of the toilet, everyone had almost walked, and Zhong Jing was no longer there. I guess she would have gone back.

Lin Tao wanted to ask Zhong Jing if she knew Xie Cong when she went back, so she had to do it. It's the same to ask next time.

"What do you think of these new teachers?" Lin Tao asked.

Xu Yuting said with a smile, "It's all very good. Ren Ying has a cheerful personality. I like it very much. Zhao Xiaoqin and Qin Ling are also very good. Mr. Xie didn't pay much attention to it. He doesn't talk much, but everyone's personality is different. Teachers from Beijing must be very good."

Xu Yuting spoke highly of the teacher who came back, but it was obvious that she didn't find something wrong with Xie Cong and Zhong Jing.

At present, Lin Tao was not sure whether she was sure whether the guess was right or not. Originally, she thought that if Xu Yuting could see something, she would say it again, but Xu Yuting didn't see it, so she simply didn't mention it for the matter.

Lin Tao smiled and echoed.

Seeing that she didn't say anything more, Xu Yuting quickly stretched out her hand and took Lin Tao's arm and said sincerely, "But Tao, I still like you the most. You and I will always be good friends."

After listening to this, Lin Tao couldn't help laughing. What was Xu Yuting thinking? You don't think you've been jealous, do you?


On the other side, Zhong Jing and Xie Cong walked side by side.

It's already dark, and the sea breeze blows head-on, with a fishy and salty smell.

Zhong Jing held a flashlight in her hand. The light beam of the flashlight passed through the night and ironed a hole. She didn't look at the people beside her, but stared at the steps under her feet. She couldn't see any superfluous expressions on her face or what was thinking.

Xie Cong's eyes have always fallen on Zhong Jing. From the previous welcome meeting, he first entered the classroom. At that time, there were too many people in the classroom, and he couldn't be too obvious, so he kept restraining himself.

Until the end of the welcome meeting, everyone dispersed. When he saw Zhong Jing standing still, he didn't know whether he was waiting for Mr. Xu or Mr. Lin, or waiting for him.

Then he stepped forward and asked, "Can I go for a walk and have a chat?"

Xie Cong has thought about a lot of things to say to Zhong Jing on the train to Shancheng and on the ship to Shengshan Island. But now that I see her, I seem to be a little unspeakable.

After all, the two have not met for almost ten years.

For a long time, the two opened their mouths in silence at the same time.

Xie Cong: "Are you all right?"

Zhong Jing: "Why did you come to the island?"

Chapter 94

"I'm fine." Zhong Jing replied, pinned the hair in her ears messed by the sea breeze behind her ears, and asked, "Is Beijing also very noisy now? Are you also implicated?

Xie Cong's answer was ambiguous: "Yes and no."

Zhong Jing smiled when she heard the words, as if she recalled the past, and said, "You still speak the same as before."

What is said is unpredictable.

Xie Cong said, "I'm sorry for what happened in those years. I have been regretting it over the years. I'm too cowardly. If I didn't care about it at that time, maybe our fate would have changed."

Xie Cong's expression was very painful. It seemed that he really felt pain and regretted because of what happened in those years.

In contrast, Zhong Jing acted much calmer. She said, "It's been so many years, and I haven't paid attention to it for a long time. Not only do I don't care about it, but also Zhou Wen. When you went to our business trip, didn't I tell you? Let's live our own lives.

Seven years ago, Xie Cong went to Zhong Jing's city on a business trip and happened to meet Zhong Jing. At that time, Xie Cong said the same thing to her.

It's just that Zhong Jing had become the mother of the child at that time, holding one in her hand and one in her belly. That's what Ching Jing said to Xie Cong, saying that things in those years had passed a long time ago, so that Xie Cong should not pay attention to it.

She thought that Xie Cong would not see each other again since they left, but she didn't expect that one day she would meet Xie Cong here.

When she saw Xie Cong enter the classroom, she was very shocked. She never thought that the teacher from Beijing mentioned by Lin Tao would be Xie Cong.

Why did Xie Cong come here? What is he doing here?

Xie Cong looked at Zhong Jing. Compared with a few years ago, Zhong Jing was much haggard. Although the clothes she is wearing are clean, her hair has been washed white, and her eyes are tired, which is no longer like her as before. And all this is because Zhou Wen was classified as the black five categories and devolved to the island.

Zhou Wen did not do his duty as a husband. He did not protect Zhong Jing, which made her suffer a lot with him.

At that time, Xie Cong met Zhong Jing by chance. Hearing her words, he left lonely when he saw that her family was happy. For several years, he did not inquire about Zhong Jing again. However, six months ago, he went there on a business trip again and accidentally learned from other people that Zhou Wen had been devolved to the island.

What can Black Five do on the island? Be a fisherman?

Zhong Jing is a college student. She is a serious cultural person. How can she be a fisherman?

After returning to Beijing, Xie Cong couldn't sleep several times because of this news. After struggling, he finally decided to quit his job as a professor at the University of Industry, Peasants and Bing and planned to go to Shengshan Island to teach as a teacher, which was also for Zhong Jing.

When he learned that Zhong Jing was not seriously involved and could even teach at school, he breathed a great relief. At least Zhong Jing didn't have to be a fisherman, and she could continue to be her teacher, which may also be a great comfort to Zhong Jing.

"Now the sports are very noisy. Beijing is in a mess. I'm afraid the island will be so calm soon. You have to be psychologically prepared. The next round of sports is likely to come." After a long time, Xie Cong said, "You have become much haggard. Zhou Wen didn't protect you well."

But this kind of words were not heard by Zhong Jing. She frowned and her tone was a little cold.

She said, "Zhou Wen didn't protect me. He has been protecting me since he went to the island. He was delegated here, and he didn't want him to do it. Xie Cong, you shouldn't, and you are not qualified to say that.

Recently, Zhou Wen did quarrel with her several times because of some rumors outside.

But this can't erase Zhou Wen's previous kindness to her. Before Zhou Wen had an accident, he was very good for her and her children. At the beginning, there was an accident in Zhou Wen. In fact, he talked to Zhong Jing as soon as possible. He proposed to divorce Zhong Jing, because this would not implicate her.

It was Zhong Jing who didn't want to do it herself. She would rather come to the island with Zhou Wen to suffer than divorce.

Even when she came to the island, even the job in the cannery was won by Zhou Wen for her.

Xie Cong was speechless by Zhong Jing for a moment, and then said for a long time, "I'm sorry."

It was his fault in those years.

That year, when Zhong Jing was still in college, it was more than five years. Before the campaign began, Zhong Jing was one of the students in their school, so she was sent to Peking University for a semester.

At that time, Xie Cong was a progressive student of Peking University. He and Zhong Jing met each other at a student gathering held by the Poetry Club. The two had a similar personality and wrote several poems together, which were published in the newspaper at that time.

From the beginning of their comrade relationship, the two gradually became less pure. The friends in the poetry club always like to make fun of them. Xie Cong did not explain that Zhong Jing blushed every time she was teased. She was really embarrassed, so she avoided Xie Cong.

During that period, Xie Cong wrote several letters to her, which meant to show his heart and wrote love poems.

The relationship between the two was in full swing, and the last step was needed to confirm the relationship. However, at that time, Xie Cong's family wrote that his parents were seriously ill and asked him to ask for leave to take care of his parents.

At that time, Xie Cong was about to graduate. He was also an progressive student. The holiday was easy to ask. After completing the thesis arranged by the school, the school approved him a long vacation. Even if he did not come to the school before graduation, he could graduate directly and smoothly.

However, Zhong Jing didn't expect that Xie Cong really didn't come back after he went to his hometown.

Until the graduation of their class of students, a group of friends in the poetry club had gone, and Xie Cong had never come back. Zhong Jing is not a serious Peking University student. She can only study for one semester at Peking University, and she will go back when it's time.

In order to wait for Xie Cong, after the end of this semester, she rented a house in Beijing to continue waiting for him, but after the whole summer vacation, she still didn't wait for Xie Cong.

Forced by helplessness, she had no choice but to go back to her hometown's university to continue studying. Before leaving, she specially left contact information for her friends of the Poetry Club. If Xie Cong came back, please ask her friend to give her contact information to Xie Cong.

After returning to her hometown, she waited for another semester for Xie Cong.

But Xie Cong seemed to have disappeared, or he had never appeared. If she hadn't kept the letters and love poems written by Xie Cong to her, she would doubt whether her time with Xie Cong was just a dream she had.

However, things have to worsen. Before that, Zhong Jing was sent to Peking University for further study. A female classmate in the class had been grudged, because she had never competed with Zhong Jing and thought that it was Zhong Jing who stole her opportunity.

Sometimes Zhong Jing looked at a letter in a daze. When Zhong Jing was away, the female classmate went to turn over her schoolbag and found the letters and love letters written by Xie Cong to Zhong Jing. She added fuel and vinegar to publicize Zhong Jing's shamelessness at school. The school sent her to Peking University for further study, but as a result, she fell in love with her male classmates.

Things were in a lot of noise at that time, and Zhong Jing was punished for it.

However, in fact, her relationship with Xie Cong did not delay her progress in her study. On the contrary, as a progressive student, Xie Cong's academic performance was also quite good. When the two were together, Zhong Jing often asked him about learning things. On the contrary, she also made a lot of progress because of Xie Cong's guidance.

But people's words were terrible, and Zhong Jing's situation was very bad at that time.

Not only did some people say she in the school, but also spread outside that she was young. When she was in school, she followed a man. I guess she was not the eldest daughter of Huanghua for a long time.

Graduation, work, and even getting married, the family has begun to worry about Zhong Jing's marriage. Normally, the college students at that time were very amazing. Before that incident happened, before Zhong Jing graduated, many people came to ask for marriage.

However, when it happened, those people thought that she was no longer Huanghua's daughter and didn't want to. They said that they didn't want their son to marry someone who was not Huanghua's eldest daughter.

Zhong Jing wanted to listen to grandma's scolding at home. Grandma originally favored boys over girls and looked down on her as a girl. When it happened, she was even worse. She said that she should strangle her death when she was born. Her mother was also implicated by her and couldn't look up at home.

During that time, Zhong Jing was very painful.

But Zhou Wen didn't mind this. After he met Zhong Jing, the two got along for half a year, and then talked about marriage. Of course, it was not until the day the two got married that Zhou Wen knew that Zhong Jing was the eldest daughter of Huanghua, as people outside said at all.

Although he didn't care about it at the moment he made a choice, he was still happy from the bottom of his heart when he learned that Zhong Jing was alone.

He asked Zhong Jing, why didn't you say it? She is wronged.

Zhong Jing said that it was useless to say it. The spreaders of rumors would only believe what they believed.

Zhong Jing was puzzled and painful for Xie Cong's farewell, because she didn't know what had happened. She would make Xie Cong not come back after he left, and she didn't even have an explanation. She even thought about going to Xie Cong's hometown to find him, even if she just wanted an answer. However, the address Xie Cong left at school is not detailed, and Zhong Jing can't find it even if she goes there.

She also waited for him for two years. Before marrying Zhou Wen, she burned all the letters and love poems and chose to say goodbye to the past.

Later, the two met again, after Zhong Jing got married.

Xie Cong explained to her what happened in those years. It turned out that his parents were seriously ill and fake, and it was true that they co-inspired him to go back to get married.

Xie Cong's family had a doll kiss, saying that it was a date, but everything was decided by the parents of both sides. Because the other party's father saved his father's life, the two families ordered a doll kiss.

In fact, at the beginning, the woman didn't like Xie Cong. She thought that Xie Cong knew how to read. She was simply a nerd. It was boring. She liked other offendant students in the village. But after Xie Cong was admitted to Peking University, their family changed their attitude, and the woman also cried to marry Xie Cong.

After Xie Cong returned that time, he knew that he had been cheated and had to buy a train ticket back to Beijing on the spot.

But his father scolded him for beating him, saying that he was unfilial. Others saved his father's life. He was an intellectual, and he didn't even understand the truth of knowing kindness.

His mother threatened him with a pesticide bottle. If his forefoot dared to leave, his mother would drink pesticide to death.

At first, Xie Cong didn't believe it and thought they were deliberately to scare him, but his mother really drank pesticides in front of him, which was so scared that Xie Cong quickly sent his mother to the clinic to save people. Fortunately, he only drank a little. He didn't swallow it completely. It didn't really happen, but his mother forced Xie Cong to take the train to Beijing in front of her. The ticket was torn.

Later, Xie Cong could only be forced to marry someone he didn't like.

The other party thought that he could go to Beijing to enjoy happiness after marrying him. Unexpectedly, Xie Cong decided to stay in his hometown and become a primary school teacher in the commune after getting married.

The two didn't really like it from the beginning, and they couldn't get along after a long time together. After getting married, there was always endless quarrel. Later, the other party slept with the man she liked before. She was found by Xie Cong, and the two divorced.

When such a shame happened, Xie Cong's parents were also afraid that Xie Cong would be driven crazy, because during that time, Xie Cong always locked himself in the room without eating or drinking, and doing anything. They did not dare to force him again, so Xie Cong returned to Beijing.

At that time, all the friends of the Poetry Society had graduated. After several turns, Xie Cong found the friend with Zhong Jing's address and got Zhong Jing's address.

Then he took the train to find Zhong Jing. He knew that he was several years late. It was not until he saw Zhong Jing with a big belly and holding the child that it was too late.

That day, he saw Zhong Jing living a small life that belonged to her, with a happy smile on her face. When Zhong Jing asked him why he came over, he pretended that he was here on a business trip.

The two talked about what happened in the teahouse. Zhong Jing was very calm when she said what happened that year, far less intense than what Xie Cong heard from other people.

Xie Cong told her the truth about his departure, but everything was too late.

When Zhong Jing asked him how old his child was, he chose to hide the truth and smiled and said that he was older than Zhong Jing's eldest daughter.

He thought, let's put this regret in his own heart.

Zhong Jing is doing well now. Her husband is a teacher. I heard that she is also very good to her. She has two more children, and everything is so calm. He stopped getting involved. Things in those years ruined Zhong Jing's reputation. He was very sorry for her.

In this way, with regret in his heart, Xie Cong left there and returned to Beijing.

He thought that he and Zhong Jing could only miss it in their lives, but he didn't expect this business trip, but Xie Cong accidentally learned the news that Zhou Wen was devolved.

He looked at Zhong Jing in front of him and didn't know if he still had a chance.

"Zhong Jing..." Xie Cong said.

Zhong Jing shook her head and said, "Thank you, you don't have to say anything anymore. I really don't care about what happened in those years. As a teacher of Shengshan School, I'm really glad that Shengshan School can have an excellent teacher like you. It's too late. Zhou Wen is still waiting for me at home. I'll go back first, and you don't have to see me off."

After saying this, Zhong Jing nodded to Xie Cong and turned away.

Xie Cong looked at Zhong Jing's back and was a little distracted.

On the other hand, Zhou Wen ran almost all the way home.

Chapter 95

On the other hand, Zhou Wen ran almost all the way home.

He sat on the bed and gasped rudely, recalling the scene he had just seen. He was going to pick up Zhong Jing, but Zhong Jing went to school to attend a welcome party for the new teacher.

As a result, he walked halfway, but she saw Zhong Jing standing together with a strange man and talking.

He has always known that Zhong Jing met a man when she went to Peking University to study before.

But when he married Zhong Jing at that time, he chose not to worry about it. He knew better than anyone that Zhong Jing and the man were innocent, not as bad as outsiders said.

He didn't see that man, but when he saw the man standing with Zhong Jing, he could almost confirm that this man was the man at the beginning. I can't tell what it feels like in my heart. There is pain in my heart, but it seems that my long-term uncertain determination was pushed from behind.

Maybe he can take this opportunity...

After Zhou Wen heard the sound of opening the door outside, he lay in bed and didn't make a sound.

Zhong Jing came in and saw Zhou Wen sleeping in bed. She was a little surprised: "Have you slept so early today?" Didn't you go to Lao Zhang's?

"Well, I'm a little tired today and came back early." Zhou Wen said.

Zhong Jing asked, "Do you want me to press it for you?"

Zhou Wen said, "No, you should go to bed early."

Zhong Jing didn't say anything more. She nodded to wash with water. Zhou Wen looked at Zhong Jing's back, and his eyes flashed pain.

Zhong Jing didn't know this. After washing up, she went to bed. She opened her mouth and shouted "Zhou Wen". She wanted to tell Zhou Wen about Xie Cong, but she remembered that Zhou Wen had not been in a good mood recently. She was very sensitive. She always found an inexplicable reason to quarrel with her. If she told him about Xie Cong, she was afraid that nothing would have happened, but she seemed to care about it.

Zhou Wen's self-esteem is strong. If he knew that Xie Cong came here and knew that he had become a fisherman now, Zhou Wen would definitely not stand it.

After thinking about it, Zhong Jing planned to hide this matter.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Wen asked.

"It's okay." Zhong Jing said, "Sleet's go to bed."


When Lin Tao arrived at home, Yueyue had fallen asleep. After washing up, she went to bed.

Thinking about Zhong Jing's story, I couldn't help saying to Li Chengqi, "Shengqi, do you remember what I told you, Mr. Xie from Beijing? I think Mr. Zhong seems to know him, but they pretend not to know him in front of everyone.

Speaking of this, she paused and said, "I don't know why, I'm always worried and feel that something will happen..."

