Science Breakthrough

Von WanderingStoryTelIer

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This is an II Fanfic! WARNING! Themes of: Blood Gore Suicidal/self harm thoughts and actions Violence Loss of... Mehr

Prologue: Test Run
Chapter 1: What we've lost.
Chapter 2: Not the Brightest Idea.
Chapter 3: Rather be alone.
Chapter 4: Predator to prey.
Chapter 5: Silence can be deafening.
Chapter 6: Everyone Can Be Broken.
Chapter 7: No Room For Mistakes.
Chapter 8: Even One Second Can Be Too Late.
Chapter 10: Take Your Sweet Time.
Chapter 11: Bloodshed, and Shattered Desires.
Chapter 12: Something is Wrong...
Chapter 12.5: [...]
Chapter 13: Drown in Rage.

Chapter 9: Keep Your Composure.

1.4K 30 313
Von WanderingStoryTelIer


Mic walked into the room. The room Test Tube had made for her was almost all white, except for the books on a shelf, they seemed to be first aid and medical books... the room was heavily padded, and the light was a blue-ish white colour and was VERY bright, luckily there was a switch to turn it off, but Mic didn't bother to touch it.

There was a bed in the corner of the room, it was relatively large, but the blanket on it was really thin. And this room was really cold for some reason... This could get annoying. There was a small sink in the room as well, along with a few plastic cups. Mic assumed it was so she had easy access to drinkable water. Other then that there was a desk with a few mechanical pencils and lined pieces of paper. This room was much more lively then the concrete one she was in before.

Mic had a difficult time walking on the padded ground at first, but it was still pretty firm, so she kept her balance. Taco could still probably shatter on this ground if she wasn't careful. Mic looked down at Taco, and sighed. "This is all my fault..." Mic mumbled to herself as she stumbled over to the bed. She carefully placed Taco on the bed, and then sat on the floor.

Mic started to wait for Taco to wake up. She started to get bored with nobody to talk to... Being down there was horrible. Mic contemplated getting up to grab a book, but decided against this as she heard a sound from the bed. It seemed Taco had started to wake up. But... She was definitely in pain. As she woke up, her noises of pain and discomfort grew worse, and, Mic could understand why... She DID just almost die.

Mic shot up and looked down at the smaller object who was almost screaming in pain on the bed.

"AAAGH! OW— FUCK!!! WH—WHAT HAPPENED?!" Taco yelled loudly, but, not to Mic. She hadn't noticed Mic was there.

"T—TACO! You're okay!" Mic smiled gleefully, but it faded back into a frown when she noticed Taco hadn't noticed her still. Mic tried to carefully grab her arm.

Taco jumped and started to try and fight to get away. "NONONO—! G—GET OFF!" Taco screamed.

"T—Taco! Calm down...! It's me." Mic said softly, as she tried to calm Taco down.

"I— WH— wha... Mic...?" Taco mumbled, as she shakily looked up at Mic, as soon as Taco saw it was her she sighed and and eased up. "Holy shit... AGH! Ow... ahem, fuck, I'm sorry... I th—thought you were Te—Test Tube." Taco winced as waves of pain wash over her every few seconds.

"N—no! No need to apologize... I understand." Mic let go of her arm and shuffled away from her a bit. Happy to know she was okay.

Taco shakily tried to stand. "Th—thanks—..."

"W—WAIT! No! You aren't stable Taco—! Y—you cant stand!" Mic grabbed her, Taco winced at the contact. "S—sorry..." Mic said as she gently pulled her back down, so she wouldn't fall or hurt herself.

"I—Mic! I can STAND." Taco mumbled coldly, slightly annoyed. "Im am NOT weak! I can do it—!"

"No you can't! You could hurt yourself!" Mic warned, she had started to get concerned that Taco was going to hurt herself by accident.

"BUT—!" Taco started.

"Shh. You're not standing, and you're sure as hell not going anywhere. And that's final." Mic stated. Clearly dead set on Taco staying seated.

