Where The Hornets Nest

By Luv4_Ava

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(SLENDER PROXIES X GenderNeutral READER) --------------------------------------------------------- The human... More

P R O L A U G E : Infected
P A R T O N E : Planted Stinger.
// Listener //
// Name Of The Game //
// My Rules Your-a-fool //
// Soul Secret //
// Internally Intoxicated //
// Bloodied Bond //
// We Call Reality //
// Deadly Disgust //
// Porcelain Pitty //
// Mommy Issues //
// Find My Will //
// Key Of Life //
// Freedom //
// Find Me Guilty, Love //
P A R T T W O : Unwanted Disturbance
// Not Off Punishment //
// Carved Reunion //
// Weak Legs //
// Words For Death //
// Forget Me //
// Let Me See You //
// Don't Hang Up On Me, Please //
// Gettin' Dirty //
P A R T T H R E E : The Other Man
// Young, (platonic), Love //
// You'll Get Better Soon, Love //
// You're Bad, I'm bad, We're Good //
// The Revengeful Child Of a Father //
Manic at 10 : 01 pm be like
Art and A/n
// The Author and Her Characters //
// It Seems To, Speed Up //
// You Never Change, Do You ? //
E P I L O G U E ; Cured
What Is A Vacire?

// Bitter Bite //

855 30 117
By Luv4_Ava


Find what it is.

What? Are you insane?

There is something there, but not known.

What are you on.

Something, I'm trying to find it.

This dic-

Words aren't your speciality.

People arn't your speciality.

I know that.

Then why do you talk to me?

Who says your human?

My body? My mind?

Your mind? Then why am I inside it?

Because your a dirty little shit.

Oh, I know.

Thinking about Brian.

Is it possible to live without your head?

You can try, Bunny.

I'm going to cut my head off.

Do it, I can't stop you.

Yeah, and that's the problem.



Your Story To Live

December 3rd, 2019


1 : 12 pm


// YOUR POV //

Silence is what I like to call calm, but my gut cuts at every thought that leaks into my mind making my ears roar in static.

I keep my eyes on the tall pines that stand straighter when I pass, my snow boots crunch at the snow below me. My hands are somewhat warm as they take in the heat of the cave inside my coat pockets.

My hair falls Infront of my face, sheltering me from the loose snowflakes.

They say love is forever lasting, but many divorces and breakups say otherwise. When I think of love, I think of interesting personality traits, I think of someone I can work with. But, Love is also that tingly feeling in your lower stomach when you just know you need more of them.

I feel that, but I fear the after affects.

When someone loves me back, instantly, that desirable taste goes away, and comes up my throat in a; "I just don't feel the same way."

Will that be how it ends for me and Brian? What if he doesn't show up tomorrow? What if this is all one big joke!

I can hear the stream struggle to rush as I walk, that is where I am heading, the water. Living in the city is joyful, different people, new things. But, Silence is what my mind dreams of and this woods behind my apartment complex gives me what I desire.

The past couple of weeks have been quiet, It makes my gut twist in fear. Toby doesn't come with Tim and Brian anymore to eat, the last time I've seen him since our little... investigation was at the B.P down the street.

All he did was glance at me, wave, and walk straight out of the store.

It's been three weeks.

I don't really remember that night, but maybe it's better if I don't. Brian's friend, Tim, is more open now and doesn't look at me like i've killed his whole family.

Mom hasn't talked, she has been absent.

I quicken my pace as my thoughts race, I hate this feeling. I guess, It's like Deja Vu, I hate alot.

But just not enough to protect myself.

The wind makes whistles erupt from the pines, they cat call me, forcing me to pick up to a jog.
The more I run, the more I fear for the smiling man behind me.

"Curiosity killed the cat!" I hear him laugh behind me, I tremble at his scratchy voice and continue to run. "YOU RUN FROM THOSE MASKS!" He shouts louder, it sounds as if he's in my head.

Something in me forces myself to turn around, to face my fear.

Expecting the harsh glare of two wide eyes, the scowl of a forever smile. My fingers twitch by my sides as I prepare to run, my ears listen for heavy breathing, my eyes are alert.

Slowly turning, I expect the smiling killer. But instead, I'm met with dead trees and snow flurries. I feel a weight lifted off of my chest, as if I can now breathe without having to worry about a knife being lodged into my ribcage.

"Am I going fuckin crazy?" I suddenly scoff, feeling the foolishness of paranoia wash away. Quickly, I turn back around and begin to sprint out of annoyance.

