Her hidden star (hosie versio...

By eatmyputhyplz

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Josette Forbes, from Mystic falls, always stood to herself. The only people she ever talked to was her best f... More



893 40 18
By eatmyputhyplz

"I don't like this version of you, Josie."

Josie sat in the back of her mother's car after hearing she was suspended for causing a scene in her teacher's class.

Dumbest reason for suspension?

Yeah, she knew. But she also refused detention and that's something she stood upon.

"Maybe it's our fault, maybe we aren't being the best parents to her." Josette commented as she crossed her arms.

Josie frowned because that was so not true. Josette and Caroline were the best parents to her, and she couldn't ask for anyone greater.

"It's not you guys, it's me. I'm the stupid one and I shouldn't have caused any harm to the class."

Josette and Caroline exchanged looks as they both sighed. "It's not your fault, Josie. I'm sure you had a reason for what you did."

"Yeah, and we are going away for this parent trip. It's a trip that your mother booked so we can be better at parents. We even took off from work."

—"am I going to go with you?" Josie asked as she raised her eyebrow.

Josette looked at her daughter and frowned, "No, it's a parents camp not family camp. Plus you'll be here, and you can think about what you've done."

Josie frowned, "can't you think of a better punishment? Take my phone or take my computer or something."

"Who willingly wants to take a punishment?"

The brown haired girl sighed, "I will never learn if you let me get off the hook with everything. I need to be held responsible for my actions. I need some type of discipline."

"Okay, you can't see Hope for a whole week."

Josie's eyes widened, "a week?"

"Yup, 7 whole days. 168 hours. 10,080 minutes without Hope Mikaelson."

Josie gasped and shook her head, "I don't think I could do it. Never mind mom. I don't want a punishment."

Caroline shrugged, "too late. You asked for it and you shall receive it. You can't text, call or see Hope, and since you are suspended for 3 days, once you go back to school, the remaining 4 days will be monitored by Stefanie Salvatore, your cousin."

Josie sat back in her chair and pouted. "I don't like this idea, mom."

—"Well you don't really have a choice now do you."

Josie sighed before looking out of the window. This was the stupidest idea she agreed to.

7 whole days without Hope.

This was going to be 7 painful days.


Hope stood at her locker as she took out her pompoms and got ready for practice.

—"Hey, Mikaelson." Jade smiled as she walked up to Hope.

Hope looked at her and glared. "What do you want, Jade?"

The Blonde shrugged, "I want you to stay away from, Josie."

Hope chuckled a bit. "Really? You think I'm going to stay away from her? That's pathetic."

"You don't know her, not the way you think you do. I'm saving you both the trouble. I can have her back to being all obsessed with me and you can go back to Roman. I'm sure he misses you. Especially after that massive amount of sex you guys had."

Hope looked at her stupidly, "sex? I've never had sex with—what the hell is your  problem?"

Jade grinned from ear to ear. "Well, the word spreads fast. Some people say they heard you and Roman talking about how you supposedly had sex with her as a joke. The word got around that you bet on her." Jade crossed her arms.

"I would never do that to her. I never even told anyone about Josie and I."

Jade placed her index finger against her chin. "Oh yeah, you're right. It was I who told everyone that."

Hope glared, "and that's why Josie was pissed at me back in my car." Jade sent her cheap smile. "But we winded up having sex and getting over it so I guess your rumors didn't do much." Hope tried pushing past Jade but she was stopped once more.

"She doesn't like you, Hope."

"Why should I believe that? So you could try and break us apart?"

"No, because I'm trying to help you. Josie talks shit about you and she tells everyone how shitty you are in bed-"

"Yeah, that explains why we upgraded to a car." Hope crossed her arms. "I don't know what you are trying to do but I have practice to get to, so if you'll excuse me then... I should go." Hope turned before making her way to the gym.


Hope sat on the bleachers as she waited for Lizzie to get there and start practice.

