The Return of the Supreme Bei...


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The Supreme Beings' Return. if before their final farewell, 41 Supreme beings appeared. ~~I don't even know... More

Chapter 1: The end or is it?
Chapter 2: The Beginning
Chapter 3: The Expirement
Chapter 4: Touch Me's Justice
Chapter 5: Be Careful and never underestimate
Chapter 6: A big disappointed
Chapter 7: Unexpected Surprise
Chapter 8: The idea of parenting
Chapter 9: More idea
Chapter 10: Third talk
Chapter 11: This and this
Chapter 12: Quest!
Chapter 13: Poor Goblins
Chapter 14: The Luck
Chapter 15: The Cute
Chapter 16: About Time
Chapter 18: Lucky Day
Chapter 19: Left Of Center
Chapter 20: Deserving
Chapter 21: Dreaming
Chapter 22: Suffer!
Chapter 23: Madness Eternal
Supreme Being Character Sheets

Chapter 17: The Silence is Deafening

835 27 4

Momonga looked around at the mess that was made by Nfirea's kidnappers.

The whole house is a mess after Tabula fought a woman named Clementine, who was only able to escape with Nfirea, thanks to the Swords Of Darkness's sad jealousy.

It doesn't help that Nfirea's Grandmother showed up to see what happened to her house.

[Momonga: This is a fucking nightmare...]

[Tabula Smaragdina: I know right? I could have stopped this if Swords Of Darkness hadn't ignored my orders.]

Tabula told everything that had happened to his friends, who simply sigh.

[Touch Me: At least you marked them with Life Mark.]

[Yamaiko: That saved us a lot of work actually.]

[Nishikienrai: At least we have a proper warrior that used martial arts. Maybe we can capture her for study.]

[Momonga: We should save Nfirea to give our persona's a better reputation and because I like him for being respectful.]

[Tabula Smaragdina: A decent person and a alchemist… I like that type of person.]

Before Momonga could do anything, Nfirea's grandmother appears and begins talking to him.

"My grandson! Nfirea's gone!" The grandmother exclaimed.

"So it seems…" Momonga muttered in response.

"The opposition seem to only care about kidnapping Nfirea. Presumably to use his talents." Momonga said while looking at Tabula.

"Who are those people?" The grandmother said as she pointed at the swords of darkness.

"Those are the adventurers that your grandson hired alongside us." Touch Me explained while looking at Swords of Darkness, who were resting.

"Are they your comrades?" The grandmother asked.

"Not really, they are just fellow adventures, that is all…" Nishikienrai responded to the old woman.

"The kidnappers were awfully confident that they can get away with everything, they even gave us some details of their plan." Tabula said, which surprises the grandmother.

"They have a item that allowed them to use a 7th tier spell to create a army of undead, but only your grandson can use it. They are probably at the graveyard performing the spell as we speak."

Tabula finished saying as Momonga turned around to a shocked grandmother.

"How about hiring us?"Momonga said in a cold voice that made Lizzie shudder.

"Isn't this something you should hire an adventurer for?" Momonga continued.

A light came on in Lizzie's eyes as she understood what Momonga was getting at.

"You are a very lucky woman, Lizzie Bareare. At the moment, We are the strongest adventurers in this city, and the only ones who can save your grandson's life. If you hire us, I will accept your request. However… the price will be very high, because I am fully aware of how troublesome this task might be." Momonga said.

"That, that's right… if it was you and your friends… the ones who possessed that potion… and with the Wise King of the Forest… then there's no doubt about your strength nor theirs… I'll hire, I'll hire you people!" Lizzie agreed.

"Is that so… are you prepared to pay a high price for this?" Momonga mentions.

"How much will it take to satisfy you?" Lizzie said.

"Everything." Momonga revealed the answer.

"What?" Lizzie blurted out.

[Momonga: Tabula cast Aim Silent on the Swords of Darkness.]

[Tabula Smaragdina: What? Oh I see.]

"Give us everything you have." Momonga said as Tabula cast [Aim Silent] to the Swords of Darkness to prevent them from hearing him.

Lizzie's eyes widened in shock, and her body trembled violently.

[Touch Me: You're scaring the old lady Momonga!]