Taco sighed. "F—fine..." she mumbled. She was usually pretty stubborn but she's in too much pain to fight with Mic right now. Taco paused. She wanted to bring something up... But, she had started to get nervous... "Mic... When I was dying..."

Mic froze. Oh no... Did Taco hate her for being too slow and nearly killed her?! "I—uh... hm? What a-about it...?"

"Why did... Y—you save me?" Taco asked bluntly. She looked troubled by this question. "D-don't you ha-hate me...?" She asked, as she looked up at the taller object.

"What...? No! No... Your my best friend! Why would I hate you?!" Mic answered immediately.

"B—best friend...?" Taco asked, her eyes practically lit up. "I th—thought that..."

"Of course you are! I though you would have realized that by now." Mic giggled.

"I..." Taco was in complete shock. "B—But what about the c—competition...? A-All the th—things that I d—did—?" Taco asked.

Mic sighed. "Oh please, That was YEARS ago! And... Are argument...? I was just mad... You kinda lied to me, y'know...? But I don't hate you for it..." Mic answered, she gave a reassuring smile.

"I s—suppose..." Taco looked unhappy, in fact, Mic could've sworn she even looked... Scared.

"You okay...?" Mic asked quietly.

"Y—yeah... I just... y—you saved me... A—and I—..." Taco then stared off into space. She looked completely shocked...? Maybe even Petrified? It was difficult to tell.

"Uh... Taco...?" Mic looked at for a second, and noticed her hands had started shaking. "Taco? Are you okay...?"

"I almost d—died..." Taco blurted, it seemed that she had started to spiral into panic. Usually, Taco would brush this kind if situation off but... she practically DID die... scared that it could've been... Forever. "I—I A—almost DIED...!" She repeated.

"I—I know... You've said that a couple times now..." Mic mumbled. She looked slightly concerned.

Taco just kept repeating this. She got louder and louder as she continued. Her breathing picked up as the shaking got more violent as well. She was having a panic attack.

"T—Taco?! TACO?!" Mic panicked and got up from the bed, and looked at her from a better angle. "Oh nonononono—! What do I do?!" Mic said in a panic.

"WHAT—?! HER VITALS—! WHY IS HER HEART RATE RISING SO QUICKLY?! M-4!!! DO SOMETHING!" Test Tube shouted from the other room.

"I—UHM... OH GOD! I DON'T KNOW KNOW! T— DOCTOR! HELP!!!" Mic screamed loudly.

"IM BUSY!" Test Tube yelled. "YOU HAVE TO DO IT YOURSELF." She screamed.

"UH..." Mic didn't know what to do! She was at a complete loss... She had never needed to calm Taco down like this... Actually... No, she has! Mic slowly sat next to her and picked her up. And then hugged her, in an attempt to calm her down.

Taco immediately flinched at the contact. And snapped back to reality. She realized she had been panicking. "I—I..." Taco mumbled. Not knowing what to say.

"Yes! I—It worked!" Mic smiled and tried to put Taco down. But had been interrupted by Taco who had been hugging her back.

"E—everyone would have j—just... Let me die...!" Taco whispered. "But y—you didn't... I just c—can't understand..."

"It's the least I could do... We're friends after all...!" Mic's Smile grew.

"I—I..." Taco paused. "I—I'm sorry...! I'm so SO sorry...!" Taco cried.

"Sorry...? Heh... For what? You have nothing to be sorry f—!"

"EVERYTHING!!!" Taco yelled loudly.

"N—no! No... Taco please stop... It's not your fault...! Calm down..." Mic reassured.

Taco quieted down, and then just started sobbing. She seemed pretty upset...

"Oh no... Taco... It's okay! It's gonna be okay." Mic thought for a second, she never thought she'd need to say that to Taco. It was weird...

"I hope so..." Taco answered. "Oh god... I fucking hope so..." she said. Before she went silent.

