Miraculous Ladybug Season 5:...

By MiraculouslyGory

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Hello everyone, it's MiraculousGory. And today is a very special day. Today is the day I officially release... More

Info Page
The Aftermath
Lady Wifi 2.0
Blue Bird
The Royal Rumblers
Vanisher 2.0
The Temple
The Tradegy Part 1
The Tradegy Part 2
The Treacherous Trio
Essence's End
The Aquatic Box
Timetagger 2.0
The Dark Cupid 2.0
Sandboy 2.0
Brute Bully
Troublemaker 2.0
Sunken Love
Rogercop 2.0
Creative Mind
Gorizilla 2.0
Crank Maze
Adrien the Kwamisitter
Mega Gigantitan
Zombizou 2.0
Dark Blade 2.0
Fragmented Friend
Spiteful Siblings
Snare Scout
Crocoduel 2.0
Pen Pal
Ultra Gozen
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Adrien Agreste
Alya Cesaire
Nino Lahiffe
Chloe Bourgeois
Alix Kubdel
Le Chien Kim
Max Kante
Luka Couffaine
Kagami Tsurugi
Mylene Haprele
Rose Lavillant
Juleka Couffaine
Sabrina Raincomprix
Marc Anciel
Nathaniel Kurtzberg
Ivan Bruel
Lila Rossi
Jack Edgers
The Confession
Avoir, Jack Edgers Part 1
Avoir, Jack Edgers Part 2
Avoir, Jack Edgers Part 3
The Big Reveal
Farwell Guys


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By MiraculouslyGory

The school day is over with, and the gang is outside in the courtyard chatting.  "High school is coming along?  Woah!  Wait, does that mean... we won't see each other anymore?"  Adrien asked worried.  "Of course not, bro.  We can still hang out.  Everyone in our group, and I know how much you value us.  We wouldn't abandon one of our closet friends who needs all the love he deserves."  Nino replied.  Adrien smiles.  "Thanks Nino.  But now that I'm thinking about it, I really don't know what to do for high school.  Is there where you go to a college where you focus on what you want to do in life?"  Adrien asked.  "Not quite.  That's a university.  A high school is like school, but more advanced.  You can still take a course on what you want to do if you can.  It's a nice way of a head start for the future.  Plus there are the football games, countless clubs, parties.  It's going to be a blast off once we all go."  Kim replied.  "Speaking of blastoff, hey guys, come over here."  Max yelled.  Soon, everyone, even Lila, surrounds Max.  "Do you all think you can pray for my Mom today.  She is very stressed out."  Max asked.  "She's stressed?  What happened?"  Marinette asked.  "Don't worry.  She's alright, just nervous.  Today they are sending the forms to the astronauts who get to embark on the space journey of the century.  The Mars Martin Program."  Max replied.  Everyone gasp in surprise.  "For those who don't know, it's a project that's been in there works for the last decade.  It's where they plan to send one lucky astronaut to the planet Mars, inside of an ultra powered, space ship.  Way more revolutionary than an space ship in the world.  Markov will explain otherwise."  Max said.  "According to my calculations, a trip to Mars takes about twenty one months at best.  However, I've been hooked up to the engineering of the new space ship for the program itself."  Markov replied.  "My Mother told me the details."  Max explained.  "And by these odds, it will only take... six months there and back."  Markov replied.  Everyone is now shocked at these numbers.  "Now way!  I'm studying engineering, and I've never seen stats like that before."  Alix said.  "I know.  It's a lifetime opportunity.  My Mom told me she always wanted to go to Mars since she was little.  After all, exploring the universe has been her dream.  She worked effortlessly to pull this off.  It would be so grateful for you all if you give her your wishes."  Max replied.  "Oh Max.  Of course we will.  I really hope she gets the position.  It would be a dream for her to go see the plant full of extraterrestrials."  Lila said.  "Actually, it hasn't been confirmed aliens exist.  Expect in movies.  God I love those kind of movies."  Jack replied.  Lila growls at him.  "Well anyway, tell her I wish her the best of luck.  I have to go guys.  You know, photo shoot for Gabriel's Brand."  Lila said.  They all say goodbye, as Lila leaves them all.  With a wicked smile forming on her face, as she leaves. 

