Ghost Of You: Damian Wayne

By brooklyn1217

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Part one: Davina is Damian's longest and possibly only friend (other than Jon) she trained along side him for... More

Intro (Damians pov)
"You needed me"
"She's Not Real"
"Family Mission"
" Caught Myself A Princess"
"She's Real"
"Another Lazarus Pit." 
"All we can do is wait.."
"She Stole My Ring!"
"Welcome to Wayne Manor"
"Bruce Is So Winning The Bet.."
"Heyyy Sunshine"
"You wanna learn how to fly?"
"As you wish"
"I would love for you to be my mother..."
"Would you rather it be Wayne then?"
"I'll be back..."
Bonus chapter one
Bonus chapter two
Bonus chapter three
Bonus chapter four
Info for part two
Part 2: chapter one You're heaven
Part two: Chapter two "What were you dreaming about?"
Part two: chaper three "Welcome to High school life'll hate it."
Part two: chapter four "The story of how I became blind"
Part two: chapter five "What happened to plan b Jon?!"
Part Two:Chapter Six "Two Weeks my ass."

Part Two:Chapter Seven "I don't like dates"

52 3 4
By brooklyn1217

Hey Siri? Play...Fifteen by Taylor Swift
Davina's P.O.V.

I set my suitcases down by my feet on the tile floor of the penthouse inhaling the comforting smell of fresh rain that always seemed to inhabit the air whenever Diana was around. Still in the entryway, I placed my hand against the pale yellow wall while using my other to gently take off my left heel before repeating the process with the right. I grinned at the memory of Diana picking the paint color for the walls telling Theodore that the color was a comforting reminder of how the sunlight on Themyscira would enter her room in the early mornings. Theodore quickly grabbed as many paint cans as he could before briskly walking away to find a cart. It was endearing how much Theodore would do little things for Diana in the hope of her affection but didn't have the guts to simply tell her his feeling towards her. In comparison for Diana being one of the mightiest Amazons and a founding member of the justice league, she wasn't the brightest in noticing Theodore's affection towards her. Finally removing my snow flurried layered coat that covered my black long sleeve shirt with a white overall dress with blue flowers over the long sleeve, I headed into the kitchen where I knew my mentors would be.
I had been away from Gotham for two weeks on justice league business as well as my duties to Themyscira. For some reason, Bruce and Diana sent me undercover to this hidden lab in Brazil to obtain these classified files from a facility called Cadmus. While in Brazil, Diana wished for me to meet with the Amazon tribe located in a rainforest to continue rebuilding a lost and strained relationship between our tribes. I was introduced to Queen Nubia and what seemed to be her ambassador Yara Flor. Yara wasn't fond of me at first, which I learned was due to her friendship with Donna and she didn't enjoy seeing some "child" wearing her dear friend's armor. I was told the stories of Yara's and Donna's time as wonder-girl and how the two even met. I eventually gained Yara's as well as the rest of the tribe's respect after barreling through a forest fire saving endangered animals including the largest tiger I will probably ever see. Did said tiger try to eat me at first thinking I was one of the poachers who had started the fire...yes but once the large feline realized I had no intention of fighting it, the tiger assisted me off of the ground aiding me in taking down the poachers. Returning to the tribe I spotted an injured Yara and coarse her into letting me help her with her arm. After that night Yara opened up to me being the new Wonder-girl and showed me the wonders of her tribe during my final days in Brazil.
"μητέρα? Theodore? I'm home." I called out peaking my head around the corner of the archway into the kitchen, there weren't really any doors on the first floor of the penthouse just mainly archways and humongous windows. There was two French doors that lead to a balcony outside to a beautiful view of Gotham. While we weren't in the heart of Gotham, our penthouse wasn't as far out as the manor. While Wayne manor is twelve miles, the penthouse is only five miles from the heart of gotham.
"Λουλούδι?!" Diana turned around, I grinned at her plaid bottoms and oversized flash sweatshirt. Diana's grin grew wider as she set her down her mug and moved to give me a tight hug. "Oh my own heart! I am so happy you're home did you have a good time?" I hugged her tighter feeling a motherly kissed placed on the top of my head.
"Brazil is simply breathtaking, and Lady Yara sends her regards and an invitation for you to come see her." I looked up at Diana now feeling her hands smooth down my hair and readjusting the blue ribbon keeping hair out of my face.
"Oh I do miss Yara, she was such a loyal friend to Donna." Diana's smile became softer mentioning her sister. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Theodore sitting at the island intently looking at me and Diana. I pulled myself away from Diana and made my way around the island sending my man bun wearing mentor a mischievous smile his way. Theodore rolled his eyes preparing for my playful attack, my feet floating off the ground to reach my arms around his shoulders. Feeling his chest vibrate in laughter cause my smile to grow bigger as I felt Theodore's comforting arms wrap around my upper frame.
"Delighted to be back in Gotham little one?" Theodore questioned grabbing his coffee and bringing it to his mouth.

