Summer Love That Blossomed in...

By phoebesmith25

588 156 5

Eric Wilson and his siblings Michelle (older sister), James (younger brother), Micheal but everyone calls him... More

First Day Of Summer (Edited)
Continuation from Last Part (Edited)
First Date? (Edited)
Beach Day (Edited)
My Dad's Back? (Edited)
Last Month before School, Let's Have Some Fun! (Edited)
Tryouts For Football (Edited)
First Day Of Senior Year (Edited)
Halloween and Halloween Party (Edited)
Thanksgiving Week (Edited)
Thanksgiving Week Part 2 (Edited)
Basketball Tryouts (Edited)
Christmas Cruise Day 1 (Edited)
Last Full Day On Cruise (Edited)
New Years Eve Party (Edited)
Eric's 18th Birthday (Edited)
Valentine's Day (Edited)
Back Home, With Wheelchair (Edited)
First Day Back at School, Since Accident (Edited)
Prom (Edited)
Finally Done! (Edited)
Graduation Party (Edited)
August 2020 (Edited)
College Halloween Party (Edited)
Nice To Be Back Home For Thanksgiving (Edited)
Planning Ellie and Arthur's Wedding (Edited)
Physical Therapy (Edited)
End Of Semester/Christmas Break (Edited)
Cruise Round 2 - Couple Edition (Edited)
New Years Eve Party Round 2 (Edited)
New Year, Eric's 22nd Birthday (Edited)
Surprise! (Edited)
Eric's Family Finds Out (Edited)
What We are Having... (Edited)
Gender Reveal (Edited)
Graduation of Undergrad College (Edited)
Welcome To The World EJ (Edited)
EJ's First Thanksgiving (Edited)
Arthur and Ellie's Wedding Weekend Part 1 (Edited)
Ellie and Arthur's Wedding Weekend Part 2 (Edited)
Tessa's Bully (Edited)
EJ's First Christmas (Edited)
New Years Eve Party (Edited)
Baby Number 4? (Edited)
Caric Wedding Weekend Part 1 (Edited)
Caric Wedding Weekend Part 2 (Edited)
Start of Summer 2026 (Edited)
Halloween/EJ's Birthday (Edited)
Thanksgiving 2026 (Edited)
New Years Eve 2026 (Edited)
Eric's 28th Birthday (Edited)
Skylar and Emma's 3rd Birthday (Edited)
1 Year Anniversary (Edited)
Carley's 28th Birthday (Edited)
Ten Year High School Reunion (Edited)
Summer 2027 (Edited)
EJ's First Day of Kindergarten (Edited)
Halloween 2027/ EJ's 6th Birthday (Edited)
Thanksgiving 2027 (Edited)
New Years Eve/Twins Are Here (Edited)
Author's Note
Sequel Is Out

Welcome To The World Baby #4 (Edited)

5 2 0
By phoebesmith25

(Carley's POV)

I was up already, because I had a scary dream. But then I felt pain go through me. I looked down on the bed. I felt a contractions going on. I smacked Eric. But he didn't wake up. So I shook him and slapped him until he woke up

"I got a bat!" He said sitting up. He looks at me. "What's wrong?" He said, rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes. "And why is the bed wet?" He asked, then slowly realized. "Its time isn't it?" He asked

"Yeah it's time. Get the go bag. And call your mom or sister" I said in a little pain. But the pain goes up every 10 minutes.

Eric runs to get the to go bag we bring every time we have a baby born. I mean this isn't our first rodeo. We know what to do. I slowly get out of bed and get changed.

I looked at my phone's time and saw it was 5:30 in the morning. I cant believe he is coming now. I thought he would be late but he's not. He's actually early. Today's date is September 8, 2026.

I rub my stomach. "Can't wait to meet you soon buddy" I said

Eric and I go into the car. Eric actually got EJ, Skylar and Emma into the car while I walked there slowly. I mean I am pregnant so I can't do much, or walk fast. Also this baby is coming so I am in pain.

Once Eric drove to the closest hospital one of the nurses brought me back. I wasn't ready to push yet but the contractions were going closer together. Now they are about 5 minutes apart.

It was currently 8:00 a.m. And I am still not ready to push. I am at 9 cm but almost there. The contractions are 1 minute apart. One nurse came in and said I was ready to push.

They brought me into the delivery room. Eric was right next to me holding my hand. He is the sweetest.

