MHA reacts to Verdant Emperor...

By Greyninja27

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Verdant Emperor by TheHinokami is one of my favorite stories of all time so I decided to write the reaction f... More

Setting up the stage.
The Divergence
Interlude: Friends and New Watchers
Finding Shelter & First Steps
Results & Giran
Interlude- Broken Flames
Physical Conditioning, New Home & Two New Members
Verdant Guards & Training
UA Exam & All Might's Regrets
Expanding & New Bases
Heroes & Villains & Anti-Heroes!?
Sports Festival & Verdant Movements
Hosu Aftermath
Verdant Expansion & Advamcenets & Unkown Enemy!?
Heroes Vs Meta Liberation Army
Prelude to Summer Break
Summer Camp
Kamino Incident
Shock & The Sealment of Fate
Saying Goodbye
Interlude: Confession!
Advancing Plans & Growing
Growth & Overhaul!?
Save Eri!
Aftermath of the raid
Military Line Assault!
Battle Aftermath
The fall of Aichi
Prelude to Meeting
Meeting Pt. 1
Large Scale Combat!
Interlude-Troubled Hearts.
UA's Surrender & Effects
Meeting & Ackowlegements
The Future Within Reach!
Japan's Fall!
The Verdant Emperor's Will!
Meeting the Emperor!

Meeting Pt. 2

4K 125 205
By Greyninja27


As UA's bus drove they came to an open road in more or less the middle of nowhere which confused them all since they all knew the road they were on led nowhere because they were at a complete dead end in the Aoi Ward of the Shizuoka Prefecture. Everyone was downright tense because they wondered if this was just a trap to get them out into a hidden area where the Verdant Emperor could wipe out the entire class and the main teachers of UA

"Why do they still think that I am going to harm them?" Izuku asked with a dissatisfied frown, "and even if I wanted to kill them, why would I use this roundabout way when I have all the methods at my disposal."

"They know that realistically they can't do anything to harm you, that generates fear in them which is actually a good thing, because it also discourages them from making any stupid and harmful moves," Stain explained.

But then suddenly an advanced team of Verdant members walked out of the forest with the Verdant Guard Himiko Toga! Nezu stepped off the bus and told all of his staff and students to stay on in the event something went wrong.

"It would have been better to take Midnight sensei or Todoroki with you in case you needed someone with aoe attack," Momo suggested.

"The thing is, that we still don't know if Midnight's quirk will work on clones or not," Nezu explained, "and as for Todoroki, I am still not desperate enough to hide behind my student."

"Hello, Principal Nezu. I am glad you decided to make it and I see you have brought all of 1-A and 1-B as well." Toga said as he bowed her head slightly to Nezu who did the same.

"Wow Himiko! I didn't know you had any manners at all," Dabi said with a surprised face.

"Asshole," Himiko grumbled under her breath.

"Indeed, I was a bit surprised that our destination is a dead end. Are we going to need to walk to the meeting place?" Nezu asked as he wondered if they would have to get off the bus which was a bit concerning since they had two civilians which would complicate matters if it turned into a fight for some horrible reason.

"You don't have to worry about me principle, I can definitely knock some teeth out," Mitsuki said.

"Yeah, you can," Bakugo rolled his eyes.

Toga shook her head. "No, please get back on the bus and follow us," Toga said as she and the advance unit moved in front of the bus. Nezu got back on the bus and told Aizawa to follow them which confused him since Toga and her team moved towards the dead end.

"Geez, follow me already," Himiko said, "it's not like I am going to make you drive off the cliff or something."

As they drove forward a teleportation portal opened up which shocked them all and reminded Nezu of how Verdant Emperor and his men escaped from the Overhaul raid.

"And we are already blowing up their minds," Compress said, "good job emperor."

"They only publicly showed this twice and it was how they escaped from the overhaul raid and made the appearance at the Diet which is still under their control... interesting," Nezu said as he remembered how everything went with that raid and the sudden appearance of the gate. Nezu was sure they could use it more freely but if that was the case then Nezu was confused about why the Verdant didn't use it to get around the military defense lines as they had also used boats to transport into Aichi which a portion of how they found that base that led to the fall of the prefecture.

"Because I didn't think about that," Izuku shrugged and noticed that people were giving him strange looks, "what?" he asked.

"We thought you will be more frustrated by the fact that you didn't think of that idea," Ochako explained.

