Chiaki's OP Little Sister (Sl...

By ArtVampire

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A Danganronpa x My Hero Academia x Pokemon Legends Arceus crossover fanfiction where Chiaki has a little sist... More

Character Info
The Deal & Back to Hisui
(Slight) Training Montage & Hope's Peak Academy Orientation
The Dreaded Entrance Exam & Chifuyu's Hustle
The Killing Field Trip (USJ Edition)
Dealing with Heroic Idiots & Making New Friends
How to Ruin the Sports Festival In Just a Few Easy Steps
Dealing with Serial Killers For Dummies
Gamma Gym Fiasco & End of the Year Terms
Shopping Trip Filler Before More Canon Crap Happens
Everyone Do The I-Island Flop!
Aftermath of I-Expo
Chifuyu's Pokemon (before summer vacation)
Interlude before Summer Begins
Chifuyu's Pokemon (UPDATED & EDITED)
Feliz Navidad From Paldea (Holiday Special)
Chifuyu's Abilities (UP TO DATE)
Persona Information
Flashback Time: The Mementos
Some things to ask....
Welcome Home and A New Ally?
The Awakening of the Beast
A Bit of Filler Before We Get Back to the Grind...
Confrontation and Revelations
Of Nen and Long Lost Relatives
Some New Furry Friends Enter the Scene....
Special: The Delicious Last Course
Cat-astrophe at the Provisional License Exams
Overhauling Overhaul
The Eight Plagues of the Eight Bullets
Incorrect Quotes to Cure Your Sadness
Episode Mobius
Chifuyu's Return and Kokoro's Resignation

F*CK Nighteye! All My Homies Hate Nighteye!

437 5 99
By ArtVampire

Here it is folks! The long awaited part one to the Yakuza Arc! I hope this chapter makes up for the absence as this took a long time to flesh out and I did not wanna break this down into too many different parts as tempting as it may have been!

So enough pussyfooting around! Let's get right into the bloodstained festivities!

Also, this one is for all you Nighteye haters!

And on with the show!

1st Person POV

"Okay, Auntie," I spoke as I tugged on my shoes while my Arc Phone floated overhead as I talked to her. "I'll hurry back as soon as Yumeno-chan is done with me or today..."

"Well don't worry about hurrying," I could almost see her rolling her eyes on the other end. "Sincd this is him we are talking about..."

"Fair point." I shrugged. I grabbed my nichirin katana before I also reached for my new sword and scabbard, which had manifested itself during one of my recent Nen training sessions with Kurapika.

It surprised both of us as I had just done the water test the other day, and the result of that little scene was.... inconclusive. As the water not only changed into a different color, it also boiled and then it froze before exploding all over the place. Some of it landed in my mouth, giving a slight sweet taste on my tongue.

So when this sword popped up the following morning next to my bed, this only gave Kurapika more reason to scratch his head and, inevitably, worry what this may mean for me.

So far, using the sword like I do with the nichirin katana is out of the question, as it won't even do any of the breathing styles I have learned.

Despite its flimsy appearance it holds strong even against Peko-senpai's own swords. And so does its sheath, despite being unable to figure out what material it is made. Same goes to the sword itself.

The only problem is that it is not much good in combat. It is almost the equivalent of a toy light saber....

Kurapika thinks that once I awaken my Nen ability, then it will bring out its potential.

In the meantime I have to keep it on my person. Not like I have much choice anyway as no matter where I try to leave it, it will pop right back up somewhere in my vicinity, whether I want it or not.

So here I am traveling down the lane with two swords strapped to my back Deadpool-style, drawing some stares as I made my way to my classmate Himiko's place.

I was told to bring a few choice items with me as required, as it was finally time for me to get my own wand for spells.

While I can perform spells without a wand, I requested one as sometimes windlass magic takes a great deal of concentration.

So with Himiko's guidance, I asked my Trevenant to lend me one of his branches and then asked Ho-oh and Lugia if I can borrow a feather from each of them as Himiko informed me that their feathers used as cores for the wand could give me a boost in magic.

It will take some time before the wand is made, but while I'm there I can pick up my broom that Himiko helped me pick out for easier traveling when I can't bring out my Ride Pokemon.

Even though I had some protests from said Pokemon....

Anyhoo, I was on my way with the proper materials for my classmate with Meowzie and my spiky-eared Pichu accompanying me.

"What do you think Himiko-chan will come up with?" Pichu asked me after I dropped off my materials with my classmate before we began our trek to school.

"Hopefully, we can find my animagus forme soon.... " I responded as Meowzie rubbed her head against mine. While learning magic spells and glyphs and making potions became almost second nature, I was struggling in one or two areas.

One of them being Transfiguration....

Basically where one finds their spirit animal and can turn into said animal.

The problem with me isn't me finding my spirit animal. The problem is that it is hiding from me, according to Himiko. Especially as every time I get close to discovering it, some sort of mist appears and obscures my mind's vision, giving the mystery animal the chance to escape and hide once more; rinse and repeat.

Sometimes, according to Himiko, one's spirit animal emerges when one is under duress or in danger, similar how some people's Quirks emerge later than the usual age of four.

I hope that is not the case with me...

More often than not, when I was not busying myself with my duties as class rep or trying to keep order with my Pokemon, I am meditating in my newly relocated Ultimate Lab, trying to find my spirit animal.

And that's when I'm not dealing with some backlash of a certain hero course class.

Shortly after the provisional license exams ended, two certain idiots snuck out of the dorms after curfew (take a wild guess on who) and began to duke it out.

Well the fighting that might have happened was put to a stop when a weird incident involving a two-tailed cat, and a cat/rat creature with an affinity with electricity, a box of illegal fireworks (don't ask me, I'm still trying to figure that one out), and for some reason, a spatula from the school cafeteria, which resulted in a bright light show that got everyone's attention.

Both culprits were caught by Eraserhead and their punishment was to clean the dorms for two weeks and be subjected to two days of what they called "house arrest." Rumor has it that Eraserhead is ten times scarier when he is holding not just one, but two cats.

Me and the others will play dumb to the said cats being Kirara and Deneko. And none of us will mention the "third party" that had "conveniently" provided the illegal fireworks to begin with (though I wonder how the Reverse World Amatsu managed to get ahold of such powerful stuff, and from another country at that).

