Trapping the billionaire✓

By xoxek_12

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When Ashley wakes up next to the billionaire Tristan Montenegro, her life spirals into more than she could ha... More

Trapping the billionaire
Chapter 1: The spoiled princess
Chapter 2: Get what you want no mater who gets hurt
Chapter 3: I think I saw my boss naked
Chapter 4: Unexpected visit
Chapter 5: Tell no one that this happened
Chapter 6: Walk of shame
Chapter 7: You sound familiar
Chapter 8: Diner with Madison
Chapter 9: I'm pregnant!
Chapter 10: How much will it cost?
Chapter 11: Where is a friend when you need one
Chapter 12: Emergency
Chapter 13: Bad Ideas
Chapter 14: New business arrangement
Chapter 15: Truth be told
Chapter 16: His way of paying me back
Chapter 17: There must be a mistake
Chapter 18: An offer you can't refuse
Chapter 19: Test results
Chapter 20: A decision to make
Chapter 21: How about dinner?
Chapter 22: A date with the boss
Chapter 23: The secret Cinderella
Chapter 24: Everything good happens with a hotdog
Chapter 25: Spilled the secret
Chapter 26: The break-in
Chapter 27: The announcement
Chapter 29: The other Montenegro
Chapter 30: Search for evidence
Chapter 31: Falling for the trap
Chapter 32: Mother in law
Chapter 33: Why would I be mad?
Chapter 34: Leonard's secret
Chapter 35: The universe must hate me!
Chapter 36: Her approval
Chapter 37: Trapped
Chapter 38: Full of visits
Chapter 39:What are you hiding?
Chapter 40: Just a little trip
Chapter 41: How about breakfast
Chapter 42: You could have died
Chapter 43: The new wife
Chapter 44: Family diner
Chapter 45: The truth can hurt
Chapter 46: Reaction
Chapter 47: Attempted murder
Chapter 48: A visit
Chapter 49: Confessions
Chapter 50: Surprises
Chapter 51: In Love and War
Chapter 52: Life must go on
Chapter 53: Who could have done it?
Chapter 54: Stanger danger
Chapter 55: A surprise visitor
Chapter 56: What the heck happened?
Chapter 57: You scared me
Chapter 58: A new chapter

Chapter 28: Someone in his league

8.4K 552 52
By xoxek_12

Ashley's POV

Drained, that was all I felt after I saw Madison and Tristan together on the news.

I still couldn't wrap my head around it. How had this even happened? As far as I knew, Tristan had shown no less interest in her and now, they were suddenly engaged.

All kinds of speculations were spreading around that Madison had been the one with Tristan in those pictures that are actually of Tristan and me. It didn't help that Madison and I have a similar hair colour and that none of the photographers had any pictures with my face in them.

Even today on Monday when I returned to work, the hotel was filled with paparazzi outside, all trying to get a scoop on Madison and Tristan's wedding.

Thank goodness for the security team. Otherwise, none of the staff would have been able to get inside the hotel today.

I never expected Madison to be this smart. In just a few days, she had managed to undo everything Layla and I had done. She knows how to work fast and get exactly what she wants.

Maybe I should take some inspiration from her.

I haven't spoken to Tristan either. I tried to call him hoping that I'd get some kind of explanation, but he never answered. I'm guessing here must have been busy trying to deal with this whole scandal, the future of this hotel was depending on it.

But, as much as I wanted to dwell on everything, I needed to get back to reality. I still had a job to do.

A client had organized to have a dinner party at the hotel, and as far as I knew, nearly two hundred guests would be arriving. Marcus ordered me to make sure that all the decorations and preparations for the event were ready. He even made a list so I wouldn't forget anything. With the recent blow that the hotel suffered, Marcus has been very cooped up.

Seeing as today we were a little short of staff and the company we hired to help with the event had cancelled on us last minute, my job for the day wasn't just walking around and making sure everyone was doing what they were told. I volunteered to help out. Lifting boxes and getting the new sets of cutlery from the storage room, seeing that what we had wasn't going to be nearly enough for the event.

Next, I helped set the tables, placing the tablecloths and every other decoration needed for the table. Just lifting the vases alone that were placed on each table was bone-breaking work, never mind all the other work that needed to be done on each table. With the way I've been slacking lately, I figured it was time I pulled in some work.

Rubbing my forehead with the back of my hand from exhaustion, I dragged my feet toward the bathroom. I needed a break.

I opened the tap to rinse my face, hoping that it would help me feel refreshed.

I heard footsteps and giggles in the hallway. I looked up. Minutes later, Sandra, Maggie and Erin walked into the bathroom. All three of them were housekeepers.