"What's that on your finger?" Hope heard someone ask before looking up to see a group of people surrounding someone.

Hope looked down and didn't pay any attention to them because it wasn't her business and she hated minding other people's business.

"It's some waste of trash. I'm probably going to pawn it." She heard Jade say. "And to think, Josie gave it to me out of a joke."

Hope looked up at the mention of Josie's name.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Hope asked as she got up from the bleachers.

Jade turned towards Hope and smiled, "Oh, you don't know?" Jade asked before fidgeting with a ring on her finger. "Josie gave this to me. She said to add it to the list of Junk she's gotten from you." Jade let out a small chuckle before raising her hand up. "What's this? Some cheap promise ring."

Hope' eyes watered as she saw her virginity ring. "How did you get that?"

"I told you already. Josie gave it to me. She called it a waste of trash, and she laughed in my face as she explained how confused she was."

Hope gritted her teeth, "confused? What could make her confused?"

—"she's not into you. She's not even gay. You were just a joke, Hope Mikaelson. She did this so I can get your crown." She then looked around and at the people surrounding them. "And looks like I got it."

Hope marched over to her pom poms before grabbing them and storming out of the gym.


Josie sat in her room as she heard the sounds of her mother's invading the house.

The Brown haired girl was sad that she would have to be away from her parents, but she was sadder she'll have to be away from Hope.

God did she love hanging out with the Mikaelson girl.

Josie sighed and groaned before reaching over to her phone and checking her notifications.

Only thing that caught her attention was the hashtag that was trending from her school.

"What the hell..." she muttered under her breath.

She then clicked onto it and saw Jade and Hope arguing about whatever. She didn't know exactly what because apparently the sound was muted.

Josie ran her hand through her hair because clicking messages and calling up Hope but there was no answer.

She frowned. Maybe her phone was just dead.

And she wasn't going to call up Jade because she was really mad at her.

Josie sighed before grabbing her shoes and looking out of her window.

She locked her door before she walked over and climbed out of the window.

It was risky and she was risking getting into more trouble with her mothers but she wanted to talk to Hope. That video made it look as if she was crying and Josie didn't want that to be the case.


After 20 minutes of walking, Josie found her way at Hope's house. She smiled at the window that seemed to open and she grinned.

She then climbed up to the window before knocking on it.

"Josie?" She heard Hope ask as she walked over to open the window some more.

Josie then climbed through it and smiled happily, "Hey there, are you okay?" She asked.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came here to see you," Josie paused before walking up to the shorter girl. "You weren't answering and I thought that maybe it would be a good idea to come visit you."

Hope ran her hands through her hair before walking over to her door and locking it. "My mother, and sister are downstairs so I hope you can keep your voice to a minimum."

"I'm sorry, I just really miss you." Josie admits as she took off her coat and tossed it onto the dresser. "Like I miss you so much." Josie whispered before grabbing Hope and pulling her down to the point where they fell on the bed.

Hope tried her hardest not to smile at this but she couldn't help it. "Really?"

"Yeah, really." Hope was ambushed by kisses flooded all over her neck and face. "I really missed you..." Josie muttered into Hope's ear before placing a small kiss to her earlobe.

"I missed you more, Josie. Even though we just saw each other a couple of hours ago." Hope admits as she leaned up and hovered over Josie. "We need to talk. I told you before that I didn't like miscommunication so I want to hear you out first."

Josie raised her eyebrow, "what are you talking about?"

"What happened to my ring, Josie. What did you do with it?"

The Brown haired girl felt around her neck as she remembered that her necklace was gone.

Josie frowned before she sat up and cleared her throat. "Please don't hate me Hope because I can't deal with you hating me and I would really hate myself if you ever did, but Jade and I got into an argument over how she wanted to set me up with someone and she saw the necklace and ripped it off my neck."

"And you think I'm supposed to believe that?" Hope asked as she searched Josie's brown eyes.