At an apartment complex, the mailman drops off the mail for the day.  One by one, he puts the mail inside the mail slot, then leaves to do the next.  His last stop is at Apartment 314.  Aka, Max's apartment.  How ironic.  He drops off their mail, including the letter for the Mars position.  Once he is done, he leaves.  Downstairs, in the security room, someone breaks into it.  That would be Lila, who wears gloves along with it.  She goes to the control center, and inspects the system.  Once she found the right button, she shuts off all the security.  Now unable to be seen, she goes forward.  She makes her way to Max's apartment.  Once she is there, she opens Max's open mail box.  She then looks through the mail, until she finds the space letter.  She does find it, and forms a smile on her face.  She puts the mail back inside, then goes to leave.  But not before she turns on the security again, so it looks like no tracks were left.  She leaves Max's apartment complex with the letter in hand.  Back home, Lila carefully opens up the letter.  Making sure she doesn't ruin the envelope one bit.  Once she successfully opens the envelope, she pulls out and reads the letter.  "[reads].  Wow!  His Mom actually got the position.  That's honestly impressive."  Lila said.  "I'm so happy for Max's Mom, but why on Earth did you commit such a terrible crime Lila?"  Nooroo asked.  "Obviously.  Because Max's Moms's dream will help make my dream come true.  Remember how Max said his Mom is stressed about getting this job?  How it would break her heart of she didn't?  How she worked so hard for this moment?  Well, this is how we will make our new powerful villain.  Powers and plan already organized."  Lila replied.  Nooroo gulps at what Lila is planning.  "I'm not an expert in forging, but thankfully, there is no signature.  Thank God for that.  I was worried I had to find a way to pull that off.  However, I am an expert in tricking the minds of pathetic sheep.  I'll just rewrite her letter, add in the necessary details, then ship it right back to Max's Mom.  [Nooroo gasp].  Once she reads the letter, she will break down in such pain.  So much devastating pain... when she sees she didn't get the job.  Then I can use that pain to crush those heroes to pieces!"  Lila said in a sinister way.  "Lila... you, you can't be serious!  Your really going to ruin someone's life for an akuma?  Your insane!"  Nooroo yelled.  "I know I am crazy, but I know I'm a good liar as well.  Now, I know this is where you continue to yell at me, and convince me not to do this.  I get it.  So if she wins or fails, I plan to give her the real form afterwards."  Lila said.  "Oh... ok.  So you'll give her the real one once we are done?"  Nooroo asked.  "Bingo my cocoon."  Lila replied.  "Hmmm, as much as this is horrible, at least your going to fix it."  Nooroo said.  "Exactly.  Here, some chocolate to make you feel better."  Lila replied.  Nooroo gets hypnotized by the treat, and ravages it.  Giving Lila the time she needs to ruin Max's Mom's dreams. 