Because she is not sure about this, she didn't tell Xu Yuting, but unlike Li Chengqi, he is much more mature and steady. With Li Chengqi around, she will relax.

Li Chengqi patted Lin Tao on the back, hugged her and said, "Why do I think you have become more worried than before since you became a director?" In fact, Mr. Zhong's affairs may not be able to solve it herself. If she doesn't say it, there should be her own reason. You also said that Mr. Xie is an excellent teacher from Beijing. Such a person has no problem with the background, otherwise he can't be allowed to enter the island. Since he has no problem, what else can happen?"

When Lin Tao thought about it, it seemed to be the same thing.

Everyone has their own story. Maybe Zhong Jing just didn't want to tell them about it, so she pretended that she didn't know Xie Cong.

It doesn't necessarily happen as she thought.

As for Li Chengqi saying that she became a director and worried about it, Lin Tao thought about it carefully, and then wrinkled her nose. It seemed that it was really like this.

Obviously, before school has started in the past few days, she began to work on things after the beginning of school, went to divide new classes and pick up new teachers.

"You're right. There are still two days left after leaving school. In the past two days, I will not care about the school for the time being. I will accompany you and Yueyue." Lin Tao said with a smile.

Lin Tao did what she said. In the last two days, she grabbed the tail of the holiday and accompanied Yueyue at home.

While the potatoes at home were ripe, Lin Changhai turned out the potatoes at home. The vegetables that had been grown on this land for more than two years were much fatter than at the beginning, and even the potatoes planted were much fatter than in the first year.

Lin Changhai is a good farmer. After he came, he didn't need Lin Tao to worry about the vegetable land at home. When is it ripe and what it's time to grow, there is all him.

At this time, Lin Changhai turned out the potatoes and planted sweet potatoes in the empty land.

Yanghe ginger grown at home can be eaten again. Lin Changhai picked a small basket. In the evening, Lin Tao planned to stir-fry Yanghe shredded ginger and braised potatoes. After thinking about it, she earned Yueyue a mashed potato.

After the potatoes are steamed, they are crushed into mud with a spoon. It tastes crispy noodles. Yueyue likes it very much and tastes very delicious.

In the past two days, it happened that one day was a day off. Li Chengqi rested at home and didn't have to go to the group.

Every day off, Lin Changhai goes fishing with Zheng Youde in the morning. In the afternoon, he goes to Zheng Youde's house to play chess. He arranged properly and handed over his family to their family of three.

The sun is very comfortable today. Lin Tao simply took advantage of the sun to take a bath for Yueyue in the yard. Usually, if she is afraid of bathing Yueyue too early, she will be too noisy and sweaty at night, and she will wash for nothing.

Therefore, Lin Tao usually bathe Yueyue after dinner. It's like this when the weather is warm. When the weather gets cold, she will either burn a stove, bathe Yueyue next to the stove, or wipe her body directly.

In the afternoon like this, there is not much time to bathe Yueyue directly in the yard.

The little guy especially likes to take a bath like this. He sat in the bathtub and didn't remember it happily. The fleshy little hand patted the water and giggled.

Finally, Lin Tao was afraid that she would keep catching a cold in the water, so she picked her up, wiped the water wrapped in a towel, and quickly put on her clothes.

The little guy didn't want to do it. Seeing his father coming over, he tried to act coquettishly, but Li Chengqi cleverly moved his eyes elsewhere, but he didn't look at Yueyue. In this case, he must not look at each other. If you look at each other, Yueyue had to cry.

Finally, Lin Tao dressed Yueyue and rewarded her with a dried sweet potato, which completely coaxed her and stuffed it into her mouth with dried sweet potatoes. Although her teeth are small, they are quite useful and can already chew the sweet potatoes into potholes.

"Here, you take her. I'll wash my clothes." Lin Tao handed over Yueyue to Li Chengqi.

Li Chengqi hugged Yueyue and sat aside watching. Lin Tao threw Yueyue's dirty clothes into the basin she had just used to bathe, which was her bath water. Children's bath water is not dirty and can continue to be used to wash clothes.

Yueyue is a little older now. Sometimes she even cries in advance if she wants to pee. If Lin Tao knew about it, she would hold her to pee, so now she doesn't need diapers as much as before.

I still remember that during confinement, the little guy peeed and pulled whenever he moved. At least a day, he had to change more than a dozen diapers.

At that time, Yueyue's diapers were most exposed in the yard at home, which was spectacular.

After washing his clothes, Li Chengqi put Yueyue in the child's special chair and let her sit by herself. He went to help Lin Tao dry his clothes and then poured the water from the bathtub.

Lin Tao sat next to Yueyue for a while. Seeing that the grapes on the grape rack had been purple from the past, she picked one and peeled it off and planned to see how it was going. Is it sweet or not. Can she eat it?

It's just that as soon as she picked the grapes, she was targeted by Yueyue. Before the peeled grapes entered her mouth, Yueyue opened her mouth and waited.

Lin Tao put the grapes in Yueyue's mouth. She didn't really give her food, but let her touch her tongue, which was a taste.

It's just that the grape should be quite sour. As soon as the little guy ate it, he immediately wrinkled his little face into a ball, held his hands into fists, and shook his head. It seemed that she was really sour.

This appearance was funny and cute. Lin Tao couldn't help laughing. Seeing that Li Chengwei was busy, Lin Tao also asked Li Chengqi to see Yueyue together.

Lin Tao sent the grape into her mouth, ate it, and found that although the grape was not sweet, it didn't seem to be as sour as she thought. Just now Yueyue made that expression, and she thought it was sour. It seems that this little guy is as receptive as her father Li Chengqi in terms of eating sour food.

This grape is not sweet enough, so Lin Tao is not going to eat it.

After thinking about it, she planned to make wine. When she was in Xiangcheng, when she went to the mountain with Lin Manman, she found a lot of wild grapes, wrapped them in clothes, and packed a large bag and took them home.

With so many wild grapes, I couldn't finish eating them, so Aunt Fang decided to make wine.

It is said to be wine, but it doesn't need to be kept for a long time, but it needs white sugar. However, the conditions at home were not very good at that time. Aunt Fang looked at home and didn't find much white sugar, so there was less white sugar.

Wild grapes are also sour, and the result of less sugar is that the wine is sour. However, Lin Tao and Lin Manman felt very delicious at that time. They poured a drink from time to time. One day, they were so greedy and drank too much that they were so drunk.

That's why the two of them knew for the first time that they would get drunk when they drank wine without adding wine.

With the return of her thoughts, Lin Tao made a bottle of wine with grapes and sugar from home based on the memory of her childhood.

She and Li Chengqi have tickets, and their salaries are also a lot. White sugar is expensive, but they really don't lack it at present. Lin Tao is also willing to add sugar this time. Although the newly prepared wine can't be drunk immediately, Lin Tao guessed that the wine made this time must be delicious.

After making the wine, Lin Tao thought for a moment and asked Li Chengqi to dig a hole in the yard with a hoe, buried the wine in it, and said that she would dig it out later.

"When to drink it?" Li Chengqi asked.

Lin Tao thought for a moment and said, "Why don't you wait for your promotion? Isn't our family going to change the house at that time?" I'll take it out and drink it. It's a celebration.

Li Chengqi expressed great support for Lin Tao's decision.

The sun is so bright today that the fish that Lin Changhai and Zheng Youde came back for not long after they went out to catch.

However, there are also gains. Zheng Youde caught a big fish with thick arms. When he came back, he was energetic and said, "Lao Lin, you really can't do it this time. You caught these two small fish together, which are not as big as one of the tail of my fish. Isn't enough to plug your teeth when you take them home?"

Zheng Youde and Lin Changhai have been playing together for a long time, and they really call them brothers and brothers. However, it is only limited to the conversation between the two. After all, Zheng Youde can't be Li Chengqi's uncle at this age, and the two are only a few years away!

To be honest, the two of them usually go fishing together, and Lin Changhai fish a lot every time.

However, I don't know what happened to these fish today. Unexpectedly, Lin Changhai caught two small fish, and now he had to be 'hocked' by Zheng Youde.

Lin Changhai looked at the big fish in Zheng Youde's bucket and said, "You can show off. Let's play chess later. Whoever wins will belong to whoever wins. How about it?" If I win you, I will give me this fish.

Zheng Youde asked, "What if I win?"

Lin Changhai said, "Didn't you just say that whoever wins this fish belongs to whoever. If you wins, then the fish belongs to you."

Zheng Youde nodded and answered, "That's okay, that's it, Lao Lin. Go back and clean it up. Come to my house for lunch and let's play chess together." Why don't you go straight to my house to eat? The cake baked by Shuifen is quite good.

Seeing that Zheng Youde agreed, Lin Changhai suppressed his smile and said, "I won't eat the meal. My daughter and others may have also made my share. I'll go home to eat it."

He added, "My daughter's cooking skills are not bad."

"That's, Mr. Lin's cooking skills are quite good." Zheng Youde answered and muttered, "Why do you feel that Lao Lin means comparing me?" I must have caught a big fish today. I don't think I can compare with me."

Lin Changhai returned home, and Lin Tao and others had indeed prepared lunch.

I eat cold noodles at home today. Cold noodles are also refreshing at this time, which can make people appetizing. Mix it with chili, then pinch a handful of bean sprouts, wash it, blanch it in water, pick a cucumber from the vegetable field at home, cut it into shredded cucumber, put it in and mix it together. It tastes really good.

When Lin Changhai and Li Chengqi ate something, it really smelled.

In particular, Lin Changhai has played a lot with Zheng Youde recently and learned to eat garlic. Saying, 'Eat noodles without garlic, the taste is less than half. Lin Tao prepared the garlic for him for a long time.

Lin Changhai took a bite of cold noodles, then took a bite of garlic, and said it was delicious.

Lin Tao looked funny. Li Chengyi had been on the island for so many years, and he had never learned the habit of eating noodles and garlic. Lin Changhai had only been on the island for less than half a year, so he learned this. However, her father likes this kind of little thing. She will definitely not say anything. Every time, she takes the initiative to prepare the garlic.

After Lin Changhai hurriedly eating cold noodles, he wiped his preparation and said to Lin Tao and Li Chengqi, "A Tao, Chengqi, I'm going to Commander Zheng's house first. He caught a fish with such a thick arm today. I'll win him after playing chess and I can take it away. Wait, I'm sure I can win."

It's really Zheng Youde playing chess. It really stinks. He belongs to the kind of person who is not skilled and likes to play.

"Okay, Dad, go ahead. If you win the fish back, our family will cook sauerkraut fish tonight." Li Chengqi said.

It happened that Lin Tao marinated some pickled cabbage in the first half of the month, which could be used to make sauerkraut fish.

"Okay, then you can wait for sauerkraut and fish tonight." Lin Changhai nodded and went to the next door with great confidence.

After a while, the voices of Lin Changhai and Zheng Youde came from the next door.

Zheng Youde: "I must kill you today."

Lin Changhai: "Then let go. Who is afraid of whom?"

Li Chengqi and Lin Tao looked at each other and smiled, and they were very satisfied with Lin Changhai's state. Lin Tao said, "Actually, at first, I was afraid that my father would not be able to stay on the island. I thought it was boring. After all, when he was in Xiangcheng Transportation Factory, he was accompanied by his colleagues. I didn't expect him to play with Commander Zheng.

"It's good. Dad can live happily." Li Chengqi said.

After chatting for a while, Li Chengqi went to wash the dishes. There are three bowls in total. They are washed quickly and washed quickly.

Yueyue leaned against Lin Tao's arms now. It seemed that she wanted to go to bed, and her eyes were slowly squinting.

At this time, the door of the courtyard of the house was pushed open. Zheng Hongxing walked in front of him and shouted as he ran in, "Sister, I'm coming!"

When Yueyue heard this sound, the sleepy bug was immediately driven away. She couldn't even sleep. She immediately opened her eyes and saw Zheng Hongxing running over, so she danced happily and wanted to play with Brother Hongxing.

Lin Tao laughed and said, "This little girl, when Brother Red Star comes, you don't even sleep. All right, let's play with my brother for a while, see what books I have read recently, and let my brother tell you."

Chen Shuifen said, "Yueyue is going to bed at this time?" I said to let the little rabbit wait later. Yueyue woke up and came back. He insisted not to listen and said that her sister didn't sleep.

Lin Tao said, "It's okay. She doesn't sleep now and will sleep later. Red Star hasn't come to play for days, and Yueyue misses him, so let them play together.

Although Red Star is five years old, Yueyue will not celebrate her first birthday until next month, and she doesn't know what's the fun of these two children together.

However, it's also strange. Even Xiao Qingming began to know how to play with children. He a little disliked playing with Yueyue, but Red Star's love for Yueyue's sister was still the same as before.

"This little rabbit is very skinny. Last time, he said that he was going to study and asked him to play. This stinky boy was fine. He ran to the seaside with others to play. When he came back, he was beaten by me, and he was not allowed to go out to wild these two days." Chen Shuifen stared at Zheng Hongxing when she spoke and was not angry.

"Go to the seaside? That's too dangerous." Lin Tao also said, "Red Star, you can't go any more. You are so young. What if there is something wrong with the tide at the seaside?"

Compared with Chen Shuifen, Zheng Hongxing listens more to Lin Tao.

After he was arrested that day, Chen Shuifen took off his trousers and beat him hard. The boy didn't say anything wrong. Unexpectedly, as soon as Lin Tao said it this time, he said it.

Chen Shuifen stared at Zheng Hongxing and smiled at Lin Tao: "Mr. Lin, you still have a way to listen to you."

When the two were chatting here, Zheng Hongxing was teasing Yueyue.

Recently, Zheng Hongxing has not read the villain's book, and there is no new story for Yueyue for the time being. At present, he is still in the plot of Nezha in the sea last time. He intended to perform Nezha for Yueyue again, but Li Chengqi sat next to him.

Zheng Hongxing, like his brother Zheng Xiangyang, is also a little afraid of Li Chengqi.

He didn't dare to show Nezha in front of Yueyue, and he didn't bring his rags today... Oh, no, it's not easy to play without his mixed sky and universe circles, so he just did it.

It's also strange to say that Li Chengqi really didn't lose his temper with Zheng Xiangyang and Zheng Hongxing, but these two brothers were afraid of him.

So Zheng Hongxing planned to teach Yueyue to speak today and taught her to call her "brother."

Zheng Hongxing tirelessly taught Yueyue: "Sister, my name is my brother, brother...brother...brother...mom, look, I call my sister call my brother."

Chen Shuifen said, "My sister is still young and can't call her brother yet."

As soon as he finished saying this, she heard Yueyue shouting to the Red Star: "Mom...Mom..."

Zheng Hongxing: "???"

Chapter 96

Zheng Hongxing's eyes widened and looked at Chao Yueyue.

After Yueyue shouted, she kept repeating: "Mom...Mom...Mom...Mom..."

Zheng Hongxing heard it clearly this time. He turned his head and shouted at Chen Shuifen and Lin Tao, "Mom, Aunt Lin, my sister called my mother..."

"Poof, you stupid child, how can my sister call you your mother? My sister is calling you Aunt Lin." Chen Shuifen said and took a look at Lin Tao.

As soon as Lin Tao was talking to Chen Shuifen, she didn't pay attention to the movement here. In addition, Yueyue's voice calling her mother was very low, but she really didn't hear it.

At this time, when she heard Zheng Hongxing's words, she paid attention to Yueyue. She walked to Yueyue and heard Yueyue whispering, and she shouted milkily, "Mom...Mom..."

In an instant, Lin Tao's heart surged with joy, and there was excitement in joy. She hugged Yueyue and kissed her pink face.

He wanted to cry and laugh again and answered, "Ah, good Yueyue, mom is here."

Li Chengqi just saw Yueyue drooling at the corners of her mouth. He entered the house to get Yueyue a small handkerchief and planned to wipe her saliva. As soon as he came out, he found that Yueyue could call her mother.

Although she is not calling her father, this is the first time Yueyue has spoken since she was born. Lin Tao and Li Chengqi were parents for the first time, and Li Chengqi was also very excited.

As soon as Yueyue learned to speak, she was interested in speaking, but she could only shout such a sentence, so she kept shouting 'mom, mother'.

Zheng Hongxing looked at Yueyue calling her mother, and was quite disappointed. He took Chen Shuifen's corner and said, "But I taught my sister to call her 'brother'. Why doesn't my sister call her 'brother', but my mother?"

Chen Shuifen laughed at him: "What's the matter? Are you still jealous? You gave birth to Yueyue when Aunt Lin was pregnant in October. Yueyue called for the first time. Of course, it's your Aunt Lin. Can you still catch up with your Aunt Lin?"

Zheng Hongxing thought so. Aunt Lin was pregnant with her little sister at that time. Her belly was so big that she had to support her waist when walking. It was very hard.

Well, if the sister calls Aunt Lin first, he won't be angry, but... If only my sister's second name is her brother.

Zheng Hongxing thought to himself, but as soon as he saw Li Chengqi, he drove away the idea again. Forget it, it's better for my sister to call her father for the second time, otherwise Uncle Li will definitely be unhappy. After the sister will call her father, call her brother.

Chen Shuifen said with a smile, "Yueyue is so smart. She will be called 'Mom' in just ten months."

Zheng Hongxing hurriedly asked, "Mom, when will I call my mother?"