For me, that's a relief especially after the last interaction between and that damn bush-head beforehand...

Flashback time

It was after me and Kokoro parted ways to go to our separate ways to first period.

Giving her a bag of food (consisting of some bao buns and some bubble milk tea she asked me to get for her when I went on a food run some time before) and then promising to see her at lunch with the others, I was on my way to drop off my cousin's Chihiro's lunch along with my sister's before the hairs along my arms rose up, my aura senses telling me that an annoying prick was nearby.

"What do you want, Midoriya?" I snarled, whipping around to look at him.

He looked nervous for a moment, before he seemed to steel himself, giving me a frown mixed with concern and frustration. "N-nanami-san."

I huffed at him, already impatient.

"Well what is it?" I pressed. "Is it so hard for you to take a hint that I want to be left alone? Or did Ritsu-san's punch to the face did not make things clear to you?"

He winced at the reminder, but he shook it off.

"Nanami-san..." he began, "why are you like this?"

I narrowed my eyes. "What are you on about?"

"You're smart, very powerful with your Quirk, and even placed first in the UA exams..." He began to ramble before I snapped at him.

"Get to the damn point!" I was seconds away from burning him alive with Skeledirge.

"Er, right," he stuttered, "I want to know why you hate heroes yet you still act like one!"

It took everything not to groan out loud; this guy has no sense in his damn head much less any functional brain cells!

"You say that you are not a hero," he continued, blissfully ignorant of my exponentially growing ire, "yet you helped many people! Why do you keep your Quirk a secret?! And why do you insist on Kokoro-chan on not being encouraged to be a hero!"

I took a soul-cleansing breath before I gave him a level stare that made him falter.

"First of all, my actions all have a reason behind them. Two, I fail to see what entitled you to know everything about me, much less my Quirk. Three, what Kokoro-chan does is her decision and hers alone. I believe she had also told you this before. Also does she know about you using her first name so freely? And fourth, you are by far one of the most, if not the biggest, hypocritical person I have ever had the displeasure of meeting in my life."

"W-what?" He stuttered. "A hypocrite?!"

"That's right, you heard me." I glared at him. "Before you 'spontaneously' got your Quirk," I made air quotes around the word, "you suffered bullying and knew how the whole social ladder worked, you also knew that you had zero chance of becoming a hero but rather than accepting your so-called fate and thinking of other alternative life choices, you were deluding yourself that being a hero is the only job option. Which, may I just point out, your thoughts on such is a bit rude you know. Before Quirks, we had police officers, firemen, doctors and nurses and they were the heroes of that time. Because they put their lives on the line or never gave up trying, they're the real heroes of society. Hell even people in various military branches were also deemed heroes as they all but sacrificed themselves for their countries, their families and friends even! So yeah, how dare I say that the meaning of the word 'hero' lost its meaning when it bacame a fucking job title!"

With that, I spun on my heel and marched off, not even giving him a chance to offer a rebuke.

Flashback end

"And how dare he insinuate that Kokoro doesn't have a free will!" For some reason that particular thought made me more angry than anything else that was said between us.

"He's an idiot," I managed to keep myself from leaping out of my skin as Kokoro answered my unspoken rhetorical question.

"That he is," I agreed, as people around us were abuzz with the new gossip about last night's events.

"The new semester is just starting and yet those fools are already becoming a bother to everyone else..." I groused to myself as I had to yet again threaten bodily harm against that Iida brat as he tried to pick a fight with my classmate Ryoma Hoshi. Someone spilled the beans about him killing an entire yakuza group and used to be in prison until he got his acceptance letter to Hope's Peak Academy as the Ultimate Tennis Player, and the blue-haired fool saw it fit to "interrogate" him because of his "unsavory" background tainting the school's image. I took absolute pleasure in setting my Paldean Tauros (fire-type) on him.

Given what news I was given earlier that day, I was feeling pretty ruthless.

"As if my classmate doesn't have his hands full as it is given a certain phony psychic had been bothering him to work with him," I hissed internally, "And I wager he is the one who let the cat out of the bag about his history when Ryoma-kun refused..."

It is no secret in Hope's Peak that Ryoma Hoshi was once involved in the yakuza until he revolted and slain the vast majority of the members with just a bunch of tennis balls and racket. Naturally, this stunt caught Nighteye's attention despite the public trying to keep it hush-hush, and wanted to enlist Ryoma to eradicate the rest of the yakuza from existence. Ryoma, wisely, refused, only wanting to live his life with his girlfriend. Sadly, Nighteye is never one for taking no for an answer. After refusing him one too many time, I get a call from Ryoma telling me his girlfriend is in the hospital, in critical condition no less. To add more salt to the wounds, Nighteye, who had conveniently shown up, only acted flippant to Ryoma's crisis not even having the decency to be worried for his girlfriend, and had the gall to pester him some more to help him. Ryoma, in a rare fit of rage, refused, even accusing him of being at least partially responsible for his girlfriend's predicament, even when Nighteye staunchly denied such a claim.

"Don't forget," Gardevoir took that moment to remind me, "You, or rather we by an extent, have to go see said phony psychic at some point this weekend for he won't stop pestering your aunt. Not to mention some of the dirt we dug up thanks to Rotom's and Maushold's information gathering on your friends.."

"Thanks, Gardevoir," I snarked internally, "I needed yet another reason to believe that my entire week is ruined due to small yet annoying things..."

Turns out, Ryoma wasn't the only one being harrassed by that pompous phony psychic.

Thanks to some digging, my Maushold and a few of my other Psychic types that had been monitoring both Lucy's and Rico's homes have returned with some interesting yet bothering news.

Lucy, along with her sisters, were under Nighteye's thumb in terms of custody, thanks to Lucy's Quirk coming to life, which killed her bullies in the process. Nighteye took her and her sisters in as a means of "protection" from this group who practically wanted Lucy and her family dead because of their abilities being so "dangerous." However, this "protection" also meant they, or rather Lucy, had to do as he says or else they would be left out on the streets where this "group" can easily grab them and, more than likely, kill them. Many see this as a charitable act on Nighteye's end, but in all actuality, he is merely blackmailing her into behaving or she and her sisters get the axe.

