
By World_of_romance011

72.5K 1.4K 362

A second chance to make things right... "Look me in the eyes baby doll,and tell Me you hate me" Tears wells... More

My works


1.4K 32 18
By World_of_romance011


I couldn't sleep for the nine hours, 40 minutes plane ride to Hong Kong we finally arrived. A car was already waiting for our arrival and it took us to Disneyland hotel, our luggage's were taken into our room. I open the door and the room interior is elegant, I go further into the room and lie Yulia down on one of the bed and Ivan lies drystan too on the bed.

It has two beds in it, and I drag the kids luggage to the wardrobe and arrange their stuff. I turned around and Ivan was fast asleep on the other bed, where am I going to sleep now? he hates my guts. I unpacked my things and I swallowed hard before making my way over to Ivan's luggage and unpack his clothes. It was getting bright outside and I knew the kids will be awake soon.

I couldn't find it in me to sleep,so I go into the bathroom and took a shower. After showering I step out with only a towel and got dressed in short and hoodie, before pulling my hair into a ponytail, and put on sneakers. My stomach grumbles and I can't remember the last time I ate. I grab my purse making my way out of the room, with the help of direction i found one of the restaurant in the hotel. I ordered breakfast for the four of us and take the takeouts back to our room, Yulia was already up lying beside her father.

"Mommy" she grins widely.

I smiled softly "I will be right back baby"

I prepare the table and grab utensils to eat, before making my way back into the room. I pull her into my arms and I could tell Ivan was already awake.

"Happy birthday baby" I hug her tightly and twirl her in my arms, her cute giggles fills the room.

"Let's eat, Yulia wake your brother up" Ivan says getting up from the bed and making his way to the dining room.

We had breakfast with Yulia and drystan giggling in excitement, I keep stealing glance at Ivan but he doesn't even spare me a glance. I sit up after washing the dishes,I rub my temple tiredly feeling the urge to puke. I couldn't hold it in anymore and rush over to the bathroom and throw up.

"Mommy!" Drystan worriedly make his way over to me.

I smiled weakly sitting on the floor "Yeah?"

He cups my face "Are you okay mommy?"

"Yes, I ate something which upset my stomach. You don't have to worry, okay?"

"Okay mom, Wash your face" he said guiding me up with his small hand.

I use mouthwash to rinse my mouth and splash water on my face, drystan follows me out of the room and just then Ivan returns into the room with Yulia.

"Dad, mommy is sick" he pouts.

"She is not sick, she just needs to rest. Come let's go have fun, she can take care of herself" he says not even sparing a glance at me.

"Really mom?" Drystan asked.

I ruffle his hair "Yeah"

Yulia smiles "Let's go have fun"

I shook my head "Go with your dad and brother,I need to sleep then I will be better"

"Okay mom"

Few minutes later they leave the room,I take off my shoes before lying on the bed. I sighed feeling drained of all energy, and soon I fall into a deep sleep.

My eyes slowly opens and I blink twice, the room was dark. I switch on the bedside lamp and saw it was past seven in the evening,fuck did I really sleep for the whole day?!!! seems like. I stand up and located my phone dialing Ivan's number, but he doesn't pick up. I have to find them,I walk down to the lobby and decided to wait for them awhile but still no sign of them,so I decided to text Ivan.

Please pick up my calls,I just woke up and couldn't find you guys. Where are you?

I waited patiently for a response but he doesn't respond, he really hates me. A tear slip from my eyes and I don't bother wiping it off, he didn't care less about the fact I puked and instead took the kids away.

"Are you okay ma?"

I sniffed looking up from my lap and saw it was a boy who seems to be in his twenties,his black hair reaches his shoulder and he smiles warmly at me.

"Yeah,why do you care?"

"Can I sit here?" He asked pointing at the seat beside me.

I shrug "Do I look like I owe This hotel?"

He laughs sitting down "I am Lee, I couldn't possibly stand by watching a lady cry. Are you okay? what is on your mind?"

"I am really not in the mood to speak with a stranger,so if you would excuse me" I said standing up.

He grabs my wrist softly "I know exactly what will make you feel better, you don't have to share your problems with me"

"And why should I trust you"

"You don't have to trust me, you can't be in Disneyland and be in a foul mood"

I sighed nodding, he rose to his feet's and he towers over my five feet seven height and I was barely reaching his chest.

"How tall are you?"

He chuckles "Six feet five not that tall"

"Not that tall?!!!" I exclaimed.

"I am considered the shortest amongst my family,so yes I ain't tall"

My mouth gape open in shock "You are kidding right?"

He shakes his head bringing out his phone, he hands me the phone and I frowned taking it. My frown turns into shock, it's a family picture and indeed he is the shortest. The man who stood in the middle is the tallest of them all,Lee seems to be reaching close to his shoulder and the other two boys are close to the man height.

"Wow,this is wow" I was rendered speechless.

He chuckles "I get that all the time,we are here"

I look around and realized we are in front of a lake and it has flowers surrounding it. It's indeed beautiful and I couldn't stop the smile that spread wide on my face.

"Beautiful right?"

I nod "How did you discover it?"

"I have lived here almost all my life,so yes I know my way around here A lot"

I sighed "Peaceful right?"