Chen Shuifen said, "You are the stupidest. You didn't speak until you were more than one year old. The first time you shouted was your father. Later, you didn't say it at all. When you were more than two years old, your aunt Lin married your uncle Li and lived next door to our house. You were not very good at talking at that time. Did you know that you were very funny at that time that your brother called me every time he pooped. Sometimes I was almost annoyed to death by your brothers. Sometimes I could call me back immediately by drying clothes and doing some other work. I can't go back. If I don't go back, I'm afraid that you stupid boy thinks shit is a good thing. I'll eat it."

Zheng Hongxing: "..."

Zheng Hongxing never thought that he was so inferior when he was a child. His dark face turned red, turned his face over, and said angrily, "I won't talk to you anymore!" I didn't eat shit!"

Zheng Hongxing's appearance made everyone very light. Chen Shuifen couldn't help laughing so much that tears came out.

Anyway, she thinks that Zheng Hongxing is much more fun than when she was a child when she grows up. She likes to tease Zheng Hongxing from time to time.

Lin Tao couldn't help laughing, and Li Chengqi called Yueyue 'Dad': "Yueyue, call me Dad, I'm Dad, Dad--Dad--"

Unfortunately, Yueyue still shouted 'Mom' in her mouth. She turned a deaf ear to Li Chengqi's words. Seeing that he had been talking to him, she also shouted to Li Chengqi with a smile, "Mom..."

Lin Tao looked funny and said, "Yueyue is still young. It's unexpected enough to call her mother. Don't be so anxious. You can't eat a fat man in one go. Maybe she will call her father after a while?"

Li Chengqi touched his nose helplessly, and he just did it.

Next door, Lin Changhai's voice came: "Eat you, I won. This fish belongs to me. Bring the fish, and I'll take it back and let my daughter make sauerkraut fish."

Zheng Youdra lived in Lin Changhai and cheated: "No, no, you won by winning two games in three games, and you won one game. It doesn't count. Hurry up and continue to play with me."

Lin Changhai sat down again: "Okay, if I win this game again, this fish will belong to me."

Zheng Youde: "Okay, if you win this fish, it's yours and do what you say."

Chen Shuifen heard the movement next door and scolded, "Red Star, your father's stinky chess basket is starting to cheat again."

Zheng Hongxing touched his head and said, "It's not my father if you don't play chess."

Because of the arrival of Zheng Hongxing, Yueyue delayed taking a nap and insisted on playing with her brother for a long time. Now that after being held in Lin Tao's arms, her eyes began to narrow, and her eyelids began to fight. She really couldn't stand it.

After a while, he leaned against Lin Tao's shoulder and fell asleep.

When Chen Shuifen and Zheng Hongxing saw it, they went back first. Zheng Hongxing actually wanted to continue to play with his sister, but when they saw that Yueyue fell asleep, she could only be pulled back by his mother Chen Shuifen.

When I left, I was still there to bargain with Chen Shuifen: "Mom, my sister is asleep. It's boring for me to be at home alone. Why don't you let me go out for a while?"

Chen Shuifen slapped him on the back of the head: "Let's go out for a while, Zheng Hongxing. I'll put your words here. If you dare to go out today, do you hear me break your leg?"

Zheng Hongxing put his face aside and hummed, "Then you break my leg, and you will have a broken son. Then I can't walk in the future. Just carry me."

Chen Shuifen: "I'll carry you on my back? I still carry you. The broken son doesn't have a son. Let me tell you again, no matter how dare you go to sea, I'll beat you to death."

As the mother and son spoke, they soon entered their yard.

Yueyue leaned against Lin Tao's shoulder and was completely asleep. The child sleeps very fast. Every time he wants to sleep, he can fall asleep immediately. This is okay. I guess he also followed Li Chengqi.

"I'll put Yueyue on the bed." Li Chengqi said.

Lin Tao whispered, "It's okay. Change your hand and wake her up later. I'll just let her go."

Lin Tao walked into the bedroom, put Yueyue on the bed, and pulled down the mosquito net. Although it is about to enter September now, there are much fewer mosquitoes than in the previous two months, it does not mean that it is completely gone. You still need to pay more attention.

As soon as the little guy was put in bed, he adjusted his comfortable posture and continued to sleep.

When she was born, she liked to sleep in the most surrendering posture. It seemed that all newborns liked to sleep like this. Now when she grows up, she likes to sleep sideways. The two little meat hands still like to hold their faces and look cute.

Lin Tao and Li Chengqi were not in a hurry to leave, so they stood by the cot and watched Yueyue sleep.

Li Chengqi took the Pu Fan over and sat next to Yueyue. At this time, it was still a little hot, and there was already a fine sweat on Yueyue's nose.

Li Chengqi said, "Let's buy a Taiwan power fan to our home."

Yueyue is afraid of heat. This child is prone to prickly heat in summer.

The supply and marketing club in Shancheng has electric fans. When Lin Tao went to the supply and marketing club, it cost more than 200 yuan, which is more expensive than the sewing machine at home.

But for Yueyue, Lin Tao also gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, let's buy a fan next year."

In fact, adults think it's okay. After getting used to this temperature, it's enough to use a fan, but children can't stand it.

This is how this matter is settled.

Lin Changhai and Zheng Youde next door also finished playing chess. Lin Changhai stood up with a smile and said to Zheng Youde, "Come on, I won again. I can always take the fish this time?"

Zheng Youde looked at the end of the chess game angrily, patted his forehead, and sighed, "Alas, why did I just go here?" I shouldn't. I should have gone here. Oh, I'm so angry. Lao Lin, why don't we do the next game?"

"That's not possible, Xiao Zheng. You have to do what you say yourself." Lin Changhai shook his head.

Chen Shuifen directly picked up the fish in the bucket. She stringed up the fish's mouth and cheek with a tree vine, handed the fish to Lin Changhai, and said, "Uncle Lin, ignore him. He is a stinky chess basket. He is not good at playing chess, and she always likes to repent."

Zheng Youde was punctured and stared at Chen Shuifen with anger.

Lin Changhai took the fish and said with a smile, "Xiao Zheng, don't be discouraged. Let's continue next time."

After Lin Changhai went out, Zheng Youde suddenly reacted and asked Chen Shuifen, "I caught this fish. When I played chess with Lao Lin before, I said that whoever wins the fish will take the fish. If I wins, it belongs to me?" Although I didn't win, isn't Lao Lin in the empty gloves and the white wolf?

Chen Shuifen looked at him and said, "Are you just reacting?"

Although she didn't know many big words, not to mention that as soon as she heard Zheng Youde and Lin Changhai, she recognized what it meant. Unexpectedly, Zheng Youde, as the head of a regiment, did not react until now.

Zheng Hongxing said, "Dad, you are not only stinky under chess, but also your brain. You are not as smart as my mother."

Chen Shuifen: "That's right, your father has also studied artillery school. I don't think it's as good as me who didn't graduate from primary school."

Zheng Youde stared at Zheng Hongxing: "Go, what do the children know? Stay."

Lin Changhai really deliberately put Zheng Youde together. Seeing that Zheng Youde had never found it, he was still energetic in chess with him, and he could hardly hold back several times.

However, when he went back, Lin Changhai killed the fish and did not marinate it. He was all used to slice it into fish fillets.

When Lin Changhai killed the fish, Lin Tao washed the basin and took it over to hold the cut fish fillets. This fish is too big. It can't be packed in the largest bowl at home. It can only be packed in a pot.

In the basin at home, there is a basin specially designed for loading vegetables, which is usually only used to hold vegetables, which is actually as clean as a bowl.

Lin Changhai said, "Dad, I put Captain Zheng together today, and now he may have reacted. After I killed the fish later, I went and told them to let Commander Zheng's family come to our house for dinner.

"Well, that's what I mean. Both Head Zheng and Xiangyang like the sauerkraut fish noodles I made last time. Let's eat noodles today. I'll boil the sauerkraut fish later, and then eat it under the sauerkraut fish soup. Lin Tao said.

The father and daughter smiled and guessed what each other meant.

When Lin Changhai killed the fish, Lin Tao went to take out half of the pickled cabbage marinated in a tank. Today, this fish is relatively big, and there are more sauerkraut that needs to be used. Otherwise, the sour taste of the boiled sauerkraut fish is not enough, and it is not so delicious.

Because there are also two children, Zheng Xiangyang and Zheng Hongxing, Lin Tao only prepared two or three dried chili peppers, slightly increasing the spicyness, but Zheng Hongxing and Zheng Xiangyang brothers can also eat them.

I went to the vegetable field to pull out a handful of green onions. When I usually eat noodles or something at home, Lin Tao will only pinch the green onion leaves, because the chopped green onion leaves will grow again after a while. As long as the green onions are not uprooted, the green onion can be eaten for a year.

But when Lin Tao cooks, he likes to put the green onions in and stir-fry together, which will be more fragrant. If you only put green onion leaves, you will really lose the original fragrance of green onions.

When Lin Changhai cut it in half, Li Chengqi came out of the room. Seeing it, he said, "Dad, go and have a break. I'll cut it."

Lin Changhai waved his hand: "It's okay. I can still do this. I'm just a little old now, and I still have more things to do. When I really can't do it one day, if you say you come, I won't show off. If you find a way, you can look at Yueyue. If Yueyue is hot, you can fan her.

Lin Tao knew that her father was also idle. Chao Li Chengwei smiled.

The couple looked at each other, and Li Chengqi went in to look at Yueyue again.

After cutting the fish fillets, Lin Changhai went to Zheng Youde's house and said, "Xiao Zheng, Shuifen, don't be busy cooking dinner tonight. Come to our house to eat sauerkraut fish. Xiao Zheng, didn't you mean you want to eat noodles made with sauerkraut fish soup? I applied to my daughter for you. I'm sure you can eat it today.

Zheng Youde was very happy to hear this.

That's a good relationship. It's really worth losing this fish today.

Chapter 97

Zheng Youde was still angry about playing chess before. As a result, he was very happy when he heard Lin Changhai's words. He quickly asked Chen Shuifen, who was going to cook dinner, not to work and go to Captain Li's house for dinner tonight.

The two families got together for another meal. Lin Tao's sauerkraut fish was delicious, mainly pickled cabbage. Chen Shuifen also said that she didn't know what to do. Obviously, she made it according to Lin Tao's method, but the sauerkraut fish made tasted as good as Lin Tao.

Zheng Youde and his son ate a lot of fun at this meal.

Lin Changhai asked, "How's it going? It tastes good, isn't it?"

"Mr. Lin's craftsmanship is really good. I'm worth losing chess." Zheng Youde said. I even want to catch such a big fish next time, but I will lose to Lin Changhai.

The two families had a happy meal. Chen Shuifen also helped clean up the dishes and chopsticks together. Their family didn't prepare anything today, which was equivalent to a fish or won by Lin Changhai. Chen Shuifen is not the kind of person who patted her buttocks after dinner, regardless of the matter.

Li Chengqi came to wash the dishes again tonight and was kicked out by Chen Shuifen.


Two days passed quickly, and the blink of an eye passed. A new day came. It was September 1st, and school began.

In the new semester, Shengshan Primary School has been changed to Shengshan School, and there are also the first batch of students in the middle school of junior high school. As for the second year of junior high school, they are still empty for the time being. After all, like previous classes of students, they have gone to study in schools outside the island, and it is not easy for people to transfer back.

According to Lin Tao's conjecture, she thought she would continue to teach primary school, because her education was there after all, and she just graduated from high school.

Among the new teachers this time, Zhao Xiaoqin and Ren Ying went to college. Although they did not graduate, they were at least taller than her.

However, the principal considered that Lin Tao brought the first day of junior high school, so in the new semester, Lin Tao still asked Lin Tao to teach the first year of junior high school and continue to take care of this class well.

Zhao Xiaoqin and Ren Ying also have no objection to this decision. They are all new here, and they are the same in any class they teach. However, Ren Ying majored in Russian in college. It happened that Xu Yuting taught Russian alone. She was really too busy. Someone came to share it with Xu Yuting.

Therefore, it is the first day of Lin Tao and Xie Cong and Ren Yingjiao.

Lin Tao still teaches Chinese, Xie Cong teaches mathematics, and Ren Ying teaches Russian in the first year of junior high school.

Although I went to teach the first year of junior high school, except for different textbooks, everything else is the same. Lin Tao still faces the same students and does not need a run-in period. Everyone is very serious and worry-free in class.

After class, Lin Tao returned to the office. Xu Yuting and Zhong Jing were also there, as well as Zhao Xiaoqin and Qin Ling. However, the next class happened to be their class. They greeted Lin Tao, who had just arrived, and went to the classroom.

At this time, only Xu Yuting, Xiao Qingming, Lin Tao and Zhong Jing who were playing by themselves were left in the office.

Zhong Jing thought for a moment and said, "Mr. Lin, Mr. Xu, I have something to tell you."

Lin Tao paused to sort out the textbook. She subconsciously guessed that Zhong Jing was likely to tell them about Xie Cong.

Xu Yuting was still in a bad situation and asked, "Mr. Zhong, what happened to you?" There is no one else here, don't you think about it."

Lin Tao also smiled and waited for Zhong Jing's next words.

Zhong Jing actually knew that Lin Tao should see a little. Originally, she didn't intend to hide this matter from it. That is, on the day of the welcome meeting, when she saw Xie Cong, she was really shocked. The original incident and what she had happened now made her subconsciously don't know how to face Xie Cong, so at that time I didn't show the appearance of knowing Xie Cong.

When she talked to Xie Cong that night, she also figured it out.

In fact, she had nothing to do with Xie Cong for a long time, and she didn't pay more attention to what happened in those years. Even if Xie Cong and her are in the same school now, they are just ordinary colleagues.

"Actually, I know Mr. Xie." Zhong Jing said.

Xu Yuting was surprised: "Mr. Zhong, do you know Mr. Xie? Then why didn't you say that night? And I don't seem to have much communication. If you don't say I don't even see it yet."

Zhong Jing said with a smile, "Actually, I didn't react that day. I said I knew each other. In fact, I haven't seen each other for many years. And I met when I went to Beijing to be an exchange student. I came back after studying at Peking University for a semester. I didn't know him very well. So that night, neither of us reacted."

"There is another thing. Did Mr. Xie graduate from Peking University? Well, Mr. Xie is really awesome. Xu Yuting sighed, "Then such a powerful person as him is not devolved. How could he think of coming to our island to teach?"

Zhong Jing said, "He said that Beijing is doing a lot of sports now. I guess he is afraid that if he continues to stay in Beijing, he will be implicated."

Xu Yuting nodded: "That's true. It's better on our island. The exercise is not that serious."

After listening to this, Lin Tao nodded and said nothing else.

In fact, she could see that Zhong Jing should have concealed a small part of it. But she could understand that everyone had their own secrets in their hearts. Zhong Jing didn't want to say it, so she didn't ask.

After the new teacher came to the school, the atmosphere was quite good.

The main reason is that these new teachers are quite good, and the students also like them very much.

Since Zhong Jing and Xie Cong's conversation that night, Xie Cong has not said anything excessive to Zhong Jing. It's just a gift. After meeting, he just nodded and signaled, like a normal colleague.

Everything is moving towards calm.

Last time, after Li Chengqi proposed to buy an electric fan, Lin Tao thought that it was already autumn now. It would be cold soon, so it was said that it would buy it next year.

But Li Chengqi took advantage of his comrades-in-arms who were going to leave the island for a meeting, changed a foreign exchange voucher with someone, and asked someone to bring back the electric fan.

The incident that Lin Tao added an electric fan to her home was uploaded quickly on the island. Sewing machines, electric fans and so on are all large parts, and it costs a lot of money.

And sewing machines are bought by some people when they get married. After all, they ring three times. But electric fans are not necessary to buy, and electric fans are more expensive than sewing machines.

After Chen Shuifen knew that Lin Tao's house had added an electric fan, she quickly took Zheng Hongxing to Lin Tao's house to see the fresh object.

After the electric fan is plugged in, the switch is pressed, and the fan blade inside will rotate.

It's quite comfortable to blow in the wind.

Chen Shuifen looked at the electric fan and was surprised: "Mr. Lin, this is the electric fan. This is really powerful. Just plug in the power and turn around. Isn't it cheap? Do you want this number less?

Chen Shuifen stretched out two fingers to Lin Tao.

Lin Tao said, "It's strange to say that it cost 230 yuan. This brand is a little more expensive than other brands, and it also requires foreign exchange coupons. He just thought that such a large family like this was added. It's better to buy a better one and use it for a longer time.

"Well, don't say that your head Li really hurts people." Chen Shuifen sighed.

Nowadays, the child's family, which one hasn't had prickly heat in the summer? That is to say, when she gave birth to her red star, it was the hottest that summer. This boy likes to sweat again. He is really prickly heat. Just put some powder.

However, people are different from others. Commander Li is delicate and can't envy him for his daughter-in-law. Chen Shuifen is not the kind of person who likes to compare everything with people. There are such a pair of textbook-like role models next door to her home. If she really compares with personnel matters so irreslewhelmedly, will she still live?

What did that say? People still have to be contentment easily. As the saying goes, contentment is always happy.

She thinks that since her old Zheng was transformed by her, it is not bad now, and she is quite satisfied.

Yueyue sat in the chair and was very comfortable to be blown up by the electric fan. The little guy also saw the electric fan for the first time. The fan inside whirled. At first, she wanted to reach out to touch it.

