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Being the most beautiful omega and healer in a pack has its virtues and drawbacks. Scorned by omegas due to t... More

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Please don't comment pls Update when I've just updated. It only puts me under more pressure <3

In a clearing, Jungkook stands ready in his wolf form and waits for the other wolves to join the patrol. The cold winter wind blowing through the leaves of the trees brushes through his thick grey winter coat and gives him a few goosebumps. The sun barely shines through the thick clouds. Jungkook doesn't need to ask anyone else to notice how the wind has become colder. Soon the snow would fall and cover the floor in a white blanket.

Taking a breath, Jungkook raises his muzzle high in the air, smelling the various scents of the other alphas and betas who are waiting behind him to give a sign of 'let's go'. The familiar scent of Amber hits his nose, alerting him and letting him know that the last wolf is here. He confirms this with a quick glance over his shoulder, then huffs loudly enough for the others to hear, signaling that they are leaving.

Today they are a group of five wolves, two betas and three alphas who walk through the forest. The patrol group doesn't always consist of five-pack members. There are days when the group only consists of four or three pack members; always depending on a few things of what's going on in the pack and if wolves are needed somewhere else.

So far the forest has turned out to be very quiet, birds chirping here and there but no more. Jungkook assumes it might be too early for some animals to come out. They pass by the lake and walk along the border, vigilant and with their ears perked up when Jungkook suddenly picks up a scent. Alerted, he freezes in his steps, causing the other wolves to halt as well. He raises his nose higher, trying to pick up on the scent. No doubt there's a bear in their woods, however, the faint scent of distressed lavender makes his thoughts go into overdrive, scent spiking.

A sudden onset of anger and determination overcomes him, eyes widening and legs muscles tightening, ready to run. He clenches his teeth with a heavy feeling settling in his stomach, and a deep growl leaving his throat. Something is wrong. If there's really a bear in their territory, then they have to act quick, so the bear won't head to their village or catch Jimin.

The other wolves must have caught on and let out a threatening growl. Immediately they start chasing after the scent, alarm bells going off in their minds. They don't know what to expect or how big this bear will be, but they will do their best to defeat it before it can do any damage. Because apparently, this bear doesn't hibernate and may be even more dangerous when out foraging.

They run through the forest as if they are already chasing their prey, their bodies moving smoothly between the trees and through the bushes. By the scent, they can tell that not much distance separates them from the bear, which only makes them more determined. From a distance, they can hear a deep growl from the bear, but also, a little later, Jimin's howl full of fear and pain. This triggers some kind of panic in Jungkook, and he speeds up his movements as best he can. At this moment he doesn't think about the possible reasons why he wants to see Jimin alive, wants to know that he is safe or wants to make sure that he is not seriously injured. He just blames his instincts for it.

The wilted lavender scent hits Jungkook first before he sees the big black bear, seemingly trying to reach with a paw into a stone cave. It isn't big enough to fit in, fortunately, because Jungkook assumes who it's after is Jimin, and he will prevent this one from harming him in any way he can.

Jungkook doesn't waste any time and throws the other wolves a silent look, letting them know what's next. Like experienced hunters, they sneak up on the big animal and attack it skilfully. One of the wolves falls to the ground, but quickly gets up again and attacks the bear from another side. The bear tries to fight off the wolves as best it can, but even against the five wolves, it is no match. And indeed, one of the wolves manages to attack the distracted bear by the neck and bring it to the ground with the help of the others. The bear's breathing becomes shallower over time until it lies motionless on the ground and no longer struggling, muscles eventually going limp. 

Jungkook hears the other relieved breathe a sigh of relief and stand guard around the bear. With the bear gone, Jungkook recalls who the bear was actually after. He shakes his head, now realizing that the fear-filled lavender scent still hangs in the air, stronger even. Following the lavender scent, Jungkook has to step over the bear that now lies in front of the stone cave. He grumbles, frustrated, but moves forward.

Standing in front of the cave, he balances his body weight from one paw to another, hesitating to make another step. Uncertainty and worry begin to form inside of him and for once he's unsure if he should just take a look to see how Jimin is. He makes his decision when one of the other wolves grumbles, clearly not satisfied with the bear situation.

The air seems a little warmer in the dark stone cave as he tries to squeeze in, given that the cold wind does not blow here. His eyes must initially adjust to the darkness, but the light from the entrance makes it easier to see. No back noise follows. Jimin's scent reveals that he is still alive. Jungkook huffs. Strangely, his alpha remains silent either, as if anticipating an answer from the omega. Which does not come.