I run down the hill that is littered with snow and fallen trees, I jump over slippery rocks and hard moss. I rush just like the river that waits below for me, It hushes the wildlife so that only my movement fills it's liquid hearing.

My boots make imprints on the muddy snow below me, the snow soon turns to ice. The closer I approach the river, the harder the snow becomes.

"Is it already frozen?" I whisper to myself, scanning the forest floor below me, I spot a decent sized branch. Leaning forwards, I wrap my cold fingers around the hard bark and straighten my posture once more.

Taking a step forward, it is clear I'm on ice.

I lightly tap the ice with the stick, no dent.

Stepping forward, I repeat this process before I realize I'm already half way to the other side of the river. I freeze, staying calm as I take in the silence of the forest. The cold breeze brushes past me, the bit of water that rushes below the ice bumps up against my boots/shoes.

It's as if I'm in a movie, the clouded sky is just the beautiful with the tall pines.

Silence is beautiful.

"Hey! It's not safe to be out on the ice this early in winter!" I suddenly hear a man call behind me, making my heart skip a beat. I slowly turn, praying for it not to be the smiling man.

I don't recognize the man, from a distance I can tell he has pale skin and black hair. He wears one of those older black coats, I step forwards, trying to take in his appearance.

From experience, I've learned to be more cautious with random ass people in the woods, most of the time they never turn out to be good news.

He walks closer, onto the ice towards me.

"Wonderful day, isn't it?" I hear the smile in his voice, he sounds like red silk, if that's even imaginable. I square my shoulders, trying to seem taller. I firmly hold the wooden branch in my dominant hand, waiting for the man to approach me.

As he comes closer, he looks as if he were to be around 6,3. His eyes are something I can't look away from, the milky red color of them make me want to reach out and touch the mans cheek just so I can get a better view of them.

But I hold myself back.

A white strand of hangs out from his slick black hair, the man looks as if he's in his thirties...no...forties? He wears black, if you wanted specific, striped dress pants and older black dress shoes. His black coat looks soft, velvety.

He is closer now, it's like he isn't even real.

"Pardon, what did you say?" I come out of thought, Looking up to the man. "No use in repeating useless words..." He sighs, staring off into the distance.

"I guess." I mutter, glancing up to the man, and continue to turn back around and keep on poking at the ice. The further I get, the further he gets.

Every step I take, he takes. "What are you looking for?" He asks, walking besides me with his hands assumingly folded behind his back.

"Nothing." I whisper, tapping around the ice.

He tilts his head, Watching me carefully.

"My names Sylvester Ladrin, yours?" I furrow my eyebrows, trying not to look at Sylvester. He smells like roses...no, he smells of when you prick your finger on a rose vine and draw blood.

He smells of crimson red.

"My name is Milo, Milo Fisher." I lie, Milo's a gender neutral name, right?  "Wonderful name, I may say." Sylvester compliments me, his lips curl back into a smile, displaying pointed teeth.

Never have I been so jealous in my life.

When I was younger, I wanted to be a vampire.
I wanted pointed teeth, I mean, my teeth are fairly pointed, but I always wanted a reason to use them.

I remember watching Twilight for the first time, I didn't really feel love for any of the characters.
I was just to jealous of Edward, how beautiful he was.

"Have you heard of the legends out here? I'm surprised you, a teenager would come out this deep in the woods alone." Sylvester's voice is smooth, poetic as if he's trying to sound persuasive.

I immediately feel uneasy, I can feel my hands tremble against the wood of my stick as I drag it along the rigid ice below myself.

"No, I haven't." I softly state.

"Well, People say that there is a man in these woods. He is the one who protects others, of his kind I would suppose. He doesn't like humans though, hates them. There are other beings out here aswell, and, quite frankly I even wouldn't be foolish enough to come out here alone." His words echo in my mind, red flags.

"Then why are you out here alone?" I pause, looking up to him.

He's already looking down on me with malice, a large smile that display his pearly white fangs.

"Because there is nothing to fear for me, He is protecting me." Those cool words freeze my blood like ice in early October. When I say my blood ran cold, It didn't even run, it froze cold.

I turn to fully face him, holding the branch tight, to the point I can feel splinters sink into my palm.

There is no Brian to come and save me, there is no one for miles to come and save me.

"You seemed so bold before, why let your guard down now?" Sylvester tilts his head, stepping forwards.


A small crack makes itself know below us on the Ice, the small growling sound of the little blades rubbing against eachother.