"First of all, we can't be sure if Verdant thought of that or not. It is entirely possible that he did think about that but had some reason not to use that," Izuku explained and then shrugged, "and even if he didn't, it's not like I have to think of every great idea, that ever existed in this universe."

The Verdant group could indeed use the gates more often but Izuku didn't want the government to know that as knowledge is power after all and if it seems like they had a limit then it made it easier for Izuku to plan surprises in the war.

"Izuku was right, Verdant had pretty good reason for not using the gates," Momo said.

He also didn't want any other country to know that they had made teleportation gates yet since it would be their main transportation method to get to space in the future which is proving fruitful with the tests that had been going on in the R&D department since they needed to make sure a gate could even be opened in space since they had made it in mind of opening on earth. They have been having some trouble but were making good progress to include the ability to open a gate in outer space such as on the moon.

"Can we please focus on this part instead of all the other stupid things," Mei said with stars in her eyes.

"The fate of our country and society is stupid to you?" Shinso raised his brow.

"Yes," Mei replied without even looking at him.

Outside of that topic, the UA bus passed through the gate and found themselves in what appeared to be a new underground location. It was a large cement room with a door at the end as the only exit of the room but the room was also filled with Verdant Guards standing near the door and along the wall.

"I am not trying to offend anyone, but this does look like a room you enter in video games before you actually confront the boss," Kaminari said.

Toga walked over to the door and knocked on it. Aizawa opened it up so Nezu could talk to Toga. "If you would all follow me into the meeting room. The Verdant Emperor will soon be arriving." Toga said and Nezu told everyone it was time to get off the bus which everyone was a bit nervous about but soon they all walked behind Toga and they soon arrived inside a meeting hall.

"Yeah, you have luxurious meeting rooms! We know that already, so can we move on," Jiro rolled her eyes.

Toga directed them to their seats and told the students they could sit either in the second layer or anywhere else as the staff and Nezu sat down on their side of the round table. Nezu looked at the table and noticed the map of Japan and the war fronts were marked on it with recent information. Toga left the room and about a few minutes later a guard in the room announced the arrival of the Verdant Emperor.

"Not this again," Izuku grumbled under his breath as this entire spectacle of him being the emperor was getting more and more embarrassing for him.

"Announcing the arrival of the Verdant Emperor and his guards." said the verdant member as the main doors opened up and entered the Verdant Guards with Izuku walking in with his mother next to him. Everyone in the entire room that belonged to the Verdant placed their right arm across their chest and bowed slightly as Izuku walked into the room.

"At least I am not the only one who is getting embarrassed here," Izuku said.

"But Izuku, I am not embarrassed at all," Inko said, "it's actually nice to see so many people genuinely respect you."

Izuku guided his mother to sit right next to Mitsuki & Masaru Bakugo. "Aunty... uncle... it's been some time since we last met." Izuku said as they stood up and hugged Izuku who hugged them back and Inko had a smile on her face as she was hugged by Mitsuki.

"Is it really ok for you to touch Verdant like that?" Mina asked, "your friendly approach can easily be mistaken as an attack."

"Those idiot guards can kiss their jobs goodbye if they can't tell the difference between a genuinely friendly greeting and an attack," Mitsuki said.

Izuku turned around and moved down the steps towards his seat with the Verdant Guards right behind him. Izuku did notice Tenya Iida had a slight glare at Stain but that was to be anticipated in all honestly. Izuku didn't care if Iida hated Stain as long as the UA student didn't cause an issue at the meeting.

"I really hope Iida won't do anything stupid in a fit of rage," Ocahko said.

"Don't worry Uraraka," Iida said, "even if I hate that man, I will never do something that will jeopardize U.A.'s attempt at making a peace with Verdant."

As Izuku sat down he could see his mother whispering to the Bakugo and he had a good guess about what they were talking about and he would be right! As Izuku moved away from Inko and the Bakugos, Inko leaned over and started to talk to them. "Mitsuki, Masaru... how much do you know of what Katsuki had done to Izuku?" Inko asked and they told her everything they knew which was everything since Bakugo had admitted to his parents about everything. They were so disappointed in him but he was still their son in the end and they still loved him as they helped him try to get better but they were both afraid of what would happen today.

"I have faith in my Izuku," Inko said, "he will never do something that will hurt people who are precious to him."

"Thar's hard to believe considering the amount of terror and damage he has caused to the society," Nighteye added with a frown.