Back at Max's place, he sits in his living room.  It's a one couch, two sofa chair, coffee table, and flat screen TV living room.  He prays that his Mom got the job, and will be so happy to travel to Mars.  "You don't look so good."  Markov said.  "I'm so worried for her Markov.  What if she doesn't get it?  It would break her heart to so many pieces."  Max asked.  "Don't worry.  Your Mom is such an awesome woman.  You told me all about her.  [in flashback].  How she crushed the obstacle course for the job, studied hours to pass every exam, and the amount of time and work she put into it.  She is guaranteed getting that job.  [end flashback].  So just think positive.  Like Ladybug tells us all the time."  Markov replied.  Max smiles after a few seconds.  "Your right Markov.  I should think positive.  My Mom is going to get that job, and travel to places unknown!"  Max yelled.  "Exactly my human friend."  Markov said.  Turns out Lila actually heard what Max said through the walls.  "[silently giggles].  We'll see about that, Max Kante."  Lila said.  She puts the mail back into the box.  Also wearing her gloves to avoid finger prints.  She also wears them to turn on the security system again, after going back inside.  "The last thing I need is to wait for when the time comes."  Lila said.  She successfully leaves the complex, just in time to when Max's Mom comes in.  "Ohh, Max's Mom.  Sorry, I didn't see you there."  Lila said.  "Hey, your one of Max's classmates.  The new Gabriel Agreste model right?"  Max's Mom asked.  "Lila Rossi.  In the flesh.  I think this is actually the first time we've meet.  It's an honor to meet such a hard worker astronaut today."  Lila replied.  "Ohh, yeah."  Max's Mom said worried.  "Max did tell us what your receiving today.  I understand how stressed and worried you must be.  But just know this.  I prayed so much for you the second Max told us about your future opportunity.  Just like him, I know you will get the job.  I can feel it."  Lila replied.  "You do?  You really think I can do it?"  Max's Mom asked.  "If you put your mind to something hard enough, you can do it."  Lila replied.  "[smiles].  Well thank you very much Lila.  Say, you think I can get a quick selfie?  After all, you are a famous celebrity."  Max's Mom asked.  "Of course.  Anything for my fans."  Lila replied.  One selfie later, they both depart.  Max's Mom going to her home, and Lila getting ready for her plan to start.  However, when Lila leaves, this happens.  "[screams].  EVERYONE!!!  IT'S LILA ROSSI!!!"  Fan screamed.  Soon, Lila is surrounded by crowds of fans.  Normally she would be happy to drown herself in the fame, but she has a job to do.  She tries to break free, but the fans prevent her from going anywhere. 

Max's Mom opens her mailbox to get the man.  She looks through it.  Still a bit stressed at the same time.  Soon, she finds the letter.  Now the suspense is through the roof.  She enters her home, where she is greeted by her son.  "Hey Mom.  Is the letter here?"  Max asked.  "[gulps].  It's in my hand right now."  Max's Mom replied, as Max gasp.  Back outside, Lila tries to push and shove her way out of the fan pile.  But the fans keep preventing her from leaving.  So, she goes back to what she does best.  "Hey look over there!  Adrien Agreste petitions on getting him back to modeling."  Lila yelled.  That captures the fans attention, which gives Lila a chance to run away.  The fans see her escape, and like hunters, chase their prey.  They run through the streets of Paris to find her.  Thankfully, they run past an alleyway, where Lila is hiding behind a dumpsters.  "[deep breathes].  My God!  I know fans are obsessive, but I don't I've seen fans that aggressive before."  Lila said.  "Classic fanboys and girls.  Those kind of hardcore fans give me the creeps.  Just how they would follow their idol, have weird posters of them on their walls, and the fantasies.  [shivers].  I don't want to get into that."  Nooroo replied.  "Don't worry Nooroo.  No way I'm letting a crazy fan get a hold of you."  Lila said.  "Appreciate it Lila."  Nooroo replied.  "Now is not the time for cuteness.  We need to find a place to get ready."  Lila said.  Lila and Nooroo go into the sewers.  Just in time for Max's Mom to drop the letter on the floor.  "Mom... what's wrong?"  Max asked.  "I... I failed."  Max's Mom replied.  "What?"  Max asked.  "I didn't get the part.  I didn't get the job."  Max's Mom replied.  "No way!  That can't be possible.  Let me read this.  [picks up letter].  I'm sorry to inform you, but you unfortunately didn't receive The Mars Martin Program.  [continues to read].  This is outrageous.  How could they have not picked you?"  Max asked.  Soon, Max's Mom emotions begin to rise to negative.  The stress and fail covers Max's Mom in shame.  Enough to make Lila smile when her brooch shines.  "Perfect.  The plan is set into motion.  Remember, win or lose, I will fix this afterwards."  Lila said.  "You better Lila!  I mean it!"  Nooroo replied.  "Nooroo, dark wings rise."  Lila said, as she transforms into Farfalla.  Now in costume, she opens her cane to release the akuma.  The akuma flies it's way to the negativity Max's Mom is forming.  Max's Mom takes deep breathes, as she expresses her failure.  "Mom please.  Don't get upset.  There has to be a way to explain this.  No way this letter if for real."  Max said, as he tries to help his Mother.  Soon, the akuma flies into their home.  "[sees akuma].  Ahhh, Mom!  Look out!"  Max screamed.  Soon, the akuma flies into her watch.  "[mask forms].  Astronomical.  I am Farfalla.  You were about to set sail to your dreams, only to have them be shipwrecked.  No need for them to decide your future, when you can have it in the palm of your hands.  I grant you the power to control gravity.  With it, you will be able to live your space dreams for eternity.  However, dreams come at a price.  Bring me the miraculous of Ladybug, Cat Noir, and any hero they bring along.  Then send them to the black hole of destruction to seal the deal."  Farfalla said.  "Thank you Farfalla.  Now it's time for my dreams to blast off into the universe."  Max's Mom replied, as she transforms into Astronomical.

