Her hidden star (hosie versio...

By eatmyputhyplz

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Josette Forbes, from Mystic falls, always stood to herself. The only people she ever talked to was her best f... More



980 32 22
By eatmyputhyplz

A/n: Warning

"I'm sorry, mom" Josie ran her fingers through her hair.

Caroline sighed before running her fingers through her hair, "I don't know why you are acting out like this. You are a good kid, Josie. Your mother and I love you, but you need to get yourself in check and meet us halfway here. We are trying to be the best parents we can be but that's impossible when you act like this."

Josie sighed, "I know mom, this won't happen again, I swear. It's just that I've been so caught up in my own mess that I haven't actually sat down to think about my decisions." She paused for a moment, "I will be better, I will get better."

Caroline smiled, "Good, now get your ass over to your aunt's house before your mother finds out that you weren't there."

The Forbes girl smiled and nodded, "okay, I'll text you when I get there." She says before they exchange their goodbyes and hang up.

Josie then turned over to Hope. "I guess I will see you in 6 more days."

Hope frowned, "this is so unfair. What did I do to your parents that they are punishing me too."

Josie smiled before placing her shirt over her head. "We can see each other at school after my suspension is up."

"Yeah, but your mother is going to have your cousin spy on us and then you'll be in more trouble and I don't want that for you." Hope assured before pulling Josie over to her.

Josie sighed, "you can't make my decisions, even if I wanted you too. Besides, I'm going to find a way to spend time with you."

Hope smiled softly, "cool." She paused before pulling Josie down to sit next to her. "So, you know how we have this thing going on..."

Josie's eyes widened, "that reminds me. You're my best friend now. Not that you come second to Jade because like I said before, you are number one, but Jade is a bitch, and you have been here for me a lot and I just think that it's important to announce you as my best friend now."

Hope opened her mouth to speak before frowning. The frown was off her face as soon as it came and she smiled, "Best friend. Lovely."

Josie tilted her head before using her index finger and turning Hope over to face her. "What's the matter?" She asked as she searched the girl's blue eyes.

"Nothing." Hope shook her head as she looked everywhere but Josie's eyes.

"Look at me." Josie said in a low voice as she moved more closer. "What's the matter? Did I do something wrong?"

Hope shook her head once again, "No, you didn't do anything. You never do anything."

Josie smiled softly, "Oh, so you just want a kiss?" Josie asked as she leaned in but Hope looked away. The brown haired girl immediately felt sad. "So, you don't want the kiss."

"I don't know what I want."

"But I thought that's what you wanted. Before you were all over me for a kiss and now you don't want one, I don't know about you but I'm getting confused."

Hope crossed her arms as she got up from Josie's guest room bed. "See how it feels to get mixed signals? Maybe you'll stop sending me them." Hope grabbed her things before leaving Josie's room.

Josie chewed at her bottom lip as she watched the door shut. She didn't know what was going on with the two but they were always fighting. So it was really nothing new when Hope left that door. Josie didn't think much into it.

—The basketball player just packed her bags and prepared to go over to her aunt's house.


"You love her?"

Hope ran her fingers through her hair as she flipped onto the mini couch in her room. "I love her."

"Like love love? Or this is going to be my high school love, love?"

Hope fidgeted with her necklace and looked up at her uncle. "Like I want to spend the rest of my life with her, love. Like I would drop everything when she calls, love. Like I would run away with her and never come back, love."

"And you said you weren't gay." Kol smirked at her, "is it enough love to tell everyone?"

"Well, what do you mean, exactly?" Hope sat up as she raised an eyebrow.

"Would you go to your school and make the morning announcements, screaming from the rooftops that you are overly obsessed with her?" He asked as he crossed her arms.

Hope chewed at her lip, "but then everyone would know that I'm into girls. I don't even know what I am, I could be lesbian, but I'm also still into boys, so would that make me bisexual but Josie is the only girl that I've ever liked."

"You don't have to be labeled, you don't even have to worry about what you are and what you aren't. You just have to worry about if you love Josie enough to give her the love she deserves? Or are you a coward."

"I'm a Mikaelson, I'm no coward."

Kol shrugged, "we have our moments."

Hope rolled her eyes playfully, "I just don't want to mess this up and I'm already looked at as the bitch of the school." She looked down at her fingers, "I don't want her to see me as a bitch. I just want her to see me for me, and only her."

Kol grinned, "she's really taken a toll on you."

"She got me planning our wedding already. I can already tell you the place, the time and the color of our invitation cards."

Kol laughed at his niece before walking over to the door. "Well, I say we are going to visit a friend of mine. It'll help you with this love fever you have."