"One day things will go back to normal...!" Mic Once again tried to reassure. But... Was met with no response. "E—erm Taco...?" Once again she was met with no reply. "Your silence is worrying me... Heh... Are you o—okay...?" Mic waited a few seconds before she heard...

"Zzz..." Taco had fallen asleep. She must still be exhausted...

"O—oh... We'll that cured the silence I guess..." Mic mumbled to herself.

She looked around for something to prop Taco up but... There wasn't anything. And Mic didn't want to risk waking her.

"Damn it... There's nothing I can use..." She sighed. "Now I'm stuck... I cant move her off of me— I'm already bored...!" Mic whispered.

She sighed and leaned back against the wall out of boredom and exhaustion. She could actually reach the wall without falling in between the small space between the wall and the bed, because of her hight. A few minutes pass and Mic's eyes begin to feel heavy. And she soon drifted off to sleep as well.


Paintbrush was sitting against a wall, leaning onto their fist. They seemed bored but didn't really care all that much. Lightbulb had been messing around with the colour cube, but decided to stop because she was tired, so she was lying on the bed in the corner. OJ had been moved into the room with them and was also incredibly bored...

Paintbrush looked up at OJ, "Want the colour cube?" Paintbrush asked.

"It's called a puzzle cube..." OJ corrected.

"I know what it's called. But the brand says 'colour cube' so do you want it or not?" Paintbrush hissed, slightly agitated.

"I— ugh..." OJ sighed. "Sure, whatever." He answered.

"Alright then, take it before I shatter you with it." Paintbrush said as they grabbed the puzzle cube and threw it to OJ.

"Alright, alright... Jeez." OJ rolled his eyes. "Guess it's already scrambled..." OJ mumbled. He then sat there for a few seconds as he looked at the cube. And then solved it in a couple of seconds.

"Holy shit..." Paintbrush said in shock.

"Done..." OJ looked up at Paintbrush and smiled smugly. "What? You can't solve one of these?" He asked jokingly.

"WHAT—?! No! I can! I just— Can't do it that fast..." Paintbrush answered. "I just find impressive is all."

"O—oh. Thanks." OJ answered. He slightly smiled. "Have you guys seen Paper before I came...? At all...?" He looked kind of worried while asking this... Probably worried about Paper.

"Oh... Erm... I don't think so. Sorry OJ." Paintbrush answered.

"What about you— uh, never mind..." OJ looked away from Lightbulb, who had been trying to sleep.

"I wonder where Mic went..." Paintbrush grumbled, slightly pissed.

OJ loudly Sighed. "UGH, Don't even START about THOSE two..." OJ answered. He definitely wasn't happy with Mic.

"I mean Taco did almost DIE." Paintbrush crossed their arms and sat back against the wall.

"So? One less psychopath to deal with..." OJ hissed. As they looked up at Paintbrush. He didn't really care much about what happened back in that room.

"You say that like being down here is an 'overnight' Issue." Paintbrush's face shifted to annoyance. "This is definitely NOT an overnight issue..."

"People have to of noticed I'm gone by now!" OJ said, not feeling intimidated in the slightest with face that Paintbrush had made.

"True, but, do you think they figured out that TEST TUBE did this yet?" Paintbrush pointed out.

OJ stared at Paintbrush for a second and shakily nodded his head. "Yeah... I guess you're right..."

"For all we know, she could be kidnapping EVERYONE!" They crossed their arms and sighed. "Listen, I understand you're worried about Paper, but, we're all worrying about someone here. Even if we don't like them. Take Mic and Taco for example, she had been looking for Taco when She first got here. We're all in a similar boat OJ." Paintbrush explained, they tried to convince OJ to settle down. It had only been slightly working though...

"I know, I know... I just—..." OJ sighed. "I'm just scared alright...?" OJ admitted as he looked down beside him sadly.

"Where do you think being scared is going to get us?" Paintbrush sat forwards a bit and looked at OJ with a face of confusion.