[Momonga: Sorry! I'm just trying to get an advantage that's all.]

"Everything you have. When I safely return Nfirea to you, give me everything you have." Momonga said to Lizzie.

"You…" Backing away in fear, Lizzie muttered:

"When you say everything… you don't mean money or rare potions… I've heard that demons will grant any wish in return for men's souls. Are you people demons?"

"…And what if we were? Do you want to save your grandson?" Momonga mentions.

Lizzie did not respond, silently biting her lip.

"Then there's only one answer, right?" Momonga asked.

"Umu… I'll hire you. I'll give you everything I have, so please save my grandson!"

After getting Lizzie to hire Momonga and his friends, they went to the graveyard where the kidnappers were located.

"Oh. So they have started the spell already." Yamaiko said as Momonga sees the large gathering of undead.

"Wait! Let's us help!" The Swords Of Darkness showed up behind.

[Tabula Smaragdina: No! I don't want them to mess up our plans!]

[Momonga: Hold on. I got idea that could keep them off our backs.]

"I'm not gonna let you four do something that could compromise Nfirea's life." Momonga said which caused the Swords Of Darkness to look at him with shocked expressions.

"If you wish to do something… Then give a alarm to the city, warn everyone about this threat and make sure that the undead won't pass that gate…" Momonga said as the Swords of Darkness realized the truth of the situation.

"Y-you're right Momon! Those undead won't stop until the main cause is destroyed!" Ninya exclaims realizing Momonga's plan.

"Exactly. I hope you guys now know what to do then." Momonga said which caused the Swords of Darkness to smile.

"Don't worry Momon! We will do this to repay you and your friends!" Peter said before heading out to let everyone know about the threat, alongside the rest of the swords of darkness.

"Smart. Using them to let everyone know about us and our actions." Nishikienrai praised Momonga.

"That's why I prefer you, over everyone, to lead the guild." Tabula said as he smiled as best as he could, due to his nature.

"Hehe… Well then shall we begin?" Momonga said as he aimed his black sword at the gate of the graveyard.

In the middle of the woods… Two figures can seen looking around in confusion.

"What the? Did the shut down get prolonged?" The first figure asked.

"I don't know! I'm trying to see the notification, but I can't see it!" The second figure said.

"What is going on here!? We were at the main hub and going to the broken bifrost and we were too late, but then this shit happens!" The first figure said in frustration.

"Dude don't overload your brain. I suggest we move, but I never seen this place before…" The second figure mentions.

"Hold on, I feel weird. Like I'm very light for some reason." The first figure informs his fellow guild member.

"Now that you mention it. I feel awfully refreshed and loose in the inside…" The second figure added.

"Weird…" The first figure said confused.

A bloodcurdling scream can be heard far away.

"What was that!?"

The second figure exclaims in surprise.

"We really should not investigate, but that could be another player. Maybe they have some information." The first figure said before going of to find the source.

"Are you serious!? You would never have made a decision like that!" The second figure mentions, to which the first figure responded:"Hey don't worry! Between you and me and our new found items, we can escape from everything so long as we play our cards well."

"Very well then. Wait, hold on for a moment!"

The second figure said as it follows the first figure who got ahead.

They continued to walk through the forest until they see a clearing.

Both figures witness a familiar face that should not be possible.

"Shalltear!?" Both players said in shock.

Momonga and his fellow guild members run across the graveyard slaying any undead that tried to stop them.

"If it was just me and Narberal, I would just summon undead to clear the path." Momonga mentioned.

"Yeah. Thankfully you got us to clear through this." Touch Me said as he sliced hundreds of undead with one slash.

"We got you Touch Me, your literally clearing a way for us." Nishikienrai said in boredom as he walked alongside Momonga and everyone else who is simply doing nothing but stare at Touch Me's handiwork.

"Oh, sorry about that. I just killed all those undead without giving you guys a chance to fight." Touch Me responded apologetically as there is no sight of undead.

The disguised players continued to walk alongside with Narberal and Hamsuke. Till they come across a group of robed men, presumably the cause of all this.

"Master Khajiit, they're here."

One of the robed men informs his master.