"It's ok if you think that but that won't change my beliefs," Inko replied.

"It's good that you know... I've talked to Izuku about some of it but I don't know if I swayed him off a path of him taking out the anger that he holds on Katsuki so you need to prepare yourself for something that may happen. I am sorry..." Inko said but Mitsuki said she didn't blame Inko since it wasn't her fault that Katsuki had done what he did.

"At least show little remorse that your child is dying," Bakugo grumbled under his breath,

"What was that brat?" Mitsuki asked.

"I said, at least show little remorse that me... your own child might die in the next few hours but no you have to somehow justify me dying instead of preventing it," Bakugo yelled.

"Shut the hell up brat," Mitsuki said with a tick on her forehead, "you should be thankful that you are still allowed to enter that room after all the things you have done to him."

"I know that already," Bakugo greeted his teeth.

"I can't say I would be happy to see my nephew kill my son... I would be devastated but we are powerless here..." Mitsuki said as a tear went down her face. Inko just held onto her dear friend and prayed that Izuku could let go of his anger towards Katsuki because she was afraid it would drag him down a darker path.

'Why the hell is everyone so worried about Dek-nerd but not him,' Bakugo thought to himself, 'it was his life that was hanging from the thread here, and despite that, all they could care about is Dek-nerd's mental state and not his life,' then he slammed his feet on the ground, 'this is not fair.'

While that conversation went on, Izuku had already started to speak to everyone that was sitting across from him. He did notice that none of the UA students were brave enough to sit in the seats behind or near him. Instead, they were all on the side where their teachers were at.

"Cowards," Dabi said with a mocking smirk.

"We like to call it self-preservation but sure, think whatever makes you happy," Shinso replied.

"Nezu, what are you wanting out of this surrender since it would have happened regardless since it was only a matter of time before I publicly claimed the Shizuoka Prefecture?" Izuku said as he kicked off the meeting since they had already completed their typical greetings.

"I see, reaching directly for the heart of the topic," Nezu said.

"Well, there is no point in beating around the bush when we both know what are we there for," Izuku replied with a smile.

Nezu nodded his head and rose from his chair as he was now standing in it so he could see better over the table. "UA would like to be converted into one of your police academies and take part in creating the new generation of specialized police force agents that are essentially taking the place of Pro Heros. Of course, we would like to keep autonomy on how we operate the inner working of the school and the decisions we make. I would also request that all of the heroes at UA be made into special police agents as well." Nezu said and Izuku made some notes and nodded his head. "So you are more or less asking to operate how you have been but instead of under the name of Pro Heros it would be under the Specialized police agent name?" Izuku said and Nezu nodded his head.

"Nezu, you sure have lost your shine," Nighteye said with a mocking smirk, "no tricks, no hidden agenda, just a straight appeal to become the emperor's dog."

In response, Nezu didn't reply just narrowed his eyes at Nighteye.

Izuku was silent for a bit but contained speaking after a bit of silence."What exactly do I benefit from accepting this? As I said earlier the surrender of UA would happen regardless once I publicly claim Shizuoka since I already control the underworld of Shizouka as you already figured out." Izuku said as he wanted to see what Nezu would say to this line of questioning since he was interested in what he would really gain since if he wanted to force the issue he could take UA over forcibly and replace the top staff of the school with his own forces.

"True, you won't have any problem replacing us but you won't have the reputation and public's trust that we have gathered over the years," Nezu said.

"Indeed, but you would gain a significant blow against the old government if UA were willing to surrender since, even with the hits to our school reputation due to the League of Villains, we are the top hero school still as it stands," Nezu said which was indeed true because Izuku did want to create the largest blow to the governments gut with his actions that he takes. "We would also be willing to cooperate more instead of you having to replace the entire staff to run the school which means you don't have to waste your time finding people to control the school," Nezu said which earned another nod from Izuku since it was indeed going to be annoying if he had to take some of his better people to put in the top school since Izuku wanted UA as a university which Nezu didn't know about yet.

"Yeah, it will be hard for him to find experienced and trusted people if he wants to replace us," Mic said, "after all we have an experience in the hero field as well as know how to handle teenagers."

"It would also do a large impact if UA put a public statement out about our surrender and denouncing the old government as well for their actions that they had been doing," Nezu said which caught Izuku's interest since he honestly didn't plan for them to put any big public statement out there.