OJ sighed again. He knew Paintbrush was trying to help but, he was really stressed, what was he supposed to say...? "I don't know... Fuck... I'm sorry! I just don't know what to do! As a hotel manager, I usually have so much TO do that I never really need to ask myself these sort of things! I like playing the leader... B—but I can't here a—and— It's putting people in danger because of it! What else am I supposed to do?! Be angry?!"

"No I— Be angry...? H—hey! That's it! OJ—! Make me angry!!!" Paintbrush said optimistically.

"What?!" OJ asked looking extremely confused. "Why the hell would I do that?!"

"Just DO it!" Paintbrush hissed.

"Ugh, fine... Uhm... you kind of suck." OJ said unsurely.

"No— come on, that's the best you can do?" Paintbrush sighed


"Why don't you try other things like—."

"I hope Lightbulb suffers next time Test Tube is back." OJ stated.

"WHAT." Paintbrush knew OJ was going to say SOMETHING bad. But, they weren't expecting THAT.

"You said make you angry! You asked for this." OJ mumbled under his breath.

"I KNOW THAT! BUT THATS NOT WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT!" Paintbrush gritted through their teeth.

"Well it seems too be working. Uh... I hate Lightbulb, she deserves to suffer." OJ insulted.

"OJ. I UNDERSTAND YOU'RE TRYING TO LISTEN. BUT, PLEASE, STOP." Paintbrush hissed. As their 'head' started to flicker.

Lightbulb made a sound of sadness and discomfort. She was hurt, but understood OJ was just trying to help.

"She's undeniably stupid, and rude—" OJ was cut off by a massive explosion.

"I SAID, SHUT IT!!!" Paintbrush screamed. Their 'head' was on fire.


"WHAT—?! I— OH! YES!" Paintbrush exclaimed, as they started to melt off the door handle with the fire.

"Ohhh! Now I get it!" OJ smiled as he stood to watch.

Lightbulb looked over and started to panic. She had a feeling something was wrong... And that this wasn't going to work.

Paintbrush waited until the handle fell off the door. They quickly caught it as to keep it from making a noise. The placed it on the ground and waited for their bristles to stop burning. OJ gasped and pointed up at their bristles.

"Huh...?" Paintbrush whispered. They felt the top of their head and gasped. They're back! The fire must've caused them to reform, or something like that. Paintbrush assumed that's how it worked. They smiled and gave a thumbs up to OJ.

Paintbrush slowly opened the door and peered down the hallway, they spotted Test Tube sitting in her office. She was typing something on a computer. "How do we approach this...?" They whispered quietly.

"Do we jump her? Take her by surprise...?" OJ suggested quietly. As he looked through the door from behind.

"We could..." Paintbrush mumbled. "C'mon... Let's get closer." Paintbrush snuck closer to the door. OJ helped Lightbulb get closer as well. And helped her sit around the corner before approaching Paintbrush. "On three... Ready...?" Paintbrush said almost silently.

"Mhm..." OJ hummed as he nodded.

"One..." Paintbrush started.

"Two..." OJ mumbled after.

"THREE!!!" They both shouted in unison as they burst into the room.

Test Tube gasped and fell out of her chair. "WHAT THE FUCK?! HOW DID THEY GET OUT?!?!" She panicked as she tried to grab the remotes which were on her desk. She couldn't see which one she was about to grab. By chance it's Lightbulbs.

"NO!!!" Paintbrush screamed as they tackled Test Tube.

Test Tube yelped and through pure panic pressed the button on her remote. OJ flinched as Lightbulb screamed loudly in agony. "A—AGH!!! GET OFF!!!" Test Tube fought.

"NO! GI—GIVE IT!!!" Paintbrush had been reaching for the remote. "OJ—! HELP ME!!!"

OJ flinched and looked back towards Paintbrush and tried to grab the remote too. Test Tube in an act of desperation kicked the counter and grabbed the remote the fell off of it. It was OJ's. She activated and turned his up until he collapsed.

"OJ—! F—FUCK!!!" Paintbrush panicked.