[Momonga:All right, idiot confirmed… no, he might have been faking it. First, let's listen to what they have to say.]

[Tabula Smaragdina: I heard his name being that, but I thought that was some fake name or something.]

[Touch Me: Something?]

[Tabula Smaragdina: This world must have some culture, so it won't surprise me if there are some titles other than the typical.]

[Yamaiko: Of course the way that guy refers to his master by name then it's probably his real name.]

[Nishikienrai: Referring someone by their real name can be quite stupid in this type of secrecy.]

"Ah… what a lovely night. Don't you think it's wasted on a boring old ritual?" Momonga mockingly said.

"Hmph… I'll decide whether the time is right for a ritual. Come to think of it, who are you people anyway? How did you break through the horde of undead." Khajiit who looked at Tabula with bitter anger.

"We're just adventurers on an assignment, looking for a missing young man… I trust you know who I'm talking about, even if I don't state his name?" Momonga said mockingly.

"I don't know how you Idiots were able to get passed the thousands of undead, but after encountering your troublesome friend, I'm not going to let you ruin my plan!" Khajiit yelled as held a purple orb.

Narberal looks at Khajiit with immense hatred due to what he said.

"Anyone who makes a mess of my plans is an idiot. Especially an idiot who doesn't know the meaning of strength and came here to find their death! My preparations are finally complete! Now behold the supreme power of the Orb of Death that has drunk its fill of negative energy!"

Khajiit said as he raised the orb.

"I guess I'm right about above then." Momonga said which confused Narberal until skeleton dragon appeared and attempted to attack Narberal, but she jumps away.

The skeleton dragon hovered for a bit until landing.

"May I ask, why did your fake dragon try to attack my daughter on first sight?" Nishikienrai asked the human necromancer.

"Tch. She was wide open for my undead, you can't blame it for thinking." Khajiit said bitterly.

"Before we fight, there's something I'd like to ask. Is there anyone over there besides you lot?" Tabula said tauntingly knowing that Clementine is behind the necromancer thanks to the racial skill he used.

"Ahhh~ they found me out, so there's no point hiding. Speaking of which~ I only hid because I can't use the[Conceal Life]spell~" The mad woman shows herself while Khajiit looked at her, annoyed at her words.

"Not really, even if you use that spell, I will always find you because it's in my nature." Tabula commented on his race without any of the necromancers and former black scripture members noticing.

"I really don't care~ Because now I have an opportunity to kill you in a wide open area, not even your damn potion can't save you~" Clementine cheerfully said.

Momonga quickly laughs at his foes without care.

"Hehe. I can see why she stands no chance at all." Momonga mentions, to which Touch Me replied:"Yep. Not really threatening when you think about it."

Clementine's eyes look at the disguised players with anger, very offended by their words.

"You… All of you are starting to piss me off… I have past the boundaries of humanity… As far as i'm concerned, only a handful of people can beat me, not even Gazef Stronoff can beat me without the five treasures… And I didn't know any of you! All of you are the ones who stood no chance against me, Clementine." The mad woman said in extreme anger.

"Then do it. I give you a free pass to attack." Momonga said as he stabs the ground with his greatsword before leaving himself open.

Clementine who is even more angry at Momonga, uses her usual martial arts meant to kill and quickly rushed at Momonga, being her first target, intending to save Tabula for last.

She quickly pulls out her stiletto and shoves it into one of Momonga's "eyes" where she twists it to do more damage while using [Lightning].

But Clementine wasn't done, she pulls out another stiletto to shove it into Momonga's remaining "eye" and used [Fireball].

The former black scripture member laughs maniacally while thinking about the faces of Momonga's friends are making.

However this is just a beginning of terror to both Clementine and Khajiit.

"Hm, I see. YGGDRASIL did not have magic weapons like this. Well, this is an eye-opener." Momonga quickly grabs Clementine at her stomach and quickly throws her away like trash.

"Seriously? A pun?" Yamaiko said in disappointment as the fire goes away from Momonga.

"This is as literal as it looks." Momonga said as he pointed where his "eyes" are, with two stiletto sticking out of them.

"Can you see? I can't stop imagining the jokes coming out of it." Nishikienrai asked as he waved his hand.

