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By Mariart_s

5.1K 100 38

Time .... the one thing we take for granted, we say that we have all the time in the world but before we can... More

Not a Chapter
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
What the WHAT!?!

Twenty Three

143 2 1
By Mariart_s

i was about to speak up when a prisoner started to press up on the glass barking. "Isn't that, uh-- " "Garrett pain. That's reinforced glass." "Easy for you to say. He tore apart 14 women." another gaurd spoke up "open on 15" the door infront of us opened and we walked in. " Hello, karl." Arron spoke. " Agent hotchner. I wasn't informed you were bring in a, uh... They just said two agents." Garret said. "This is agent--" "Y/N Hotchner, your sister I know all about you. "

Season 5: episode 8- Outfoxed

Aaron's POV

          I looked back at the fox trying to not give any emotion towards him while I looked over to Y/n, the two of us sat down while I spreaded the files out on the table in front of him. " Karl, it appears you have a fan." I spoke looking to him. "Admirer. Not a fan. Big difference. Right?" I looked to the side as Y/n started talking. "Is this the first time you've been contacted by your admirer?" Karl let out a slight chuckle "I have many fans. Even my own website. Don't you? You'd be astounded At some of the questions they ask. I make a log of all of them. Would you like to read some?" "I would love to." she said back in response "You'd love to? Yes. Here. Look." he said looking down at the book. Y/n reached over as Karl leaned in sniffing the air between them. I reached over and handed the book to her.

"Maybe later." she said tossing the book to the side before continuing. "Your admirer is taking wedding rings, Just like you."  "But maybe not for the same reason." I added before karl spoke out "Like how you took all of mine. You took mine. But I see... You lost yours." I pushed past the comment and continued. "8 rings, 4 families. Or was it one ring for each family?" "How'd you come to lose your ring?" Karl spoke letting out a laugh. "wait, don't tell me. A casualty of the job I surprised your relationship with your sister is still there... But I guss same job same problems..." "My job is what put you in here." "True. But then, it's the children Who suffer most.Wouldn't you agree?" Y/n spoke up "You'd know more about that than us." "Which is why you came to me. I can help you with that, agent Hotchner... Or Hotchners I certainly can. But I'll need to see those photos. May i?" I looked over to Y/n who was now being stared down, "A word?" she asked. "Is there a problem, Y/n?" "There's no problem, karl." I simple said before the two of us walked out



"We cannot show him these." I said looking back at my brother. "These images will be his undoing And our way in."she countered. "But they're not just images." "That's exactly what they are." why can't he understand the importance of the photos of lucy she's just a kid... "We can't use lucy like that." "It's a tradeoff we have to make." "So, we are using a dead 12-year-old girl in a bathing suit As a bargaining chip? For what?" "To him it's not just a photograph. It's much, much more, and we need to know what." " it's more to him that's exactly why we shouldn't give these-......Look, I.....I've never done this before." "And you don't have to now." he said, there was a pause of silence, "Yes, I do." "All right. when I feel he's ready to talk, I'll leave the room. You get him talking. Whatever he does, whatever you feel, Just stay on script. We need to know why he killed those families."


Spencer's POV

" So lucy dies last, alone. This by itself doesn't really mean anything, But when we look again at the Williams file, We notice that the majority of the foreign fingerprints Came from Karen Williams's room, Which means the unsub spent most of his time in there with Karen." I spoke looking over the board of information we collected so far. As best as I was trying to stay focused on the case u still found my mind wandering back to Y/n. i was still fairly anger with her ... the last thing i wanted was to have ehr ther lingering in the back of my head. but thankfully Hudson spoke and broke me out of my thoughts.

"Then he must have separated her from the rest of the family." "Lucy downey was already in the pool. That much was done for the unsub. " rossi spoke "Then this unsub is driven by some other kind of compulsion, Some other need." Morgan spoke looking over to me. " Hotch was right. This isn't a coincidence. It's a possible signature." I said before looking down at the files, "We need to find where this signature was deveoped it will help find the cause of the stresser." rossi said before his phone rang, he looked down at the message. "its Emily, she needs me over back at the Downey house. keep looking though call me if you fidn anything." Rossi said before walking out. "okay" i said before looking down at the files.

"somthing wrong with you." i looekd up to see Derek looking back at me. "what are you talking about im fine." "No your not... its with Y/n... whats going on, you guys are always talking now you wont look at eachother.... and not to add she moved her things to emilys." "she moved her things to emillys becuase its closer to work," "you still didnt answer me, whats wrong." i bit my lip and moved the hair out of my face. "somthing happeded which i dont want to talk about, im angery at her shes angery at me its a equal feeling between thats most likely not gonna go away ... so insted on talking about this id like to focus on the case and catch the unsub..... thank you."



