Be There In a Flash (Speedste...

By TheMasterInTraining

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"My name is Y/n Jackson Garrick, and I am the fastest teenager alive. In my world, I was a superhero known as... More

Where Am I?
Welcome to Beacon
First Day
A Midnight Stroll
Friends, and Vigilantes
Trouble with Cardin
Forever Fall (Part 1)
Forever Fall (Part 2)
The Cat's Out of the Bag
Showdown (Vol. One Finale)
One Hell of a Day
Being a Hero Isn't Easy
Best Day Ever?
Warm Welcome
Paint it Red
Slow Day
Shall We Dance
Adventure Awaits
Mountain Glenn
Clean Slate

Off the Rails

627 16 7
By TheMasterInTraining

Disclaimer: 'Nada' perfectly describes how much commercially recognizable material I own.

Third-Person Pov:

The sound of rustling fabric wakes Y/n from pleasant dreams full of his family and friends. He opens his eyes and sees that everything is blurry for a brief moment before his vision sharpens, and then he sees Zwei bolt out of the campsite with Ruby chasing after him. Y/n gets up and decides to follow after grabbing his weapons. Once he catches up to Ruby and Zwei, he spots the corgi taking care of business near a toppled lampost.

"Zwei," Ruby says, "We're in a wasteland, for crying out loud. You could have done that anywhere."

"At least he did his business outside," Y/n says.

"Eep," Ruby shouts as she jumps into the air and reflexively aims Cresent Rose at Y/n's chest. "What are you doing here?" Ruby whisper-shouts.

Y/n shrugs his shoulders. "I'm a light sleeper," he says. "And being on a mission has me on edge. Haven't done one since I got to Remnant. I feel rusty."

"Did you hear that?" A voice asks.

Ruby grabs Zwei as she and Y/n hide behind some rubble. They look past the edge and see two White Fang members patrolling the area.

"I could have sworn I heard something," says one of the White Fang grunts as they look around.

"Let's just finish our patrol and get back to base," says the other.

"Yeah, this place gives me the creeps."

The two grunts walk away, and Ruby, Y/n, and Zwei start following them at a distance. After a while, the two White Fang members come to a stop at a ruined building with metal doors. The two humans and their canine companion hide behind another wall. Ruby holds Zwei up.

"Bark once if they go inside," she says. After a few seconds, Zwei barks. Ruby and Y/n look at each other. "We found them."

"We need to get the others," Y/n says. "And we'll need a plan that isn't bust in and bust skulls. After all, this isn't some heist we're barging in on. We'll be entering an enemy stronghold." Y/n then looks at the entrance. "Who knows what could await us in there?" Y/n says as he stands up. "But we'll worry about that when we get back." Y/n starts walking back to the camp, but several cracks form on the road before a section collapses and takes him with it. "Change of plans, Ruby!" Y/n shouts. "Go back to camp and get the others! I'll see if I can find a way out!" With that, Y/n disappears into the ground.

After a few seconds, Y/n lands in the abandoned tunnel system. Once he gets his bearings, Y/n dodges a slab of asphalt that shatters the ground beside him.

"Well, that would have been close," he says as he gets back on his feet. As he does, a door opens, and he spots the two White Fang members from earlier. "This isn't the storage closet," he says as the two faunus point their guns at him.

"Fre-" The faunus doesn't get to finish his sentence as Y/n charges at him and slams him onto the floor, knocking him out. Then he gets up, kicks the other faunus' legs out from under him, and slams his boot onto his face. Once that's done, Y/n exhales and dusts off his hands. He eyes the unconscious White Fang members for a moment. Then he looks at the uniforms. An impish grin worms its way onto his face. A brief flash of light illuminates the cavern. When it fades, Y/n is standing in full White Fang uniform with the inclusion of his weapons.

Y/n nods and starts searching the tunnels for the White Fang's base. His stomach churns at the site of the ruins. 'So many people gone.' Y/n thinks to himself as he lets out a deep breath. 'Just a few more tunnels to go.' He picks up the pace, and after a few minutes, he finds what he's looking for. 'Alright, time to take stock of what's going on.' Y/n starts walking around like he belongs and sees mechs, grunts, and lots of stolen dust.

"You there," A voice behind Y/n says.

Y/n turns around and sees a young man in black with blood-red hair and pitch-black horns. Y/n points at himself.

"Yes, you. Where did you get those weapons," the speaker says as they gesture to the guns, gauntlets, and greaves Y/n has on him.