While the players interact, Clementine and Khajiit are looking at the scene with disbelief.

"That's impossible! Wh-why aren't you dead!?" Clementine screamed in disbelief.

"You shouldn't be alive at all!" Khajiit said in fear and confusion while his followers simply cowered in fear.

"I guess we should reveal the answer now that these two are having a mental crisis." Momonga said, to which his friends agreed.

All of the disguised players were suddenly covered in blue fire until it wears off revealing their true forms, much to the shock of the opposing humans.

"An elder lich?!" Clementine yelled.

"What is this!? I-I don't understand…" Khajiit said in disbelief.

"Surprising is it not? Why would a couple of monsters disguise themselves as human adventures?" Momonga said as he removes the stiletto in his eye sockets before one of Khajiit's followers points at Narberal in her maid outfit.

"What about her!?" The followers asked.

"Oh she's my daughter, a doppelganger if you want to know." Nishikienrai explains which confused Khajiit and Clementine at the race.

"You worthless trash thought you can get away from all the crimes you have committed today, but now we're going bring justice to all of you and use this to improve our reputation for our plans." Touch Me said hatefully and happy knowing that Clementine and Khajiit will receive their punishment.

"No! I spent five years preparing in this city! I've held onto this dream for thirty years! What gives you the right to destroy all of this!? Y-you monster!" Khajiit screamed in anger and fear at the players.

"A-attack! Attack now!"

Khajiit said in a panic.

The ground began to shake before rising up, revealing a second skeletal dragon. As it joins the first skeletal dragon, they rush to where the players are.

"They are nothing to us.[Chain Dragon Lightning]" Momonga cast the spell.

The lightning hit the first skeletal dragon before hitting the second one since it chain.

They were disintegrated with one chain lightning…

"N-no… That's impossible. They are immune to magic…" Khajiit silently said in fear.

"Actually, they are only immune to sixth tier spells and below, I just used a simple seventh tier spell, that's all." Momonga clarified which terrifies Khajiit even further.

Seventh tier!? The Magic of The Gods!? No! This is impossible!" Khajiit screams before Clementine runs away in terror.

"Shall I?" Tabula Smaragdina asked to his friend, Momonga.

"Of course! You don't have to ask, we know what your planning to do with her." Momonga said happily.

"Yes!" Tabula said excitedly before rushing off at an unimaginable speed.

The players look at Khajiit, while Tabula chases after Clementine, which scares the necromancer after everything he has seen.

"Wait! Please have some sense of pity! Y-you're a elder lich right!?" Khajiit asks desperately.

"Yes, obviously…" Momonga said annoyed by the obvious question.

"T-then you must know how troublesome it is to become a lich!" Khajiit mentions fearfully.

"HA! That's gold." Momonga laughs at Khajiit.

"What?" Khajiit said confused at Momonga's words.

"Don't be foolish. Lord Momonga is far more different to be compared to the simple liches that you perceive. You should shut up and listen to what my Lords might say." Narberal said harshly before smiling at the terror in Khajit's face.

"Normally we would just kill you but since there are more of you here... You will be tortured for information." Momonga explained much to the horror of Khajiit.

"But wai-" Khajiit tried explain his action until Momonga raised his hand at him.

Darkness descended on Khajiit and his followers…

Clementine ran as fast as she can, terrified at the events that had transpired.

"Where do you think your going?" Tabula said as he appears right in front of her. Smiling behind his mask.

"Shit!" Clementine jumps back before looking at the brain eater with terror.

"You know I'm very interested in martial arts… It is something I've never seen before." Tabula explained as he got closer.

"S-stay away!" Clementine screams before throwing a mace she got from one of the undead.

"Come on~... Where's that pride of yours?" Tabula said as he grabs the mace and crushes it before his body suddenly convulsed.

Multiple tentacles appear from Tabula's body like worms coming out of their food and holds onto all of Clementine's limbs.

"NO! LET ME GO!" Clementine begged as she struggled, as her plates started to come off due to the struggle.

"No need to worry~. I will make you regret everything…" Tabula said as he removes his mask revealing his tiny beak which open to show his ovipositor.

Only a scream can be heard before it was shut off… For only silence and terror have drowned the scream itself.