"As expected, Nezu still had something up his sleeves that even managed to shock Verdant himself," Nemuri said with little excitement.

"Why are you so happy anyways?" Aizawa asked, "the deal is still beneficial to Verdant even if it caught him by surprise."

"Listen Shota, Verdant has made fool out of us this entire series, so I will take what little victories I can," Nemuri replied.

"Oh? Would the entirety of UA's staff back the said public statement? Remember, that includes All Might as well since he works at UA but he is a large public figure still in many hearts in Japan. Anything he says against or for the government would have significant sway in this war." Izuku said as his back was much straighter now at this point in the conversation.

"Toshi, don't do it," Nighteye said, "if you publicly took his side now, heroes will have a harder time trying to take the country back from these villains' hands."

"There is no point in arguing about this anymore Nighteye," All Might said, "I have already decided to put my trust in Verdant and I am willing to go forward with it and take all the responsibility for my decision, whether it turns out good or bad."

"Very well Toshi. I guess you have truly defected to the Villians' side," Nighteye fixed his glasses, "now if only, Mirio wasn't so useless, we could have someone to look up to as next All Might," Nighteye said which caused Nejire to glare at him and Mirio just stared at the ground.

Izuku was anticipating Nezu to speak up to his question but was surprised when All Might himself spoke up, "Indeed young mid-- Verdant Emperor, I would indeed back the public statement against the old government. I have to admit you surely did break my faith in the government which only grew due to the actions they took during this war. I thought wonder what type of ruler you plan to be once you have all the power of the entire country at your hands?" All Might asked and the entire conversation shifted onto a more serious topic.

'What kind of ruler I will be huh?' Izuku thought to himself and had some thoughts about it but he wanted to hear Verdant's thoughts on this.

The room seemed tenser now than it did a few moments ago. The students of UA shifted in their chairs a bit uncomfortably as Izuku looked at All Might. "The type of ruler I would be? I honestly don't know how I am pulling all of this off right now so I honestly don't know what type of ruler I would be since I could never have achieved all of this if it wasn't for the loyalty my followers placed into me. All I can say is that I would be the Emperor that rules with his people." Izuku said as he looked at All Might but All Might noticed the smiles on the Verdant members across the room as they all looked at the Verdant Emperor with warm expressions.

"Hahaha! I see, even tho Verdant and young Izuku are different people, they do follow the same principle of putting people ahead of them," All Might said with a bright smile, "and looking at the Verdant Guards' smiles I think I have an idea what to expect from Verdant's rule."

"I see, I believe I have my answer to the question. I believe you will be a merciful and just rule based on the reactions of your members across the rooms as they all looked at you with warm expressions. Throughout my career, I have fought and defeated many and I have seen how their members and followers looked at their leaders. Most of them held cold expressions or fearful ones since the people that lead their groups ruled with fear and power but you don't... you rule with mercy and fairness." All Might said as.

"I remember Nezu saying how Verdant is more dangerous than any other villains we have faced so far because he rules with the trust and loyalty of his followers," Momo said, "which is now good for us since we are allying ourselves with him he will extend that trust and loyalty to us and vice versa."

"That's right, we can really use political leaders who stand with the people and not above them," Jiro added.

All Might then stood up and bowed to Izuku as he asked Izuku to guide Japan to a better future as he was entrusting the next generation to him.

"Thanks for trusting me All Might," Izuku said with a gentle smile, "it means a lot to me."

"Of course Izuku, even if the entire world is standing against you I will always be there to protect you," All Might ruffled his hair, "after all, our connection is deeper than just being One for All users."

"'Not my son' my ass," Gran Tarino chuckled under his breath while Shoto quickly snapped their picture and placed it in the evidence folder.

This action shocked everyone in the room as it even shocked Izuku. However, what no one else knew at that moment was that something in Izuku had changed in that one moment. It was all the resentment Izuku still held onto against those that harmed him in the past...

"Isn't this too late in a story to get a sudden character development?" Kmainair asked.

"Just shut up and watch the show," Jiro said, "something important is going to happen."

The reason he had let it go in that one moment was that his mind and heart realized he could never truly move forward and be a good ruler that All Might believed he could be right at that moment if he kept holding onto such petty grudges when in the grand scheme of things they no longer had an impact on Izuku's life. Those people couldn't harm Izuku. Those people couldn't stop Izuku from rising to power. Those people couldn't look at Izuku and say he was powerless or weak since he had already proven that a quirkless person could cause so much chaos even without a quirk.