Sandra leaned on the wall, right next to the roll of basins where I had just finished rinsing my face. She looked at me, a smile on her face with her arms folded. It was almost as if she was studying me.

I smiled at her in return as I continued to rinse my face.

"So," Sandra began. She relaxed her arm. The smile on her face had now disappeared. "I see you have finally decided to work today," she commented.

"Excuse me?" I asked confused. I grabbed a paper towel to dry my hands.

"Come on, we've seen how you've been acting lately. It's like you've decided that you are too good to be working or something. Do you think you are too pretty to lift a broom like the rest of us?" Sandra continued.

I always knew Sandra was the gossiping type, but I'd never seen this side of her. I can't believe she was doing this; it was like high school all over again.

Sandra was interrupted by the sound of the toilet flushing. Erin walked out of the toilet.

"Come on Sandra, we know she suffered a concussion," Erin said letting out a laugh. Her voice was almost sarcastic.

Sandra chuckled, returning her attention to me. "What is your deal with Mr Montenegro?" she asked.

"Sandra!" Maggie exclaimed walking out of the bathroom stool.

Erin and Sandra ignored Maggie as they continued their questioning.

"Come on, we've all seen how he is around you. First, he insisted that it was only you who cleaned his penthouse, and then you suddenly got a promotion. There are a lot of people who deserve that position more than you. People have noticed how he is around you. What do you have on him?" Sandra continued.

I tried to look as confused as possible. The shock I got from this situation was enough to make me look convincing.

They weren't completely wrong though. I had only managed to get all of this because I was lying. That feeling didn't sit well with me.

"I don't know what you are talking about," I whispered dumbfounded, my voice quivering.

"Don't play dumb, people notice how you are always wandering up and down to his penthouse. Are you sleeping with the boss?" Sandra finally concluded. She turned to Erin who looked at her equally as shocked.

I shook my head in denial. Maggie seemed to be the only one with some faith in me.

Before I could jump in for my defence, Erin interjected. "You should know that he is getting married to Ms Madison. It's official now. He'd never be with someone like you. You are just wasting your time. You might seem fun and exciting now, but he will eventually get bored and realize that you are not the one for him. He'll end up with someone in his league, guys like him always do." Erin chuckled.

I fisted my hands trying to hold back everything I was feeling. I held my fist behind me, just so they wouldn't see how affected I was by their words. I felt angry but mostly disheartened. A part of me knew they were right. Why would Tristan ever choose to be with me? I was just losing myself inside an illusion, an illusion that I had created.

"Just get that through your head. If you even think for a second you can separate them, I'll have you know that you are simply just being delusional." Erin continued.

Both Erin and Sandra laughed as Maggie looked at me pitifully.

I was on the verge of crying, but I managed to hold myself together.

"We are not being mean to you sweetheart; we just want the best for you," Sandra added.

Sandra turned to look at Erin before the two of them walked out of the bathroom.

I was left to my thoughts, replaying every word they had just said. Repeating it in my head didn't make it any easier to listen to.

Maggie touched my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I know that's not who you are, don't pay any attention to them," Maggie whispered. She patted me on the back with a sympathetic smile before walking out of the bathroom.

It hurt me so much because deep down I knew it was true. Not even Layla thought Tristan and I would ever be together. That's the reason why she wanted to find him a wife. She was only using me to help Tristan get away from Madison.

I should have just been honest with Tristan when I got my test results. I wouldn't be in this situation right now. Now things were spiraling out of control. It was time for me to accept that no matter what I did, Tristan was always going to end up with someone like Madison.

I needed a solution to get me out of this, even if I had to go against Layla. The only thing I had was this job and I was going to lose it if things continued to spiral out of control. For now, until I could figure out what I needed to do, the plan was to avoid Tristan. It was no longer safe for me to be seen with him anywhere in public, not with these speculations circling around. The last thing I needed was to confirm it.

I returned to the venue to help out with any finishing touches.

It was nearly my lunch hour and all the preparations for the event were ready for tonight.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I looked at my phone to see Layla's call. Experience tells me she would just keep calling me if I didn't answer.

I excused myself from the venue, taking the call outside.

"Hello," I answered my phone in a whisper.

"Ashley," Layla answered enthusiastically. "You have no idea what a weekend I just had. I was bedridden for the last two days. I suffered a terrible heart attack. " She said in distress.

"You had a heart attack?" I repeated. "How are you feeling now?" I asked.

"No sweetheart," she laughed. "That's just what I told my son to get him to stay with me right next to my bed through the whole weekend." She answered.