Astronomical has red purple like long hair, rock like skin with red cracks, a gray armored chest plate with red shining shoulder pads, black gloves and boots, red eyes, and a gray mask covering her mouth.  "Wow Max!  Can you believe this?  I'm going to live my dream.  Heck!  Even you get to come along with me."  Astronomical said.  "Mom, you can't do this.  What needs to make is to get the akuma out of you."  Max replied, as he goes for her bracelet.  Soon, Astronomical grabs Max's arm.  "Not so fast son.  Your not going to ruin my cosmo dreams that easily.  Come on, let's have some fun.  Forever!"  Astronomical said.  She turns the dial on her chest to up.  That starts to make everyone float into the sky.  The gravity is no more.  Even Farfalla flies.  However she will be ok since she has a roof over her head.  Everyone else outside?  Not so good since they can fly to the cold atmosphere of space. "Now my dear son. Let's go explore our new world together. Mother and Son." Astronomical said. Thanks to her space powers, she is able to navigate through the zero gravity perfectly fine. She crashes through the window to explore the new Paris at hand. Max is then astonished at the sight of zero gravity. People screaming, as they fly unexpectedly into the air. This gets the attention of Marinette, who all of the sudden flies into the air. "Zero gravity? That's so cool." Daizzi said. "No it's not Daizzi. Well, admittedly, this does feel cool. Regardless, Farfalla must have done this." Marinette replied. "Let's use our Astro suits for this one. It will help us travel faster through this mess." Tikki recommend. "Good idea Tikki." Marinette replied. Soon, Cosmo Bug flies out her home, and to the cause of this madness. At Adrien's, he was playing video games, until he too became to fly. "Well this is one way to play video games, Adrien." Plagg said. "Yeah, but it's also one way for Farfalla to get advantage over us. Good thing we have the power to travel through space as well." Adrien replied. Soon, Astro Cat flies out his home to solve this problem with his Lady.

    Back with Astronomical, she is jumping, and humming to the new world she has created. A world just like space, expect human life is everywhere. As they fly, Max can't help but look horrified at the people so close to space. "Mom, you have to stop this. We need to get that akuma out of you." Max said, as he goes for the object. Astronomical grabs Max's hand. "But why? Aren't you having fun?" Astronomical asked. "Look up, and tell me. Look at all those people up there. Aren't you worried they will freeze to death once they enter space?" Max asked back. "Luckily, I also have the power to this." Astronomical replied. She turns her dial on her chest to down, which brings back gravity. Which sends Astronomical and Max to the ground, as well as the people up in the sky to fall to their deaths. "Ahhh, Mom! They are going to fall to their demises!!! You need to save them!" Max panicked. "Ugh! If you say so." Astronomical replied, as she turns on zero gravity. Now the people are safe from death, but also floating back up again.  Same with her and Max. "Now they will freeze if you don't bring them down. This is why you need to reject that akuma." Max said. "You said bring them down, and I did. Now they fall, so you want me to save them. Just pick a side, and enjoy the moment with me." Astronomical yelled. "Why don't you listen to your son, and do what's best." Cosmo Bug said, as she and Astro Cat arrive. "Well, well, well. Ladybug and Cat Noir. Just in time to witness my cosmic victory." Astronomical replied. "That's Astro Cat and Cosmo Bug to you Miss." Astro Cat said. "And Blue Bird." Blue Bird yelled, as he arrives. He arrives quickly thanks to some device on his chest. In the center, a green eye. "Blue Bird. How did you get here so fast?" Cosmo Bug asked. "Meet my new senti, Gloop. He grants me the ability to travel through this zero gravity terrain without any struggles. It does lack in emotions though." Blue