"Well, my patrol partner and I were coming back to base, and this Huntsman student crashed through the ceiling. The kid landed on his head and died instantly. We thought that was the end of it. But some debris came down and crushed my partner's head like a rotten grape," Y/n says. "Then I saw the kid's weapons and thought that since he wouldn't be needing them anymore, they could be put to better use."

"And why wasn't I notified about this when you returned?" The man asks.

"Because I just came back, sir," Y/n says as he pretends to be afraid.

The man in black looks Y/n up and down.

"If the huntsmen know we're here, then we need to move ahead of schedule. I want that train moving within the hour."

"Yes, sir," Y/n says.

The faunus looks at Y/n. Then in the blink of an eye, a dark red blade is pressed to Y/n's neck. Y/n looks at the crimson blade, then at its wielder.

Y/n scoffs. "I really thought that the disguise was going to work," he says.

"Who are you?" The man asks.

Y/n smirks. "It doesn't matter who I am," Y/n says. "What matters is who you are. And I know who you are. Adam Taurus. You're twenty years old. Your weapons are Wilt and Blush. Wilt is a fire dust-infused chokutō. And Blush a rifle that doubles as a sheath for Wilt."

"How do you know that information?" Adam asks as he presses Wilt deeper into Y/n's neck. The latter's aura flares to life, preventing the blade from breaking the skin.

"A little birdie told me," Y/n says, his voice full of amusement. "And a different birdie told me that you were Cinder Fall's bitch after she used her semblance to take out your entire camp. After you refused to listen to her the first time."

Adam is silent, and Y/n takes advantage of the silence.

"And a third birdie told me that Cinder was arrested recently," Y/n says. "So guess what, Adam? You and your subordinates are free. You don't need to steal every speck of dust in Vale anymore."

"If what you say is the truth, then that means my men and I can finally act as we see fit."

"Then be prepared for the entire organization to fall if any of you spill a single drop of innocent blood after this," he says. "Because while I support your organization's cause. Your methods are far from ideal."

Adam removes his mask, exposing the SDC brandmark on his left eye. "Our methods are necessary," he says before reequipping his mask.

"Necessary is a... strong word. Effective, yes, but only in the short term," Y/n says. "Your organization's actions are painting a target on the backs of every faunus in the world. They fear being associated with you to such a point that they no longer defend themselves even when it would be completely justified." Y/n lets out a bitter chuckle. "It's ironic. The organization created to promote equality and tolerance is now doing the opposite of what it's supposed to. Sure, you may eventually get the treatment you seek. But how long will it last with the Grimm around? They're attracted to negative emotions, remember? And all the hatred and resentment everyone feels will be as subtle as a napalm enema. The Grimm will come in numbers you've never seen, and they will tear everyone to shreds."

Adam bristles at Y/n's words. "My revolution will-"

"Result in the deaths of everyone! Even the faunus!" Y/n shouts as his aura flares up and causes his eyes to glow a bright cherry red. Adam presses his blade further to Y/n's throat, causing the latter's aura to spark. "What are you going to kill me?" Y/n scoffs. "Go ahead and try. Better fighters than you have failed," Y/n says before he punches Adam in the ribs. The red and black-clad man is sent flying backward into the crowd. Some of the braver White Fang members fire their weapons. But it's no use. With his aura enhancing his impressive physical capabilities and his already inhuman reflexes, Y/n slices the bullets into ineffective shrapnel with his swords. Then, the entire cavern descends into chaos as an explosion destroys a wall near the entrance. "Right on time," Y/n mutters before he takes off the mask and hood and races to RWBY and Oobleck's location.

"Took you long enough," Y/n jokingly says before he shifts his weapons into revolvers and fires into a random White Fang member's shoulder. "Was starting to think you forgot all about little old me," he says as he kicks another in the ribs.

"It was a long way down," Yang says as she punches another grunt in the ribs. "I'm surprised you didn't handle this yourself with how fast you are."

Y/n turns his weapons back into swords. "Too easy," Y/n shouts as he enters a defensive stance and uses his blades to deflect more gunfire.

"Too easy still isn't an excuse," Weiss says as she freezes several rogue faunus in place.

Y/n uppercuts another White Fang grunt. "I was also trying to blend in and wait for you guys. That didn't work. I got spotted because I showed up with all of my weapons. Then their leader asked me who I was. I didn't tell him anything other than I knew who he was. Then I tried explaining that they don't have to steal all of Vale's dust. Didn't work how I expected, and he essentially tried to justify the possibility of starting another faunus revolution. Then after you guys showed up, I sent him into the crowd," Y/n says. "He should be here somewhere."