Arron and i walked back into Karls cell, "Stand up. You want to see, don't you?" Arron asked " Very much." "We're gonna show you." the next while we placed down photos of the crime sence but it felt weird with every deatil of the scenes and the emotions of Karl, it felt like we were standing back in the house as he got off on the killings as we explain them. But soon we reached the killings, we expained how eachfaily emebr was killed but... lucy.  "Tell me... How did the girl die?"  "She was drowned." i spoke before Karl continued.  "Yet the others were shot.......May I see her?" It felt like i was cut back into reailty as i reached over to the file as i pulled it away, " What's so special about the girl?" I asked.  "To suffocate her. To feel the life leave her body Means everything to the man who did this." Arron spoke up,  "To you, maybe, but not to this k*ll. Not in the same way." "All I did was show them how weak fathers could be. That's all. " "Every child you kill you abused physically." Aroon added, i leaned forward "For this man, there is no sexual gratification." I said butKarl kept blabing on. "At least I spared the fathers The grief of living."

Rinnging echoed though the room almost cauing me to jump, i looked over to Arron who pulled out his phone. "Ill be right back" he said before leaving the room. just as he was reading my mind he spoke up. "  he's k*ll again, hasn't he? Luckily for me." I looked over to him. "Luckily?" "Now we're alone." I took a breath and asked another question. "You stated that the families don't know the killer. why?" "Now we wait, right? You and i, See if my...admirer contacts me. He will." i nodded lightly before making eye contact with him. "Yours was one of the first cases I studied." "Really?" "Mm-hmm. I've been fascinated ever since." "With what?" "You. " i said watching as Karl let out a laugh as i dug a deeper hole for him to fall into. "And now... You want to know what I did... To the children. ......Don't you?"  "Yes."

"I can show you.......I can show you exactly what I did to them." "Tell me." "Children are so precious. So clean. But they need guidance. Especially the girls"  "Why?" " Girls have much more to lose... Than boys. It's a fact the female body can handle pain much better." As he continued i felt the hair on my sin rise higher and higher,  "What did you do to them?" "I showed them What men... Their fathers and brothers... Are capable of." " And what is that?" " You sure you want to know?" "Yes." "well first id have fun with the girls, ya know... i bet you can imagine... let the fathers watch too," "then soon after i serpated them i killed them all but Once I killed the children, It always amazed me How little... The father fought the inevitable." "Which was what?" i asked, " Dying."


Spencers POV

we all were gathered in the confrance room now going though the last of infromation Garcia could gather. "I'm trolling through the williams' emails, Satellite phone calls, land line phone calls, Family photos, their life, all of it." "What about the downeys?" JJ asked her. "They're up next, and there's a ton to go through."  "Fingerprints, garcia?" Rossi asked "Zip. They're--they-- there's nothing here. I'm sorry, folks." " Garcia, widen the search." Derek said. "Morgan, I already did. Vicap combines every database In this country. We're as wide as we can go. " then it hit me, Y/ns lecture "Abuse can have a long-term effect on any child's brain, But for the abused child who has the high-risk gene And the orbital cortex damage, The combination is devastating"  "All right, this air show is military. These fathers are all soldiers fighting a war on foreign soil. We know that none of these graves are a sign of remorse."Derek said causing me to look over to the board.

" Hey, guys. Look at these graves. What are they reminiscent of?"  "Mass graves."JJ said  "Exactly. Which would indicate The unsub experienced early pubescent 3-dimentional mirror neurons Reflecting events similar to the one they're creating. I think this unsub was born into conflict." " But where was he born into conflict? When was the last time we saw anything like mass graves in the u.s.?" Rossi asked "We haven't. Not in our lifetimes." i said as derek continued on "Not within our borders. Vicap is national, not international." Emily leaned in "Garcia, international databases?" " Interpol is the biggest. If they did it, they're in it." Derek nodded " It's pretty obvious that he's done this before, But the question is where and why."



Arron soon came back and we both sat there looking across at Karl. "Karl, I never thought that you'd be this honest." Arron spoke. " It takes a good woman To make an honest man. And anyway, let's face it-- She's prettier than you." i looked at him, "Karl, do you know why you k*ll all those families?" "I've already told you why." "No, you told me how, not why." i said as Arron spoke up. "and the reasons why, in this case, Are very different than they were for you." " they're very, very different." I added " And as you so eloquently have been pointing out to agent prentiss, All of your motivations were about sex." Arron spoke " Motivations you learned from your father." i said sitting up a bit as the second if sileance grew louder.  "You really have Done your research on me, Y/n. I'm flattered." "You're also filled with feelings Of extreme self-hatred." i continued  "It must be to your coworkers distracting Working with someone so beautiful." Karl said looking to Arron.