Hope raised her eyebrow, "you don't have many friends, so what friend is this?"

"Don't worry about it, just get dressed." He assured before leaving.


Hope smiled as she looked up at the house in front of her. She walked up happily to the house but then frowned almost immediately.

She remembered that talk with Josie she had earlier. That didn't sit right with her and being happy and forgetting their problems were something they always did, that's not what she wanted.

She wanted to be honest and have communicated so their relationship could work. Even though they weren't exactly in a relationship.

"Come on kiddo, your girlfriend awaits." Kol assured before walking up to Elena's house and knocking at the door.

Once it opened, Bonnie was revealed. "What are you doing here, Kol?"

"I came by to see my favorite friends of Rivers way, I also came by because someone so desperately misses her girlfriend." He hinted at his niece. "Can she stay the night?"

Hope rolled her eyes as she shoved her hands into her pocket.

Bonnie raised her eyebrow before sighing, "Sure, but if Caroline asks, I never even knew she was here." Bonnie says before opening up the door more so the two can walk in. "I'm sure you know where Stefanie's room is. So just go to the one on the right of it."

Hope nodded before giving her uncle one last glance and then walking upstairs.

The auburnette sighed before knocking at the door. There was no answer so Hope decided to open the door. It wasn't like she hadn't seen Josie naked before and the worst thing that can be on the side of the door is her with some girl.

Good thing those weren't the options at all. Instead, she walked in on a dancing Josie who seemed to be watching too much dirty dancing.

"Nice moves there," Hope spoke up as she leaned against the door frame.

Josie was startled before she jumped and took her earbuds out. "Why can I hear you over my music? And what the hell are you doing here?" Josie asked as she raised her eyebrow.

—"Maybe I'm just a loud person."

"Well, you might from experience, I can say that's true." she winked before grabbing Hope in and closing the door. "How did you get past my aunts?" She asked before she trailed her hands down Hope's shirt.

The auburnette stopped her. "I came here with my uncle. This was his way of getting us back on track."

Josie frowned, "I didn't know we were off of track."

"Listen, I don't want to mess things up between us because what we really have going on is something amazing. I've never felt so high and love struck—"

"Love struck?" Josie raised her eyebrow. "What do you mean love struck?" She asked in a chuckle, "like being in lov-"

"This is not the point, Josie." She sat down on the guest bed. "The point is I don't want us to ever break apart."

Josie moved a string of hair behind Hope's ear. "We are at the point where we are friends. Best friends. I told you."

Hope scoffed, "No, Josie. I don't want to be your friend. I want to be with you. I want to be your girlfriend. Okay? I want to wake up with you and do those little things that we do, but just in a relationship." Hope assured before she got up she paced back and forth.

—"Hope...we are taking it slow."

"What's more, to take slow? We already had sex, more than once, we act like a couple, my feelings for you are strong and I know you feel the same way for me. I just don't get why we can't just date already, why can't you be my girlfriend? All mine." Hope searched her eyes.

Josie felt guilty. "I don't want to mess this up, Hope. We've known each other for almost 3 months and it's going so well. I don't want us to rush into something that we might regret. So let's go on a thousand dates, let's be best friends before we can be girlfriends, there's still a lot more things I need to know about you and I'm planning on spending till eternity with you."

"I didn't want to rush you, I really didn't, but I didn't think I could wait around for you, if you weren't giving me much hope."

Josie sighed before grabbing Hope's hand and leading her to walk out of the room and onto the balcony.

"We are going to live out that fantasy. With the whole marriage and kids thing but we are still young. We have forever to really settle down. I just think that we could take a little time."

Hope sighed, "I felt that too. But with my mind and being a bit of an over thinker, I felt like I had to see where we were in your eyes. If I didn't then we would be back in a loop. Trust me, I've been in a toxic relationship and I don't want to relive it."

"You and Roman were toxic?" Josie asked weirdly. She didn't know about this information.

—"He was. I was just a bystander. He was also manipulative and hurtful. He blamed everything that went wrong on me and I don't want to assume that you would do that so I try my best to make sure things are clear and I am honest and open with you because I really want us to work."

Josie smiled and nodded, "I get that, Hope. But I'm not Roman. I don't know how many times I will have to tell you that." She paused, "I want us, and we will have us. Just give me time. Can you do that for me?"

"I could and I would do anything for you, so if you need time then I will definitely give it to you." Hope sent a small smile.

"Good, now how hot do you think it would be to upgrade to a balcony?" Josie raised her eyebrow before Hope rolled her eyes and looked over at the mini couch on the side of them.