"Until I found that the snow started early this year, the choice of my attire was not suited for this occasion," I replied sitting down at the island next to Theodore with Diana in front of us. I noticed the start of dark circles begin to form under his grey-colored eyes, what was causing Theodore to be lacking sleep?
"Well, you won't have to worry about the cold much longer," Diana spoke rinsing out her mug and starting to wash it. I fixed my gaze her way with a confused stare. "It seems Bruce has another mission for you Λουλούδι." She smiled drying her hands and coming around the island.
"That would be three this month plus patrols. What could be possibly happening now?" I started feeling the tension refill in my body as I was mentally prepared for whatever Bruce needed me for.
  "Once you rest for a moment and eat, you can boom tube to the bat cave for debriefing. You've had a long flight head up to your room and freshen up while I make something to warm you up." Diana placed a kiss on the crown of my head sending me on my way with my bags to my room. I entered my room releasing held-up air in my lungs trying to shake off the tension. I set my bags down on my bay widow and began unpacking and sorting what needed to be washed. Putting my unworn clothes away, I stopped to look at the new photos I asked Diana to print for me. I smiled seeing my first Halloween party captured forever in the photo with Marella and Nadine. I was still a bit confused why people still dressed up in costumes if it was known now that it didn't keep monsters at bay but I played along nonetheless. The next photo was off training day with all of the bat sons, I was paired up with Tim In which we weirdly bonded over our love for patrols. The faith that both of us have in Gotham makes both of us do what we can see Gotham prosper. I pulled out of my daydream and pulled different attire out of my wardrobe and repacked only one bag this time, I then moved into my bathroom and washed away the long flight.
Squeezing the towel against my hair I caught my reflection in the foggy mirror. I froze in my spot seeing a glimpse of orange in the mirror, I could feel the dread mixed with the exhaustion in me as I tried to calm down my breathing. I felt my control slipping as Peri tried to calm me and absorb the negative effects of the Lazarus pit.
"Not there...Not real...please not today." I pried my hand away from the towel and wiped away the steam from the mirror and slumped my shoulders down to see a simple orange pot filled with a flower from Themyscira. Still feeling the shakiness in my legs I walked out of the bathroom and dressed myself in warmer clothes before I finally laid down on my bed knowing my terrors are going to appear once again as I forcefully close my eyes.
Entrance to cave Via Boom-Tube "Wonder-girl"
Two hours passed since I landed in Gotham and I finally made my way into the cave now feeling how much the snow dampened my coat. Peeling it off and laying it across my suitcase tucking the files under my arm and making my way to the center of the cave. I moved my left shoulder around trying to relieve the newfound pain in the area after my unpleasant nap. Seeing the map pulled up on the bat computer and seeing the Dark Knight along with Robin and Super Boy, contemplated whether I should have dressed in my uniform rather than Damian's turtle neck with dark blue jeans with my black leather boots. Hearing the heels of my boots click against the floor of the cave, the three heroes turned to face me. I sent a soft smile toward the three before giving my undivided attention to the dark knight. Standing causing an elongated shadow to envelope all light around me, Batman as always had his stare on his face in case he needed to give his infamous bat glare.
"Mission successful?" Batman spoke in one tone with barely any emotion.
"I'm insulted you doubt that I wouldn't." Setting my bag down then handing the classified file to the dark knight. "And don't worry I took precautions to make sure that this is the only copy left digitally and physically." Remembering Tim's virus I let loose into Cadmus systems. I stuck my hands in the back of my pockets watching the batman look over the file.
"Was security as tight as I suspected?" Batman questioned turning away from me causing all the lights from the cave to flood back in my direction.
"For a remote place in Brazil that even the amazons that reside in the nearby forest didn't know about...Shockingly yes, can I finally get an answer from you about why you of all people needed me to break into the said place and steal their information on portal creation? I smirked seeing I caught the attention of Batman from the file.