After 3 hours of pushing our baby was born. Like I said before we are having another boy

"Alright mom what is your son's name?" The nurse asked me

"Noah Benjamin Wilson" I said to her tiredly

"Alright. I will be right back" The nurse said

Eric looks at me. "You look very tired" He said smiling at me

"Yeah I just pushed your son out of me" I said slowly smiling

"Hey he looks cute" He said

"Where are the 3 trouble makers?" I asked tired

"My mom and Jason came like right before you were ready to push. So they are watching the three of them in the waiting room" He said touching my face. "You can take a nap if you want" He said

"I want to see Noah" I said yawning

"You will. After you wake up from your nap" He said

I nod and slowly fell asleep

(Eric's POV)

I watched as Carley slowly fell asleep. It's currently lunch time. Noah is still with the nurse for all the tests that babies have to do once born. But she brought Noah back at 12:30 in the afternoon. I am starving though.

"Excuse me?" I asked the nurse

"Yes?" She asked me

"Is lunch coming?" I asked her

"I can bring you guys lunch. What would you like?" The nurse asked

"Can we get 2 burgers" I said

"Alright it will come soon" the nurse said

"Thank you" I said to her. She smiled then walked away

Carley woke up 10 minutes later

"Aww" She said about Noah and I

"Yeah he's a cute little guy" I said smiling at my son

"Is food coming?" She asked yawning

"Yeah should be here soon" I said

I heard a knock on the door. I look confused

"Who's there?" Carley asked

"It's Stephanie and Jason" My mom said through the door

I give Noah to Carley then went over to the door and opened it.

"Hi mom" I said smiling at her

"Hi" She said holding EJ

"Daddy!" He said

"Hey buddy. Do you want to meet your little brother?" I asked him

"Yeah!" He said getting out of my moms arm

I brought him over to Noah and Carley

"EJ meet your little brother. Noah" I said to him

"Hi Noah" He said to his little brother

"Do you want to hold him Ej?" Carley asked

I looked at her confused why she would let him hold him.

"Really mommy?" He asked excitedly

"Yes but your daddy needs to help you" She said

I nod and brought EJ onto my lap. Carley handed Noah to my mom who handed Noah to EJ.

I hold Ej and Noah together. Jason comes in.

"Hello. You guys forgot these two" Jason said holding Emma and Sky

"Here Jason give me those two" Carley said opening her arms for her two girls

"Mommy, Noah has your eyes!" EJ said

I looked at Noah and did see Carley's eyes on him. I smile

"I think we got another Carley look alike" I said with a smile on my face

"Oh you know EJ and Sky are your mini me's" She said

"Well let's see what baby number 5 looks like" I said with a joke

"Not for awhile Eric" She said looking at me

"Yeah I know. I was kidding" I said sending her a smile

She smiles back at me. We both were holding our kids. They are the cutest. Honestly I hope Noah is the last of our kids. Because I don't know how we are gonna deal with more. I'll have to talk to Carley about that another time

"Hey Steph what time is it?" Carley asked my mom

"It is currently 1:00 pm" My mom said to my wife

"Wow" Carley said

"Yeah you had Noah pretty quick" I said to my wife

"Yeah" She said nodding

The nurse comes in. "Hi Mrs.Wilson. The doctor said she would like to have you here for the night. Just to make sure everything is good. You will be able to go home tomorrow" The nurse said

"Ok" Carley said nodding

"Alright well mom can you watch the 3 kids while I stay with Noah and Carley?" I asked my mom

"Of course" She said smiling

"Yay! Sleepover at grandmas!" EJ said

"EJ don't be too excited. Noah's still in your arms" I said to him softly

"Sorry daddy. And Noah" He said to me then looked at his baby brother.

"EJ how about we go out to eat?" My mom said to my first son

"Yay!" He said

I took Noah off of EJ. EJ then goes over to my mom. My mom and Jason take Sky and Emma off of Carley.

"Say bye to mommy and daddy for the night" My mom said

"Bye mommy and daddy" EJ said giving me a hug. And he gave Carley a hug. "Bye Noah" He said then kissed his brothers head.

My mom and Jason left with EJ, Skylar and Emma. Once they were gone it was just Carley and I. But it didn't last long. Because Carley's mom and dad showed up

"There's my little girl" Dennis said to Carley

"Hi dad" She said with a smile

(Carley's POV)

My dad comes over. "So what is my new grandson's name? And where is he?" He asked

"Well Dennis this is Noah. Your new grandson" Eric said standing up with Noah in his arms.