"I'm hoping that you do. I have no reason to lie to you."

Hope smiled softly, "so your dumb best friend took over my virginity ring and fought you over it?"

"Yeah, you can say that."

Hope sighed, "I love rumors, but only when I start them." Josie rolled her eyes, "the whole school thinks I'm into girls."

"Well, I would be scared if you weren't." Josie joked before pulling Hope back down and onto the bed. "So, how'd that go?"

"I don't know, I kind of ran off when I got embarrassed in front of the whole school. I'd rather never show up there." Hope laid her head onto Josie's chest. "Can't we run away for a couple of weeks, and forget life." Hope groaned.

Josie stroked her hair and sighed, "I wish I could run away with you. But we have a life. This is real, we can't just forget everything and run away."

Hope gripped onto Josie as she clenched her eyes shut. "I wish everything was just a dream and I could wake up from this nightmare."

"Am I included in this nightmare?" Josie questioned.

"You could never be my nightmare." Hope assured before placing a small kiss onto Josi's head. "So what got you over here? And why did you use my window instead of my door."

Josie sighed, "I wanted to be like the people in the movies. Show you that I can be a sap just like you are."

Hope smiled, "aww what have I done to you?"

"The question is what haven't you done to me." Josie muttered as Hope smirked. "Okay, so I got in trouble with my mothers and it was kind of my fault for suggesting that I get a punishment-"

"Who willingly wants to receive a punishment?" Hope raised her eyebrow.

—"that's not the point. The point is...my mother's going away and I'm going to live with my aunt for a little while. But my mothers says that I can't see you for a week."

"A week?" Hope sat up.

"A week."

"Then I guess that only means that we have today to spend the day together."

Josie shook her head. "I'm actually not even supposed to be here. I snuck out to make sure you were okay."

"Well aren't you my protective baby." Hope winked.

"I'm yours now?"

Hope gulped, "well, uhh, I...I don't know. If you want to be then yeah but if you don't then you don't have to, it's not like I'm rushing you into anything-"


She lifted her head and hummed.

"Shut up, and get your stuff on. We're going out to have some fun." Josie smiled.


Josie pulled Hope into the direction of the football field as they both giggled.

"I can't believe I ever dated Roman."

"Well at least you dated someone. I can't name a single person that I dated and my sex list is standing at a 2."

Hope rolled her eyes, "don't remind me. I have to live with the fact that I come second to her in every department."

Josie stopped and glanced over at Hope. "You're number one in my heart, Hope."

Hope rolled her eyes as they reached the bleachers. "So are you ready to have some fun?"

She shook her head, "I'm thinking we can just talk, and enjoy the night."

Josie then sat down on the bleachers before Hope sat next to her. "So what would you like to talk about?" Hope asked.

—"anything. Tell me, what's your middle name?"


Josie snored. "Cute. We should name our first daughter, andrea."

Hope rolled her eyes, "as if." She sighed, "how long have you been crushing on me?" Hope asked.

Josie sighed, "since you kissed me. The first time."

Hope grinned, "so, you just had this massive crush on me and you haven't done anything about it?"

"Well what could I do about it?"

Hope shrugged, "I don't know, maybe you can do it again."

Josie thought for a moment, "last time I checked, you were the one that kissed me."

"You're right." Hope got up before she walked under the bleachers. "Come here."

Josie smiled before going under the bleachers with her.

"So, it kind of went like..." Hope cupped Josie's face before placing a small and gentle kiss onto Josie's lips.

"No, I think it was deeper than that." Josie pressed Hope up against the pole. "I think it was a bit like this..." Josie whispered before smashing her lips onto the shorter girl's as her thumb wiped the sides of Hope's face as the auburnette smiled brightly.

"Yeah, it was just like that." Hope muttered against her lips.

"Oh yeah, and I remember you saying something like; fuck you."