  "I see you've already decrypted the file then." I shrugged walking closer to the computer and glancing towards Superboy and Robin after feeling an intense stare my way sending butterflies to erupt in my stomach. "Ever since your fight at Gotham Academy, portals of the same hue have been appearing not only in Gotham but in Metropolis, Star City, and Jump City. According to my research, Jump City has the most hotspots for these portals appearing. I'm sending you three over the break to investigate and find a way to stop these from appearing. Whether it be temporary or permanent either of the two are acceptable." I was a bit shocked to hear Batman say the word temporary but kept my composure. "You're base of operations is at Titans Tower a place that Robin and Superboy are familiar with, But absolutely no matter what...the Titans are not allowed to know why you are there."
"You're asking us to lie to our fellow Titans about our intentions in Jump City? You realize Your son and I are a part of the Titans?" Superboy asked reviving the glare from Batman. "Wouldn't be easier to ask for their help so we can accomplish our mission faster?"
"More people that know the more chance our enemies know were on to them and lives can be lost." Batman countered "This is strictly League business, you three have been personally picked for this mission. Not being as widely known to the public gives you an advantage."
"And that's fine the less I work with the better but how do you expect our civilian personas to deal with this long disappearance from Gotham?" I questioned crossing my arms and leaning against the bat-computer looking over to the three questioning why Robin has been silent this whole time. Once again I catch him staring at me as Batman next to him turns my way.
"The paparazzi know you like to avoid attention, so that should cover it for maybe a few weeks max, Tim has your social media programmed to post some faceless photos of you hanging around the manor with Damian Then when everyone starts getting antsy, I'll send the jet to Wayne enterprises Argentina division and announce that you're volunteering until the break is over. They'll eat it up, and as long as you keep your identities separate from your other identity people won't suspect you three in Jump City."
Robin let out a small laugh before sitting up straighter "Then what do we tell the other Titans when they questioned why we are in Jump City in the early season of winter rather than the summer when we normally attend Father?"
"Simply taking Davina to introduce her to the rest of the Titans and see if she would like to join the team. Fraternize with other meta-teens like her." Batman started locking the file in a drawer using his fingerprint as a key. "The other league members seem to believe that the future of the Justice League is approaching, and for some reason, you three are the ones to watch...I want you to prove it." After that Batman simply walked off to a different level of the cave. I was concerned about the last statement from the dark knight, I wasn't a fan of being "watched" I felt like I was back with LOA having to prove my worth for a title I didn't desire. I tore my gaze from where the dark knight walked away and moved it towards my dear friends.
"I am sorry you are being commanded to deceive your friends, I understand it is not pleasant." I unraveled my arms from my chest and turned my body their way. Jon smiled before quickly pulling me into a tight embrace, I smiled returning the gesture before I was set back on the ground. "It is good to see you, Jonny.
"I'm glad you're back Dee, patrols with Mr. Abominable over there haven't been very fun while you were gone." Jon pointed back towards Damian who had an offended look on his mask-covered face.
I moved towards the boy's wonder before placing a finger on the R symbol of his suit. "And what happened to be on your best behavior hmmm?" I teased sending a mischievous smile his way.
Still sending a prolonged glare to Jon that could rival his fathers, Damian slowly then looked down at me grabbing my hand and pulling me into my fourth embrace of the day. The smell of disinfectant and leather mixed with Damian's fading cologne filled my nose as I moved my arms under his shoulders Turing my hands backward to place them comfortably on his shoulder blades.
"Tch...I kept my promise, I didn't cause any harm for the entirety of these two weeks." I felt Damian's head move upwards resting on the top of my head "Snitch." I laughed at the word Damian whispered Jons way.
"Easy Wonder Boy." I moved one hand to intertwine with the small curls on the nape of his neck, only to find they weren't there. I pulled back floating a bit while gently turning his face to see with my eyes they were gone. "You cut your hair?" Another "Tch" came from Damian before I heard Jon start laughing.
"Blame intoxicated Todd, he invited Harper over and got the new aspiration to become a barber." I used the access material of my sleeve to cover my face from Damian's view as I attempted to hide my growing laughter. Damian rolled his eyes then proceeded to look up shaking his head and leaving his hands to rest around my waist. "Glad everyone found this amusing," Damian complained
"Your hair will grow back Dami, and I promise retaliation against Jason and this Harper in your honor." I patted his hero symbol before taking a step back. "Now, important question how are we getting to Jump City?"