My dad goes over and sees his grandson. He smiles. "Hey little guy" He said

"Would you like to hold him Dennis?" Eric asked my dad

"You would let me hold him?" He asked my husband

"Yeah I mean, you are one of the granddad's" Eric said with a chuckle

"Of course i would love to hug him" My dad said and put his arms in the cradle position for Noah to go into his arms.

Eric puts noah into my dad's arm.

"Hey little guy" My dad said to my son. "I'm grandpa Dennis" He said softly. "Can you open your eyes for me?" He asked softly to my son.

It seemed like Noah understood because he did open his eyes.

"Wow Carley. He's your mini me" My dad said with a laugh

"Yeah Eric said the same thing" I said smiling

"He truly is your mini me Car" Eric said

"Yeah he really is. I agree" My dad said agreeing with my husband

"You guys always seem to make beautiful kids" My mom said walking into the room

"Hi mom" i said smiling at her. "Where were you?" I asked confused why she didn't come in with dad.

"Your father like run here. Then I called the Goodmans. Since I knew Ellie would want to see your new kid" She said

"Thanks mom" I said giving her another smile

"No problem sweetie" She said then went over to my dad. "Give me my grandkid Dennis" She said taking Noah out of my dad's arms

"Oh come on!" My dad said upset

My mom held Noah and saw his eyes. "Oh my god. Noah looks like you Carley" She said with a laugh

"Yeah we told her" Eric said smiling at my mom

An hour later. My mom and dad left. So it was just me and Eric. I was feeding Noah when i heard the door open

"I heard my best friend gave birth!" Ellie said coming into the room. She smiled once she saw me with Noah in my arms.

"Hey" I said smiling

"Just a warning Ellie. My son looks like his mother" Eric said

"Well that's good news for the kid" She said

"Rude" Eric said annoyed

"Ellie be nice" I said to my best friend

"Fine. Sorry Eric" She said giving him a nice smile

"Ok" He said

"Hey you left me alone to park the car" Arthur said coming in

"I wanted to see Carley's baby!" Ellie said to her husband

"I did too but you didn't see me leave the car while it was still moving a little" He said

"Ellie you did that?" I asked concerned

"I was too excited!" She said with a smile

Noah stopped sucking and yawned.

"Well it seems like he's tired" I said

"Well we will wait until he wakes up" She said. "Eric get off the chair" She said pushing my husband out of his chair

"Come on!" Eric said annoyed

"Girls get first choice. Sorry, not sorry" She said with a smile

"Fine. i'll just hold my son then" He said taking Noah slowly.

Noah started to cry but slowly relaxed once he knows it was Eric. I think he knew that Eric was his dad. I mean I don't know how but he did relax pretty quickly in his arms.

(EJ's POV)

Once grandma Stephanie and Grandpa Jason drove me and my sisters to the house. I saw Uncle Mikey in the living room with Aunt Tessa.

"Uncle Mikey! Aunt Tessa!" I yelled and ran into their arms

"Hey dude. What are you doing here?" uncle Mikey said after grabbing me

"Mommy had the baby. I have a little brother" I said with a smile

"Nice" He said.

"Hi Aunt Tessa" I said going into her face

"Hi EJ" She said putting her phone down and gave me a hug

"Aunt Tessa why were you on the phone?" I asked her

"She was texting her boyfriend EJ" Uncle Mikey said

"But girl's have cooties" I said to him

"Not at our age buddy. When you're my age. If you're anything like your father. You will get a girl easily" He said rubbing his hand in my hair

"I'm never dating!" I said with a smile

"You are going to rethink that later on buddy" Uncle Mikey said

"No i won't!" I said crossing my arms

"Ok bud" He said with a laugh

Grandma and grandpa come out and sit with us.

"Hey mom, EJ said he's never gonna date" Uncle Mikey said

"Why not EJ?" Grandma said

"Because girls' have cooties!" I said

"Oh EJ" Grandpa said with a laugh

"What?" I asked confused

"You will rethink that later" He said with a smile

"Uncle Mikey said the same thing" I said confused. I mean they both said the same thing.

"Because you will EJ" Grandma said

"Hmm" I said annoyed

"Hey EJ how about we go into my room and play 2k?" uncle Mikey Asked me

"Yeah!" i said and went to Uncle Mikey's room

Once we were up there Uncle Mikey turns on his x-box. We started to play. I played as Devin Booker like always. He's a great player.