Once his eyes become fully accustomed to the darkness, Jungkook has no problem identifying Jimin in his human form. At first, he appears peaceful-too peaceful and Jimin must have somehow shifted. Guided by instinct, he strides closer to the omega and sniffs him, realizing that he is unconscious and not only reeking of fear but also blood. Jungkook notices how restless he is becoming, and so he shifts into his human form and contemplates if picking him up will be the smartest thing he can do.

Driven by concern, he doesn't think for long and picks Jimin up in bridal style, trying to ignore how soft his skin feels against his skin and that he's very naked. Jungkook swallows. He will have to carry him all the way back if he doesn't want the other alpha's to see Jimin like that. Frustrated and unbeknownst why he feels this way, he clenches his teeth and feels Jimin's head lean against his shoulder. He can't help but let his gaze wander down to his button nose, his long eyelashes and pink lips. His round cheeks seem soft from up close. The urge of tracing his finger along Jimin's skin arises in Jungkook.

His eyebrows knit together. What the heck is wrong with him?

As soon as he steps out of the stone cave, he sees one of the pack mates stand up in the corner of his eye and come towards him. Almost instinctively, Jungkook turns his back to the wolf and starts walking back towards the clearing. He doesn't know why he does what he's doing, and neither does he want to find out the truth.

Jungkook's eyes find the reason for why Jimin's smelling like blood and he grimaces. It seems like the bear has tried to grab him and caught his leg. He doesn't want to imagine what worse could have happened. In order to prevent worse than right now, he needs to get him to the healer hut. Which is actually funny when he thinks about it. He has been there most of the time when it was only Jimin in the hut, coincidences, Jungkook tells himself (but knows some visits have been anything but coincidental).

Jungkook tries to resist the urge to let his eyes wander down to the omega in his arms and linger on his milky skin for a few seconds. The lavender scent surrounding him makes it difficult to withstand his inner urge. So instead, he wills himself to focus on what lies ahead and how far they still have to go. While he walks all the way back in human form, the other pack mates are still in wolf form, dragging the bear behind them. It will most likely be prepared for the next feast or when food is scarce.

Jungkook can't help but let his thoughts wander to all kinds of different thoughts. To his childhood; to how his life had drastically changed while growing up. Not only did he befriend Seoyeon, but he also lost Jimin while he grew up. Was it worth it? Thinking about Seoyeon doesn't give him tingles like he had heard around the village that mates would feel like that. It doesn't bring a smile to his face when he thinks about her—anything about her hasn't made him smile or laugh recently. Has it always been like this?

Jungkook shakes his head as they reach the clearing. Now is not a good time to think about it. He'll have to think about this some other time.

"Insu, can you go ahead and see if a healer is already in the healer's hut?" Insu nods understandably and runs ahead in wolf form.

Carefully he places Jimin on the ground, puts on some clothes that cover his legs and decides to put on his top on Jimin, so he wouldn't be seen with Jimin entirely naked in his arms. Right, that's why he does it.

Jungkook tells the others to bring the bear to the village while he will take Jimin to the healer hut. He watches them leave before he takes the unconscious omega back into his arms and scrunches his nose at the metallic bloody smell. He lets his eyes wander down to the injury, which looks like anything but a graze. The memory that comes up triggers a turmoil in his stomach. It wasn't too long ago that he had a bad injury himself and Jimin took care of it. But he's a healer, that's his job, he tells himself. What happened at the river... he hadn't told anyone about that, and he certainly never will. But why? Because Jimin will get in trouble? Why can he never think clearly when it comes to Jimin? His teeth gnaw at his lip as he clears his throat and tries to focus again on the path ahead.

The walk to the healer's hut remains quiet with Jimin unresponsive in his arms. Jungkook was surprised at how light Jimin was when he had taken him into his arms. When they were children, Jungkook had often said that one day he would be strong enough to carry him. Jimin only laughed and shyly pushed him away. For a long time he had longed for that time, but no sooner had their friendship ended than the duties of the future leader of the pack had increased and Seoyeon was in his life. How did it come to this?

When he lets his gaze slide down once more and looks at him, Jimin seems rather pure and as if he has hardly changed, outwardly at least. He still looks so much like the little boy from back then and that makes Jungkook's mind wander. His stomach drops as the scene flashes before his eyes with Jimin standing at his door all broken up, crying, and him coldly rejecting him. Thinking back, maybe he really should have listened to him. But he was blinded by rage and other hormones.

At that moment, Jimin seemed so fragile and had heard his wolf howl sadly. Now they were adults. Could they perhaps become friends again someday? Can they get along again? Is it really true what he has heard about Jimin all this time?