Seeing the coastal area of Jump City start to appear after five grueling hours of being coupe up in the batwing were exhilarating. I could tell both boys up front were starting to become restless in the small space of the batwing. I had offered to sit in the back with the three bags since I was the smallest out of the three of us. Jonathan was still not okay with using the boom tube which irritated Damian but getting to fly the batwing made up the long flight in his eyes. Finally closing the last file on every Titans member, I was curious to know who I was staying with and a part of me wanted to know how to protect myself from them in case things went wrong. I had read every file over five times when I felt the plane slowing down, I sat up from laying across the seat with my legs on top of the luggage, peering out the small window from the back and seeing the weirdly shaped tower come into view.
"I still don't understand how that building is holding up properly." My face scrunched up trying to figure out how both sides of the building are being held up. Damian slowly started to land the plane in front of titans tower before finally killing the engine and opening the canopy. Jon was the first one out of the batwing letting out a joyful sound.
"He's flying home next time," Damian grunted finally jumping out of the plane himself. I finished putting all of my things into my bag when I started hearing multiple voices start to appear.
I mentally counted the new voices "Five" I heard a chorus of hellos from both the super sons I flew here with and the other members of the Titans. Deciding not to seem weird I grabbed my bag and finally jumped over the batwing seeing a stiff Damian wrapped in a hug from Dick. It wasn't long till I was pulled in front of Korey who gave me the kindest grin.
"Oh! I am so happy to see you again Davina! You're going to have an amazing time at Titian's tower." Korey then turned to the side mindful of her belly, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Everyone let's meet our possible new member Davina or Wondergirl." I noticed Dick still resting an arm around Damian using the other one to wave. I looked to the other side of Dick to see the purple-haired demon of the team staring at me with a look of pure disinterest which I found comical. I could feel my Apollo tattoo starting warm up and assumed everyone else could see the constellation appear on the arm of my armor. I figured this would happen with Rachel, the mark of Apollo was created to ward off demons and monsters who were lucid enough to fear the wrath of Apollo himself. Out of the three Titans I wasn't familiar with I could see Rachel being a threat but doubted she had the energy to even care about my presence here. Telling that she wasn't the most extroverted person by her using her cloak to mostly cover her entire body, I simply nodded her way hoping the kind gesture would be understood. Rachel simply nodded back even showing the smallest and the most awkward smile before pulling her hood up blocking the sun from touching her face. Turning away, I was met with the green-pigmented human known as Beast Boy in front of me with his hand already out. His hand was held more out to his side rather than in front of him which confused me which I guess he noticed through my face.
"What's up Mamma names Garfield." He widens his smile showing off his canines more before slowly losing the smile Turing towards Jon and Damian. "She's not a germaphobe right?" Jon laughed shaking his head no before speaking to me.
"Garfield wants you to give him a high five Dee." I scrunched up my face looking back at Garfield who was smiling once again now with his hand beside his head showing his palm to me.
"Up top Mamma! Nice to have another green lover on the team." Garfield spoke making his voice sound a little mischievous. Still confused I extended my hand forward simply poking his hand in the hope I did what he wanted.
"Hello Garfield it is a pleasure to meet you, I've been curious about your abilities and was wondering if you could change into any animal or is it only what animal you come into contact with?" Garfield looked over to his hand before back to me with a strange look on his face. I felt Korey move away before a familiar black leather glove grab my hand completely opening my hand and leaving my fingers pointing to the sky before slamming it against Garfield.
"That's what they mean by high five Nuri, she's lived on an island all of her life Logan. Be patient with her like how you are with me with social cues and she'll get better with them." Damian spoke to Garfield calmly moving from behind me but staying around my vicinity. I felt my cheeks heat up feeling embarrassed before holding my hand out as Damian had put it.
"I apologize for that, now that I know better maybe we could try again?" The green teen smiled again before we correctly "High fived" each other.
"It's my bad bro, and only into animals I've seen either in person or sometimes a magical illusion works." Garfield turned to look behind him. "Yo Jaime! come meet the new girl." I looked over to see that the last permanent resident of Titans Tower start walking my way. If I thought my tattoo was burning when I locked eyes with Raven then staring through the blue beetle suit into Jaime's eyes sent my tattoo ablaze across my skin. Immediately the scarab started making an eerie hissing sound mixing with the red glow becoming more apparent stopping Jaime in his tracks and refusing to let him come any closer to me.
"Not a fan of new people is it?" I started feeling the tension start to invade my skin. I see Jaime staring at me but not he seemed somewhere else making me wonder who controlled who. I had been made aware of the situation between Damian and Jaime during Damian's first few days with the Titans, I could see both party's sides on who is to blame but seeing how Jaime had barely any control over the scarab was alarming. If I knew one thing about Jaime and the scarab already without a proper introduction, if the scarab wanted control... it would get it. I could see the struggle between Jaime and the scarab in the poor kid's eyes, tightening his fist along with the light mumbling to himself made me feel for the poor soul.