Blake's eyes go wide at the implication. "That's-" Y/n appears behind her and kicks another White Fang member to the side.

"I don't know the full details of what they're planning. My informant's files are a little outdated now. And he fled to Vacuo, so I can't really ask him to get me more information," Y/n says before he shrugs his shoulder. "Besides, this is your team's first mission," Y/n says as he kicks someone's leg with enough force to shatter it. "It's a learning experience for you."

"While that may be the case, this is still far more trouble than expected," Oobleck says as he uses his flamethrower to keep the White Fang at a distance as Ruby fires at non-lethal areas.

"What do you mean this is worse than expected, Doc?" Yang asks as she sends a grunt flying with a single punch. "This is way too easy for me," she says.

"And like that, you've doomed us all," Y/n says as he kicks another grunt across the cave. Following Y/n's declaration, the horn of a train blares. "I hate it when I'm right," he says.

"Everyone! Get to the train!" Ruby orders as she takes down another grunt. "We can't let them escape."

"You five go on ahead," Y/n says. "I'll stay here and cover you."

"Right," Team RWBY and Doctor Oobleck say as they rush toward the train.

"Now then," Y/n says as he faces down the White Fang and raises the blades in his hands. "Are you sure you want a fight?" He asks. Y/n takes a deep breath and gets into a stance where his left side faces the army of faunus, his right arm is bent at the elbow and holding the blade at an angle, and his left arm is fully extended.

"You think you can scare us!?" A random faunus shouts. "We don't know the meaning of fear. Not anymore! Not after what we've been through."

Y/n clenches his jaw and stares at each person before him. A bitter smile crosses his face. "Take this with a grain of salt if you want. But in another life, with your conviction, I'm sure you all would have made excellent Huntsmen and Huntresses," he says with every ounce of honesty he has. Y/n channels his aura into the blades, and they begin to glow a vibrant scarlet. "But we, unfortunately, aren't living that life."

"Get him!" Someone shouts, then the faunus all raise their guns in unison.

Y/n takes a deep breath as the world slows to a crawl. He deflects each and every bullet with tight movements and the precision of a sniper.

"Last chance before we start doing things the hard way," Y/n says.

"You think you can stop us? We'll kill you, and then we'll kill your friends! But not before we make them suffer!"

Y/n breathes in and focuses his aura, pushing it to the absolute limit. The air around him shimmers and heats up. He breathes out, and bright orange flames escape his mouth. He sheathes his blade and takes up a kickboxing stance as his gauntlets and greaves begin glowing.

"Hard way it is," Y/n says, his voice colder than the Atlesian tundra. "And I think I'll be taking my time."

*Meanwhile, with Team RWBY and Doctor Oobleck*

The roar of thunder echoes throughout the tunnel, followed by several dozen high-pitched wails of pain that have Blake and Zwei clutching their ears. Then a dead silence, broken only by the rumbling of the train.

"What was that?" Yang asks.

"I believe that is Mister Garrick covering for us," Doctor Oobleck gravely says.

"Um, Professor-" Weiss says.


"I think we have a problem," Weiss says as she points through the open hatch at a device inside the train.

"That, Miss Schnee," Oobleck says as he kneels and points at the device, "appears to be a bomb.'

Team RWBY backs away from the train hatch.

"Guys. We've got company," Ruby says as she points at a few White Fang members climbing on top of the train.

"Well, it's not like it could get any worse?" Yang asks. "Right?"

The bomb starts beeping, and the roar of thunder echoes through the tunnel once more.

"Time to go!' Oobleck shouts.

Team RWBY begins to run to the front of the train.

"Blake, detach the caboose. It will kill us all," Oobleck says.

Blake nods. "On it," she says before jumping between the carts and preparing to slice the connectors. Only the connector separates on its own. "It decoupled itself!" She shouts at Doctor Oobleck.

"What!?" Oobleck asks.

"I guess they really don't want us on this train," Yang says.

Oobleck looks at the detached cart, which promptly explodes and shakes the tunnel. "That's not good," Oobleck says as he shakes his head.

"Neither is this," Ruby says as she and Weiss hold open the hatch of another cart.

"Another bomb?" Blake asks.

"No, no, no," Oobleck says as he races to the next cart and opens the hatch, revealing a third bomb. "They all have bombs!" He shouts.

The cart Team RWBY is on begins shaking then it detaches from the train. The four huntresses jump to the next cart.

