Be My Escape (boyxboy) [ON HO...

By XxSimplyWeirdxX

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Logans mom has recently decided to adopt a foster child and his life has been awful. Devins parents have been... More

Chapter One [EDITED]
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine (Part 1)
Chapter Nine (Part 2)
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Five

1K 57 9
By XxSimplyWeirdxX

Helllllloooooo there. It's been awhile hasnt it? Sure has. I'm not even gonna bother with coming up with an excuse cuz we all know that I dont have one, and that you dont really care either. Everyone probably just skips over the little authors note in the beginning and end, dont they? I know I do. BUT, I do have something to say at the end of this that IS VERY IMPORTANT. SO READ IT!

Logans POV:

I took Devin to my car and settled him in, making sure he was okay before I ran back inside to tell Michael and Jenn what happened. Michael looked ready to punch someone in the face, already feeling very protective of Devin just like myself. Jenn wanted to come with us to make sure he was okay, but I knew she would just fuss over him and make him feel weak and miserable. So I told her no, she had to stay in school for the sake of her grades. 

What a bunch of bullshit. 

When I was done talking to them I went to the office to tell the administrators that Devin wasnt feeling very well and that I was taking him home early. The woman smiled and nodded, letting me know it was okay. 

When I finally got back to my car, Devin was curled up in a ball, asleep. I would've been smiling like an idiot and gushing about how adorable it was if he didnt have a black eye and a bit of dried blood on his face. 

Yeah, I totally just called him adorable without hesitation. I've come to terms with the fact that I think he's just down right cute. But can you blame me? He's like a little teddy bear that you just wanna cuddle all day long. 

Damn. I've never sounded more gay.

I mean, I have nothing against gays at all. Whatever floats your boat. But I never thought I would be gay though. Cant say I didnt see it coming though. After all, I only had like two girlfriends, and the longest was three months. Maybe I'm bisexual. I dont even know. All I'm sure about is that I'm undeniably attracted to Devin. 

Am I going to make a move?

Hell no! 

First off, I'm not even sure of my preference at the moment. Sure, I find him cute, but I've never looked at another guy like that before. So I dont want to end up dating him, finding out it was just a phase, then having to dump him. I wouldnt be able to look at him the same again. And we LIVE together, so things would totally get awkward. 

Second, Devins very fragile at the moment. He's been beat up for God knows how long just for being gay. Plus, he's been through some shit that I dont even know about, and it must be pretty bad if my mom wont tell me. Being with him might mean more pain for himself. He might even feel pressured into going out with me depending on what he's been through. 

Third, we live together. We're almost technically related. What would my parents think if I was dating the guy that lived with us. We'd have no privacy, thats for sure. I dont even know what they think about gays. What would happen if they turned out to be homophobes? HELL, thats what would happen. 

I pondered about all of this on the drive home. My mind was on overload by the time we got there and I was just overwhelmed with all the thoughts running through my head. Devin was still asleep, so I had to carefully pick him up and carry him up to his room bridal style. Mom was probably at the animal shelter right now, and dad was most likely working, so nothing stopped me. I still needed to come up with a story as to why Devin was all beat up. I might even just tell her the truth. 

She would freak out, thats for sure. But maybe we could do something about it. On the other hand, that could just cause more trouble for Devin. My dad was the more rational of my parents, so perhaps I'll just talk to him first and then have him talk to mom. I could never lie to my dad anyways. 

I set Devin down on his bed, pulled off his shoes, then rose the covers up to his chin. He instantly snuggled into the warmth they brought and I desperatly just wanted to crawl under the covers and join him. 

I sighed and turned to leave when I saw a bottle of pills sitting on his bedside table. I picked it up and scanned over the words. It looked like my moms sleeping pills. Why did he have these? Did he have trouble sleeping here the last few days? 

I shrugged and took them to put them back into my moms medicine cabinet. I didnt really care that he took the pills, but my mom might get a tad upset with him, and I didnt want him to get in trouble. And I kinda didnt trust a depressed teenager with a full bottle of sleeping pills. 

I know that I shouldnt jump to conclusions and should trust him instead, but I would just break down if I woke up one day and found out that he had taken the entire bottle. 

When I put the pills back I went downstairs to the basement and played some Mario Galaxy for a bit (A/N: Dont judge, that games the fucking BOMB!).


About two hours passed before my mom called me. 

"Hey mom."

"Hey honey, I was just calling to tell you that your father and I wont be back until late. He wanted to do something special for me." I heard her giggle on the other line and I almost laughed. My mom turns into a blushing teenage girl when it comes to my dad. 

"Okay mom, thats fine."

"So how was school today? How was Devin?" Oh you know, he just got beat up, I had to clean some blood off his face before taking him home where I found sleeping pills. The usual.

"It was okay I guess. I introduced him to Jenn and Michael."

"Really? Did they get along well?"

"Jenn got a little too touchy, but they got along great. Michael tried to act all cool then he started acting like an older brother to him." Mom laughed on the other end of the phone and started talking about her date with dad tonight. I listened carefully and made comments here and there to keep her happy. 

Devins POV:

I woke up in my bed, confused. How did I get here? Oh yeah, Logan brought me home. He must've put me in bed. I sat up and saw a note laying on the pillow next to me. 


You were still sleeping by the time I went to bed, so I just let you be. Mom and dad are having a date night and wont be back until tomorrow afternoon. I made dinner earlier and theres leftovers in the fridge. 

Nighty night, 


I hugged the note to my chest and smiled a bit. No one has ever been this nice to me before. Logan made me feel better about myself. Right then, my stomach grumbled and I got up to go downstairs to eat. 

There was a note on the fridge that said there was spaghetti inside, but if I didnt want it, I could make whatever I wanted instead. 

I took the noodles out and put them in the microwave to heat up. I poured myself a glass of milk to go with it and ate in silence. I washed the dishes when I was done and then I made my way back upstairs. I'm still kinda tired from getting the shit beaten out of me earlier, so I dont plan on staying up any later. I'll still take the pills to keep the nightmares away though. 

I changed into my pajamas and brushed my teeth, getting ready for bed. I was all situated in bed when I reached over to get my sleeping pills, and my hand didnt touch anything. Frowning, I turned on the lamp by my bed and saw that the pills were no longer there. 

Did I put them somewhere else? No, I know I kept them here. 

Then where were they?

Oh God. I slowly started to freak out. I didnt want to have those nightmares. I always woke up screaming without the pills.

I got up and frantically searched through all my drawers and my backpack, hoping that I was wrong and did put them somewhere else. 

Of course, I wasnt. 

Did Logan see them and take them? But why would he?

I sighed and took my place back in bed. I was tired, and if I wanted to sleep I was going to have to just pray that nothing would happen. 

Yeah right. 

READ THIS: I've recently decided to start giving requirments in order for me to post another chapter. So I'll be giving a goal at the end of every chapter. When that goal is reached, a chapter will be posted the next day. 

Votes: I only want 5 votes. THATS IT. And it doesnt even have to be for JUST this chapter. You can go back and vote on other chapters, and it will count toward this goal. SAME GOES FOR THE COMMENTS GOAL. 

Comments: JUST 3. And if you didnt read the last part for the votes one, you can comment on previous chapters and it will count.

I just want to know that people are actually reading this. I dont want to be feeling all guilty about not posting if no one is even reading this. 

*****If I get 110 views before the goal is reached, I'll just post regardless*********


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