However, Lin Tao was taught very seriously, and whether Yueyue could understand it or not. Lin Tao told Yueyue seriously several times that she couldn't touch the fan with her hands.

At this moment, Zheng Hongxing came over, and Lin Tao also told him that his hand must not touch the electric fan.

Zheng Hongxing asked, "What happens if you touch it?"

Chen Shuifen said, "If you touch it, you will lose your hands. You can eat with your feet."

Zheng Hongxing: "..."

His feet are so stinky that he is afraid of fainting himself. It's better to eat with his hands.

If there are people like Chen Shuifen, there are people who don't know how to be measured. Well, as soon as Lin Tao went in and planned to grab a handful of red shrimp cake for Zheng Hongxing and gave it to him, the thick-skinned man came.

The person who came was Jin Yingchang's wife. Although Lao Jin was in the main camp, he was also relatively old. He was 38 or 39 years old this year. There was no intention to promote him. He would have to retire in a year or two.

It is estimated that it is because of this matter that Lao Jin's daughter-in-law Luo Guiju has become thicker and thicker in the past two years. When she first came to the army a few years ago, although she likes to take advantage of a little advantage, she still knows how to restrain it.

In the past two years, she knows that her man can't be promoted, and she is likely to retire in two years. She has the idea of taking as much advantage as she can in the barracks and take advantage of whatever advantage. Recently, the sister-in-laws in this area of the military area have been very annoying to her.

If you borrow a stitch, you won't pay it back. Even a few dishes at home have to take advantage of this. Sometimes when the house cooks some meat, this man comes to the door with a smell. It's really shameless.

Luo Guiju has also been to Lin Tao's house before and said that she was going to see how Lin Tao's yard was.

In fact, Lin Tao has been on the island for two or three years. Luo Guiju hasn't come into contact with her at first, let alone at home. When she came to her first time, she left, she said that Lin Tao's dishes at home were very good-changed. Without telling Lin Tao, she picked a handful of them back, which really made Lin Tao laughed.

Who are these people?

This time I heard that Lin Tao bought an electric fan at home, and Luo Guiju came to her door with her three sons.

"Mr. Lin, I heard that your family bought an electric fan? Oh, hey, that's it. It looks really rare. As soon as Luo Guiju entered the yard, she saw the electric fan in the yard. As soon as her eyes lit up, she pulled her sons to look at the fan.

Lin Tao and Chen Shuifen saw Luo Guiju, and there was no good face on their faces.

But Luo Guiju couldn't see it. Chao Lintao smiled and Chen Shuifen and said, "By the way, Mr. Lin, I have something to find you this time. Isn't it going to get cold again? My three boys have to make new clothes. I wonder if you have a sewing machine at home? You have to do it for me when you are free.

Lin Tao asked, "Where's the cloth?"

Luo Guiju said, "Don't you have cloth at home? Just use yours first. It happens that the cloth of the supply and marketing agency has been sold out. I didn't buy it. You can do it for me first. When the supply and marketing agency buys the cloth, I'll buy it and I'll change it to you."

What did you go to the supply and marketing agency to buy cloth? In fact, I deliberately waited for the cloth of the supply and marketing agency to be sold out, and then came to Lin Tao to sing this drama, right? Can she buy the cloth and return it back? I'm afraid the meat buns can't go back when they beat the dog. Even if Luo Guiju will return it then, it is estimated that it will be returned with that kind of very poor material.

Lin Tao knows very well about people like Luo Guiju.

Lin Tao said directly, "Well, there is still some cloth in my house. The material is quite good enough to make clothes for these children."

Luo Guiju's eyes lit up, but she heard Lin Tao continue to say, "But if you really want it, Sister-in-law Luo, you can buy it directly from my house. I bought these cloths from the city. I will calculate the price of the supply and marketing agency in the city as much as the cloth ticket should cost. I will definitely not take advantage of you. Yes, in fact, I'm also very busy. I have to take care of the children and go to class. I can't refuse if you want me to help make clothes for the child, but I can't make these clothes for nothing, can I? We have to make it clear how much it costs to be a dress.

Lin Tao's words, Luo Guiju's smile on her face gradually solidified.

She collapsed her face and muttered, "Mr. Lin, why are you so stingy and return to the people's teacher? You are so stingy. How can you be a teacher?"

Lin Tao smiled sarcastically on her face and replied, "Sister Luo, you look at yourself before others say that others are stingy if you don't let you take advantage of it. So what kind of behavior are you?"

With that, Lin Tao didn't give Luo Guiju any face. She went straight to the fan and turned off the switch of the fan.

As soon as Luo Guiju's sons entered the yard, they went directly to Yueyue to fan the electric fan. The children were not young. They were in their teens and seven or eight years old. As soon as they stood in front of Yueyue and Zheng Hongxing, they directly blocked the wind of the electric fan.

They are cool, and neither Yueyue nor Zheng Hongxing can blow the wind.

Otherwise, what kind of adult brings out what kind of children, Luo Guiju's three sons are as thick-skinned and not raised at all.

The big one was not admitted to junior high school, so he didn't study directly. The two young ones were still studying in Shengshan School. When he saw Lin Tao, he never called him 'good teacher'.

"What's wrong with me? I just want you to make two clothes for me? I didn't say I would not return your cloth at that time. Do you want to? Are you happy that my sons will blow the electric fan for a while? It's really interesting to return it to the people's teacher. Luo Guiju simply played her shameless and rake it upside down.

Lin Tao was about to answer when Chen Shuifen couldn't help but say, "Are you still there?" Can you return it? You don't even know how many people have taken advantage of them. Let's pee and look in the mirror. If you take other people's things, you will take other people's things as your own. If others don't say that you don't want to know you. Do you still have reason? When I got used to taking other people's things, I thought no one could clean up you, didn't I? It's shameless.

Luo Guiju crossed her waist: "Who are you shameless?"

Chen Shuifen is not afraid of Luo Guiju. Chen Shuifen is a few years younger than Luo Guiju. Since she recovered when she was young, her body has grown much stronger. When it comes to fighting, she is not afraid of Luo Guiju.

Chen Shuifen also put his waist and replied, "Whoever is shameless and I scold who I scold you, who is surnamed Luo. What's wrong?"

"You can really see such a stingy person... Daniel, Er Niu, San Niu, since people don't welcome us, let's go. Who rarely comes to you?" Luo Guiju said.

Chen Shuifen quickly waved her hand as if to get rid of his bad luck: "If you want to go, go quickly. Who would have a rare one to come?"

Zheng Hongxing blushed and couldn't help fighting with Luo Guiju's sons for a long time. Of course, he is only over five years old. If he really fights, he can beat Luo Guiju's youngest son at most. In addition, Zheng Hongxing will only be beaten.

But Zheng Hongxing is not afraid of being beaten.

As soon as he was in front of the fuck, he didn't do it, and he began to think about it. When Sanniu falls the order, he will beat Sanniu well!

"This man is really shameless." Luo Guiju left, and Chen Shuifen also spit on her back. The man was really too thick-skinned. "But Mr. Lin, fortunately you said that later. When you first said that you could make clothes, it really shocked me. I thought you didn't know how thick-skinned she was. I really planned to let her credit. People like her are specially used to take advantage of them. They take them away from you and regard them as their own and will not be returned."

Lin Tao said, "You have known me for so long. Don't you know me yet?" How can I be so stupid? Do I know that she is that kind of person and help her make clothes?"

Chen Shuifen said, "Yes, I just thought wrong at that time. When you say the following sentence, you will understand. Mr. Lin, your temperity is what I like. You are easy to talk to people who are good at talking. If you really have a thorn, you won't be afraid.

Lin Tao's personality is really like this. She looks very gentle. In fact, she eats soft but not hard.

If anyone fights with her, she is not afraid.

"Luo Guiju, a man, is now so famous that everyone can't wait to spit out when it comes to her. You said why this man's face was so thick, and when others said that she still thought it was someone else's problem, like a hob meat. Chen Shuifen said.

Lin Tao said, "Some people are really shameless and have no choice but to stay away from her in the future. Fortunately, I was scolded by the two of us today. I guess I'm embarrassed to come back in the future."

As the two were talking, Xu Yuting came with Xiao Qingming.

Xiao Qingming has walked very well now. He didn't dare to take the first step from the beginning. Now he has walked steadily and doesn't need Xu Yuting to lead him.

Xu Yuting came in and said, "Tao, ah, Sister Chen is also there. Let me tell you, I just quarreled with Luo Guiju on the way here."

"What's wrong? Does she want to take advantage of you again? Lin Tao asked.

Xu Yuting shook her head: "That's not true. I was on the way. When I heard that she was scolding you, I was so angry that I quarreled with her, and then she was scolded by me for crying."

Lin Tao: "???"

Chen Shuifen: "???"

Lin Tao asked, "How did you scold?"

Xu Yuting said, "I just said that you were stingy about it, but she liked to take advantage of it and was shameless to take other people's things. As a result, she was going to have a baby. She said that you had a daughter and couldn't even have a son. I said that even if you gave birth to a daughter, it was spoiled by Commander Li. Unlike how many sons she had, the man was about to retire. She said that she gave birth to a sow, looking like a pig with a pig, saying that she had buck teeth. He was still drooling. Anyway, he said a lot of other things... I can't remember clearly."

At that time, she annoyed Luo Guiju and scolded Lin Tao, so she couldn't wait to scold Luo Guiju to death. I really can't remember what she scolded Luo Guiju. Anyway, she wanted.

It's not scolding, she just picks out Luo Guiju's problems.

People like Luo Guiju, you scold her for being shameless and love to take advantage of it. She has heard a lot of words and has long been immune, but it's the first time to scold her like Xu Yuting. Luo Guiju was said useless in Xu Yuting's mouth, and she really couldn't wait to kill her head.

Lin Tao and Chen Shuifen couldn't help laughing after listening to it. Luo Guiju was also unlucky.

After being scolded by her and Chen Shuifen, she met Xu Yuting on the road and was scolded again. The key is that the advantage you want to take advantage hasn't been taken yet. Luo Guiju should be pissed off when she goes back, right?


Recently, Zhong Jing was very angry with the Shen family.

Although there is a new teacher in the school, Zhong Jing doesn't need to teach two more classes alone, the class she currently teaches is exactly Shen Jiahao's second grade.

Recently, when Lin Hui was working in the logistics department, she accidentally flashed to her waist and lay at home for two days. She scolded Zhong Jing for being shameless every day. At that time, she obviously had the opportunity to go to school to teach as a teacher, but she was occupied by Zhong Jing.

Now it's okay. A new teacher is coming to the island. It's even more difficult for her to go to school to be a teacher in the future.

Hearing Lin Hui's words, Shen Jiahao hated Zhong Jing even more. Not only did she take her class seriously, but he also deliberately grabbed the pheasant and put it in the female classmate's desk.

Forget it. The female students on the island are not afraid of pheasants. Seeing that there are pheasants in the desk, they dare to grab the pheasants directly and throw them back to Shen Jiahao's desk.

It is also because of this that Shen Jiahao had a bad relationship with the female classmates in the class. Once when they went to the toilet, he said something unpleasant outside, stole the chalk from the podium, went to the school toilet, and drew a little in the middle of the 'female' character in the women's toilet.

When Zhong Jing heard what Shen Jiahao said, she couldn't open her mouth and repeat it.

This only a few-year-old child said such dirty words in his mouth, and he didn't know how to respect women at all.

Even if Shen Jiahao made trouble again before, Zhong Jing had never beat the students. This time, she really couldn't help it. For the first time, she picked up the ruler on the podium and beat Shen Jiahao. There were quite a lot of teachers who corporalized the students these days. This ruler was always beat the students, but Zhong Jing had never used it.

This is Zhong Jingtou's first attack on a student. She used a lot of strength, mainly because she was angry by Shen Jiahao's attitude and refused to admit that she did something wrong.

After Zhong Jing finished fighting, he drove him outside the classroom to the punishment station and prevent him from coming in.

Zhong Jing was really angry this time. When she returned to the office after class, her anger had not subsided.

When Lin Tao and Xu Yuting heard about this, they also felt that students like Shen Jiahao should teach some lessons. They used this kind of thing to insult women at a young age, and they must let him remember this lesson.

I didn't expect Lin Hui to go to school because of this.

Chapter 98

Shen Jiahao stood outside the classroom for two classes. It was not until noon that Zhong Jing asked him to go back to the classroom for dinner.

Shen Jiaping came to deliver him food, but Shen Jiahao was angry and didn't eat it, so he ran home directly.

Lin Hui is still on sick leave and stays at home. Shen Guobin went on a mission a few days ago and was not at home. Shen Jiahao ran back and rolled up his sleeves to show Lin Hui.

Seeing that her most precious stepson was full of red marks, Lin Hui widened her eyes angrily and asked, "Who hit this?"

Shen Jiahao gritted his teeth and cut his teeth: "It was Zhong Jing who hit me, Mom, she hit me!"

"Why did she hit you?" Lin Hui's eyes turned red with anger. This is her precious son who is reluctant to fight and scold. She will be the richest man in the future!

Shen Jiahao: "I just wrote a word in the toilet, and she hit me!"

"Wait, Mom, get justice for you!" Lin Hui was very angry and couldn't take care of her back pain. She ran to school with Shen Jiahao.

It's time to take a lunch break. Some teachers go back to the dormitory to rest after dinner, and some of them will go to the office before going back to the dormitory and sleep on their stomach.

Xu Yuting didn't have an art class this afternoon, so she took Xiao Qingming home.

Since Lin Tao brought her junior high school, she sometimes has classes in the afternoon. There happens to be classes today, but she is in the classroom. When Lin Hui came, she happened to be out of the office.

Lin Hui rushed to the office. Zhong Jing was well. As soon as she came, she scolded: "Didn't the school say it was going to oppose corporal punishment of students? Zhong Jing, what do you mean? Do you mean to oppose me? I mean that you two are shameless. Obviously, you are still with the human army? You just took away the teacher's position that originally belonged to me, and now you still beat my son. Are you ashamed? Where is your headmaster? Where is the headmaster? I'm going to complain to you! You are a black wife. Why do you become a teacher and why do you beat my son!"

Although Zhong Jing met such a parent for the first time, she had long understood what kind of person Lin Hui was.

In the face of Lin Hui's unreasonable disturbance, Zhong Jing calmly responded and said what Shen Jiahao had recently done, saying, "Schools want to oppose corporal punishment, but students who really don't listen and can't teach can't be well now. If they don't educate well, they will be the pest of society and the scum of the country in the future. Educating children is not all the responsibility of teachers. Parents should set an example and educate their children well. If they blindly doting, they can't teach good children.

Zhong Jing's words made sense, and she didn't know it as well as Lin Hui.

But Lin Hui didn't listen to her at all. She determined that Zhong Jing was against her. Will Shen Jiahao, the richest man and the pest of society in the future? The scum of the country? Zhong Jing is farting at all!

And when I heard Zhong Jing say that Shen Jiahao insulted women, he didn't care why it was to insult women. Don't women have that thing?

This is really...

But how do everyone present think Lin Hui can talk like that? Anyway, she is also a person who went to high school. She is not the kind of illiterate woman in the countryside. She thinks that having a son is a person who puts female genitals on her mouth.

But after Zhong Jing told her what Shen Jiahao had done, she didn't think Shen Jiahao had done something wrong? With such a mother, no wonder she can teach a son like Shen Jiahao.

Zhong Jing and Ren Ying couldn't stand it. They argued with Lin Hui and felt that she shouldn't care about such a serious thing.

Who knew that Lin Hui rushed up to scratch Zhong Jing as if she was crazy. Xie Cong came over and blocked Zhong Jing in front of her. Lin Hui scratched several blood marks around her neck.

"Do you know what you are doing? If I beat the people's teacher, I can report you immediately!" The blood stain on Xie Cong's neck soon peneted a trace of blood. His eyebrows did not frown and blocked Zhong Jing's face, so that Lin Hui, a crazy woman, would not hurt Zhong Jing.

The reason why he came to the island was to watch the movement outside the island so much.

Those black five categories were beaten and raided by the red soldiers. Many people were caught shaving their yin and yang heads and caught from time to time to ask questions. What's more, some people were fine when they saw it last month, but when they saw it a month later, they were already in a mentally abnormal...

He was afraid that Zhong Jing would also experience all this, or that she would experience it in the future, so he immediately came to the island.

He doesn't know whether he can protect Zhong Jing with his own ability, but at least this time, he will stand in front of her. Zhou Wen's current identity must not protect Zhong Jing. It is difficult for him to protect himself. If Zhong Jing is willing to divorce Zhou Wen, he can definitely protect Zhong Jing.

Before going to the island, Xie Cong thought like this.

However, after Zhong Jing talked to him that day, he understood that it was impossible for Zhong Jing and him.

He dare not have the previous ideas, but at least he will protect Zhong Jing within his ability.

At least, in case the movement really comes, he can't watch Zhong Jing go crazy like his colleagues!

With Xie Cong, Lin Hui couldn't beat him, so she shouted that Zhong Jing was a teacher, and the wife of the five categories of blacks was not worthy to teach in school.

Zhong Jing's identity is indeed very sensitive. Recently, the extra-island sports have been very serious. Even on the island, she can continue to be a teacher.