Jungkook sighs and looks ahead as they get to the healer's hut. He somehow manages to open the door with Jimin in his arms and then lays him on the couch, covering him with a blanket. None of the other healers are there, which gives Jungkook cause to wonder if he should go and look for Jimin's grandparents or see if there is any indication of how to treat the wound. However, a gust of wind snaps him out of his thoughts shortly afterward. The wooden door to the hut opens and Jimin's grandmother enters with a surprise on her face which then morphs into gentleness.

"Ehm—" Jungkook clears his throat as their eyes meet. He feels so awkward standing there. "Jimin was attacked by a bear and suffered a wound to his leg. We found him and I brought him here. Please take care of him."

Jungkook is about to leave the hut and walk past Jimin's grandmother when she stops him with a gentle grip on his arm. Her voice sounds genuine, and Jungkook wonders if she really thinks like this about him or if she already knows everything about what happened between Jimin and him and is talking to him like that because she's obliged to.

"Wait—don't you want your clothes back?"

What is he even saying? He doesn't even know himself what happened back then.


"Don't you want your clothes back?"

Only then does his gaze flicker down to her other hand in which he notices the clothes she has brought with her and must belong to Jimin.


"Can you wait outside for a moment? I'll quickly put his clothes on and then take care of the wound. Thank you for carrying him here." Gratitude and something else Jungkook can't decipher flashes in her eyes before he goes outside to wait. From there he can hear how worried she must have been, judging by her voice. Why does it give him a warm feeling to hear that from Jimin's grandmother?

"Alright, here you go." The door opens wider and Jimin's grandmother hands him his top, which is now full of lavender like a field of lavender and now surrounds him on all sides. Is she aware of this? Did she give it to him on purpose? In any case, Jungkook's wolf does not hold back from showing how much he loves the smell, wagging his tail. What Jungkook should do is nod and go back to his hut. But instead, his grip tightens around his top, and he despises how much he wants to bury his nose in the fabric, inhaling the soft lavender scent.

Later on, he decides to take a walk around the village, leading him somehow to the one place things keep happening and Jungkook doesn't seem to be the only one to have thought of it. Not far away, Jimin stands by the lake with a blanket wrapped around him, his gaze fixed on the distance and his hair ruffled. The snow that fell earlier is almost gone. The sight, however, looks calm and serene. There's just something about the way Jimin stands there in the clearing and in front of the lake like the blades of grass in spring. Jungkook can't help but dwell in the moment.

"Shouldn't you be in the hut? Healing?"

A shiver runs down his spine as he gets closer to the water and closer to Jimin; the cold wind brushes along his neck, and he scrunches his nose, uncomfortable. This is what he absolutely hates about the winter. The cold temperature and snow storms, making him aware that he has a higher chance to get through a storm of survival in his wolf's form.

Jimin visibly flinches at his voice and turns around, hands gripping the blanket tighter and mouth gaping. His face contorts in disbelief.

"What are you doing here?"

"How are you doing? The shock that must have been running through your body from the chase made you collapse," Jungkook answers with a counter-question instead and moves to stand next to Jimin, eyes momentarily flickering to the calm lake before they are back on Jimin. "So? You should be in the hut, no?"

"I ehm-" Jimin seems to thaw out of his rigidity again and furrows his eyebrows now. "I needed fresh air."

"Ah." Jungkook hums and nods tentatively, not knowing what else to say. This is nice, even though a little awkward, but nice. For once, maybe they can pretend that everything is fine. For once, maybe they can pretend everything is the same as it used to be. And the fact that Jimin keeps calm and doesn't burst into anger, prompts Jungkook to sigh, relieved.

"Thank you."

"Hm?" Jungkook looks at him incredulously, thinking he must have misheard.

"Thank you," Jimin repeats, gaze darting down to his small hands that peek out from underneath the blanket and as a red hue settles on his cheeks like the water lilies blooming in the summer. "I'm here because of you; thanks to you, thanks to the patrol wolves."


Jimin is thanking him. Jimin is being sincere with him, and it makes him feel nervous because he doesn't know if he means it. But his body language and his voice proclaim it's the truth.

"You're—You're welcome I guess."

Damn, why does it have to be so awkward today? Why does the atmosphere feel so thick with tension?

Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Jimin walking towards the cold water. He's about to ask, but Jimin answers his question. "Well, anyway, I'm going to get closer to the water, you can either stay or go back. We don't want people getting the wrong idea, do we?"