Hope then sighed and ran her hands through her hair. "I think it'll be so hot." She muttered before Josie grinned and walked up to her. "But people can see us and what if your family walk in or my uncle-"

"It's all about adventure, my love." Josie assured before smashing her lips against Hopes.


Josie moved in front of Hope, she bent down to kiss her while her hands found their way on the shorter girl's body, just feeling the soft skin. Hope kissed
Her back within seconds, Hope was going to touch the brunette but Josie stopped her with their lips still joint.

Josie moved her fingers to slide inside hope's body making Hope moan into the kiss but not pulling away.

"Sit up for me" Josie whispered as she sat up from Hope.

Hope thought it was weird but she didn't complain "okay" Hope says as she sat up.

Josie took off hopes shirt revealing her in her black laced push up bra. Hope smiled before she leaned over and locked her lips with Josie's. The taller girl smiled before pulling away. "Stop it, I'm supposed to be taking care of you," Josie whispered as her eyes shifted down to Hope's lips. "I want to take care of you" Josie whispered before she leaned in and placed her lips softly onto hopes.

Josie kissed Hope repeatedly, her lips were so soft and warm, she still tasted like the chapstick Hope had put on that morning, not that Josie was complaining but it had a very weird flavor to it.

Josie can feel Hope's private area thrust as their bodies grew more intertwined than before.

Josie moved her lips to hope's neck and it immediately made the auburn haired girl numb. The moans that came from her was what turned Josie on the most. Josie then slid her knee pressed against Hope's pants as she brought her lips to connect with hopes. The auburn haired girl only moaned softly and low into Josie's mouth as Josie continued to suck the bottom of her lips only softly, not wanting to send pain to the other girl.

Josie didn't know if she fell in love with hope's touch or just with hope in general but she loved it all. She loved every single thing with Hope. This just might have been her favorite thing.

Josie paused and trailed her fingers down to the straps of hopes pants. "Are you sure?" Josie asked as tugged at Hope's pants.

Hope nodded and Josie shook her head "I need to hear you say it my love" Josie whispered as she looked up at Hope.

"Yes, I'm sure," Hope said impatiently. Josie just smirked as she slowly pulled down Hope's pants. Apparently Josie was taking too long so hope had bit her bottom lip before pulling Josie back up to kiss her.

Hope then started to take her bra off. Josie was pleased with what she saw, she was actually more than happy with what she say. "You're beautiful" Josie whispered before she leaned in she put their heated lips together more brutally this time.

Hope let out a mirror moan as she glided her hands through Josie's hair, as Josie slide her bottom lip down to trace at hopes exposed nipples.

"Shhh." Josie smirked as she enjoyed the pleasuring she was doing to the older girl. Josie then kissed all the way down to Hope's lower stomach and then to Josie's the edge of Josie's underwear.

When Josie got there she motioned her fingers in circles around her hopes skin.
Hope had been teasing Josie so now Josie thought it was time to get her pay back. Josie slide down hopes underwear, and she started kissing all around the shorter girls private area but not where Hope wanted josie the most.

Josie then held Hope up a bit so that she could grip her legs around Josie's shoulders. Josie started to link her lips with hope's lower area making sure to hold onto the girls hand just in case Hope wanted her to stop and so the auburn haired girl could feel comfortable and safe.

Josie then started to trail her lips all over hopes area. "Josie ... don't stop" Hope moaned as she threw her head back from all the pleasure she was getting.

Hope felt like the happiest person to exist at that very moment because she was on the verge of screaming for joy. Hope didn't even care if the neighbors could hear, because it felt so good.

Josie pressed her lips to the older girls area in sync making hope grip the couch arm more than she should have and tighter than she ever could.

Josie kept her lips onto Hope's other ones and made sure to still have her fingers intertwined with the other girls, it was a symbol for never letting go.

"I never experienced something like that" Hope admits as she looks over to Josie.

Josie blushed a bit as she tried not to reveal herself.

"I think it's your turn, love" Hope grinned before she trailed down on Josie.


The next morning Hope woke up to Josie lingering on her. Josie saw that Hope was still asleep so she leaned over to her and kissed all over Hope's face. Hope smiled as she kissed back with her eyes still closed. "Good morning" Josie whispered as she pecked her lips again.

Hope opened up one of her eyes and smiled at Josie before she shut them back "Good morning, beautiful,"

Josie rolled within the sheets and was about to get up until Hope pulled her back down. "Don't leave, I'm still tired" Hope groaned

Josie rolled her eyes playfully "you can still sleep without me next to you, Hope" Josie says as she falls back into hope's arms.

Hope opened her eyes and glared at Josie "you know what, go ahead, leave" Hope turned away from Josie. "See if I care."