Originally, she thought that she might not be able to continue teaching when the new teacher came to the school, but she didn't expect that after the new teacher came, the principal did not say that she would leave the school. Instead, she talked to her to her not be nervous. She was very good in class, and the students liked her very much. As long as she didn't play sports for a day on the island. OK, she can continue teaching at school.

On the other hand, Shen Guobin just came back from the task and was exhausted. When he got home, he found that Shen Jiaping was the only one at home. He was sitting on the threshold and asked him, "Where's your mother?"

Shen Jiaping said, "Mom went to school. My brother was disobedient at school, didn't listen to classes in class, bullied female classmates, and scolded the teacher. The teacher taught him that he didn't listen, so he sent him to the station. When my brother came back, he told his mother that he was going to ask for justice for him.

After listening to this, Shen Guobin jumped his temples angrily.

Lin Hui, while he is not at home, is going to do stupid things again. I told her a long time ago that this is his critical period. If he is not promoted, he is likely to stop in the side camp in the future, so he will have to retire like Lao Jin in a few years. What can he do if he retires so early? At least he will be promoted to the regimental level.

Shen Guobin blackened his face and followed him to school. He saw Lin Hui scolding Zhong Jing as the wife of the five types of black people and did not deserve to teach.

Lin Tao was originally in the classroom, and now she heard that the movement had come out. Standing in front of Zhong Jing, she stopped Lin Hui from going crazy.

"Lin Hui, Mr. Zhong's identity does not need to be repeated by you. The demeanor of our party and our army is not to do it. If it is not allowed in the organization, Mr. Zhong will not continue to teach at school, but since Mr. Zhong can stand in the school to continue teaching, it means that she can." Lin Tao said.

"And the reason why Mr. Zhong punished Shen Jiahao this time was that he did something wrong. As a parent, you not only don't educate your children, but also splash in school. Is this your example for your children? With parents like you, can they raise good children? Shen Jiahao, a young age, bullied his female classmates and spoke frequently in class and didn't listen carefully. This time, he insulted the majority of female compatriots. Is it wrong with Mr. Zhong to educate him and let him remember today's lesson?

Lin Tao's words are sonorous and powerful, explaining the cause and consequences clearly. Even if someone who doesn't know it is, he can clearly know whose fault it is.

Such Lin Tao and Lin Hui have become a strong contrast. In Shen Guobin's eyes, one is simply a fairy in the sky, and the other is an ignorant woman in the countryside.

He didn't understand why he followed his parents' advice at the beginning and decided to replace Lin Tao with Lin Hui! If he married not Lin Hui but Lin Tao, how happy would this family be? And Lin Hui, he is more and more dissup to Lin Hui.

When Lin Hui heard Lin Tao talk about these educational ways, she was inexplicably guilty.

Because in their last life, Shen Jiahao and Shen Jiayi were so promising under Lin Tao's education. She didn't want to admit that the two children were promising because of Lin Tao.

Obviously, these two children themselves are excellent. Shen Jiahao has a lot of business acumen at a young age, and Shen Jiayi is much more beautiful than when she was a child. After her 'cultivation', Shen Jiahao is already talking about what business he will do when he grows up, and Shen Jiayi sometimes performs according to villain books, which is decent. !

Yes, these two children are promising. What does it have to do with Lin Tao?

Lin Tao has been a matter in her last life. In this life, she is the mother of these two children. What is Lin Tao? Isn't it just to marry a man who is the head of the regiment? I really regard myself as a green onion.

Lin Hui was unconvinced and retorted, "You and Zhong Jing are good friends. Of course you talked to her. How old is Jiahao? What's wrong with you? Can't you joke with female classmates? Do you need to beat the child like this? Are you people still a people's teacher and beat my child like this? Anyway, you have to give me justice today! Zhong will either resign or apologize to Jiahao, otherwise I won't leave!"

Ask the teacher to apologize to a student who made a mistake?

This kind of thing is hardly unheard of.

Xie Cong said, "As a subordinate of the army, you beat the people's teacher. Do you want to give me justice today?"

"Who hit you? I'm going to argue with Zhong Jing. You came up by yourself. Who are you from Zhong Jing? Come and give her a come-out? She didn't have any men. You won't have anything to do with her, will you?" Lin Huigou jumped over the wall and began to splash dirty water on Zhong Jing.

She didn't know the story between Xie Cong and Zhong Jing. It was disgusting to say such words deliberately.

But when Zhong Jing and Xie Cong heard this, their faces became not very good-looking. Xie Cong was speechless. Zhong Jing said, "Don't talk nonsense!"

At this time, Shen Guobin finally came over and shouted to Lin Hui, "Lin Hui, don't you think it's embarrassing enough?"

When Lin Hui saw Shen Guobin, her face changed. She quickly explained, "Guobin, it was Zhong Jing who hit Jiahao. Look at what the child was beaten. It didn't look like..."

But before she finished her words, Shen Guobin kicked Shen Jiahao beside her and shouted angrily, "I don't know what I have done?" Is it for you to come to school to bully female classmates again? Why don't you kneel down and apologize to the teacher?"

Shen Jiahao was kicked, but he stood still.

Lin Hui advised Shen Guobin, "Why did you beat the child again? The child was just beaten..."

"Shut up, you're spoiled by you!" Shen Guobin roared Lin Hui and kicked Shen Jiahao again, "Wen't you kneel down quickly!"

With that, he kicked Shen Jiahao's knee hard again. Shen Jiahao was kicked back a few steps and suddenly knelt on the ground.

"Acognise your mistake!" Shen Guobin gritted his teeth and said.

Shen Jiahao bit the back groove and said word for Zhong Jing, "I was wrong..."

But when he looked up at Zhong Jing, his eyes were very horrible, which made Zhong Jing take a step back. This child is only under ten years old, and his eyes are so terrible!

Not only Zhong Jing, but also Lin Tao felt numb. I don't know what's going on. Lin Tao has no good impression of the Shen family except Shen Jiaping. When she sees them, she can't help frowning and wants to stay away from them.

After Shen Jiahao admitted his mistake, Shen Guobin took Shen Jiahao and Lin Hui back.

Lin Hui wanted to say something, but she was stared back by Shen Guobin.

After they left, the farce was over.

Lin Tao held Zhong Jing and asked, "Mr. Zhong, are you all right?"

Zhong Jing shook her head and smiled at Lin Tao: "Mr. Lin, thank you for coming up for me."

Lin Tao said, "It's okay. Is Mr. Xie all right?" Is the neck hurt?

Xie Cong shook his head to show that he was fine.

Ren Ying said, "Just now, this man really looked like a bitch. He was not old, no more than 30 years old at most. Why was he as unreasonable as the 50- or 60-year-old aunt in the countryside? Fortunately, her husband was a reasonable person and didn't make trouble with him.

Lin Tao did not comment on Ren Ying's words. However, she subconsciously felt that Shen Guobin was not as good as Ren Ying thought. The reason why he came here was more afraid that Lin Hui would cause trouble and affect his career.

Xie Cong's neck was bleeding. Although it was not very serious, Zhong Jing was very sad. After all, Xie Cong was scratched by Lin Hui to protect her.

So she went to the clinic specially, bought some medicine for Xie Cong, and sent it to him.

There was no say that Xie Cong was going to apply medicine. After all, the identity of the two was very embarrassing. Since Zhong Jing didn't have that idea, she would naturally choose to keep a distance from Xie Cong. After she delivered the medicine, she said thank you, so she stopped saying anything.

Xie Cong also knew it in his heart and didn't say much.

On the other hand, as soon as Zhou Wen got off the fishing boat, he was stopped: "Lao Zhou, I heard that the parents of a student went to school to find trouble with your daughter-in-law, Mr. Zhong. Go and have a look. Don't anything!"

Hearing this, Zhou Wen didn't even have time to clean up the fish and ran to school.

However, by the time he arrived, Shen Guobin had brought Lin Hui back. He saw Zhong Jing handing medicine to Xie Cong. In fact, he knew that Zhong Jing was not the kind of person who would have anything to do with other men behind his back, even if Xie Cong and Zhong Jing were teaching here now.

He has no doubts about Zhong Jing.

But look at Xie Cong wearing ironed Zhongshan clothes, and then look at the patches and clothes he is wearing, and the mud ideas all over his body. My hair hasn't been suck for a long time, and there are even fish scales, which smells like fish all over my body...

He felt very sorry for Zhong Jing.

If it weren't for him, Zhong Jing could have lived a good life.

Before Zhong Jing turned around and found out that, Zhou Wen turned around and left.

Zhong Jing didn't know all this. After seeing that the ointment was handed over to Xie Cong, she went to continue the class.

Shen Jiahao's story will not end so easily. Shen Jiahao's behavior was too bad. Although Shen Guobin was forced to kneel down and apologize, the school still had to have his own attitude, so when the principal came to the school and learned about this, he punished Shen Jiahao.

Shen Jiahao had to write a self-criticism letter before he could return to school for class.

Their Shengshan School can accept re-renovated students, but don't refuse to admit your mistakes.


When Lin Tao returned home from school, Chen Shuifen came to her and asked her what happened at school.

It's almost autumn again. Chen Shuifen began to knit sweaters for Zheng Xiangyang again. While knitting a sweater, she said that the child had grown up so fast in the past two years. Every year, he couldn't wear the sweaters we knitted for him in the first two years. There is not so much money and tickets at home to buy new yarn. They were all taken apart with Zheng Xiangyang's old sweaters before, and a little wool was added to knit new sweaters.

Chen Shuifen asked, "Mr. Lin, I heard that Lin Hui came to your school again today to make trouble?"

Lin Tao was very strange. She hugged Yueyue and asked her with a smile, "Sister, you are really well-informed. You will know what happened at noon immediately."

"Isn't that both children studying at school? They came back and told me. Chen Shuifen said.

"Is it Red Star that said it?" Lin Tao guessed it all of a sudden.

The personalities of Zheng Xiangyang and Zheng Hongxing are different. Zheng Xiangyang doesn't pay much attention to these things. When he comes back, he doesn't tell Chen Shuifen about school affairs. At most, he will show her the test papers after the exam.

Zheng Hongxing likes to make trouble and also likes to share things in school with his mother Chen Shuifen.

Chen Shuifen smiled and said, "That's what the stinky boy said. I asked again. He couldn't say it clearly, so I just wanted to ask you what's going on."

Lin Tao said what Shen Jiahao had done. After hearing what Shen Jiahao had done, Chen Shuifen frowned and said that if Zheng Xiangyang and Zheng Hongxing had been beaten to death.

I'm so hooligan at a young age. Will you get it when you grow up?

Lin Tao said, "Isn't it?"

Chen Shuifen added, "But I can't figure out one thing, but I don't know what Lin Hui thinks in her heart. A stepmother spoils children more than her own mother. I don't spoil these two stinky boys in my family that much. She paid her children like a baby, and she immediately The supply and marketing agency bought meat for her eldest son.

Lin Tao didn't quite understand this.

To be honest, she grew up with Lin Hui. Lin Hui doesn't seem to be that kind of selfless person. As for why, Lin Tao remembered what Lin Hui said to her at the beginning. I guess it was because Lin Hui couldn't give birth, so she wanted to treat these children as her own.

But it's strange to say that she is only good to the two, and she doesn't seem to be so good to Shen Jiaping.

Normally, Shen Jiaping married when she was very young. Shen Jiaping was raised by herself, not only because of her little relatives.

But Lin Tao was not interested in Lin Hui and was too lazy to think about her.

Chen Shuifen chatted with Lin Tao for a while and also went home to make dinner.

Lin Changhai is killing fish. It's a bass. Duobao fish and bass belong to the kind of fish with only one fish bone. You only need to remove the big fish bone, and there will be no fish bones in the fish. You can rest assured to use it to make fish balls for Yueyue.

Yueyue has completely fallen in love with the fish balls made by Lin Tao last time. Every time Lin Tao cooks them, she can eat a lot.

Seeing that Yueyue liked it, Lin Changhai went to buy a Duobao fish or bass from time to time.

After a while, Li Chengqi also came back.

As soon as I entered the yard, I opened my arms to Yueyue: "Dad hugs."

Lin Tao reminded him, "Go wash your hands and change clothes. Did you go to the training ground today?" Look at you, you are all gray."

Li Chengqi smiled, and then he realized that he did go to the training ground today. His clothes were dirty, so he had to change his clothes.

Lin Changhai looked up and smiled, "It's strange. Our father and son are now under the control of A Tao. I was also told by her today."

Li Chengqi smiled and said, "Tao is all for our own good."

After listening to this, Lin Tao couldn't help laughing. She didn't love to talk so much.

After Li Chengqi washed his hands and changed into a clean dress, he came to pick up Yueyue.

Lin Tao suggested, "In about ten days, the Mid-Autumn Festival will be the Mid-Autumn Festival. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, Yueyue will be one year old. At that time, we won't do it. Let's invite the eldest sister's family, Yu Ting's family and Mr. Zhong's family to come home for dinner. Isn't it lively. How about it?"

Lin Changhai: "I think it's good."

Li Chengqi has no problem with this, so this matter is settled.

Today, the house burned the large intestine and pig liver. The pig was just killed on the island today. Lin Changhai queued up early to buy the pigs in the water early.

Pigs include pig large intestine, pig small intestine, pig liver, pork belly and pig lungs. Pigs are quite cheap to go into the water, but at that time in Xiangcheng, if pigs were killed in the commune, there were quite a lot of people who wanted to buy pigs to go into the water, because it was cheap.

But on the island, Lin Changhai has another son-in-law who is the head of the regiment. Lin Tao is still a teacher of the school. Together, the salary is not low.

So when Lin Changhai bought a pair of pigs to go into the water today, everyone was quite surprised. They all joked that he was not to be so economical. Commander Li's family was still affordable to eat a meal of meat.

Zheng Youde happened to buy meat. When he saw Lin Changhai, he also said, "Lao Lin, what's going on with you?" Why did you buy pigs into the water? What's so delicious about the pigs in the water? I'll let Shuifen cook pork in the pot tonight. Come to our house for dinner.

At that time, Lin Changhai just smiled at Zheng Youde and said nothing. Zheng Youde said so at this time. When A Tao made the dishes in the evening, he wouldn't say that.

Not to mention Lin Tao's skill of handling pigs into the water, that's amazing.

Pigs don't sound good when they go into the water. In fact, if they are done well, they taste more fragrant than pork.

A pair of pigs went into the water, but they couldn't finish eating it, so Lin Tao planned to burn a large intestine, pig lungs, and the rest of the pork liver and pork belly until tomorrow.

Recently, the weather has gradually cooled down, and it won't get worse so soon after a night.

Lin Changhai cleaned up the pig's large intestine in the morning. The pig's large intestine is delicious, but it's troublesome to clean up. However, Lin Changhai and Lin Tao both like to eat pig's large intestine. Lin Changhai also has his own way to clean up. After washing it for about ten times, the inside and outside of the large intestine are washed clean inside and outside.

Lin Tao went to the vegetable field to pick a few peppers, washed the hob and cut them well, patted some garlic again, and pinched a handful of garlic leaves. When all these are ready, heat the pot, pour rapeseed oil, and put the chili and garlic slices into the pot when the oil is hot.

The chili was put into the pot a little choked. Li Chengqi took Yueyue to the yard so that Yueyue would not be choked. The garlic slices were stir-fried a little and burst into the fragrance, and then threw the fat sausage into the pot and stir-fryed.

In fact, Lin Tao felt that there was no skill in stir-frying, so it just stir-frying like this. When it was about to take it out of the pot, add a little soy sauce, and pour in the garlic leaves that had been cut and prepared before.

Garlic leaves don't need to be stir-fried too cooked, but they are the most delicious when they are not cooked for half a lifetime.

Orange leaves are actually a good seasoning for stir-frying. It tastes delicious when stir-frying, and it can also effectively remove the fishy smell. Lin Tao put a piece of orange leaf into it. When the fat sausage was almost stir-fried, the fragrance was like a long foot and ran out of the kitchen.

Lin Changhai was continuing to clean the pig's lungs. When he smelled the fragrance, he couldn't help drooling.

How long has it been since he had his daughter's roasted fat intestines?

Li Chengqi smelled the fragrance and couldn't help looking inside. Through the window, she saw Lin Tao stir-frying in the kitchen. It should be almost ready. She picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of fat intestine. The fat intestine was cut into two sections of fingers about the same length. It was just right. It would not be too big or too small. It tasted. One bite, it's satisfying.

Does Lin Tao try whether the salt is enough? Every time the dishes are stir-fried, she will try it before taking it out of the pot, so as not to be light or salty.

Fat intestines taste crispy and tough, and you need to chew a few more times to glut your stomach.

However, Lin Tao likes the taste of fat sausage. On the contrary, she feels that the braised fat intestines eaten in state-owned hotels before are not delicious because they have been cooked for too long, and they don't have the crispy and tough feeling of fat intestines.

There is a lot of oil in the fat intestine, but Lin Changhai has removed a lot of oil when dealing with the fat intestine. Although everyone is short of oil and water in their stomachs these days, there is too much oil in the fat intestines, and they will have diarrhea if they eat it.

Moreover, Lin Tao's family's life is very good now. She can eat a meal of meat from time to time, because on the island, seafood is cheap, and fish can be eaten almost every day. It's not like the famine in the past few years. At that time, everyone even ate the roots of the tree.

Some oil was left in the fat intestine. When eaten in the mouth, the toughness of the fat intestine and a trace of oil bubble wrapped in the large intestine are mixed together, which is very fragrant.