Test Tube kicked them off, and they hit their 'back' against the desk, and cried out in pain for a moment. Test Tube stood and stepped on their 'chest' area. So they couldn't get away.

"OW—! SHIT! NO NO NO!!!" Paintbrush pleaded. they looked up at the green vile standing over them.

"Your fault..." Test Tube hissed as she grabbed their remote and pressed the button tauntingly. She watched as Paintbrush screamed in agony on the ground. Before she grabbed their wrist and started to drag Paintbrush and OJ back to the room. She opened the door and was slightly shocked to see that they had melted off the handle... That was  quite smart. And explains how Paintbrush's bristles are back. But... Now Test Tube would have to keep them in the padded room...

Test Tube dragged Paintbrush over to the padded room and threw them in, they had still been screaming in agony.

Test Tube then brought back OJ, and it took her a second to locate Lightbulb, but it didn't take too long to figure out where she was. Test Tube dropped them all in the room, and turned their bracelets down. It still hurt, but, they stopped screaming. At least, for the most part. Lightbulb was still in a lot of pain.

"Don't EVER do this AGAIN." Test Tube gritted through her teeth. She was practically about to crack from anger.

"Y—you BITCH! We were SO CLOSE!" Paintbrush yelled as they shakily stood.


Paintbrush sat there their jaw opened as if to say something but nothing came out. Paintbrush made a scared distressed sound and cowards away from Test Tube. They seemed genuinely terrified. Not angry in the slightest. Lightbulb was crying loudly, making incoherent noises of distress, and pleading. OJ had a shocked but pissed look on his face and he kind of just stared at Test Tube, being carful not to touch the walls.

Test Tube sighed and and eased up. She took a step back and leaned against the door. For some reason... The alarms don't activate if SHE touches the wall. "You aren't who you used to be... You're THINGS. ACT LIKE IT!!! I don't want anymore misbehaviour... And I swear to god if you do... I will shoot MePhone dead, and kill EVERYONE YOU LOVE!!!" She gasped angrily, Test Tube hadn't even realized how hard she was gripping the remote. She sighed and turned away from them. She pocketed the remote, and Opened the door, and shut it. Leaving them alone.

In darkness...


Test Tube walked into the room and saw that Mic and Taco were... Sleeping. Test Tube had taken a few minutes to calm herself down, but walks into the room and stared at the awkward scene in front of her.

"What the fuck..." Test Tube mumbled as she approached the two sleeping objects.

Test Tube rolled her eyes and tapped Mic's shoulder. Mic slowly opened her eyes and rubbed them with one arm, before she looked at Test Tube who had been standing at the edge of the bed.

"Let's go. Now." Test Tube pestered. As she tapped her foot impatiently.

"S—sure thing—! W—wait... Right..." Mic looked around for something to prop Taco up, but couldn't fin anyway. So she carefully placed Taco on her back as she got up. And hoped she wouldn't wake up...

Which she didn't. All Taco did was shift around in her sleep. Mic breathed a sigh of relief and looked back at Test Tube.

"Well? Are you coming?" Test Tube whispered in a half yell, clearly agitated.

"Y—yeah, we can go now." Mic stated as she followed Test Tube out of the room.

"We're going outside." Test Tube mentioned as she directed Mic over to the counter.

"I—I picked up on that..." Mic responded, as Test Tube shoved her sweater in her face. "Wh—?" Mic asked confused.

"Cover up the blood." Test Tube stared blankly.

"Oh..." Mic said as she picked up the sweater and put it on. Mic could understand why Test Tube did that, Taco had been bleeding a lot... Because of Test Tube...

"Also, put these on." Test Tube said as she gave Mic an small talking device.

"I don't need this..." Mic stated. "You can just connect it to the gain-thingy, and talk to me like that." Mic flinched as Test Tube shoved it more towards her face.

"Put. This. On." Test Tube growled.

"Alright...! A—alright..." Mic flinched as she quickly snatched the device and put it where one's 'ears' would go if she had them. "Th—there! Happy...?" She asked cautiously.