Bird explained. "Ok enough introduction. The time has come I get those miraculous once and for all. Then you all will be vanquished. For the honor of Farfalla!" Astronomical yelled. She dashes to the heroes. They all disburse, then turn around to face the villain. Blue Bird hits Astronomical with a fan attack, and dodges her punch. Cosmo Bug yo-yo Astronomical, but she throws her own son at Ladybug to free herself. Astro Cat staff attacks Astronomical, who blocks his attacks with her hands. Now that Cosmo Bug has Max, it gives her the idea for assistance. She takes him away, as Astro Cat and Blue Bird fight Astronomical. Distracting her, Cosmo Bug takes Max to a warehouse where it is safe. "So what happened to your Mom? Why did she get akumatized?" Cosmo Bug asked. "She didn't get the position for a famous space program she always wanted. Not sure how. She had a 98.99% chance of getting the job from my calculations. It ended up breaking her so much, that Farfalla took advantage of it." Max explained. "That wicked butterfly. No worries. Your going to help us save her." Cosmo Bug said, as she opens her yo-yo. She pulls out the horse miraculous for Max. Once in hand, Kaalki reforms. "Ahh, if it isn't my loyal companion, Max Kante. How honorable it is for you to assist me again." Kaalki said. "Your the one who serves me, but alright. I'm glad to see you as well, Kaalki." Max replied. "You know the drill. Go out there after saying my royal phrase, then use your big brain to make proud to be your kwami." Kaalki said. Max puts on the glasses. "Kaalki, full gallop." Max said, as he transforms into Pegasus.

Back with Astro Cat and Blue Bird, they fight off Astronomical.  Blue Bird kicks her in the face, as Astro Cat wails her in the gut.  She soon slaps both heroes, but they take it.  Astor Cat charges at her, but Astronomical grabs him, and throws him into Blue Bird.  Then Astronomical grabs Cat's hand.  She goes for the ring, until a boomerang hits her in the face.  "So Astronomical, you want to go out of this world?  Then you'll have to get through another hero to achieve that dream.  Pegasus said.  "So there is another one?  So be it.  Farfalla would be proud to have four miraculous at hand."  Astronomical replied.  "Should have taken mine when you had the chance."  Astro Cat said, as he kicks her off of him.  Astro Cat and Blue Bird are back in business, with a new friend to help as well.  "[mask forms].  Carefully.  The Horse grants the power of Teleportation.  He could come at any angle to get you."  Farfalla said.  "Why settle to fight down below, when we can have fun up in the sky."  Astronomical replied.  She launches herself up into the sky.  The four heroes fly after her.  With Cosmo Bug holding Pegasus as they fly.  Once they are far up into the sky, they are shocked at what they see.  People, cars, animals, etc, all begging for help.  "What should we do.  In just a matter of five minutes, they will be at space's capacity."  Pegasus asked.  "Like my son said, you better focus on my akuma first."  Astronomical replied, as she punches Pegasus away.  He flies away from the trio, who then go after Astronomical.  Blue Bird punches Astronomical in the face, who then replied with an uppercut to the gut.  Cat Noir tags in, and he grabs her from behind.  He rides on her back, as Ladybug tries to find the object.  She looks at her body, until the bracelet catches her eye.  "Astro Cat!  The bracelet!  Go for the bracelet!"  Cosmo Bug yelled.  Cat follows orders, and goes for the bracelet.  Astronomical thinks fast.  Grabbing a cat, and throwing it onto Cat Noir's face.  He gets scratched by the kitty.  "Ow!!!  Hey, stop it!  We are purfect pals after all!!!"  Astro Cat screamed, as he gets scratched.  "Blue Bird.  Go find Pegasus, and bring him back.  Cat and I will hold off Astronomical."  Cosmo Bug replied.  Blue Bird obeys, and flies after Pegasus.  Speaking of Pegasus, he flies his way right into Andre's stand.  "My goodness.  Are you ok?"  Andre asked. 