Josie nodded, "yeah and you did say that if we have more time then I could have. So, what do you say?"

"This is a school field, isn't that illegal?"

"Not if we don't get caught, plus it's adventurous."

Hope reached and started to take off of Josie's jacket. "I do like adventure." She smirked.

Josie then pulled Hope down as they laid out on the grass. "I'm going to need a shower after this."


They entered Josie's house as Josette and Caroline seemed to have left already.

"No parents?" Hope asked as she closed the door behind her. "Cool."

"I think we should head for the showers. I feel very dirty." Josie assured before walking up the stairs.

Hope shook her head, "you're very drunk, Jo. I think you need to get yourself into bed."

Josie giggled before shaking her head, "No, I need to get into a shower. This time you can join me." She winked weirdly.

—Hope palmed her face. "I'm more sober than you and I think that's not a very good idea."

Josie frowned, "come on, don't you want to give me what I want?"

Hope raised her eyebrow before taking her hands in hers and leading her upstairs. "I want to give you the world but you have to understand that you're drunk. Plus we kind of already did that in the field."

Hope reached Josie's room before she shut the door and placed her onto the bed. "Come lay with me. Come on Hope!"

"No, Josie. You need to just sit tonight while I get your bath going." Hope assured before walking into the bathroom and running the water. "I'm going to take care of you okay?"

Josie found some marker before she tried to eat it as Hope ran out to grab it from her. "Josie. You're killing me here." She sighed, "you are never to drink again."

"Whatever you say," Josie winked before almost passing out.

"Okay, come on. Let me undress you so you can take a bath."

Josie grinned from ear to ear. The auburnette didn't pay it any mind. Instead, she just brought her to the bathroom and undressed her out of her clothes.

"Are you going to join me, lover girl?"

Hope scrunched her nose. "Don't ever say that again."

"But I want something cute to call you. You're my girl and I got to make it known." Josie sat in the tub.

Hope blushed as she grabbed some soap and a loofah before using it against Josie's skin.

"I like this."

Hope hummed as she concentrated on cleaning Josie.

"Well aren't you going to ask me what I like?"

Hope glanced up at Josie and sighed, "what do you like, Josie."

"You." She giggled as she looked up and into Hope's blue eyes. "And I like that you take care of me."

"I like taking care of you." Hope smiled, "I also like you too." Hope moved onto something else, as Josie gasped and grinned. "Maybe that was a bad idea" Hope says before she decided to clean something else.


Hope tucked Josie in before she placed a kiss onto Josie's head.

"Are you sleeping with me tonight?"

Hope shook her head, "No, I'm going to sleep in the guest room to give you space, it's the right thing to do."

"No, please. Stay with me."

Hope sighed as she grabbed a pillow and an extra blanket as she laid on the floor. "You need to get some sleep. You are going to have a killer headache."

Josie rolled over and hung off of the bed, "hold my hand?"

Hope hummed before reaching her hand out and intertwined her fingers with Josies. "Get some sleep,"

"Your hands are so soft." She paused for quite the moment. "Hope?"

"Yes, Josie." The auburnette's voice was soft and low. She had all the passions in the world for her.

"I really like your hair, your voice, and your eyes. They're the literal best. But you know what I like most?" Hope hummed in question. "You. In fact, I love you. I love Hope Mikaekson." She assured with a smile as the auburnette felt her heart skip a beat.

"I love you too, Jo. So much."


That next morning, Josie woke up with a huge ass headache like Hope predicted.

"There's Advil's on the dresser and some water." Hope assured as she leaned against the door frame.

Josie smiled and ran her fingers through her hair. "I don't remember anything. Did I do anything stupid?" Josie questioned as she raised her eyebrow.

Hope thought for a moment but denied it. She realized that if Josie didn't remember then it was best.

"No, you didn't do anything stupid."

Josie tilted her head and sat confused. "Promise me?"

Hope gulped before looking away, "yeah, I promise."

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