"It will do, follow me." Test Tube waved Mic over as they approached the exit of the Lab.

"Why are we even leaving...? Are we... k—kidnapping someone ag—again...?" Mic asked, filled to the brim with anxiety.

"What...? No... I'm just going on an outing with fan. Apparently he saw you walking with me on the way to the hotel. It would be suspicious for you to be seen with me and then... SUDDENLY disappear. So... I'm taking you with me. Just to be safe." Test Tube crossed her arms about halfway through the explanation she had just given to Mic.

"Oh... Bu—but it's yours and Fan's outing! What will I do...?" Mic tilted her 'head' in slight confusion.

"You will wait outside the hotel and be quiet. No chatting with ANYONE unless directly spoken to." Test Tube seemed pretty clear with the 'ANYONE' thing.

"M—Mhm...!" Mic hummed frightfully. Quite terrified of Test Tube and what she would do to her and Taco if she doesn't listen.

"Well then, let's go." Test Tube said as she directed Mic out of the lab. Putting on a 'normal' smile as she did.

Wind rushed pst them both as they left the lab. Mic barely stumbled this time, and Test Tube landed on both her feet with ease.

"I—I don't get how you do that..." Mic mumbled as she cautiously walked behind Test Tube.

"G—gosh, I suppose it's just practice!" She answered with a smile as she waved to Fan who was standing at a nearby tree.

Fan perked up as he noticed Test Tube and ran towards her. "Test Tube!!! You came! I thought you would be too busy?" Fan asked.

"Oh! Nonono! How could I miss an outing like this? I cant wait to watch the next episode!" Test Tube said enthusiastically.

"The next episode awaits—! Oh, hey Microphone!" Fan waved at Mic

Mic flinched and waved back. She slightly smiled too but, didn't say anything.

"Why is she—?" Fan pondered before Test Tube cut in.

"She's just working on an experiment with me! That's all!" Test Tube smiled and Fan looked surprised for a moment.

"Wha—? You didn't invite ME?" Fan said dramatically pretending to be hurt. "How could you!!!?" Fan exaggerated.

"Gosh, I didn't think you would care so strongly about this! Hahah—!"

"Seriously Test Tube. What ARE you doing down there...? I'm kinda worried, you barely come out and you always l-look so... Tired." Fan stammered.

"W—well erm... It's a surprise Fan. I can't tell you just yet!" Test Tube explained.

"Oh." Fan stared at Test Tube for a moment. "Alright then! I'm so excited to see!"

Mic looked away disappointedly, she was scared... To say the least, what if nobody finds them? This is... Horrible...

Test Tube and Fan began to walk off towards the hotel, Mic followed slightly slower then them. As soon as Mic saw them go through the front doors Mic went towards the side of the hotel and sat in the grass next to the bushes.

She sighed and started to wait for Test Tube to get back. But, she was worried about Taco... What if she wakes up while Mic is gone and starts to panic?! What if she falls off the bed and hurts herself somehow—?! she can't walk properly! Mic hadn't noticed her breathing had majorly picked up until she saw someone walk by. It was Soap.

"Uhh, Mic...? Are you okay?" Soap asked as she placed down the box she was holding.

Mic flinched and looked up at Soap and sighed in relief. "Yeah! I—I'm fine." Mic answered as she smiled slightly.

"Oh, are you sure? You looked pretty panicked there for a second." Soap asked concerned.

"I'm just a bit stressed by all the disappearances is all." Mic mumbled.

"I think everyone is haha." Soap smiled reassuringly. "Aaanyways, where have you been?" Soap asked as she walked closer to Mic.

"O—oh! I've just been helping Test T— A—AAA—!" Mic gasped, SHIT, SHE SAID HER NAME! Mic began to panic. The chip had activated, which means, Taco is definitely going to wake up...

"You better FIX THIS." Test Tube hissed from the earpiece. Quietly too, but Mic could slightly hear Fan in the background.