Yeah, ohhh ice cream.  What are the chances I find that up here?"  Pegasus asked back.  "That's nice, but save the treats, after we save this woman."  Blue Bird replied, as he shows up.  "Ohh, right.  My bad on that."  Pegasus said.  Blue Bird grabs his hand, and takes him back to the duo.  Common Bug uses her yo-yo, and Astro Cat uses his staff to beat Astronomical.  She blocks there strikes, then grabs Cosmo Bug's yo-yo.  She swings her down to the Earth, but she flies back up.  Astro Cat avenges his Lady, but throwing the same cat at Astronomical.  She giggles, and slaps the cat away.  "Hey!  That wasn't very nice!"  Astro Cat screamed.  "And neither is this."  Blue Bird yelled, as he chucks Pegasus.  He kicks Astronomical in the stomach, who then gags.  She bounces back.  Grabbing his hand that was going for her akuma.  She swing Pegasus around, and throws him at Blue Bird.  He grabs his fellow horse.  Cosmo Bug comes back into play.  She charges into Astronomical.  Punching her repeatedly.  This gives her the chance to go for the akuma.  Once she grabs it, Astronomical grabs a flower vase, and bashes it against Cosmo Bug's head.  Then she kicks her with both feet.  Sending the bug away.  Pegasus throws his boomerang again.  She blocks his attack.  He does this multiple times, until one time, she grabs the boomerang.  She then throws it back, and it hits Pegasus square in the nose.  Blue Bird flies in, then slaps Astronomical with her fan.  She punches at him, but he ducks under the attack.  Then Astro Cat comes in.  "Cataclysm."  Astro Cat said, as he uses his powers.  He goes to cataclysm the object, but she uses a brick to make him waste it.  "Very funny kitty.  Is that all you can do?"  Astronomical asked.  Then she gets kicked in the face because she forgot Blue Bird was right next to her.  She bounces back, then sees she is surrounded by all four heroes.  Who are all on their defense to attack at the right time.  Astronomical needs to think of a game plan.  Until, it hits her.  "So, you've all seen to be alright fighting in the sky.  Well, almost all of you.  [looks at Pegasus].  Well then, if your so good."  Astronomical said, as she turns her dial.

    In an act of cold blood, Astronomical sends all the people, animals, and objects falling to their demise. They all scream, as they plummet to their deaths. The heroes gasp, as they all fly down to save them. Pegasus falls as well, and goes to help, but Astronomical flies her way to the horse hero. She grabs him, and forces him to day still. "[laughs]. With them taking care of pointless business, I can finally get your miraculous. And there is nothing you, or your pathetic powers can do about it." Astronomical said, as she grabs his glasses. "You can't be serious! Your really going to kill all of these people to return a gift for a supervillain. How would your son feel about this? He would be very disgusted to see his own Mother act this horrible." Pegasus yelled. "His Mother is gone for good. I'm in control now." Astronomical said. She goes to take off the glasses, but Pegasus must be a hero, and save the day. "In that case, I hope your have a soft landing." Pegasus said, as he kicks Astronomical off of her. He then falls to the ground, to where the heroes are. They grab screaming people, and bring them safely to the ground. "We need to hurry. We don't have much time, before they all fall." Cosmo Bug said. "There is too many of them. How can we save everyone on time?" Astro Cat asked. "We talk less, and act fast. And I mean it!" Blue Bird yelled. As they go to save lives, Pegasus tries to find a way to help. He has only one Voyage, and he must use it wisely. He goes into big brain mode. Looking around, and trying to find the right formula to save people using statistic calculations. Even if he only has one Voyage. Time runs out fast, as Pegasus is coming closer to the ground. After enough time thinking of his solution in his head, he