As for Rico, his father, Rock, who, after his release from Nanba prison, took up heroics and also married Nico, Rico's other father. The two tried to keep their relationship a secret as Rock's fanbase was perceived as toxic and dangerous, especially in regards to their son and his already fragile health (inherited from Nico). To make matters worse, when Rico was born, Nighteye told Rock that he would be the reason why Rock will retire early. But Rock will have none of Nighteye's shit (good for him). Unfortunately, Nighteye's prediction was proven when Rico got kidnapped by a crazy cultist and just as Rico was about to be sacrificed, Bendy showed up just in the nick of time to save him. When this happened, Rock and Nico also showed up on the scene. Rock engaged the kidnapper in a fight which left him severely injured in the end. Thankfully, Bendy put an end to the kidnapper's life, but the damage was already done. When it was all said and done, Nighteye had the gall to say "I told you so," to Rico's parents' face. And now it seems that Nighteye has been bothering Rico's dad again to get back in action, which, by the way, he keeps refusing.

And it doesn't stop there, unfortunately.

Ryoma is not the only one from Hope's Peak with problems involving Nighteye...

Last night, Fuyuhiko contacted me, telling me his sister, Natsumi, is also in the hospital. Conveniently, last week, Nighteye had been pestering the Kuzuryu clan to help him deal with the thrice-damned Shie Hassakai, but the head of the clan, aka Fuyuhiko's and Natsumi's father, refused, claiming neutrality in this "war" as while they hate the guts of Overhaul, they respected his father (who is currently out of commission). A raid happened some time last night which made the morning news, which was when I found out about my senpai's sister being caught in the crossfire. Not only that, Pekoyama-senpai also got injured; while her wounds were not as extensive as Natsumi-senpai's, it was still pretty grave. Like Ryoma's girlfriend, Natsumi is comatose.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt arms snake around me, making me tense before I noted it was Kokoro hugging me.



"W-what-?!" I felt my face become hot as I began to stutter.

"I'm sorry you're going through so much right now...." She muttered, her face nearly buried in my neck (she is an inch or so taller than me, giving her a bit of height advantage, to my current embarrassment.).

"Um guys? Some help here?!"

"Nope, I think you got this." I could swear I can hear laughter in my Zoroarks' collective voices.

"TRAITORS!" I basically cussed in my head.

"I want to help as much as I can," Kokoro continued, making my face go even redder.

"Umm... excuse me?" The awkward voice of my classmate Himiko (who also had her "assistant" Hattrem, who had evolved from Hatenna) made me both thank (and curse, oddly enough) the gods as Kokoro immediately unwrapped her arms from me to see the Ultimate Mage with a few things in her arms.

"Y-yes," I cleared my throat to speak properly, "how can I help you, Yumeno-san?"

"Your broom got delivered," she informed me, "and I also finished your wand..."

"That quickly?!" I was expecting to wait an entire day, if not more before I got to see one or the other.

"My magic sped things up a bit," She said with a yawn, "though it cost me most of my mana...."

"I gotcha," I said, quickly summoning one of my Alpha Hisuian Zoroarks. Huffing, she lowered herself to Himiko's height who immediately jumped onto her back and make herself at home in the Ghost/Normal type's mane to take a nap.

Honestly, I'm surprised none of the Zoroarks mistaken her for one of their own cubs the way she hides herself so well in their bushy fur.

Shrugging, I unwrapped the smaller of the two objects given to me, revealing to me my first ever wand.

At first glance it may not seem like much more than a crooked stick, but that's the beauty in it all. My enemies won't know what hit them until it is too late. Add in the fact that I added the Lugia feather and Ho-oh's feather as cores, the possibilities of how this can enhance my magic are nearly infinite.

Next was the bigger object, which, as I felt around the packaging, it did not take a genius to know that this was going to be my broom.

I grinned as I noted how Himiko kept it true to my favorite color aesthetic.

"I'm going to have so much fun with these two objects alone." I grinned happily unaware of Kokoro's blush on her face as she saw my genuinely happy face.

I summoned my Lustrous Globe so I could store these items away, not only to avoid unnecessary questions from nosy UA students, but also to practice with when I get home.

"Good call," Kokoro spoke up, seemingly reading my thoughts. "You already have your hands full as it is."

I nodded. "Yeah." Putting away my Lustrous Globe in my kimono, I nodded to Himiko. "Thanks, Yumeno-chan. After classes let out I'll try my hand at the broom to see how it and the wand treats me."

"Nyeh..." I heard her mumble within the bushy mane of the Zoroark. "Okay..."

With that we resumed our trek to UA, making sure I texted Chabashira to meet us so she can take Yumeno off our hands before we go to the assembly.


I had trouble keeping my laughter down as Hound Dog, UA's school counselor, made an appearance and made an "announcement."

From what I gathered, he was quite, shall we say, rabid, when Bakago's and Delulu's little stunt reached his ears.

And he made his feelings known through a series of barks, growls, and snarls, which nearly sent me to the floor in a fit of laughter had it not been for Kokoro keeping a grip on me.

She had been getting a bit... touchy as of late...


After that announcement (with another one of UA staff having to step in and "translate" Hound Dog's so-called speech), we went back to classes. I thought since Midoriya and Bakugo were out of the picture for now I would have time to breathe and hopefully not gain so many grey hairs.

Rico, Lucy, Ichigo, and Amu were sitting at my desk and Kokoro's having our own conversation about basically nothing, when I felt something different in the air.

Discreetly, my eyes swept the room until I realized it was Eraserhead at the door, making me tense automatically, which caught the attention of my friends.

Thankfully, he didn't spare me nor my group more than a cursory glance before they landed on Shinso Hitoshi.

It was then I realized he looked... different.

And no, not different as in "oh my gosh he's so hot," or he looks different like in strength level or any of that crap.

He was dressed differently, similar to the hobo himself.

"That's because Baggy Eyes had been training him," Musharna informed me telepathically.

"Are you telling me," I began not realizing that I was thinking out loud, "that he left his own class to fend for themselves to train some random jag-off that isn't even in the hero course?"

"Looks that way," Lucy muttered.

"He plans to introduce the arrogant knave to the hero course at some point in the future," added Delphox, a snarl on her face.

"And he has the gall to get uppity when I point out that his class is full of irresponsible children?" I scoffed. "He can't even train them properly..."

"What did I miss?" Amatsu suddenly crawled out of my bag into my arms, snuggling up against me, while shooting smug looks at Kokoro for some reason while she shot them dirty looks of her own back.