"This doesn't make sense. Why would someone use a bomb here?" Yang asks. "There's no one around for miles. It's all a bunch of empty tunnels and," Yang's eyes widen in realization, "Grimm," she says. "Guys, they're using the bombs to blow open the tunnel and lead Grimm into the city!"

"Are you sure?" Weiss asks.

The detached cart explodes, and Grimm pour through the cracks like water.

"Pretty sure," Yang says.

"Get the humans!" A deer faunus shouts.

The White Fang grunts charge at Team RWBY, but the four huntresses quickly dispatch them.

"You three," Oobleck says to Blake, Weiss, and Yang, "go below and try to disarm the bombs!"

"What about us?" Ruby asks.

"We're going to stop this train," Oobleck says as he places his hands on his hips and stares ahead.

"Yeah, that's obvious, but how?" Ruby asks.

"Follow me," Oobleck says as he begins racing to the front of the train. Ruby rushes after him, and they both see an Atlesian Paladin jump on top of the train.

Oobleck brandishes his weapon. Zwei barks before jumping into the air as the good doctor swings his weapon. The force of the attack and Zwei's unnatural durability turn the corgi into a flaming ball of power that knocks the mech off the train and has it rolling across the tracks before it collides with a barricade and explodes.

A second paladin mech jumps onto the cart and aims at Zwei, but in the blink of an eye, a flash of light illuminates the tunnel, and the mech is kicked to the side while the pilot is ripped out of it. The mech crashes into the side of the tunnel and explodes, and the pilots of both mechs are slung over Y/n's shoulders like sacks of presents, with Grimm blood slowly evaporating off his gauntlets.

"Excellent timing, Mister Garrick," Doctor Oobleck says before Y/n vanishes with the pilots. Then he reappears and dusts off his hands.

"I heard the explosion and figured I should pick up the pace," Y/n says as he looks at the tracks. "What are we dealing with?"

"The White Fang put bombs inside the train carts and are using them to blow holes into the tunnel to allow Grimm to enter through the breaches they create," Oobleck says at full speed.

"Which means they're going to crash the train into the barricade Vale used to seal off Mountain Glenn after it fell and release the Grimm into the city, causing mass panic and chaos that will result in more Grimm attacking, which will result in heavy losses for the kingdom if Beacon and the Atlas military don't mobilize fast enough," Y/n says at equal speed to Oobleck.

"Precisely," Oobleck says. "Thankfully, you dispatched most of the Grimm on your way over here. But we must stop this train. Otherwise, your efforts will be in vain."

Y/n looks at the hatch and then back to Oobleck and Ruby.

"I'm going in," Y/n says before his suit forms around him. He jumps down the hatch and sees Yang, Blake, and Weiss staring down a short human woman with the color scheme of Neapolitan ice cream, except for the familiar bowler hat on her head.

The four women notice Y/n's sudden appearance. The members of Team RWBY look at Y/n with relief, while the woman looks at the Flash with pure hatred and bloodlust. She charges at him faster than the huntresses can react.

The woman's blade pierces through Y/n's chest. And her furious expression shifts as a feral grin spreads across her face. But the satisfaction is short-lived as a gloved hand wraps itself around her throat, and her weapon clatters to the ground as she's lifted off her feet and pinned to a wall. She tries to claw at Flash's arm, but the gauntlet makes her scratches pointless.

"You three go on ahead," Y/n says without looking at his friends, "I'll deal with... Neo and-"

Y/n doesn't finish his sentence as an aura-enhanced kick lands where the sun doesn't shine. He lets go of Neo and falls to his knees. Y/n groans in pain as he clutches his midsection.

Neo tries to attack Y/n again, but the Crimson Comet recovers in the nick of time and uppercuts... nothing. Neo shatters like glass and reappears behind Y/n with her blade ready to impale the hero. The Flash turns around and creates a wind funnel that sends the small woman flying to the other side of the cart. Dazed and confused, Neo tries to steady herself.

"You three get to the controls and stop this train. If you see Taurus, do not fight him alone. He wouldn't have survived this long if he was a one-trick pony," Y/n says.

"And leave all the fun to you?" Yang asks. "Not a-"

The air suddenly feels heavy, as if lightning were about to strike.

"This isn't a fucking game Yang!" Y/n shouts as lightning arcs off his body and flames emerge from his mouth. "This is real life, and your actions have consequences. We fail here, and Grimm will enter the city, faunus will never be trusted again, and if that isn't enough motivation for you. If we fail, I will give you a buzzcut in whatever afterlife we end up in."

Blake, Weiss, and Yang stare at Y/n for a split second before nodding and heading to the next cart with their weapons drawn.