'It feels really sad to know that a version of myself was able to achieve so many things despite being a quirkless where I jumped at the first opportunity to be a part of the society,' Izuku thought to himself, 'but on the other hand, I am glad that I accepted All Might's offer because otherwise, I would have never met the people I met and formed the bonds that I formed in this life.'

As such, even the ill will he held against Bakugo had faded to insignificant levels.

Bakugo know that the statement right now was in a good context but when Izuku used the word 'insignificant' that made him twitch a little

It didn't mean he wouldn't be petty against those people but he knew now he couldn't bring himself to kill Bakugo and cause pain to his aunt and uncle. He couldn't be the type of ruler that his followers and All Might believe he was if he decided to kill Bakugo over his past pain since he was no longer an actual threat or problem for Izuku.

"All Might thanks for saving my brat's life," Mitsuki said and bowed to All mIght.

"Mrs. Bakugo please don't lower your head," All Might said, "in the end, it was Verdant who made the decision of becoming a leader who we all will be proud of."

"Please rise All Might. I truly hope I will live up to your expectations of me." Izuku said as All Might stopped bowing and sat back down. Izuku sighed and refocused the meeting back on UA's surrender.

"Now that the emotional stuff is out of the way, we can focus on more pressing matters," Aizawa said.

"Shotaaaa..." Nemuri grumbled, "you are such a spoilsport."

"And I wear that as a badge of honor," Aizawa smirked at her.

"Nezu, in regards to UA. I, unfortunately, can't let UA become an academy." Izuku said shocking the staff and students. Nezu looked like he wanted to speak but Izuku started again, "As you know most people that join the police force are already out of high school and I have no intention of making younger children of high school age become a part of the police force or special agents. As such, the current academies train in the basic police education which they would need to join the police force once they graduate high school but I need a place that will train the special agents which means I need a Police University." Izuku said and Nezu's eyes widen as he understood what Izuku meant but the students and most staff looked confused.

"So is this going to be a repeating thing?" Mina asked, "just when Nezu thought that he had brought something unbelievable to the table Verdant just casually one-upped him."

"Hey Mina, don't think about it too much," Kaminari said in a hushed tone, "that's how smart people trick us into becoming one of them."

"Buddy, you really need to learn how to use your quirk without short-circuiting yourself," Mina said in a pitying tone, "otherwise you will lose what little marbles are left up there."

"I see, UA would need to convert from a high school into UA University so we could have the specialized training program at our school and other academies that teach the basic training for police would filter into our police course since they would already have the basic training to become a police officer. What would happen to our current students?" Nezu asked as he explained it in terms that all of his staff and students would understand the implications of this deal, which caused their eyes to widen.

"You had to explain the entire thing to them like they are five years old," Izuku said with a chuckle.

"Come on Zuku, not everyone here can build a space teleporter," Ocahko rolled her eyes.

"Neither can make plans for world domination," Aizawa added while glancing at his boss who was drinking his tea with a satisfied smile.

"Indeed, UA and likely other top schools like Shiketsu would need to become universities. Your current students would need to complete basic police training before they could attend the specialized training at UA University." Izuku said as he explained that the current first-years would be the last incoming class to UA High School and would start their basic police training instead of hero training moving forward.

"At least we are not getting kicked out of school,' Toru said.

Second and third years would need to go complete basic police training that they can't complete at UA at the normal police academy before returning to UA University.

"I don't mind this arrangement," Nejire said with a happy smile, "I am always up for spending more time with my friends."

Mirio quickly averted his eyes as he wasn't sure if he was going to join that academy in the first palace.

This meant that 1-A & 1-B would likely become the first students of UA University if they decided to go on to train for the specialized police agent positions.

"That means we will go down in history as the first students of the new educational structure," Momos said excitedly.

"Class size for the police program would increase from your current 20 to 40 since police work in teams more often. Special agents might end up working solo but they need to be prepared for a lot of teamwork. Overall, there would be changes to rules and regulations since you are shifting from hero-focused work to police work."

"That's true," Naomasa said, "most of the time we approach the situation as a team, and rarely any one officer gets a chance to play the hero."