"Just people being hypocritical idiots." I stated simply, petting them to keep my mind off of these troublesome matters.


It was finally time to go home, or rather, go to the Forgers house to tutor Ritsu's sister Anya.

Uncle Taichi would have offered me a ride but he was called to work for something important.

Giving me an opportunity to test out my new flying broom.

"You sure this is a good idea?" Kokoro asked as we stood in my aunt's backyard. I asked her to accompany me. Why? I haven't figured it out. She seemed okay with the idea though, as long as she brought Kota along. He seemed to be intrigued by the idea of someone riding a broom though, so he wanted to see this for himself.

"Not sure yet," I answered. "Which is why I'm practicing it now before I decide to use the broom to get to the Forgers'."

"Surely Koraidon or Revavroom would be okay with taking us?" Kokoro pointed out.

"Maybe so, but keep in mind, I don't wanna get pulled over by the cops to inquire us about our 'odd vehicle'..." I pointed out.

"And riding a broom into town won't draw attention?" Kota countered, his Totodile crossing his arms like him.

I gave him a deadpan look as I summoned my broom and wand. "Silence in the peanut gallery, squirt." I pointed my wand at him. "Unless you want to feel what a hex feels like..."

He quickly shook his head no, not wanting to get hexed by a witch-in-training.

"That's what I thought." I chuckled, positioning myself on the broom.

Feeling the winds whip around me, I smacked the end of the broom, while commanding, "UP!"

And just like that, I was airborne.

"Woo!!" I yelled out in surprise, as it took off fast. "Reminds me when Koraidon drinks too much of the Soda Pop when we finish a picnic and he wants to go for a flight."

"Pft," I heard the said Fire/Dragon type scoff. "I can do better than that little stick with hay at the end. Watch!" With that Koraidon summoned himself and began to fly alongside me.

"Ooh!" I heard H. Braviary chime in with excitement, "Let me in on that action!" He then summoned himself, along with a lot of my other Flying-types.

Next thing I knew, I was racing my Pokemon in the sky.

"Well we know the broom works," I thought, as I got the hang of flying and having control over it thanks to some helpful tips from my Flying-types (and Mewtwo).

Hearing my alarm ring, I realized it was time to head to the Forgers. Touching back down on the ground, I looked to Kokoro and Kota, who was holding his Totodile in his arms now.

"Who's up for a ride?" I asked them, my flying Pokemon hovering in the air, liking the idea of another race.

POV Change, 3rd Person


"Wonder where she is right now?" Loid asked himself, drinking some tea that his wife had made for him (Yor had been getting better in the kitchen thanks to Chifuyu helping her). "She's usually at least thirteen minutes early, I wonder if something happened?" It wasn't that Loid was worried, as he knew the tutor he hired for Anya is more than capable of holding her own, it was more to the fact that Anya is always asking about her and when she's coming back. The girl had grown quite fond of her tutor, and Ritsu seems to trust her enough as well. Especially where his oldest daughter's power is concerned.

Anya, who was watching TV until Chifuyu arrived, noticed a shadow pass by one of the windows. Wondering over to the window, she gasped and pointed.


Her loud voice was enough to startle Loid, enough to make him nearly choke on the tea he was drinking in shock.

Righting himself, he bolted to the window to see, much to his shock, a person, riding on a broom, while Anya was jumping up and down with excitement.

Squinting as the figure was coming closer, he realized with shock that it was none other than Chifuyu, and she had a couple of passengers on the broom with her, along with what looked like her summons flying alongside her.

Loid could only look on with complete shock; never in all his years as an undercover agent, had seen anything like this. And he had seen plenty of crazy and unbelievable things in his life.

"Then again," He thought, "she was already quite exceptional before, which is why I hired her on to watch and even teach both my daughters..."

Chifuyu landed albeit shakily before she addressed Loid with a slightly sheepish smile.

"Sorry I'm late, boss," she apologized. "We had a lack of transportation and this is basically my first time on a broomstick. I hope this won't be a problem in the future."

He could only nod dumbly, too awestruck to formulate words.

Things have become rather interesting.

POV Switch, 1st Person Chifuyu


I was cutting up some rabbit apples for a snack for Anya and Kota while Kokoro helped both of them go over the last bit of their homework. Ritsu had also come in along with a few friends from her school in Kunigigaoka High and said something about doing some training for tomorrow's gym class assginment so she couldn't stay for long, despite the collective protests of her Vani.

Everything seemed to be going fine, until my phone went off, indicating my aunt was calling me and it was urgent.

Putting the plate of the cutely cut up apples down, I excused myself while I pulled out my Arc Phone to answer Aunt Chichi.

"I need you to come down here immediately." She spoke in a swift tone that offered no argument.

"Where is 'here', exactly?" I asked, dread pooling in my stomach.

"Nighteye agency." She answered grimly.

And like that the dread gathering in my gut solidified into a heavy boulder, twisting my insides.

Sighing, I replied, "Fine. I'll be down there. Just give me about thirty minutes top if not half that. Time me on it." With that, I hung up.

Turning to Loid, who had entered the living room with a worried crease in his forehead, I informed him, "My aunt just called. She says it is urgent that I get to the Nighteye agency."

"I see," he responded in understanding, a frown appearing on his face. At one point, Nighteye had actually pestered the Forger family due to Anya's ability to read minds and then Ritsu with her "odd" ability (given hers is similar to mine, it figures that the phony psychic would stick his nose where it did not belong).

Thankfully Yor (and her borther Yuri who's the head of one of the state security offices) shut him down quick when she nearly went Briar Princess on his ass and he hasn't bothered the Forgers ever since.

"Would you like a ride?" Loid offered.

I shook my head. "No, though I appreciate the offer. It would be faster if I go by broomstick. That means I can hopefully get it over with quic so I can continue with my day."

I turned to Kokoro and Kota. "You guys wanna head home before I jump into this?"

Kokoro spoke up, "I'll go with you. We'll drop off Kota first though."

"What? Why?!" Kota spoke up with shock.

"Because I rather not you witness a murder should it happen." I stated bluntly before anyone else could answer.

Kota blinked at my words before he admitted defeat, allowing us to take him home.

I turned to Loid as we headed outside to take off.

"I'll call you later and we can schedule a make-up session," I bargained, which made him nod at me silently.