"Yeah,how long do you plan on staying here in Disneyland?"

"Two nights left, I am here with my family"

"Oh, you are married?"

I giggled "Disappointed?I ain't married,I am here with my kids and boyfriend"

Boyfriend? really Crystal, after what you did to him you still have the guts to call him your boyfriend, you are such a fool Crystal.

"You okay?"

A tear slip from my eyes "Fuck I don't even deserve to call him my boyfriend,I hurt him so bad by cheating on him when he was on a business trip for three months. He is in pain, but he is trying so hard to hide it from our kids,I hate Myself for what I did to him. I want things to get better,I have no idea what took over me. I am a fool,I can't lose him! I can't lose him" I broke down in tears unable to hold in my sob anymore.

He pulls me into a hug and I cry in his arms feeling so small in his arms. I clutch unto the back of his shirt tightly, I slip away from the hug and he cups my face wiping my tears softly and I look up at him with tears in my eyes.

"You shouldn't cry anymore, or your child will be affected by your emotions"

My eyes widened taking a step back from him "How did you know?"

"My mother taught me and I can tell when one is pregnant. You look pale, when last did you eat?"

"This morning"

He tsk "You shouldn't starve yourself, whatsoever is on your mind you shouldn't neglect your baby"

"I am not hungry" I pout.

He laughs "You are cute, but right now you need to eat. Come I know just the right place to eat"

I nod and after walking for a while we got to where his car was, I have no idea why I trust him enough to ride in a complete stranger car but I did anyway.

"You still haven't told me your name"

I sighed "Crystal Crest"

"Crest? Oh my gosh daughter of Erica Philips and Nathan Crest?"

I fidget in my seat "How do you know my parents?"

"Your grandfather owes half of this hotel and so is my grandfather"

"So we were supposed to eventually meet?"

He shrugs smiling "Maybe, I am Lee wills"

"Nice meeting you Lee"


I lead the kids back into the room and lie Yulia on the bed, she was asleep and soon drystan joins her. I search around the room and she was nowhere to be found in the room, I bring out my phone and saw multiple missed calls from her and also her message.

Where could she be? Why do you care Ivan? I sighed tugging hard on my hair, in need for a cigar I grab one from the box and make my way into the balcony closing the door. I light the cigar taking a long drag from the cigar, I sighed feeling a little better.

I love you

Lies all lies!!! Fuck!how could I be so foolish to believe that she ever loved me? my heart clutch hard in pain and I slump down to the floor trying hard not to cry. My phone rings and I bring out my phone and saw it was martakis.

"What?" I cleared my throat.

"Are you okay?"

"Is that why you called?"

I hear him sigh "I can't help but to worry don, have you patched things up with her?"

I spoke through gritted teeth "Call me again and I really would demote you" and with that I hung up.

After staying in the balcony for a while,I took a quick shower and got dressed, then i grab a chocolate bar from the table taking a bite from it, after eating I heard a Knock on the door.

I sighed making my way over to the door and opened it, she stood out there giggling with a guy. Immediately she saw me she composed herself.

"See you around Lee" she waves at him stepping into the room.

"Everyone knows that you are a slut, but can you quit acting like one on your daughter's birthday?"I said slamming the door shut.

She stared at me with pain in her eyes "I am not a slut Ivan,Lee is just a friend"

I snort out a laugh "Like Alfred was right?"

"I am not in the mood for this Ivan, I am exhausted and I need to rest"

She was about to walk away when I grab her wrist pulling her back. She struggled to release my death grip around her wrist but I don't even budge.

"You are hurting me" she says weakly with tears in her eyes.

I immediately release her wrist "Lying that you are sick to get self pity from your kids and used the opportunity to sneak out to spend a day with your new lover. What more to expect from you Crystal? first was Damien, then Alfred and now Lee?"

"Stop judging me,fuck stop judging me!" she cries out.

"I did exactly that but how did it end? what else did you do with Alfred when I was gone?"

"Nothing I swear, why can't you believe me?!I was blinded by lust and lost control of myself, you have to believe me Ivan,fuck you have to believe me"

I yank her forward "Liar, you are so full of lies"

"You are hurting me with your words, I really don't have the strength anymore. Alfred is nothing to me,Lee is just a friend. You are the one I love, you are the father of my kids" she place my hand on her stomach "Our child is coming soon Ivan"

I step back in shock, it felt like a thousand daggers pierced through my heart "Who is the father?"

"W-what do you mean by that?"

"Who is the father!!!!" I barked.

She steps backwards "You"

I couldn't hold it in anymore and slap her hard on her face, she cries out in pain staring at me with an horrified expression but I didn't Care, I yank her forward gripping her hand tightly.

"Abort the bastard in your womb"

She sobs loudly "It's your child, you have to believe me please"

I grip her chin tightly "You disgust me Crystal, pack our bags we are going back to Russia"

And with that I push her away from me leaving the room slamming the door shut.

"Fuck!" I screamed loudly getting into the elevator.

Thoughts on Ivan?who is disappointed in Ivan?who is glad with what he did? well I am Disappointed in him because he broke his promise to never hurt her again,ugh🤦 who am I to blame when I am the one who wrote this?

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