By Snowflakes725

36K 2.1K 463

Prince Ohm Pawat Chittsawangdee and Prince Nanon Korapat Kirdpan are compelled to marry each other to save th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 2

1.1K 68 13
By Snowflakes725

"Woof! Woof!!" A golden retriever came to Nanon when he was reluctantly leaving his room, looking around from one corner to another for the last time. He loves to keep everything on its place but at this time, things were scattered here and there. He had taken some of them with him, and he was leaving some behind. As his father said, "There's no need to take everything with you they will provide you with all the luxuries. You're just moving from one palace to another. Not much will change in your life."

"If only he could understand." Nanon sighed.

"Woof woof!! Woof woof!!" The barks snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Hey Chocochips!!" Nanon sat down, brushing the soft fur of the golden retriever.

"Are you going to miss me?" He asked with a sad smile.

The dog barked but mournfully as if he understood what his human was going through.

"Don't be sad buddy. If you cry how am I going to bid you goodbye?" Nanon chuckled.
"Do you like the rhyme, Chocochips? No? It makes you cringe, right? Right?" The brown eyes sparkled seeing his prince laughing.

"I love you Chocochips but I won't be with you from now on. I have to leave as you know I'm a prince before your friend, I am a prince even before being Nanon, myself. Duty comes first, you know. I wish I could take you with me but dad won't allow us to do so. He might say "they will rear a pack of dogs instead of your Chocochips". What dad doesn't understand is it's not the same. No dog can replace my Chocochips, no palace can replace my home. No matter how large and lavish it is." Nanon could sense tears in the corner of his eyes. He couldn't allow it to fall.

Noticing the unshed tears the joy disappeared from Nanon's fur baby's face. He curled up in the prince's lap.

"Be a good boy, okay? Don't disturb anyone. Listen to Mama and take care of her. Promise me Chocochips, you will take good care of our Mummum." Nanon offered his hand and Chocochips put his paw. "As you have 'paw'mised me I can leave-"

"Prince Nanon" a sweet female voice interrupted the conversation between Chocochips and his buddy.

"Mama!!" Nanon's voice cracked a little.

"It's the time for leaving. The king, the queen and everybody else are waiting for you. You have to reach there in the evening. Don't be late if you don't want to be scolded." The lady said.

"Who will save me from getting scolded hereafter?" Nanon was staring at the woman who had taken care of him since birth.

"Why do you need anyone to do that for you? You are old enough. " Nanon's nanny who was no less than his mom stated.

"And for you?"
The middle aged woman crouched on the floor embracing the prince. Nanon freed his tears. Tears were rolling from her eyes silently, Chocochips joined them howling.

"P'Nature, dad is getting impatient. Why Phi is taking so long?" The Princess marched into his brother's room.

"Everything is set, princess. Prince Nanon is coming.. right now." The lady answered while wiping Nanon's wet cheeks.

"I'll be right there in no time, Film." Nanon assured his sister.

"Hurry up Phi, it's not easy for you. I can understand, but you know how dad is. " Princess Film tapped her brother's shoulder and left the room.

"Get up Non. Chocochips, let your friend go now." P'Nature made Nanon stand up and tried to separate his pet from him.

"Mama, can't you come with me?"

"It's not allowed."

"If you can't stay with me there please be with me till the wedding. Attend my wedding at least." Nanon requestd.

The nanny moved her eyes away. "I'm one of the most trusted person of the queen. I am needed here Nanon in the absence of the queen and other royal ladies. I have to look after the household and...and your Chocochips." She patted on his head to which the dog nuzzled.

Nanon sighed and left the room without taking a glance of the person who loved him like her own son.

"I wish all the happiness for you Non. May you get a person as your life partner who loves you and understands you more than me and never ever leave your side." P'Nature prayed for the boy whom she had raised as her own child.


"When will you understand the value of time?" Nanon's father yelled at him when he stepped into the hall.

"Nanon, King Chittsawangdee and his queen will be waiting for us. We can't afford wasting a second." Prince Bright explained.

"I'm extremely sorry for taking my time." Nanon apologized.