"It's not a fan of people who work for Batman...or champions of Greek gods." Jamie strained closing his eyes before I knew it, the pupils of his eyes were gone taken over by the scarab and changing Jaime's hand into the sonic cannon I had read about. As if Jaime was fighting for control his head was jerking around painfully as he started screaming my way spitting out only a few words in different languages I could understand even going into Atlantean and Kryptonian before going into a completely new language I had never heard which I just assumed was the scarabs native language. For once in my short year of wearing peri I felt anger that wasn't naturally mine poor into me making peri glow as bright as the scarab as if she was trying to frighten the scarab. Before I could even move closer a blur of blue and red flashed in front of me before it stilled into a familiar red cape covering me from the blue beetle's view.
"That's enough Jaime. Either you get control of that damn bug or I knock your ass out. I won't tolerate disrespect towards my best friend." I couldn't tell if I was shocked that I just heard Jon cuss not once but twice in one sentence..or hearing Jon call me his best friend. I looked over to Damian giving a slight plead for help and he moved towards the two of us without hesitation.
Jonny, it's alright." I spoke slightly shaking him now. "No one is upset here, I'm technically a stranger to the scarab." Damian then stood in between Jamie and Jonathan looking dead into the half Kryptonian's face. I started to see red lines appear from the side of Jon's temple that was viewable and started to spread from his eyes giving me a flashback of his father's eyes mixed with my screams on the watchtower.
"You need to calm down Kent, why don't the three of us grab our bags and take them up the tower okay?" I was proud of Damian for staying calm and thinking rationally. I put my arm in between Jon's and walked him over to the batwing and floated over the edge grabbing the rest of the bags before I turned towards the rest of the group circling Jaime.
"Frightening isn't it? Feeling your control over your body be stripped away from you...and feeling so helpless cause you can't stop it no matter how much you try?" Jamie finally looked at me with shock and guilt in his eyes, then I walked over to the entrance of the tower with my friends.
"Hey, there's something good out of this trip so far." I quipped bumping Jon's arm with my shoulder, Jon look down at me from leaning against the elevator wall. "You gained heat vision without melting anyone so congratulations my friend," I answered in a brighter tone causing both super sons in the elevator with me to start laughing.
After Korey gave me a tour of the tower she showed me to my room explaining that one end of the hall was the bedroom for male Titans and the other for female Titans. I ended up with Korey's old room since she moved in with dick in Bludhaven, I had argued that I didn't need a spacious room and to give it to a future member of the team but Korey wasn't having any of it. I was left alone to unpack which gave me time to set up my gear to start finding out about these's portals. I had my computer running hacking into the Titans Tower as well as the Batcaves computer to start narrowing down when and where the next possible portal location could be. I put it on cover mode making it seem like I'm listening to music while looking at company paperwork from Blackwell Incorporated. I walked out of my room and headed towards the center of the tower seeing everyone already there. I sit between Damian and Jon keeping my distance from Jaime. Sending out a soft smile I lean against Damian's shoulder before I slide my hand into his just simply listening to everyone talk.