"Uncle Mikey?" I asked him

"Yeah EJ?" He asked me

"Do you really think I will change my mind of dating?" I asked him while playing

"Oh yeah EJ. I mean I did" He said

"Do you have a girlfriend Uncle Mikey?" I asked him

"Sadly no buddy. But I'm working on it" He said

"Ok" I said and continued to play

(Mikey's POV)

I was kind of was sad after saying that answer to my nephews question. I mean I'm only 14. But I mean around this time Eric already had a girlfriend. I mean I do like a girl  in school. Her name is Emily. She's also Tessa best friend. But I mean Tessa is dating Paul who's my best friend. So why can't I date her best friend, you know.

Honestly I've had a crush on Emily for awhile. But she doesn't seem to be interested in me. But it's alright I mean I'm on the football team for our high school. I am on junior varsity. But it's ok. I still got time to improve of being a good player.

James and Eric both played in high school. James continues to play in college. And he was gonna go pro but he got serious injured in college. So now he's a commentator for the San Fransisco team. He stays around here. So I get to see him. And also Charli and Devon

Then you already know why Eric stopped doing sports. His job is cool. Sometimes I help him with his patients. Because some of workers don't go in on time. So when I visit him at work. He asks me if I can help. I mean I only work on phone calls. Since I'm not a physical therapist person.

But anyways EJ is in my face. Apparently I didn't even notice he was in front of me

"Uncle Mikey are you ok?" He asked me

"Oh yeah bud. I am" I said and smiled at him

"Boys! Dinner!" My mom yelled for my nephew and I.

"Do you wanna go on my back EJ?" I asked him

"Yeah!" He said

"Alright get on my bed to get on alright?" I asked him

He gets on my bed. I leaned down and he jumped onto my bed.

I brought him downstairs and put him into one of the dining room chairs.

"Mikey can you set the table up?" My mom asked

"Sure thing mom" I said getting plates and cups.

after setting the table up my mom put the food on the table

"What is this grandma?" EJ asked

"It's sushi EJ" I said to him

"What's sushi?" He asked

"It's fish" Ny mom said

"Ohh" He said

"Mom do you really think sushi is good for EJ and the girls?" I asked her

"That's why I made EJ and the girls this" My mom said bringing over a plate of tater totes and chicken nuggets.

"Yay!" EJ said then started to eat from the plate

"Yay!" Skylar and Emma said clapping in excitement

Tessa came over. "Sorry I'm late to coming down mom. I was doing homework" She said sitting next to me

"That's good" Mom said

"Ohhh sushi!" Tessa said

"Yep" Mom said

"Oh Mikey, Emily said she wants you to call her" Tessa said

"Oh, how come?" I asked confused

"I have no idea" She said

"I'll call her after I guess" I said

After eating 4 rolls. What can I say I was hungry.

I went up to my room. EJ stayed with my mom and Jason downstairs. My mom put on Hercules the movie. The Disney one that is.

After closing my door I connect my earphones to my phone and called Emily.

After 3 rings she answered

"Hi Mikey" She said

"Hi Emily. Um Tessa said you wanted me to call you?" I asked her

"Yeah I did" She said on the phone

"Oh. What's up?" I asked her

"I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hangout after school" She said

"Yeah thats cool. Like with Paul and Tessa?" I asked

"No actually just me and you" She said

"Really?" I asked shocked

"Yeah but if you don't want to that fine" She said

"No! No I would love too" I said

"Ok cool. Tomorrow then" She said

"Alright...after school right?" I asked her

"Yes" She said

"Alright. Bye Emily" I said

"Bye Mikey" She said then hung up

I put my phone on the bed. Then go to Tessa room. I knock on her door. She opens it.

"Hey Mike. What's up?" She asked me

"Emily just asked me out. I think" I said confused. Honestly it was confusing

"Did you say yes?" She asked me

"I did. Please don't hate me" I said to my twin

"Mikey I don't hate you. I'm the one to tell Emily to ask you out. Since you didn't ask her" She said

"Wait you knew I liked Emily?" I asked

"You weren't very subtle Mikey" She said with a laugh

"I thought I was" I said

"Well anyways Emily likes you back. Now we are both dating each other's best friend" She said smiling

"Emily and I are going on a date doesn't mean we are dating. I mean I want her to be my girlfriend" I said

"Maybe one day" She said smiling. She walked to the door. "I'm gonna go downstairs mom and Jason are now watching Hocus Pocus with EJ, Sky and Emma" She said. "Are you coming?" She asked looking at me

"Yeah" I said

We both went down and watched Hocus Pocus with them. I mean it has been 43 years. It's a long time. After the movie it was time for sleep.

EJ and I slept in my room. But that boy kicks. So I ended up going to sleep on the couch in the living room.

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