"Ja ne!" I called out, before I took off with Kokoro and Kota.

POV Switch 3rd Person


It was about thirty minutes since Chichi had called her niece to meet her at Nighteye agency.

Chichi was waiting outside the building when her niece, and Kokoro much to her surprise (but she did not protest), appeared on her broomstick, making passerbys look with awe as they apparently never seen someone fly a broomstick before aside from TV.

Disembarking, Chifuyu stashed her broom away before nodding to her aunt, which spurred her to enter the building while ignoring everyone else inside.

While Chifuyu and Kokoro took more time while entering.

Though they met a small delay when they both came across one of the interns in some weird machine.

Taking a picture on her Arc Phone, Chifuyu immediately posted it to several of her social accounts while making the post public so anyone reading her blogs can see it.

She quickly added a note at the bottom of the image, stating, "I know heroes and their employs are allowed to do as they please with their paychecks but I was not aware that fetishes were allowed in the work environment!"

Quickly adding a few tags, she put her phone away, with Kokoro dragging her by the arm so they can catch up to her aunt.

Conveniently enough, Chichi was already berating Nighteye for said fetishes, practically emascualting him verbally. And to make matters worse, Midoriya was also there...

The mere sight of them made Chifuyu's face twist with disgust. "This fucking guy..."

Many of her Pokemon shared the same sentiment, her Psychic-types harboring the most hatred and bitterness for the former sidekick of All Might.

"As if things hadn't already gone to hell..." Chifuyu huffed, before noting that Kokoro was also sporting an expression of dislike not unlike her own.

Before Chifuyu could ask her discreetly, Kokoro merely shook her head, her eyes darting to Nighteye and Midoriya, whom of the latter had just realized they were also here.


Chifuyu quickly cut him off, "Not in the mood, Midoriya. But since I'm in a somewhat generous mood, you can go first and see him. What I'm doing here is none of your business so don't bother asking me."

He then noticed Kokoro, but before he could say anything to her, she merely glared at him and said, "No."

Whatever it was he was about to ask was shot down, leaving him crestfallen before he went back to Nighteye, taking Chifuyu's "offer."

What transpired from there could only be described as "unimportant" by both Chifuyu's and Kokoro's standards; Midoriya made a weird face that made both girls cringe and apparently Nighteye did not like it before they began to talk about that smiley trash bag.

"Sweet Sinnoh and all things holy, they talk about the guy like he is God's gift to the world!" Chifuyu practically bared her teeth in sneer, which made Kokoro place a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Then Nighteye challenged Midoriya which made both Chifuyu and Kokoro roll their eyes at the debacle.

"It would seem they forgot we were here," Chifuyu stated in a low tone to Kokoro as she summoned Monocrow to pet him.

"They didn't." Kokoro denied. "Well, Midoriya is more focused on trying to impress me while trying to prove 'something' to you. Nighteye on the other hand, had seem to forgotten he has an audience. Especially since he seemed to have let vital information slip out."

"You mean that One For All crap?" Chifuyu inquired, remembering back at the USJ and her bluff to All Might before he tried to attack her Zoroarks on the scene.

"I take it you know something of it." Kokoro stated than asked.

"Not a whole lot," Chifuyu admitted, "what I did back then was nothing more than a bluff, though I have my suspicions about it being related to All For One, and may I point out they all suck at the 'references' here."

Finally the whole thing got very old for both Kokoro and Chifuyu to watch.

Deciding to end it, Chifuyu looked over to where a bunch of seemingly valuable All Might merchandise sat.

"Which one is the most valuable?" She asked Kokoro, pulling out a can of spray paint filled with Grafaiai paint.

"The tapestry," Kokoro answered, gaining a smirk on her face as she saw what her crush was planning.

"Watch this," Chifuyu snickered as she walked over to it before letting out a loud whistle, grabbing everyone's attention as Kokoro went to stand by Chifuyu, wanting front row seats to their reactions.

Nighteye and Midoriya's eyes widened when they saw the can of paint in Chifuyu's hand and the tapestry in the other.

"Either stop this pointless fight and get to the important bullshit, or else..." To make her statement clear, she sprayed the paint onto the wall to show she was by no means bluffing.

This was quickly ended with Midoriya leaving with his senpai, Mirio Togata, before Nighteye became serious. Chifuyu did not miss the way his eyes darted to Kokoro, to which she responded to whatever nonverbal message he had by simply grabbing Chifuyu's hand and leaning closer to her, which made Chifuyu blush at the sudden proximity.

Frowning, Nighteye adjusted his spectacles before addressing Chichi, his disapproval masked away by professionalism.

"I apologize for what you had to witness, but moving onto more important matters," he gave a hard glare at Chifuyu, making her bristle as he continued, "Nanami-san, I know."

This caused Chifuyu to stiffen, while her aunt became suspicious of what Nighteye was implying.

"You know what?" She glared at him.

Nighteye continued in a pompous tone, "I know that your niece's Quirk is more than it lets on. And it is that we need to prevent a great tragedy afoot."

As he continued to talk he did not notice Chifuyu's face become darker as a deep intense aura began to envelope her.

"What," her voice became colder than ice, "did you just say?"

Nighteye made the grave mistake of looking over at Chifuyu, as now her appearance, and aura, changed into something deadlier than even All For One.

Her eyes became like when Little Warhorn is in play, but only now not only the pupils have become slits they glowing an eerie gold but more physical attributes were added to her appearance; her hair grew to exceeding lengths before they somehow braided themselves at the sides of her head before they flowed out behind her, almost billowing in the nonexistent wind. She was also sporting ears on top of her head, similar to a dog's. To add on to it, her teeth where her canines are have become sharper, like that of a predator's, ready to sink them into his throat.

Before Nighteye could dare utter a word, his face became drawn with fear as he was suddenly faced with something just as terrifying as the transforming Chifuyu.

Standing over her, in a ghostly appearance with glowing amber eyes was a cyan blue canine, similar to one of her summons.

The phantom dog seemed to be glaring straight at Nighteye, similar to an animal that was foolish enough to cross into their territory and is contemplating how they should punish the intruder.

Some movement caught Nighteye's eye, and his eyes darted to the weird sword in Chifuyu's obi, which he saw was shaking, and judging from the aura emanating from it, it was definitely not in fear.

It was in rage, like the owner.