"You forced those men to watch their children die, And here's why, karl. Here's why you are what you are." i said my voice incresingly becoming more stern and foring. "What I would do to you." "By killing the fathers last, You were k*ll your own father, And ultimately yourself, Over and over again." I looked at karl as he whent silance leaning back before speaking up. " This isn't over, agent hotchner. At least not for you." As he said that somthing cae to mind. " Wait, hotch. For karl, it's all about the fathers. In this case, it's all about the girls. They die last. They're laid out last. None of them are sh*t. None of them show any signs of sexual motive. What if we applied that logic to these killings ?" i asked lookingover to him "That's something we hadn't considered." "Why would we? It's so rare." "What is?" Karl asked. "The killer is  a woman." Aroon said to Karl. "A woman?" " ill let morgan know." i said befor walking out of the room.


Morgan's POV

"All right well work it in right now .... Y/n thinks the unsub might be a woman."i said after hanging up the phone. " That's why we couldn't find a sexual motive." Rossi said "Wherever she's from, her father's a military man." I said before i hard Garcia . "Derek, I've got a hit. Interpol. 2 hits. 3 hits. 3 crime scenes. 3 different cities. The first--zagreb, 1998. A woman and her 8-month-old baby are both killed . And then 2 years later, The same prints show up in modena, italy, Then 2007, london, england, young couple, both shot." Hudon walked in more  "You were right. She's k*ll before." " Zagreb is the capital city of croatia."Reid spoke up.  "Is that significant?" Hudson asked. " Between 1991 and '95 they fought A bitter battle for independence." Reid said before rossi spoke "Serbian forces tried to ethnically cleanse Over 40,000 bosnian muslims." I nodded

"Then at some point within the last 2 years, she moved to america." I said " She's on the run. " JJ added. "And ran right into a city Filled with military families." Rossi spoke. as reid started to speak up again. "The only mass graves reminiscent of the ones the unsubs created Were found all over bosnia after the war, But none of them rival that of srebrenica then in 1995, bosnian serb forces surrounded the town." "a psychopath born in the middle of that conflict-- That's not a good mix." rossi spoke.  she's exacting her life experiences onto the victims' Reid added.  "You think this woman was there?" Hudson asked i stepped forward. :Well, think about it. Langley's filling up with civilians And military vehicles just like srebrenica."  :Can you determine her age?" She asked. "Based on v*ctim, Each of these girls is no older than 15.": i said, looking over to reid. "The balkan w*r lasted between '93 and '95, So if the girls represent the unsub, She's somewhere in her late 20s." Hudson nodded . "how did srebrenica end?" "it was a m*ssacre." Reid spoke. I nodded looking over to everyone. "I think we have enough, Garcia keep digging... lets deliver the profile."



i looked over to Arron as we sat in atv room of servalance of Karl. "I don't think this woman has anything to do with karl."He said causing a sigh to escape my lips. "I encouraged him. Ohh. I flirted with him. .......Made it personal. " I sadi feeling my words getting cuaght up in my mouth. "Getting intimate with a k*ll is... So different." " It's what we do." He said. " Yeah. but... There's no fixing how I feel right now, is there?" i asked looking athim. " No. But it helped the case. And you did what you had to. " "Agent hotchner. Hochnners ?  Before you go, There's one final thing I'd like to share with you." I sighed before standing up. "let's just get this over with." we walked into the room and looked at Karl "So you think you found my admirer. A woman. " "No. we found the killer. " I said. " With my help, of course." " Your admirer is exactly like everyone who contacts you--lost."Arron said. " My love, your guy is far from lost." Karl spoke. " We're done." arron said "So is he. "look at what I have done." It's quite brilliant, you know?" KArl said holsing up a peice of paper. " We will find whoever sent you that." I said

"No, agent Hotchner, I rather think He's already found you." Arron than reached over looking through the filles. " Hotch?....... Hotch,?" i asked but he kept flipping though. "I can't believe you can't see what he's doing." " What is going on?" I asked. "He's torturing him." "Who?" I asked agin. "It's great to see you squirm, agent hotchner." Karl said cauing my stomach to twist in aknot, not having a good feeling about any of this. i looked over at the book that Arron was flipping though till he stopped on a page. in had a newspaper cilping of Arron with red ink. "  Foyet." was all i could say. arron slamed the book on the desk before he started to walk out. "He knew you'd come. Ha ha ha ha ha!" Karl almost yelled while his laighter was drowned out by the souting inmates. I couldnt even focous on what was happaing, foyet was back and he is i dont know how many steps infont of u. no idea what he had planed... no idea where Haley and Jack were... no idea what was going to happen next... the only thing was ... i knew whatever came next...... it wasent going to end well.


my updating is getting back on track, stay tuned tuned for more chapters to come!!! i would also want to tank you for all the love you have been showing this book, I really appreciate it!

Please comment and vote!! really helps me out a lot and I'd love to hear your ideas!

Lots of love and hope you all have a great Day/Night/Afternoon!!!

308 words
May I just add something I found way too funny.

YURI ON ICE!?!? all I can think about and spencer reis twirling on the ice when in reality he would just fall on his ass! 😂😂

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