Mic took a couple deep breaths and looked up at Soap. "S—Sorry!! It just a internet thing I'm trying to— AGH— do! Hahaha..." Mic said nervously.

"O—oh my— uh... That looks like it hurts..." Soap mumbled attempting to help her take it off.

"NO! No... Nono, haha. It's fine, I'm fine! Just leave it! Heh..." Mic put her hand over the device and backed up. As soon as she backed up it shut off and Mic ignored the urge to gasp for air and will-powered it to breathe normally. "See? I'm fine! It's fine." Mic lied as she stood up straight with a smile.

"B—but—!" Soap started but Mic cut in immediately.

"NOPE! Nono, I'm OKAY got it? Don't worry about me."

"If you say so... Did Test Tube make that thing for you? You were gonna say you were helping her right?" Soap asked.

"W—well... it's..." Mic pondered what to say. "Complicated...?" She laughed nervously and shrugged.

"Oh. Uhm... Okay then..." Soap was really weirded out, why was Microphone acting so weird??? "Well... I just bought some decorations for my room, wanna help me put them up?" Soap asked.

"Say no." Test Tube said through the earpiece quietly.

"No, I can't... Sorry Soap. Uh T— I mean... I may need to help with another thing soon! So I can't... Sorry." Mic sighed.

"Aw... We'll then, Maybe another time?" Soap asked.

"Sure! Maybe... I don't know hahaha..." Mic shakily backed up and sat down next to the hotel again.

"Alright then, see you around." Soap smiled as she picked up the box of her stuff and walked into the hotel.

Mic just sat there silently panicking. As she waited for Test Tube to get back. She had a feeling she was going to get in big trouble for this...

Mic sat there and waited for about half an hour... Ignoring the urge to cry. She wanted to just breakdown SO badly... But she couldn't. Mic knew that.

Suddenly two people came from around the corner. It was Fan and Test Tube. "THAT EPISODE WAS SO GOOD!" Fan exclaimed. "But it ended on a cliff hanger... Promise me we will watch the next one as SOON as it comes out!"

"Oh Jeez Fan.. Haha! Oh what the heck, sure! As soon as it comes out." Test Tube smile.

"YES!" Fan did a little fist pump in excitement and waved Test Tube farewell as he ran back into the hotel.

"Golly, sorry I took so long Microphone! Let's go back to the lab." Test Tube said optimistically.

Mic, of course, got up and followed her back down the path and towards the vending machine. "I guess I'm not in trouble...?" Microphone whispered to herself.

As soon as they reached the vending machine Test Tube put the code in and practically threw Mic inside the lab. Test Tube followed, as she hit the bottom landing on both of her feet she turned to Mic.

"Ow ow...! What the hell—?!" Mic mumbled.

Test Tube grabbed her 'Throat' area and slammed her into the wall. Her face was petrifying. She looked SO angry.

"AGH—! OW FUCK! IM SORRY WHAT DID—?!" Mic was completely panicked.

"DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE?! WHAT  TROUBLE YOU COULD'VE CAUSED ME?!" Test Tube gritted through her teeth.

"AAA—! IM SORRY! I'm sorry! Please just stop—!" Mic cried out.

Test Tube scoffed and dropped her before storming into the room Mic had been in before. She pushed the door open and stared at Taco, who was asleep again. It was clear she HAD been awake at some point.

"WAIT— NO! LEAVE TACO ALONE!" Mic scrambled to her feet and pushed past her. Microphone noticed the smile on her face as she was asleep and got in a defensive position in front of Taco. "G—GET AWAY! THIS IS ONE OF THE ONLY TIMES SHE GETS PEACE!" Mic yelled. Taco shifted in her sleep from the yelling.

"I don't give a shit... You need to learn your fucking lesson... M-4..." Test Tube hissed.

"N—NO I— D-d... don't..." Mic froze as Test Tube pulled something out of her pocket.

A gun.

And it wasn't pointed at Mic.

It was pointed at




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