Under the chapel where Khajiit was hiding, before his capture, Momonga and Touch Me walk to where Nfirea is standing.

Touch Me checks on Nfirea for any abnormalities.

"Someone had cut him across the face and punctured his eyes, damn bastards. Good thing I can heal his blindness thanks to my paladin job skill... Oh, what's that?." Touch Me said as he looks at the crown.

"Let's see… [All Appraisal Magic Item]." Momonga cast his spell while Touch Me uses [All Share Information].

"The Crown of Wisdom… I see. However… this item's abilities don't exist in YGGDRASIL… so it's a magic item that could not have existed in YGGDRASIL." Momonga mentions.

"Yeah no. We should just destroy this fucking item." Touch Me said in anger at the power of the crown.

"Well we can't exactly take this without destroying Nfirea's mind, and not saving him will stain our ppersona's reputation so fuck it. [Greater Break Item]." As the spell is cast, the crown of wisdom is forever destroyed.

Outside of the chapel, Ulbert can be seen arranging the bodies of the necromancer including a dead body from the sunlight scripture which was morphed to look like Khajiit.

"There! Glad you guys called me. It was getting boring from sitting on my ass all day." Ulbert said before Touch Me shows up.

"Oh, I thought you enjoyed your time of not doing anything." Touch Me insults as Ulbert faced him.

"Really now!? Please, I work way harder than you! Mr. Cash item Champion." Ulbert said before Touch Me glared at him.

"No! I work harder than you! You have any idea how hard it is to reach World Champion!?" Touch Me continued to argue.

"Okay! Can you two stop arguing for a bit, Momonga is currently waiting for you two to shut up!" Yamiko said as she pushes both player away from each other.

Momonga shakes his head in amusement before saying: "We have already cleared everything this chapel had, the guards and adventures will arrive here so we should search for items."

Ulbert quickly came to Momonga and gave him a orb.

"This item is called the Orb of Death, it is apparently an intelligent item. Something we never seen actually, It's frankly quite weak compared to the other items we have and it can dominate the minds, which doesn't work against us, but deadly to humans" Ulbert said before seeing Nfirea.

"What happened with that boy?" Ulbert asks.

Momonga explains to Ulbert who it is while also telling him about the crown.

"Sentient items? Items that turn someone into a mindless item? Now I want those types of items." Tabula said as he come out of the forest.

"Yeeesh. Makes me wonder who made those items." Yamaiko said before a certain hamster appears.

"Masters~! AH MONSTER!" Hamsuke screams before Narberal quickly stomped on the hamster to stop it in her tracks.

As the players, except Ulbert and Momonga, explain their real forms, Ulbert heard Momonga talking to the orb.

"See? It talked to me in fear and call me a King of Destruction." Ulbert said to Momonga.

"Your right on that. It just called me a King of Death and became loyal to me." Momonga added before going to Hamsuke.

"Take it."

Momonga tossed the Orb he was holding, and Hamsuke nimbly caught it.

"May I ask milord about this item?" Hamsuke asks.

"It's a magic item. You can use it, right?" Momonga said.

"Mm… I should be able to! But it's noisy! It's so loud I want to return it to milord." Hamsuke complained for a bit.

Narberal looked at Hamsuke, her eyes wide.

"Are you giving it to the newcomer?" Narberal asks in surprise.

Momonga could tell from the way she had lost control of her voice that Narberal was deeply shaken, which caused Nishikienrai to laugh a bit at his daughter's face.

"Though I've already cast anti-detection spells on it, I can't say it's perfectly safe, so it's better to hand it to Hamsuke." Momonga explained.

"I see! As expected of Lord Momonga. Your wise judgements are impeccable." Narberal praised, much to the disgruntlement of her lords without knowing.

Before they would go back to their disguises, a startling message appears.

"Ulbert! Go help them!"Momonga yelled to the surprised demon.


Shalltear looked at the group of people, bloodlust in her eyes.

An old woman unleashed a bright dragon, which was hurled right at Shalltear.

Before the dragon hit the vampire, two figures show up right in front of her.

"Lord Punitto Moe and Lord Amanomahitotsu!?" Shalltear said in complete shock.

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