"Students would also complete higher-level education depending on what they want. This means all your staff would need to prepare to teach high-level classes as well." Izuku said and the room was silent for a while before Nezu chuckled. "Well, this sure took an interesting turn of events. I believe UA could indeed take this on as most of my staff are qualified to teach higher-level classes as well. I would just need to work on the few that aren't but I would have a few years before UA officially converted to a University as well to prepare them." Nezu said and Izuku nodded his head at that statement since Nezu would indeed have a few years to prepare.

"Oye, ask your staff before making important decisions about them," Aizawa grumbled in an irritated tone.

"Were you going to decline Verdant's offer or had any meaningful suggestion?" Nezu asked.

"Not really but-"

"That settles it then," Nezu said quickly cutting off Aizawa's rambling.

They soon talked a bit more about different things but in the end, finally came to an agreement that UA would surrender and put a public statement out.

Upon hearing that Nighteye shook his disappointedly as he didn't want Verdant to get any more advantage than he already has.

Izuku also agreed to take Shizuoka within the next few days as he orders Dabi to send a clone to get the war plans ready for taking the Prefecture over with as minimal damage as possible.

"The principle of Shizuoka can be a tough nut to crack," Nezu said, "but still, she is not an unreasonable person. You will get to her eventually."

After a bit more talking the meeting finally came to an end. "I believe we can have this meeting come to an end as we have an agreement and the plans laid out for the coming week," Izuku said.

"Thankfully everything worked out without any more trouble," Nezu sighed and then looked at Bakugo, "now we have to deal with another problem.

Nezu nodded his head but was tense. Izuku saw that everyone else on the UA side was tense as well and wondered why. "Why are you all tense?" Izuku said as he stood up and was looking at everyone in the room on the UA side. Izuku noticed even his mother and the Bakugos were tense but not any of the Verdant members.

"He totally forgot about Bakugo didn't he," Shinso chuckled and Bakugo tusked in the background.

"Well, the topic is quite forgettable so..." Himiko said and they heard a crackling sound.

"I would say too insignificant to care," Dabi said and they heard a loud foot stomp.

"Stop it guys," Izuku said in an exasperated tone, "don't start unnecessary fights right now."

Stain sighed and spoke up, "I believe they are wondering what you are going to do about the Bakugo brat since it never came up in the meeting." Stain said as he rubbed his head in annoyance.

"Sometimes I feel like I am the only adult in that group," Stain said.

"Sure if an adult was a synonym for a scum," Tenya growled.

"Can you drop it already?" Stain said, "your hateful gazes and words are getting really tiring."

"You paralyzed my brother!" Tenya yelled at him.

"Fair enough," Stain said and went back to ignoring him.

"Oh... yea about that... I let that issue go already." Izuku said as he turned around and started to walk away but everyone was downright shocked.

'That brat is really unpredictable, which makes me despise him, even more,' Nighteye thought to himself, 'that's why I wanted him out of our lives. How can I trust some brat whose actions are so unpredictable and bizarre that can even fail my quirk.'

"WAIT WHAT!?" Bakugo yelled out which caused Izuku to turn towards him and everyone but him flinched a bit expecting Izuku to lash out at him.

"Stop yelling like a monkey, you are in a social setting, show some manners," Mitsuki yelled at him... yeah everyone was looking at her with deadpan expressions.

"That's not important right now," Bakugo yelled and then looked at Izuku, "stop running away and face me like a man."

"What do you mean by that? Do you want me to punish or kill you?"/"What do you mean by that? Do you want me to punish or kill you?" Verdant and Izuku asked as if they were talking to an idiot.

"I did so much to you and you are just letting it go? Didn't you call the first-years here to get me here so you could finally deal with me?" Bakugo asked.

"Kacchan if I really wanted, I could have just used my influence and stopped you from ever getting a hero or now a police license. Moreover, I could have made sure that you won't get any permits or licenses for any other professions or businesses and blacklisted you from entering the military effectively making you desperate for money and respect in society, or could have gotten you arrested every month for minor crimes which you may or may not have committed but getting dragged away by cops every month wouldn't have made your life any easier," Izuku casually replied, "and all that even without ever seeing your face in my life."

Everyone was so stunned at Izuku's little explanation that none of them could say a word. Bakugo was pale and his Mom was glad that Izuku is not a revenge-hungry psychopath. On a side note, they all vowed to never get on Izuku's bad side.

"I will admit... that was a side reason. It was more to use you all to make sure none of the heroes got any crazy idea of trying for my head since if they attacked you students would be caught in the crossfire." Izuku said with a shrug and everyone was stunned and silent.