"That's enough. Everyone, get into the car now." All of the royals followed their queen's order.

Nanon stared at the window watching how his home, the known roads, rivers, valleys and their territory gradually disappeared before his eyes.

"Nanon, you're going to meet the Chittsawangdee family tomorrow, but before that the king and the queen will welcome us. Behave well." His father reminded him to which Nanon nodded.

"Of course he will behave properly. Don't worry, Your Highness." The queen ensured her husband.

"Nanon, Nanon!" The queen called.

"Nanon!!" Her husband called louder, which woke Nanon up. He might fall asleep because of his mental fatigue.

"We have arrived." When Nanon opened his eyes, the servants were already unpacking the cars, lugging things into the palace. He looked outside after rubbing his sleepy eyes. The palace is indeed magnificent but it's too early to call it his home.


"Oh my goodness! Ohm, you look so handsome!! What do you think, Drake?" Queen Chittsawangdee asked with amazement.

"Ohm is looking absolutely stunning, Aunt Angel. I think you're going to be the talk of the town for a long time, brother." Drake agreed with the queen.

"So, it fits me well. No need to change anything, I guess.." Ohm said with a smile.

"Well is an understatement. It's perfect, you're looking outstanding, Prince Pawat. No one can take their eyes off you and your husband. His attire is as fancy as yours." The designer exclaimed.

"May I have a look..of it..his attire? Ohm asked hesitatingly.

"Yeah, sure. Only if the queen agrees" Ohm looked at his mother with pleading eyes.

But before the queen said something, a servant came with the news of the Kirdpans' arrival.

"I have to go. They're here." She excused herself and with her Ohm's chance of seeing Nanon's wedding outfit disappeared.

"What is this man! I can't meet him, can't even see what he is going to wear on our wedding day." Ohm sounded little frustrated.

"Just wait for three days. Then he will be all yours." Drake received a disgusted face of Ohm in return of this remark.

"What bro? Just look at you. You're dying to meet him. If it's up to you, you would be the one welcoming the Kirdpans with bouquet in your hand at the entrance."

Suddenly, Ohm's facial expression changed. "Thanks bro for giving me this idea. Now help me a bit more."

"Idea? Which idea are you talking about? What help do you need from me? Ohm I don't trust this face of yours. Brother, I want to live long, I'm still a bachelor. Please don't put my life into risk." Drake was literally pleading to his childhood friend.

"What are best buddies for if you can't do this much for me? Listen to me, bro..."
Ohm shared what was in his mind with Drake.

"You can do this, right? If not for me for Prince Korapat, at least. It might make him feel better a little." The groom to be sincerely requested.

"Only for brother in law." Ohm blushed hearing how Drake addressed Nanon.

"But remember, you owe me one."

"Certainly, man. Thanks for helping. Ohm hugged his best friend.


After the exchange of greetings between the kings and queens of the Kirdpans and Chittsawangdees at the entrance of the mansion for the guests, Nanon and his family came to their alloted rooms respectively.

It's impossible to comprehend what Nanon was feeling at the moment. The waves of emotions plagued his heart and mind. Though he needed to sleep on time as his sister suggested, "You can't compromise with your 8 hours of beauty sleep before the wedding, Phi."  How can anyone sleep with this distress?

Walking around the unknown room, the nightstand caught his eyes. There's a bouquet of cream colour tulips, the flower that conveys the message of "I will love you forever."

When Nanon picked up the bouquet, he saw a handwritten note for him.

Nanon was surprised to see the little welcome note from his would-be husband. He smiled because it was a little cheesy, but he smiled again, realizing what a sweet gesture it was. The little bouquet and that handwritten note were successful to soothe Nanon, and that's what Ohm intended to do. Before closing his eyes, Nanon mumbled a 'thanks'. The soft smile that Ohm brought didn't leave his face even when he slept.


Dear Readers,

Thanks for reading and encouraging me through your comments. Here's the 2nd chapter. I hope you will enjoy reading it as well .

Keep loving OhmNanon ❤️💚🧡💙

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