"Dick told me you like to meditate a lot, Davina?" I nodded in Korey's direction "Fortunately so does Raven here. If you would like to, she can should you to the top of the tower where she likes to meditate." I looked over in Rachles's direction only to be met with a curious stare in return.
"I would love that but only if Rachel wishes to, I'm afraid wherever I meditate usually a lot of sunlight seems to find me."
"That's fine," Rachel spoke letting her hood fall. "I don't meet a lot of people who meditate often." I nodded knowing Rachel was trying her best in making small talk.
"I understand it's nice to meet someone who does, someone very dear to me taught me to slow down my thoughts and regain control before I act irrationally." I felt Damian squeeze my hand tighter always finding it harder to speak about Ra's. "Now I use it to control my emotions and then it keeps my powers in check." I heard walking behind me and turned to see Garfield walk in with large amounts of food in his hands.
"Sup my fellow titans, brought all the vegan snacks your hearts could require." Garfield handed a small bag to Damian who nodded in thanks grabbing the bag with his free hand. Garfield looks at our hands looking away but then proceeding to look again in shock. "Wait a minute! You're holding hands?!"
Damian then looked confused at the green Titans before responding. "Umm, yes we are holding hands?" Stating in a matter-of-fact tone
"But why?!" Dropping all his food turning into a snake and slithered around our hands
"Because I want to hold my beloved's hand?" Damian answered trying to peel Garfield off.
"Beloved? You're dating?! Someone likes Robin?!" I heard Jon laugh behind me along with Dick
"Dating?" I asked scrunching up my features and looking at Damian who was now beet red. An answer popped in my head immediately but the confusion was still covering my face. "I don't like dates I'm afraid they taste too much like caramel to me when they're ripe." I waved my free hand dismissing the fruit but noticing an odd look from the rest of the group.
"You know his girlfriend, Dee," Jon answered between laughs I turned around to him even more confused.
"What does me being his girlfriend have to do with this dating?" Not understanding anything right now was making me go crazy.
Dick let out a dramatic gasp standing up "He never asked you out to be his girlfriend?!" I grew frustrated even more throwing my hands up
"What does that mean!? This is something else I am not familiar with!"
"For someone with enhanced intelligence, you don't know a lot," Dick commented leaving me feeling offended mixed with frustration.
"I grew up on an island Dick the term girlfriend wasn't important for my training!"
Dick fell over and I could no longer tell if he was still being dramatic or needed assistance.
"Can anyone explain what it means?!"
I hope everyone enjoys this long chapter were starting to get into the part I'm excited to write for you guys! Until next time guys bye everyone!
5105 words.

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