"It would be such a shame for prey to go to waste... maybe your corpse would stay frozen 'till the end of winter, hm?" He frowns, furrowing his eyebrows at the crack in the ice. My eyes widen at Sylvester's words, making me step backwards and away from him.

Silence is bold like a large boulder, just sitting ontop of us. I'm surprised it doesn't break the ice.

"I never did anything to you, I just came out here looking for rocks...I didn't mean to bother you, Sir, but I have to go." I begin, slowly circling Sylvester untill I get onto the opposite side of the crack in the ice.

He watches me, like a cat watches its dying prey, wanting to play more.

I know he wants me to run, I bet he's counting down the seconds untill I turn and sprint off.
About five feet away from him I stand, and suddenly I do what any reckless person would do while in danger;

I raise the branch up over my head, and chuck it at Sylvester, hitting him on the head. I don't stay to look at his angered face, I turn, and sprint across the ice wishing that I had four legs instead of two.

"YOU BRAT! I'LL KILL YOU!" I hear a animalistic screech behind myself, and that just makes me run faster. I pump my arms as if adrenaline is my lifeline, my boots stomp against the ice that is littered with snow.

As I reech the original river bank, I take the chance to look behind myself and at my attacker.

But no one, not a being in sight, runs in my tracks.

The frozen river is spotless, the pines on the other side of the river are mixed with Whites and green and browns that make the landscape look as if it were a painting.

My breaths are rigid as I stumble backwards, my heart beats in my ears as if it was pushed up my throat. I gulp, brushing my sweaty palms on the sides of my jacket.

A cold breeze of the forests whisper makes it's way around my dizzy head, instead this time, there are words to be heard;

"Cat and mouse. Mice are excellent hiders, Cats are excellent climbers, what is there to do in a forest of trees? Climb. Why run when I'm already flying above you?"

As if a silky ribbon was dragged along my ear, My chest wants to melt, but my brain is still on high alert.

It's quiet.

Predators learn over time how to stay quiet, prey over time learn to get loud.

It feels as if tiny knifes are jabbed into my back, a strong, almost rock hard force crushes against my back that makes me fall to the ground. My palms are the first to meet the litters of pine cones that cut into my fingers, my stomach feels as if it were kicked. Claw like hands wrap around my neck as my attacker sits on my lower back, only tightening their grip the more I squirm.

I buck my hips, trying to get the being to loose balance. My arms are suddenly folded behind my back, making me wince in pain at the uncomfortable position. My cheek is numb with cold dirt as it's shoved against the forest floor.

I feel a cold breath radiate on the back of my neck, sending chills throughout my body.

My lips form a scowl as I try to fight, when it's already made clear it won't do anything but make things worse.

Something, no, many things prick the side of my neck. I can feel, teeth? Tear into my flesh, making my eyes widen. I can't move anymore, I'm taken back in shock. My mouth hangs agap, trees breathe as the cloudy sky above swirls.

It burns, suddenly on my neck.

A warm liquid melts down my neck and into the forest floor below, a soft object licks it away making me squint my eyes close in disgust and pain. My cheek is pressed against the ground as I am forced to lay on my stomach, my neck aches.

I feel my arms slowly fall back to my sides, on the dirty snow.

The weight on my back is now gone, and the only thing that fills my blurry sight is a pair of long legs and black dress shoes.

"It's easier this way." Is all I hear, the silk like words are no longer pleasing. I furrow my eyebrows, as I watch the long legs walk away. The black shadow turns dim, and now pines are the only company I have.

My fingers are numb, my flesh is cold.

Slowly, I press my dirty palm against the cold ground and put all of my weight on it, and soon manage to roll onto my back.

Instantly my dominant hand flies up to the right side of my neck, where it burns. A choked cry of pain escape my mouth, my legs curl up to bend as I try to focus on my surroundings.

Is this how I die?

What did that person do to me?

What is happening?

In the far off distance, I listen to birds call back and fourth to one another. The leaves dance together, some are kicked out of the party and forced to mope around on the ground.

My free hand travels up to my neck aswell, pressing as much weight as I can to stop the blood from falling.

It feels as if my cold body is emboldened into the dusty ground, as if this was what's best. Pain isn't what I'd call it, maybe it's because I'm tired.

"I-I think I'll go to sleep, now." I whisper to myself.


I feel something nudge my side as if a farmer were to tap the corpse of his sheeps lifeless body with the tip of his boot, except harsher. I hold back a gasp of pain, trying to hide my cousiosness.