Jimin is about to reach the cold, dark blue water when Jungkook starts to follow Jimin without thinking, only stopping once Jimin turns around. "Well look at that. The alpha is defying what he's meant to do today. People will talk, Jungkook if anyone finds out," Jimin says with some sass, but it's laced with truth.

"Anyways, all I remember is waking up and being already dressed. You carried me back?" It's not the scoff in his voice nor the way Jimin crosses his arms over his chest, which makes Jungkook want to growl. It's because Jimin raises an eyebrow and what he says next, "You saw me naked didn't you?"

Now it's Jungkook's turn to scoff. "Is that bothering you? I could have let you freeze to death or let you have the other wolves carried."

"Thank you, I appreciate your honesty."

"Look Jimin, can we just-" While Jimin's dry and sarcastic tone irritates Jungkook, it initially goes unnoticed as Jimin steps back and then turns to face the water. Jimin stumbles as a result of his foot slipping on a branch and making him lose his balance.

The clumsy motion of Jimin leaning forwards within seconds, has Jungkook moving forwards. His hands automatically reach out for him and coincidentally land on Jimin's hips, preventing him from falling into the cold water. Jungkook tries not to care and keeps a blank facial expression when he feels Jimin's hip bones under the blanket or his radiating body warmth. Jimin's scent spikes as he falls back against Jungkook's sturdy chest, prompting the latter to refrain from emitting a rumble. His wolf is more than happy, so close to the omega.

It doesn't take long and Jimin breaks free from his grip around his waist, clearing his throat while he awkwardly looks everywhere but at Jungkook. "T-thanks, even though it wouldn't have been necessary to touch me."

"Sure, it wouldn't have been necessary. I would have liked to see your face if you had flown into the lake. Besides, you have an injury."

"So what? I can't take care of myself?" Jimin crouches down, water nearly reaching his feet as he holds a hand into the frigid water, mesmerized as he keeps playing with it. His gaze then keeps going back and forth between his fingers and Jungkook. It's clear that the omega doesn't care about the cold temperature. Before Jungkook has a clue what Jimin is doing, he feels something cold seeping through his clothes.

"Did you seriously just splash me? I'm wet." Jimin rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed by what he just said. Jungkook looks down and sees that he has got quite a few drops of water on him, but his clothes are nowhere near drenched.

"You haven't had any fun since you were a kid either, have you?"

Fun? When Jungkook thinks about it, he has rarely had anything to laugh about or have fun with in recent years. The last time he laughed and had fun was when they were pups, so yes, Jimin might be correct for once and right now, it seems like Jimin doesn't see him as the enemy. Why does it have to be so complicated?

"Oh, come on. No one's here. You can take a day off from being a jerk."

"Hey-" Jungkook starts, but his words are interrupted as Jimin splashes water at him again. This elicits a growl from him, and he bends down himself, dips his fingers into the cold water and now splashes back with water. A grin plays on his lips. There's still this competitive side to him Jimin keeps bringing out. He can't say that he hates it when satisfaction spreads in his chest.

The omega gasps and his body stiffens, taken back by the sudden action and Jungkook feels like a small pup again. He lets go of his responsibilities and forgets that he is the son of the pack leader. He forgets all the worries he carries on his shoulders as Jimin joins in, and they splash water together. Jungkook has missed this, he missed being this carefree. But above all, he realises how much he has longed to see Jimin smile.

"Can we- I don't know... perhaps start over? Because I don't know what I did wrong, but I'm tired of us always fighting." Jungkook admits, he's a mess, and he needs to figure things out. "We keep throwing things at each other's head but seem to never really clear things."

"That's because you are a jerk and ignorant! You don't want to clear things. I approached you, but you rejected me each time."

"Jimin, for goodness's sake!"

"Stop yelling!" Jimin yells and mumbles, "I want my old life back. You don't know the things I had to go through because of you."

Jungkook is positive he shouldn't have heard it, but he did and immediately his heart weighs much heavier, posture going rigid as the omega raises his voice. "I just don't get it! You're the one who drove us apart."

"Me?" Jungkook asks, irritated and with a pointed finger to himself. "You grew distant to me!"

"That's because the older you got, the more things you kept to yourself instead of talking to me," Jimin reproaches, his usually soothing lavender scent withers and burns Jungkook's lungs. In anger, his own scent spikes because they are fighting again and because he didn't try to find out the reason for Jimin's behaviour before. He is angry at himself but also at other things.

Who would've guessed we'd be here now?

Listening to the water and concentrating on his breathing, he manages to calm down slightly. There's still a storm raging inside him, but he's willing to ignore it for the time being. He sits down on the chilly, earthen floor and peers up at Jimin with anticipation. "Then let's clear things here and now." 

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