Lin Tao hasn't eaten the fried fat sausage made by herself for a long time. At this time, it is also greedy.

But no matter how greedy you are, you have to eat it later.

The fried fat sausage came out of the pot, was brought out by Lin Tao and put on the table. Then go to stir-fry the pig lungs. The pig lungs should also be cleaned up well. The pig lungs should be sliced and marinated with cooking wine. After marinating, stir-fry it with chili, and the taste is also very good.

Many people think that pigs are not good at water. In fact, they just can't deal with them. If they cook well, they are much more fragrant than pork!

In addition to stir-fried fat sausages and fried lung slices, Lin Tao stir-fried two more side dishes, one is stir-fried tomatoes with chili. On the other side of Xiangcheng, there is also a saying called 'spicy spicy food", which refers to tomatoes.

Scrambled eggs with tomatoes are sour and sweet, and fried tomatoes with chili are another flavor. It is used to eat with rice. It tastes really excellent. If Lin Tao had eaten this when he was a child, she could eat several bowls.

It's just that the conditions at home were not very good at that time. I didn't eat white rice like now. At that time, I always had sweet potato rice and corn flour with some rice.

The other is stir-fried shredded sour radish. The shredded sour radish is marintao herself. She not only marinates the shredded sour radish, but also marinated the sour radish slices and radish stalks. She took off the radish leaves. She left the stalks and marinate them into kimchi. It was good to eat, play or wine.

After a lot of work, today's dinner is ready.

Of course, Lin Tao didn't forget Yueyue's little fish balls. The little guy loves it so much that she must let her eat it. And it's good for children to eat fish. They all say it's smart to eat fish.

Lin Tao didn't care whether she was smart to eat fish or not. Yueyue liked it, so she cooked it for her.

But you can't eat only fish, but also vegetables. This little guy is less than one year old, and Lin Tao found that she doesn't like vegetables. When she was younger, Yueyue had never eaten fish balls and minced meat, but she was still willing to eat vegetables. Lin Tao made her mashed potatoes and puree spinach, and she was willing to eat them.

But since I had eaten fish balls and minced meat, I'm reluctant to eat those...

At first glance, the child followed Li Chengwei. He also likes fish, but as long as Lin Tao makes vegetables, he will definitely eat it, but he doesn't like it so much.

Lin Tao thought that all the fathers could be cleaned up and obedient by her, not to mention Yueyue, a little guy. If the little guy doesn't want to eat vegetables, she won't give her fish balls and minced meat, and she won't cry.

After repeating it twice, Yueyue understood that she didn't have to eat fish balls and minced meat without vegetables, so when Lin Tao gave her vegetables again, she ate them happily, because after eating vegetables, she could eat something else!

Li Chengqi put Yueyue on her special seat, helped to serve the dishes, and gave the meal to Shenghao. The family was ready to eat.

At Chen Shuifen's house next door, Chen Shuifen is cooking braised pork in the kitchen. Zheng Youde commanded Zheng Hongxing to wash his hands. His hands were so dirty.

Zheng Hongxing, a stinky boy, was still the same after school. On the way home, he could get mud. As soon as he came back, he was cleaned up by Chen Shuifen. Now he howled and began to wash his hands and prepare for dinner.

Suddenly, Zheng Youde sucked his nose and said, "Red Star, have you smelled it? Why does it smell so good?"

"My mother's fried pork in a pot." Zheng Hongxing said carelessly and sucked his nose again, "It doesn't seem to be the same. It seems to be the smell of Aunt Lin's family. Dad, Aunt Lin's house must be delicious again..."

Zheng Hongxing drooled greed when he thought of Lin Tao's craftsmanship: "Dad, I really want to be my son for Aunt Lin..."

Zheng Youde patted him on the forehead. Chen Shuifen didn't hear the words behind the father and son. She heard them say that it tasted good. She came out of the steamed pork that had just come out of the pot. She said proudly, "What else can it be so fragrant?" It must be the pork in the pot I cooked. You father and son are blessed today. Let's make them all work hard. There are enough steamed buns today.

Not to mention Chen Shuifen, but she made her own iron pot stew, fried pork, stewed vermicelli and pancakes. Everyone who had eaten it was agreed.

Today, she cooked pork in a pot at home. She was afraid that there would be less steamed buns. The father and son like a tiger could not eat enough, and they also steamed more steamed buns.

But now, I heard Zheng Hongxing say, "Mom, it's not the fragrant pork you cooked, but the fragrance of Aunt Lin's house. It's so fragrant!" Mom, I still want to be my son for Aunt Lin!"

Chen Shuifen: "..."

She wants to beat this boy. What should I do?


At Lin Tao's house, a family of four is having dinner happily.

"The fat sausage roasted by peach is delicious. You can eat more if you have something strange." Lin Changhai said.

Li Chengqi fell in love with him as soon as he took a bite. Sure enough, he hasn't fully understood his daughter-in-law's cooking skills.

Lin Tao is stir-fried with tomatoes with chili and mixed in the rice, which tastes delicious.

When she was a child, she wanted to do this, but there was no white rice. Now she is satisfied.

Yueyue also ate her favorite fish balls, chewing them carefully with her eight teeth.

After dinner, Li Chengqi took the initiative to wash the dishes, and Lin Changhai also helped clean up the table. Lin Tao felt that she was too full today, so she went to the yard for a walk. She planned to wait until Li Chengqi washed the dishes and the family went out for a walk to eat.

Lin Changhai hugged Yueyue over her head and let her sit around her neck.

At first, Yueyue was still a little afraid, but she was happy to sit on it. She smiled so much that her eyes narrowed into a crescent moon in the sky, holding her grandfather's forehead in her hands.

Lin Changhai said, "Fly, fly, Yueyue."

Lin Tao looked at her father and Yueyue with a smile, with a calm smile on her mouth. She remembered that when she was a child, her father carried her like this, asking her if she was happy today. What did she play?

At that time, she was bullied in the village. She was afraid that her father would be worried. If she didn't want to tell him, she would say that she was so happy today. I went to the mountain with everyone to pick the May bubble. It was so sweet in May. Dad, next time I will bring the teapot at home to the mountain and pick a teapot for you!

In the blink of an eye, after all these years, she has grown up from a little girl and become a mother.

Fortunately, she met Li Chengqi and married him. She could take her father to the island. Their family was together and not separated.

Yueyue was addicted to sitting and refused to come down Lin Changhai's neck. Seeing this, Lin Tao hugged Yueyue and said, "Yueyue, come down. Grandpa is tired."

Yueyue was also good. She was picked down by Lin Tao like this. Both grandparents and grandchildren were sweating. Fortunately, there is a sea breeze blowing here now. It's cool.

Lin Tao was afraid that Yueyue would catch a cold like this, so she quickly took a small pallet to wipe off the sweat off Yueyue's head.

Li Chengqi had washed the dishes, and the family was about to go out for a walk, but Zhong Jing didn't expect to come at this time.

Zhong Jing said to Lin Tao, "Mr. Lin, I have something to tell you. Are you free?"

It hasn't completely dark yet. Lin Tao is close to Zhong Jing. At a glance, she can see that her eyes are red, and her nose is also a little red. She must have cried.

Lin Tao asked Li Chengqi to hold Yueyue and said to them, "Shengqi, Dad, take Yueyue out for a walk. I have something to say to Mr. Zhong."

Li Chengqi and Lin Changhai have nothing to say. Let Lin Tao go. It's okay.

Lin Tao and Zhong Jing didn't go far. Zhong Jing said, "I'm really sorry, Mr. Lin, I'm sorry to bother you."

Lin Tao looked at Zhong Jing, sighed, and said, "Mr. Zhong, you're welcome. What's going on? Tell me that you quarreled with your lover again?"

"Uh-huh." Zhong Jing nodded, "But this time it was more serious. He said he wanted to divorce me."

Chapter 99

When Zhong Jing returned home after work today, Zhou Wen was already waiting at home.

At that time, he didn't say anything. When Zhong Jing finished dinner and the two calmly finished dinner, Zhou Wen asked her for divorce.

Zhong Jing asked, "Why?"

Zhou Wen said, "Among the new teachers who came here this time, is there the person from Peking University?"

Zhou Wen's words made Zhong Jing feel that she was very wronged. She didn't understand why Zhou Wen thought there was anything else between her and Xie Cong. At the moment she decided to marry Zhou Wen, she had decided to let go of her previous affairs.

She explained that the reason why she didn't take the initiative to tell Zhou Wen was afraid that he couldn't stand it.

Zhou Wen asked her, in your heart, I'm such a person, right? I feel inferior, I'm sensitive, and I'm afraid of being known to my current situation.

The two quarreled over this, and Zhou Wen bit him to death to divorce Zhong Jing.

Zhong Jing ran out and walked around the seaside, but her grievances couldn't be suppressed. She remembered that when Zhou Wen was devolved, her family was persuading her that if she hadn't been separated from Zhou Wen, she would resolutely give up her job and accompany him to Shengshan Island.

She accompanied him to sea to fish. She smelled the fishy smell that she couldn't stand before. She didn't complain about it.

Now because Xie Cong is here, and he doesn't even listen to an explanation, does he determine what's between himself and Xie Cong?

When Zhong Jing said this, tears gushed out of her eyes and stretched out her hand to wipe it off: "Mr. Lin... When I explained to you what happened between me and Mr. Xie, I deliberately concealed me and his paragraph. Because I think it's been too many years since it happened, and I've put it down. It's better to think that it hasn't happened and I'm reluctant to mention it. I'm really embarrassed."

"In fact, I don't have any friends here. I don't want to talk to Mr. Xu and Sister Chen about this kind of thing. After thinking about it, I still came to you... It's really troublesome for you... In the evening, I have to listen to me talk about these bad things..."

"Mr. Zhong, don't say that. You also said that. We are all friends. Isn't that like this? If something happens to me, I will also think about finding advice to my friends. Lin Tao said.

She stroked Zhong Jing's back, sighed, and said, "Mr. Zhong, don't be too sad. Between you and Mr. Xie, the teachers of our school are in sight. You are both innocent, and each of us can testify."

"I don't know why Mr. Xie came over. Even if he was still thinking about what happened in those years, this kind of thing was not wishful thinking. Mr. Zhong, why don't you do this? I'll go home with you, and I'll explain this to Zhou Wen.

Zhong Jing hesitated and said, "But his man... I'm afraid it doesn't make sense."

Lin Tao said, "Mr. Zhong, in fact, I doubt if he did it on purpose."

"Intentionally?" Zhong Jing was puzzled.

"Uh-huh." Lin Tao nodded, "Now the sports outside the island are very noisy. In fact, they told me two days ago that there is a possibility that there will be another gust of wind and waves on the island. I saw that the principal didn't say anything at that time. I thought it should be nothing and would not affect you. But combined with Zhou Wen's affairs, I suspect that he may have heard any news, so I want to leave it aside from you before that."

"Didn't Mr. Xie start quarreling with you when he didn't come before? But at that time, he had not completely figured out what to do. Mr. Xie came over, which made him feel that even if you divorced him, there would be a support, so he was relieved and completely divorced with you. Lin Tao said.

This time, when Li Chengqi talked about sports, his expression was very serious. At the meeting in the organization, he specifically mentioned this matter, indicating that this time it was really serious.

"Of course, this is also my current guess." Lin Tao said, "At first, I was not sure, because I didn't know Zhou Wen and didn't know what kind of person he was. But you just mentioned that many people misunderstood you because of Mr. Xie's affairs, but Zhou Wen still married you.

"From this point of view, Zhou Wen must have you in his heart, and you said that you have been very good since you got married all the years. Even if you were delegated to Shengshan Island later, he always felt that he was sorry for you and took good care of you for fear of your grievance. Then why did he suddenly change since six months ago? And some time before Mr. Xie came, he was kind to you again. As soon as Mr. Xie came, he suddenly filed for divorce. Even if you and Mr. Xie misunderstand you, at least listen to your explanation. After so many years of husband and wife, he doesn't even listen to the explanation. It doesn't make sense.

"Anyway, you have to talk about it." Lin Tao said.

Zhong Jing was originally a fan of the authorities. She was misunderstood by Zhou Wen and was extremely sad, but she did not consider the possibility Lin Tao said.

Now think about it carefully, I think it makes sense. Will this be like this?

Lin Tao went home with Zhong Jing. Before entering the door, Lin Tao asked Zhong Jing to wait outside the door first and went to talk to Zhou Wen first. If Zhong Jing goes in, Zhou Wen may say something unpleasant to stimulate Zhong Jing to divorce him.

Lin Tao walked in. Zhou Wen was paralyzing on the ground, holding a wine bottle in his hand and blushing his face.

Once cultural people, now they really look as decadent as fishermen than fishermen.

"Mr. Zhou." Lin Tao shouted.

Zhou Wen didn't expect Lin Tao to come. He got up from the ground and asked, "Mr. Lin, why are you here?"

"I'll talk to you." Lin Tao said.

"If you talk about Xie Cong and Zhong Jing, there is nothing to say." Zhou Wen directly issued an expulsion order.

But Lin Tao didn't care. She continued, "I think you know Mr. Zhong better than anyone else. Others can misunderstand Mr. Zhong, but you can't. If you misunderstand her like this, you will undoubtedly poke the knife in her heart. Mr. Xie has been here for so long that all our teachers can see it. There is nothing between Mr. Zhong and Mr. Xie.

Zhou Wen's expression was painful: "You're right. That's what I hurt her. I made her like this. If it weren't for me, she wouldn't have come here to suffer."

Lin Tao shook her head: "You still don't understand. If Mr. Zhong doesn't want to, she won't come from the beginning. She gave up everything over there to be with you. Did she tell you that she was suffering? Will it feel good for you to say Mr. Zhong so that you don't feel uncomfortable? Is that how you treat your wife who shares the trouble?"

"But I'm not like this. What can I do... The political commissaR has already come to me and reminded me to be prepared for devolved again. This is Shengshan Island. Where will it be next time? Is it Clearwater Island? There is nothing there... I have let Zhong Jing suffer with me once and suffered once. How can I have the heart to let her continue to live such a life with me again..." Zhou Wen said painfully, with red eyes.

That's why he deliberately quarreled with Zhong Jing before, just to pave the way for divorce. In fact, he doesn't care about what Lin Hui said. He has become like this. What else does he care about?

He only cares about himself. Don't drag Zhong Jing down anymore. Zhong Jing is a good woman and should not suffer so much for him.

Lin Tao looked at him like this and sighed.

She was really right. Zhou Wen thought it was good to Zhong Jing, so she filed for divorce.

At this time, Zhong Jing opened the door and came in. She had already burst into tears. She said, "Zhou Wen, did you forget what I had with you when you were first been devolved?"

"No." Zhou Wen shook his head and said, "You said, no matter how hard it is, we will survive together."

"That sentence is still true." Zhong Jing said with a firm expression.

At the beginning, Zhou Wen married everyone's gossip and took her hand through the crowd. From then on, she decided that the two would never be separated.

Together with adversity and sorrows, husband and wife are one. Others say, 'Husband and wife are the same forest birds, and they fly separately when they are in great disaster'.' She doesn't care, because she won't do this.


After Zhong Jing and Zhou Wen talked about it, they got back together. At this time, it was not easy for Lin Tao to continue to join in the fun.

Zhong Jing sent her to the door of the courtyard and was stopped by Lin Tao: "Okay, just send her here. I took the flashlight and I can go back alone."

"Mr. Lin, thank you so much today." Zhong Jing sincerely said that if it hadn't been for Lin Tao, maybe the misunderstanding between her and Zhou Wen would not have been so easy to solve.

Lin Tao shook her head: "I just let both of you speak openly. The most important thing is the sincerity of you two of you to each other. You and Mr. Zhou are both affectionate and righteous people.

Lin Tao returned home from the fishing village and was almost eight o'clock.

Li Chengqi and Lin Changhaiyue's son-in-law, who had walked around outside with Yueyue, came home more than half an hour ago.

Not long after returning home, Yueyue began to feel sleepy. Li Chengqi and Lin Changhai took a shower for Yueyue, and then let her go to bed.

When Lin Tao came back, Li Chengqi was sitting on the bed waiting for her. Seeing her coming back, she asked, "Mr. Lin, have everything been solved?"

Lin Tao took off the thin cardigan outside, hung it up with a hanger, and sat on the bed.

He asked, "Do you know what it is?"

Li Chengqi closed the book and said, "When Mr. Zhong came, his face was not very good, and his eyes were a little red. He should have just cried and must have quarreled with her lover. There is no need to come to you for a little quarrel. There must be a big event, and no one discussed it, so I came to you to tell you about it. Should't her lover divorce her?

Lin Tao heard a shock.

Li Chengqi didn't know about Zhong Jing and Xie Cong, and when Zhong Jing deliberately didn't enter the yard, she was at the door of the courtyard, and Li Chengqi stood so far away. She thought Li Chengqi couldn't see it, but she didn't expect him to see everything.

Not only did I see everything, but I guessed it.

Lin Tao looked at Li Chengqi for a long time, then stretched out her hand and pinched him in the face and hummed, "Are you half immortal?" Why did you guess everything? It's really a talent if you don't become the chief of staff.

Li Chengqi smiled in his eyes. He reached out and held Lin Tao over, pinched his face, and held her hand in the palm of his hand.