"That... actually makes more sense," Momo said, "if he just wanted to resolve his issue with Bakugo he would have just singled him out and dealt with him rather than making a show of their past in front of everyone."

"Or could have done all those things to him which Midori explained earlier," Mina said with a little shiver.

"Though I did plan to do something to you but... All Might is still very effective at being the symbol of peace after all. The speech he gave during this meeting about the type of ruler I would be changed my mind on what I would do regarding you. I can't be a good ruler if I let my past hold me back and I find myself wanting to live up to his expectations for some reason... so I won't harm you or kill you. That doesn't mean I won't be petty at hell if I run into you but as long as you don't oppose my plans by joining the war or anything then I won't aim to remove you." Izuku said as he stood there and spoke his statement.

"Honestly, it has nothing to do with All Might being a symbol," Inko said, "I think Mr.Yagi is naturally a charismatic person who has a gift to bring out the best in people. I have seen how much Izuku enjoys being around him and he definitely brings positive energy whenever he comes to visit Izuku."

"Ha! Ms.Midoriya you are... too kind..." All Might said as he stammered on his words and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Just call me Miss. Inko," Inko said, "Hizasahi has lost his right to call me his wife after being absent for so long."

"Definitely Miss Inko, I will remember that," All Might said.

Meanwhile, Izuku was just eyeing both of them with a stunned expression, "Wow! Just wow!"

Bakugo himself was downright shocked that the person he caused so much pain wasn't going to take it out on him since he had so much power now. "You don't want to fight me or do anything to me... that does sound like you Zuku... always being so forgiving," Bakugo said and Izuku chuckled a bit at hearing that old nickname. "I mean, if you want to have the fight to help you settle it in your mind then we could. I do believe I would get some closure from kicking your ass and there is a fighting ring a few floors down below us but after that, I am not putting more mental power into this whole ordeal." Izuku said and Bakugo quickly agreed to it which shocked everyone at the turn of events. This was how they all found themselves several floors below with a large ring in the room.

"Boys!" Ochako sighed, "why do you have to solve all of your problems with your fists."

"Because it's easy and then we don't have to bitch about the other person to someone else," Izuku replied.

Izuku told Bakugo that he was free to use his quirk as he wanted since Izuku wasn't going to hold back.

"Now we are talking," Bakugo smirked and cracked his knuckles.

"Do remember, I have kicked my Verdant Guards' asses even without my gear so don't hold back," Izuku said as he had a grin on his face.

"That's because we were going easy on him," Dabi said, "right Himiko?"

"Y..yeah totally," Himiko averted her eyes.

There were several rules in place such as no killing or lethal blows. They would also stop when All Might who was acting as the referee said to stop. All Might called the fight to start as all of the Verdant members were cheering for their leader while the students of UA were cheering for Bakugo.

"Wanna do bets?" Shinsho asked, "I am betting on Midoriya."

Then slowly everyone but Kirishima placed their bet on Izuku.

"Geez guys, have some faith in Bakugo," Kirishima said and placed his bet on Bakugo.

Bakugo went flying forward with his quirk to help him but he didn't notice what Izuku had done when Izuku did a spin kick which required him to use his hands to provide more power. Izuku had grabbed dirt in his hands since the ring they were fighting in had a compacted dirt floor. This means Izuku grabbed some of the loose dirt and the moment he moved forward after his kick which Bakugo dodged he threw the dirt into Bakugo's eyes who wasn't anticipating it. This caused Bakugo to screw up his blasts and send himself into the ground where Iuzku jumped on him and landed several punches to Bakugo's face. As Bakugo cleared the dirt from his eyes, Izuku was down low as he kicked Bakugo's legs from under him and caused him to fall once again.

"And now Bakugo is getting his ass handed to him," Kaminari said.

"He cheated," Baugo grumbled, "he threw dirt in my eyes."

"Be glad that he didn't ask you to fix that damm door," Kmainari said.

"What?" Bakugo asked.

"Don't worry, be better," Kaminari replied.