Y/n then walks towards Neo, whose eyes widen in terror as she stares at the demon before her. No one should have that much power, his aura, his speed. How is his existence even possible!? You're not even supposed to feel someone's aura without training, but she can feel the roaring blaze within him. And the lightning. It's like standing next to a force of nature. The hair on the back of her neck is standing on end, and every instinct she has tells her to run. But the primal fear keeps her locked in place. Is this how her victims felt when they were about to die?

The heaviness in the air dies down as Y/n crouches and looks at Neo. "You think I killed Roman," he bluntly says.

Neo stares at Y/n, and her fury returns. He killed him, and he has the nerve to lie about it.

"Let me guess, his heart was ripped out, but there was no injury, nothing indicating it was missing other than the fact it was lying on the floor."

Neo creates another illusion and walks over to her weapon lying on the other side of the cart.

"Did Cinder tell you it was me?" Y/n asks the illusion.

Neo freezes in place as she hears the words. How does he know about Cinder?

"I'll take your silence as a yes," Y/n says before he lets out an exhausted sigh. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry."

'Oh, you will be,' Neo thinks to herself as she grabs her weapon and prepares to stab Y/n in the back of the neck. The blade sings in her hands as she brings it down, but suddenly she feels weightless, then gravity kicks in, and she falls to the floor faster than expected. A silent gasp escapes her as her back hits the ground. Then she sees a steel gauntlet, and her world goes black as it smashes into her face.

Y/n stands up, sighs and heads to the next cart, where he sees Bonesaw lying unconscious, with Weiss, Blake, and Yang catching their breath. Y/n lets his suit fade away.

"Good work," Y/n says. "But we're not done yet." Y/n walks to the doors. "Remember, keep your guard up, don't screw around, and don't get killed." Y/n kicks down the door and sees... no one. "Fan out, search the entire car," Y/n orders. "Taurus wouldn't have gone far. From what my informant says, he's not one to take things lightly."

"You mean the coward Tukson," a voice says. "He never could accept the changes we went through."

The four young adults turn around and see Adam emerge from the shadows while he keeps his hand on the hilt of his weapon.

"You three get to the top of the train and find a way to stop it," Y/n tells Blake, Weiss, and Yang.

"Are you crazy?" Weiss shouts. "You just told us not to fight him alone, and now you plan on doing the same thing."

"Because I know how to deal with someone trying to put me in the ground," Y/n calmly says as he unsheaths one of his swords. "So get out of here and stop the train. If you don't, Adam, here will be the least of our problems."

Adam unsheathes Wilt and points it at Weiss' torso. "I'm afraid that the Schnee won't be going anywhere," he says as a twisted sneer worms its way onto his face.

"Over my dead body!" Blake, Yang, and Y/n shout.

"That can be arranged," Adam says as he sheathes his blade.

In the blink of an eye, Adam charges at the four. But Y/n charges at him just as fast, and their blades clash in a shower of sparks.

"I'm sorry, but I think I speak for all four of us when I say that we're going to have to decline that offer," Y/n says. "Being dead is," Y/n shakes his head, "such a drag." Y/n then changes his other sword back into a gun and fires a round into Adam's side. "You three get out now!" Y/n shouts without taking his gaze off Adam.

"Right!" The three huntresses shout. They open the hatch on top of the cart, but right as Weiss is about to exit, Adam recovers and tries to charge at her. Only to be met with a fire and gravity-dust-enhanced axe kick to the spine. The impact knocks the air out of Adam's lungs. With the distraction, all three escape to the top of the train.

"Wow, you were ready to ditch me so soon," Y/n says. "And I thought we had something special." Y/n sniffles and pretends to wipe a tear from his eye as he watches Adam struggles to catch his breath.

"Do you ever shut up!" Adam shouts as he charges at Y/n, his blade heading right for the speedster's neck.

A metallic twang rings through the air.

"For twenty lien, I'll do anything," Y/n says as he redirects the blade into the floor. "Except work customer service, retail, or any fast food restaurant." Y/n shudders. "No, thank you! Twenty an hour is still not worth spending eight or more hours in the depths of Hell." Y/n slashes at Adam's chest but receives a bullet to his chest instead.

"You're running out of time," Adam says to Y/n as he sheathes his blade and prepares to attack.

Y/n scoffs. "Time, huh? Well, I'd hate to burst your bubble b-"

Y/n gets cut off as the train violently shudders before he and Adam swiftly get buried in rubble.

A/n: This chapter kicked my ass. I have too many ideas and not enough room to fit them all.

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