Li Chengqi's palms are wide, his fingers are slender, and Lin Tao's hands are very small, and they are all wrapped in him.

He said, "I'm a soldier, but I don't guess anti-feudal superstition. This kind of thing can be known with any reasoning. Mr. Zhong's lover must have filed for divorce because of sports and wanted to protect her.

"Yes, you really don't know the big things in the world without going out of the door." Lin Tao joked.

Thinking of Zhou Wen and Zhong Jing, I sighed again: "However, I was quite touched to see the relationship between Mr. Zhong and Zhou Wen. At that time, I thought about it and got something strange... If we met such a thing, you must not think about pushing me away alone for my own good. No matter what difficulties are, we will face them together, okay?"

When Lin Tao spoke, her eyes fell on Li Chengqi's face. The eyes of the two were entangled together, with sincerity and sincerity.

Li Chengqi stretched out his hand to hold Lin Tao into his arms, put his chin against Lin Tao's shoulder, rubbing it carefully.

Under the light, the shadows of the two were entangled together, and the room was quiet. In addition to Yueyue's steady breathing, it was Li Chengqi and Lin Tao. Lin Tao heard Li Chengqi's heartbeat and rhythmically.

Li Chengqi said, "Okay, let's face it together. However, Tao, don't worry, I won't let our family encounter such a thing. I said in front of our mother's grave that it will protect you.

"Uh-huh." Lin Tao nodded.

With Li Chengqi's guarantee, her heart was calm.

In fact, their days have always been very comfortable, and sports have nothing to do with them. Even when Lin Tao saw Zhong Jing and Zhou Wen like that she couldn't help thinking of them.

Even if nothing bad will happen, Lin Tao wants to explain to Li Chengqi that she will always be with him.

Lin Tao squeezed her lips and smiled. She struggled from Li Chengqi's arms and planned to take a shower.

She just came back from the outside and hasn't washed up yet.

But as soon as he got up, he was taken back in his arms by Li Chengwei. Lin Tao fell on Li Chengqi's lap and looked at him. Seeing that his eyebrows were smiling, she came over and kissed her lips.

Since Lin Tao became the teaching director, she has indeed been busier than before. When she came back, she accompanied Yueyue and spent less time alone with Li Chengqi than before.

But at this moment, Lin Tao hasn't taken a shower yet. Lin Tao pushed Li Chengqi and said, "Wait a minute, I haven't taken a shower yet. If I toss around again, it's time to turn off the lights."

"I'll light the kerosene lamp to accompany you." Li Chengqi came up with an idea.

It was just that Lin Tao directly refused: "No, the kerosene lamp is too dim. I'm not used to it."

Last time she finished taking a shower, Li Chengqi came to illuminate her with a kerosene lamp. That time there was nothing she could do. This time she didn't want to.

Lin Tao didn't want to. Li Chengqi's idea failed, so she let her go and took the initiative to pour her bath water. Mix the hot water and cold water in the boiling kettle to make warm water, which is just right for bathing.

Lin Tao went in to take a shower. She was basically washed once a day in summer. In addition, she didn't like to sweat. Her body was clean and washed quickly.

Put on clean and refreshing clothes. As soon as I came out, the sea breeze was blowing cold on my body.

Entering the room, Lin Tao locked the door, and Li Chengqi was already waiting in bed. When Lin Tao saw him like this, she thought it was funny. She was usually too serious and steady to be outside, but she was anxious about this matter.

Lin Tao went to bed, and Li Chengqi hugged her and kissed her. Just as his hand was about to unbuttonate her clothes, there was a movement on the small bed.

Lin Tao and Li Chengqi turned around at the same time. They saw Yueyue stretching out her hand and rubbing her eyes, looking at them, laughing, stretching out her hands out. She said clearly, "Hugg..."

Li Chengqi: "..."

Lin Tao: "..."

Lin Tao was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't help laughing. The child woke up really not the right time. Seeing that Li Chengqi's body was stiff, neither up and down, Lin Tao pinched his waist, so she got up and picked up Yueyue.

I guess Yueyue went to bed too early today, and just a little noise woke her up.

At this time, she is in a good spirit and wants to play with Li Chengwei.

Li Chengqi was helpless, but in the face of his daughter, he had to play with her. The little guy woke up and tried a little difficult for her to sleep again. Finally, it was ten o'clock. Li Chengqi took out a book and began to study for her, but it was like she fell asleep.

But at this time, Lin Tao was too tired that she couldn't even open her eyes.

No matter how much Li Chengqi thought about it in his heart, he was reluctant to toss her anymore. After kissing, he let her sleep.


Sure enough, the movement soon prevailed on the island, and the organization wanted to decentralize Zhou Wen to Clearwater Island, where development work was under difficult conditions.

Zhong Jing resigned from her job in the school and went to Qingshui Island with Zhou Wen.

They also raised a lot of chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits, sheep, and some vegetables in the house, which they couldn't take away. Zhong Jing gave some of her friends who had a good relationship in the fishing village, and most of the rest were left to Lin Tao, Chen Shuifen and Xu Yuting.

Xu Yuting and Lin Tao have rabbits at home, so they no longer need rabbits. Chen Shuifen took the rabbit. After all, the rabbit meat stir-fried by Lin Tao last time was also eaten by their family, which tasted very good.

Zheng Youde still thinks about it. Even if their family doesn't have rabbits and can't eat them, they can't eat them. Now they happen to raise rabbits and eat rabbit meat.

After eating stewed goose in an iron pot made by Chen Shuifen, Lin Tao has always wanted to raise geese, but before she started raising them, she simply raised the goose. Sheep also stayed at Lin Tao's house. Lin Changhai raised sheep when he was a child and was just able to raise sheep.

Chickens and ducks went to Xu Yuting's house. Xu Yuting never raised these people, and also began to raise them.

However, she was afraid that the chickens and ducks would peck the flowers she raised, so she specially asked Wang Yuanliang to surround her own flowers and protect them.

Chen Shuifen said, "Mr. Xu also raises chickens and ducks. Can you raise them?"

Xu Yuting said indifferently, "With Wang Yuanliang, he won't let me worry about this."

Lin Tao heard funny. In fact, Wang Yuanliang spoiled Xu Yuting, but Xu Yuting also had Wang Yuanliang in her heart and would also care about him. But this is what she said, causing many people outside to say that Xu Yuting is not blessed in blessings and doesn't think about Wang Yingchang.

In this regard, Xu Yuting only had one sentence: "Zhou Yu beats the yellow cover. Do you want you to take care of it?"

For the new member of the family, Li Chengqi also got a little cement and bricks, and built a sheep pen next to the rabbit's nest.

When Lin Changhai ran in the morning, he cut a basket of grass from a bamboo and took it back for the sheep to eat.

Yueyue saw sheep for the first time, but she was curious. As soon as the sheep entered her house, she lost the mind to play with rabbits and was concentrated on studying sheep.

So is Zheng Hongxing. From time to time, he comes home to see the sheep.

Lin Tao said, "Mr. Zhong is leaving the day after tomorrow. Let's get everything, money and tickets ready tomorrow and deliver them tomorrow night." There will be too many people on the dock tomorrow, and it will be inconvenient to give it again.

Chen Shuifen and Xu Yuting nodded. Xu Yuting said, "Well, I'll come with you when I get off work tomorrow."

That's what the three of them made up.

This time, Zhong Jing and Zhou Wen went to Clear Water Island. There must be a shortage of anything there. There was a limited amount of things to take here, so Lin Tao and the other three discussed it and prepared for Zhong Jing.

When Zhong Jing sent these poultry to them, she refused to accept anything, but they couldn't really send anything. If you are a friend, you can help as much as you can.

The next night, Lin Tao went to Zhong Jing's house with Chen Shuifen and Xu Yuting.

Zhong Jing and Zhou Wen are already packing up. Looking at this house that they have lived for more than three years, they felt really shattered when they first came here. Neither she nor Zhou Wen had ever lived in such a shabby house.

Later, they came here to become their home. Together, they were together from right to nothing, making it simple but warm. But now, they have to go again.

When packing up things, it seems that everything has memories. I can't bear to take everything away, but that's all that can be taken away. There is always something to leave.

The once lively yard is now nothing.

Zhong Jing heard a knock on the door and said to Zhou Wen, "I'll see who's here."

Knowing that they are leaving, there have been a lot of people coming to their house recently. Their husband and wife have a good personality. There are many friends in the fishing village. They are reluctant to know that they are leaving.

Zhong Jing opened the door of the courtyard and saw the three Lin Tao standing at the door.

Not only that, the three of them also brought a lot of things, big bags and small bags. Zhong Jing was surprised: "Mr. Lin, Mr. Xu, Sister Chen? Why are you here? Why do you bring so many things? What are you doing..."

Lin Tao said, "You're leaving. We must deliver it. These things are all you need at that time. Anyway, you must accept them.

Xu Yuting said, "That's right, otherwise I don't want your chickens and ducks."

Chen Shuifen said, "Sister, Qingshui Island is no better than our Shengshan Island. There is no supply and marketing agency, and it is difficult to buy something. Don't be embarrassed. It's all our intentions. You have to take it."

Zhou Wen also came out and looked at these things. Like Zhong Jing, he couldn't help blushing his eyes. In fact, he has always known that Mr. Lin and others sincerely regard Zhong Jing as friends, not as Lin Hui said.

Zhong Jing wiped off her tears and choked, "Okay, I'll take it, I'll take it..."

Now that Zhong Jing and Zhou Wen are special, Lin Tao and others have been staying at their house. After delivering things and explaining a few more words, the three of them went home.

The next day, Zhong Jing and Zhou Wen took big bags and left by boat.

They are not riding on passenger ships, but fishing boats. Because of their status, they can no longer take passenger boats. The small fishing boat swayed on the sea and gradually disappeared.

Zhong Jing and Zhou Wen sat on the fishing boat, one in the direction of the fishing village and the other in the direction of the school, constantly waving their hands...

Shengshan School.

Lin Tao came out of the office and looked at Xie Cong's back.

"Mr. Xie, Mr. Zhong is gone. When are you going back to Beijing?" Lin Tao asked.

Since Xie Cong came for Zhong Jing, and Zhong Jing unswervingly chose Zhou Wen, it was reasonable that Xie Cong should also leave. Instead of waiting for Xie Cong to suddenly talk about this matter, Lin Tao might as well ask early and arrange it up as soon as possible.

I have to lose two excellent teachers all of a sudden, which is quite painful. Fortunately, four new teachers came this time. Even if Zhong Jing and Xie Cong leave, everyone can be busy a little busy.

Xie Cong heard Lin Tao's voice and withdrew his sight in the distance.

He shook his head and said, "If you don't leave, just stay here to teach these children."

Chapter 100

Xie Cong's answer surprised Lin Tao.

Island and Beijing's University of Industry, Peasants and Soldiers are not only the difference in treatment. Xie Cong stayed here, and he definitely did not develop well in Beijing.

"Mr. Xie," said Lin Tao, "Do you really decide not to leave?"

Xie Cong nodded: "Now it's a mess outside, and many people don't even have the mood to study. It's better here. It's quiet here. Although I haven't been with this group of students for a long time, their desire for knowledge makes me feel that I am a people's teacher and teaching my students.

"Then I thank you for the students, Mr. Thank you. They must have a great impact on their future if they can have a good teacher like you." Lin Tao said with a smile.

Xie Cong shook his head: "Mr. Lin, in fact, you are the one who has the greatest influence on them."

Although he came to the island not long ago, he heard a lot about Lin Tao. At first, he was a little surprised to notice that Lin Tao was so young that he had become the teaching director.

However, at that time, he thought about Zhong Jing and didn't pay much attention to it. Later, I was surprised to learn that Lin Tao just graduated from high school.

Later, after teaching in junior high school, I learned about Lin Tao from the students and principals. He made a great change in Lin Tao, and also understood why the principal asked Lin Tao with a high school diploma as the teaching director.

Zhong Jing's departure was not what everyone wanted to see. Except for the teachers, the students were also reluctant.

Of course, the happiest ones are Lin Hui and Shen Jiahao.

Shen Jiahao wrote back hundreds of words of self-criticism and read it in front of the whole school before he could return to school to study. Because of the warning of his father Shen Guobin, he has been suffocating to do nothing recently. This time Zhong Jing left, and he is happier than anyone else.

The classmates were sad. When the schoolgirl even cried, he slapped the table happily next to her, and the classmates were unwilling to play with him.

Lin Hui was also happy. She thought that Zhong Jing had left. Maybe the school would let her teach. As a result, she found the principal and was directly rejected. She asked Lin Hui to do a good job in the logistics department. Don't always think about it. It's not good.

I almost tilted Lin Hui's nose. This is meaning. It is obvious to tell her that not only is it that there is no chance now, but she will not have a chance in the future!

Because she ran to the principal to talk about this, she delayed her working hours. When Lin Hui went to work in the afternoon, she was scolded by the monitor of the logistics department, and her face turned pale with anger. As a result, when I was distracted in the afternoon, I didn't pay attention to it and was cut by the knife handle.

After Chen Shuifen came back, she immediately told Lin Tao about it and said in a very relieved tone: "This Lin Hui deserved it to mutter to Mr. Zhong there. As soon as Mr. Zhong left, she still wanted to arrive at Mr. Zhong's class and didn't look at her virtue. How could a person like her let her teach the students?

Lin Tao had long guessed that as soon as Zhong Jing left, Lin Hui expected to take action.

At the beginning, Lin Hui couldn't go to school to teach, and I guess she was regretful.

However, she didn't pay attention to Lin Hui. In a few days, it would be the Mid-Autumn Festival. Lin Tao thought that she had been on the island for so long that she went to the sea. Before and after the Mid-Autumn Festival, it was a good time to go to the sea.

He said, "Sister, tomorrow is a day off. Shall we go to the sea together?"

Chen Shuifenle said, "Okay, I'm afraid you'll take care of the children at home. I want to call Manman to go with me tomorrow."

Lin Tao smiled and said, "I plan to take Yueyue with me. It's much cooler these days, and it will be cloudy tomorrow. Even if I go to the seaside, it's not too hot."

"Take Yueyue there? Well, I'll call Red Star tomorrow. Chen Shuifen said with a smile, "The stinky boy of Red Star has long wanted to go to the sea, but he won't let him go. It's time to go together tomorrow."

Lin Tao nodded: "Okay, call Yu Ting too, and then ask her to take Xiaoqingming. Let's go together."

"That's all." Chen Shuifen said, "It's getting late. I'm going home to cook dinner."

Not long after Chen Shuifen left, Lin Tao heard Chen Shuifen's angry shout from next door.

"Zheng Hongxing, you little rabbit, what did you do today? The clothes are so dirty. Did you roll in the mud? Huh?!"

Lin Tao shook her head and smiled. She was used to Chen Shuifen's forefoot and suddenly scolding with anger.

It's really...

Zheng Hongxing's child is really too naughty. If Yueyue looks like this in the future, I'm afraid she will also have a headache.

Looking at Xiao Yueyue sleeping in her arms, Lin Tao stretched out her hand and gently pinched her small nose and muttered, "You can't make your mother so careless."

Yueyue, who was sleeping, hummed. She stretched out her hand and pulled Lin Tao away. She found a comfortable posture and continued to sleep again.

Lin Tao looked funny and stared at her for a while before putting her in bed.

Today, Chen Shuifen made tofu at home and divided a large piece of Lin Tao. Lin Tao was going to make Mapo tofu. Chen Shuifen's tofu was good at making good. The tofu made was quite tender, which was better than the tofu bought in a non-staple food factory.

The tofu was cut into cubes by Lin Tao. When stir-frying, put a spoonful of her chili sauce. The white tofu immediately turned into chili red, which smelled very good.

In addition, Lin Tao stir-fried a small fried meat. The chili was picked from the vegetable field. The meat was bought by Lin Changhai to the non-staple food factory in the morning, which was very fresh.

There is no shortage of fish at home. It was caught back from Lin Changhai, and there were still two or three left. It's not big. It's only the size of three fingers. It's good to cook a bowl of fish soup. It tastes delicious.

There is still one stubble left in the leek, and the peaches have been cut to stir-fry the leeks.

During the meal, Lin Tao, Li Chengqi and Lin Changhai mentioned going to the sea together tomorrow. Both of them felt very good and had no objection.

The next morning, Lin Manman came home, and the three families set out together.

Li Chengqi hugged Yueyue. Lin Tao was carrying a bucket. Chen Shuifen took Zheng Hongxing. Both mother and son took a bucket. Lin Tao laughed and joked, "Sister, you are well prepared to harvest today."

Chen Shuifen also smiled and said, "The stinky boy of Red Star insisted on being separated from me, and he said that he was more than looking for someone else."

Xu Yuting and Wang Yuanliang also came, and Wang Yuanliang hugged Xiao Qingming. Lin Changhai and Zheng Youde also went, but they went fishing.

The three families, each with their children, are magnificent.

Xu Yuting asked, "Widn't Xiangyang go?"

Chen Shuifen said, "If he doesn't go, he doesn't like to join the fun."

Xu Yuting: "This child is like a little adult when he is a child."

Chen Shuifen: "I don't know who it looks like."

Zheng Youde interrupted, "Like you, didn't you say that you did adult work when you were a child? You must be like you."

Chen Shuifen: "I think you owe me a scolding."

The group of people came to the seaside by talking and laughing.