Bakugo was getting more annoyed and was sweating like crazy as he tried to aim an explosion at Izuku who had dodged and went to Bakugo's side where his arm was sticking out and hit it right on the elbow causing Bakugo to react and pull the arm back faster and to his side since Izuku had caused a bit of pain at the joint. This meant Bakugo was wide open and allowed Izuku to land several blows to his side. Bakugo did end up getting a shot off that sent Izuku backward but didn't cause much damage outside of some slight burns since Izuku had jumped back a bit faster. Bakugo came charging and Izuku faked throwing dirt at Bakugo which caused him to guard his eyes but didn't feel anything hit him which caused him to lower his guard which earned him a punch straight to the nose and made a crack sound. "I without a doubt broke your nose," Izuku said as he jumped away since Bakugo had let off a large explosion after getting hit in the nose as blood came running down his face.

"Kirishima, don't hesitate to ask for money as you are going to lose most of your pocket money," Mina said.

"Fight is not over yet, Bakugo is still standing," Kirishima said.

"Sometimes, I really wish I had your optimism," Mina sighed.

"God this fucking hurts!" Bakugo said as he tried to stop the bleeding and focus on Izuku.

"You think that hurts, try breaking your arms," Izuku said.

"Zuku, that is not something to be proud of," Ochako said in an exasperated tone.

Izuku though wasn't giving Izuku any breathing room as he only contained the attacks and fought dirty. He landed a kick right to Bakugo's balls causing him to drop to the ground. Izuku could hear all of the hisses from the males in the room. "Okay, I think that is enough wouldn't you say, boys?" All Might said as he moved closer to the two boys.

"F in chat for Bakugo's precious gems," Kaminarii said as he wiped tears from his eyes.

"F," All the boys said in unison.

Recovery Girl also was down on the field as well with Eraserhead. "The longer this continues the more the difference in pure physical skill shows. Bakugo, you are far too reliant on your quirk which Verdant Emperor used against you as he made some of your blasts go off in manners you didn't want to happen which allowed him to control the tempo of the fight." All Might said and Eraserhead could only agree.

"I agree that having a quirk is a gift but at the end of the day, it is still a tool. And any tool is better when the user has skills to complement it," All Might said, "that applies to you as well young Izuku. You are getting too reliant on One for All, you should really start working on your other strengths like your analyzing skills and that tactical mind."

"Yes All Might, I will keep that in mind," Izuku replied.

Recovery Girl looked at Bakugo and used her quirk on him to heal the broken nose after she set it back into place.

"I don't know how useful she will be after all, she can only fix broken bones, not the spirit," Ochako said.

"Shut up round face," Bakugo said, "that fight is only going to motivate me to get stronger than before."

"I do admit I needed that fight..." Izuku said as his Verdant Guards came behind him since there were several heroes near Izuku. Even though they were sure they wouldn't do anything they still didn't care since Izuku's life was far more important to them than anything else.

"Still don't trust us huh?" Aizawa raised his brow.

"Can't trust any outsider with emperor's life," Himiko said, "that's written in the job description actually."

Soon they all headed back upstairs as Bakugo walked near Izuku. "Zuku... I know I have done a lot of shit to you and deserve to be in jail but I truly hope you do well in this life and lead Japan to a better future. I am sorry for everything I did." Bakugo said as he stepped away from Izuku who only nodded his head.

"So guys, should we record that because I don't think we will ever hear an apology coming out of Bakugo's mouth," Kaminari suggested.

"I don't give a shit, do whatever you like," Bakugo said.

"Really you really won't mind if I record that?" Kmainari asked.

"Not really but in the next few days if you ever lost your phone make sure to search for it at the bottom of the pool," Bakugo said with an evil smirk which made Kaminari hide his from the said boy.

The UA staff and students headed down a different hallway as they were heading back to the bus to be taken back out of the base while Izuku would be heading back to the main base. Inko walked up to Izuku and asked how he was feeling and he stood there for a bit before speaking. "I feel at peace with my past," Izuku said before walking away and heading toward the area where the portal was waiting for them.

Then the screen turned black and the words appeared on the screen. Ep.33 'Meeting Pt. 2.'

"What a great episode!" Kirishima quickly rose up from his seat and started walking away, "I don't know why but I have this sudden urge to take a walk."

"Hey, Kiri!" a shiver went down Kirishima's spine when he heard Mina's over-sweet voice, "aren't forgetting something?"

"Yeah, I know," Kirishima dejectedly went back to his room and brought his three months' worth of savings, "happy?"

"Yeah! Next weekend, pizza party!" Mina said and the class cheered with her. Even Kirishima had a smile on his face.

"Hey spikey hair, you can have my share for putting your bet on me," Bakugo said which made Kirishima even happier.

To be continued...

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