opens he eyes. "Voyage!" Pegasus said, as he uses his powers. He jumps through his voyage, expect once he does, an electric bolt goes off. Then all of the sudden, people falling are saved in a flash. One by one, they are safe from impact. Even people Astro Cat, Cosmo Bug, and Blue Bird were about to save. In the end, everyone that was falling to there demises is safe and sound. The main trio of heroes all regroup on the ground. "What on Earth did that?" Astor Cat asked. "[looks up]. Uhhh, guys. Look." Blue Bird pointed. Cosmo Bug and Astro Cat look, and then gasp. They see Pegasus, the only hero to not have the space suits on, flying in the air. The wings on his shoes keeping him afloat. "Pegasus! What... what are you doing? Your flying!" Cosmo Bug asked in shock. Soon, Pegasus does notice what happened. "Huh? Wait, I am flying? But how? I was thinking of using my one power to go to one pivotal point, the make my way to save as much as I can with what I have. But, I didn't expect it to be like this." Pegasus replied amazed. "Wait, did... did you just get a power upgrade as well?" Astor Cat asked. "[gasp]. Did I?" Pegasus asked back. Soon, Pegasus falls to the ground. He lands hard on his butt. The heroes ran to Pegasus, and help him up. "Why did I stop? Did I do something incorrect?" Pegasus asked. "[looks up]. Save it for later." Blue Bird replied. Astronomical lands on the ground, making a huge crater. The civilians run away screaming, as Astronomical looks at the heroes. "So you saved everyone, and now the horse can fly? No matter. I still have my powers, and soon, all will experience my dream with me!!!" Astronomical screamed, as she turns back on zero gravity. Now she is floating, as is Pegasus. "Jokes on you Astronomical. We still have our best tool of all. Lucky charm." Cosmo Bug said, as she uses her powers. The lucky charm forms a miniature globe. "A globe? How ironic. Too bad it won't stop me now." Astronomical said. Astro Cat and Blue Bird go after Astronomical. Pegasus stays behind because he gets an idea. After looking at the globe, and around at the space he has, he once again puts in the calculations. "Ladybug." Pegasus said. "It's Cosmo Bug here, Pegasus." Cosmo Bug replied. "Oh, sorry. Cosmo Bug. Give me the lucky charm. I have an idea. Based on the stats I got from this layout, maybe we can use the lucky charm to distract her long enough for one of you to get the akuma. Perhaps hit her in the face, then get the akuma." Pegasus said. "[thinks over idea, before she looks at Astronical's chest plate]. Or, distract her long enough to stop her from controlling gravity. Tell me your layout. I have an idea to advance your plan." Cosmo Bug replied. After Pegasus tells her the plan, Ladybug yo-yo Astro Cat. She tells him the plan, as he tells it to Blue Bird. With the plan in mind, Cosmo Bug steps in. She fist fight Astronomical. Both women getting hits to the face, or the stomach. As they fight, Astro Cat and Blue Bird get into specific spots. As Pegasus, lucky charm in hand, stands right in the middle. All he has to wait for is Cosmo Bug to get into position. After Astronomical punches Ladybug in the face, she kicks the supervillain into the spot. "NOW!" Cosmo Bug yelled. Pegasus throws the globe to Astro Cat. He whacks it with his staff to Blue Bird. Blue Bird slaps it with his fan to Cosmo Bug. Then Cosmo Bug grabs it, spins around like a top, and chucks it. Right into the center of Astronomical's chest plate. This malfunctions her powers, as gravity acts insane. Going from normal to zero in just a matter of seconds. It makes the villain distracted long enough for Cosmo Bug to end this. She throws her yo-yo, and bashes the bracelet. Sending the akuma free. Once free, Astronomical turns back to normal. She falls safely to the ground, as the akuma flies away. Cosmo Bug opens her yo-yo, spins it around, captures the akuma, frees it from evil, and says a nice goodbye as it flies away.