The waves gently patted the reef, took off his shoes, and stepped barefoot on the soft sand, which was particularly comfortable. No wonder those children liked to play on the beach. The sea breeze blows refreshing on my body, and the seabirds are still flying in the blue sky.

Yueyue and Xiao Qingming are the first to come back to the seaside, which can be regarded as seeing the world for both of them.

Lin Tao helped take off Yueyue's small shoes, took up Yueyue's trousers, and said to Li Chengqi, "Put Yueyue down and let her step on the sand."

After listening to this, Li Chengqi let Yueyue step on the sand himself.

Yueyue couldn't wait for a long time. She shook her little feet. When she stepped on the sand, her face was full of surprise and thought it was fun.

When Xu Yuting and Wang Yuanliang, who were beside them, saw it, wanted Xiao Qingming to step on the sand, but after Xiao Qingming's shoes were taken off, they kept shrinking their feet and didn't want to go to the sand to step on it, which made Xu Yuting very angry.

Xu Yuting: "My sister is not afraid. You are still afraid of it. Why is she like a little girl?"

Li Chengqi glanced over there and said to Lintao, "Yueyue is still brave. Wang Yuanliang's son is not very good."

Lin Tao looked at him with some funny hearing this and guessed that the man was still remembering what was teased by Wang Yuanliang because Yueyue kissed Xiao Qingming last time.

Lin Tao played with Li Chengqi and Yueyue for a while before rushing to the sea. The tide just subsided yesterday, and it was a good time to catch the sea.

From time to time, a small bulge can be seen in the sand, from which Lin Tao finds shuttle crabs, clams, and starfish. Lin Tao also found a particularly large piece of jellyfish and threw it into the bucket.

She was very lucky and found two abalones and sea cucumbers. This kind of thing was difficult to find when she went to the sea. Lin Tao picked it up and quickly showed it to Li Chengqi.

Li Chengqi was not far from her, letting Yueyue sit around his neck and follow Lin Tao.

"It's a way. Look what I found. It's abalone and sea cucumbers, which are used to cook soup at night." Lin Tao picked up the booty in her hand to Li Chengqi. The wind blew up the hair in front of her forehead, and her other hand pinned her hair behind her ears.

The corners of his mouth raised up, with a smile on his face.

Draw a beautiful picture with seawater as the background.

On the other side, Lin Changhai and Zheng Youde sat fishing together and happened to see this. Zheng Youde asked, "Lao Lin, how do you feel when you come here?"

Lin Changhai's fishing rod moved. Obviously, another fish was hooked. He lifted the fishing rod and caught a fish. Put the fish in the bucket. Today, he was lucky. It took a while to fish. There were already two or three fish, and there was another big one, which was a good start.

For Zheng Youde's words, he looked into the distance, the blue sky, the white clouds, the endless sea, and the waves that tirelessly beat the reef.

In the distance, the fisherman's boat swayed on the sea. Near him, his daughter and son-in-law were driving to the sea with his little granddaughter, and the laughter of the family was crisp and beautiful.

Lin Changhai smiled brightly and said, "Okay, the days here are really good."

This is the life he wants their family, Atao, no gossip of the villagers. Tao teaches students to read in front of the teacher, and has a son and a half daughter. She is free and has no worries.

That's great.

Rong, have you seen it?

It's really good here.


Because he came out with his children, Zheng Hongxing is fine. He is also old. He should be six years old after the Spring Festival. He is very enthusiastic about rushing to the sea. After arriving here, he has been busy living, and he really found a lot.

But Yueyue and Xiao Qingming were still young. The two children woke up early in the morning and began to feel sleepy at this time. In addition, when they went out in the morning, it was time for lunch, so they discussed it and went home separately.

Lin Tao picked up more than half of the barrels of seafood, but there were more clams. After each low tide, there were so many clams on the beach, as if they could not be picked up. The clams made by Lin Tao are still very good. Whether they are used to make dishes or to cook seafood porridge, they are quite delicious.

However, the clams I just picked up have to be kept in water for two days, otherwise they will taste sand.

After going back at noon, Lin Tao boiled a large pot of sweet potato flour, and the whole family ate it. Mix a bowl of shredded jellyfish, mixed with shredded cucumber, and a few red peppers. It tastes very cool and has a shredded spicy taste.

As soon as she got home, Yueyue fell asleep.

Half a month ago, Lin Tao weaned Yueyue.

Fortunately, Yueyue's weaning was quite straightforward, unlike when Xiaoqingming, it took half a month to stop.

In this regard, Lin Tao suspected that Yueyue thought that what she cooked was better than milk, so Yueyue was very willing to wean.

After lunch at noon, Lin Changhai went to deal with the fish. Although this fish was not a Duobao fish, it was more careful when dealing with it without spines. Lin Tao made the small fish balls for later use while Yueyue was still sleeping.

When Yueyue wakes up, she can cook it for her.

With fish balls and rice paste, Yueyue can eat a large bowl. This amount of food must also inherit Li Chengwei.


The Mid-Autumn Festival will come soon.

This time, two packages were sent to Xiangcheng, one for Lin Manman and the other for Lin Tao. It was all sent by Aunt Fang, and everything inside was almost the same. Aunt Fang knitted a sweater for Lin Manman and a sweater for Lin Tao.

The sweaters of the two sisters are the same except for different colors.

Lin Tao asked Lin Manman to come home for the Mid-Autumn Festival: "I asked you to come home for dinner recently. You always say you are busy. Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. The health center is on holiday. You are not busy, but you must come home for dinner."

Lin Manman smiled embarrassedly. While feeding the sheep grass, he said, "I see, I have told Xiaofeng and the monitor that I won't go to eat at the Mid-Autumn Festival party in the health clinic today, so I'm eating here." I really didn't have time a while ago. Isn't this our health clinic taking an exam recently? Our new pharmacists all have to take the exam.

"How did you do in the exam?" Lin Tao is peeling edamame.

Lin Manman said, "It will take a while for the exam results to come out, but it should be quite good. I am quite confident in this exam."

"That's fine." Lin Tao smiled and said, "Today I kill chicken at home. I'll cook a spicy chicken in the evening."

"Okay, I can't eat what my mother cooked. I can still eat what you cooked." Lin Manman said that after feeding the sheep, she came to help Lin Tao peel the beans together.

After peeling the beans, Lin Tao's previous noodles were also distributed.

Today, she is going to make some steamed buns. The stuffing is ready. It's stuffed with bean paste. It's good to eat some sweet ones on the Mid-Autumn Festival. The bean paste filling is made of red beans. After being soaked on red beans last night, they were soaked all night, and they were boiled for more than an hour today.

The cooked red beans are pressed into red bean puree with a spoon, and then put into the pot, add lard and brown sugar and stir-fried together. The bean paste produced in this way is sweet after eating. It melts in the mouth, mellow and sweet, which is better than the bean paste buns she ate in a state-owned hotel.

Lin Changhai is killing chickens. There are only a few festivals in their year round, among which the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Spring Festival are the most important.

As soon as Li Chengqi came back with water, he heard Yueyue's voice in the room.

Yueyue didn't cry after she woke up, so she called, "Mom..."

Lin Tao also heard it and said to Li Chengqi, "My hands are dirty. It's inconvenient. You can take Yueyue out and see if she wet the bed. If she doesn't pee, take her to pee first. Don't wet your trousers for a moment."

Li Chengqi walked in, hugged Yueyue, urinated her, and said, "Mom is steamed buns. Dad hugged you over to have a look."

Lin Tao's steamed buns today are different from usual. She made buns today. Lin Tao actually made this kind of steamed bun for the first time, but her hands were very clever. After thinking about it for a while, she wrapped it decently.

"Yueyue, do you look good about the steamed buns made by your mother? This is a rabbit bun. It is said that Chang'e lives in the Guanghan Palace on the moon. Chang'e has a rabbit called Jade Rabbit. Here, it's like this little rabbit. Lin Tao teased Yueyue.

Li Chengqi asked, "Is this a propaganda of feudal superstition?"

Lin Tao stared at him and said, "That doesn't count."

This man is really. Now he has to take care of telling stories to his daughter.

When Yueyue saw this kind of small steamed bun for the first time, she stretched out her hand and was stopped by Lin Tao: "It hasn't been steamed yet. I can't eat it. When it's steamed, my mother will give you one."

Lin Tao made about 30 rabbit buns, all stuffed with bean paste. I also wrapped about 40 normal steamed buns, which were stuffed with cabbage, but these steamed buns were not very large. In the hands of Li Chengqi and Lin Changhai, it is estimated that the two can be solved.

Today, there are too many steamed buns, and the steamer can't be steamed at one time, so Lin Tao divided the steamed buns into two steams. The first time steamed the buns, and the second time steamed the remaining steamed buns.

More than ten minutes later, the buns of the rabbit came out of the cage.

Lin Tao uncovered the lid of the steamer and reached out to get one. Unexpectedly, she took a breath in a breath, and her white fingers were a little red. Lin Tao subconsciously withdrew her hand back and touched the earlobe.

Li Chengqi quickly told him, "Be careful, I'll get it."

Li Chengqi's skin was thick, and his hands were full of calluses. He was not afraid of hot. Lin Tao felt that the steamed buns were particularly hot. She was picked up by Li Chengqi and didn't know how to be hot at all.

After he took it cold for a while and felt that it was not hot, he handed her eyes like a small steamed bun.

Yueyue took the steamed bun and took it to her mouth and took a bite.

The steamed buns were thin and stuffed. As soon as the little guy took two bites, he ate bean paste stuffing, sweet and sandy. She couldn't help opening her eyes wide and immediately took another bite. Her face was written that it was really delicious...

When Lin Tao saw her look like a greedy cat, she couldn't help laughing. She also took one to eat it and took a bite. The steamed bun skin was very soft and steamed with heat. The steamed bun skin was a little sweet when she ate it. When she ate the bean paste stuffing, it was more sweeter.

It is the sweetness of the red beans themselves and the sweetness of brown sugar. With some lard, the bean paste melts in the mouth.

"It's delicious." Lin Tao said, took a steamed bun for Li Chengqi and fed it to him.

"I'll send some to Sister Chen's house." Lin Tao said that she took eight rabbit buns and went out to greet Lin Manman to eat steamed buns.

When she arrived next door, Chen Shuifen was already busy with dinner. She also killed a chicken at home. It was said that the old hen had been raised at home for a long time. Now she didn't lay eggs. She just killed it.

"Sister, where are Xiangyang and Red Star?" Lin Tao entered the yard and asked.

Chen Shuifen pulled out the chicken feather and said to Lin Tao, "Every one is doing his homework in the house. The red star is like a dog crawling. I asked Xiangyang to teach him."

"I wrapped some steamed buns and brought them some." Lin Tao said and shouted to the room, "Xiangyang, come out to eat steamed buns."

Although Lin Tao shouted Xiangyang, Zheng Hongxing was the first to come out. As soon as he heard that there were steamed buns to eat, he left the pen in his hand inside, ran out and asked, "Aunt Lin, have you wrapped the steamed buns?" I just said why it smells so good. It turned out that Aunt Lin made steamed buns!"

Chen Shuifen rolled her eyes and said, "This boy knows how to flatter. Are you a dog nose?"

Lin Tao smiled and showed them the rabbit steamed buns in the bowl. Both brothers' eyes lit up. They saw steamed buns like this for the first time.

Zheng Hongxing asked, "What kind of steamed buns are this!"

Zheng Xiangyang said, "It's Aunt Lin's rabbit."

Lin Tao said, "Yes, it's a rabbit. It's stuffed with bean paste and brown sugar. It's sweet. Xiangyang, you can try one first.

Lin Tao handed one to Zheng Xiangyang. Zheng Xiangyang took a bite of the steamed bun. Lin Tao asked, "Is it delicious, Xiangyang?"

Zheng Xiangyang nodded: "It's delicious."

Zheng Hongxing swallowed saliva and looked at Lin Tao eagerly for the steamed buns, but Lin Tao looked at him and said, "Red Star, I heard that your handwriting is a little ugly? Aunt Lin has always felt that Red Star is very smart and good-looking. She always says that the words are like a person, and the words of Red Star should also be well written, right? Red Star?

Zheng Hongxing scratched the back of his head embarrassedly and said, "Aunt Lin, I will definitely write well next time."

"The red star is so good." Lin Tao smiled and gave Zheng Hongxing a bun.

Zheng Hongxing took it over and finished a few bites. He kept boasting Lin Tao: "The steamed buns made by Aunt Lin are delicious. Mom, look how good the steamed buns made by Aunt Lin are..."

Lin Tao asked Zheng Xiangyang to take the remaining steamed buns in, but told them not to eat them now. They will eat later and eat them when they eat, otherwise they won't be able to eat them later.

When the two children went in, Chen Shuifen said, "Mr. Lin, you still have a way to teach the children. I said that the stinky boy Red Star didn't listen to it. He ignored my words. Oh, by the way, isn't this the Mid-Autumn Festival? My hometown sent us something. I'll get you some.

Lin Tao hurriedly refused, but Chen Shuifen refused and insisted on giving: "That's all. It's worthless. If you have any embarrassment, take it quickly."

So Lin Tao ran into the door and gained a lot of things.

Today, in addition to spicy chicken, Lin Tao also roasted a braised fish and steamed crabs. Yesterday, the barracuda crabs that went to the sea were waiting for today, but three were caught, which was not enough. This morning, Lin Changhai went to the non-staple food factory and bought five more crabs.

Crabs before and after the Mid-Autumn Festival are the fattest time.

Peel off the crab shell and expose the yellow inside. There are more female crab yellow, and there are more male crab cream. Compared with crab yellow, Lin Tao prefers crab cream, dipped with a little vinegar, which tastes really amazing.

The crab ate a fresh word, a spicy chicken, Lin Tao also made a loofah egg soup, and then coldly mixed a bowl of shredded kelp.

Today's staple food is steamed buns, which are eaten with vegetables. It tastes very delicious.

Lin Tao also took out the Xifeng wine at home and said, "Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, you are happy to drink a little with your father."

Drinkers have to eat slowly. Lin Tao and Lin Manman have eaten. Yueyue ate two rabbit buns in a row. It seems that she is not full. She still wants it, but Lin Tao won't give it to her anymore. There are enough for the two.

Yueyue can already call it 'rabbit' because there is a rabbit at home, and she also likes to feed the rabbit with vegetable leaves. In addition, rabbits are easier to pronounce, so she learns quickly.

This hurts the heart of Li Chengqi, an old father. Her daughter will be called 'rabbit', but not father.

After dinner, Lin Tao and Lin Manman sat in the yard with Yueyue to enjoy the cool and enjoy the moon.

Lin Tao took out the five-kernel moon cakes, but now they have just had a good meal. If they really can't eat them, they can put them first. If they think they can eat them later, they will eat them.

The yard is a good place to enjoy the moon. Looking up to the sky, you can clearly see a full moon hanging in the sky.

Lin Tao felt that this year's moon seemed to be more willing and brighter than the moon on the Mid-Autumn Festival last year. I don't know if my father was not with me last year, and my father has lived with them this year. At this moment, my mood is different.

Lin Manman said, "I don't know what my mother is doing now..."

I miss my family every holiday, especially on a day that should have been reunited with my family such as the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Lin Tao grabbed Lin Manman's hand and said, "Is you thinking about Aunt Fang?" But don't worry, it must be good for Aunt Fang and Uncle Shen to be together. I guess they are watching the same moon with us now. You are fine here, and Aunt Fang will be relieved. When there is a family visit, you can go back to see Aunt Fang.

"Uh-huh." Lin Manman nodded and smiled at Lin Tao.

At least on this island, and Sister Tao won't feel too sad because she is homesick.

She has been working hard since she came to the health clinic as a medicine. If you don't know, take the initiative to ask. If you don't understand, think more. You must figure it out.

She tried her best to become better, so that her mother in Xiangcheng would not worry about herself.


This year's Mid-Autumn Festival, the package from Shanghai did not arrive, but a few days later, the package arrived the day before Yueyue's first birthday.

Open it and have a look. There are a lot of things prepared in it. Of course, it's more for Yueyue. After all, the little guy is about to be one year old.

In Shanghai, the first birthday is a very important birthday, and the elders in the family attach great importance to it. Therefore, this package, uncles, aunts, grandmothers, and Li Chengqi's cousins have prepared birthday gifts for Yueyue. This package is unprecedented.

When Li Chengqi took the package back, Lin Tao was shocked. This time the package was too big.

Take a look. These things don't look cheap. Unexpectedly, there was still a pair of silver bracelets in it. The bracelet is exquisitely made, with patterns on it, and two small bells hanging on it, which is very cute.

Lin Tao was surprised and asked, "Children celebrate their birthday. Why did grandma prepare so many things? It's too expensive."

Li Chengqi explained, "Shanghai values the child's first birthday gift. The elders in the family have to prepare gifts. It's okay. Just put it away if you don't need it now. Those silver bracelets that you don't need to wear are a little hearts of the elders.

Lin Tao nodded. In the military region, it was really inappropriate for Yueyue to wear a silver bracelet.

The couple discussed Yueyue's first birthday wine tomorrow. They agreed to invite Chen Shuifen and Xu Yuting's family to dinner. They also said they would invite Zhong Jing, but unfortunately they went to Qingshui Island and couldn't come.

However, what the two didn't expect was that Li Mingcheng also came on the day of the first birthday wine.

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