"You do realize this isn't your house?" Josie asked as she tried to hold on her laughter. "You can't physically kick me out."

"Whatever, I'll just leave." Hope rolled her eyes.

Josie smiled before turning Hope back over, "we fight over the dumbest shit, I swear" Josie says before Hope wrapped her arms around Josie once again.

"You're just an idiot." Hope says as she put her face in the crook of Josie's neck. "You're such an idiot." Hope chuckled before intertwining her hands with Josie's.

The raven haired girl smiled as she pressed her body more so on Hope's.

"I'm going to get up and make you something to eat, I know you're hungry after being wore out from like 5 times last night" Josie blushed a bit.

"Actually, I have to start getting ready for school, but I will see you soon, hopefully."

Josie frowned, "okay, make sure you try your best today." She assured.

"But you aren't going to be there." Hope pouted as she crossed her arms.

—"if you are on your best behavior... I will..." she pulled Hope closer as she whispered something into her ears.

Hope smiled and chewed on her bottom lip, "oh don't worry, I'm going to be on my best behavior." She assured before grabbing her things. "I will see you later." Hope pecked Josie on the lips before leaving out of the room.

Josie felt her lips as she smiled.


Later on that day at school, Hope was feeling lonely without her partner in crime.

She surprisingly did all her work because of the promise that Josie made that morning.

She smiled at the memory as she stepped up to her locker and she placed her cheer uniform into it.

As soon as she closed her locker she heard footsteps.

She looked around and saw Roman. "Hey there buttercup." He winked at her before leaning against the locker.

"What do you want, Roman?"

"I want my girlfriend back. The straight version." Hope rolled her eyes before she tried stepping off but he pushed her back and against the lockers. "I miss you."

"Well, I'm me. What's not to miss?" She asked before crossing her arms. He smiled before looking her up and down and then grabbing her shirt. "What the hell are you doing?"

"You in second." He winked before he started to rip her clothes off.

She found back to the best of her abilities but it wasn't enough. It wasn't enough to stop him from ripping her shirt open.

The auburnette cried as she pushed him back but he wouldn't stop.

The itch in her skin craved the feeling of freedom.

She felt betrayed on so many levels and exposed. Her bare skin exposed to the sights of a person that she didn't want them to be exposed to.

Her bare skin.

It was all out and her blood rushed to her head as her eyesight remained unclear due to the fact of her tears.

"Get off of me." Hope muttered as she fought back to the best of her limits.

"But I miss you." Roman stuttered out. "I miss you and I want you." He spat out before trying to rip her pants off.

Hope kicked him in his not so sensitive part as he bent down and groaned in pain.

"YOU BITCH." He groaned before hitting the lockers. "I'm just trying to help you."

"Help me by forcing me to have sex with you?" She scoffed as the tears in her eyes made it hard to see.

He stood up and rolled his head before clenching his teeth. "How can you have sex with her and not me? I literally was the best boyfriend to you. I waited until you were ready-"

Hope scoffed, "just like you were just doing?"

He walked up to her once again and slammed her back against the locker. "I did everything for you! I deserve this... I deserve it." He whispered the last part before he forcefully pressed his lips on Hope's before the flash of a light broke them apart as Hope's eyes flashed in worry when she dropped down to the floor.

"Everyone's here." Jade smirked as she closed the door. "Thank you, Roman. You have been a great help."

Roman pushed Hope back and grinned at Jade before winking. "Are you coming over, later?"

Jade shook her head, "no."

"But I kissed her like you asked. I almost even gave her the pleasure of-"

"I said no. You've done what you had to do. Now get out of here and if someone asks, you were never here and neither was I." Jade assured as Roman groaned and walked over to shut the door.

Jade knelt down to reach Hope's eye level. "Let's have a chat, about my dear old friend, Josie."

"Why should I?" Hope spat out before she leaned up to get up.

"Because I don't think she could have another heartbreak. Seeing as you were kissing your ex who you have kissed in the past after sending her signs that you want her." Jade stepped forward before reaching in her pocket to grab the ring. "You can have this back." She tossed it over to her.

"That was assault, I didn't want him to kiss me." She assured before taking her ring.

Jade rolled her eyes before grabbing her phone as she pulled up the picture. "It looked like you were full on enjoying it. I wonder what could happen if I showed this to Josie. Then she would come back crawling to me-"

"She wouldn't do that! We have trust, and communication."

Jade tilted her head and smirked, "she believed me the first time, didn't she?"

Hope thought about it and Jade was right. So, if Josie didn't believe her then? Why would she believe her now?"

"What do you want?" Hope gritted through her teeth.

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