"You better choose your next words wisely," Chifuyu snarled in a voice that didn't sound like her own, making Nighteye look back to her before alarm came over him as her hand went to the said sword before drawing it out from its scabbard.

Only for his alarm to turn into shock as what he originally perceived as a rusted and useless blade suddenly transformed into what he could have sworn to be a giant fang.

As the "fang" manifested, Nighteye could have sworn he saw three different auras surround the sword itself, before he got a clearer visual of the manifested figures, making his eyes widen with pure shock, especially as they all bore some sort of resemblance to Chifuyu's altered appearance, from the facial markings to the way her ears have formed on top of her head.

"The Great Dog Demon and his heirs?! Impossible!!! They've been dead for centuries!!" Nighteye thought before one of them, Toga, better known as Inu-Taisho or the Fighting Fang King in his glory days of the Feudal Era, looked straight at Nighteye, giving him a glare so fierce that it shook him to the core. This was followed up by who are better known as Taisho's sons, Sesshomaru and InuYasha.

"You are a disgrace to all psychics," Taisho glowered at the skinny bespectacled man, "And you will meet your end by my protege and her mate, and it shall be our decree to take you down to punish you for the crimes you have committed against my ward and her allies."

"And may it be clear that despite what you preach," Sesshomaru added, "You can't change this path of the future try as you might."

"Normally I wouldn't agree with my brother," InuYasha crossed his arms, "But I can make an exception as the mere sight and smell disgust me more than a dead wolf's carcass."

With that, the three manifested auras vanished, into the blade of the sword.

Time resumed just in time as Chifuyu rushed forward to slice the man in half. Her Ren made Nighteye's interns fall to the gorund, as they found it very difficult to even breathe much less move a muscle under such a heavy atmosphere. Even her aunt had trouble moving as while she isn't as weak as the others, her niece's raw power in her Nen is still a force to be reckoned with.

Chifuyu leapt onto Nighteye's desk, lifting her "awakened" sword to cleave the pest of a man in half, before she was suddenly met with interference.

Which came in the form of Monocrow.

"Eh?" That was all Chifuyu could say as the bird was suddenly in her face, before she felt herself be hugged from behind, revealing it to be Kokoro as she summoned her duotoned bird to distract her crush for a minute, which was all she needed to embrace Chifuyu from behind and hopefully talk her down from committing murder in a hero agency.

Pulling her away, Kokoro coaxed her with soft words uttered into her crush's ear as she slowly but surely made Chifuyu come down from her want for blood.

This did not go unnoticed by Nighteye who watched with a speculative look, as he eyed the exchange between Kokoro and Chifuyu.

"Sorry Nighteye," he was brought out of his observing when he registered the voice of Chifuyu's aunt calling out to him, "but what are you trying to imply here?"

He gave her a cross look, as Chifuyu only glared at him from where she now stood with Kokoro still embracing her. The brunette is the only reason that the man was still breathing but depending on his next words that may not last long.

"Don't play dumb with me," Nighteye seemed to still have the gall to be arrogant, "That may have worked with the UA staff, but I'm no fool. Time is of the essence, especially with what I'm about to ask."

Nighteye continued, looking at Chichi, "I did my research on your nieces, especially your youngest, and I know that not only did she cure you of your ailment inflicted by your sister, but she also healed a few other civilians."

He took out a few files and placed them down, each of them a picture of...

"Nagito Komaeda... Nekomaru Nidai.... Kaito Momota... Korekiyo's sister Kikyo... Hana Hanamura... Daiya Oowada... even Sakura Ogami's boyfriend, Kenshiro!!" Chifuyu recognized the images as she felt something akin to a boulder drop to the soles of her feet.

"I also noted how these civilians also had a few things in common," He gave a sharp look at Chifuyu who only met it head-on with a fierce glare of her own, "one of them being that they had been diagnosed with terminal illnesses, all of them with a life expectancy to not go pass the age of eighteen if not sooner."

The more he talked the more Chifuyu's blood boiled, her hand inching to her Nen sword and her nichirin katana, but only held back by Kokoro rubbing her hand with hers.

Chichi, however, did not hold back on letting out a few outbursts of her own.

Slamming her hands onto his desk so hard it nearly cracked under impact, she snapped out, "How do you know of this?!"

Nighteye continued on, undeterred. "Calm yourself. How I came across is of no importance but-"

Finally Chifuyu spoke, her voice normal but still heavy with rage. "What. Do. You. Fucking. Want?"

"I merely want to ask a favor," Nighteye said, "as I have tried back at the Sports Festival but you decided to set your aunt on me on false pretenses because of that and-"


"What?!" Nighteye looked stunned by Chifuyu's sudden denial of whatever he was about to ask.

"My answer remains as it did then," Chifuyu stated with a harsh glare. "No. I will not be helping that smiley trash bag. He's the reason everything has gone to shit to begin with. So, no. I will not help that musclebound jag-off."

"You don't understand-"

"No." This time it was Kokoro that spoke up, making him glare at her. That did not stop her, however. "You're the one who does not understand. That so-called beloved hero only helped make this society so ass-backwards and acted blissfully ignorant about this prejudiced 'hero society' and acted like everything was a peaches and cream." By this point, Kokoro was yelling, losing whatever composure she had beforehand. "He was another fool who wanted to act like he could solve everyone's problems like some god or deity making all of these people so dependent on him and when relaity came knocking? They all began to freak the hell out as now they have to do everything themselves now instead of calling on him to fix everything!"

"Excuse me, Mitsume!" Nighteye snapped at her, "I will not have you speaking about All Might like that!"

"Good thing I never asked for your permission, you damned fool!" Kokoro rebuked with equal amount of heat. "By Atua's name you are no better than Midoriya!"

With that, she grabbed Chifuyu's hand again and began to lead her out the door, both of them having had enough of this man.

"HE WILL DIE!!!" Nighteye all but shouts in sheer desperation and frustration.

Chifuyu looked back over her shoulder at him. "So?" She spoke in an indifferent tone. "It's funny, isn't it. People die every day, yet the world continues on like nothing has happened. What makes All Might so different? He's still human, so why is he exempt from the concept of death?"