Someone talks to themselves above me.

My throat is dry, my hands are sticky with old blood.

"How do you always manage to end up bleeding in the woods?" A low voice scoffs, a low voice that I recognize. My eyes flash open, and suddenly my bodies working on instinct.

My arms drag my heavy body backwards, my legs kick at the dust untill my back hits the rough bark of a near by pine tree.

Wide eyes meet mine, except they look tired, unamused.

"Well, Good morning. You sleep well? Looks like you had a good little nest of blood." I watch him kick a puddle of my blood, covering it with dust and snow.

I don't respond.

"Hm, Coyote bite you or some shit? Damn, that's one hell of a bite." His eyebrows raise as his crazed eyes look over the side of my neck. In his eyes, I can tell he knows what bit me.

When I don't even know what bit me.

"Hey! Tickster! Come 'ere, I found something." The smiling killer calls out to Tickster. "I thought I told you to stop calling me that stupid fuckin name." A growl was heard from behind a far off tree, a familiar voice echos in my mind in a far off memory.

A hooded teen walks into view, orange goggles and a striped mask cover his face, making it hard for me to get a good look at him. For a split second, he pauses, but continues walking up to me and the smiling man.

He seems paranoid.

"Hey, Kid, You know where you are?" The killer squats down to my level, snapping his rough fingers near my face. I keep my eyes distant, maybe they'll leave me alone if I don't acknowledge them. "Are they doped up or some shit?" The boy with orange goggles questions, towering over my weak frame.

"Blood loss maybe," Jeff mutters, looking at me with a puzzled expression.

The boys brown sweatshirt has blue stripes on his sleeves, he wears a black and white cap with an unknown symbol on the front. He wears baggy jeans, untied combat boots. Bandages layer his arms, brown leather gloves hide his hands.

"T-Their eyes aren't glazed or anything, they aren't shivering, *snort*, this guy/girl's shitting us right now. Aren't you, you little shit?" I can hear the smile in his voice.

They know.

"Heh," The boy flicked my forehead, making me flinch. I glare up at him, still not moving.

I spit at him, making him step back.

"God, I can't wait untill I have the fuckin right to do whatever I want to your pathetic ass." The boy growls, making the smiling killer side glance him.
"Uh, Huh," Jeff looks at me while biting down on his bottom lip, in thought before standing back up.

"You need to get home, It's getting dark. Your lucky we were the ones to find you." The hooded boy states.

Yeah, lucky.

I reach behind myself and rest my palm against the rough bark of the tree before pushing myself up, struggling, but I manage. The killer and boy watch me limp ahead of them, My eyes lay on the trail that is beyond the hill.

"Well, are you going to just watch my ass or make sure I get home?" I spat, glaring behind myself and at the two. "Why, ofcourse we'll get you home." The smiling killer grins, motioning for the hooded boy to follow in his lead towards me.

The two speak amongst themselves as I walk silently, my guard never coming down when they try to get me to join the conversation.

My legs a sore, my neck is sore, I am sore.


We reach the end of the trail which displays the back of my apartment complex, I feel uncomfortable with the two males following me.

"Okay. I'm sure I can walk home from here." I furrow my eyebrows, my words drip of sass.

"Arn't you going to thank us?" The boy with the orange goggles asks, tilting his head. My lips form a scowl as I narrow my eyes on him, all I feel is annoyance and anger.

When I first layed sight on the boy while waking up, my gut instinct was to hate him, something in me knew he was bad news.

"I would've rather had a fucking bear find me rather than you, and a crusty ass killer." I glare at the boy and killer, stepping away from them.

"Wwwooooowww, I feel so appreciated!" The killer sighs. The boy just stands silent, watching me. "I mean, we could still kill you if you want." His voice is suddenly dark, I watch him lift his shirt up to display his belt, which is lined with knifes and two hatchets.

I don't feel anything.

"How about another time, hm?" I cross my arms.

"Sure." He states.

"Welp! C'mon twitchy, I'm sure Mr. Masky wouldn't want us out late and causing mayhem with the civilians of (Cities Name)!" The killer breaks the silence and pats the boys back, gesturing back to the woods.

I watch the two walk off, Jeff waving back at me in a taunting manner.

All I can think about is the bitter bite that stings on my neck.


My fav song is Breezeblocks

I remember the old SML and shit was actually funny (I definitely shouldnt have been watching it at the age I was lmao)


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