    "Miraculous Ladybug." Cosmo Bug said, as she uses her powers. The lucky charm repairs all the damage Astronomical causes in her space insanity. Once fixed, she opens her yo-yo, and pulls out a magical charm. "[puts charm in hand]. Miss Kante. This is a magical charm. Keep it with you at all times to remind you that despite your crushed dreams, turning into a villain won't solve anything." Cosmo Bug said. "Thank you Cosmo Bug. As well as all of you. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go accept my fate." Max's Mom replied, as she leaves. Pegasus feels bad for his Mother still upset at her failure. "Why the long face champ? We won!" Blue Bird asked. "It's... a long story." Pegasus replied. "Gotcha. Well you got to at least do a pound it before you go." Blue Bird said. Pegasus has to do it. It's one of the best parts of the day. "Pound it." All four heroes said together. After the fight, Max returns home. He takes a deep breath, as he walks inside. He sees his Mom still looking at the letter, and upset. "Hey Mom. Don't worry, you didn't hurt me while akumatized." Max explained. "That's a relief. [Max sits down next to her]. I tried so hard to get this job. More than I ever have in my life. I still don't get how I failed." Max's Mom said ashamed. Max needs to comfort his Mother. It's what any person would do to be a hero. "I know it hurts to have your dreams crushed. Yet I too still don't get how you didn't get the job. However, you need to understand that you never should give up on your dreams. Even when you fail, you now know what to do to be better. Work harder. Be the best you can be. Now, I can't relate to this, but I sure know one thing. Your still the best astronaut a brainiac like myself could ever ask for." Max said. Soon, his Mom smiles. She hugs her son. "And I'm so proud I have a little space cadet like you, Max." Max's Mom said. Max smiles, as he hugs his Mom as well. There emotional moment gets interrupted by a knock at the door. Max's Mom let's go of Max, and answers it. "What the?" Max's Mom asked. "Hello Claudie. My name is Hallie Becker. One of the executives at your space job." Hallie replied. "Yes. I know you. You were the ones who decided who gets The Mars Martin Program. Look, I get it. I failed, but I know there are plenty of other missions I can do." Max's Mom said. "That's the reason I came over, Claudie. Myself, and the others want to heavenly apologies. You see, we made a huge error on your letter. You didn't fail, Claudie. You got the job." Hallie replied. "Wait really?" Max's Mom asked in shock. "We found out some time, after we sent the letters out. I rushed over here as soon a possible to clarify the misunderstanding. Your real letter is actually right here." Hallie replied, as she gives the letter to Claudie. She reads it. "I passed! [fills with joy]. I PASSED!!!" Max's Mom cheered. Soon, she embraces her son again. Constantly say, I passed. Max smiles for his Mom, who cries tears of joy. "[runs back to Hallie]. Oh thank you, thank you so much." Max's Mom cheered. "We are so sorry again for this mistake. Just be ready to make history by next week. Congratulations Claudie Kante." Hallie said. Max's Mom continues to cheer, as Hallie leaves. Once outside, she goes into an alleyway. Where she grabs a bead that sends an akuma out. Turns out that wasn't Hallie. But Lila akumatized. "See Nooroo. Told you I would fix it." Lila said. In a flashback, we see how. After she failed to get the miraculous, she wasn't done yet. She zipped open her backpack to reveal the spare akuma she has in her bag. Once she lets it out, she turns it into an akuma. "Dark wings fall." Farfalla said, as she de-transforms. Now back into Lila, she akumatized herself with the bead. She becomes Chameleon again. Chameleon then pulled out her phone, and looked up a picture of Hallie. After her eyes scam the image, she turns into Hallie Becker. Now camouflaged, she puts away her phone, grabs the real letter, and leaves. The flashback ends. "Well I'm glad you kept your word. However, I am still mad." Nooroo said. "But I fixed what I did." Lila replied. "We'll almost ruining someone's dreams is a big NO NO for me." Nooroo said. "Ok, fine. What do I need to do to make you forgive me?" Lila asked. "Hmmm, chocolate ice cream by the Seine." Nooroo replied. "Why that?" Lila asked. "It's nice out, and I want to see the Seine, while enjoying an icy snack." Nooroo replied. "That's true. Ok, I'll do it for you my tinny tiny cocoon." Lila said. Nooroo smiles that Lila is still treating him properly. The two leave to go on to enjoy a nice ice cream in the Spring weather.

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