"Save it," her tone left no room for argument. "I know your intentions. Just like I know you're the reason some of my friends and their relatives are in compromising positions. You know exactly who I am talking about so don't you dare deny it. You do not care about the future, you only care about preventing the outcome you don't want. That's a bit hypocritical given your Quirk and what you preach about the future can't be changed. Wouldn't you agree?"

His face became an interesting shade of mauve. "Now see here-!"

"NO! I will not help you! And definitely not him! And that's final! When he retired it was a wake up call for everyone especially in the hero industry to pull their heads out of their asses and think for themselves for once in their cushy pillow lives! And here you are trying to bring back that false hope and for what? By undoing what had already happened and sweep it all under the rug like some elaborate hoax?! That's no better than trying to coddle an entitled child as an apology for receiving their first dose of discipline for their bad behaviour! So again, I repeat, I will not help you in your hopeless endeavours. Face facts and wake the hell up! You're supposed to be the adult here! Not me!"

"Now you listen here!"

"Oh stick it in your ass," Kokoro surprised even Chifuyu with her vulgar remark, "We've wasted time by just being here and I've had it up to here by dealing with the likes of you to the point I could literally get sick."

Chifuyu decided to pick it up from there. "And even so, why should I respect him? If I did that then perhaps I should respect everyone in this Sinnoh-forsaken world! But news flash, you sorry excuse of a clairvoyant! That's not how this works! Police never respected criminals! Geniuses never respected idiots! Brave people never respected cowards! Just like heroes never respected villains! Get the point, you dunderheaded bastard?!"

With that, she and Kokoro stormed out of the office, Chifuyu's Ren causing a wide berth to form from the recovering intern agents.

Back with Chichi, she only gave the now windblown Nigheye a cold look. "You claimed it was not important but expect a call from my lawyer."

With that she also left, none of them noticing two certain ghost-type mythical Pokemon (one part Psychic the other part Fighting) with a flash drive in one hand and a voice recorder in another.

This will make for some interesting scoop for a certain former Ultimate Journalist....

First Person POV, Chifuyu

It was some time since we have returned home from the thrice-damned Nighteye agency. Marshadow and Hoopa came back with not only a voice recording of the conversation (for lack of a better term for what happened back there) that took place, but also a flash drive chock full of some interesting data from his computer.

Dude really should have used incognito mode...

That and the Rotom had hacked into his surveillance cameras and came back with some intell that pretty much confirmed my beliefs that he was behind the hospitilazations of my schoolmates and their loved one(s). Not to mention the raid on Fuyuhiko-senpai's clan's base, the situation on Lucy, the harrassmnet of the Forger family, and the whole deal with Rico's family.

"I think we should investigate this Shie Hassakai..." I declared mentally to the others that night as I headed for bed. Today really sapped me out...

"Because of your classmates and your senpais?" Reshiram asked.

"That and something else..." I trailed off pensively. "I've been having the Tingle ever since that screwball waxed poetic on that group..."

I felt Mewtwo tense at that. "Meaning..."

"We might be getting another kid on our hands," I finished, my face drawn in seriousness. The last time I felt the Tingle, I met Jataro. Shortly after that, there was Kotoko and her "situation." Then came Monaca, Nagisa, and Masaru. Recently, there was Amber, or more accurately, Ambertwo, when I encountered Mewtwo and his Cloned Pokemon.

"As much as I want to get on it right now, I need to rest after the day I have had..." my eyes felt like lead was strapped to them as I was having more trouble than usual keeping them up. My guess was that it was caused by my Nen acting up more than usual enough to awaken my sword and then there was my near-transformation of my animagus form. From what the others have described to me, it sounded like something related to a Zacian with different coloration.

"Agreed," H. Decidueye concurred, "And we have enough on our hands with our currently hospitalized allies and with that phony psychic onto us since you healed your senpai back at the Sports Festival, our movements are gonna be under further scrutiny."

"And you guys always call me out for the doom and gloom speeches," Gardevoir sassed.

"All of you please shut up before I ram my head into the wall..." I groaned inside my head, thankfully making them shut up as I had finally changed into my favorite Cresselia kimono outfit before I finally could turn in for the night.

As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.


Rather than waking up in the dimension of Taisho (the new name for Toga to avoid confusion with Himiko Toga), I was in a misty woodland, similar to the Slumbering Weald in Galar.

And just like Slumbering Weald, I could hear the echoes of the bone-chilling howls that reminded me so much of Zacian and Zamazenta when I first encountered them outside of Postwick.

Feeling something of a rhythm of the howls, I without giving it much thought began to howl in some sort of harmony with the echoes, the sound bouncing off rather nicely in the foggy forest.

I mean it is only a dream so it's not like anyone is watching me.

Or so I thought...

Feeling an immense presence near, I turned around to see....

I immediately recognized the figure, the realization hitting me like a rampaging Tauros.

"You're my animagus!"

The creature, a shiny Zacian I realized with a shock, nodded, her soft smile still intact.

"That I am," she said, "And while you haven't unlocked your full form just yet, you are well on your way to that thanks to you awakening your Nen."

"You know about Nen?!" I gasped.

She nodded. "Mm-hmm, when one has as much time on their hands in the afterlife, you come across all sorts of interesting things, if only to pass the time..."

"Wait," I realized something in her statement that made me pause, "does that mean you are..."

"Yes," her tone and eyes took on a saddened shift as she answered, "I am actually dead. A roaming spirit if you will..." Her face became more happy. "But let's not let that bother us. For I have been waiting to talk to you for so long!"

"Then why did you keep vanishing whenever I tried to find you?!" I asked in near frustration.

She gave me a cheeky grin. "I wanted to give you a challenge. Mind you, I did not mean to make you frustrated. I only wanted to have fun and help you take the edge of the days when you seemed most troubled." She looked slightly guilty admitting this.

I winced, feeling bad for almost yelling at her. "Gomen-nasai..."

She licked my forehead, making the front of my hair stick up like a cowlick. "Think nothing of it, sweet child. Since this is our official first meeting, let us introduce ourselves."

She sat down on her haunches in front of me, as I did the same, only I sat Indian-style in front of her.

"Suppose I'll start since I have been searching for you for awhile now," I stated. "I am Chifuyu Nanami. And you are...?"

She gave me a soft smile.

"My name is Ingrid."

Meanwhile with Kokoro..

After Chifuyu and I parted ways, I went straight back to Gekkogohara's to hopefully put this whole mess behind me for at least the night.