I sighed in relief. Why didn't I see this coming? Of course, Layla would do something like that. If she could help me fake a pregnancy, she could fake a heart attack.

"Don't you think that was a bit too far?" I asked.

"It was the only thing I could do to try and keep Tristan away from his phone. The last thing I needed was for Madison to call him and start picking wedding venues." She answered.

That would explain why he didn't answer.

"You do realize that one day you might get a heart attack and your son won't be on your deathbed to see you," I commented.

"I'll have an actual heart attack if he ends up marrying her, either way, it's worth the risk." She answered. She let out a sigh. "Even while I was lying there pretending to be dying, he still wouldn't tell me why he was marrying her. I tried every trick, but it didn't work. I think that witch has something on him." She concluded.

I sighed again. I was drained by all of this. I had done enough scheming to last me a lifetime. I'm starting to think that maybe the truth won't be so bad after all.

"I have a plan, I know how I'll get rid of Madison." She said.

She heard me groan in protest.

"All you have to do is show up at a restaurant and spoil yourself for an hour or so. You won't have to lift a finger," she explained.

I couldn't help but wonder what the trick was.

"I can't miss any more hours of work," I protested.

"You won't have to, it will all be during your lunch hour." She explained. "I've sent one of my guys to give you a dress, my driver is coming to pick you up in a few minutes." She spoke.

"What are you planning?" I asked. I couldn't help but be curious.

"I appreciate everything you are doing to make this work. I just thought I might spoil you for a little bit." She answered. I could almost hear the smile in her voice.

We said our goodbyes as I returned my phone to my pocket. I was already in my lunch hour.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Excuse me Ms.," a man greeted me. He handed me a shopping bag. "I was instructed to give this to you." He smiled.

I returned a smile as I accepted the bag from him. "There is a silver Mercedes waiting for you outside when you are done." He added. He bowed politely before walking away.

I searched through the bag as I walked to the bathroom and found an off-shoulder satin dress with a flared hem. It was gorgeous. Along with the dress, there was a pair of black stilettos, just my size.

The shoes were to die for. Layla wasn't doing this simply to 'spoil' me, she was planning something.

I locked myself inside a bathroom stool and began changing into the dress and the heels.

Having finished, I walked out of the bathroom stool to the mirror to see my reflection.

I decided to loosen my hair. Since I was already dolled up like this, I might as well go full out.

Today I didn't need to wide myself from the staff, the dress I was wearing seemed to be camouflage enough, no one expected to see me in a dress like this one.

The car that the man had instructed me to, was right in front of the building. A man sprang out of the driver's seat as soon as he saw me, opening the door.

I smiled at the driver as I stepped into the back seat. This was way more luxury than I was used to in a day.

The drive to the restaurant wasn't that long, literally five minutes away. I could have walked there if I wanted to.

Before I had the chance to open my own door, I was once again beaten by the driver. He nodded and smiled, gesturing for me to move forward.

I climbed out of the car hesitantly. The restaurant was no exception either, with glass walls and fancy chandeliers decorating its ceiling.

I walked into the restaurant. My nose was met with a sweet aroma.

I examined the restaurant even further. There were art pieces lining the hall, it was lavishly decorated with wild tropical flowers in vases, and a slow soft classical song was playing in the background.

Several guards welcomed me along the way before I arrived at the final door leading into the restaurant.

"Your name ma'am?" One of the guards asked, stopping me from entering.

This was probably one of those restaurants you could only get into with a reservation.

"Ashley Owens," I answered.

He smiled before turning to look at his list.

"Oh yes," the guard whispered as he pointed at my name on the list.

"Come this way ma'am," he gestured.

He walked me further into the hotel, directing me to a table in the far corner of the room.

He pulled out a chair and motioned for me to sit down. He left right after. The waiter would probably show up later for my order.

I took a moment to just take in everything. The place was perfect. It was the kind of place I had wanted to go to but never could afford. I smiled, looking out of the window at the people walking on the street.

"Ahem," A voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I looked up.

My eyes were met with pale green ones.

A tall man towered over me. He looked at me relaxed with both his hands in his pockets.

His skin was olive, almost too gorgeous to believe he was born with it. I wonder how much he paid for it. His sharp jawline and neatly cut golden blonde hair made him even more enticing. His lips curled and he looked at me with a smile.

What was he doing here? Could he have winded up at the wrong table by accident?

"Ashley, right?" He finally asked, snapping me yet again out of my thoughts.

I nodded vigorously.

"I'm Vincent Montenegro." He held out his hand with a smile.


A/N: Thank you so much for reading, please comment down your thoughts on the story

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