Today while it had its share of excitement, it still ended on a sour note.

I grimaced at the reminder of Nighteye and what I saw in his mind and thoughts.

Not only does he want to use Chifuyu for his own means to an end, but he also wants me in a Quirk marriage with that Togata kid.

As if Todoroki and his jackass of a father aren't already a thorn in my side...

My dead friends seem to agree with though a select few, namely Mikado and Kanade, harbor something of a dislike (if not jealousy) of Chifuyu, but they just needed time. But they still agree that Nighteye is not only a nuisance to both me and Chifuyu, but also a hazard to many innocent people.

While Chifuyu may have acquired hard evidence of his involvement of sending a few of her friends into the emergency room, all I had to do was look into his mind and saw that all that she suspected to be true, on top of his sniffing around the people she had healed of their conditions.

Who knows who else he had used his power and influence to hurt others, and not just Lucy and her sisters, not to mention Rico's past predicament before he got Bendy.

My thoughts were interrupted when Makunouchi gave me a warning.

"Someone is ahead!"

I tensed at this, automatically going into defense mode seeing a silhouette right outside Gekkogohara's house.

My eyes widened when I recogized the figure to be none other than Chifuyu's boyfriend, Izuru Kamakura.

Seeing his thoughts hold no ill will, I hurried my steps to meet with him, knowing that this could be very serious.

Walking up close enough with a few feet separating us, he turned his red eyes to me, making me swallow thickly despite my aloof facial expression.

Then he spoke.

"We need to talk."

Omake Time: Ritsu meets the Annoying Bush-head and Naturally Delulu Does something stupid...

Shortly after Chifuyu left with Kokoro last chapter...

Izuku entered in to give his statement after he saw Chifuyu leave with Kokoro (much to his dismay).

"Please don't be hard on Kacchan!" He pleaded. "I'm sure it's all a misumderstanding."

Lucy scoffed. "Of course he would defend this joker..." She muttered under her breath holding Chibikuro close to her.

"You're no better than my father's toxic fangirls!" Rico spat with venom that is quite unlike his sweet character, holding Lucy's hand. Bendy was kept at bay for the time being as he exhausted himself from earlier, but mentally told his host that he would be on stand-by should he need him again.

Mine was holding Coro's leash close to her to make sure he doesn't jump out of her arms again. "Nothing surprising there..."

Ichigo walked up to the two, holding Kirara close to her as Amu hung back to make sure nothing happened to her cousin, her Charas keeping Coro occupied. "The only way any of us will accept your flimsy apologies is if the idiot lying on the floor mans up and admits he was wrong and actually mean it!"

"Just leave already," Ritsu piped up, petting Deneko to soothe her frayed nerves. "You said your part and none of us isn't gonna have it as none of us are obligated to accept your apology."

Unfortunately, her statement only drew Midoriya's attention to her. And not in a good way.

"Uh oh..." Lucy saw the gleam in the greenette's eye before she could stop him.

"Your quirk...!" Rico facepalmed as he didn't need a mind-reader or a psychic to know what's about to happen next. "It's a lot like Nanami-san's!!" He zoomed over to Ritsu, getting uncomfortably close to her as stars appeared in his eyes, making Deneko hiss at him in agitation. "I seen you transform into this!" He got up in Deneko's air space, which neither he nor his summoner appreciate. "Does that mean you can become your summons?! Can you also use their powers outside of transformation? What about-?!"

It became too much for Ritsu, which her friends saw as her eyes changed to the same ringed colors as the band on her arm. Taking a deep breath, she yelled out, "MAMA!!!!"

Deneko tensed and so did the others, as a presence filled with intense heat filled the room, making Bendy retreat fully into Rico to avoid the oncoming firestorm that was about to happen.

Out popped Insinera, the Fire Vani, and she did not look happy.

"Nice knowing ya, kid!" Deneko said in a tone that clearly meant the exact opposite as Insinera let out a guttural snarl as she summoned what looked like a pelt made by Zatakva to wrap up her "cub" as Ritsu quickly took it and practically coccooned herself in it with Deneko in her arms.

"Fire in the hole!" Rico called out, jumping behind the sofa to take cover, the rest of the Azalea Squad (sans Ritsu) following suit as Insinera began to glow brighter than a firefly as flames hotter than Endeavour's began to emanate from her hairless form.


It was finally time for 1-A to leave to go back to campus when Eraserhead noticed something.

"Where is Midoriya?"

Before anyone could answer. out stumbled a Delulu covered from head to toe in what looked to be soot. Even one of his hairs had a fire burning at the end.

"Midoriya, why are you covered in ash?" Eraserhead sighed.

Midoriya tried to offer an answer, but only coughed out a cloud of smoke.

Bakugo scoffed. "He was probably asking about Quirks again..."

Eraserhead facepalmed. Looks like Bakugo won't be the only problem child to receive a lecture tonight...

Later that evening...

"....And that's what happened after you and Koko-chan left," Lucy finished her recollection on the video chat with everyone that night.

"Hmph." Ritsu huffed, still huddled in Insinera's pelt for comfort, her eyes back to her normal shaded mix of blue and red. "Personally would have burned him to ashes for that... he's lucky Insinera didn't use the Sparkthread on him..."

"I don't blame you." Chifuyu sighed, not the least bit surprised by any of this. Though she would have paid a lot of money in cash to see the Fire Vani roast Delulu herself.

"Dude doesn't know when to shut the hell up." Nonon remarked.

"Ain't that the truth." Mine added. Thankfully, Seryu had finally returned from her mission and promptly picked up Coro from Mine's place so that gave the sniper pinkette time to breathe after all of that chaos.

"He did the same thing to me," Chifuyu sighed, remembering her days back in Aldera.

"Stupid annoying...." Ritsu trailed off by speaking under her breath in a different language. Russian, if Chifuyu had to guess.

"I'll have to ask her about that later," Chifuyu thought to herself.

"He's lucky I did not sick Brayziel or Alatori on him," Ritsu spat.

"Give it until next time," Chifuyu sighs. "With our collective luck, it will happen whether we want it or not."


Man did that take too long!

Next chapter will be the fall of the shie hassakai, and Overhaul and Nighteye will find out there are worse things than death when you factor in an enraged Chifuyu seeking vengeance.

This is ArtVampire signing off!

Ja ne!

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